RS Chart
Assessment - ISEQ 20 - 7/01/24 - RS = 14
  instrument freshest Δday 7/01/24 Δwk 3/25/24  prc diff Δ14   ∅-RS
real-time RS chart chart add note ISEQ-20 1,640.290  7/15 -0.37 1,565.160 4.80 1,627.390 -62.230 -3.82   4.27 
real-time RS chart chart add note Cairn Homes 1.880  7/15 0.53 1.580 18.99 1.564 0.016 1.02   27.68 
real-time RS chart chart L add note Malin 5.800  7/12 5.900 -1.69 5.550 0.350 6.31   21.17 
real-time RS chart chart L add note Glanbia 18.380  7/15 -1.29 18.230 0.82 18.100 0.130 0.72   19.83 
real-time RS chart chart add note Smurfit Kappa 45.000  7/15 0.11 41.600 8.17 41.880 -0.280 -0.67   17.57 
real-time RS chart chart L add note Irish Continental 5.600  7/15 0.72 5.480 2.19 4.900 0.580 11.84   15.53 
real-time RS chart chart add note Glenveagh Properties 1.334  7/15 -2.06 1.270 5.04 1.252 0.018 1.44   15.14 
real-time RS chart chart add note AIB 5.210  7/15 1.36 5.010 3.99 4.536 0.474 10.45   14.45 
real-time RS chart chart add note Bank of Ireland 10.210  7/15 0.20 9.816 4.01 8.876 0.940 10.59   9.58 
real-time RS chart chart add note Kingspan 85.850  7/15 -0.81 79.200 8.40 83.000 -3.800 -4.58   9.12 
real-time RS chart chart add note FBD 12.950  7/15 1.57 13.100 -1.15 13.000 0.100 0.77   2.21 
real-time RS chart chart L add note FD Technologies 16.900  7/15 1.20 16.500 2.42 13.500 3.000 22.22   -4.14 
real-time RS chart chart S add note Ryanair 17.055  7/15 -0.38 16.225 5.12 20.930 -4.705 -22.48   -4.76 
real-time RS chart chart L add note Origin Enterprises 3.180  7/15 3.200 -0.62 3.050 0.150 4.92   -4.84 
real-time RS chart chart S add note Kerry 78.200  7/15 -1.70 75.750 3.23 80.660 -4.910 -6.09   -6.18 
real-time RS chart chart add note Uniphar 2.380  7/15 -0.83 2.420 -1.65 2.650 -0.230 -8.68   -6.36 
real-time RS chart chart S add note Dalata Hotel 4.125  7/15 0.36 3.940 4.70 4.370 -0.430 -9.84   -7.38 
real-time RS chart chart L add note Greencoat Renewables 0.881  7/15 -1.34 0.872 1.03 0.865 0.007 0.81   -7.94 
real-time RS chart chart S add note Irish Residential 0.913  7/15 0.66 0.907 0.66 0.998 -0.091 -9.12   -9.58 
real-time RS chart chart add note Kenmare Resources 3.780  7/15 -4.55 3.700 2.16 3.660 0.040 1.09   -10.63 
real-time RS chart chart add note permanent tsb 1.400  7/15 4.87 1.310 6.87 1.340 -0.030 -2.24   -22.39 
 ISEQ 20 - 20 out of 20 instruments rated - 7/01/24 / 3/25/24 - 12 did rise, Market-Ratio(14) = 60.00 % 
Stock Exchange Currency: EUR € Euro
Technical Chart
ISEQ 20 RS = 14 - B/S = 73/73
Market Chart
1/06/20 scale up chart 7/01/24

Transactions ISEQ 20 * A14 - 73/73 (2)
L/Sdate buy date selldays instrumentsplpieces prc buyprc sellps shortprc diffd %assetyield 
1/02/06 1/30/06 28    - cash -
long 1/30/06   4/24/06 84  RT RS QC  C&C Group 50  883   5.660  6.080    0.420 7  10,371 36  
          RT RS QC  FBD 50  157   31.790  33.050    1.260 4  10,569 18  
100 6 27 
short 4/24/06   8/28/06 126  RT RS QC  Ryanair 50  1,584   3.335  3.705 2.965  -0.370 -11  9,983 -29  
          RT RS QC  Fyffes 50  2,566   2.060  1.450 2.927  0.867 42  12,206 177  
100 15 52 
long 8/28/06   3/05/07 189  RT RS QC  C&C Group 50  712   8.565  9.630    1.065 12  12,965 25  
          RT RS QC  Kingspan 50  433   14.100  19.250    5.150 37  15,195 82  
100 24 53 
short 3/05/07   4/16/07 42  RT RS QC  FBD 50  212   35.780  38.140 33.420  -2.360 -7  14,694 -45  
          RT RS QC  Fyffes 50  6,793   1.120  1.090 1.151  0.031 3  14,903 27  
100 -2 -15 
long 4/16/07   5/07/07 21  RT RS QC  Ryanair 50  1,225   6.080  5.420    -0.660 -11  14,095 -86  
          RT RS QC  Irish Continental 50  3,579   2.083  2.139    0.056 3  14,295 59  
100 -4 -52 
short 5/07/07   5/04/09 728  RT RS QC  Bank of Ireland 50  22   320.100  18.600 5,508.818  5,188.718 1,621  128,447 316  
          RT RS QC  Fyffes 50  7,041   1.030  0.268 3.959  2.929 284  149,067 96  
100 943 224 
long 5/04/09   5/18/09 14  RT RS QC  Kingspan 50  16,097   4.630  4.655    0.025 1  149,470 15  
          RT RS QC  Ryanair 50  22,118   3.370  3.342    -0.028 -1  148,851 -20  
100 0 -4 
short 5/18/09   5/25/09 7  RT RS QC  FBD 50  10,896   6.830  7.050 6.610  -0.220 -3  146,453 -82  
          RT RS QC  Irish Continental 50  68,035   1.094  1.062 1.127  0.033 3  148,699 371  
100 0 -5 
L/Sdate buy date selldays instrumentsplpieces prc buyprc sellps shortprc diffd %assetyield 
long 5/25/09  11/02/09 161  RT RS QC  Bank of Ireland 50  2,483   29.940  31.740    1.800 6  153,168 14  
          RT RS QC  Smurfit Kappa 50  19,671   3.780  5.250    1.470 39  182,084 111  
100 22 58 
short 11/02/09  11/09/09 7  RT RS QC  FBD 50  13,649   6.670  6.900 6.440  -0.230 -3  178,945 -84  
          RT RS QC  Ryanair 50  31,427   2.897  2.912 2.882  -0.015 -1  178,474 -24  
100 -2 -65 
long 11/09/09  11/16/09 7  RT RS QC  Bank of Ireland 50  2,193   40.680  34.260    -6.420 -16  164,395 -100  
          RT RS QC  Smurfit Kappa 50  15,090   5.915  6.100    0.185 3  167,186 398  
100 -6 -97 
short 11/16/09   2/08/10 84  RT RS QC  FBD 50  12,150   6.880  6.000 7.889  1.009 15  179,447 81  
          RT RS QC  Ryanair 50  28,051   2.980  3.400 2.560  -0.420 -14  167,665 -48  
100 0 1 
long 2/08/10   2/15/10 7  RT RS QC  C&C Group 50  31,257   2.682  2.710    0.028 1  168,541 72  
          RT RS QC  Smurfit Kappa 50  13,264   6.320  6.280    -0.040 -1  168,010 -28  
100 0 11 
short 2/15/10   3/22/10 35  RT RS QC  FBD 50  14,118   5.950  6.720 5.180  -0.770 -13  157,139 -76  
          RT RS QC  Glanbia 50  35,003   2.400  2.600 2.200  -0.200 -8  150,139 -60  
100 -11 -69 
long 3/22/10   5/24/10 63  RT RS QC  Flutter 50  2,942   25.510  24.590    -0.920 -4  147,432 -19  
          RT RS QC  Smurfit Kappa 50  13,266   5.660  6.430    0.770 14  157,647 109  
100 5 33 
short 5/24/10   6/14/10 21  RT RS QC  Bank of Ireland 50  3,679   21.420  24.690 18.150  -3.270 -15  145,616 -94  
          RT RS QC  Fyffes 50  228,529   0.345  0.335 0.355  0.010 3  147,970 67  
100 -6 -67 
L/Sdate buy date selldays instrumentsplpieces prc buyprc sellps shortprc diffd %assetyield 
long 6/14/10   6/28/10 14  RT RS QC  Glanbia 50  22,590   3.275  3.100    -0.175 -5  144,017 -76  
          RT RS QC  Smurfit Kappa 50  10,722   6.900  7.260    0.360 5  147,877 277  
100 0 -2 
short 6/28/10   1/03/11 189  RT RS QC  Bank of Ireland 50  3,418   21.630  10.350 45.204  23.574 109  228,452 315  
          RT RS QC  Fyffes 50  224,077   0.330  0.344 0.316  -0.014 -4  225,314 -8  
100 52 126 
long 1/03/11   3/21/11 77  RT RS QC  Kingspan 50  14,921   7.550  6.330    -1.220 -16  207,111 -57  
          RT RS QC  Origin Enterprises 50  35,483   3.175  3.825    0.650 20  230,175 142  
100 2 11 
short 3/21/11   3/28/11 7  RT RS QC  Bank of Ireland 50  12,916   8.910  7.590 10.460  1.550 17  250,189 427,553  
          RT RS QC  Ryanair 50  35,402   3.251  3.273 3.229  -0.022 -1  249,411 -30  
100 8 6,470 
long 3/28/11   4/25/11 28  RT RS QC  Glanbia 50  28,667   4.350  4.541    0.191 4  254,886 75  
          RT RS QC  Origin Enterprises 50  32,603   3.825  3.900    0.075 2  257,331 29  
100 3 50 
short 4/25/11   1/02/12 252  RT RS QC  Bank of Ireland 50  17,293   7.440  2.550 21.707  14.267 192  504,056 372  
          RT RS QC  Ryanair 50  38,226   3.366  3.780 2.952  -0.414 -12  488,230 -17  
100 90 153 
long 1/02/12   5/21/12 140  RT RS QC  Flutter 50  5,412   45.100  50.010    4.910 11  514,803 31  
          RT RS QC  Ryanair 50  64,589   3.780  4.040    0.260 7  531,596 19  
100 9 25 
short 5/21/12   8/27/12 98  RT RS QC  Bank of Ireland 50  101,838   2.610  2.490 2.736  0.126 5  544,407 19  
          RT RS QC  Smurfit Kappa 50  47,891   5.550  6.550 4.550  -1.000 -18  496,516 -52  
100 -7 -22 
L/Sdate buy date selldays instrumentsplpieces prc buyprc sellps shortprc diffd %assetyield 
long 8/27/12   6/17/13 294  RT RS QC  Kerry 50  6,606   37.580  42.250    4.670 12  527,366 16  
          RT RS QC  Smurfit Kappa 50  37,902   6.550  12.270    5.720 87  744,166 118  
100 50 65 
short 6/17/13   7/29/13 42  RT RS QC  C&C Group 50  87,900   4.233  4.100 4.370  0.137 3  756,234 32  
          RT RS QC  CRH 50  23,804   15.631  15.994 15.268  -0.363 -2  747,594 -18  
100 0 4 
long 7/29/13   8/05/13 7  RT RS QC  FBD 50  23,961   15.600  16.650    1.050 7  772,753 2,886  
          RT RS QC  Smurfit Kappa 50  26,139   14.300  15.150    0.850 6  794,971 1,930  
100 6 2,363 
short 8/05/13   9/09/13 35  RT RS QC  C&C Group 50  95,987   4.141  4.285 3.997  -0.144 -3  781,149 -31  
          RT RS QC  Flutter 50  6,516   61.000  61.200 60.800  -0.200 0  779,845 -3  
100 -2 -18 
long 9/09/13  10/14/13 35  RT RS QC  Bank of Ireland 50  55,073   7.080  6.960    -0.120 -2  773,237 -16  
          RT RS QC  Smurfit Kappa 50  24,446   15.950  17.020    1.070 7  799,394 97  
100 3 29 
short 10/14/13  10/28/13 14  RT RS QC  C&C Group 50  95,165   4.200  4.008 4.401  0.201 5  818,541 239  
          RT RS QC  Flutter 50  7,017   56.960  56.500 57.424  0.464 1  821,795 24  
100 3 106 
long 10/28/13  11/25/13 28  RT RS QC  Bank of Ireland 50  53,502   7.680  8.040    0.360 5  841,056 82  
          RT RS QC  Smurfit Kappa 50  23,875   17.210  17.550    0.340 2  849,173 29  
100 3 53 
short 11/25/13  12/02/13 7  RT RS QC  Flutter 50  7,572   56.070  56.450 55.690  -0.380 -1  846,296 -30  
          RT RS QC  Ryanair 50  72,807   5.832  6.109 5.555  -0.277 -5  826,128 -92  
100 -3 -76 
L/Sdate buy date selldays instrumentsplpieces prc buyprc sellps shortprc diffd %assetyield 
long 12/02/13   4/14/14 133  RT RS QC  Bank of Ireland 50  49,528   8.340  8.250    -0.090 -1  821,671 -3  
          RT RS QC  Smurfit Kappa 50  23,959   17.240  17.010    -0.230 -1  816,160 -4  
100 -1 -3 
short 4/14/14   1/19/15 280  RT RS QC  C&C Group 50  91,089   4.480  3.322 6.042  1.562 35  958,414 48  
          RT RS QC  Flutter 50  7,614   53.590  66.350 40.830  -12.760 -24  861,259 -30  
100 6 7 
long 1/19/15   6/08/15 140  RT RS QC  Glanbia 50  31,092   13.850  17.420    3.570 26  972,258 82  
          RT RS QC  Ryanair 50  44,258   9.730  11.660    1.930 20  1,057,676 60  
100 23 71 
short 6/08/15   8/10/15 63  RT RS QC  Aryzta 50  47,175   11.210  10.893 11.536  0.326 3  1,073,064 18  
          RT RS QC  FBD 50  57,024   9.274  7.120 12.080  2.806 30  1,233,051 362  
100 17 143 
long 8/10/15   8/17/15 7  RT RS QC  Kingspan 50  27,129   22.725  22.815    0.090 0  1,235,492 23  
          RT RS QC  Ryanair 50  48,242   12.780  12.705    -0.075 -1  1,231,874 -26  
100 0 -5 
short 8/17/15  11/30/15 105  RT RS QC  Aryzta 50  56,147   10.970  10.387 11.586  0.616 6  1,266,444 21  
          RT RS QC  FBD 50  89,266   6.900  6.852 6.948  0.048 1  1,270,755 2  
100 3 11 
long 11/30/15  12/07/15 7  RT RS QC  Flutter 50  5,292   120.050  122.000    1.950 2  1,281,075 132  
          RT RS QC  Dalata Hotel 50  123,388   5.150  5.130    -0.020 0  1,278,607 -18  
100 1 38 
short 12/07/15   1/04/16 28  RT RS QC  Aryzta 50  60,323   10.598  10.648 10.548  -0.050 0  1,275,591 -6  
          RT RS QC  FBD 50  93,739   6.820  6.603 7.044  0.224 3  1,296,598 52  
100 1 20 
L/Sdate buy date selldays instrumentsplpieces prc buyprc sellps shortprc diffd %assetyield 
long 1/04/16   1/18/16 14  RT RS QC  Flutter 50  5,255   123.350  119.900    -3.450 -3  1,278,468 -52  
          RT RS QC  Dalata Hotel 50  120,519   5.380  4.930    -0.450 -8  1,224,234 -90  
100 -6 -78 
short 1/18/16   5/30/16 133  RT RS QC  Aryzta 50  65,558   9.337  8.843 9.859  0.522 6  1,258,429 16  
          RT RS QC  FBD 50  95,049   6.440  6.529 6.351  -0.089 -1  1,249,970 -4  
100 2 6 
long 5/30/16   6/06/16 7  RT RS QC  Flutter 50  5,307   117.750  120.700    2.950 3  1,265,626 263  
          RT RS QC  Total Produce 50  376,548   1.660  1.680    0.020 1  1,273,157 87  
100 2 161 
short 6/06/16  10/03/16 119  RT RS QC  Bank of Ireland 50  81,612   7.800  5.475 11.112  3.312 42  1,543,480 196  
          RT RS QC  permanent tsb 50  309,321   2.058  2.166 1.950  -0.108 -5  1,510,073 -15  
100 19 69 
long 10/03/16  10/10/16 7  RT RS QC  CRH 50  25,555   29.545  30.215    0.670 2  1,527,195 222  
          RT RS QC  Total Produce 50  468,975   1.610  1.617    0.007 0  1,530,478 25  
100 1 101 
short 10/10/16   1/02/17 84  RT RS QC  Bank of Ireland 50  141,710   5.400  7.050 3.750  -1.650 -31  1,296,657 -79  
          RT RS QC  permanent tsb 50  351,029   2.180  2.760 1.600  -0.580 -27  1,093,060 -74  
100 -29 -77 
long 1/02/17   1/30/17 28  RT RS QC  Total Produce 50  278,132   1.965  1.840    -0.125 -6  1,058,293 -58  
          RT RS QC  Fyffes 50  241,827   2.260  2.242    -0.018 -1  1,053,940 -10  
100 -4 -38 
short 1/30/17   2/06/17 7  RT RS QC  Aryzta 50  86,303   6.106  6.284 5.928  -0.178 -3  1,038,578 -79  
          RT RS QC  Kerry 50  8,055   65.420  65.840 65.000  -0.420 -1  1,035,195 -29  
100 -2 -61 
L/Sdate buy date selldays instrumentsplpieces prc buyprc sellps shortprc diffd %assetyield 
long 2/06/17   3/27/17 49  RT RS QC  CRH 50  15,833   32.690  31.940    -0.750 -2  1,023,321 -16  
      2/16/17 10  RT RS QC  Fyffes 50  230,666   2.244  2.244    0.000 0  1,023,321 0  
100 -1 -8 
short 3/27/17   4/24/17 28  RT RS QC  Aryzta 50  75,521   6.775  7.021 6.529  -0.246 -4  1,004,742 -38  
          RT RS QC  Green REIT 50  385,290   1.328  1.355 1.301  -0.027 -2  994,340 -23  
100 -3 -31 
long 4/24/17   6/19/17 56  RT RS QC  Kingspan 50  16,316   30.470  30.100    -0.370 -1  988,303 -8  
          RT RS QC  Origin Enterprises 50  66,737   7.450  6.900    -0.550 -7  951,597 -39  
100 -4 -25 
short 6/19/17  12/11/17 175  RT RS QC  Aryzta 50  68,966   6.899  7.181 6.617  -0.282 -4  932,149 -8  
          RT RS QC  C&C Group 50  142,883   3.330  2.831 3.917  0.587 18  1,016,021 40  
100 7 15 
long 12/11/17  12/25/17 14  RT RS QC  FBD 50  51,314   9.900  10.400    0.500 5  1,041,678 261  
          RT RS QC  Total Produce 50  200,005   2.540  2.550    0.010 0  1,043,678 11  
100 3 101 
short 12/25/17   1/01/18 7  RT RS QC  C&C Group 50  178,895   2.917  2.850 2.986  0.069 2  1,055,951 236  
          RT RS QC  Glanbia 50  35,355   14.760  14.900 14.620  -0.140 -1  1,051,001 -39  
100 1 44 
long 1/01/18   1/08/18 7  RT RS QC  FBD 50  51,978   10.110  10.600    0.490 5  1,076,470 1,080  
          RT RS QC  Dalata Hotel 50  83,347   6.305  6.010    -0.295 -5  1,051,883 -92  
100 0 4 
short 1/08/18   7/16/18 189  RT RS QC  Glanbia 50  36,986   14.220  15.550 12.890  -1.330 -9  1,002,691 -17  
          RT RS QC  Datalex 50  166,965   3.150  2.550 3.891  0.741 24  1,126,446 50  
100 7 14 
L/Sdate buy date selldays instrumentsplpieces prc buyprc sellps shortprc diffd %assetyield 
long 7/16/18   7/23/18 7  RT RS QC  Smurfit Kappa 50  15,901   35.420  34.040    -1.380 -4  1,104,502 -87  
          RT RS QC  Dalata Hotel 50  78,773   7.150  7.030    -0.120 -2  1,095,050 -59  
100 -3 -77 
short 7/23/18   3/11/19 231  RT RS QC  Aryzta 50  189,717   2.886  1.030 8.086  5.200 180  2,081,654 409  
          RT RS QC  Ryanair 50  37,760   14.500  12.790 16.439  1.939 13  2,154,855 22  
100 97 191 
long 3/11/19   5/13/19 63  RT RS QC  Glanbia 50  58,051   18.560  16.050    -2.510 -14  2,009,147 -57  
          RT RS QC  Irish Residential 50  701,451   1.536  1.590    0.054 4  2,047,026 22  
100 -5 -26 
short 5/13/19  11/04/19 175  RT RS QC  Aryzta 50  858,651   1.192  0.770 1.847  0.655 55  2,609,013 149  
          RT RS QC  Ryanair 50  98,509   10.390  13.440 7.340  -3.050 -29  2,308,560 -52  
100 13 29 
long 11/04/19  12/23/19 49  RT RS QC  Flutter 50  12,532   92.100  106.100    14.000 15  2,484,008 187  
          RT RS QC  Ryanair 50  85,890   13.440  14.450    1.010 8  2,570,757 72  
100 11 123 
short 12/23/19   1/06/20 14  RT RS QC  Glanbia 50  125,280   10.260  10.470 10.050  -0.210 -2  2,544,449 -42  
          RT RS QC  Origin Enterprises 50  347,401   3.700  3.840 3.560  -0.140 -4  2,495,812 -63  
100 -3 -54 
long 1/06/20   1/13/20 7  RT RS QC  Flutter 50  11,308   110.350  110.350    0.000 0  2,495,812 0  
          RT RS QC  Ryanair 50  85,948   14.520  14.520    0.000 0  2,495,812 0  
100 0 0 
short 1/13/20   1/20/20 7  RT RS QC  Glanbia 50  119,188   10.470  10.470 10.470  0.000 0  2,495,812 0  
          RT RS QC  Origin Enterprises 50  324,977   3.840  3.840 3.840  0.000 0  2,495,812 0  
100 0 0 
L/Sdate buy date selldays instrumentsplpieces prc buyprc sellps shortprc diffd %assetyield 
long 1/20/20   1/27/20 7  RT RS QC  Flutter 50  11,308   110.350  105.450    -4.900 -4  2,440,403 -91  
          RT RS QC  Ryanair 50  85,948   14.520  14.720    0.200 1  2,457,593 104  
100 -2 -55 
short 1/27/20   6/22/20 147  RT RS QC  Origin Enterprises 50  328,555   3.740  2.660 5.259  1.519 41  2,956,504 133  
          RT RS QC  AIB 50  462,998   2.654  1.062 6.633  3.979 150  4,798,541 872  
100 95 427 
long 6/22/20   9/14/20 84  RT RS QC  Kingspan 50  42,389   56.600  70.150    13.550 24  5,372,912 154  
          RT RS QC  Flutter 50  19,034   126.050  128.100    2.050 2  5,411,932 7  
100 13 69 
short 9/14/20  11/09/20 56  RT RS QC  Bank of Ireland 50  1,494,183   1.811  2.420 1.202  -0.609 -34  4,501,974 -93  
          RT RS QC  AIB 50  2,660,733   1.017  1.135 0.899  -0.118 -12  4,188,008 -55  
100 -23 -81 
long 11/09/20   2/15/21 98  RT RS QC  Kingspan 50  26,406   79.300  54.500    -24.800 -31  3,533,139 -75  
          RT RS QC  Uniphar 50  872,505   2.400  2.620    0.220 9  3,725,090 39  
100 -11 -35 
short 2/15/21   3/01/21 14  RT RS QC  Kerry 50  17,554   106.100  106.000 106.200  0.100 0  3,726,847 2  
          RT RS QC  Kingspan 50  34,176   54.500  64.350 44.650  -9.850 -18  3,390,214 -99  
100 -9 -91 
long 3/01/21   6/21/21 112  RT RS QC  Total Produce 50  813,000   2.085  2.765    0.680 33  3,943,054 151  
          RT RS QC  AIB 50  819,685   2.068  2.247    0.179 9  4,089,777 31  
100 21 84 
short 6/21/21   1/02/23 560  RT RS QC  Kerry 50  18,855   108.450  84.240 139.618  31.168 29  4,677,446 18  
          RT RS QC  Greencoat Renewables 50  1,785,984   1.145  1.135 1.155  0.010 1  4,695,485 1  
100 15 9 
L/Sdate buy date selldays instrumentsplpieces prc buyprc sellps shortprc diffd %assetyield 
long 1/02/23   1/09/23 7  RT RS QC  AIB 50  649,265   3.616  3.744    0.128 4  4,778,591 513  
          RT RS QC  Malin 50  323,380   7.260  7.260    0.000 0  4,778,591 0  
100 2 150 
short 1/09/23   1/16/23 7  RT RS QC  Irish Residential 50  2,172,086   1.100  1.116 1.084  -0.016 -1  4,743,837 -53  
          RT RS QC  Glenveagh Properties 50  2,727,506   0.876  0.929 0.823  -0.053 -6  4,599,279 -96  
100 -4 -86 
long 1/16/23   4/03/23 77  RT RS QC  AIB 50  629,348   3.654  3.692    0.038 1  4,623,195 5  
          RT RS QC  Malin 50  316,755   7.260  6.900    -0.360 -5  4,509,163 -21  
100 -2 -9 
short 4/03/23   1/29/24 301  RT RS QC  Irish Residential 50  2,398,490   0.940  1.170 0.710  -0.230 -24  3,957,510 -29  
          RT RS QC  Uniphar 50  741,638   3.040  2.635 3.507  0.467 15  4,304,003 19  
100 -5 -5 
long 1/29/24   2/12/24 14  RT RS QC  Ryanair 50  110,020   19.560  19.990    0.430 2  4,351,312 76  
          RT RS QC  Cairn Homes 50  1,492,380   1.442  1.506    0.064 4  4,446,824 210  
100 3 134 
short 2/12/24   3/25/24 42  RT RS QC  permanent tsb 50  1,347,522   1.650  1.340 2.032  0.382 23  4,961,173 510  
          RT RS QC  Greencoat Renewables 50  2,585,363   0.860  0.865 0.855  -0.005 -1  4,948,247 -5  
100 11 153 
long 3/25/24   4/01/24 7  RT RS QC  Ryanair 50  118,209   20.930  21.030    0.100 0  4,960,067 28  
          RT RS QC  Cairn Homes 50  1,581,925   1.564  1.596    0.032 2  5,010,689 188  
100 1 92 
short 4/01/24   7/15/24 105  RT RS QC  permanent tsb 50  1,822,068   1.375  1.400 1.350  -0.025 -2  4,965,137 -6  
          RT RS QC  FD Technologies 50  175,198   14.300  16.900 11.700  -2.600 -18  4,509,623 -50  
100 -10 -31 
accum 1/30/06 7/15/246753 days out of 6781 invested (100%) 44,996 4,509,623 39  

Instrument Related Contribution
 instrumentL/Sdate buy date selldaysprc buyprc sellps shortprc diffd %spldi %total 
 Bank of Irelandshort  5/07/07  5/04/09728320.1018.605,508.825,188.72 1,620.9750810.48 
 long  5/25/09 11/02/0916129.9431.741.80 6.013.01 
 long 11/09/09 11/16/09740.6834.26-6.42 -15.78-7.89 
 short  5/24/10  6/14/102121.4224.6918.15-3.27 -15.27-7.63 
 short  6/28/10  1/03/1118921.6310.3545.2023.57 108.9954.49 
 short  3/21/11  3/28/1178.917.5910.461.55 17.398.70 
 short  4/25/11  1/02/122527.442.5521.7114.27 191.7695.88 
 short  5/21/12  8/27/12982.612.492.740.13 4.822.41 
 long  9/09/13 10/14/13357.086.96-0.12 -1.69-0.85 
 long 10/28/13 11/25/13287.688.040.36 4.692.34 
 long 12/02/13  4/14/141338.348.25-0.09 -1.08-0.54 
 short  6/06/16 10/03/161197.805.4811.113.31 42.4721.23 
 short 10/10/16  1/02/17845.407.053.75-1.65 -30.56-15.28 
 short  9/14/20 11/09/20561.812.421.20-0.61 -33.63-16.812,217.91 
 Fyffesshort  4/24/06  8/28/061262.061.452.930.87 42.0721.03 
 short  3/05/07  4/16/07421. 2.751.38 
 short  5/07/07  5/04/097281.030.273.962.93 284.33142.17 
 short  5/24/10  6/14/10210.350.340.360.01 2.991.49 
 short  6/28/10  1/03/111890.330.340.32-0.01 -4.24-2.12 
 long  1/02/17  1/30/17282.262.24-0.02 -0.80-0.40 
 long  2/06/17  2/16/17102.242.240.00 0.000.00194.00 
 Aryztashort  6/08/15  8/10/156311.2110.8911.540.33 2.911.45 
 short  8/17/15 11/30/1510510.9710.3911.590.62 5.612.81 
 short 12/07/15  1/04/162810.6010.6510.55-0.05 -0.47-0.24 
 short  1/18/16  5/30/161339.348.849.860.52 5.592.79 
 short  1/30/17  2/06/1776.116.285.93-0.18 -2.92-1.46 
 short  3/27/17  4/24/17286.787.026.53-0.25 -3.63-1.82 
 short  6/19/17 12/11/171756.907.186.62-0.28 -4.09-2.04 
 short  7/23/18  3/11/192312.891.038.095.20 180.1990.10 
 short  5/13/19 11/04/191751.190.771.850.65 54.9127.45145.62 
 instrumentL/Sdate buy date selldaysprc buyprc sellps shortprc diffd %spldi %total 
 Smurfit Kappalong  5/25/09 11/02/091613.785.251.47 38.8919.44 
 long 11/09/09 11/16/0975.926.100.19 3.131.56 
 long  2/08/10  2/15/1076.326.28-0.04 -0.63-0.32 
 long  3/22/10  5/24/10635.666.430.77 13.606.80 
 long  6/14/10  6/28/10146.907.260.36 5.222.61 
 short  5/21/12  8/27/12985.556.554.55-1.00 -18.02-9.01 
 long  8/27/12  6/17/132946.5512.275.72 87.3343.66 
 long  7/29/13  8/05/13714.3015.150.85 5.942.97 
 long  9/09/13 10/14/133515.9517.021.07 6.713.35 
 long 10/28/13 11/25/132817.2117.550.34 1.980.99 
 long 12/02/13  4/14/1413317.2417.01-0.23 -1.33-0.67 
 long  7/16/18  7/23/18735.4234.04-1.38 -3.90-1.9581.34 
 AIBshort  1/27/20  6/22/201472.651.066.633.98 149.9174.95 
 short  9/14/20 11/09/20561.021.140.90-0.12 -11.60-5.80 
 long  3/01/21  6/21/211122.072.250.18 8.664.33 
 long  1/02/23  1/09/2373.623.740.13 3.541.77 
 long  1/16/23  4/03/23773.653.690.04 1.040.5275.89 
 C&C Grouplong  1/30/06  4/24/06845.666.080.42 7.423.71 
 long  8/28/06  3/05/071898.579.631.07 12.436.22 
 long  2/08/10  2/15/1072.682.710.03 1.040.52 
 short  6/17/13  7/29/13424.234.104.370.14 3.241.62 
 short  8/05/13  9/09/13354.144.294.00-0.14 -3.48-1.74 
 short 10/14/13 10/28/13144.204.014.400.20 4.792.40 
 short  4/14/14  1/19/152804.483.326.041.56 34.8617.43 
 short  6/19/17 12/11/171753.332.833.920.59 17.638.81 
 short 12/25/17  1/01/1872.922.852.990.07 2.351.1846.37 
 instrumentL/Sdate buy date selldaysprc buyprc sellps shortprc diffd %spldi %total 
 Origin Enterpriseslong  1/03/11  3/21/11773.183.830.65 20.4710.24 
 long  3/28/11  4/25/11283.833.900.07 1.960.98 
 long  4/24/17  6/19/17567.456.90-0.55 -7.38-3.69 
 short 12/23/19  1/06/20143.703.843.56-0.14 -3.78-1.89 
 short  1/13/20  1/20/2073.843.843.840.00 0.000.00 
 short  1/27/20  6/22/201473.742.665.261.52 40.6020.3026.53 
 FBDlong  1/30/06  4/24/068431.7933.051.26 3.961.98 
 short  3/05/07  4/16/074235.7838.1433.42-2.36 -6.60-3.30 
 short  5/18/09  5/25/0976.837.056.61-0.22 -3.22-1.61 
 short 11/02/09 11/09/0976.676.906.44-0.23 -3.45-1.72 
 short 11/16/09  2/08/10846.886.007.891.01 14.677.33 
 short  2/15/10  3/22/10355.956.725.18-0.77 -12.94-6.47 
 long  7/29/13  8/05/13715.6016.651.05 6.733.37 
 short  6/08/15  8/10/15639.277.1212.082.81 30.2515.13 
 short  8/17/15 11/30/151056.906.856.950.05 0.700.35 
 short 12/07/15  1/04/16286.826.607.040.22 3.291.64 
 short  1/18/16  5/30/161336.446.536.35-0.09 -1.38-0.69 
 long 12/11/17 12/25/17149.9010.400.50 5.052.53 
 long  1/01/18  1/08/18710.1110.600.49 4.852.4221.17 
 Kerrylong  8/27/12  6/17/1329437.5842.254.67 12.436.21 
 short  1/30/17  2/06/17765.4265.8465.00-0.42 -0.64-0.32 
 short  2/15/21  3/01/2114106.10106.00106.200.10 0.090.05 
 short  6/21/21  1/02/23560108.4584.24139.6231.17 28.7414.3721.14 
 Total Producelong  5/30/16  6/06/1671.661.680.02 1.200.60 
 long 10/03/16 10/10/1671.611.620.01 0.430.22 
 long  1/02/17  1/30/17281.971.84-0.13 -6.36-3.18 
 long 12/11/17 12/25/17142.542.550.01 0.390.20 
 long  3/01/21  6/21/211122.092.770.68 32.6116.3113.76 
 instrumentL/Sdate buy date selldaysprc buyprc sellps shortprc diffd %spldi %total 
 Unipharlong 11/09/20  2/15/21982.402.620.22 9.174.58 
 short  4/03/23  1/29/243013.042.643.510.47 15.377.6812.62 
 Datalexshort  1/08/18  7/16/181893.152.553.890.74 23.5311.7711.77 
 Cairn Homeslong  1/29/24  2/12/24141.441.510.06 4.442.22 
 long  3/25/24  4/01/2471.561.600.03 
 Irish Continentallong  4/16/07  5/07/07212.082.140.06 2.691.34 
 short  5/18/09  5/25/0971. 3.021.512.87 
 Greencoat Renewablesshort  6/21/21  1/02/235601. 0.880.44 
 short  2/12/24  3/25/24420.860.870.86-0.01 -0.58-0.290.15 
 Green REITshort  3/27/17  4/24/17281.331.361.30-0.03 -2.03-1.02-1.02 
 CRHshort  6/17/13  7/29/134215.6315.9915.27-0.36 -2.32-1.16 
 long 10/03/16 10/10/16729.5530.220.67 2.271.13 
 long  2/06/17  3/27/174932.6931.94-0.75 -2.29-1.15-1.19 
 Malinlong  1/02/23  1/09/2377.267.260.00 0.000.00 
 long  1/16/23  4/03/23777.266.90-0.36 -4.96-2.48-2.48 
 Flutterlong  3/22/10  5/24/106325.5124.59-0.92 -3.61-1.80 
 long  1/02/12  5/21/1214045.1050.014.91 10.895.44 
 short  8/05/13  9/09/133561.0061.2060.80-0.20 -0.33-0.16 
 short 10/14/13 10/28/131456.9656.5057.420.46 0.810.41 
 short 11/25/13 12/02/13756.0756.4555.69-0.38 -0.68-0.34 
 short  4/14/14  1/19/1528053.5966.3540.83-12.76 -23.81-11.91 
 long 11/30/15 12/07/157120.05122.001.95 1.620.81 
 long  1/04/16  1/18/1614123.35119.90-3.45 -2.80-1.40 
 long  5/30/16  6/06/167117.75120.702.95 2.511.25 
 long 11/04/19 12/23/194992.10106.1014.00 15.207.60 
 long  1/06/20  1/13/207110.35110.350.00 0.000.00 
 long  1/20/20  1/27/207110.35105.45-4.90 -4.44-2.22 
 long  6/22/20  9/14/2084126.05128.102.05 1.630.81-2.72 
 instrumentL/Sdate buy date selldaysprc buyprc sellps shortprc diffd %spldi %total 
 Glenveagh Propertiesshort  1/09/23  1/16/2370.880.930.82-0.05 -6.05-3.03-3.03 
 Glanbiashort  2/15/10  3/22/10352.402.602.20-0.20 -8.33-4.17 
 long  6/14/10  6/28/10143.283.10-0.18 -5.34-2.67 
 long  3/28/11  4/25/11284.354.540.19 4.392.20 
 long  1/19/15  6/08/1514013.8517.423.57 25.7812.89 
 short 12/25/17  1/01/18714.7614.9014.62-0.14 -0.95-0.47 
 short  1/08/18  7/16/1818914.2215.5512.89-1.33 -9.35-4.68 
 long  3/11/19  5/13/196318.5616.05-2.51 -13.52-6.76 
 short 12/23/19  1/06/201410.2610.4710.05-0.21 -2.05-1.02 
 short  1/13/20  1/20/20710.4710.4710.470.00 0.000.00-5.79 
 permanent tsbshort  6/06/16 10/03/161192.062.171.95-0.11 -5.25-2.62 
 short 10/10/16  1/02/17842.182.761.60-0.58 -26.61-13.30 
 short  2/12/24  3/25/24421.651.342.030.38 23.1311.57 
 short  4/01/24  7/15/241051.381.401.35-0.02 -1.82-0.91-6.67 
 Kingspanlong  8/28/06  3/05/0718914.1019.255.15 36.5218.26 
 long  5/04/09  5/18/09144.634.660.03 0.540.27 
 long  1/03/11  3/21/11777.556.33-1.22 -16.16-8.08 
 long  8/10/15  8/17/15722.7322.820.09 0.400.20 
 long  4/24/17  6/19/175630.4730.10-0.37 -1.21-0.61 
 long  6/22/20  9/14/208456.6070.1513.55 23.9411.97 
 long 11/09/20  2/15/219879.3054.50-24.80 -31.27-15.64 
 short  2/15/21  3/01/211454.5064.3544.65-9.85 -18.07-9.04-6.73 
 Dalata Hotellong 11/30/15 12/07/1575.155.13-0.02 -0.39-0.19 
 long  1/04/16  1/18/16145.384.93-0.45 -8.36-4.18 
 long  1/01/18  1/08/1876.316.01-0.30 -4.68-2.34 
 long  7/16/18  7/23/1877.157.03-0.12 -1.68-0.84-7.39 
 instrumentL/Sdate buy date selldaysprc buyprc sellps shortprc diffd %spldi %total 
 FD Technologiesshort  4/01/24  7/15/2410514.3016.9011.70-2.60 -18.18-9.09-9.09 
 Irish Residentiallong  3/11/19  5/13/19631.541.590.05 3.521.76 
 short  1/09/23  1/16/2371.101.121.08-0.02 -1.45-0.73 
 short  4/03/23  1/29/243010.941.170.71-0.23 -24.47-12.23-11.34 
 Ryanairshort  4/24/06  8/28/061263.343.712.97-0.37 -11.09-5.55 
 long  4/16/07  5/07/07216.085.42-0.66 -10.86-5.43 
 long  5/04/09  5/18/09143.373.34-0.03 -0.83-0.42 
 short 11/02/09 11/09/0972.902.912.88-0.01 -0.52-0.26 
 short 11/16/09  2/08/10842.983.402.56-0.42 -14.09-7.05 
 short  3/21/11  3/28/1173.253.273.23-0.02 -0.68-0.34 
 short  4/25/11  1/02/122523.373.782.95-0.41 -12.30-6.15 
 long  1/02/12  5/21/121403.784.040.26 6.883.44 
 short 11/25/13 12/02/1375.836.115.56-0.28 -4.75-2.37 
 long  1/19/15  6/08/151409.7311.661.93 19.849.92 
 long  8/10/15  8/17/15712.7812.71-0.07 -0.59-0.29 
 short  7/23/18  3/11/1923114.5012.7916.441.94 13.376.68 
 short  5/13/19 11/04/1917510.3913.447.34-3.05 -29.36-14.68 
 long 11/04/19 12/23/194913.4414.451.01 7.513.76 
 long  1/06/20  1/13/20714.5214.520.00 0.000.00 
 long  1/20/20  1/27/20714.5214.720.20 1.380.69 
 long  1/29/24  2/12/241419.5619.990.43 2.201.10 
 long  3/25/24  4/01/24720.9321.030.10 0.480.24-17.73 

2/21/24ISEQ 20Component update: FD Technologies and Kenmare replace CRH and Flutter
7/10/17Bank of Irelandreverse split 30:1 (one for thirty)
9/14/15ISEQ 20complete analysis
9/12/15ISEQ 20market adjustment to index:
Irish Residential and permanent tsb replace Air Lingus and Dragon Oil