RS Chart
Assessment - Iron and Steel - 1/07/24 - RS = 21
  instrument freshest Δday 1/07/24 Δwk 5/02/24  prc diff Δ21  Curr ∅-RS
real-time RS chart chart S add note SOM Iron and Steel 333.178  12/08 -0.18 360.242 -7.51 381.836 -21.594 -5.66  USD -2.42 
real-time RS chart chart L add note Tata Steel 152.060  12/08 0.16 174.070 -12.64 141.550 32.520 22.97  INR 36.02 
real-time RS chart chart add note Ternium Argentina 886.000  12/08 -2.32 1,016.000 -12.80 1,057.000 -41.000 -3.88  ARS 29.09 
real-time RS chart chart L add note JSW Steel 917.350  12/08 1.35 943.900 -2.81 814.650 129.250 15.87  INR 12.89 
real-time RS chart chart add note Vallourec 13.370  12/08 -0.59 14.700 -9.05 13.480 1.220 9.05  EUR 11.54 
real-time RS chart chart add note Kobe Steel 1,629.500  9/08 1.62 2,018.000 -19.25 2,043.000 -25.000 -1.22  JPY 7.84 
real-time RS chart chart S add note Acerinox 9.155  12/08 0.05 9.760 -6.20 10.040 -0.280 -2.79  EUR -0.32 
real-time RS chart chart add note Nippon Steel 3,169.000  9/08 1.83 3,456.000 -8.30 3,558.000 -102.000 -2.87  JPY -2.36 
real-time RS chart chart add note Citic Pacific 7.100  12/08 7.100 7.340 -0.240 -3.27  HKD -2.93 
real-time RS chart chart S add note Bluescope Steel 20.560  12/08 -0.44 20.240 1.58 23.180 -2.940 -12.68  AUD -4.86 
real-time RS chart chart S add note Tenaris 12.830  12/08 0.71 14.245 -9.93 14.530 -0.285 -1.96  EUR -6.88 
real-time RS chart chart add note Pacific Metals 1,341.000  9/08 5.59 1,273.000 5.34 1,520.000 -247.000 -16.25  JPY -7.99 
real-time RS chart chart add note voestalpine 22.080  12/08 -0.18 25.280 -12.66 27.000 -1.720 -6.37  EUR -8.15 
real-time RS chart chart S add note Vulcan Steel 7.020  12/08 0.14 7.100 -1.13 7.800 -0.700 -8.97  NZD -8.39 
real-time RS chart chart add note ArcelorMittal 20.120  12/08 0.30 21.300 -5.54 24.975 -3.675 -14.71  EUR -9.15 
real-time RS chart chart S add note Aperam 25.060  12/08 -0.63 24.620 1.79 28.820 -4.200 -14.57  EUR -12.57 
real-time RS chart chart add note Outokumpu 3.242  12/08 0.31 3.386 -4.25 3.951 -0.565 -14.30  EUR -16.14 
real-time RS chart chart S add note Posco Holdings 327,500.000  12/08 0.61 370,500.000 -11.61 446,500.000 -76,000.000 -17.02  KRW -18.97 
real-time RS chart chart S add note Salzgitter 15.230  12/08 -1.23 18.160 -16.13 25.140 -6.980 -27.76  EUR -25.88 
real-time RS chart chart add note thyssenkrupp 3.320  12/08 -1.63 4.093 -18.89 5.448 -1.355 -24.87  EUR -28.91 
 Iron and Steel - 19 out of 19 instruments rated - 1/07/24 / 5/02/24 - 3 did rise, Market-Ratio(21) = 15.79 % 
Technical Chart
Iron and Steel RS = 21 - B/S = 85/20
Market Chart
6/01/20 scale up chart 1/07/24

Transactions Iron and Steel * A21 - 85/20 (1)
L/Sdate buy date selldays instrumentsplpieces Currprc buyprc sellps shortprc diffd %assetyield 
2/01/06 30/01/06 28    - cash -
long 30/01/06  28/01/08 728  RT RS QC  Salzgitter 100  172  EUR 58.030  94.450    36.420 63  16,264 28  
short 28/01/08  20/04/09 448  RT RS QC  Pacific Metals 100  191  JPY 84.800  64.600 111.316  26.516 31  21,329 25  
long 20/04/09  16/08/10 483  RT RS QC  Pacific Metals 100  330  JPY 64.600  58.500    -6.100 -9  19,316 -7  
short 16/08/10  18/10/10 63  RT RS QC  Salzgitter 100  381  EUR 50.650  53.990 47.310  -3.340 -7  18,043 -33  
long 18/10/10   6/06/11 231  RT RS QC  Severstal 100  1,686  EUR 10.700  12.990    2.290 21  21,904 36  
short 6/06/11  20/02/12 259  RT RS QC  Outokumpu 100  953  EUR 22.970  13.020 40.524  17.554 76  38,633 123  
long 20/02/12  21/05/12 91  RT RS QC  Tenaris 100  2,471  EUR 15.630  12.950    -2.680 -17  32,011 -53  
short 21/05/12  18/11/13 546  RT RS QC  Outokumpu 100  4,206  EUR 7.610  3.370 17.185  9.575 126  72,282 72  
long 18/11/13  24/08/15 644  RT RS QC  Ternium Argentina 100  23,019  ARS 3.140  5.480    2.340 75  126,146 37  
short 24/08/15  11/07/16 322  RT RS QC  Vallourec 100  290  EUR 434.800  126.400 1,495.657  1,060.857 244  433,795 306  
long 11/07/16  18/06/18 707  RT RS QC  Outokumpu 100  101,353  EUR 4.280  5.320    1.040 24  539,202 12  
short 18/06/18  13/01/20 574  RT RS QC  Outokumpu 100  101,353  EUR 5.320  2.819 10.040  4.720 89  1,017,578 50  
long 13/01/20   9/03/20 56  RT RS QC  Ternium Argentina 100  41,533  ARS 24.500  17.850    -6.650 -27  741,383 -87  
short 9/03/20  10/08/20 154  RT RS QC  Vallourec 100  17,074  EUR 43.420  29.730 63.414  19.994 46  1,082,759 145  
long 10/08/20   4/10/21 420  RT RS QC  Ternium Argentina 100  25,810  ARS 41.950  92.700    50.750 121  2,392,617 99  
short 4/10/21  12/12/22 434  RT RS QC  Vallourec 100  312,964  EUR 7.645  10.425 4.865  -2.780 -36  1,522,577 -32  
long 12/12/22   1/07/24 567  RT RS QC  Ternium Argentina 100  8,196  ARS 185.750  1,016.000    830.250 447  8,327,306 199  
short 1/07/24  12/08/24 42  RT RS QC  thyssenkrupp 100  2,034,523  EUR 4.093  3.320 5.046  0.953 23  10,266,206 517  
accum30/01/06 12/08/246854 days out of 6882 invested (100%) 102,562 10,266,206 45  

Instrument Related Contribution
 instrumentL/Sdate buy date selldaysprc buyprc sellps shortprc diffd %total 
 Ternium Argentinalong 18/11/13 24/08/156443.145.482.34 74.52 
 long 13/01/20  9/03/205624.5017.85-6.65 -27.14 
 long 10/08/20  4/10/2142041.9592.7050.75 120.98 
 long 12/12/22  1/07/24567185.751,016.00830.25 446.971,436.86 
 Outokumpushort  6/06/11 20/02/1225922.9713.0240.5217.55 76.42 
 short 21/05/12 18/11/135467.613.3717.189.57 125.82 
 long 11/07/16 18/06/187074.285.321.04 24.30 
 short 18/06/18 13/01/205745.322.8210.044.72 88.72834.52 
 Vallourecshort 24/08/15 11/07/16322434.80126.401,495.661,060.86 243.99 
 short  9/03/20 10/08/2015443.4229.7363.4119.99 46.05 
 short  4/10/21 12/12/224347.6510.434.87-2.78 -36.36219.70 
 Salzgitterlong 30/01/06 28/01/0872858.0394.4536.42 62.76 
 short 16/08/10 18/10/106350.6553.9947.31-3.34 -6.5952.03 
 thyssenkruppshort  1/07/24 12/08/24424.093.325.050.95 23.2823.28 
 Severstallong 18/10/10  6/06/1123110.7012.992.29 21.4021.40 
 Pacific Metalsshort 28/01/08 20/04/0944884.8064.60111.3226.52 31.27 
 long 20/04/09 16/08/1048364.6058.50-6.10 -9.4418.87 
 Tenarislong 20/02/12 21/05/129115.6312.95-2.68 -17.15-17.15 

28/07/22Tata Steelstock split 1:10 (ten for one)
25/05/20Vallourecreverse split 40:1 (one for fourty)
18/05/17ArcelorMittalreverse stock split 3:1 (one for three)
ISIN change from LU0323134006 to LU1598757687
15/03/15Iron and Steelfirst complete analysis