RS Chart
Assessment - Straits Times Index - 7/01/24 - RS = 21
  instrument freshest Δday 7/01/24 Δwk 2/05/24  prc diff Δ21  Curr ∅-RS
real-time RS chart chart L add note STI 3,235.380  8/12 -0.81 3,338.570 -3.09 3,134.290 204.280 6.52  SGD 3.13 
real-time RS chart chart L add note Yangzijiang Ship 2.380  8/12 -4.03 2.400 -0.83 1.610 0.790 49.07  SGD 50.17 
real-time RS chart chart L add note SATS 3.030  8/12 -0.98 2.860 5.94 2.810 0.050 1.78  SGD 10.47 
real-time RS chart chart add note OCBC 13.830  8/12 0.29 14.500 -4.62 12.810 1.690 13.19  SGD 8.37 
real-time RS chart chart L add note United Overseas Bank 29.290  8/12 0.58 31.300 -6.42 28.390 2.910 10.25  SGD 7.07 
real-time RS chart chart add note DBS Bank 33.980  8/12 1.22 36.120 -5.92 31.850 4.270 13.41  SGD 6.27 
real-time RS chart chart L add note Singtel 2.840  8/12 -2.74 2.760 2.90 2.380 0.380 15.97  SGD 5.73 
real-time RS chart chart add note ST Engineering 4.250  8/12 0.71 4.290 -0.93 3.750 0.540 14.40  SGD 3.43 
real-time RS chart chart add note Venture Corporation 13.780  8/12 -0.72 14.280 -3.50 13.670 0.610 4.46  SGD 2.11 
real-time RS chart chart add note Singapore Airlines 5.900  8/12 0.34 6.880 -14.24 6.840 0.040 0.58  SGD 1.08 
real-time RS chart chart add note CapitaLand ICT 2.100  8/12 0.96 1.960 7.14 1.960 0.000 0.00  SGD 0.99 
real-time RS chart chart L add note Singapore Exchange 9.770  8/12 -0.51 9.390 4.05 9.430 -0.040 -0.42  SGD 0.28 
real-time RS chart chart S add note Sembcorp Industries 4.630  8/12 -2.53 4.860 -4.73 5.670 -0.810 -14.29  SGD -3.66 
real-time RS chart chart L add note Hongkong Land 3.400  8/12 1.80 3.240 4.94 3.190 0.050 1.57  USD -3.94 
real-time RS chart chart S add note Keppel 5.950  8/12 0.34 6.440 -7.61 7.100 -0.660 -9.30  SGD -4.45 
real-time RS chart chart S add note Mapletree Industrial 2.220  8/12 -0.89 2.110 5.21 2.420 -0.310 -12.81  SGD -5.05 
real-time RS chart chart S add note Genting 0.795  8/12 -2.45 0.845 -5.92 1.010 -0.165 -16.34  SGD -5.31 
real-time RS chart chart L add note Jardine Cycle & Carr 26.030  8/12 1.21 26.460 -1.63 26.430 0.030 0.11  SGD -5.33 
real-time RS chart chart S add note CapitaLand Ascendas 2.630  8/12 -0.75 2.540 3.54 2.790 -0.250 -8.96  SGD -6.16 
real-time RS chart chart L add note ThaiBev 0.480  8/12 -4.00 0.445 7.87 0.510 -0.065 -12.75  SGD -8.96 
real-time RS chart chart L add note CapitaLand Invest 2.520  8/12 0.80 2.650 -4.91 2.870 -0.220 -7.67  SGD -10.68 
real-time RS chart chart add note Emperador 0.430  8/12 0.430 0.505 -0.075 -14.85  SGD -10.89 
real-time RS chart chart S add note Wilmar International 3.040  8/12 -0.98 3.090 -1.62 3.250 -0.160 -4.92  SGD -12.13 
real-time RS chart chart S add note Jardine Matheson 36.180  8/12 1.63 35.440 2.09 41.680 -6.240 -14.97  USD -12.67 
real-time RS chart chart add note Mapletree Pan Asia 1.220  8/12 -0.81 1.240 -1.61 1.380 -0.140 -10.14  USD -12.99 
  instrument freshest Δday 7/01/24 Δwk 2/05/24  prc diff Δ21  Curr ∅-RS
real-time RS chart chart S add note Frasers L&C Trust 0.985  8/12 -1.50 0.945 4.23 1.090 -0.145 -13.30  SGD -13.08 
real-time RS chart chart S add note UOL 5.310  8/12 -0.19 5.240 1.34 6.080 -0.840 -13.82  SGD -13.48 
real-time RS chart chart S add note Mapletree Logistics 1.260  8/12 -0.79 1.300 -3.08 1.500 -0.200 -13.33  SGD -14.55 
real-time RS chart chart L add note DFI Retail 1.860  8/12 5.68 1.910 -2.62 2.040 -0.130 -6.37  USD -15.02 
real-time RS chart chart S add note City Developments 5.200  8/12 0.97 5.250 -0.95 5.930 -0.680 -11.47  SGD -15.56 
real-time RS chart chart L add note Seatrium 1.400  8/12 -1.41 1.440 -2.78 1.920 -0.480 -25.00  SGD -21.69 
 STI - 30 out of 30 instruments rated - 7/01/24 / 2/05/24 - 11 did rise, Market-Ratio(21) = 36.67 % 
Technical Chart
STI RS = 21 - B/S = 15/20
Market Chart
1/06/20 scale up chart 7/01/24

Transactions Straits Times Index * S21 - 15/20 (1)
L/Sdate buy date selldays instrumentsplpieces Currprc buyprc sellps shortprc diffd %assetyield 
1/02/06 2/18/08 777    - cash -
short 2/18/08   3/31/08 42  RT RS QC  UOL 100  2,583  SGD 3.870  3.860 3.880  0.010 0  10,026 2  
3/31/08 7/14/08 105    - cash -
  7/14/08   7/28/08 14  RT RS QC  Yangzijiang Ship 100  12,226  SGD 0.820  0.785 0.857  0.037 4  10,473 212  
7/28/08 8/18/08 21    - cash -
  8/18/08   3/16/09 210  RT RS QC  Yangzijiang Ship 100  16,892  SGD 0.620  0.380 1.012  0.392 63  17,088 134  
3/16/09 6/13/11 819    - cash -
  6/13/11   6/27/11 14  RT RS QC  CapitaLand 100  6,213  SGD 2.750  2.910 2.590  -0.160 -6  16,094 -79  
6/27/11 8/15/11 49    - cash -
  8/15/11  10/31/11 77  RT RS QC  Yangzijiang Ship 100  14,242  SGD 1.130  0.945 1.351  0.221 20  19,244 133  
10/31/11 11/14/11 14    - cash -
  11/14/11   1/02/12 49  RT RS QC  Noble Group 100  17,182  SGD 1.120  1.130 1.110  -0.010 -1  19,073 -6  
1/02/12 9/02/13 609    - cash -
  9/02/13   9/09/13 7  RT RS QC  Jardine Cycle & Carr 100  557  SGD 34.220  33.460 34.997  0.777 2  19,506 223  
9/09/13 9/30/13 21    - cash -
  9/30/13  10/21/13 21  RT RS QC  Jardine Cycle & Carr 100  511  SGD 38.150  36.800 39.550  1.400 4  20,221 87  
10/21/13 10/13/14 357    - cash -
  10/13/14  10/27/14 14  RT RS QC  Genting 100  18,466  SGD 1.095  1.040 1.153  0.058 5  21,290 283  
10/27/14 8/17/15 294    - cash -
  8/17/15   1/18/16 154  RT RS QC  Noble Group 100  46,791  SGD 0.455  0.275 0.753  0.298 65  35,224 230  
1/18/16 6/25/18 889    - cash -
  6/25/18   7/09/18 14  RT RS QC  StarHub 100  21,609  SGD 1.630  1.740 1.520  -0.110 -7  32,847 -84  
7/09/18 9/10/18 63    - cash -
  9/10/18  10/01/18 21  RT RS QC  HPH 100  99,537  SGD 0.330  0.345 0.315  -0.015 -5  31,354 -55  
10/01/18 10/15/18 14    - cash -
  10/15/18  11/12/18 28  RT RS QC  Golden Agri 100  133,422  SGD 0.235  0.245 0.225  -0.010 -4  30,020 -43  
11/12/18 3/16/20 490    - cash -
  3/16/20   8/10/20 147  RT RS QC  HPH 100  196,209  SGD 0.153  0.140 0.167  0.014 9  32,806 25  
8/10/20 10/17/22 798    - cash -
  10/17/22  11/07/22 21  RT RS QC  SATS 100  12,061  SGD 2.720  2.700 2.740  0.020 1  33,049 14  
11/07/22 10/23/23 350    - cash -
  10/23/23  11/06/23 14  RT RS QC  Venture Corporation 100  2,886  SGD 11.450  12.340 10.560  -0.890 -8  30,480 -88  
11/06/23 12/22/24 412    - cash -
accum 2/18/08 11/06/23847 days out of 6929 invested (12%) 205 30,480 62  

Instrument Related Contribution
 instrumentL/Sdate buy date selldaysprc buyprc sellps shortprc diffd %total 
 Yangzijiang Shipshort  7/14/08  7/28/08140.820.790.860.04 4.46 
   8/18/08  3/16/092100.620.381.010.39 63.16 
   8/15/11 10/31/11771.130.951.350.22 19.58103.81 
 Noble Group 11/14/11  1/02/12491.121.131.11-0.01 -0.89 
   8/17/15  1/18/161540.460.280.750.30 65.4563.97 
 Jardine Cycle & Carr  9/02/13  9/09/13734.2233.4635.000.78 2.27 
   9/30/13 10/21/132138.1536.8039.551.40 3.676.02 
 Genting 10/13/14 10/27/14141. 5.295.29 
 HPH  9/10/18 10/01/18210.330.350.32-0.02 -4.55 
   3/16/20  8/10/201470. 9.284.31 
 SATS 10/17/22 11/07/22212.722.702.740.02 0.740.74 
 UOL  2/18/08  3/31/08423.873.863.880.01 0.260.26 
 Golden Agri 10/15/18 11/12/18280.240.250.23-0.01 -4.26-4.26 
 CapitaLand  6/13/11  6/27/11142.752.912.59-0.16 -5.82-5.82 
 StarHub  6/25/18  7/09/18141.631.741.52-0.11 -6.75-6.75 
 Venture Corporation 10/23/23 11/06/231411.4512.3410.56-0.89 -7.77-7.77 

5/07/24Seatriumreverse split 20:1 (one for twenty)
3/12/24STIComponent update: Seatrium (former Sembcorp Marine) replaces Keppel DC REIT
12/07/20CapitaLand Mallmergered with CMT
1/17/18STIJardine Strategic and Venture Corporation replace Global Logistic and SIA Engineering Company
10/31/16STICapitaCom Trust and Jardine Matheson replace Noble and Sembcorp Marine
2/02/16STIfull technique analysis performed
9/21/15STISATS, UOL and Yangzijiang Shipbuilding replace
Jardine Matheson, Jardine Strategic and Olam
9/04/15STIcomplete analysis