RS Chart
Assessment - Swiss Leader Index - 7/01/24 - RS = 15
  instrument freshest Δday 7/01/24 Δwk 3/18/24  prc diff Δ15   ∅-RS
real-time RS chart chart L add note SLI® PR 1,985.460  7/15 -0.86 1,951.640 1.73 1,904.510 47.130 2.47   8.66 
real-time RS chart chart L add note ABB 51.700  7/15 -0.27 50.380 2.62 42.300 8.080 19.10   36.38 
real-time RS chart chart L add note Givaudan 4,290.000  7/15 -1.94 4,302.000 -0.28 4,066.000 236.000 5.80   29.21 
real-time RS chart chart add note VAT 519.000  7/15 0.89 505.800 2.61 459.000 46.800 10.20   27.25 
real-time RS chart chart L add note Logitech 82.680  7/15 -0.14 87.200 -5.18 78.500 8.700 11.08   26.21 
real-time RS chart chart add note Holcim 83.820  7/15 0.82 79.900 4.91 77.460 2.440 3.15   23.04 
real-time RS chart chart add note UBS 27.910  7/15 -0.36 26.980 3.45 28.060 -1.080 -3.85   17.63 
real-time RS chart chart add note Schindler 228.800  7/15 -1.46 226.200 1.15 234.300 -8.100 -3.46   13.94 
real-time RS chart chart L add note Richemont 137.050  7/15 -4.16 140.550 -2.49 142.050 -1.500 -1.06   12.79 
real-time RS chart chart add note Swiss Re 110.900  7/15 0.09 112.400 -1.33 114.600 -2.200 -1.92   12.30 
real-time RS chart chart L add note Alcon 80.700  7/15 -1.25 80.180 0.65 75.040 5.140 6.85   11.19 
real-time RS chart chart L add note Geberit 550.800  7/15 -1.01 529.200 4.08 527.000 2.200 0.42   10.57 
real-time RS chart chart add note Swiss Life 676.800  7/15 0.09 669.200 1.14 630.400 38.800 6.15   8.91 
real-time RS chart chart L add note Sonova 274.000  7/15 -1.19 280.300 -2.25 268.300 12.000 4.47   8.87 
real-time RS chart chart add note Lonza 516.200  7/15 -0.35 488.400 5.69 478.000 10.400 2.18   8.38 
real-time RS chart chart L add note Zurich Insurance 480.500  7/15 -0.29 482.800 -0.48 485.500 -2.700 -0.56   8.25 
real-time RS chart chart add note Partners 1,243.500  7/15 -0.16 1,147.500 8.37 1,295.000 -147.500 -11.39   5.68 
real-time RS chart chart L add note Novartis 99.100  7/15 -0.96 96.720 2.46 85.530 11.190 13.08   5.45 
real-time RS chart chart add note SGS 81.580  7/15 -0.97 80.100 1.85 84.900 -4.800 -5.65   2.35 
real-time RS chart chart add note Sika 261.100  7/15 -1.66 255.100 2.35 264.700 -9.600 -3.63   1.52 
real-time RS chart chart add note Lindt PS 10,650.000  7/15 0.28 10,550.000 0.95 10,960.000 -410.000 -3.74   0.94 
real-time RS chart chart L add note Roche 258.700  7/15 1.53 250.100 3.44 229.600 20.500 8.93   0.61 
real-time RS chart chart L add note Julius Bär 52.220  7/15 0.08 51.040 2.31 49.780 1.260 2.53   -1.55 
real-time RS chart chart add note Kühne & Nagel 256.700  7/15 -0.47 261.500 -1.84 238.900 22.600 9.46   -2.54 
real-time RS chart chart L add note Nestlé 93.140  7/15 -1.61 91.880 1.37 94.690 -2.810 -2.97   -4.40 
  instrument freshest Δday 7/01/24 Δwk 3/18/24  prc diff Δ15   ∅-RS
real-time RS chart chart add note Swisscom 526.000  7/15 0.10 508.500 3.44 526.600 -18.100 -3.44   -5.27 
real-time RS chart chart add note Temenos 65.500  7/15 0.15 62.500 4.80 63.680 -1.180 -1.85   -11.08 
real-time RS chart chart S add note Adecco 30.160  7/15 -0.66 30.140 0.07 35.390 -5.250 -14.83   -12.52 
real-time RS chart chart S add note Straumann 116.700  7/15 -0.81 112.700 3.55 143.750 -31.050 -21.60   -16.75 
real-time RS chart chart S add note Swatch 170.700  7/15 -9.78 184.950 -7.70 206.900 -21.950 -10.61   -17.63 
real-time RS chart chart L add note ams-OSRAM 1.294  7/15 -3.79 1.247 3.73 1.088 0.160 14.67   -38.40 
 SLI - 30 out of 30 instruments rated - 7/01/24 / 3/18/24 - 15 did rise, Market-Ratio(15) = 50.00 % 
Stock Exchange Currency: CHF ₣ Swiss Franc
Technical Chart
SLI RS = 15 - B/S = 80/60
Market Chart
1/06/20 scale up chart 7/01/24

Transactions Swiss Leader Index * L15 - 80/60 (1)
L/Sdate buy date selldays instrumentsplpieces prc buyprc sellprc diffd %assetyield 
1/02/06 9/04/06 245    - cash -
long 9/04/06   6/11/07 280  RT RS QC  Sika 100  385   25.917  40.867    14.950 58  15,756 81  
6/11/07 6/18/07 7    - cash -
  6/18/07   7/23/07 35  RT RS QC  Actelion 100  262   60.000  65.550    5.550 9  17,210 152  
7/23/07 6/15/09 693    - cash -
  6/15/09   1/25/10 224  RT RS QC  Sonova 100  197   87.350  133.300    45.950 53  26,262 99  
1/25/10 2/22/10 28    - cash -
  2/22/10   5/17/10 84  RT RS QC  Clariant 100  2,292   11.454  13.664    2.210 19  31,327 115  
5/17/10 10/18/10 154    - cash -
  10/18/10   3/14/11 147  RT RS QC  Richemont 100  652   48.000  51.100    3.100 6  33,349 17  
3/14/11 12/05/11 266    - cash -
  12/05/11   4/16/12 133  RT RS QC  Sonova 100  347   96.000  100.000    4.000 4  34,737 12  
4/16/12 8/27/12 133    - cash -
  8/27/12  11/19/12 84  RT RS QC  Actelion 100  779   44.550  43.950    -0.600 -1  34,269 -6  
11/19/12 12/10/12 21    - cash -
  12/10/12   6/03/13 175  RT RS QC  Richemont 100  464   73.700  83.700    10.000 14  38,909 30  
6/03/13 9/23/13 112    - cash -
  9/23/13   4/14/14 203  RT RS QC  Lonza 100  521   74.550  83.300    8.750 12  43,468 22  
4/14/14 11/24/14 224    - cash -
  11/24/14  12/15/14 21  RT RS QC  Actelion 100  393   110.600  111.900    1.300 1  43,979 23  
12/15/14 3/30/15 105    - cash -
  3/30/15   6/08/15 70  RT RS QC  Julius Bär 100  887   49.550  50.800    1.250 3  45,088 14  
6/08/15 12/07/15 182    - cash -
  12/07/15  12/14/15 7  RT RS QC  Vifor Pharma 100  297   151.500  146.600    -4.900 -3  43,632 -82  
12/14/15 10/10/16 301    - cash -
  10/10/16  11/07/16 28  RT RS QC  Sika 100  557   78.200  79.267    1.067 1  44,226 19  
11/07/16 2/13/17 98    - cash -
  2/13/17   8/21/17 189  RT RS QC  Sika 100  490   90.083  111.583    21.500 24  54,761 51  
8/21/17 10/16/17 56    - cash -
  10/16/17   2/05/18 112  RT RS QC  Lonza 100  206   264.600  247.800    -16.800 -6  51,300 -19  
2/05/18 3/04/19 392    - cash -
  3/04/19   6/03/19 91  RT RS QC  Swiss Life 100  117   435.900  455.900    20.000 5  53,640 20  
6/03/19 7/08/19 35    - cash -
  7/08/19   7/29/19 21  RT RS QC  Swiss Life 100  109   490.100  490.100    0.000 0  53,640 0  
7/29/19 9/16/19 49    - cash -
  9/16/19  10/07/19 21  RT RS QC  ams-OSRAM 100  1,140   47.030  44.370    -2.660 -6  50,608 -64  
10/07/19 11/18/19 42    - cash -
  11/18/19   2/24/20 98  RT RS QC  ams-OSRAM 100  1,124   45.000  36.770    -8.230 -18  41,358 -53  
2/24/20 6/29/20 126    - cash -
  6/29/20   9/21/20 84  RT RS QC  Logitech 100  681   60.680  65.540    4.860 8  44,667 40  
9/21/20 11/16/20 56    - cash -
  11/16/20   9/20/21 308  RT RS QC  Logitech 100  591   75.560  88.520    12.960 17  52,327 21  
9/20/21 1/09/23 476    - cash -
  1/09/23   3/20/23 70  RT RS QC  Richemont 100  388   134.750  136.600    1.850 1  53,044 7  
3/20/23 4/03/23 14    - cash -
  4/03/23   5/01/23 28  RT RS QC  Richemont 100  364   145.450  146.950    1.500 1  53,590 14  
5/01/23 7/27/24 453    - cash -
accum 9/04/06 5/01/232513 days out of 6781 invested (37%) 436 53,590 28  

Instrument Related Contribution
 instrumentL/Sdate buy date selldaysprc buyprc sellprc diffd %total 
 Sikalong  9/04/06  6/11/0728025.9240.8714.95 57.68 
  10/10/16 11/07/162878.2079.271.07 1.36 
   2/13/17  8/21/1718990.08111.5821.50 23.8797.98 
 Sonova  6/15/09  1/25/1022487.35133.3045.95 52.60 
  12/05/11  4/16/1213396.00100.004.00 4.1758.96 
 Logitech  6/29/20  9/21/208460.6865.544.86 8.01 
  11/16/20  9/20/2130875.5688.5212.96 17.1526.53 
 Richemont 10/18/10  3/14/1114748.0051.103.10 6.46 
  12/10/12  6/03/1317573.7083.7010.00 13.57 
   1/09/23  3/20/2370134.75136.601.85 1.37 
   4/03/23  5/01/2328145.45146.951.50 1.0323.83 
 Clariant  2/22/10  5/17/108411.4513.662.21 19.2919.29 
 Actelion  6/18/07  7/23/073560.0065.555.55 9.25 
   8/27/12 11/19/128444.5543.95-0.60 -1.35 
  11/24/14 12/15/1421110.60111.901.30 1.189.05 
 Lonza  9/23/13  4/14/1420374.5583.308.75 11.74 
  10/16/17  2/05/18112264.60247.80-16.80 -6.354.64 
 Swiss Life  3/04/19  6/03/1991435.90455.9020.00 4.59 
   7/08/19  7/29/1921490.10490.100.00 0.004.59 
 Julius Bär  3/30/15  6/08/157049.5550.801.25 2.522.52 
 Vifor Pharma 12/07/15 12/14/157151.50146.60-4.90 -3.23-3.23 
 ams-OSRAM  9/16/19 10/07/192147.0344.37-2.66 -5.66 
  11/18/19  2/24/209845.0036.77-8.23 -18.29-22.91 

4/12/23SGSstock split 1:25 (twentyfive for one)
4/20/22Straumannstock split 1:10 (ten for one)
11/13/18SLIams and Temenos replaced Aryzta and Bâloise
8/13/18SLILogitech replaced Lindt & Sprüngli
6/19/18Sikastock split 1:60 (sixty for one)
5/31/17SLILindt & Sprüngli and Partners Group replace Actelion and Syngenta
4/05/16SLITransocean was replaced by Dufry
9/15/15SLIcomplete analysis