RS Chart
Assessment - Automotive Industry - 1/07/24 - RS = 26
  instrument freshest Δday 1/07/24 Δwk 1/01/24  prc diff Δ26  Curr ∅-RS
real-time RS chart chart add note SOM Automotive 467.073  12/08 -0.24 515.720 -9.43 487.016 28.704 5.89  USD 3.18 
real-time RS chart chart add note Autoliv 1,003.400  12/08 0.10 1,139.800 -11.97 1,108.000 31.800 2.87  SEK 5.89 
real-time RS chart chart add note Bajaj Auto 9,710.850  12/08 -0.56 9,532.400 1.87 6,797.250 2,735.150 40.24  INR 60.07 
real-time RS chart chart S add note BMW 78.980  12/08 -0.90 89.140 -11.40 100.780 -11.640 -11.55  EUR -12.27 
real-time RS chart chart add note Bridgestone 5,582.000  9/08 -1.33 6,295.000 -11.33 5,840.000 455.000 7.79  JPY 5.28 
real-time RS chart chart L add note BYD Company 213.600  12/08 -0.28 232.000 -7.93 214.400 17.600 8.21  HKD 5.14 
real-time RS chart chart L add note Cdn Tire 149.260  12/08 -0.17 135.740 9.96 140.720 -4.980 -3.54  CAD -6.95 
real-time RS chart chart S add note Continental 58.860  12/08 0.34 53.040 10.97 76.920 -23.880 -31.05  EUR -17.95 
real-time RS chart chart add note Daimler Truck 33.000  12/08 -0.87 37.230 -11.36 34.020 3.210 9.44  EUR 6.15 
real-time RS chart chart S add note Denso 2,109.000  9/08 -0.19 2,527.000 -16.54 2,127.000 400.000 18.81  JPY -4.88 
real-time RS chart chart L add note Eicher Motors 4,808.800  12/08 -0.45 4,635.550 3.74 4,143.500 492.050 11.88  INR 30.64 
real-time RS chart chart add note Ferrari 385.700  12/08 382.200 0.92 305.200 77.000 25.23  EUR 18.71 
real-time RS chart chart S add note Ford Motor 9.860  12/08 -2.38 12.760 -22.73 12.190 0.570 4.68  USD -2.45 
real-time RS chart chart add note Forvia 9.166  12/08 0.17 11.500 -20.30 20.420 -8.920 -43.68  EUR -29.56 
real-time RS chart chart L add note General Motors 42.990  12/08 -1.13 46.680 -7.90 35.920 10.760 29.96  USD 30.39 
real-time RS chart chart L add note Great Wall Motor 22.210  12/08 -0.31 25.280 -12.14 25.220 0.060 0.24  CNY -0.27 
real-time RS chart chart L add note GS Yuasa 2,358.000  9/08 2.70 3,153.000 -25.21 1,985.000 1,168.000 58.84  JPY 24.21 
real-time RS chart chart add note Hella 86.300  12/08 0.23 85.900 0.47 82.500 3.400 4.12  EUR 10.07 
real-time RS chart chart S add note Hino Motors 446.500  9/08 -0.42 422.600 5.66 463.400 -40.800 -8.80  JPY -18.25 
real-time RS chart chart add note Honda Motor 1,420.000  9/08 -0.14 1,760.500 -19.34 1,466.000 294.500 20.09  JPY 1.39 
real-time RS chart chart add note Hyundai Mobis 218,500.000  12/08 2.82 247,500.000 -11.72 237,000.000 10,500.000 4.43  KRW 1.84 
real-time RS chart chart L add note Hyundai Motor 243,500.000  12/08 0.21 286,000.000 -14.86 203,500.000 82,500.000 40.54  KRW 34.51 
real-time RS chart chart add note Isuzu Motors 2,021.500  9/08 0.50 2,219.500 -8.92 1,816.000 403.500 22.22  JPY 3.81 
real-time RS chart chart add note Iveco 8.642  12/08 -0.21 10.635 -18.74 8.146 2.489 30.55  EUR 13.05 
real-time RS chart chart add note Kia 102,100.000  12/08 0.20 128,600.000 -20.61 100,000.000 28,600.000 28.60  KRW 37.80 
  instrument freshest Δday 1/07/24 Δwk 1/01/24  prc diff Δ26  Curr ∅-RS
real-time RS chart chart S add note LG Energy Solution 328,500.000  12/08 2.02 347,000.000 -5.33 429,500.000 -82,500.000 -19.21  KRW -22.61 
real-time RS chart chart S add note Li Auto 77.000  12/08 -1.79 70.300 9.53 139.400 -69.100 -49.57  HKD -42.82 
real-time RS chart chart S add note Magna 52.280  12/08 -1.88 57.340 -8.82 78.290 -20.950 -26.76  CAD -19.18 
real-time RS chart chart L add note Mahindra & Mahindra 2,717.650  12/08 -1.15 2,875.850 -5.50 1,729.400 1,146.450 66.29  INR 71.22 
real-time RS chart chart add note Maruti Suzuki 12,273.200  12/08 0.40 12,108.700 1.36 10,302.300 1,806.400 17.53  INR 19.59 
real-time RS chart chart S add note Mazda Motor 1,114.500  9/08 1.32 1,562.500 -28.67 1,523.500 39.000 2.56  JPY -9.32 
real-time RS chart chart S add note Mercedes-Benz 57.480  12/08 -0.57 64.800 -11.30 62.550 2.250 3.60  EUR -4.70 
real-time RS chart chart add note Michelin 34.340  12/08 0.41 36.100 -4.88 32.460 3.640 11.21  EUR 18.67 
real-time RS chart chart S add note Mitsubishi Motors 386.000  9/08 1.05 457.900 -15.70 449.000 8.900 1.98  JPY -16.70 
real-time RS chart chart S add note Nissan Motor 410.200  9/08 -0.56 552.400 -25.74 554.200 -1.800 -0.32  JPY -11.22 
real-time RS chart chart S add note Nokian Tyres 7.982  12/08 -0.84 7.850 1.68 8.258 -0.408 -4.94  EUR -4.64 
real-time RS chart chart add note Opmobility 8.540  12/08 -1.16 9.300 -8.17 12.000 -2.700 -22.50  EUR -22.39 
real-time RS chart chart add note Paccar 92.170  12/08 -0.74 101.840 -9.50 97.650 4.190 4.29  USD 12.78 
real-time RS chart chart add note Pirelli 5.246  12/08 0.50 5.616 -6.59 4.927 0.689 13.98  EUR 19.13 
real-time RS chart chart S add note Porsche 65.680  12/08 -0.97 69.360 -5.31 79.900 -10.540 -13.19  EUR -21.17 
real-time RS chart chart add note Renault 40.250  12/08 -0.72 48.250 -16.58 36.905 11.345 30.74  EUR 24.45 
real-time RS chart chart S add note SAIC Motor Corp 13.740  12/08 -0.87 13.860 -0.87 13.530 0.330 2.44  CNY -1.22 
real-time RS chart chart S add note Schaeffler 4.646  12/08 0.17 5.345 -13.08 5.595 -0.250 -4.47  EUR -2.90 
real-time RS chart chart S add note Stellantis 13.980  12/08 -0.57 18.634 -24.98 21.150 -2.516 -11.90  EUR -3.30 
real-time RS chart chart add note Suzuki Motor 1,626.000  9/08 0.31 1,833.500 -11.32 1,508.250 325.250 21.56  JPY 16.13 
real-time RS chart chart add note Tata Motors 1,076.150  12/08 0.75 1,002.050 7.39 779.950 222.100 28.48  INR 33.28 
real-time RS chart chart add note Tesla Motors 197.490  12/08 -1.26 209.860 -5.89 248.480 -38.620 -15.54  USD -12.07 
real-time RS chart chart add note Toyota 2,447.500  9/08 -0.14 3,284.000 -25.47 2,590.500 693.500 26.77  JPY 6.66 
real-time RS chart chart add note Traton 26.700  12/08 30.700 -13.03 21.320 9.380 44.00  EUR 32.61 
real-time RS chart chart add note Valeo 9.400  12/08 -0.95 10.045 -6.42 13.915 -3.870 -27.81  EUR -28.87 
  instrument freshest Δday 1/07/24 Δwk 1/01/24  prc diff Δ26  Curr ∅-RS
real-time RS chart chart S add note Vitesco Technologies 52.050  12/08 -0.10 59.850 -13.03 78.200 -18.350 -23.47  EUR -19.51 
real-time RS chart chart add note Volvo 255.700  12/08 -0.12 273.400 -6.47 261.350 12.050 4.61  SEK 6.58 
real-time RS chart chart S add note Volkswagen 93.500  12/08 -0.47 106.050 -11.83 111.800 -5.750 -5.14  EUR -8.53 
real-time RS chart chart add note Xinyi Glass 7.550  12/08 -0.13 8.560 -11.80 8.760 -0.200 -2.28  HKD -5.84 
real-time RS chart chart add note Yokohama Rubber 3,085.000  9/08 2.88 3,589.000 -14.04 3,233.000 356.000 11.01  JPY 5.54 
 Automotive - 54 out of 54 instruments rated - 1/07/24 / 1/01/24 - 35 did rise, Market-Ratio(26) = 64.81 % 
Technical Chart
Automotive RS = 26 - B/S = 65/45
Market Chart
6/01/20 scale up chart 1/07/24

Transactions Automotive Industry * A26 - 65/45 (1)
L/Sdate buy date selldays instrumentsplpieces Currprc buyprc sellps shortprc diffd %assetyield 
2/01/06 3/07/06 182    - cash -
short 3/07/06  20/11/06 140  RT RS QC  Kia 100  655  KRW 15.250  14.500 16.039  0.789 5  10,517 14  
long 20/11/06  12/11/07 357  RT RS QC  SAIC Motor Corp 100  2,214  CNY 4.750  16.530    11.780 248  36,598 258  
short 12/11/07  27/04/09 532  RT RS QC  Grammer 100  2,273  EUR 16.100  4.770 54.342  38.242 238  123,521 130  
long 27/04/09  30/05/11 763  RT RS QC  Ford Motor 100  24,172  USD 5.110  14.920    9.810 192  360,648 67  
short 30/05/11   6/02/12 252  RT RS QC  Mitsubishi Motors 100  38,448  JPY 9.380  9.620 9.140  -0.240 -3  351,421 -4  
long 6/02/12  23/07/12 168  RT RS QC  Hino Motors 100  66,810  JPY 5.260  5.200    -0.060 -1  347,412 -2  
short 23/07/12  19/11/12 119  RT RS QC  Peugeot 100  64,574  EUR 5.380  3.865 7.489  2.109 39  483,586 176  
long 19/11/12  18/08/14 637  RT RS QC  Montupet 100  73,159  EUR 6.610  48.590    41.980 635  3,554,801 214  
short 18/08/14  26/01/15 161  RT RS QC  Nokian Tyres 100  145,843  EUR 24.374  22.648 26.232  1.858 8  3,825,704 18  
long 26/01/15  17/08/15 203  RT RS QC  Maruti Suzuki 100  10,601  INR 360.865  454.235    93.370 26  4,815,519 51  
short 17/08/15  28/03/16 224  RT RS QC  Tata Motors 100  135,286  INR 35.595  36.325 34.865  -0.730 -2  4,716,761 -3  
long 28/03/16   4/04/16 7  RT RS QC  Hankook Tire 100  83,779  KRW 56.300  52.600    -3.700 -7  4,406,778 -97  
short 4/04/16   8/08/16 126  RT RS QC  Leoni 100  152,906  EUR 28.820  33.340 24.300  -4.520 -16  3,715,643 -39  
long 8/08/16  12/09/16 35  RT RS QC  Grammer 100  79,140  EUR 46.950  53.230    6.280 13  4,212,642 270  
short 12/09/16  10/10/16 28  RT RS QC  Mitsubishi Motors 100  854,491  JPY 4.930  4.890 4.970  0.040 1  4,247,078 11  
long 10/10/16  24/10/16 14  RT RS QC  Grammer 100  77,360  EUR 54.900  51.820    -3.080 -6  4,008,810 -78  
short 24/10/16   7/11/16 14  RT RS QC  Mitsubishi Motors 100  826,558  JPY 4.850  5.850 3.850  -1.000 -21  3,182,252 -100  
long 7/11/16  21/08/17 287  RT RS QC  Grammer 100  61,161  EUR 52.030  43.220    -8.810 -17  2,643,423 -21  
short 21/08/17  25/09/17 35  RT RS QC  Nemak 100  176,110  MXN 15.010  14.440 15.603  0.592 4  2,747,768 50  
long 25/09/17  23/04/18 210  RT RS QC  Fiat Chrysler 100  186,289  EUR 14.750  19.680    4.930 33  3,666,173 65  
short 23/04/18  22/04/19 364  RT RS QC  Tata Motors 100  109,749  INR 33.405  23.485 47.515  14.110 42  5,214,753 42  
long 22/04/19  13/05/19 21  RT RS QC  Kia 100  121,840  KRW 42.800  42.350    -0.450 -1  5,159,925 -17  
short 13/05/19  11/11/19 182  RT RS QC  Leoni 100  300,344  EUR 17.180  12.620 23.388  6.208 36  7,024,371 86  
long 11/11/19   2/03/20 112  RT RS QC  Schaeffler 100  710,968  EUR 9.880  7.914    -1.966 -20  5,626,608 -51  
short 2/03/20   7/09/20 189  RT RS QC  Renault 100  219,446  EUR 25.640  25.160 26.129  0.489 2  5,733,961 4  
L/Sdate buy date selldays instrumentsplpieces Currprc buyprc sellps shortprc diffd %assetyield 
long 7/09/20  20/09/21 378  RT RS QC  Tesla Motors 100  41,121  USD 139.440  243.390    103.950 75  10,008,489 71  
short 20/09/21  15/11/21 56  RT RS QC  Valeo 100  479,104  EUR 20.890  28.330 13.450  -7.440 -36  6,443,955 -94  
long 15/11/21  29/11/21 14  RT RS QC  Tata Motors 100  127,489  INR 50.545  46.145    -4.400 -9  5,883,003 -91  
short 29/11/21  17/01/22 49  RT RS QC  ElringKlinger 100  547,765  EUR 10.740  12.660 8.820  -1.920 -18  4,831,295 -77  
long 17/01/22   7/02/22 21  RT RS QC  Ford Motor 100  191,794  USD 25.190  17.880    -7.310 -29  3,429,280 -100  
short 7/02/22   5/09/22 210  RT RS QC  Hankook Tire 100  97,561  KRW 35.150  39.600 30.700  -4.450 -13  2,995,134 -21  
long 5/09/22  26/09/22 21  RT RS QC  Mitsubishi Motors 100  519,988  JPY 5.760  5.830    0.070 1  3,031,533 23  
short 26/09/22   3/04/23 189  RT RS QC  Forvia 100  243,301  EUR 12.460  20.390 4.530  -7.930 -64  1,102,156 -86  
long 3/04/23  30/10/23 210  RT RS QC  Iveco 100  129,848  EUR 8.488  8.048    -0.440 -5  1,045,023 -9  
short 30/10/23  12/02/24 105  RT RS QC  Lucid 100  256,762  USD 4.070  3.590 4.614  0.544 13  1,184,753 55  
long 12/02/24  12/08/24 182  RT RS QC  Bajaj Auto 100  1,513  INR 782.995  971.085    188.090 24  1,469,333 54  
accum 3/07/06 12/08/246727 days out of 6909 invested (97%) 14,593 1,469,333 31  

Instrument Related Contribution
 instrumentL/Sdate buy date selldaysprc buyprc sellps shortprc diffd %total 
 Montupetlong 19/11/12 18/08/146376.6148.5941.98 635.10635.10 
 SAIC Motor Corplong 20/11/06 12/11/073574.7516.5311.78 248.00248.00 
 Grammershort 12/11/07 27/04/0953216.104.7754.3438.24 237.53 
 long  8/08/16 12/09/163546.9553.236.28 13.38 
 long 10/10/16 24/10/161454.9051.82-3.08 -5.61 
 long  7/11/16 21/08/1728752.0343.22-8.81 -16.93200.04 
 Ford Motorlong 27/04/09 30/05/117635.1114.929.81 191.98 
 long 17/01/22  7/02/222125.1917.88-7.31 -29.02107.25 
 Tesla Motorslong  7/09/20 20/09/21378139.44243.39103.95 74.5574.55 
 Peugeotshort 23/07/12 19/11/121195.383.877.492.11 39.2039.20 
 Fiat Chryslerlong 25/09/17 23/04/1821014.7519.684.93 33.4233.42 
 Tata Motorsshort 17/08/15 28/03/1622435.6036.3334.87-0.73 -2.05 
 short 23/04/18 22/04/1936433.4123.4947.5214.11 42.24 
 long 15/11/21 29/11/211450.5546.15-4.40 -8.7127.19 
 Maruti Suzukilong 26/01/15 17/08/15203360.87454.2493.37 25.8725.87 
 Bajaj Autolong 12/02/24 12/08/24182783.00971.09188.09 24.0224.02 
 Leonishort  4/04/16  8/08/1612628.8233.3424.30-4.52 -15.68 
 short 13/05/19 11/11/1918217.1812.6223.396.21 36.1314.78 
 Lucidshort 30/10/23 12/02/241054.073.594.610.54 13.3713.37 
 Nokian Tyresshort 18/08/14 26/01/1516124.3722.6526.231.86 7.627.62 
 Kiashort  3/07/06 20/11/0614015.2514.5016.040.79 5.17 
 long 22/04/19 13/05/192142.8042.35-0.45 -1.054.07 
 Nemakshort 21/08/17 25/09/173515.0114.4415.600.59 3.953.95 
 Renaultshort  2/03/20  7/09/2018925.6425.1626.130.49 1.911.91 
 Hino Motorslong  6/02/12 23/07/121685.265.20-0.06 -1.14-1.14 
 instrumentL/Sdate buy date selldaysprc buyprc sellps shortprc diffd %total 
 Ivecolong  3/04/23 30/10/232108.498.05-0.44 -5.18-5.18 
 ElringKlingershort 29/11/21 17/01/224910.7412.668.82-1.92 -17.88-17.88 
 Hankook Tirelong 28/03/16  4/04/16756.3052.60-3.70 -6.57 
 short  7/02/22  5/09/2221035.1539.6030.70-4.45 -12.66-18.40 
 Schaefflerlong 11/11/19  2/03/201129.887.91-1.97 -19.90-19.90 
 Mitsubishi Motorsshort 30/05/11  6/02/122529.389.629.14-0.24 -2.56 
 short 12/09/16 10/10/16284.934.894.970.04 0.82 
 short 24/10/16  7/11/16144.855.853.85-1.00 -20.62 
 long  5/09/22 26/09/22215.765.830.07 1.22-21.07 
 Valeoshort 20/09/21 15/11/215620.8928.3313.45-7.44 -35.62-35.62 
 Forviashort 26/09/22  3/04/2318912.4620.394.53-7.93 -63.64-63.64 

28/03/24Suzuki Motorstock split 1:4 (four for one)
28/09/23Densostock split 1:4 (four for one)
 Honda Motorstock split 1:3 (three for one)
25/08/22Tesla Motorsstock split 1:3 (three for one)
16/06/22Michelinstock split 1:4 (four for one)
4/04/22Hellaacquired by Faurecia
29/09/21Toyotastock split 1:5 (five for one)
16/09/21Continentalspin-off drive technology: one additional Vitesco for five Continental
29/06/18Autolivspin-off of Veoneer
21/12/17Mahindra & Mahindrastock split 1:2 (two for one)
6/06/16Valeostock split 1:3 (three for one)
4/06/16Schaefflermoves from SDAX to MDAX (2016-06-20)
18/01/16AutoindustrieMontupet drops out (acquisition by Linamar)
21/12/15Schaefflerentry (SDAX)
2/11/15Pirellidrops out due to acquisition by CNCC
14/03/15Automotivecompletely re-analyzed, excellent performing Mixed Cut