| Wed, Jan 22nd, 2025, 2:41UTC |
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Volker Martin
Neusalzer Straße 5
90473 Nürnberg
fon: +49 (0)911 47842758
mail: vmartin@share-o-matic.com
web: https://share-o-matic.com
Responsible for all contents according § 10 section 3 MDStV (German law): Volker Martin
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The information contained herein is subject to change without notice, and is provided "as is", without guarantee or warranty as to the accuracy. The material displayed on these sites should not cause visitors to use it as a base for private decisions. We are not liable for consequences resulting from use of these sites as a base for private decisions.
There are special signals (such as Buy/Sell/Hold) on Share-o-matic sites. These signals are the results of a program aided analysis based on the Share-o-matic technique. They should not cause visitors to take any steps. We are not liable for consequences resulting from considering these signals for private decisions.
In connection with prices there might occur deviations by means of transfer from different stock exchanges, unavailable rating on weekly rating date, use of weekly ending rates, stock splits or corporate actions. As the basis for our analytic evaluation we make all efforts to note prices authentically, however we can not take warranty for the absolute accuracy of price or derived process data.
All descriptions and illustrations relative to organizations or instruments serve encyclopedical purposes exclusively for better identification.
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