RS Chart
Assessment - Renixx 30 Index - 1/07/24 - RS = 16
  instrument freshest Δday 1/07/24 Δwk 11/03/24  prc diff Δ16  Curr ∅-RS
real-time RS chart chart L add note SOM Price Index 1,705.710  12/08 -1.42 1,745.490 -2.28 1,932.470 -186.980 -9.68  USD -7.83 
real-time RS chart chart L add note Array Tech 7.030  12/08 -0.99 9.570 -26.54 12.650 -3.080 -24.35  USD -22.33 
real-time RS chart chart add note Ballard Power 2.510  12/08 -5.99 3.090 -18.77 4.030 -0.940 -23.33  CAD -25.04 
real-time RS chart chart L add note Bloom Energy 11.140  12/08 -3.05 11.370 -2.02 10.460 0.910 8.70  USD 10.15 
real-time RS chart chart L add note Boralex 34.490  12/08 0.09 33.510 2.92 29.900 3.610 12.07  CAD 9.11 
real-time RS chart chart L add note Canadian Solar 13.200  12/08 -2.51 14.010 -5.78 20.590 -6.580 -31.96  USD -27.00 
real-time RS chart chart L add note China Longyuan 0.807  12/08 -0.35 0.816 -1.10 0.684 0.132 19.27  EUR 22.97 
real-time RS chart chart add note Daqo New Energy 16.060  12/08 -4.74 14.310 12.23 28.920 -14.610 -50.52  USD -26.64 
real-time RS chart chart L add note EDP Renováveis 14.010  12/08 -0.92 13.280 5.50 14.185 -0.905 -6.38  EUR -12.34 
real-time RS chart chart add note Encavis 17.000  12/08 16.900 0.59 13.985 2.915 20.84  EUR 20.38 
real-time RS chart chart L add note Enphase Energy 109.110  12/08 1.16 97.260 12.18 128.690 -31.430 -24.42  USD 2.00 
real-time RS chart chart L add note First Solar 219.230  12/08 3.51 222.710 -1.56 162.160 60.550 37.34  USD 53.49 
real-time RS chart chart add note FuelCell Energy 0.441  12/08 -1.61 0.611 -27.76 1.110 -0.500 -45.00  USD -35.70 
real-time RS chart chart L add note Goldwind Sc&Tech 0.474  12/08 1.28 0.371 27.94 0.384 -0.014 -3.52  EUR 0.54 
real-time RS chart chart add note Innergex RE 9.450  12/08 -1.87 10.230 -7.62 8.570 1.660 19.37  CAD 7.95 
real-time RS chart chart L add note JinkoSolar 18.850  12/08 -3.48 20.570 -8.36 29.170 -8.600 -29.48  USD -20.77 
real-time RS chart chart L add note Neoen 38.380  12/08 -0.10 37.340 2.79 24.520 12.820 52.28  EUR 31.70 
real-time RS chart chart add note Nordex 13.140  12/08 -2.81 11.510 14.16 12.140 -0.630 -5.19  EUR 11.66 
real-time RS chart chart L add note Northland Power 23.400  12/08 -0.47 23.520 -0.51 24.030 -0.510 -2.12  CAD 1.48 
real-time RS chart chart L add note Ormat Technologies 71.710  12/08 -1.10 69.200 3.63 67.760 1.440 2.13  USD 4.32 
real-time RS chart chart L add note Ørsted 417.500  12/08 0.63 376.000 11.04 363.100 12.900 3.55  DKK -4.09 
real-time RS chart chart L add note Plug Power 1.950  12/08 -1.02 2.280 -14.47 3.660 -1.380 -37.70  USD -39.70 
real-time RS chart chart S add note SolarEdge 21.440  12/08 1.13 23.970 -10.55 74.490 -50.520 -67.82  USD -55.38 
real-time RS chart chart L add note Sunnova Energy 6.620  12/08 -4.47 5.230 26.58 5.330 -0.100 -1.88  USD -39.06 
real-time RS chart chart L add note SunPower 0.200  12/08 -4.76 2.710 -92.62 2.950 -0.240 -8.14  USD -34.59 
  instrument freshest Δday 1/07/24 Δwk 11/03/24  prc diff Δ16  Curr ∅-RS
real-time RS chart chart L add note Sunrun 17.330  12/08 -3.13 10.915 58.77 12.020 -1.105 -9.19  USD -4.22 
real-time RS chart chart add note Tesla Motors 197.490  12/08 -1.26 209.860 -5.89 177.770 32.090 18.05  USD -12.07 
real-time RS chart chart L add note Verbio 16.100  12/08 0.06 17.330 -7.10 17.970 -0.640 -3.56  EUR -25.56 
real-time RS chart chart L add note Verbund 76.850  12/08 1.52 75.750 1.45 67.350 8.400 12.47  EUR -1.50 
real-time RS chart chart add note Vestas Wind Systems 152.250  12/08 -7.76 162.100 -6.08 195.000 -32.900 -16.87  DKK -1.36 
real-time RS chart chart add note Xinyi Solar 3.530  12/08 0.28 3.930 -10.18 6.570 -2.640 -40.18  HKD -19.77 
 Renixx 30 - 30 out of 30 instruments rated - 1/07/24 / 11/03/24 - 11 did rise, Market-Ratio(16) = 36.67 % 
Technical Chart
Renixx 30 RS = 16 - B/S = 75/53
Market Chart
6/01/20 scale up chart 1/07/24

Transactions Renixx 30 Index * A16 - 75/53 (1)
L/Sdate buy date selldays instrumentsplpieces Currprc buyprc sellps shortprc diffd %assetyield 
2/01/06 27/02/06 56    - cash -
long 27/02/06  19/06/06 112  RT RS QC  Nordex 100  1,102  EUR 9.070  10.880    1.810 20  11,995 81  
short 19/06/06  16/10/06 119  RT RS QC  Plug Power 100  2,462  USD 4.870  4.490 5.282  0.412 8  13,009 28  
long 16/10/06  23/10/06 7  RT RS QC  Nordex 100  1,177  EUR 11.050  11.350    0.300 3  13,363 304  
short 23/10/06   6/11/06 14  RT RS QC  Plug Power 100  3,181  USD 4.200  3.990 4.421  0.221 5  14,066 281  
long 6/11/06  21/01/08 441  RT RS QC  Nordex 100  1,217  EUR 11.550  23.590    12.040 104  28,719 81  
short 21/01/08  12/05/08 112  RT RS QC  REC Silicon 100  31  NOK 916.700  1,239.300 594.100  -322.600 -35  18,718 -76  
long 12/05/08  14/07/08 63  RT RS QC  Canadian Solar 100  548  USD 34.100  38.390    4.290 13  21,069 99  
short 14/07/08   4/05/09 294  RT RS QC  JA Solar Energy 100  263  USD 80.050  19.600 326.939  246.889 308  86,001 474  
long 4/05/09  14/09/09 133  RT RS QC  GCL Poly Energy 100  77,478  HKD 1.110  2.370    1.260 114  183,623 702  
short 14/09/09  21/01/13 1225  RT RS QC  REC Silicon 100  578  NOK 317.500  11.100 9,081.644  8,764.144 2,760  5,249,298 172  
long 21/01/13  28/04/14 462  RT RS QC  JinkoSolar 100  679,081  USD 7.730  26.760    19.030 246  18,172,210 167  
short 28/04/14  25/08/14 119  RT RS QC  Huaneng Renewables 100  2,347,830  HKD 7.740  8.870 6.610  -1.130 -15  15,519,162 -38  
long 25/08/14  22/09/14 28  RT RS QC  Plug Power 100  2,582,223  USD 6.010  4.180    -1.830 -30  10,793,694 -99  
short 22/09/14  23/03/15 182  RT RS QC  Meyer Burger 100  1,186,120  CHF 9.100  6.610 12.528  3.428 38  14,859,713 90  
long 23/03/15   6/07/15 105  RT RS QC  Suzlon Energy 100  544,311  INR 27.300  22.400    -4.900 -18  12,192,589 -50  
short 6/07/15   6/06/16 336  RT RS QC  Yingli Green Energy 100  1,139,494  USD 10.700  4.600 24.889  14.189 133  28,360,983 150  
long 6/06/16  27/06/16 21  RT RS QC  SMA Solar 100  572,949  EUR 49.500  44.650    -4.850 -10  25,582,181 -83  
short 27/06/16  13/03/17 259  RT RS QC  Meyer Burger 100  7,436,680  CHF 3.440  0.790 14.979  11.539 335  111m 695  
long 13/03/17  21/08/17 161  RT RS QC  Ballard Power 100  38,678,999  CAD 2.880  3.490    0.610 21  135m 55  
short 21/08/17   4/02/19 532  RT RS QC  Siemens Gamesa 100  10,713,468  EUR 12.600  12.650 12.550  -0.050 0  134m 0  
long 4/02/19  19/08/19 196  RT RS QC  Enphase Energy 100  19,207,719  USD 7.000  33.400    26.400 377  642m 1,736  
short 19/08/19  16/12/19 119  RT RS QC  Green Plains RE 100  83,424,943  USD 7.690  15.490 0.000  -7.690 -100  5 -100  
long 16/12/19  16/03/20 91  RT RS QC  Enphase Energy 100  0  USD 25.760  27.450    1.690 7  5 0  
short 16/03/20   6/07/20 112  RT RS QC  Meyer Burger 100  30  CHF 0.150  0.166 0.134  -0.016 -11  4 -31  
long 6/07/20  29/03/21 266  RT RS QC  Tesla Motors 100  0  USD 91.439  203.763    112.324 123  4 0  
L/Sdate buy date selldays instrumentsplpieces Currprc buyprc sellps shortprc diffd %assetyield 
short 29/03/21  30/08/21 154  RT RS QC  Huaneng Renewables 100  1  HKD 2.760  3.820 1.700  -1.060 -38  3 -68  
long 30/08/21   4/10/21 35  RT RS QC  GCL Poly Energy 100  1  HKD 1.980  1.980    0.000 0  3 0  
short 4/10/21  15/11/21 42  RT RS QC  Nel 100  0  NOK 12.515  19.670 5.360  -7.155 -57  3 0  
long 15/11/21  13/12/21 28  RT RS QC  Enphase Energy 100  0  USD 244.710  213.520    -31.190 -13  3 0  
short 13/12/21   6/06/22 175  RT RS QC  Daqo New Energy 100  0  USD 43.830  61.730 25.930  -17.900 -41  3 0  
long 6/06/22  20/06/22 14  RT RS QC  JinkoSolar 100  0  USD 67.100  56.070    -11.030 -16  3 0  
short 20/06/22  15/08/22 56  RT RS QC  Ballard Power 100  0  CAD 8.310  11.320 5.300  -3.010 -36  3 0  
long 15/08/22  26/09/22 42  RT RS QC  Enphase Energy 100  0  USD 301.130  274.920    -26.210 -9  3 0  
short 26/09/22  12/08/24 686  RT RS QC  ITM Power 100  2  GBP 1.087  0.532 2.219  1.133 104  5 46  
accum27/02/06 12/08/246853 days out of 6909 invested (99%) -100 5 -33  

Instrument Related Contribution
 instrumentL/Sdate buy date selldaysprc buyprc sellps shortprc diffd %total 
 REC Siliconshort 21/01/08 12/05/08112916.701,239.30594.10-322.60 -35.19 
 short 14/09/09 21/01/131225317.5011.109,081.648,764.14 2,760.361,753.76 
 Meyer Burgershort 22/09/14 23/03/151829.106.6112.533.43 37.67 
 short 27/06/16 13/03/172593.440.7914.9811.54 335.44 
 short 16/03/20  6/07/201120.150.170.13-0.02 -10.61435.85 
 JA Solar Energyshort 14/07/08  4/05/0929480.0519.60326.94246.89 308.42308.42 
 Enphase Energylong  4/02/19 19/08/191967.0033.4026.40 377.14 
 long 16/12/19 16/03/209125.7627.451.69 6.56 
 long 15/11/21 13/12/2128244.71213.52-31.19 -12.75 
 long 15/08/22 26/09/2242301.13274.92-26.21 -8.70305.03 
 JinkoSolarlong 21/01/13 28/04/144627.7326.7619.03 246.18 
 long  6/06/22 20/06/221467.1056.07-11.03 -16.44189.28 
 Nordexlong 27/02/06 19/06/061129.0710.881.81 19.96 
 long 16/10/06 23/10/06711.0511.350.30 2.71 
 long  6/11/06 21/01/0844111.5523.5912.04 104.24151.65 
 Yingli Green Energyshort  6/07/15  6/06/1633610.704.6024.8914.19 132.61132.61 
 Tesla Motorslong  6/07/20 29/03/2126691.44203.76112.32 122.84122.84 
 GCL Poly Energylong  4/05/09 14/09/091331.112.371.26 113.51 
 long 30/08/21  4/10/21351.981.980.00 0.00113.51 
 ITM Powershort 26/09/22 12/08/246861.090.532.221.13 104.23104.23 
 Canadian Solarlong 12/05/08 14/07/086334.1038.394.29 12.5812.58 
 Siemens Gamesashort 21/08/17  4/02/1953212.6012.6512.55-0.05 -0.40-0.40 
 SMA Solarlong  6/06/16 27/06/162149.5044.65-4.85 -9.80-9.80 
 Suzlon Energylong 23/03/15  6/07/1510527.3022.40-4.90 -17.95-17.95 
 Plug Powershort 19/06/06 16/10/061194.874.495.280.41 8.46 
 short 23/10/06  6/11/06144.203.994.420.22 5.26 
 long 25/08/14 22/09/14286.014.18-1.83 -30.45-20.59 
 instrumentL/Sdate buy date selldaysprc buyprc sellps shortprc diffd %total 
 Ballard Powerlong 13/03/17 21/08/171612.883.490.61 21.18 
 short 20/06/22 15/08/22568.3111.325.30-3.01 -36.22-22.71 
 Daqo New Energyshort 13/12/21  6/06/2217543.8361.7325.93-17.90 -40.84-40.84 
 Huaneng Renewablesshort 28/04/14 25/08/141197.748.876.61-1.13 -14.60 
 short 29/03/21 30/08/211542.763.821.70-1.06 -38.41-47.40 
 Nelshort  4/10/21 15/11/214212.5219.675.36-7.16 -57.17-57.17 
 Green Plains REshort 19/08/19 16/12/191197.6915.490.00-7.69 -100.00-100.00 

25/08/22Tesla Motorsstock split 1:3 (three for one)
17/11/20Daqo New Energystock split 1:5 (five for one)
27/02/18Capital Stagerenames into Encavis (ENergy + CApital + VISion)
18/08/17Renixx 30Capital Stage, Green Plains Renewable, Innergex and SunPower replace
REC Silicon, Senvion, SMA Solar and Yingli Green
3/07/17Xinjiang Goldwindstock split 10:13 (thirteen for ten)
26/03/17Renixx 30machine learning processed for all techniques
20/03/17Renixx 30Huaneng Renewables, Scatec Solar and Senvion replace
Innergex, SunPower and Trina Solar
25/11/16Renixx 30Ballard Power replaces SolarCity (acquired by Tesla)
21/11/16Renixx 30acquired by Tesla
8/08/16Capital Stageacquires Chorus Clean Energy
1/07/16Renixx 30DONG Energy, SolarEdge, Suzlon, Verbund and Yingli replace
China Singyes, Green Plains, Scatec Solar, Senvion and SunEdison
18/05/16Renixx 30Senvion (former REpower Systems) replaces Suzlon Energy
6/04/16Renixx 30EGP dropped out due to deletion of instrument
16/02/16SOM Price IndexThe Renixx 30 is a registered trade mark of
"Internationales Wirtschaftsforum Regenerative Energien (IWR)".
The index provided on this site is an equal weighted price index
calculated on Dollar basis starting in 2005 with an initial value of 100
(Share-o-matic standard for comparability reasons).
The original Renixx 30 index is located on IWR web sites.
1/01/16Renixx 30SMA Solar and Sunrun replace Ballard Power and Ming Yang
 Sunrunrecording started
28/08/15Renixx 30REC Solar drops out (acquired by Elkem)
18/08/15Renixx 30complete analysis
1/07/15Renixx 30Brookfield, JA Solar and REC Solar return
 Renixx 30FuelCell Energy, GT Advanced Tech, Hanergy TFP and Shunfeng drop out
14/03/15Renixx 30first complete analysis, even the standard techniques are performing remarkably.