RS Chart
Assessment - Automotive Suppliers - 1/07/24 - RS = 49
  instrument freshest Δday 1/07/24 Δwk 24/07/23  prc diff Δ49  Curr ∅-RS
real-time RS chart chart S add note SOM Auto Suppliers 246.607  12/08 0.08 268.913 -8.29 299.418 -30.505 -10.19  USD -3.14 
real-time RS chart chart L add note GS Yuasa 2,358.000  9/08 2.70 3,153.000 -25.21 2,829.500 323.500 11.43  JPY 24.21 
real-time RS chart chart add note Pirelli 5.246  12/08 0.50 5.616 -6.59 4.700 0.916 19.49  EUR 19.13 
real-time RS chart chart add note Michelin 34.340  12/08 0.41 36.100 -4.88 28.660 7.440 25.96  EUR 18.67 
real-time RS chart chart add note Hella 86.300  12/08 0.23 85.900 0.47 73.000 12.900 17.67  EUR 10.07 
real-time RS chart chart add note Autoliv 1,003.400  12/08 0.10 1,139.800 -11.97 1,063.000 76.800 7.22  SEK 5.89 
real-time RS chart chart add note Yokohama Rubber 3,085.000  9/08 2.88 3,589.000 -14.04 3,104.000 485.000 15.63  JPY 5.54 
real-time RS chart chart add note Bridgestone 5,582.000  9/08 -1.33 6,295.000 -11.33 5,792.000 503.000 8.68  JPY 5.28 
real-time RS chart chart add note Hyundai Mobis 218,500.000  12/08 2.82 247,500.000 -11.72 240,000.000 7,500.000 3.13  KRW 1.84 
real-time RS chart chart S add note Schaeffler 4.646  12/08 0.17 5.345 -13.08 5.900 -0.555 -9.41  EUR -2.90 
real-time RS chart chart S add note Nokian Tyres 7.982  12/08 -0.84 7.850 1.68 8.270 -0.420 -5.08  EUR -4.64 
real-time RS chart chart S add note Denso 2,109.000  9/08 -0.19 2,527.000 -16.54 2,410.750 116.250 4.82  JPY -4.88 
real-time RS chart chart add note Xinyi Glass 7.550  12/08 -0.13 8.560 -11.80 11.240 -2.680 -23.84  HKD -5.84 
real-time RS chart chart L add note Cdn Tire 149.260  12/08 -0.17 135.740 9.96 185.820 -50.080 -26.95  CAD -6.95 
real-time RS chart chart S add note Continental 58.860  12/08 0.34 53.040 10.97 73.500 -20.460 -27.84  EUR -17.95 
real-time RS chart chart S add note Magna 52.280  12/08 -1.88 57.340 -8.82 82.200 -24.860 -30.24  CAD -19.18 
real-time RS chart chart S add note Vitesco Technologies 52.050  12/08 -0.10 59.850 -13.03 77.150 -17.300 -22.42  EUR -19.51 
real-time RS chart chart add note Opmobility 8.540  12/08 -1.16 9.300 -8.17 19.120 -9.820 -51.36  EUR -22.39 
real-time RS chart chart S add note LG Energy Solution 328,500.000  12/08 2.02 347,000.000 -5.33 597,000.000 -250,000.000 -41.88  KRW -22.61 
real-time RS chart chart add note Valeo 9.400  12/08 -0.95 10.045 -6.42 21.480 -11.435 -53.24  EUR -28.87 
real-time RS chart chart add note Forvia 9.166  12/08 0.17 11.500 -20.30 24.870 -13.370 -53.76  EUR -29.56 
 Auto Suppliers - 20 out of 20 instruments rated - 1/07/24 / 24/07/23 - 9 did rise, Market-Ratio(49) = 45.00 % 
Technical Chart
Auto Suppliers RS = 49 - B/S = 33/17
Market Chart
6/01/20 scale up chart 1/07/24

Transactions Automotive Suppliers * A49 - 33/17 (1)
L/Sdate buy date selldays instrumentsplpieces Currprc buyprc sellps shortprc diffd %assetyield 
2/01/06 3/03/08 791    - cash -
short 3/03/08   7/09/09 553  RT RS QC  Forvia 100  289  EUR 34.500  9.820 121.207  86.707 251  35,058 129  
long 7/09/09  14/11/11 798  RT RS QC  Opmobility 100  21,468  EUR 1.633  6.219    4.586 281  133,510 84  
short 14/11/11  30/01/12 77  RT RS QC  Forvia 100  7,646  EUR 17.460  18.475 16.445  -1.015 -6  125,750 -25  
long 30/01/12   4/06/12 126  RT RS QC  Bertrandt 100  2,287  EUR 54.980  52.020    -2.960 -5  118,980 -15  
short 4/06/12  16/07/12 42  RT RS QC  Forvia 100  9,412  EUR 12.640  12.290 13.000  0.360 3  122,369 28  
long 16/07/12   8/02/16 1302  RT RS QC  Continental 100  2,055  EUR 59.533  149.667    90.134 151  307,593 29  
short 8/02/16   7/03/16 28  RT RS QC  Leoni 100  10,601  EUR 29.015  30.500 27.530  -1.485 -5  291,851 -50  
long 7/03/16   8/10/18 945  RT RS QC  Grammer 100  8,704  EUR 33.530  45.600    12.070 36  396,908 13  
short 8/10/18  23/09/19 350  RT RS QC  Valeo 100  12,384  EUR 32.050  28.840 35.617  3.567 11  441,086 12  
long 23/09/19   7/10/19 14  RT RS QC  Hyundai Mobis 100  1,753  KRW 251.500  244.000    -7.500 -3  427,938 -55  
short 7/10/19  21/10/19 14  RT RS QC  STS 100  94,676  EUR 4.520  4.450 4.591  0.071 2  434,670 50  
long 21/10/19  24/02/20 126  RT RS QC  Valeo 100  13,345  EUR 32.570  25.260    -7.310 -22  337,118 -52  
short 24/02/20   7/12/20 287  RT RS QC  STS 100  71,423  EUR 4.720  4.790 4.650  -0.070 -1  332,118 -2  
long 7/12/20   7/03/22 455  RT RS QC  Opmobility 100  11,572  EUR 28.700  15.550    -13.150 -46  179,946 -39  
short 7/03/22  12/09/22 189  RT RS QC  Nokian Tyres 100  12,830  EUR 14.025  11.530 17.060  3.035 22  218,884 46  
long 12/09/22  19/09/22 7  RT RS QC  Yokohama Rubber 100  9,208  JPY 23.770  23.160    -0.610 -3  213,267 -74  
short 19/09/22   6/02/23 140  RT RS QC  Forvia 100  14,308  EUR 14.905  18.825 10.985  -3.920 -26  157,180 -55  
long 6/02/23  12/08/24 553  RT RS QC  Autoliv 100  165  SEK 947.200  1,003.400    56.200 6  166,453 4  
accum 3/03/08 12/08/246091 days out of 6882 invested (89%) 1,565 166,453 18  

Instrument Related Contribution
 instrumentL/Sdate buy date selldaysprc buyprc sellps shortprc diffd %total 
 Continentallong 16/07/12  8/02/16130259.53149.6790.13 151.40151.40 
 Forviashort  3/03/08  7/09/0955334.509.82121.2186.71 251.32 
 short 14/11/11 30/01/127717.4618.4816.45-1.02 -5.81 
 short  4/06/12 16/07/124212.6412.2913.000.36 2.85 
 short 19/09/22  6/02/2314014.9118.8310.99-3.92 -26.30150.82 
 Opmobilitylong  7/09/09 14/11/117981.636.224.59 280.83 
 long  7/12/20  7/03/2245528.7015.55-13.15 -45.82106.34 
 Grammerlong  7/03/16  8/10/1894533.5345.6012.07 36.0036.00 
 Nokian Tyresshort  7/03/22 12/09/2218914.0311.5317.063.03 21.6421.64 
 Autolivlong  6/02/23 12/08/24553947.201,003.4056.20 5.935.93 
 STSshort  7/10/19 21/10/19144.524.454.590.07 1.57 
 short 24/02/20  7/12/202874.724.794.65-0.07 -1.480.07 
 Yokohama Rubberlong 12/09/22 19/09/22723.7723.16-0.61 -2.57-2.57 
 Hyundai Mobislong 23/09/19  7/10/1914251.50244.00-7.50 -2.98-2.98 
 Leonishort  8/02/16  7/03/162829.0230.5027.53-1.49 -5.12-5.12 
 Bertrandtlong 30/01/12  4/06/1212654.9852.02-2.96 -5.38-5.38 
 Valeoshort  8/10/18 23/09/1935032.0528.8435.623.57 11.13 
 long 21/10/19 24/02/2012632.5725.26-7.31 -22.44-13.81 

28/09/23Densostock split 1:4 (four for one)
16/06/22Michelinstock split 1:4 (four for one)
4/04/22Hellaacquired by Faurecia
16/09/21Continentalspin-off drive technology: one additional Vitesco for five Continental
29/06/18Autolivspin-off of Veoneer
10/02/17Auto Suppliersmachine learning processed for all techniques
6/06/16Valeostock split 1:3 (three for one)
4/06/16Schaefflermoves from SDAX to MDAX (2016-06-20)
21/12/15Schaefflerentry (SDAX)
2/11/15Pirellidrops out due to acquisition by CNCC
13/03/15Auto Suppliersfirst full analysis, Best Long and Short do not cooperate, so the Alternating seems to be the best way.