Fri, Oct 25th, 2024, 19:33UTC
Portfolio Development

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World * Best Practice * Alternating in € start 2011 (invest/signal = 5 %, rating invest = 50 %)
date B/S market l/s instrument pieces price prc short corresponding invest divest prf/loss acc p/l ∑ invest asset total
1/03/11 Buy ISEQ 20 long Kingspan 331.13 7.550   3/21/11 6.330 2,500        2,500 97,500 100,000
      Origin Enterprises 787.40 3.175   3/21/11 3.825 2,500        5,000 95,000  
1/17/11 Buy CAC 40 long Valeo 321.75 15.148   3/14/11 13.523 4,874        9,874 90,126  
    AEX Aalberts 323.85 15.050   3/28/11 16.715 4,874        14,748 85,252  
1/24/11 Buy IBEX 35 long Sacyr 847.86 5.462   2/28/11 7.082 4,631        19,379 80,621  
    Topix (TYO) short Resona 1,147.25 4.037   1/31/11 3.670 4,631        24,010 75,990  
1/31/11 Sell   short Resona 1,147.25 3.670 4.440 1/24/11 4.037 -4,631 5,094 463 463  19,379 81,084 100,463
  Buy SSE 50 long China Shipbuilding 4,614.60 0.983   2/21/11 0.981 4,538        23,917 76,546  
    Topix (TYO) Isuzu Motors 632.21 7.178   8/29/11 5.756 4,538        28,455 72,008  
2/07/11 Buy HSI short China Res Land 3,595.50 1.199   4/04/11 1.417 4,311        32,766 67,697  
    HSI-Fin China Life Ins HK 1,574.33 2.738   1/16/12 2.249 4,311        37,077 63,386  
    ÖkoDAX (deprecated) long CropEnergies 730.68 5.900   6/06/11 4.970 4,311        41,388 59,075  
    BSE Sensex 30 short Bharat Heavy 988.85 4.360   1/30/12 2.662 4,311        45,699 54,764  
    STI Wilmar International 1,421.74 3.032   3/28/11 3.080 4,311        50,010 50,453  
2/14/11 Buy OMXH 25 short Nokia 562.99 6.700   2/21/11 6.240 3,772        53,782 46,681  
    PSI 20 long Jerónimo Martins 314.99 11.975   2/21/11 11.500 3,772        57,554 42,909  
    GEX InVision 183.91 20.510   3/07/11 22.905 3,772        61,326 39,137  
2/21/11 Sell SSE 50 long China Shipbuilding 4,614.60 0.981   1/31/11 0.983 -4,538 4,525 -13 450  56,788 43,662 100,450
    OMXH 25 short Nokia 562.99 6.240 7.194 2/14/11 6.700 -3,772 4,050 278 728  53,016 47,712 100,728
    PSI 20 long Jerónimo Martins 314.99 11.500   2/14/11 11.975 -3,772 3,622 -150 579  49,244 51,335 100,579
  Buy SSE 50 short Shanghai Pudong 3,415.80 1.112   4/04/11 1.203 3,797        53,041 47,538  
    OMXH 25 long Metso 389.84 9.740   2/28/11 10.430 3,797        56,838 43,741  
    PSI 20 short Impresa 3,835.35 0.990   3/28/11 1.010 3,797        60,635 39,944  
    SMI long Richemont 89.22 42.559   2/28/11 41.624 3,797        64,432 36,147  
2/28/11 Sell IBEX 35 long Sacyr 847.86 7.082   1/24/11 5.462 -4,631 6,005 1,374 1,952  59,801 42,151 101,952
date B/S market l/s instrument pieces price prc short corresponding invest divest prf/loss acc p/l ∑ invest asset total
    OMXH 25 Metso 389.84 10.430   2/21/11 9.740 -3,797 4,066 269 2,221  56,004 46,217 102,221
    SMI Richemont 89.22 41.624   2/21/11 42.559 -3,797 3,714 -83 2,138  52,207 49,931 102,138
  Buy IBEX 35 short Banco Sabadell 1,503.56 2.528   3/21/11 2.535 3,801        56,008 46,130  
    OMXH 25 Nokia 624.14 6.090   12/26/11 3.720 3,801        59,809 42,329  
    SMI Roche 34.64 109.719   3/07/11 102.126 3,801        63,610 38,528  
    NZX 50 Heartland 8,918.35 0.426   4/25/11 0.391 3,801        67,411 34,727  
    Topix (FRA) Resona 936.21 4.060   7/11/11 3.532 3,801        71,212 30,926  
3/07/11 Sell SMI short Roche 34.64 102.126 117.876 2/28/11 109.719 -3,801 4,083 283 2,420  67,411 35,009 102,420
    GEX long InVision 183.91 22.905   2/14/11 20.510 -3,772 4,212 440 2,861  63,639 39,222 102,861
  Buy SMI Richemont 83.99 42.288   3/14/11 39.521 3,552        67,191 35,670  
    GEX short MeVis Medical 291.15 12.200   2/13/12 5.650 3,552        70,743 32,118  
3/14/11 Sell CAC 40 long Valeo 321.75 13.523   1/17/11 15.148 -4,874 4,351 -523 2,338  65,869 36,469 102,338
    SMI Richemont 83.99 39.521   3/07/11 42.288 -3,552 3,319 -232 2,105  62,317 39,788 102,105
  Buy CAC 40 short Carrefour 113.11 31.360   4/25/11 31.100 3,547        65,864 36,241  
    TecDAX SMA Solar 48.09 73.750   2/06/12 50.420 3,547        69,411 32,695  
    HSI-Prop China Ov Land & Inv 1,350.31 1.313   1/16/12 1.541 1,774        71,184 30,921  
      China Res Land 1,478.16 1.200   1/16/12 1.413 1,774        72,958 29,148  
    Nordic 30 Nokia 604.26 5.870   11/28/11 4.150 3,547        76,505 25,601  
    FT 30 Reckitt Benckiser 1.00 3,548.390   3/28/11 3,629.840 3,548        80,053 22,052  
    SMI Roche 35.06 101.160   5/02/11 110.747 3,547        83,600 18,506  
    Nikkei (FRA) Resona 521.62 3.400   1/09/12 3.458 1,774        85,373 16,732  
      Tokyo Electric Power 137.48 12.900   1/09/12 1.740 1,773        87,147 14,959  
    Nikkei (TYO) Resona 1,043.67 3.399   4/25/11 3.103 3,547        90,694 11,412  
3/21/11 Sell IBEX 35 short Banco Sabadell 1,503.56 2.535 2.521 2/28/11 2.528 -3,801 3,790 -11 2,095  86,893 15,202 102,095
    ISEQ 20 long Kingspan 331.13 6.330   1/03/11 7.550 -2,500 2,096 -404 1,691  84,393 17,298 101,691
date B/S market l/s instrument pieces price prc short corresponding invest divest prf/loss acc p/l ∑ invest asset total
      Origin Enterprises 787.40 3.825   1/03/11 3.175 -2,500 3,012 512 2,203  81,893 20,310 102,203
  Buy IBEX 35 Sacyr 422.11 7.254   4/04/11 7.471 3,062        84,955 17,248  
    ISEQ 20 short Bank of Ireland 171.83 8.910   3/28/11 7.590 1,531        86,486 15,717  
      Ryanair 470.93 3.251   3/28/11 3.273 1,531        88,017 14,186  
3/28/11 Sell AEX long Aalberts 323.85 16.715   1/17/11 15.050 -4,874 5,413 539 2,742  83,143 19,599 102,742
    ISEQ 20 short Bank of Ireland 171.83 7.590 10.460 3/21/11 8.910 -1,531 1,797 266 3,008  81,612 21,396 103,008
      Ryanair 470.93 3.273 3.229 3/21/11 3.251 -1,531 1,521 -10 2,998  80,081 22,917 102,998
    PSI 20 Impresa 3,835.35 1.010 0.970 2/21/11 0.990 -3,797 3,720 -77 2,921  76,284 26,637 102,921
    FT 30 Reckitt Benckiser 1.00 3,629.840 3,466.930 3/14/11 3,548.390 -3,548 3,467 -81 2,840  72,736 30,104 102,840
    STI Wilmar International 1,421.74 3.080 2.984 2/07/11 3.032 -4,311 4,243 -68 2,771  68,425 34,347 102,771
  Buy AEX Philips 154.51 22.180   1/02/12 16.490 3,427        71,852 30,920  
    ISEQ 20 long Glanbia 393.91 4.350   4/25/11 4.541 1,714        73,565 29,206  
      Origin Enterprises 447.97 3.825   4/25/11 3.900 1,713        75,279 27,493  
    PSI 20 Jerónimo Martins 303.54 11.290   4/11/11 11.320 3,427        78,706 24,066  
    STI Genting 2,954.31 1.160   5/02/11 1.158 3,427        82,133 20,639  
4/04/11 Sell SSE 50 short Shanghai Pudong 3,415.80 1.203 1.020 2/21/11 1.112 -3,797 3,484 -313 2,458  78,336 24,123 102,458
    HSI China Res Land 3,595.50 1.417 0.981 2/07/11 1.199 -4,311 3,527 -784 1,674  74,025 27,650 101,674
    IBEX 35 long Sacyr 422.11 7.471   3/21/11 7.254 -3,062 3,154 92 1,766  70,963 30,803 101,766
  Buy SSE 50 IM BaoTou Steel 10,937.29 0.303   5/23/11 0.268 3,314        74,277 27,489  
    HSI Galaxy Entertainment 3,068.52 1.080   8/01/11 1.948 3,314        77,591 24,175  
    IBEX 35 short Banco Sabadell 1,331.46 2.489   2/06/12 2.331 3,314        80,905 20,861  
    Athex LC Piraeus Financial 0.01 432,300.000   4/02/12 82,830.000 4,323        85,228 16,538  
4/11/11 Sell PSI 20 long Jerónimo Martins 303.54 11.320   3/28/11 11.290 -3,427 3,436 9 1,775  81,801 19,974 101,775
  Buy   short Teixeira Duarte 4,988.52 0.610   2/06/12 0.190 3,043        84,844 16,931  
    OBX 25 Frontline 39.40 77.243   1/16/12 17.878 3,043        87,887 13,888  
date B/S market l/s instrument pieces price prc short corresponding invest divest prf/loss acc p/l ∑ invest asset total
    OMXS 30 AstraZeneca 44.79 33.972   4/18/11 34.188 1,522        89,409 12,366  
      Nokia 255.02 5.966   4/18/11 6.088 1,522        90,930 10,845  
    FT 30 3i Group 10.06 302.376   5/02/11 315.356 3,042        93,972 7,803  
4/18/11 Sell OMXS 30 short AstraZeneca 44.79 34.188 33.756 4/11/11 33.972 -1,522 1,512 -10 1,765  92,450 9,315 101,765
      Nokia 255.02 6.088 5.844 4/11/11 5.966 -1,522 1,490 -31 1,734  90,929 10,805 101,734
  Buy   long Swedbank 107.69 13.061   5/30/11 12.341 1,407        92,335 9,399  
4/25/11 Sell CAC 40 short Carrefour 113.11 31.100 31.622 3/14/11 31.360 -3,547 3,577 30 1,764  88,788 12,976 101,764
    ISEQ 20 long Glanbia 393.91 4.541   3/28/11 4.350 -1,714 1,789 75 1,839  87,075 14,764 101,839
      Origin Enterprises 447.97 3.900   3/28/11 3.825 -1,713 1,747 34 1,873  85,361 16,511 101,873
    NZX 50 short Heartland 8,918.35 0.391 0.465 2/28/11 0.426 -3,801 4,144 343 2,216  81,560 20,656 102,216
    Nikkei (TYO) Resona 1,043.67 3.103 3.722 3/14/11 3.399 -3,547 3,885 338 2,554  78,013 24,541 102,554
  Buy ISEQ 20 Bank of Ireland 213.51 7.440   1/02/12 2.550 1,589        79,602 22,952  
      Ryanair 471.93 3.366   1/02/12 3.780 1,589        81,190 21,364  
    OMXC 20 Vestas Wind Systems 660.69 4.809   5/16/11 4.185 3,177        84,367 18,187  
    NZX 50 long a2 Milk 41,206.23 0.077   10/03/11 0.120 3,177        87,544 15,010  
    Nikkei (TYO) Screen 210.17 15.117   5/09/11 16.045 3,177        90,721 11,833  
5/02/11 Sell FT 30 short 3i Group 10.06 315.356 289.395 4/11/11 302.376 -3,042 2,911 -131 2,423  87,679 14,744 102,423
    STI long Genting 2,954.31 1.158   3/28/11 1.160 -3,427 3,422 -5 2,418  84,252 18,166 102,418
    SMI short Roche 35.06 110.747 91.573 3/14/11 101.160 -3,547 3,211 -336 2,082  80,706 21,377 102,082
  Buy STI Wilmar International 1,092.78 2.824   7/02/12 2.197 3,086        83,792 18,291  
    SMI long Richemont 70.55 43.745   5/09/11 42.905 3,086        86,878 15,204  
5/09/11 Sell   long Richemont 70.55 42.905   5/02/11 43.745 -3,086 3,027 -59 2,023  83,792 18,231 102,023
    Nikkei (TYO) Screen 210.17 16.045   4/25/11 15.117 -3,177 3,372 195 2,218  80,615 21,603 102,218
  Buy CAC 40 short Carrefour 100.93 30.665   2/06/12 18.345 3,095        83,710 18,508  
    TSX 60 BlackBerry 102.19 30.287   2/20/12 11.318 3,095        86,805 15,413  
date B/S market l/s instrument pieces price prc short corresponding invest divest prf/loss acc p/l ∑ invest asset total
    FT 30 Lloyds Bank 50.54 61.241   5/30/11 59.956 3,095        89,900 12,318  
    Nikkei (TYO) Tokyo Electric Power 749.16 4.131   2/13/12 1.953 3,095        92,995 9,223  
5/16/11 Sell OMXC 20 short Vestas Wind Systems 660.69 4.185 5.526 4/25/11 4.809 -3,177 3,651 474 2,692  89,818 12,874 102,692
  Buy   long Novonesis 122.04 23.673   5/30/11 23.619 2,889        92,707 9,985  
    CAC Mid 60 short Genfit 734.55 3.933   1/23/12 1.723 2,889        95,596 7,096  
5/23/11 Sell SSE 50 long IM BaoTou Steel 10,937.29 0.268   4/04/11 0.303 -3,314 2,928 -386 2,306  92,282 10,024 102,306
  Buy   short China Life 1,350.65 2.079   5/30/11 2.028 2,808        95,090 7,216  
    SDAX Heidelberger Druck 968.61 2.899   1/30/12 1.657 2,808        97,898 4,408  
    Indices Athex Large Cap 0.49 5,689.400   1/16/12 2,507.600 2,788        100,686 1,620  
5/30/11 Sell SSE 50 short China Life 1,350.65 2.028 2.131 5/23/11 2.079 -2,808 2,879 71 2,376  97,878 4,498 102,376
    OMXC 20 long Novonesis 122.04 23.619   5/16/11 23.673 -2,889 2,882 -7 2,370  94,989 7,381 102,370
    OMXS 30 Swedbank 107.69 12.341   4/18/11 13.061 -1,407 1,329 -78 2,292  93,582 8,710 102,292
    FT 30 short Lloyds Bank 50.54 59.956 62.554 5/09/11 61.241 -3,095 3,161 66 2,358  90,487 11,871 102,358
  Buy SSE 50 long China Northern Rare 1,182.00 2.415   6/06/11 2.742 2,855        93,342 9,016  
    BEL 20 short Galapagos 298.95 9.550   7/04/11 8.420 2,855        96,197 6,161  
    OMXC 20 Vestas Wind Systems 704.85 4.051   7/04/11 3.486 2,855        99,052 3,306  
    OMXS 30 Nokia 316.39 4.512   7/04/11 4.367 1,428        100,479 1,879  
      Telia Company 269.33 5.300   7/04/11 4.997 1,428        101,907 451  
6/06/11 Sell SSE 50 long China Northern Rare 1,182.00 2.742   5/30/11 2.415 -2,855 3,242 387 2,745  99,052 3,693 102,745
    ÖkoDAX (deprecated) CropEnergies 730.68 4.970   2/07/11 5.900 -4,311 3,631 -680 2,065  94,741 7,324 102,065
  Buy SSE 50 short China Rwy Constr 4,328.00 0.632   1/23/12 0.506 2,734        97,475 4,590  
    FT 30 Lloyds Bank 51.94 52.638   12/05/11 31.447 2,734        100,209 1,856  
6/27/11 Buy France short Carrefour 98.22 26.450   1/23/12 17.050 2,598        102,807 -741  
    MIB UnipolSai 506.43 5.130   11/05/12 0.935 2,598        105,405 -3,339  
    CAC Next 20 long Arkema 39.90 65.105   7/11/11 66.601 2,598        108,003 -5,937  
date B/S market l/s instrument pieces price prc short corresponding invest divest prf/loss acc p/l ∑ invest asset total
7/04/11 Sell BEL 20 short Galapagos 298.95 8.420 10.832 5/30/11 9.550 -2,855 3,238 383 2,449  105,148 -2,699 102,449
    OMXC 20 Vestas Wind Systems 704.85 3.486 4.707 5/30/11 4.051 -2,855 3,318 463 2,911  102,293 619 102,911
    OMXS 30 Nokia 316.39 4.367 4.661 5/30/11 4.512 -1,428 1,475 47 2,959  100,865 2,094 102,959
      Telia Company 269.33 4.997 5.622 5/30/11 5.300 -1,428 1,514 87 3,045  99,438 3,608 103,045
  Buy BEL 20 long Solvay 24.75 107.700   7/11/11 107.450 2,666        102,103 942  
    OMXC 20 Novonesis 114.69 23.246   7/11/11 23.100 2,666        104,769 -1,724  
7/11/11 Sell BEL 20 long Solvay 24.75 107.450   7/04/11 107.700 -2,666 2,659 -6 3,039  102,104 935 103,039
    OMXC 20 Novonesis 114.69 23.100   7/04/11 23.246 -2,666 2,649 -17 3,022  99,438 3,585 103,022
    Topix (FRA) short Resona 936.21 3.532 4.667 2/28/11 4.060 -3,801 4,369 568 3,590  95,637 7,954 103,590
    CAC Next 20 long Arkema 39.90 66.601   6/27/11 65.105 -2,598 2,657 60 3,650  93,039 10,611 103,650
  Buy BEL 20 short Bekaert 56.62 50.440   3/12/12 24.765 2,856        95,895 7,755  
    OMXC 20 Vestas Wind Systems 832.77 3.430   11/28/11 1.979 2,856        98,751 4,899  
    OMXS 30 Nokia 361.20 3.954   11/28/11 4.082 1,428        100,179 3,471  
      SSAB 151.91 9.401   11/28/11 6.652 1,428        101,607 2,043  
    Topix (FRA) long Daito Trust 44.09 64.780   8/01/11 65.420 2,856        104,463 -813  
7/18/11 Buy ATX short Flughafen Wien 309.64 8.300   3/26/12 7.050 2,570        107,033 -3,383  
7/25/11 Buy ASX 50 short Macquarie Group 120.32 20.828   1/16/12 19.953 2,506        109,539 -5,889  
    DJ Global Titans Bank of America 359.55 6.970   12/26/11 4.202 2,506        112,045 -8,395  
8/01/11 Sell HSI long Galaxy Entertainment 3,068.52 1.948   4/04/11 1.080 -3,314 5,979 2,665 6,315  108,731 -2,416 106,315
    Topix (FRA) Daito Trust 44.09 65.420   7/11/11 64.780 -2,856 2,884 28 6,343  105,875 468 106,343
  Buy S&P 100 short AIG 134.44 19.860   1/09/12 18.875 2,670        108,545 -2,202  
    HSI New World Dev 710.18 3.760   12/26/11 2.465 2,670        111,215 -4,872  
    HDAX Commerzbank 142.01 18.801   1/23/12 14.511 2,670        113,885 -7,542  
    DJTA Delta Air Lines 492.78 5.418   10/24/11 6.408 2,670        116,555 -10,212  
    Topix (FRA) Nintendo 241.41 11.060   1/23/12 10.574 2,670        119,225 -12,882  
date B/S market l/s instrument pieces price prc short corresponding invest divest prf/loss acc p/l ∑ invest asset total
    SP Global 100 Carrefour 132.97 20.080   4/30/12 15.175 2,670        121,895 -15,552  
8/08/11 Buy Nasdaq 100 short Akamai 153.92 14.741   10/10/11 17.540 2,269        124,164 -17,821  
    Kospi 50 LG Display 166.01 13.668   10/10/11 14.049 2,269        126,433 -20,090  
    DAX Commerzbank 147.78 15.354   12/19/11 9.482 2,269        128,702 -22,359  
    MDAX Ceconomy 236.09 9.611   5/14/12 7.298 2,269        130,971 -24,628  
    FTSE Lloyds Bank 60.27 37.648   11/28/11 27.613 2,269        133,240 -26,897  
    Europe 50 Lloyds Bank 60.27 37.648   12/19/11 27.968 2,269        135,509 -29,166  
    BSE Sensex 50 Tata Motors 877.86 2.585   10/03/11 2.302 2,269        137,778 -31,435  
    QIX Pro7-Sat1 162.07 14.000   1/23/12 17.200 2,269        140,047 -33,704  
8/22/11 Buy DJIA short Goldman Sachs 24.53 73.991   12/19/11 67.244 1,815        141,862 -35,519  
8/29/11 Sell Topix (TYO) long Isuzu Motors 632.21 5.756   1/31/11 7.178 -4,538 3,639 -899 5,444  137,324 -31,880 105,444
  Buy   short Nintendo 157.72 11.660   2/13/12 10.500 1,839        139,163 -33,719  
9/05/11 Buy Euro 50 short Societe Generale 44.27 20.250   1/09/12 15.000 896        140,059 -34,615  
      Unicredit 32.65 27.460   1/09/12 11.455 897        140,956 -35,512  
10/03/11 Sell NZX 50 long a2 Milk 41,206.23 0.120   4/25/11 0.077 -3,177 4,924 1,747 7,191  137,779 -30,588 107,191
    BSE Sensex 50 short Tata Motors 877.86 2.302 2.902 8/08/11 2.585 -2,269 2,548 279 7,470  135,510 -28,040 107,470
  Buy NZX 50 Heartland 7,119.80 0.279   10/17/11 0.296 1,985        137,495 -30,025  
    BSE Sensex 50 long Eicher Motors 815.46 2.434   10/17/11 2.393 1,985        139,480 -32,010  
10/10/11 Sell Nasdaq 100 short Akamai 153.92 17.540 11.942 8/08/11 14.741 -2,269 1,838 -431 7,039  137,211 -30,172 107,039
    Kospi 50 LG Display 166.01 14.049 13.287 8/08/11 13.668 -2,269 2,206 -63 6,976  134,942 -27,966 106,976
  Buy Nasdaq 100 long Regeneron 40.02 49.346   8/24/15 434.608 1,975        136,917 -29,941  
    Kospi 50 SK Holdings 20.60 95.875   12/19/11 80.532 1,975        138,892 -31,916  
10/17/11 Sell NZX 50 short Heartland 7,119.80 0.296 0.262 10/03/11 0.279 -1,985 1,864 -121 6,855  136,907 -30,052 106,855
    BSE Sensex 50 long Eicher Motors 815.46 2.393   10/03/11 2.434 -1,985 1,951 -34 6,821  134,922 -28,101 106,821
  Buy NZX 50 a2 Milk 14,130.75 0.139   10/31/11 0.139 1,967        136,889 -30,068  
date B/S market l/s instrument pieces price prc short corresponding invest divest prf/loss acc p/l ∑ invest asset total
    BSE Sensex 50 short Aurobindo Pharma 2,141.54 0.919   10/24/11 0.877 1,967        138,856 -32,035  
10/24/11 Sell DJTA short Delta Air Lines 492.78 6.408 4.429 8/01/11 5.418 -2,670 2,182 -488 6,333  136,186 -29,853 106,333
    BSE Sensex 50 Aurobindo Pharma 2,141.54 0.877 0.962 10/17/11 0.919 -1,967 2,060 93 6,425  134,219 -27,793 106,425
  Buy   long Eicher Motors 841.47 2.335   12/07/15 22.421 1,965        136,184 -29,758  
10/31/11 Sell NZX 50 long a2 Milk 14,130.75 0.139   10/17/11 0.139 -1,967 1,968 1 6,427  134,217 -27,790 106,427
  Buy   short Heartland 6,510.93 0.302   3/05/12 0.277 1,965        136,182 -29,755  
11/21/11 Buy USA short Netflix 243.56 7.867   11/28/11 7.544 1,916        138,098 -31,671  
    DJTA JetBlue Airways 721.79 2.655   12/05/11 3.509 1,916        140,014 -33,587  
11/28/11 Sell USA short Netflix 243.56 7.544 8.203 11/21/11 7.867 -1,916 1,998 82 6,509  138,098 -31,589 106,509
    FTSE Lloyds Bank 60.27 27.613 51.330 8/08/11 37.648 -2,269 3,094 825 7,333  135,829 -28,495 107,333
    OMXC 20 Vestas Wind Systems 832.77 1.979 5.942 7/11/11 3.430 -2,856 4,948 2,093 9,426  132,973 -23,547 109,426
    OMXS 30 Nokia 361.20 4.082 3.825 7/11/11 3.954 -1,428 1,382 -46 9,380  131,545 -22,165 109,380
      SSAB 151.91 6.652 13.285 7/11/11 9.401 -1,428 2,018 590 9,970  130,117 -20,147 109,970
    Nordic 30 Nokia 604.26 4.150 8.303 3/14/11 5.870 -3,547 5,017 1,470 11,440  126,570 -15,130 111,440
  Buy FTSE long Next 0.77 3,105.900   6/04/12 3,698.710 2,392        128,961 -17,521  
    OMXC 20 Tryg 279.96 8.598   5/14/12 8.768 2,407        131,368 -19,928  
    OMXS 30 Getinge 64.56 18.641   5/14/12 19.967 1,203        132,572 -21,132  
    Nordic 30 Equinor 131.85 18.255   5/07/12 19.757 2,407        134,979 -23,539  
12/05/11 Sell FT 30 short Lloyds Bank 51.94 31.447 88.109 6/06/11 52.638 -2,734 4,576 1,842 13,282  132,245 -18,962 113,282
    DJTA JetBlue Airways 721.79 3.509 1.800 11/21/11 2.655 -1,916 1,299 -617 12,666  130,329 -17,663 112,666
  Buy FT 30 long BAT 0.70 3,416.030   12/12/11 3,512.060 2,391        132,720 -20,054  
    DJTA Kirby 49.47 48.011   6/25/12 36.163 2,375        135,095 -22,429  
12/12/11 Sell FT 30 long BAT 0.70 3,512.060   12/05/11 3,416.030 -2,391 2,458 67 12,733  132,704 -19,971 112,733
  Buy   short Lloyds Bank 81.10 28.594   12/19/11 27.968 2,319        135,023 -22,290  
12/19/11 Sell DJIA short Goldman Sachs 24.53 67.244 81.415 8/22/11 73.991 -1,815 1,997 182 12,915  133,208 -20,293 112,915
date B/S market l/s instrument pieces price prc short corresponding invest divest prf/loss acc p/l ∑ invest asset total
    Kospi 50 long SK Holdings 20.60 80.532   10/10/11 95.875 -1,975 1,659 -316 12,599  131,233 -18,634 112,599
    DAX short Commerzbank 147.78 9.482 24.862 8/08/11 15.354 -2,269 3,674 1,405 14,004  128,964 -14,960 114,004
    Europe 50 Lloyds Bank 60.27 27.968 50.678 8/08/11 37.648 -2,269 3,054 785 14,789  126,695 -11,905 114,789
    FT 30 Lloyds Bank 81.10 27.968 29.234 12/12/11 28.594 -2,319 2,371 52 14,841  124,376 -9,534 114,841
  Buy DJIA long Visa 139.28 18.897   8/24/15 58.880 2,632        127,007 -12,166  
    Kospi 50 short Hyundai Heavy 14.44 182.275   1/23/12 209.385 2,632        129,640 -14,798  
    DAX long Merck (EMD) 71.73 36.695   6/04/12 36.500 2,632        132,272 -17,430  
    Europe 50 Roche 20.29 129.719   10/20/14 222.572 2,632        134,904 -20,062  
    FT 30 Tate & Lyle 3.26 808.105   5/14/12 858.422 2,634        137,538 -22,697  
12/26/11 Sell HSI short New World Dev 710.18 2.465 5.735 8/01/11 3.760 -2,670 4,073 1,403 16,244  134,868 -18,624 116,244
    OMXH 25 Nokia 624.14 3.720 9.970 2/28/11 6.090 -3,801 6,223 2,422 18,666  131,067 -12,402 118,666
    DJ Global Titans Bank of America 359.55 4.202 11.562 7/25/11 6.970 -2,506 4,157 1,651 20,317  128,561 -8,244 120,317
  Buy HSI long Lenovo 5,202.45 0.538   5/21/12 0.656 2,801        131,362 -11,045  
    OMXH 25 Huhtamäki 303.80 9.220   1/02/12 9.150 2,801        134,163 -13,846  
    DJ Global Titans Philip Morris 46.34 60.439   1/23/12 57.914 2,801        136,964 -16,647  
1/02/12 Sell AEX short Philips 154.51 16.490 29.833 3/28/11 22.180 -3,427 4,610 1,183 21,499  133,537 -12,038 121,499
    ISEQ 20 Bank of Ireland 213.51 2.550 21.707 4/25/11 7.440 -1,589 4,635 3,046 24,545  131,948 -7,403 124,545
      Ryanair 471.93 3.780 2.952 4/25/11 3.366 -1,589 1,393 -195 24,350  130,360 -6,010 124,350
    OMXH 25 long Huhtamäki 303.80 9.150   12/26/11 9.220 -2,801 2,780 -21 24,329  127,559 -3,230 124,329
  Buy Germany Encavis 931.96 3.248   5/14/12 2.970 3,027        130,586 -6,257  
    AEX Vopak 73.66 41.095   4/09/12 44.780 3,027        133,613 -9,284  
    ISEQ 20 Flutter 33.56 45.100   5/21/12 50.010 1,514        135,126 -10,798  
      Ryanair 400.40 3.780   5/21/12 4.040 1,514        136,640 -12,311  
    OMXH 25 short Outokumpu 260.50 11.620   1/09/12 12.510 3,027        139,667 -15,338  
1/09/12 Sell S&P 100 short AIG 134.44 18.875 20.895 8/01/11 19.860 -2,670 2,809 139 24,468  136,997 -12,529 124,468
date B/S market l/s instrument pieces price prc short corresponding invest divest prf/loss acc p/l ∑ invest asset total
    Euro 50 Societe Generale 44.27 15.000 27.338 9/05/11 20.250 -896 1,210 314 24,782  136,100 -11,319 124,782
      Unicredit 32.65 11.455 65.827 9/05/11 27.460 -897 2,149 1,253 26,034  135,204 -9,169 126,034
    OMXH 25 Outokumpu 260.50 12.510 10.730 1/02/12 11.620 -3,027 2,795 -232 25,803  132,177 -6,374 125,803
    Nikkei (FRA) Resona 521.62 3.458 3.342 3/14/11 3.400 -1,774 1,743 -30 25,772  130,403 -4,631 125,772
      Tokyo Electric Power 137.48 1.740 95.638 3/14/11 12.900 -1,773 13,148 11,375 37,147  128,630 8,517 137,147
  Buy S&P 100 long Biogen 40.30 90.342   9/03/12 116.954 3,641        132,271 4,877  
    Euro 50 ASML 56.19 32.400   8/24/15 74.790 1,821        134,091 3,056  
      Anheuser-Busch InBev 38.33 47.495   8/24/15 91.280 1,820        135,912 1,235  
    OMXH 25 Wärtsilä 435.35 8.363   1/30/12 8.837 3,641        139,553 -2,405  
    Nikkei (FRA) Aozora Bank 85.19 21.370   5/14/12 18.670 1,821        141,373 -4,226  
      Nitto Boseki 140.31 12.975   5/14/12 12.260 1,821        143,194 -6,047  
1/16/12 Sell ASX 50 short Macquarie Group 120.32 19.953 21.742 7/25/11 20.828 -2,506 2,616 110 37,257  140,688 -3,431 137,257
    HSI-Fin China Life Ins HK 1,574.33 2.249 3.335 2/07/11 2.738 -4,311 5,250 939 38,196  136,377 1,819 138,196
    HSI-Prop China Ov Land & Inv 1,350.31 1.541 1.086 3/14/11 1.313 -1,774 1,466 -307 37,889  134,603 3,285 137,889
      China Res Land 1,478.16 1.413 0.987 3/14/11 1.200 -1,774 1,458 -315 37,573  132,830 4,744 137,573
    OBX 25 Frontline 39.40 17.878 333.728 4/11/11 77.243 -3,043 13,149 10,106 47,679  129,786 17,892 147,679
    Indices Athex Large Cap 0.49 2,507.600 12,908.500 5/23/11 5,689.400 -2,788 6,325 3,537 51,216  126,999 24,218 151,216
  Buy ASX 50 long James Hardie Ind 748.87 5.856   1/23/12 6.001 4,385        131,384 19,833  
    HSI-Fin AIA 1,670.99 2.624   5/14/12 2.577 4,385        135,769 15,448  
    HSI-Prop China Ov Land & Inv 1,422.78 1.541   6/10/13 2.124 2,193        137,961 13,255  
      China Res Land 1,551.55 1.413   6/10/13 2.183 2,193        140,154 11,063  
    HSI-C&I Sands China 1,707.29 2.568   5/21/12 2.614 4,385        144,539 6,678  
    OBX 25 Equinor 227.62 19.264   5/14/12 19.745 4,385        148,923 2,293  
    Indices ISEQ-Overall 1.46 3,005.690   5/21/12 3,087.810 4,388        153,312 -2,096  
1/23/12 Sell France short Carrefour 98.22 17.050 41.032 6/27/11 26.450 -2,598 4,030 1,432 52,648  150,714 1,935 152,648
date B/S market l/s instrument pieces price prc short corresponding invest divest prf/loss acc p/l ∑ invest asset total
    SSE 50 China Rwy Constr 4,328.00 0.506 0.789 6/06/11 0.632 -2,734 3,417 683 53,331  147,980 5,351 153,331
    Kospi 50 Hyundai Heavy 14.44 209.385 155.165 12/19/11 182.275 -2,632 2,241 -391 52,939  145,348 7,592 152,939
    ASX 50 long James Hardie Ind 748.87 6.001   1/16/12 5.856 -4,385 4,494 109 53,049  140,963 12,086 153,049
    HDAX short Commerzbank 142.01 14.511 24.359 8/01/11 18.801 -2,670 3,459 789 53,838  138,293 15,545 153,838
    Topix (FRA) Nintendo 241.41 10.574 11.568 8/01/11 11.060 -2,670 2,793 123 53,960  135,623 18,338 153,960
    CAC Mid 60 Genfit 734.55 1.723 8.978 5/16/11 3.933 -2,889 6,595 3,706 57,666  132,734 24,932 157,666
    QIX Pro7-Sat1 162.07 17.200 10.800 8/08/11 14.000 -2,269 1,750 -519 57,147  130,465 26,682 157,147
    DJ Global Titans long Philip Morris 46.34 57.914   12/26/11 60.439 -2,801 2,684 -117 57,030  127,664 29,366 157,030
  Buy France Hermes International 18.37 253.600   4/23/12 251.250 4,659        132,323 24,708  
    SSE 50 China Minsheng Bk 6,977.68 0.668   3/19/12 0.633 4,659        136,982 20,049  
    Kospi 50 Samsung Electronics 303.60 15.346   5/21/12 16.200 4,659        141,641 15,390  
    ASX 50 short QBE Insurance 486.04 9.586   1/30/12 9.544 4,659        146,300 10,731  
    HDAX long Dürr 510.58 9.125   8/04/14 28.230 4,659        150,959 6,072  
    Topix (FRA) Fast Retailing 95.65 48.710   2/27/12 49.490 4,659        155,618 1,412  
    CAC Mid 60 Innate Pharma 2,724.56 1.710   5/14/12 1.650 4,659        160,277 -3,247  
    QIX Freenet 443.08 10.515   1/18/16 28.325 4,659        164,936 -7,906  
    DJ Global Titans short Bank of America 830.64 5.609   2/06/12 6.060 4,659        169,595 -12,565  
1/30/12 Sell ASX 50 short QBE Insurance 486.04 9.544 9.628 1/23/12 9.586 -4,659 4,679 20 57,051  164,936 -7,885 157,051
    SDAX Heidelberger Druck 968.61 1.657 5.072 5/23/11 2.899 -2,808 4,913 2,105 59,155  162,128 -2,972 159,155
    OMXH 25 long Wärtsilä 435.35 8.837   1/09/12 8.363 -3,641 3,847 206 59,362  158,487 875 159,362
    BSE Sensex 30 short Bharat Heavy 988.85 2.662 7.139 2/07/11 4.360 -4,311 7,059 2,748 62,110  154,176 7,934 162,110
  Buy ASX 50 long James Hardie Ind 737.60 5.763   8/17/15 12.058 4,251        158,427 3,683  
    SDAX Encavis 1,407.15 3.021   5/21/12 2.951 4,251        162,678 -568  
    OMXH 25 short Nokia 1,095.62 3.880   2/13/12 3.800 4,251        166,929 -4,819  
    BSE Sensex 30 long Hindustan Unilever 701.35 6.061   11/16/15 11.144 4,251        171,180 -9,070  
date B/S market l/s instrument pieces price prc short corresponding invest divest prf/loss acc p/l ∑ invest asset total
2/06/12 Sell CAC 40 short Carrefour 100.93 18.345 51.259 5/09/11 30.665 -3,095 5,174 2,079 64,189  168,085 -3,897 164,189
    TecDAX SMA Solar 48.09 50.420 107.875 3/14/11 73.750 -3,547 5,188 1,641 65,830  164,538 1,291 165,830
    IBEX 35 Banco Sabadell 1,331.46 2.331 2.658 4/04/11 2.489 -3,314 3,539 225 66,054  161,224 4,830 166,054
    PSI 20 Teixeira Duarte 4,988.52 0.190 1.958 4/11/11 0.610 -3,043 9,770 6,727 72,781  158,181 14,599 172,781
    DJ Global Titans Bank of America 830.64 6.060 5.157 1/23/12 5.609 -4,659 4,284 -375 72,406  153,522 18,883 172,406
  Buy CAC 40 long Airbus 175.62 27.230   4/09/12 29.725 4,782        158,305 14,101  
    IBEX 35 Bankinter 1,385.28 3.452   2/13/12 3.297 4,782        163,087 9,319  
    PSI 20 Jerónimo Martins 372.43 12.840   2/20/12 12.970 4,782        167,869 4,537  
    MerVal short Gr Fin Galicia 8,062.72 0.593   2/27/12 0.596 4,782        172,651 -245  
    DJ Global Titans long Apple 379.52 12.600   5/21/12 15.695 4,782        177,432 -5,027  
2/13/12 Sell IBEX 35 long Bankinter 1,385.28 3.297   2/06/12 3.452 -4,782 4,567 -215 72,191  172,650 -460 172,191
    OMXH 25 short Nokia 1,095.62 3.800 3.962 1/30/12 3.880 -4,251 4,341 90 72,280  168,399 3,881 172,280
    Nikkei (TYO) Tokyo Electric Power 749.16 1.953 8.741 5/09/11 4.131 -3,095 6,548 3,453 75,734  165,304 10,429 175,734
    Topix (TYO) Nintendo 157.72 10.500 12.949 8/29/11 11.660 -1,839 2,042 203 75,937  163,465 12,472 175,937
    GEX MeVis Medical 291.15 5.650 26.343 3/07/11 12.200 -3,552 7,670 4,118 80,055  159,913 20,142 180,055
  Buy IBEX 35 Sacyr 1,509.96 3.314   8/20/12 1.284 5,004        164,917 15,138  
    OMXH 25 long Nokian Tyres 148.49 33.700   4/09/12 36.040 5,004        169,922 10,133  
    Topix (TYO) Fast Retailing 96.93 51.626   5/07/12 55.879 5,004        174,926 5,129  
    GEX 4SC 81.24 61.593   5/07/12 48.084 5,004        179,929 126  
2/20/12 Sell TSX 60 short BlackBerry 102.19 11.318 81.048 5/09/11 30.287 -3,095 8,282 5,187 85,242  176,834 8,408 185,242
    PSI 20 long Jerónimo Martins 372.43 12.970   2/06/12 12.840 -4,782 4,830 48 85,291  172,052 13,238 185,291
  Buy TSX 60 Constellation Soft 70.20 70.699   4/16/12 66.838 4,963        177,015 8,275  
    PSI 20 short Pharol 1,181.67 4.200   2/27/12 3.989 4,963        181,978 3,312  
    SLI long Sonova 58.19 85.291   4/23/12 82.016 4,963        186,942 -1,651  
2/27/12 Sell PSI 20 short Pharol 1,181.67 3.989 4.422 2/20/12 4.200 -4,963 5,226 263 85,553  181,979 3,575 185,553
date B/S market l/s instrument pieces price prc short corresponding invest divest prf/loss acc p/l ∑ invest asset total
    MerVal Gr Fin Galicia 8,062.72 0.596 0.591 2/06/12 0.593 -4,782 4,762 -20 85,533  177,197 8,337 185,533
    Topix (FRA) long Fast Retailing 95.65 49.490   1/23/12 48.710 -4,659 4,734 75 85,608  172,537 13,070 185,608
  Buy PSI 20 Jerónimo Martins 365.95 13.570   3/12/12 14.360 4,966        177,503 8,104  
    Topix (FRA) short Mazda Motor 777.15 6.390   3/05/12 6.150 4,966        182,469 3,138  
3/05/12 Sell NZX 50 short Heartland 6,510.93 0.277 0.329 10/31/11 0.302 -1,965 2,145 180 85,787  180,504 5,283 185,787
    Topix (FRA) Mazda Motor 777.15 6.150 6.639 2/27/12 6.390 -4,966 5,160 194 85,981  175,538 10,443 185,981
  Buy MerVal Aluar 10,231.30 0.480   3/12/12 0.513 4,910        180,448 5,533  
    NZX 50 long a2 Milk 21,118.28 0.233   5/21/12 0.267 4,910        185,358 623  
    Topix (FRA) Isuzu Motors 584.38 8.402   3/19/12 8.620 4,910        190,268 -4,287  
3/12/12 Sell BEL 20 short Bekaert 56.62 24.765 102.733 7/11/11 50.440 -2,856 5,817 2,961 88,942  187,412 1,530 188,942
    PSI 20 long Jerónimo Martins 365.95 14.360   2/27/12 13.570 -4,966 5,255 289 89,231  182,446 6,785 189,231
    MerVal short Aluar 10,231.30 0.513 0.447 3/05/12 0.480 -4,910 4,573 -337 88,894  177,536 11,358 188,894
  Buy BEL 20 long Galapagos 399.20 12.540   5/14/12 10.990 5,006        182,542 6,352  
    PSI 20 short Pharol 1,270.88 3.939   3/26/12 4.022 5,006        187,548 1,346  
3/19/12 Sell SSE 50 long China Minsheng Bk 6,977.68 0.633   1/23/12 0.668 -4,659 4,418 -241 88,653  182,889 5,764 188,653
    Topix (FRA) Isuzu Motors 584.38 8.620   3/05/12 8.402 -4,910 5,037 127 88,780  177,979 10,801 188,780
  Buy SSE 50 short Anhui Conch Cement 2,551.79 1.955   4/09/12 2.031 4,989        182,968 5,812  
    Topix (FRA) Mazda Motor 772.29 6.460   8/13/12 4.800 4,989        187,957 823  
3/26/12 Sell ATX short Flughafen Wien 309.64 7.050 9.772 7/18/11 8.300 -2,570 3,026 456 89,236  185,387 3,849 189,236
    PSI 20 Pharol 1,270.88 4.022 3.856 3/12/12 3.939 -5,006 4,901 -105 89,131  180,381 8,749 189,131
  Buy ATX long Österreichische Post 196.27 25.200   4/09/12 25.800 4,946        185,327 3,803  
    PSI 20 Jerónimo Martins 331.95 14.900   4/02/12 15.420 4,946        190,273 -1,143  
4/02/12 Sell   long Jerónimo Martins 331.95 15.420   3/26/12 14.900 -4,946 5,119 173 89,303  185,327 3,976 189,303
    Athex LC short Piraeus Financial 0.01 82,830.000 2,256,230.000 4/04/11 432,300.000 -4,323 22,562 18,239 107,543  181,004 26,538 207,543
  Buy PSI 20 Banco Comercial 8,885.51 0.659   8/20/12 0.452 5,852        186,856 20,686  
date B/S market l/s instrument pieces price prc short corresponding invest divest prf/loss acc p/l ∑ invest asset total
    Athex LC long EYDAP 1,470.35 3.980   4/16/12 4.030 5,852        192,708 14,834  
4/09/12 Sell SSE 50 short Anhui Conch Cement 2,551.79 2.031 1.880 3/19/12 1.955 -4,989 4,796 -193 107,350  187,719 19,630 207,350
    ATX long Österreichische Post 196.27 25.800   3/26/12 25.200 -4,946 5,064 118 107,467  182,773 24,694 207,467
    CAC 40 Airbus 175.62 29.725   2/06/12 27.230 -4,782 5,220 438 107,906  177,991 29,914 207,906
    AEX Vopak 73.66 44.780   1/02/12 41.095 -3,027 3,298 271 108,177  174,964 33,213 208,177
    OMXH 25 Nokian Tyres 148.49 36.040   2/13/12 33.700 -5,004 5,352 347 108,524  169,960 38,564 208,524
  Buy SSE 50 China Northern Rare 2,138.92 2.888   6/04/12 3.823 6,177        176,137 32,387  
    ATX short Zumtobel 630.05 9.804   4/16/12 9.950 6,177        182,314 26,210  
    AEX ArcelorMittal 159.49 38.730   9/03/12 35.565 6,177        188,491 20,033  
    OMXH 25 Outokumpu 531.58 11.620   8/20/12 6.980 6,177        194,668 13,856  
4/16/12 Sell ATX short Zumtobel 630.05 9.950 9.658 4/09/12 9.804 -6,177 6,085 -92 108,432  188,491 19,941 208,432
    TSX 60 long Constellation Soft 70.20 66.838   2/20/12 70.699 -4,963 4,692 -271 108,161  183,528 24,633 208,161
    Athex LC EYDAP 1,470.35 4.030   4/02/12 3.980 -5,852 5,926 74 108,235  177,676 30,559 208,235
  Buy ATX Österreichische Post 223.35 26.725   5/21/12 27.000 5,969        183,645 24,590  
    TSX 60 short BlackBerry 590.66 10.106   8/20/12 5.638 5,969        189,614 18,621  
    Athex LC Public Power 3,850.97 1.550   9/03/12 1.330 5,969        195,583 12,652  
4/23/12 Sell France long Hermes International 18.37 251.250   1/23/12 253.600 -4,659 4,615 -43 108,192  190,924 17,267 208,192
    SLI Sonova 58.19 82.016   2/20/12 85.291 -4,963 4,772 -191 108,001  185,961 22,040 208,001
  Buy France short Solocal 3.89 1,476.830   8/13/12 1,038.280 5,745        191,706 16,295  
    MerVal YPF 428.12 13.433   8/27/12 14.446 5,751        197,457 10,544  
    SLI Lonza 166.68 34.504   11/26/12 36.099 5,751        203,208 4,793  
    GCX REC Silicon 1,653.20 3.479   2/11/13 1.027 5,751        208,959 -958  
4/30/12 Sell SP Global 100 short Carrefour 132.97 15.175 26.570 8/01/11 20.080 -2,670 3,533 863 108,864  206,289 2,575 208,864
  Buy   long Apple 335.81 15.738   10/20/14 19.487 5,285        211,574 -2,710  
5/07/12 Sell Nordic 30 long Equinor 131.85 19.757   11/28/11 18.255 -2,407 2,605 198 109,062  209,167 -105 209,062
date B/S market l/s instrument pieces price prc short corresponding invest divest prf/loss acc p/l ∑ invest asset total
    Topix (TYO) Fast Retailing 96.93 55.879   2/13/12 51.626 -5,004 5,416 412 109,475  204,163 5,311 209,475
    GEX 4SC 81.24 48.084   2/13/12 61.593 -5,004 3,906 -1,098 108,377  199,160 9,217 208,377
  Buy Nordic 30 short Nokia 2,266.25 2.400   8/13/12 2.220 5,439        204,599 3,778  
    Topix (TYO) Sony 464.09 11.720   6/11/12 10.270 5,439        210,037 -1,660  
5/14/12 Sell Germany long Encavis 931.96 2.970   1/02/12 3.248 -3,027 2,768 -259 108,118  207,010 1,107 208,118
    MDAX short Ceconomy 236.09 7.298 12.656 8/08/11 9.611 -2,269 2,988 719 108,837  204,741 4,095 208,837
    HSI-Fin long AIA 1,670.99 2.577   1/16/12 2.624 -4,385 4,307 -78 108,759  200,356 8,402 208,759
    BEL 20 Galapagos 399.20 10.990   3/12/12 12.540 -5,006 4,387 -619 108,140  195,350 12,789 208,140
    OMXC 20 Tryg 279.96 8.768   11/28/11 8.598 -2,407 2,455 48 108,188  192,943 15,244 208,188
    OBX 25 Equinor 227.62 19.745   1/16/12 19.264 -4,385 4,494 109 108,297  188,559 19,738 208,297
    OMXS 30 Getinge 64.56 19.967   11/28/11 18.641 -1,203 1,289 86 108,383  187,355 21,028 208,383
    FT 30 Tate & Lyle 3.26 858.422   12/19/11 808.105 -2,634 2,798 164 108,547  184,721 23,826 208,547
    Nikkei (FRA) Aozora Bank 85.19 18.670   1/09/12 21.370 -1,821 1,591 -230 108,317  182,900 25,417 208,317
      Nitto Boseki 140.31 12.260   1/09/12 12.975 -1,821 1,720 -100 108,216  181,080 27,137 208,216
    CAC Mid 60 Innate Pharma 2,724.56 1.650   1/23/12 1.710 -4,659 4,496 -163 108,053  176,421 31,632 208,053
  Buy Germany short SolarWorld 25.33 236.550   9/10/12 182.550 5,992        182,412 25,640  
    MDAX long Dürr 547.41 10.946   5/21/12 10.445 5,992        188,404 19,648  
    HSI-Fin short HK Exchgs & Clrg 527.66 11.356   9/17/12 11.718 5,992        194,396 13,656  
    BEL 20 Bekaert 262.23 22.850   6/25/12 18.225 5,992        200,388 7,664  
    OMXC 20 Vestas Wind Systems 5,287.68 1.133   5/28/12 1.008 5,992        206,380 1,672  
    OBX 25 REC Silicon 1,731.04 3.462   9/03/12 2.359 5,992        212,372 -4,320  
    OMXS 30 ABB 231.06 12.967   7/23/12 14.168 2,996        215,368 -7,316  
      Nokia 1,281.22 2.338   7/23/12 1.752 2,996        218,364 -10,312  
    FT 30 Man Group 58.03 103.259   8/06/12 106.958 5,992        224,357 -16,304  
    Nikkei (FRA) Nippon Sheet Glass 331.42 9.040   1/07/13 9.100 2,996        227,353 -19,300  
date B/S market l/s instrument pieces price prc short corresponding invest divest prf/loss acc p/l ∑ invest asset total
      Sharp 77.56 38.630   1/07/13 23.550 2,996        230,349 -22,296  
    CAC Mid 60 Vallourec 4.33 1,382.400   9/10/12 1,453.800 5,986        236,335 -28,282  
5/21/12 Sell HSI long Lenovo 5,202.45 0.656   12/26/11 0.538 -2,801 3,412 611 108,664  233,534 -24,870 208,664
    Kospi 50 Samsung Electronics 303.60 16.200   1/23/12 15.346 -4,659 4,918 259 108,923  228,875 -19,952 208,923
    ATX Österreichische Post 223.35 27.000   4/16/12 26.725 -5,969 6,030 61 108,984  222,906 -13,921 208,984
    MDAX Dürr 547.41 10.445   5/14/12 10.946 -5,992 5,718 -274 108,710  216,914 -8,203 208,710
    SDAX Encavis 1,407.15 2.951   1/30/12 3.021 -4,251 4,153 -99 108,612  212,663 -4,051 208,612
    HSI-C&I Sands China 1,707.29 2.614   1/16/12 2.568 -4,385 4,463 78 108,690  208,278 412 208,690
    ISEQ 20 Flutter 33.56 50.010   1/02/12 45.100 -1,514 1,678 165 108,855  206,764 2,091 208,855
      Ryanair 400.40 4.040   1/02/12 3.780 -1,514 1,618 104 108,959  205,251 3,708 208,959
    NZX 50 a2 Milk 21,118.28 0.267   3/05/12 0.233 -4,910 5,630 720 109,679  200,341 9,338 209,679
    Indices ISEQ-Overall 1.46 3,087.810   1/16/12 3,005.690 -4,388 4,508 120 109,799  195,952 13,846 209,799
    DJ Global Titans Apple 379.52 15.695   2/06/12 12.600 -4,782 5,957 1,175 110,973  191,170 19,803 210,973
  Buy HSI short China Unicom 4,853.20 1.189   8/20/12 1.370 5,769        196,939 14,034  
    Kospi 50 SK Holdings 102.51 56.279   7/23/12 68.528 5,769        202,708 8,265  
    ATX Zumtobel 585.21 9.858   6/25/12 8.050 5,769        208,477 2,496  
    MDAX Ströer Media 726.30 7.943   5/28/12 8.000 5,769        214,246 -3,273  
    TecDAX SMA Solar 219.23 26.315   12/22/14 14.800 5,769        220,015 -9,042  
    SDAX Klöckner 736.41 7.834   10/29/12 7.058 5,769        225,784 -14,811  
    HSI-C&I Citic Pacific 4,870.00 1.185   9/17/12 0.959 5,769        231,553 -20,580  
    ISEQ 20 Bank of Ireland 1,105.17 2.610   8/27/12 2.490 2,884        234,438 -23,465  
      Smurfit Kappa 519.73 5.550   8/27/12 6.550 2,885        237,322 -26,349  
    SMI long Richemont 120.09 48.039   5/28/12 48.077 5,769        243,092 -32,118  
    NZX 50 short KMD Brands 6,049.07 0.954   7/30/12 0.992 5,769        248,861 -37,887  
    Indices Athex Large Cap 2.84 2,028.100   9/10/12 2,671.700 5,760        254,620 -43,647  
date B/S market l/s instrument pieces price prc short corresponding invest divest prf/loss acc p/l ∑ invest asset total
    Nikkei (TYO) Nippon Sheet Glass 677.18 8.519   7/02/12 8.411 5,769        260,389 -49,416  
    DJ Global Titans Telefónica 587.71 9.816   5/28/12 9.440 5,769        266,158 -55,185  
5/28/12 Sell MDAX short Ströer Media 726.30 8.000 7.886 5/21/12 7.943 -5,769 5,728 -41 110,932  260,389 -49,457 210,932
    OMXC 20 Vestas Wind Systems 5,287.68 1.008 1.274 5/14/12 1.133 -5,992 6,737 745 111,676  254,397 -42,721 211,676
    SMI long Richemont 120.09 48.077   5/21/12 48.039 -5,769 5,774 5 111,681  248,628 -36,947 211,681
    DJ Global Titans short Telefónica 587.71 9.440 10.207 5/21/12 9.816 -5,769 5,999 230 111,911  242,859 -30,949 211,911
  Buy MDAX long Rhön-Klinikum 205.68 21.995   6/04/12 22.100 4,524        247,383 -35,472  
    OMXC 20 GN Store Nord 66.38 68.150   6/04/12 67.500 4,524        251,907 -39,996  
    DJ Global Titans Apple 277.42 16.307   10/22/12 17.386 4,524        256,431 -44,520  
6/04/12 Sell SSE 50 long China Northern Rare 2,138.92 3.823   4/09/12 2.888 -6,177 8,178 2,001 113,911  250,254 -36,343 213,911
    DAX Merck (EMD) 71.73 36.500   12/19/11 36.695 -2,632 2,618 -14 113,897  247,622 -33,725 213,897
    MDAX Rhön-Klinikum 205.68 22.100   5/28/12 21.995 -4,524 4,546 22 113,919  243,098 -29,179 213,919
    FTSE Next 0.77 3,698.710   11/28/11 3,105.900 -2,392 2,848 456 114,375  240,706 -26,331 214,375
    OMXC 20 GN Store Nord 66.38 67.500   5/28/12 68.150 -4,524 4,481 -43 114,332  236,183 -21,850 214,332
  Buy SSE 50 short China Unicom 9,509.88 0.506   12/10/12 0.413 4,812        240,995 -26,662  
    DAX thyssenkrupp 379.79 12.670   7/16/12 14.565 4,812        245,806 -31,474  
    MDAX Ströer Media 574.57 8.375   6/18/12 8.546 4,812        250,618 -36,286  
    FTSE Aviva 14.40 334.157   7/30/12 382.206 4,812        255,430 -41,098  
    OMXC 20 Vestas Wind Systems 5,513.29 0.873   6/18/12 0.791 4,812        260,242 -45,910  
    SMI long Swiss Re 110.00 43.744   6/11/12 46.079 4,812        265,054 -50,722  
6/11/12 Sell   long Swiss Re 110.00 46.079   6/04/12 43.744 -4,812 5,069 257 114,589  260,242 -45,653 214,589
    Topix (TYO) short Sony 464.09 10.270 13.374 5/07/12 11.720 -5,439 6,207 768 115,357  254,803 -39,447 215,357
  Buy   long Subaru 727.08 6.048   1/11/16 33.663 4,397        259,200 -43,844  
6/18/12 Sell MDAX short Ströer Media 574.57 8.546 8.204 6/04/12 8.375 -4,812 4,714 -98 115,259  254,388 -39,130 215,259
    OMXC 20 Vestas Wind Systems 5,513.29 0.791 0.963 6/04/12 0.873 -4,812 5,312 500 115,758  249,576 -33,818 215,758
date B/S market l/s instrument pieces price prc short corresponding invest divest prf/loss acc p/l ∑ invest asset total
  Buy MDAX long Dürr 401.86 11.318   6/25/12 11.594 4,548        254,124 -38,366  
    OMXC 20 GN Store Nord 62.09 73.250   6/25/12 71.650 4,548        258,673 -42,915  
    SMI Swiss Re 97.55 46.620   11/19/12 54.864 4,548        263,220 -47,462  
6/25/12 Sell ATX short Zumtobel 585.21 8.050 12.072 5/21/12 9.858 -5,769 7,065 1,296 117,054  257,451 -40,398 217,054
    MDAX long Dürr 401.86 11.594   6/18/12 11.318 -4,548 4,659 111 117,165  252,903 -35,739 217,165
    BEL 20 short Bekaert 262.23 18.225 28.649 5/14/12 22.850 -5,992 7,513 1,521 118,685  246,911 -28,226 218,685
    OMXC 20 long GN Store Nord 62.09 71.650   6/18/12 73.250 -4,548 4,449 -99 118,586  242,363 -23,777 218,586
    DJTA Kirby 49.47 36.163   12/05/11 48.011 -2,375 1,789 -586 118,000  239,988 -21,988 218,000
  Buy ATX Österreichische Post 189.26 25.890   7/29/13 31.600 4,900        244,888 -26,888  
    MDAX short Ströer Media 609.38 8.041   7/02/12 8.090 4,900        249,788 -31,788  
    BEL 20 long Galapagos 400.00 12.250   10/22/12 16.900 4,900        254,688 -36,688  
    OMXC 20 short Vestas Wind Systems 6,038.20 0.812   7/16/12 0.678 4,900        259,588 -41,588  
    DJTA Ryder System 179.33 27.323   7/02/12 27.880 4,900        264,488 -46,488  
7/02/12 Sell MDAX short Ströer Media 609.38 8.090 7.992 6/25/12 8.041 -4,900 4,870 -30 117,970  259,588 -41,618 217,970
    DJTA Ryder System 179.33 27.880 26.767 6/25/12 27.323 -4,900 4,800 -100 117,870  254,688 -36,818 217,870
    STI Wilmar International 1,092.78 2.197 3.631 5/02/11 2.824 -3,086 3,967 881 118,752  251,602 -32,850 218,752
    Nikkei (TYO) Nippon Sheet Glass 677.18 8.411 8.629 5/21/12 8.519 -5,769 5,843 74 118,826  245,833 -27,007 218,826
  Buy MDAX long Dürr 384.68 12.465   7/23/12 13.345 4,795        250,628 -31,802  
    DJTA Delta Air Lines 546.12 8.780   9/17/12 7.031 4,795        255,423 -36,597  
    STI ThaiBev 22,596.61 0.212   6/10/13 0.382 4,795        260,218 -41,392  
    Nikkei (TYO) OKI Electric 375.65 12.765   7/16/12 12.784 4,795        265,013 -46,187  
7/16/12 Sell DAX short thyssenkrupp 379.79 14.565 10.775 6/04/12 12.670 -4,812 4,092 -720 118,106  260,201 -42,095 218,106
    OMXC 20 Vestas Wind Systems 6,038.20 0.678 0.971 6/25/12 0.812 -4,900 5,862 962 119,069  255,301 -36,233 219,069
    Nikkei (TYO) long OKI Electric 375.65 12.784   7/02/12 12.765 -4,795 4,802 7 119,076  250,506 -31,430 219,076
  Buy DAX Continental 78.80 59.533   8/11/14 133.083 4,691        255,197 -36,122  
date B/S market l/s instrument pieces price prc short corresponding invest divest prf/loss acc p/l ∑ invest asset total
    OMXC 20 Genmab 553.92 8.469   6/24/13 22.604 4,691        259,888 -40,813  
    Nikkei (TYO) short Nippon Sheet Glass 614.90 7.629   11/19/12 7.143 4,691        264,579 -45,504  
7/23/12 Sell Kospi 50 short SK Holdings 102.51 68.528 44.029 5/21/12 56.279 -5,769 4,513 -1,256 117,820  258,810 -40,990 217,820
    MDAX long Dürr 384.68 13.345   7/02/12 12.465 -4,795 5,134 339 118,159  254,015 -35,857 218,159
    OMXS 30 short ABB 231.06 14.168 11.765 5/14/12 12.967 -2,996 2,718 -278 117,881  251,019 -33,138 217,881
      Nokia 1,281.22 1.752 3.121 5/14/12 2.338 -2,996 3,999 1,003 118,884  248,023 -29,139 218,884
  Buy Kospi 50 long Amorepacific Group 181.27 26.166   10/20/14 87.497 4,743        252,766 -33,883  
    MDAX short Ströer Media 598.33 7.927   8/06/12 7.080 4,743        257,509 -38,626  
    OMXS 30 long Electrolux 133.82 17.722   6/24/13 19.030 2,371        259,881 -40,997  
      Swedbank 171.99 13.789   6/24/13 16.871 2,372        262,252 -43,369  
7/30/12 Sell FTSE short Aviva 14.40 382.206 286.108 6/04/12 334.157 -4,812 4,120 -692 118,192  257,440 -39,249 218,192
    NZX 50 KMD Brands 6,049.07 0.992 0.916 5/21/12 0.954 -5,769 5,539 -230 117,962  251,671 -33,709 217,962
  Buy FTSE long Ashtead 13.82 333.248   8/24/15 1,199.890 4,605        256,277 -38,315  
8/06/12 Sell MDAX short Ströer Media 598.33 7.080 8.875 7/23/12 7.927 -4,743 5,310 567 118,529  251,534 -33,005 218,529
    FT 30 Man Group 58.03 106.958 99.561 5/14/12 103.259 -5,992 5,778 -215 118,315  245,542 -27,227 218,315
  Buy MDAX long Dürr 345.22 13.838   10/29/12 14.790 4,777        250,319 -32,004  
    FT 30 Ferguson 1.56 3,068.570   6/24/13 3,452.810 4,787        255,106 -36,791  
8/13/12 Sell France short Solocal 3.89 1,038.280 2,100.620 4/23/12 1,476.830 -5,745 8,171 2,427 120,741  249,361 -28,620 220,741
    Nordic 30 Nokia 2,266.25 2.220 2.595 5/07/12 2.400 -5,439 5,880 441 121,182  243,922 -22,740 221,182
    Topix (FRA) Mazda Motor 772.29 4.800 8.694 3/19/12 6.460 -4,989 6,714 1,725 122,908  238,933 -16,025 222,908
  Buy France long Eurofins Scientific 499.47 10.355   4/22/13 15.325 5,172        244,105 -21,197  
    Nordic 30 Pandora 462.11 11.192   6/03/13 26.264 5,172        249,277 -26,369  
    Topix (FRA) Softbank Group 320.47 16.139   9/03/12 15.996 5,172        254,449 -31,541  
8/20/12 Sell HSI short China Unicom 4,853.20 1.370 1.008 5/21/12 1.189 -5,769 4,892 -877 122,030  248,680 -26,650 222,030
    IBEX 35 Sacyr 1,509.96 1.284 8.553 2/13/12 3.314 -5,004 12,915 7,911 129,942  243,676 -13,735 229,942
date B/S market l/s instrument pieces price prc short corresponding invest divest prf/loss acc p/l ∑ invest asset total
    OMXH 25 Outokumpu 531.58 6.980 19.345 4/09/12 11.620 -6,177 10,283 4,106 134,048  237,499 -3,451 234,048
    TSX 60 BlackBerry 590.66 5.638 18.115 4/16/12 10.106 -5,969 10,700 4,731 138,779  231,530 7,248 238,779
    PSI 20 Banco Comercial 8,885.51 0.452 0.960 4/02/12 0.659 -5,852 8,527 2,675 141,453  225,678 15,775 241,453
  Buy HSI long Galaxy Entertainment 2,733.49 2.352   4/22/13 3.135 6,430        232,108 9,345  
    IBEX 35 Grifols 572.06 11.240   11/05/12 13.025 6,430        238,538 2,915  
    OMXH 25 Huhtamäki 540.79 11.890   10/22/12 12.450 6,430        244,968 -3,515  
    TSX 60 Couche-Tard 961.85 6.685   4/22/13 7.405 6,430        251,398 -9,945  
8/27/12 Sell ISEQ 20 short Bank of Ireland 1,105.17 2.490 2.736 5/21/12 2.610 -2,884 3,024 139 141,592  248,514 -6,921 241,592
      Smurfit Kappa 519.73 6.550 4.550 5/21/12 5.550 -2,885 2,365 -520 141,072  245,629 -4,557 241,072
    MerVal YPF 428.12 14.446 12.421 4/23/12 13.433 -5,751 5,318 -433 140,639  239,878 761 240,639
  Buy ISEQ 20 long Kerry 80.28 37.580   6/17/13 42.250 3,017        242,895 -2,256  
      Smurfit Kappa 460.61 6.550   6/17/13 12.270 3,017        245,912 -5,273  
9/03/12 Sell S&P 100 long Biogen 40.30 116.954   1/09/12 90.342 -3,641 4,713 1,072 141,711  242,271 -560 241,711
    AEX short ArcelorMittal 159.49 35.565 42.177 4/09/12 38.730 -6,177 6,727 550 142,261  236,094 6,167 242,261
    OBX 25 REC Silicon 1,731.04 2.359 5.080 5/14/12 3.462 -5,992 8,793 2,801 145,062  230,102 14,960 245,062
    Athex LC Public Power 3,850.97 1.330 1.806 4/16/12 1.550 -5,969 6,956 987 146,050  224,133 21,917 246,050
    Topix (FRA) long Softbank Group 320.47 15.996   8/13/12 16.139 -5,172 5,126 -46 146,004  218,961 27,043 246,004
  Buy S&P 100 short HP 505.22 13.511   9/17/12 13.872 6,826        225,787 20,217  
    OBX 25 long Grieg Seafood 4,977.40 1.371   1/07/13 1.707 6,826        232,613 13,391  
    Athex LC Alpha Services 101.88 67.000   3/25/13 37.850 6,826        239,439 6,565  
    MerVal short Pampa Energía 40,606.78 0.168   9/10/12 0.164 6,826        246,265 -261  
    Topix (FRA) Kansai Electric Pwr 1,197.12 5.702   3/11/13 6.145 6,826        253,091 -7,087  
9/10/12 Sell Germany short SolarWorld 25.33 182.550 306.524 5/14/12 236.550 -5,992 7,764 1,772 147,776  247,099 677 247,776
    MerVal Pampa Energía 40,606.78 0.164 0.172 9/03/12 0.168 -6,826 6,997 171 147,947  240,273 7,674 247,947
    CAC Mid 60 Vallourec 4.33 1,453.800 1,311.000 5/14/12 1,382.400 -5,986 5,677 -309 147,638  234,287 13,350 247,638
date B/S market l/s instrument pieces price prc short corresponding invest divest prf/loss acc p/l ∑ invest asset total
    Indices Athex Large Cap 2.84 2,671.700 1,384.500 5/21/12 2,028.100 -5,760 3,932 -1,828 145,810  228,528 17,282 245,810
  Buy CAC Mid 60 long Eurofins Scientific 597.91 11.000   4/22/13 15.325 6,577        235,105 10,705  
    Indices OMXC 20 99.05 66.404   6/17/13 70.001 6,577        241,682 4,128  
9/17/12 Sell S&P 100 short HP 505.22 13.872 13.150 9/03/12 13.511 -6,826 6,643 -183 145,627  234,856 10,771 245,627
    HSI-Fin HK Exchgs & Clrg 527.66 11.718 10.994 5/14/12 11.356 -5,992 5,801 -191 145,436  228,864 16,572 245,436
    HSI-C&I Citic Pacific 4,870.00 0.959 1.464 5/21/12 1.185 -5,769 7,128 1,359 146,796  223,095 23,701 246,796
    DJTA long Delta Air Lines 546.12 7.031   7/02/12 8.780 -4,795 3,840 -955 145,840  218,300 27,541 245,840
  Buy S&P 100 Gilead Sciences 272.68 25.063   10/13/14 79.611 6,834        225,134 20,706  
    CAC 40 Credit Agricole 1,142.05 5.984   9/24/12 5.714 6,834        231,968 13,872  
    HSI-Fin Bank of China (HK) 2,863.25 2.387   5/13/13 2.748 6,834        238,802 7,038  
    HSI-C&I Galaxy Entertainment 2,811.19 2.431   4/08/13 3.018 6,834        245,636 204  
    DJTA short Expeditors Wash 233.13 29.314   9/24/12 28.398 6,834        252,470 -6,630  
9/24/12 Sell CAC 40 long Credit Agricole 1,142.05 5.714   9/17/12 5.984 -6,834 6,526 -308 145,532  245,636 -104 245,532
    DJTA short Expeditors Wash 233.13 28.398 30.259 9/17/12 29.314 -6,834 7,054 220 145,753  238,802 6,950 245,753
  Buy   long Avis Budget 508.65 12.419   7/20/15 38.916 6,317        245,119 634  
10/01/12 Buy CAC Next 20 short Hermes International 29.13 211.450   12/10/12 235.500 6,160        251,279 -5,526  
10/15/12 Buy AEX short KPN 1,656.09 3.626   2/02/15 2.756 6,005        257,284 -11,531  
    MerVal Pampa Energía 39,820.95 0.151   10/22/12 0.141 6,005        263,289 -17,536  
10/22/12 Sell BEL 20 long Galapagos 400.00 16.900   6/25/12 12.250 -4,900 6,760 1,860 147,613  258,389 -10,776 247,613
    OMXH 25 Huhtamäki 540.79 12.450   8/20/12 11.890 -6,430 6,733 303 147,915  251,959 -4,043 247,915
    MerVal short Pampa Energía 39,820.95 0.141 0.161 10/15/12 0.151 -6,005 6,427 422 148,338  245,954 2,384 248,338
    DJ Global Titans long Apple 277.42 17.386   5/28/12 16.307 -4,524 4,823 299 148,637  241,430 7,207 248,637
  Buy BEL 20 short Bekaert 296.39 21.580   11/12/12 21.290 6,396        247,826 811  
    OMXH 25 Outokumpu 988.56 6.470   11/05/12 6.200 6,396        254,222 -5,585  
    DJ Global Titans Telefónica 609.14 10.500   10/29/12 10.070 6,396        260,618 -11,981  
date B/S market l/s instrument pieces price prc short corresponding invest divest prf/loss acc p/l ∑ invest asset total
10/29/12 Sell MDAX long Dürr 345.22 14.790   8/06/12 13.838 -4,777 5,106 329 148,966  255,841 -6,875 248,966
    SDAX short Klöckner 736.41 7.058 8.695 5/21/12 7.834 -5,769 6,403 634 149,600  250,072 -472 249,600
    DJ Global Titans Telefónica 609.14 10.070 10.948 10/22/12 10.500 -6,396 6,669 273 149,873  243,676 6,197 249,873
  Buy MDAX Ströer Media 965.46 6.630   1/14/13 6.901 6,401        250,077 -204  
    MerVal Pampa Energía 44,205.80 0.145   12/24/12 0.147 6,401        256,478 -6,605  
    DJ Global Titans long Bank of America 888.58 7.204   12/16/13 11.075 6,401        262,879 -13,006  
11/05/12 Sell MIB short UnipolSai 506.43 0.935 28.146 6/27/11 5.130 -2,598 14,254 11,656 161,529  260,281 1,249 261,529
    IBEX 35 long Grifols 572.06 13.025   8/20/12 11.240 -6,430 7,451 1,021 162,550  253,851 8,700 262,550
    OMXH 25 short Outokumpu 988.56 6.200 6.752 10/22/12 6.470 -6,396 6,675 279 162,829  247,455 15,374 262,829
  Buy MIB long Azimut 747.53 9.304   8/04/14 18.460 6,955        254,410 8,419  
    OMXH 25 Konecranes 275.45 25.250   11/12/12 24.380 6,955        261,365 1,464  
11/12/12 Sell BEL 20 short Bekaert 296.39 21.290 21.874 10/22/12 21.580 -6,396 6,483 87 162,916  254,969 7,947 262,916
    OMXH 25 long Konecranes 275.45 24.380   11/05/12 25.250 -6,955 6,715 -240 162,676  248,014 14,663 262,676
  Buy BEL 20 Galapagos 409.99 16.910   6/24/13 14.210 6,933        254,947 7,730  
    OMXH 25 short Outokumpu 1,079.91 6.420   12/31/12 7.400 6,933        261,880 797  
11/19/12 Sell SMI long Swiss Re 97.55 54.864   6/18/12 46.620 -4,548 5,352 804 163,481  257,332 6,149 263,481
    Nikkei (TYO) short Nippon Sheet Glass 614.90 7.143 8.148 7/16/12 7.629 -4,691 5,010 319 163,800  252,641 11,159 263,800
  Buy PSI 20 Impresa 23,700.00 0.290   12/17/12 0.300 6,873        259,514 4,286  
    SMI Julius Bär 263.13 26.121   12/17/12 27.324 6,873        266,387 -2,587  
    Nikkei (TYO) long Subaru 840.66 8.176   10/07/13 20.003 6,873        273,260 -9,460  
11/26/12 Sell SLI short Lonza 166.68 36.099 32.909 4/23/12 34.504 -5,751 5,485 -266 163,534  267,509 -3,975 263,534
  Buy SDAX Deutz 1,996.31 3.250   12/10/12 3.138 6,488        273,997 -10,463  
    SLI long Swiss Life 62.25 104.219   6/24/13 120.698 6,488        280,484 -16,950  
12/10/12 Sell SSE 50 short China Unicom 9,509.88 0.413 0.620 6/04/12 0.506 -4,812 5,891 1,079 164,613  275,672 -11,059 264,613
    SDAX Deutz 1,996.31 3.138 3.366 11/26/12 3.250 -6,488 6,720 232 164,845  269,184 -4,339 264,845
date B/S market l/s instrument pieces price prc short corresponding invest divest prf/loss acc p/l ∑ invest asset total
    CAC Next 20 Hermes International 29.13 235.500 187.400 10/01/12 211.450 -6,160 5,459 -701 164,144  263,025 1,120 264,144
  Buy SSE 50 long China Rwy Constr 9,261.17 0.716   4/29/13 0.634 6,631        269,656 -5,511  
    CAC 40 Societe Generale 230.12 28.815   1/14/13 34.140 6,631        276,287 -12,142  
12/17/12 Sell PSI 20 short Impresa 23,700.00 0.300 0.280 11/19/12 0.290 -6,873 6,636 -237 163,907  269,414 -5,506 263,907
    SMI Julius Bär 263.13 27.324 24.917 11/19/12 26.121 -6,873 6,556 -317 163,591  262,541 1,050 263,591
  Buy   long Richemont 110.40 59.929   10/14/13 74.199 6,616        269,157 -5,566  
12/24/12 Sell MerVal short Pampa Energía 44,205.80 0.147 0.143 10/29/12 0.145 -6,401 6,308 -93 163,498  262,756 742 263,498
  Buy   long Gr Fin Galicia 9,470.89 0.697   5/27/13 0.697 6,605        269,361 -5,863  
12/31/12 Sell OMXH 25 short Outokumpu 1,079.91 7.400 5.440 11/12/12 6.420 -6,933 5,875 -1,058 162,440  262,428 12 262,440
  Buy   long Orion 295.54 22.200   3/18/13 22.000 6,561        268,989 -6,549  
1/07/13 Sell OBX 25 long Grieg Seafood 4,977.40 1.707   9/03/12 1.371 -6,826 8,495 1,669 164,108  262,163 1,946 264,108
    Nikkei (FRA) short Nippon Sheet Glass 331.42 9.100 8.980 5/14/12 9.040 -2,996 2,976 -20 164,089  259,167 4,922 264,089
      Sharp 77.56 23.550 63.366 5/14/12 38.630 -2,996 4,915 1,919 166,007  256,171 9,837 266,007
  Buy OBX 25 REC Silicon 3,826.22 1.802   1/21/13 1.488 6,896        263,067 2,941  
    Nikkei (FRA) long Subaru 348.28 9.900   1/14/13 9.907 3,448        266,515 -507  
1/14/13 Sell CAC 40 long Societe Generale 230.12 34.140   12/10/12 28.815 -6,631 7,856 1,225 167,233  259,884 7,349 267,233
    MDAX short Ströer Media 965.46 6.901 6.359 10/29/12 6.630 -6,401 6,139 -262 166,971  253,483 13,488 266,971
    Nikkei (FRA) long Subaru 348.28 9.907   1/07/13 9.900 -3,448 3,450 2 166,973  250,035 16,939 266,973
  Buy CAC 40 short Engie 459.95 15.430   1/28/13 15.390 7,097        257,132 9,842  
    Nikkei (FRA) Screen 364.23 9.743   2/11/13 8.403 3,549        260,680 6,293  
1/21/13 Sell OBX 25 short REC Silicon 3,826.22 1.488 2.182 1/07/13 1.802 -6,896 8,350 1,454 168,428  253,784 14,643 268,428
  Buy   long Grieg Seafood 4,075.10 1.736   1/28/13 1.688 7,076        260,860 7,567  
1/28/13 Sell CAC 40 short Engie 459.95 15.390 15.470 1/14/13 15.430 -7,097 7,115 18 168,446  253,763 14,683 268,446
    OBX 25 long Grieg Seafood 4,075.10 1.688   1/21/13 1.736 -7,076 6,879 -197 168,249  246,687 21,562 268,249
  Buy CAC 40 Credit Agricole 933.39 7.762   2/11/13 7.414 7,245        253,932 14,317  
date B/S market l/s instrument pieces price prc short corresponding invest divest prf/loss acc p/l ∑ invest asset total
    OBX 25 short REC Silicon 4,683.86 1.547   2/25/13 1.312 7,245        261,177 7,072  
2/11/13 Sell CAC 40 long Credit Agricole 933.39 7.414   1/28/13 7.762 -7,245 6,920 -325 167,924  253,932 13,992 267,924
    Nikkei (FRA) short Screen 364.23 8.403 11.296 1/14/13 9.743 -3,549 4,114 566 168,490  250,384 18,107 268,490
    GCX REC Silicon 1,653.20 1.027 11.783 4/23/12 3.479 -5,751 19,480 13,729 182,219  244,633 37,587 282,219
  Buy CAC 40 Orange 1,014.21 7.883   2/25/13 7.479 7,995        252,628 29,592  
    ÖkoDAX (deprecated) long PNE Wind 2,865.59 2.790   4/29/13 2.700 7,995        260,623 21,597  
    Nikkei (FRA) Subaru 370.14 10.800   8/26/13 18.441 3,998        264,620 17,599  
      Mazda Motor 321.21 12.445   8/26/13 15.485 3,997        268,618 13,602  
    GCX SunPower 1,132.00 7.063   11/25/13 21.795 7,995        276,613 5,607  
2/18/13 Buy GEX long MBB 388.92 18.500   4/22/13 17.650 7,195        283,808 -1,588  
2/25/13 Sell CAC 40 short Orange 1,014.21 7.479 8.309 2/11/13 7.883 -7,995 8,427 432 182,651  275,813 6,839 282,651
    OBX 25 REC Silicon 4,683.86 1.312 1.824 1/28/13 1.547 -7,245 8,545 1,300 183,951  268,568 15,383 283,951
  Buy CAC 40 long Credit Agricole 1,001.07 7.475   4/22/13 6.300 7,483        276,051 7,900  
    OBX 25 Norwegian 2.56 2,924.050   4/15/13 2,803.560 7,486        283,536 415  
3/11/13 Sell Topix (FRA) short Kansai Electric Pwr 1,197.12 6.145 5.259 9/03/12 5.702 -6,826 6,296 -530 183,421  276,710 6,710 283,421
  Buy   long Mazda Motor 587.05 12.355   4/01/13 11.250 7,253        283,963 -543  
3/18/13 Sell OMXH 25 long Orion 295.54 22.000   12/31/12 22.200 -6,561 6,502 -59 183,362  277,402 5,959 283,362
  Buy   short Outokumpu 1,310.33 5.520   9/16/13 4.600 7,233        284,635 -1,274  
3/25/13 Sell Athex LC long Alpha Services 101.88 37.850   9/03/12 67.000 -6,826 3,856 -2,970 180,392  277,809 2,582 280,392
  Buy   short Eurobank Ergasias 27.21 260.000   9/30/13 50.000 7,075        284,884 -4,492  
4/01/13 Sell Topix (FRA) long Mazda Motor 587.05 11.250   3/11/13 12.355 -7,253 6,604 -649 179,743  277,631 2,112 279,743
  Buy   short Nidec 643.32 10.953   4/15/13 10.948 7,046        284,677 -4,934  
4/08/13 Sell HSI-C&I long Galaxy Entertainment 2,811.19 3.018   9/17/12 2.431 -6,834 8,485 1,651 181,394  277,843 3,552 281,394
4/15/13 Sell OBX 25 long Norwegian 2.56 2,803.560   2/25/13 2,924.050 -7,486 7,177 -308 181,086  270,357 10,729 281,086
    Topix (FRA) short Nidec 643.32 10.948 10.957 4/01/13 10.953 -7,046 7,049 3 181,089  263,311 17,777 281,089
date B/S market l/s instrument pieces price prc short corresponding invest divest prf/loss acc p/l ∑ invest asset total
  Buy OBX 25 Frontline 1,007.84 7.413   10/21/13 8.829 7,471        270,782 10,306  
    Topix (FRA) long Mazda Motor 638.27 11.705   6/03/13 14.600 7,471        278,253 2,836  
4/22/13 Sell France long Eurofins Scientific 499.47 15.325   8/13/12 10.355 -5,172 7,654 2,482 183,571  273,081 10,490 283,571
    HSI Galaxy Entertainment 2,733.49 3.135   8/20/12 2.352 -6,430 8,569 2,139 185,710  266,651 19,059 285,710
    CAC 40 Credit Agricole 1,001.07 6.300   2/25/13 7.475 -7,483 6,307 -1,176 184,534  259,168 25,365 284,534
    TSX 60 Couche-Tard 961.85 7.405   8/20/12 6.685 -6,430 7,122 692 185,226  252,738 32,488 285,226
    CAC Mid 60 Eurofins Scientific 597.91 15.325   9/10/12 11.000 -6,577 9,163 2,586 187,812  246,161 41,651 287,812
    GEX MBB 388.92 17.650   2/18/13 18.500 -7,195 6,864 -331 187,481  238,966 48,515 287,481
  Buy France short ArcelorMittal 319.52 26.286   5/06/13 29.061 8,399        247,365 40,116  
    HSI China Shenhua HK 3,301.23 2.544   9/16/13 2.475 8,399        255,764 31,717  
    CAC 40 ArcelorMittal 319.52 26.286   8/05/13 28.620 8,399        264,163 23,318  
    TSX 60 Barrick Gold 580.69 14.464   9/30/13 13.729 8,399        272,562 14,919  
    CAC Mid 60 Viridien 16.87 497.920   4/29/13 532.320 8,400        280,962 6,519  
    GEX YOC 1,663.50 5.049   9/23/13 2.219 8,399        289,361 -1,880  
4/29/13 Sell SSE 50 long China Rwy Constr 9,261.17 0.634   12/10/12 0.716 -6,631 5,874 -757 186,725  282,730 3,995 286,725
    ÖkoDAX (deprecated) PNE Wind 2,865.59 2.700   2/11/13 2.790 -7,995 7,737 -258 186,467  274,735 11,732 286,467
    CAC Mid 60 short Viridien 16.87 532.320 463.520 4/22/13 497.920 -8,400 7,820 -580 185,886  266,335 19,551 285,886
  Buy SSE 50 China Northern Rare 3,363.44 2.270   5/06/13 2.286 7,635        273,970 11,916  
    ÖkoDAX (deprecated) SolarWorld 71.99 106.050   4/13/15 14.550 7,635        281,605 4,282  
5/06/13 Sell France short ArcelorMittal 319.52 29.061 23.511 4/22/13 26.286 -8,399 7,512 -887 185,000  273,206 11,794 285,000
    SSE 50 China Northern Rare 3,363.44 2.286 2.254 4/29/13 2.270 -7,635 7,581 -54 184,946  265,571 19,375 284,946
  Buy   long China Minsheng Bk 7,235.38 1.052   5/13/13 1.064 7,608        273,179 11,767  
5/13/13 Sell   long China Minsheng Bk 7,235.38 1.064   5/06/13 1.052 -7,608 7,700 92 185,038  265,571 19,467 285,038
    HSI-Fin Bank of China (HK) 2,863.25 2.748   9/17/12 2.387 -6,834 7,867 1,033 186,071  258,737 27,334 286,071
  Buy SSE 50 short China Northern Rare 3,308.84 2.368   11/04/13 2.137 7,835        266,572 19,499  
date B/S market l/s instrument pieces price prc short corresponding invest divest prf/loss acc p/l ∑ invest asset total
    HSI-Fin Ping An 2,615.15 2.996   10/14/13 2.804 7,835        274,407 11,664  
5/27/13 Sell MerVal long Gr Fin Galicia 9,470.89 0.697   12/24/12 0.697 -6,605 6,598 -7 186,064  267,802 18,262 286,064
  Buy   short Pampa Energía 46,732.19 0.163   6/10/13 0.158 7,608        275,410 10,654  
6/03/13 Sell Nordic 30 long Pandora 462.11 26.264   8/13/12 11.192 -5,172 12,137 6,965 193,029  270,238 22,791 293,029
    Topix (FRA) Mazda Motor 638.27 14.600   4/15/13 11.705 -7,471 9,319 1,848 194,877  262,767 32,110 294,877
  Buy Nordic 30 short Equinor 471.38 17.340   7/29/13 16.264 8,174        270,941 23,936  
    Topix (FRA) Inpex 1,027.79 7.953   11/18/13 8.519 8,174        279,115 15,762  
6/10/13 Sell HSI-Prop long China Ov Land & Inv 1,422.78 2.124   1/16/12 1.541 -2,193 3,022 829 195,706  276,922 18,784 295,706
      China Res Land 1,551.55 2.183   1/16/12 1.413 -2,193 3,386 1,194 196,900  274,730 22,170 296,900
    MerVal short Pampa Energía 46,732.19 0.158 0.168 5/27/13 0.163 -7,608 7,832 224 197,124  267,122 30,002 297,124
    STI long ThaiBev 22,596.61 0.382   7/02/12 0.212 -4,795 8,623 3,828 200,952  262,327 38,625 300,952
  Buy France short ArcelorMittal 301.12 28.191   7/08/13 26.415 8,489        270,816 30,136  
    SDAX Hypoport 1,134.89 7.480   9/30/13 8.120 8,489        279,305 21,647  
    HSI-Prop Hang Lung 1,652.71 2.568   11/18/13 2.531 4,244        283,549 17,403  
      Sino Land 3,944.34 1.076   11/18/13 1.043 4,245        287,793 13,158  
    MerVal long Telecom Argentina 2,241.14 3.788   6/17/13 3.268 8,489        296,282 4,669  
    CAC Mid 60 short Viridien 15.13 561.120   8/05/13 575.840 8,490        304,772 -3,820  
6/17/13 Sell ISEQ 20 long Kerry 80.28 42.250   8/27/12 37.580 -3,017 3,392 375 201,327  301,755 -429 301,327
      Smurfit Kappa 460.61 12.270   8/27/12 6.550 -3,017 5,652 2,635 203,961  298,738 5,223 303,961
    MerVal Telecom Argentina 2,241.14 3.268   6/10/13 3.788 -8,489 7,324 -1,165 202,797  290,249 12,547 302,797
    Indices OMXC 20 99.05 70.001   9/10/12 66.404 -6,577 6,934 356 203,153  283,672 19,481 303,153
  Buy ISEQ 20 short C&C Group 952.63 4.233   7/29/13 4.100 4,032        287,704 15,448  
      CRH 257.98 15.631   7/29/13 15.994 4,032        291,737 11,416  
    PSI 20 long Teixeira Duarte 14,935.19 0.540   6/24/13 0.570 8,065        299,802 3,351  
    MerVal short Comercial del Plata 114,722.62 0.070   8/12/13 0.067 8,065        307,867 -4,714  
date B/S market l/s instrument pieces price prc short corresponding invest divest prf/loss acc p/l ∑ invest asset total
6/24/13 Sell BEL 20 long Galapagos 409.99 14.210   11/12/12 16.910 -6,933 5,826 -1,107 202,046  300,934 1,112 302,046
    PSI 20 Teixeira Duarte 14,935.19 0.570   6/17/13 0.540 -8,065 8,513 448 202,494  292,869 9,625 302,494
    OMXC 20 Genmab 553.92 22.604   7/16/12 8.469 -4,691 12,521 7,830 210,324  288,178 22,146 310,324
    OMXS 30 Electrolux 133.82 19.030   7/23/12 17.722 -2,371 2,547 175 210,499  285,807 24,692 310,499
      Swedbank 171.99 16.871   7/23/12 13.789 -2,372 2,902 530 211,029  283,435 27,594 311,029
    FT 30 Ferguson 1.56 3,452.810   8/06/12 3,068.570 -4,787 5,386 599 211,628  278,648 32,980 311,628
    SLI Swiss Life 62.25 120.698   11/26/12 104.219 -6,488 7,513 1,026 212,654  272,160 40,494 312,654
  Buy Germany short SolarWorld 96.01 91.950   7/29/13 77.250 8,828        280,989 31,666  
    MDAX Salzgitter 347.49 25.405   7/01/13 25.340 8,828        289,816 22,838  
    BEL 20 Aperam 1,061.06 8.320   7/15/13 8.461 8,828        298,645 14,010  
    OMXC 20 FLSmidth 252.00 35.032   7/01/13 34.376 8,828        307,473 5,182  
    OMXS 30 Boliden 462.24 9.549   7/08/13 9.256 4,414        311,887 768  
      Tele2 502.84 8.778   7/08/13 9.227 4,414        316,301 -3,646  
    FT 30 Man Group 92.68 95.252   7/01/13 100.211 8,828        325,129 -12,474  
    SLI Kühne & Nagel 108.79 81.145   7/08/13 90.725 8,828        333,956 -21,302  
    BAX SFC Energy 1,858.53 4.750   7/01/13 4.650 8,828        342,784 -30,130  
7/01/13 Sell MDAX short Salzgitter 347.49 25.340 25.470 6/24/13 25.405 -8,828 8,851 23 212,677  333,956 -21,280 312,677
    OMXC 20 FLSmidth 252.00 34.376 35.701 6/24/13 35.032 -8,828 8,997 169 212,845  325,128 -12,283 312,845
    FT 30 Man Group 92.68 100.211 90.294 6/24/13 95.252 -8,828 8,368 -460 212,386  316,300 -3,914 312,386
    BAX SFC Energy 1,858.53 4.650 4.852 6/24/13 4.750 -8,828 9,018 190 212,576  307,472 5,104 312,576
  Buy MDAX long Dürr 330.91 23.998   7/28/14 30.355 7,941        315,413 -2,837  
    OMXC 20 Vestas Wind Systems 3,678.94 2.159   9/01/14 6.373 7,941        323,354 -10,778  
    FT 30 Lloyds Bank 106.06 74.871   9/09/13 90.907 7,941        331,295 -18,719  
    BAX Morphosys 179.88 44.145   4/14/14 58.270 7,941        339,236 -26,660  
7/08/13 Sell France short ArcelorMittal 301.12 26.415 30.086 6/10/13 28.191 -8,489 9,060 571 213,147  330,747 -17,601 313,147
date B/S market l/s instrument pieces price prc short corresponding invest divest prf/loss acc p/l ∑ invest asset total
    OMXS 30 Boliden 462.24 9.256 9.852 6/24/13 9.549 -4,414 4,554 140 213,287  326,333 -13,047 313,287
      Tele2 502.84 9.227 8.329 6/24/13 8.778 -4,414 4,188 -226 213,061  321,919 -8,858 313,061
    SLI Kühne & Nagel 108.79 90.725 71.565 6/24/13 81.145 -8,828 7,786 -1,042 212,019  313,091 -1,073 312,019
  Buy OMXS 30 long Nokia 1,220.02 3.186   10/13/14 6.407 3,887        316,978 -4,959  
      Kinnevik 177.73 21.868   10/13/14 22.475 3,887        320,864 -8,846  
    SLI Lonza 129.12 60.201   8/12/13 56.494 7,773        328,637 -16,619  
7/15/13 Sell BEL 20 short Aperam 1,061.06 8.461 8.179 6/24/13 8.320 -8,828 8,678 -150 211,869  319,809 -7,940 311,869
  Buy   long KBC 242.36 31.350   10/13/14 40.740 7,598        327,407 -15,538  
7/29/13 Sell Germany short SolarWorld 96.01 77.250 109.447 6/24/13 91.950 -8,828 10,508 1,680 213,549  318,579 -5,030 313,549
    ATX long Österreichische Post 189.26 31.600   6/25/12 25.890 -4,900 5,981 1,081 214,630  313,679 950 314,630
    ISEQ 20 short C&C Group 952.63 4.100 4.370 6/17/13 4.233 -4,032 4,163 131 214,760  309,647 5,113 314,760
      CRH 257.98 15.994 15.268 6/17/13 15.631 -4,032 3,939 -94 214,667  305,614 9,052 314,667
    Nordic 30 Equinor 471.38 16.264 18.488 6/03/13 17.340 -8,174 8,715 541 215,208  297,440 17,767 315,208
  Buy ATX Raiffeisen Bank Int 360.58 23.085   10/21/13 25.350 8,324        305,764 9,443  
    ISEQ 20 long FBD 266.79 15.600   8/05/13 16.650 4,162        309,926 5,281  
      Smurfit Kappa 291.05 14.300   8/05/13 15.150 4,162        314,088 1,119  
    Nordic 30 Pandora 289.84 28.719   4/28/14 46.257 8,324        322,412 -7,205  
8/05/13 Sell CAC 40 short ArcelorMittal 319.52 28.620 23.952 4/22/13 26.286 -8,399 7,653 -746 214,462  314,013 449 314,462
    ISEQ 20 long FBD 266.79 16.650   7/29/13 15.600 -4,162 4,442 280 214,742  309,851 4,891 314,742
      Smurfit Kappa 291.05 15.150   7/29/13 14.300 -4,162 4,409 247 214,990  305,689 9,300 314,990
    CAC Mid 60 short Viridien 15.13 575.840 546.400 6/10/13 561.120 -8,490 8,267 -223 214,767  297,200 17,567 314,767
  Buy ISEQ 20 C&C Group 1,003.14 4.141   9/09/13 4.285 4,154        301,354 13,413  
      Flutter 68.10 61.000   9/09/13 61.200 4,154        305,508 9,259  
8/12/13 Sell MerVal short Comercial del Plata 114,722.62 0.067 0.074 6/17/13 0.070 -8,065 8,467 402 215,168  297,443 17,726 315,168
    SLI long Lonza 129.12 56.494   7/08/13 60.201 -7,773 7,295 -479 214,690  289,670 25,020 314,690
date B/S market l/s instrument pieces price prc short corresponding invest divest prf/loss acc p/l ∑ invest asset total
  Buy MerVal Telecom Argentina 2,014.52 4.215   2/10/14 2.998 8,492        298,162 16,528  
    Indices Merval 16.94 501.316   8/04/14 750.468 8,492        306,654 8,036  
8/26/13 Sell Nikkei (FRA) long Subaru 370.14 18.441   2/11/13 10.800 -3,998 6,826 2,828 217,518  302,657 14,862 317,518
      Mazda Motor 321.21 15.485   2/11/13 12.445 -3,997 4,974 976 218,494  298,659 19,835 318,494
  Buy PSI 20 Teixeira Duarte 12,623.88 0.670   9/02/13 0.650 8,458        307,117 11,377  
    Nikkei (FRA) short Nikon 321.60 13.150   9/09/13 12.596 4,229        311,346 7,148  
9/02/13 Sell PSI 20 long Teixeira Duarte 12,623.88 0.650   8/26/13 0.670 -8,458 8,206 -252 218,242  302,888 15,354 318,242
9/09/13 Sell ISEQ 20 short C&C Group 1,003.14 4.285 3.997 8/05/13 4.141 -4,154 4,010 -144 218,098  298,734 19,363 318,098
      Flutter 68.10 61.200 60.800 8/05/13 61.000 -4,154 4,140 -14 218,084  294,580 23,504 318,084
    FT 30 long Lloyds Bank 106.06 90.907   7/01/13 74.871 -7,941 9,642 1,701 219,785  286,639 33,146 319,785
    Nikkei (FRA) short Nikon 321.60 12.596 13.728 8/26/13 13.150 -4,229 4,415 186 219,971  282,410 37,561 319,971
  Buy ISEQ 20 long Bank of Ireland 631.21 7.080   10/14/13 6.960 4,469        286,879 33,092  
      Smurfit Kappa 280.19 15.950   10/14/13 17.020 4,469        291,348 28,623  
    PSI 20 Impresa 13,144.12 0.680   9/16/13 0.670 8,938        300,286 19,685  
    FT 30 short Man Group 84.77 105.435   10/14/13 92.741 8,938        309,224 10,747  
    Nikkei (FRA) long Furukawa Co 267.12 16.730   9/30/13 17.160 4,469        313,693 6,278  
      Tokyo Electric Power 1,142.97 3.910   9/30/13 4.520 4,469        318,162 1,809  
9/16/13 Sell HSI short China Shenhua HK 3,301.23 2.475 2.615 4/22/13 2.544 -8,399 8,633 234 220,205  309,763 10,442 320,205
    OMXH 25 Outokumpu 1,310.33 4.600 6.624 3/18/13 5.520 -7,233 8,680 1,447 221,651  302,530 19,122 321,651
    PSI 20 long Impresa 13,144.12 0.670   9/09/13 0.680 -8,938 8,807 -131 221,520  293,592 27,928 321,520
  Buy HSI Galaxy Entertainment 1,632.41 5.352   12/23/13 6.370 8,736        302,328 19,192  
    OMXH 25 Nokia 1,850.85 4.720   10/21/13 5.265 8,736        311,064 10,456  
9/23/13 Sell GEX short YOC 1,663.50 2.219 11.488 4/22/13 5.049 -8,399 19,111 10,712 232,232  302,665 29,567 332,232
  Buy PSI 20 long Teixeira Duarte 13,703.03 0.660   12/09/13 0.920 9,044        311,709 20,523  
    GEX Manz 168.83 53.570   4/14/14 65.730 9,044        320,753 11,479  
date B/S market l/s instrument pieces price prc short corresponding invest divest prf/loss acc p/l ∑ invest asset total
9/30/13 Sell SDAX short Hypoport 1,134.89 8.120 6.840 6/10/13 7.480 -8,489 7,763 -726 231,505  312,264 19,241 331,505
    TSX 60 Barrick Gold 580.69 13.729 15.238 4/22/13 14.464 -8,399 8,848 449 231,954  303,865 28,089 331,954
    Athex LC Eurobank Ergasias 27.21 50.000 1,352.000 3/25/13 260.000 -7,075 36,788 29,713 261,668  296,790 64,877 361,668
    Nikkei (FRA) long Furukawa Co 267.12 17.160   9/09/13 16.730 -4,469 4,584 115 261,783  292,321 69,461 361,783
      Tokyo Electric Power 1,142.97 4.520   9/09/13 3.910 -4,469 5,166 697 262,480  287,852 74,627 362,480
  Buy HSI-C&I Galaxy Entertainment 2,111.86 5.174   2/03/14 7.265 10,927        298,779 63,700  
    TSX 60 Bausch Health 142.13 76.879   9/29/14 102.197 10,927        309,706 52,774  
    Athex LC Aegean Airlines 2,601.67 4.200   1/27/14 7.210 10,927        320,633 41,847  
    Nikkei (FRA) short Nikon 417.70 13.080   11/04/13 13.433 5,464        326,097 36,383  
    CAC Next 20 SES 516.64 21.150   10/07/13 21.020 10,927        337,024 25,456  
10/07/13 Sell   short SES 516.64 21.020 21.281 9/30/13 21.150 -10,927 10,995 68 262,547  326,097 36,451 362,547
    Nikkei (TYO) long Subaru 840.66 20.003   11/19/12 8.176 -6,873 16,816 9,943 272,490  319,224 53,267 372,490
  Buy   short Nikon 841.32 12.650   10/14/13 13.191 10,643        329,867 42,624  
10/14/13 Sell HSI-Fin short Ping An 2,615.15 2.804 3.201 5/13/13 2.996 -7,835 8,371 536 273,027  322,032 50,995 373,027
    ISEQ 20 long Bank of Ireland 631.21 6.960   9/09/13 7.080 -4,469 4,393 -76 272,951  317,563 55,388 372,951
      Smurfit Kappa 280.19 17.020   9/09/13 15.950 -4,469 4,769 300 273,251  313,094 60,157 373,251
    FT 30 short Man Group 84.77 92.741 119.865 9/09/13 105.435 -8,938 10,161 1,223 274,474  304,156 70,318 374,474
    SMI long Richemont 110.40 74.199   12/17/12 59.929 -6,616 8,192 1,575 276,049  297,540 78,509 376,049
    Nikkei (TYO) short Nikon 841.32 13.191 12.110 10/07/13 12.650 -10,643 10,188 -455 275,594  286,897 88,698 375,594
  Buy HSI-Fin long AIA 3,165.00 3.667   1/06/14 3.604 11,607        298,504 77,091  
    ISEQ 20 short C&C Group 1,381.79 4.200   10/28/13 4.008 5,804        304,307 71,287  
      Flutter 101.89 56.960   10/28/13 56.500 5,804        310,111 65,483  
    FT 30 long ITV 53.27 217.888   12/02/13 228.772 11,607        321,718 53,876  
    Nikkei (TYO) Tokyo Electric Power 2,973.49 3.904   11/04/13 3.961 11,607        333,325 42,269  
10/21/13 Sell ATX short Raiffeisen Bank Int 360.58 25.350 20.820 7/29/13 23.085 -8,324 7,507 -817 274,778  325,001 49,777 374,778
date B/S market l/s instrument pieces price prc short corresponding invest divest prf/loss acc p/l ∑ invest asset total
    OMXH 25 long Nokia 1,850.85 5.265   9/16/13 4.720 -8,736 9,745 1,009 275,786  316,265 59,521 375,786
    OBX 25 short Frontline 1,007.84 8.829 5.997 4/15/13 7.413 -7,471 6,044 -1,427 274,359  308,794 65,565 374,359
  Buy ATX long Wienerberger 841.79 13.065   8/11/14 11.525 10,998        319,792 54,567  
    OMXH 25 short YIT 1,105.33 9.950   10/28/13 10.035 10,998        330,790 43,569  
    OBX 25 long REC Silicon 3,103.36 3.544   12/16/13 2.538 10,998        341,788 32,571  
10/28/13 Sell ISEQ 20 short C&C Group 1,381.79 4.008 4.401 10/14/13 4.200 -5,804 6,082 278 274,637  335,985 38,653 374,637
      Flutter 101.89 56.500 57.424 10/14/13 56.960 -5,804 5,851 47 274,685  330,181 44,504 374,685
    OMXH 25 YIT 1,105.33 10.035 9.865 10/21/13 9.950 -10,998 10,904 -94 274,591  319,183 55,408 374,591
  Buy ISEQ 20 long Bank of Ireland 699.80 7.680   11/25/13 8.040 5,374        324,557 50,034  
      Smurfit Kappa 312.29 17.210   11/25/13 17.550 5,375        329,932 44,659  
    OMXH 25 Nokia 2,167.14 4.960   11/11/13 5.770 10,749        340,681 33,910  
    CAC Next 20 short STMicroelectronics 1,921.87 5.593   11/11/13 5.653 10,749        351,430 23,161  
11/04/13 Sell SSE 50 short China Northern Rare 3,308.84 2.137 2.623 5/13/13 2.368 -7,835 8,680 845 275,436  343,595 31,841 375,436
    Nikkei (FRA) Nikon 417.70 13.433 12.727 9/30/13 13.080 -5,464 5,316 -147 275,289  338,131 37,157 375,289
    Nikkei (TYO) long Tokyo Electric Power 2,973.49 3.961   10/14/13 3.904 -11,607 11,779 172 275,460  326,524 48,936 375,460
  Buy SSE 50 Shanghai Oriental 2,412.51 4.398   12/23/13 4.388 10,609        337,133 38,327  
    Nikkei (FRA) Softbank Group 185.80 28.550   12/16/13 30.884 5,305        342,438 33,022  
      Tokyo Electric Power 1,338.17 3.964   12/16/13 3.730 5,305        347,742 27,718  
    Nikkei (TYO) short Nikon 789.57 13.437   11/18/13 13.220 10,609        358,351 17,109  
11/11/13 Sell OMXH 25 long Nokia 2,167.14 5.770   10/28/13 4.960 -10,749 12,504 1,755 277,216  347,602 29,613 377,216
    CAC Next 20 short STMicroelectronics 1,921.87 5.653 5.533 10/28/13 5.593 -10,749 10,634 -115 277,100  336,853 40,247 377,100
  Buy OMXH 25 Outokumpu 2,980.86 3.500   12/02/13 3.690 10,433        347,286 29,814  
11/18/13 Sell HSI-Prop short Hang Lung 1,652.71 2.531 2.606 6/10/13 2.568 -4,244 4,307 63 277,163  343,042 34,121 377,163
      Sino Land 3,944.34 1.043 1.110 6/10/13 1.076 -4,245 4,380 135 277,299  338,797 38,501 377,299
    Topix (FRA) Inpex 1,027.79 8.519 7.387 6/03/13 7.953 -8,174 7,592 -582 276,717  330,623 46,093 376,717
date B/S market l/s instrument pieces price prc short corresponding invest divest prf/loss acc p/l ∑ invest asset total
    Nikkei (TYO) Nikon 789.57 13.220 13.657 11/04/13 13.437 -10,609 10,783 174 276,891  320,014 56,876 376,891
  Buy HSI-Prop long CK Hutchison 457.48 11.852   2/10/14 10.645 5,422        325,436 51,454  
      China Ov Land & Inv 2,336.36 2.321   2/10/14 1.876 5,422        330,858 46,032  
    Topix (FRA) Softbank Group 378.58 28.644   11/25/13 31.950 10,844        341,702 35,188  
    Nikkei (TYO) Minebea Mitsumi 2,159.60 5.021   3/03/14 6.187 10,844        352,546 24,344  
11/25/13 Sell ISEQ 20 long Bank of Ireland 699.80 8.040   10/28/13 7.680 -5,374 5,626 252 277,143  347,172 29,971 377,143
      Smurfit Kappa 312.29 17.550   10/28/13 17.210 -5,375 5,481 106 277,249  341,797 35,451 377,249
    Topix (FRA) Softbank Group 378.58 31.950   11/18/13 28.644 -10,844 12,095 1,251 278,500  330,953 47,547 378,500
    GCX SunPower 1,132.00 21.795   2/11/13 7.063 -7,995 24,672 16,677 295,177  322,958 72,218 395,177
  Buy ISEQ 20 short Flutter 104.19 56.070   12/02/13 56.450 5,842        328,800 66,376  
      Ryanair 1,001.71 5.832   12/02/13 6.109 5,842        334,642 60,534  
    Topix (FRA) Komatsu 746.92 15.643   6/09/14 16.815 11,684        346,326 48,850  
    GCX Aurubis 275.73 42.375   1/06/14 43.845 11,684        358,010 37,166  
12/02/13 Sell ISEQ 20 short Flutter 104.19 56.450 55.690 11/25/13 56.070 -5,842 5,802 -40 295,137  352,169 42,969 395,137
      Ryanair 1,001.71 6.109 5.555 11/25/13 5.832 -5,842 5,565 -277 294,860  346,327 48,533 394,860
    OMXH 25 Outokumpu 2,980.86 3.690 3.310 11/11/13 3.500 -10,433 9,867 -566 294,293  335,894 58,400 394,293
    FT 30 long ITV 53.27 228.772   10/14/13 217.888 -11,607 12,187 580 294,873  324,287 70,587 394,873
  Buy ISEQ 20 Bank of Ireland 697.60 8.340   4/14/14 8.250 5,818        330,105 64,769  
      Smurfit Kappa 337.47 17.240   4/14/14 17.010 5,818        335,923 58,951  
    OMXH 25 Nokia 1,969.20 5.909   12/09/13 5.850 11,636        347,559 47,315  
12/09/13 Sell   long Nokia 1,969.20 5.850   12/02/13 5.909 -11,636 11,520 -116 294,757  335,923 58,834 394,757
    PSI 20 Teixeira Duarte 13,703.03 0.920   9/23/13 0.660 -9,044 12,607 3,563 298,320  326,879 71,441 398,320
  Buy OMXH 25 short Metso 1,753.62 6.697   5/12/14 8.620 11,744        338,623 59,697  
    CAC Next 20 STMicroelectronics 2,154.86 5.450   1/13/14 5.763 11,744        350,367 47,953  
12/16/13 Sell OBX 25 long REC Silicon 3,103.36 2.538   10/21/13 3.544 -10,998 7,875 -3,123 295,197  339,369 55,828 395,197
date B/S market l/s instrument pieces price prc short corresponding invest divest prf/loss acc p/l ∑ invest asset total
    Nikkei (FRA) Softbank Group 185.80 30.884   11/04/13 28.550 -5,305 5,738 434 295,631  334,064 61,567 395,631
      Tokyo Electric Power 1,338.17 3.730   11/04/13 3.964 -5,305 4,991 -313 295,317  328,760 66,558 395,317
    DJ Global Titans Bank of America 888.58 11.075   10/29/12 7.204 -6,401 9,841 3,440 298,757  322,359 76,399 398,757
  Buy IBEX 35 short Acciona 298.74 39.760   1/20/14 48.255 11,878        334,236 64,521  
    OBX 25 TGS-NOPEC 699.85 16.972   12/23/13 17.469 11,878        346,114 52,643  
    Nikkei (FRA) Nitto Denko 204.93 28.981   12/30/13 30.258 5,939        352,054 46,704  
      Pacific Metals 238.90 24.860   12/30/13 26.180 5,939        357,993 40,765  
    CAC Mid 60 Adocia 2,080.21 5.710   12/23/13 5.660 11,878        369,871 28,887  
    DJ Global Titans IBM 91.91 129.242   12/23/13 133.044 11,879        381,749 17,008  
12/23/13 Sell SSE 50 long Shanghai Oriental 2,412.51 4.388   11/04/13 4.398 -10,609 10,586 -23 298,735  371,140 27,594 398,735
    HSI Galaxy Entertainment 1,632.41 6.370   9/16/13 5.352 -8,736 10,399 1,663 300,397  362,404 37,993 400,397
    OBX 25 short TGS-NOPEC 699.85 17.469 16.475 12/16/13 16.972 -11,878 11,530 -348 300,049  350,526 49,523 400,049
    CAC Mid 60 Adocia 2,080.21 5.660 5.760 12/16/13 5.710 -11,878 11,983 105 300,154  338,648 61,506 400,154
    DJ Global Titans IBM 91.91 133.044 125.440 12/16/13 129.242 -11,879 11,529 -349 299,805  326,770 73,035 399,805
  Buy SSE 50 Poly Developments 18,448.57 0.641   6/02/14 0.591 11,820        338,590 61,215  
    PSI 20 long Impresa 10,844.04 1.090   5/12/14 1.759 11,820        350,410 49,395  
    OBX 25 DNO International 4,066.89 2.906   2/17/14 2.830 11,820        362,230 37,575  
    FT 30 Int Cons Airlines 25.07 471.516   1/27/14 485.635 11,821        374,050 25,754  
    DJ Global Titans Alphabet A 578.96 20.416   10/27/14 21.652 11,820        385,871 13,934  
12/30/13 Sell Nikkei (FRA) short Nitto Denko 204.93 30.258 27.704 12/16/13 28.981 -5,939 5,677 -262 299,543  379,931 19,612 399,543
      Pacific Metals 238.90 26.180 23.540 12/16/13 24.860 -5,939 5,624 -315 299,228  373,992 25,235 399,228
  Buy   long Minebea Mitsumi 1,006.16 5.273   2/10/14 6.030 5,305        379,298 19,930  
      Softbank Group 167.76 31.625   2/10/14 27.751 5,305        384,603 14,624  
1/06/14 Sell HSI-Fin long AIA 3,165.00 3.604   10/14/13 3.667 -11,607 11,408 -199 299,029  372,996 26,032 399,029
    GCX short Aurubis 275.73 43.845 40.905 11/25/13 42.375 -11,684 11,279 -405 298,623  361,312 37,311 398,623
date B/S market l/s instrument pieces price prc short corresponding invest divest prf/loss acc p/l ∑ invest asset total
  Buy HSI-Fin ICBC 23,226.77 0.469   6/02/14 0.478 10,898        372,210 26,413  
    GCX long Vestas Wind Systems 2,184.27 4.989   2/03/14 4.789 10,898        383,108 15,515  
1/13/14 Sell CAC Next 20 short STMicroelectronics 2,154.86 5.763 5.137 12/09/13 5.450 -11,744 11,070 -674 297,949  371,364 26,585 397,949
1/20/14 Sell IBEX 35 short Acciona 298.74 48.255 31.265 12/16/13 39.760 -11,878 9,340 -2,538 295,411  359,486 35,925 395,411
  Buy NZX 50 Chorus 11,510.46 0.937   6/02/14 1.063 10,783        370,269 25,142  
1/27/14 Sell Athex LC long Aegean Airlines 2,601.67 7.210   9/30/13 4.200 -10,927 18,758 7,831 303,242  359,342 43,900 403,242
    FT 30 Int Cons Airlines 25.07 485.635   12/23/13 471.516 -11,821 12,175 354 303,596  347,521 56,075 403,596
  Buy IBEX 35 short Repsol 655.69 17.525   2/17/14 17.625 11,491        359,012 44,584  
    Athex LC Eurobank Ergasias 234.51 49.000   5/09/16 0.875 11,491        370,503 33,093  
2/03/14 Sell HSI-C&I long Galaxy Entertainment 2,111.86 7.265   9/30/13 5.174 -10,927 15,342 4,415 308,011  359,576 48,434 408,011
    GCX Vestas Wind Systems 2,184.27 4.789   1/06/14 4.989 -10,898 10,461 -437 307,574  348,678 58,895 407,574
  Buy FT 30 Int Cons Airlines 23.34 499.638   2/10/14 509.014 11,662        360,340 47,234  
    GCX short Aurubis 287.22 40.600   3/03/14 38.880 11,661        372,001 35,573  
2/10/14 Sell HSI-Prop long CK Hutchison 457.48 10.645   11/18/13 11.852 -5,422 4,870 -552 307,022  366,579 40,443 407,022
      China Ov Land & Inv 2,336.36 1.876   11/18/13 2.321 -5,422 4,383 -1,039 305,983  361,157 44,826 405,983
    MerVal Telecom Argentina 2,014.52 2.998   8/12/13 4.215 -8,492 6,040 -2,452 303,531  352,665 50,866 403,531
    FT 30 Int Cons Airlines 23.34 509.014   2/03/14 499.638 -11,662 11,880 219 303,750  341,004 62,746 403,750
    Nikkei (FRA) Minebea Mitsumi 1,006.16 6.030   12/30/13 5.273 -5,305 6,067 762 304,511  335,698 68,813 404,511
      Softbank Group 167.76 27.751   12/30/13 31.625 -5,305 4,655 -650 303,861  330,393 73,469 403,861
  Buy HSI-Prop short New World Dev 1,690.71 3.529   7/28/14 3.549 5,967        336,359 67,502  
      The Wharf 3,224.61 1.850   7/28/14 2.205 5,967        342,326 61,536  
    Nikkei (FRA) Hitachi Zosen 1,399.60 4.263   6/30/14 3.700 5,966        348,292 55,569  
      Nitto Denko 190.64 31.297   6/30/14 33.890 5,966        354,259 49,603  
2/17/14 Sell IBEX 35 short Repsol 655.69 17.625 17.425 1/27/14 17.525 -11,491 11,425 -66 303,796  342,768 61,028 403,796
    OBX 25 long DNO International 4,066.89 2.830   12/23/13 2.906 -11,820 11,510 -310 303,486  330,948 72,538 403,486
date B/S market l/s instrument pieces price prc short corresponding invest divest prf/loss acc p/l ∑ invest asset total
  Buy   short Petroleum Geo-Srvcs 1,564.76 7.605   6/02/14 7.980 11,900        342,848 60,638  
2/24/14 Buy MerVal long Edenor 36,893.48 0.315   12/15/14 0.569 11,603        354,451 49,035  
3/03/14 Sell Nikkei (TYO) long Minebea Mitsumi 2,159.60 6.187   11/18/13 5.021 -10,844 13,360 2,516 306,002  343,607 62,396 406,002
    GCX short Aurubis 287.22 38.880 42.396 2/03/14 40.600 -11,661 12,177 516 306,518  331,945 74,573 406,518
  Buy Nikkei (TYO) Hitachi Zosen 3,063.58 3.926   3/31/14 3.419 12,027        343,972 62,546  
    GCX long Vestas Wind Systems 2,403.67 5.004   4/14/14 5.847 12,027        355,999 50,519  
3/10/14 Buy IBEX 35 short Inditex 544.83 20.970   6/09/14 21.750 11,425        367,425 39,094  
3/31/14 Sell Nikkei (TYO) short Hitachi Zosen 3,063.58 3.419 4.508 3/03/14 3.926 -12,027 13,812 1,785 308,303  355,398 52,906 408,303
  Buy SDAX Koenig & Bauer 937.40 12.300   5/05/14 11.730 11,530        366,928 41,376  
    Nikkei (TYO) long Minebea Mitsumi 1,789.51 6.443   4/07/14 6.630 11,530        378,458 29,846  
4/07/14 Sell   long Minebea Mitsumi 1,789.51 6.630   3/31/14 6.443 -11,530 11,864 334 308,637  366,928 41,709 408,637
  Buy   short Hitachi Zosen 3,260.83 3.453   7/28/14 3.842 11,258        378,186 30,451  
4/14/14 Sell ISEQ 20 long Bank of Ireland 697.60 8.250   12/02/13 8.340 -5,818 5,755 -63 308,574  372,368 36,206 408,574
      Smurfit Kappa 337.47 17.010   12/02/13 17.240 -5,818 5,740 -78 308,496  366,550 41,947 408,496
    BAX Morphosys 179.88 58.270   7/01/13 44.145 -7,941 10,482 2,541 311,037  358,609 52,428 411,037
    GEX Manz 168.83 65.730   9/23/13 53.570 -9,044 11,097 2,053 313,090  349,565 63,526 413,090
    GCX Vestas Wind Systems 2,403.67 5.847   3/03/14 5.004 -12,027 14,053 2,026 315,117  337,538 77,579 415,117
  Buy ISEQ 20 short C&C Group 1,374.67 4.480   1/19/15 3.322 6,159        343,696 71,420  
      Flutter 114.92 53.590   1/19/15 66.350 6,159        349,855 65,262  
    BAX Adtran Networks 3,845.46 3.203   4/21/14 3.210 12,317        362,172 52,945  
    GEX 4SC 429.74 28.662   1/26/15 18.284 12,317        374,489 40,628  
    GCX EJR 717.68 17.162   4/28/14 17.175 12,317        386,806 28,311  
4/21/14 Sell BAX short Adtran Networks 3,845.46 3.210 3.196 4/14/14 3.203 -12,317 12,290 -27 315,090  374,489 40,601 415,090
  Buy   long Sixt 393.78 28.930   5/05/14 28.890 11,392        385,881 29,209  
4/28/14 Sell Nordic 30 long Pandora 289.84 46.257   7/29/13 28.719 -8,324 13,407 5,083 320,173  377,557 42,616 420,173
date B/S market l/s instrument pieces price prc short corresponding invest divest prf/loss acc p/l ∑ invest asset total
    GCX short EJR 717.68 17.175 17.150 4/14/14 17.162 -12,317 12,308 -9 320,164  365,240 54,924 420,164
  Buy Germany SolarWorld 384.74 30.870   6/09/14 16.900 11,877        377,117 43,047  
    Nordic 30 Carlsberg A 160.91 73.812   5/05/14 74.896 11,877        388,994 31,170  
    GCX long Vestas Wind Systems 1,927.40 6.162   5/19/14 7.076 11,877        400,871 19,293  
5/05/14 Sell SDAX short Koenig & Bauer 937.40 11.730 12.898 3/31/14 12.300 -11,530 12,090 560 320,724  389,341 31,383 420,724
    Nordic 30 Carlsberg A 160.91 74.896 72.728 4/28/14 73.812 -11,877 11,703 -174 320,550  377,464 43,086 420,550
    BAX long Sixt 393.78 28.890   4/21/14 28.930 -11,392 11,376 -16 320,534  366,072 54,462 420,534
  Buy Nordic 30 Pandora 243.67 48.729   9/15/14 59.766 11,874        377,946 42,588  
    BAX short Adtran Networks 3,710.63 3.200   6/09/14 3.196 11,874        389,820 30,714  
5/12/14 Sell OMXH 25 short Metso 1,753.62 8.620 4.774 12/09/13 6.697 -11,744 8,372 -3,372 317,162  378,076 39,086 417,162
    PSI 20 long Impresa 10,844.04 1.759   12/23/13 1.090 -11,820 19,075 7,255 324,416  366,256 58,161 424,416
  Buy OMXH 25 Outokumpu 1,805.99 6.680   5/19/14 6.250 12,064        378,320 46,097  
5/19/14 Sell   long Outokumpu 1,805.99 6.250   5/12/14 6.680 -12,064 11,287 -777 323,640  366,256 57,384 423,640
    GCX Vestas Wind Systems 1,927.40 7.076   4/28/14 6.162 -11,877 13,639 1,762 325,402  354,379 71,023 425,402
  Buy HSI Citic Pacific 9,580.05 1.295   11/10/14 1.393 12,410        366,789 58,613  
    SDAX short WCM 7,645.86 1.623   5/26/14 1.623 12,410        379,199 46,203  
    OMXH 25 YIT 1,677.03 7.400   1/26/15 5.508 12,410        391,609 33,793  
    GCX Energy Recovery 3,681.95 3.371   3/02/15 3.076 12,410        404,019 21,383  
5/26/14 Sell SDAX short WCM 7,645.86 1.623 1.623 5/19/14 1.623 -12,410 12,410 0 325,402  391,609 33,793  
  Buy HSI-C&I long Tencent 1,128.75 10.170   10/06/14 12.196 11,479        403,088 22,314  
6/02/14 Sell SSE 50 short Poly Developments 18,448.57 0.591 0.695 12/23/13 0.641 -11,820 12,816 996 326,398  391,268 35,130 426,398
    HSI-Fin ICBC 23,226.77 0.478 0.460 1/06/14 0.469 -10,898 10,694 -204 326,193  380,370 45,824 426,193
    OBX 25 Petroleum Geo-Srvcs 1,564.76 7.980 7.230 2/17/14 7.605 -11,900 11,314 -586 325,607  368,470 57,138 425,607
    NZX 50 Chorus 11,510.46 1.063 0.811 1/20/14 0.937 -10,783 9,330 -1,453 324,155  357,687 66,468 424,155
  Buy SSE 50 long Sinolink Secs 10,665.22 1.150   6/23/14 1.117 12,265        369,952 54,203  
date B/S market l/s instrument pieces price prc short corresponding invest divest prf/loss acc p/l ∑ invest asset total
    HSI-Fin HK Exchgs & Clrg 896.21 13.685   9/29/14 17.213 12,265        382,217 41,938  
    OBX 25 Grieg Seafood 3,635.80 3.373   6/30/14 3.430 12,265        394,482 29,673  
    FT 30 National Grid 11.12 1,103.450   6/09/14 1,037.210 12,270        406,752 17,403  
    NZX 50 Tourism 17,614.53 0.696   7/21/14 0.758 12,265        419,017 5,138  
6/09/14 Sell Germany short SolarWorld 384.74 16.900 56.388 4/28/14 30.870 -11,877 21,695 9,818 333,972  407,140 26,832 433,972
    IBEX 35 Inditex 544.83 21.750 20.190 3/10/14 20.970 -11,425 11,000 -425 333,548  395,715 37,832 433,548
    FT 30 long National Grid 11.12 1,037.210   6/02/14 1,103.450 -12,270 11,534 -737 332,811  383,445 49,366 432,811
    Topix (FRA) short Komatsu 746.92 16.815 14.471 11/25/13 15.643 -11,684 10,809 -875 331,936  371,761 60,175 431,936
    BAX Adtran Networks 3,710.63 3.196 3.204 5/05/14 3.200 -11,874 11,889 15 331,950  359,887 72,064 431,950
  Buy SDAX WCM 7,878.20 1.599   12/29/14 1.381 12,600        372,487 59,464  
    FT 30 Tesco 27.36 460.539   11/17/14 306.530 12,600        385,087 46,863  
    Topix (FRA) long Fujitsu 2,518.49 5.003   9/15/14 4.810 12,600        397,687 34,263  
    BAX Cancom 638.30 19.740   6/16/14 18.403 12,600        410,287 21,663  
6/16/14 Sell   long Cancom 638.30 18.403   6/09/14 19.740 -12,600 11,746 -854 331,097  397,687 33,410 431,097
  Buy IBEX 35 short ArcelorMittal 354.13 32.790   3/02/15 28.860 11,612        409,299 21,798  
    BAX Adtran Networks 3,702.81 3.136   6/23/14 3.096 11,612        420,911 10,186  
6/23/14 Sell SSE 50 long Sinolink Secs 10,665.22 1.117   6/02/14 1.150 -12,265 11,913 -352 330,745  408,646 22,099 430,745
    BAX short Adtran Networks 3,702.81 3.096 3.177 6/16/14 3.136 -11,612 11,762 150 330,895  397,034 33,861 430,895
  Buy SSE 50 Kangmei Pharma 13,477.96 0.862   7/07/14 0.868 11,618        408,652 22,243  
    CAC Next 20 Arkema 164.43 70.655   1/26/15 62.720 11,618        420,270 10,625  
    CAC Mid 60 Viridien 33.84 343.360   1/19/15 153.600 11,619        431,889 -994  
    BAX long Wacker Neuson 701.15 16.570   7/14/14 17.170 11,618        443,507 -12,612  
6/30/14 Sell OBX 25 long Grieg Seafood 3,635.80 3.430   6/02/14 3.373 -12,265 12,470 205 331,100  431,242 -142 431,100
    Nikkei (FRA) short Hitachi Zosen 1,399.60 3.700 4.912 2/10/14 4.263 -5,966 6,874 908 332,008  425,276 6,732 432,008
      Nitto Denko 190.64 33.890 28.704 2/10/14 31.297 -5,966 5,472 -494 331,514  419,309 12,205 431,514
date B/S market l/s instrument pieces price prc short corresponding invest divest prf/loss acc p/l ∑ invest asset total
  Buy OBX 25 Norwegian 4.62 2,398.530   7/07/14 2,546.850 11,081        430,390 1,123  
    Nikkei (FRA) long Fujitsu 1,008.55 5.499   8/17/15 4.455 5,546        435,936 -4,423  
      Minebea Mitsumi 674.37 8.224   8/17/15 12.573 5,546        441,482 -9,969  
7/07/14 Sell SSE 50 short Kangmei Pharma 13,477.96 0.868 0.856 6/23/14 0.862 -11,618 11,532 -86 331,427  429,864 1,563 431,427
    OBX 25 Norwegian 4.62 2,546.850 2,250.210 6/30/14 2,398.530 -11,081 10,396 -685 330,742  418,783 11,959 430,742
  Buy SSE 50 long AECC Aviation Power 3,718.87 2.976   8/03/15 7.097 11,067        429,850 892  
    OBX 25 SalMar 821.01 13.480   7/28/14 14.639 11,067        440,917 -10,175  
7/14/14 Sell BAX long Wacker Neuson 701.15 17.170   6/23/14 16.570 -11,618 12,039 421 331,163  429,299 1,864 431,163
7/21/14 Sell NZX 50 long Tourism 17,614.53 0.758   6/02/14 0.696 -12,265 13,350 1,085 332,248  417,034 15,214 432,248
  Buy France short Viridien 41.85 267.296   12/29/14 160.352 11,186        428,220 4,027  
    NZX 50 a2 Milk 28,550.28 0.392   7/28/14 0.401 11,186        439,406 -7,159  
7/28/14 Sell MDAX long Dürr 330.91 30.355   7/01/13 23.998 -7,941 10,045 2,104 334,352  431,465 2,886 434,352
    HSI-Prop short New World Dev 1,690.71 3.549 3.509 2/10/14 3.529 -5,967 5,933 -33 334,318  425,499 8,819 434,318
      The Wharf 3,224.61 2.205 1.496 2/10/14 1.850 -5,967 4,824 -1,142 333,176  419,532 13,644 433,176
    OBX 25 long SalMar 821.01 14.639   7/07/14 13.480 -11,067 12,019 952 334,128  408,465 25,662 434,128
    NZX 50 short a2 Milk 28,550.28 0.401 0.383 7/21/14 0.392 -11,186 10,932 -254 333,874  397,279 36,594 433,874
    Nikkei (TYO) Hitachi Zosen 3,260.83 3.842 3.063 4/07/14 3.453 -11,258 9,988 -1,270 332,603  386,021 46,582 432,603
  Buy Germany SolarWorld 798.60 15.000   1/12/15 12.350 11,979        398,000 34,603  
    MDAX Südzucker 862.73 13.885   2/02/15 11.245 11,979        409,979 22,624  
    HSI-Prop long CK Hutchison 436.24 13.730   8/24/15 10.950 5,990        415,969 16,634  
      Sino Land 4,783.95 1.252   8/24/15 1.200 5,990        421,958 10,645  
    OBX 25 short Petroleum Geo-Srvcs 1,856.35 6.453   8/11/14 6.127 11,979        433,937 -1,334  
    NZX 50 long Tourism 16,098.64 0.744   2/22/16 1.542 11,979        445,916 -13,313  
    BAX Nemetschek 1,885.21 6.354   8/04/14 6.125 11,979        457,895 -25,292  
    Nikkei (TYO) Minebea Mitsumi 1,310.91 9.138   10/20/14 9.651 11,979        469,874 -37,271  
date B/S market l/s instrument pieces price prc short corresponding invest divest prf/loss acc p/l ∑ invest asset total
8/04/14 Sell HDAX long Dürr 510.58 28.230   1/23/12 9.125 -4,659 14,414 9,755 342,358  465,215 -22,857 442,358
    MIB Azimut 747.53 18.460   11/05/12 9.304 -6,955 13,799 6,844 349,202  458,260 -9,058 449,202
    BAX Nemetschek 1,885.21 6.125   7/28/14 6.354 -11,979 11,547 -432 348,770  446,281 2,489 448,770
    Indices Merval 16.94 750.468   8/12/13 501.316 -8,492 12,713 4,221 352,991  437,789 15,202 452,991
  Buy HDAX short Südzucker 898.92 13.020   1/12/15 11.160 11,704        449,493 3,498  
    Indices PSI 20 2.00 5,854.360   8/18/14 5,654.350 11,709        461,202 -8,211  
8/11/14 Sell ATX long Wienerberger 841.79 11.525   10/21/13 13.065 -10,998 9,702 -1,296 351,694  450,204 1,491 451,694
    DAX Continental 78.80 133.083   7/16/12 59.533 -4,691 10,487 5,796 357,490  445,513 11,978 457,490
    OBX 25 short Petroleum Geo-Srvcs 1,856.35 6.127 6.796 7/28/14 6.453 -11,979 12,616 637 358,127  433,533 24,594 458,127
  Buy ATX Raiffeisen Bank Int 638.18 18.910   2/16/15 13.795 12,068        445,601 12,526  
    DAX Adidas 210.06 57.450   8/18/14 60.070 12,068        457,669 458  
    OBX 25 long SalMar 916.14 13.173   8/18/14 12.880 12,068        469,737 -11,610  
8/18/14 Sell DAX short Adidas 210.06 60.070 54.830 8/11/14 57.450 -12,068 11,518 -550 357,577  457,669 -93 457,577
    OBX 25 long SalMar 916.14 12.880   8/11/14 13.173 -12,068 11,800 -268 357,309  445,601 11,707 457,309
    Indices short PSI 20 2.00 5,654.350 6,061.440 8/04/14 5,854.360 -11,709 12,123 414 357,723  433,893 23,830 457,723
  Buy DAX long Vonovia 527.29 22.830   10/06/14 22.420 12,038        445,931 11,792  
    OBX 25 short Petroleum Geo-Srvcs 1,973.54 6.100   2/16/15 5.700 12,038        457,969 -246  
    Indices long Merval 15.35 784.124   10/06/14 1,022.100 12,036        470,005 -12,282  
9/01/14 Sell OMXC 20 long Vestas Wind Systems 3,678.94 6.373   7/01/13 2.159 -7,941 23,445 15,504 373,227  462,064 11,163 473,227
  Buy   short Demant 1,029.44 11.763   9/08/14 11.966 12,109        474,173 -946  
9/08/14 Sell   short Demant 1,029.44 11.966 11.559 9/01/14 11.763 -12,109 11,899 -210 373,017  462,064 10,953 473,017
  Buy   long Pandora 210.59 57.454   9/29/14 61.631 12,099        474,163 -1,146  
9/15/14 Sell Nordic 30 long Pandora 243.67 59.766   5/05/14 48.729 -11,874 14,563 2,689 375,707  462,289 13,417 475,707
    Topix (FRA) Fujitsu 2,518.49 4.810   6/09/14 5.003 -12,600 12,114 -486 375,220  449,689 25,531 475,220
  Buy Nordic 30 short Volvo 1,423.92 8.791   11/10/14 9.334 12,518        462,207 13,013  
date B/S market l/s instrument pieces price prc short corresponding invest divest prf/loss acc p/l ∑ invest asset total
    Topix (FRA) Aeon 1,594.45 7.851   1/05/15 8.291 12,518        474,725 495  
9/29/14 Sell HSI-Fin long HK Exchgs & Clrg 896.21 17.213   6/02/14 13.685 -12,265 15,426 3,161 378,381  462,460 15,921 478,381
    TSX 60 Bausch Health 142.13 102.197   9/30/13 76.879 -10,927 14,525 3,598 381,980  451,534 30,446 481,980
    OMXC 20 Pandora 210.59 61.631   9/08/14 57.454 -12,099 12,979 880 382,860  439,434 43,425 482,860
  Buy HSI-Fin short ICBC 26,419.68 0.498   11/03/14 0.526 13,157        452,591 30,268  
10/06/14 Sell DAX long Vonovia 527.29 22.420   8/18/14 22.830 -12,038 11,822 -216 382,643  440,553 42,090 482,643
    HSI-C&I Tencent 1,128.75 12.196   5/26/14 10.170 -11,479 13,766 2,287 384,931  429,074 55,856 484,931
    Indices Merval 15.35 1,022.100   8/18/14 784.124 -12,036 15,689 3,653 388,584  417,038 71,546 488,584
  Buy DAX short Deutsche Lufthansa 1,159.19 12.080   11/17/14 13.145 14,003        431,041 57,543  
    HSI-C&I Galaxy Entertainment 2,842.44 4.926   4/13/15 4.822 14,003        445,044 43,540  
    PSI 20 Pharol 8,590.80 1.630   2/23/15 0.697 14,003        459,047 29,537  
    Indices PSI 20 2.53 5,537.710   2/23/15 5,494.440 14,010        473,057 15,526  
10/13/14 Sell S&P 100 long Gilead Sciences 272.68 79.611   9/17/12 25.063 -6,834 21,708 14,874 403,458  466,223 37,234 503,458
    BEL 20 KBC 242.36 40.740   7/15/13 31.350 -7,598 9,874 2,276 405,734  458,625 47,108 505,734
    OMXS 30 Nokia 1,220.02 6.407   7/08/13 3.186 -3,887 7,816 3,930 409,663  454,739 54,924 509,663
      Kinnevik 177.73 22.475   7/08/13 21.868 -3,887 3,995 108 409,771  450,852 58,919 509,771
  Buy S&P 100 short General Motors 608.10 23.379   10/27/14 23.689 14,217        465,069 44,702  
    BEL 20 Galapagos 1,279.08 11.115   11/17/14 12.800 14,217        479,286 30,485  
    OMXS 30 MTG 307.39 23.125   11/03/14 24.302 7,108        486,395 23,376  
10/20/14 Sell Kospi 50 long Amorepacific Group 181.27 87.497   7/23/12 26.166 -4,743 15,861 11,118 420,889  481,652 39,237 520,889
    Europe 50 Roche 20.29 222.572   12/19/11 129.719 -2,632 4,516 1,884 422,773  479,020 43,753 522,773
    Nikkei (TYO) Minebea Mitsumi 1,310.91 9.651   7/28/14 9.138 -11,979 12,651 672 423,445  467,041 56,404 523,445
    SP Global 100 Apple 335.81 19.487   4/30/12 15.738 -5,285 6,544 1,259 424,704  461,756 62,948 524,704
  Buy Kospi 50 short Hyundai Heavy 175.78 83.577   12/08/14 94.176 14,691        476,447 48,257  
    Europe 50 Deutsche Bank 681.87 21.545   11/10/14 21.563 14,691        491,138 33,566  
date B/S market l/s instrument pieces price prc short corresponding invest divest prf/loss acc p/l ∑ invest asset total
    Nikkei (TYO) Toyo Seikan 1,789.08 8.212   10/27/14 8.725 14,691        505,829 18,875  
    SP Global 100 Deutsche Bank 681.87 21.545   11/03/14 22.134 14,691        520,520 4,184  
10/27/14 Sell S&P 100 short General Motors 608.10 23.689 23.070 10/13/14 23.379 -14,217 14,029 -188 424,516  506,303 18,213 524,516
    Nikkei (TYO) Toyo Seikan 1,789.08 8.725 7.698 10/20/14 8.212 -14,691 13,772 -919 423,597  491,612 31,985 523,597
    DJ Global Titans long Alphabet A 578.96 21.652   12/23/13 20.416 -11,820 12,536 716 424,313  479,792 44,521 524,313
  Buy S&P 100 Gilead Sciences 160.37 88.668   6/08/15 100.700 14,220        494,011 30,301  
    Nikkei (TYO) Minebea Mitsumi 1,357.21 10.477   8/24/15 10.589 14,220        508,231 16,081  
    DJ Global Titans short Samsung Electronics 867.78 16.387   11/10/14 18.745 14,220        522,451 1,861  
11/03/14 Sell HSI-Fin short ICBC 26,419.68 0.526 0.470 9/29/14 0.498 -13,157 12,428 -729 423,583  509,294 14,289 523,583
    OMXS 30 MTG 307.39 24.302 21.949 10/13/14 23.125 -7,108 6,747 -362 423,222  502,186 21,036 523,222
    SP Global 100 Deutsche Bank 681.87 22.134 20.956 10/20/14 21.545 -14,691 14,289 -402 422,820  487,495 35,325 522,820
  Buy HSI-Fin long HK Exchgs & Clrg 789.69 17.669   11/24/14 17.528 13,953        501,448 21,372  
    OMXC 20 Pandora 209.26 66.679   11/17/14 66.322 13,953        515,401 7,419  
    OMXS 30 Boliden 531.87 13.117   6/08/15 18.209 6,977        522,378 442  
      Electrolux 310.68 22.455   6/08/15 27.196 6,976        529,354 -6,534  
    SP Global 100 Apple 637.20 21.898   8/24/15 22.212 13,953        543,307 -20,487  
11/10/14 Sell HSI long Citic Pacific 9,580.05 1.393   5/19/14 1.295 -12,410 13,345 935 423,755  530,897 -7,142 523,755
    Europe 50 short Deutsche Bank 681.87 21.563 21.527 10/20/14 21.545 -14,691 14,679 -12 423,743  516,206 7,537 523,743
    Nordic 30 Volvo 1,423.92 9.334 8.249 9/15/14 8.791 -12,518 11,745 -772 422,970  503,688 19,282 522,970
    DJ Global Titans Samsung Electronics 867.78 18.745 14.028 10/27/14 16.387 -14,220 12,174 -2,046 420,924  489,468 31,456 520,924
  Buy HSI Kunlun Energy 13,330.44 1.036   1/12/15 0.825 13,809        503,277 17,647  
    Europe 50 long Novartis 223.03 61.916   8/24/15 69.088 13,809        517,086 3,838  
    Nordic 30 Pandora 202.61 68.154   6/01/15 91.032 13,809        530,895 -9,971  
    DJ Global Titans Apple 630.57 21.899   12/15/14 21.746 13,809        544,704 -23,780  
11/17/14 Sell DAX short Deutsche Lufthansa 1,159.19 13.145 11.015 10/06/14 12.080 -14,003 12,768 -1,235 419,689  530,701 -11,012 519,689
date B/S market l/s instrument pieces price prc short corresponding invest divest prf/loss acc p/l ∑ invest asset total
    BEL 20 Galapagos 1,279.08 12.800 9.430 10/13/14 11.115 -14,217 12,062 -2,155 417,534  516,484 1,050 517,534
    OMXC 20 long Pandora 209.26 66.322   11/03/14 66.679 -13,953 13,879 -75 417,459  502,531 14,929 517,459
    FT 30 short Tesco 27.36 306.530 691.926 6/09/14 460.539 -12,600 18,931 6,331 423,790  489,930 33,860 523,790
  Buy DAX long Merck (EMD) 181.83 76.670   7/06/15 90.640 13,941        503,871 19,919  
    BEL 20 Proximus 457.08 30.500   11/24/14 30.740 13,941        517,812 5,978  
    OMXC 20 short FLSmidth 420.15 33.181   11/24/14 35.297 13,941        531,753 -7,963  
    FT 30 long Man Group 82.23 169.534   12/15/14 177.040 13,941        545,694 -21,904  
11/24/14 Sell HSI-Fin long HK Exchgs & Clrg 789.69 17.528   11/03/14 17.669 -13,953 13,842 -111 423,679  531,741 -8,062 523,679
    BEL 20 Proximus 457.08 30.740   11/17/14 30.500 -13,941 14,051 110 423,789  517,800 5,988 523,789
    OMXC 20 short FLSmidth 420.15 35.297 31.065 11/17/14 33.181 -13,941 13,052 -889 422,900  503,859 19,040 522,900
  Buy HSI-Fin HSBC 1,695.26 7.992   1/26/15 8.332 13,548        517,407 5,492  
    BEL 20 Galapagos 1,050.23 12.900   12/01/14 13.020 13,548        530,955 -8,056  
    OMXC 20 long Pandora 201.59 67.207   8/17/15 107.440 13,548        544,503 -21,604  
12/01/14 Sell BEL 20 short Galapagos 1,050.23 13.020 12.780 11/24/14 12.900 -13,548 13,422 -126 422,774  530,955 -8,182 522,774
  Buy   long Proximus 406.96 31.610   12/15/14 29.550 12,864        543,819 -21,046  
12/08/14 Sell Kospi 50 short Hyundai Heavy 175.78 94.176 72.978 10/20/14 83.577 -14,691 12,828 -1,863 420,910  529,128 -8,218 520,910
  Buy   long Amorepacific Group 154.55 82.934   7/06/15 157.893 12,817        541,946 -21,035  
12/15/14 Sell BEL 20 long Proximus 406.96 29.550   12/01/14 31.610 -12,864 12,026 -838 420,072  529,082 -9,010 520,072
    MerVal Edenor 36,893.48 0.569   2/24/14 0.315 -11,603 20,978 9,375 429,447  517,479 11,968 529,447
    FT 30 Man Group 82.23 177.040   11/17/14 169.534 -13,941 14,558 617 430,064  503,538 26,526 530,064
    DJ Global Titans Apple 630.57 21.746   11/10/14 21.899 -13,809 13,712 -97 429,967  489,729 40,238 529,967
  Buy BEL 20 short Umicore 914.66 15.585   1/19/15 16.578 14,255        503,984 25,983  
    FT 30 Tesco 54.31 262.480   12/22/14 292.250 14,255        518,239 11,728  
12/22/14 Sell TecDAX short SMA Solar 219.23 14.800 46.789 5/21/12 26.315 -5,769 10,258 4,489 434,456  512,470 21,986 534,456
    FT 30 Tesco 54.31 292.250 232.709 12/15/14 262.480 -14,255 12,638 -1,617 432,839  498,215 34,624 532,839
date B/S market l/s instrument pieces price prc short corresponding invest divest prf/loss acc p/l ∑ invest asset total
  Buy   long Man Group 70.70 200.637   1/05/15 211.401 14,185        512,400 20,439  
12/29/14 Sell France short Viridien 41.85 160.352 445.565 7/21/14 267.296 -11,186 18,647 7,461 440,300  501,214 39,086 540,300
    SDAX WCM 7,878.20 1.381 1.852 6/09/14 1.599 -12,600 14,587 1,987 442,287  488,614 53,673 542,287
  Buy France long Adocia 312.35 47.700   6/08/15 66.230 14,899        503,513 38,774  
    SDAX Patrizia Immobilien 1,211.30 12.300   1/19/15 14.055 14,899        518,412 23,875  
1/05/15 Sell FT 30 long Man Group 70.70 211.401   12/22/14 200.637 -14,185 14,946 761 443,048  504,227 38,821 543,048
    Topix (FRA) short Aeon 1,594.45 8.291 7.411 9/15/14 7.851 -12,518 11,816 -702 442,346  491,709 50,638 542,346
  Buy FT 30 Tesco 50.42 294.006   1/19/15 365.061 14,824        506,532 35,814  
    Topix (FRA) long Oriental Land 1,546.47 9.586   2/02/15 10.843 14,824        521,356 20,990  
1/12/15 Sell Germany short SolarWorld 798.60 12.350 18.219 7/28/14 15.000 -11,979 14,549 2,570 444,917  509,377 35,539 544,917
    HSI Kunlun Energy 13,330.44 0.825 1.300 11/10/14 1.036 -13,809 17,335 3,526 448,443  495,568 52,874 548,443
    HDAX Südzucker 898.92 11.160 15.190 8/04/14 13.020 -11,704 13,655 1,951 450,393  483,864 66,529 550,393
  Buy Germany long Ströer Media 626.57 24.615   6/15/15 40.315 15,423        499,287 51,106  
    HSI China Life Ins HK 4,653.75 3.314   7/13/15 3.728 15,423        514,710 35,683  
    HDAX Ströer Media 626.57 24.615   8/24/15 47.670 15,423        530,133 20,260  
1/19/15 Sell SDAX long Patrizia Immobilien 1,211.30 14.055   12/29/14 12.300 -14,899 17,025 2,126 452,519  515,234 37,285 552,519
    ISEQ 20 short C&C Group 1,374.67 3.322 6.042 4/14/14 4.480 -6,159 8,305 2,147 454,666  509,076 45,590 554,666
      Flutter 114.92 66.350 40.830 4/14/14 53.590 -6,159 4,692 -1,466 453,199  502,917 50,282 553,199
    BEL 20 Umicore 914.66 16.578 14.593 12/15/14 15.585 -14,255 13,347 -908 452,292  488,662 63,629 552,292
    FT 30 Tesco 50.42 365.061 222.950 1/05/15 294.006 -14,824 11,241 -3,583 448,709  473,839 74,870 548,709
    CAC Mid 60 Viridien 33.84 153.600 767.553 6/23/14 343.360 -11,619 25,974 14,355 463,064  462,219 100,844 563,064
  Buy SDAX SGL Carbon 1,177.93 14.090   1/26/15 15.480 16,597        478,816 84,247  
    ISEQ 20 long Glanbia 599.17 13.850   6/08/15 17.420 8,299        487,115 75,949  
      Ryanair 852.88 9.730   6/08/15 11.660 8,299        495,413 67,650  
    BEL 20 bpost 726.03 22.860   9/28/15 21.000 16,597        512,010 51,053  
date B/S market l/s instrument pieces price prc short corresponding invest divest prf/loss acc p/l ∑ invest asset total
    FT 30 Man Group 79.09 209.841   6/08/15 231.072 16,596        528,607 34,457  
    CAC Mid 60 Adocia 262.61 63.200   6/08/15 66.230 16,597        545,204 17,860  
1/26/15 Sell SDAX short SGL Carbon 1,177.93 15.480 12.700 1/19/15 14.090 -16,597 14,960 -1,637 461,426  528,607 32,820 561,426
    HSI-Fin HSBC 1,695.26 8.332 7.651 11/24/14 7.992 -13,548 12,971 -577 460,849  515,059 45,790 560,849
    OMXH 25 YIT 1,677.03 5.508 9.942 5/19/14 7.400 -12,410 16,673 4,263 465,112  502,649 62,463 565,112
    CAC Next 20 Arkema 164.43 62.720 79.594 6/23/14 70.655 -11,618 13,088 1,470 466,582  491,031 75,551 566,582
    GEX 4SC 429.74 18.284 44.930 4/14/14 28.662 -12,317 19,308 6,991 473,573  478,714 94,859 573,573
  Buy SDAX long Patrizia Immobilien 1,117.73 14.950   6/29/15 22.015 16,710        495,424 78,149  
    HSI-Fin China Life Ins HK 4,473.06 3.736   8/03/15 3.251 16,710        512,134 61,439  
    OMXH 25 Neste 2,068.07 8.080   5/11/15 7.640 16,710        528,844 44,729  
    GEX Ströer Media 624.67 26.750   6/01/15 38.770 16,710        545,554 28,019  
2/02/15 Sell MDAX short Südzucker 862.73 11.245 17.145 7/28/14 13.885 -11,979 14,791 2,812 476,385  533,575 42,811 576,385
    AEX KPN 1,656.09 2.756 4.771 10/15/12 3.626 -6,005 7,901 1,896 478,281  527,570 50,711 578,281
    Topix (FRA) long Oriental Land 1,546.47 10.843   1/05/15 9.586 -14,824 16,769 1,945 480,225  512,746 67,480 580,225
  Buy MDAX Ströer Media 627.84 25.790   11/16/15 61.450 16,192        528,938 51,288  
    Topix (FRA) short Orix 1,626.03 9.958   2/09/15 10.802 16,192        545,130 35,096  
2/09/15 Sell   short Orix 1,626.03 10.802 9.114 2/02/15 9.958 -16,192 14,820 -1,372 478,853  528,938 49,915 578,853
  Buy MerVal long Aluar 16,768.72 0.937   2/16/15 0.944 15,719        544,657 34,196  
    Topix (FRA) Sony 694.70 22.627   5/18/15 28.471 15,719        560,376 18,477  
2/16/15 Sell ATX short Raiffeisen Bank Int 638.18 13.795 25.922 8/11/14 18.910 -12,068 16,543 4,475 483,328  548,308 35,020 583,328
    OBX 25 Petroleum Geo-Srvcs 1,973.54 5.700 6.528 8/18/14 6.100 -12,038 12,883 845 484,173  536,270 47,903 584,173
    MerVal long Aluar 16,768.72 0.944   2/09/15 0.937 -15,719 15,831 112 484,285  520,551 63,735 584,285
  Buy ATX Zumtobel 767.95 21.095   9/07/15 23.775 16,200        536,751 47,535  
    OBX 25 Frontline 1,301.37 12.448   2/23/15 11.234 16,200        552,951 31,335  
2/23/15 Sell PSI 20 short Pharol 8,590.80 0.697 3.812 10/06/14 1.630 -14,003 32,747 18,744 503,030  538,948 64,082 603,030
date B/S market l/s instrument pieces price prc short corresponding invest divest prf/loss acc p/l ∑ invest asset total
    OBX 25 long Frontline 1,301.37 11.234   2/16/15 12.448 -16,200 14,620 -1,580 501,449  522,748 78,702 601,449
    Indices short PSI 20 2.53 5,494.440 5,581.320 10/06/14 5,537.710 -14,010 14,121 110 501,560  508,737 92,822 601,560
  Buy PSI 20 long Altri 5,740.41 3.024   5/25/15 4.081 17,359        526,096 75,463  
    MerVal Comercial del Plata 70,194.10 0.247   3/02/15 0.261 17,359        543,455 58,104  
    Indices SSE 50 ew 51.60 336.435   7/27/15 382.611 17,360        560,815 40,744  
3/02/15 Sell IBEX 35 short ArcelorMittal 354.13 28.860 37.255 6/16/14 32.790 -11,612 13,193 1,581 503,141  549,203 53,937 603,141
    MerVal long Comercial del Plata 70,194.10 0.261   2/23/15 0.247 -17,359 18,328 969 504,109  531,844 72,265 604,109
    GCX short Energy Recovery 3,681.95 3.076 3.693 5/19/14 3.371 -12,410 13,599 1,189 505,298  519,434 85,864 605,298
  Buy IBEX 35 long Intl. Cons. Airlines 2,187.22 7.900   3/09/15 7.660 17,279        536,713 68,585  
    DJ Global Titans Apple 598.80 28.856   3/30/15 29.169 17,279        553,992 51,306  
    GCX Shimano 124.17 139.151   6/01/15 129.753 17,278        571,271 34,028  
3/09/15 Sell IBEX 35 long Intl. Cons. Airlines 2,187.22 7.660   3/02/15 7.900 -17,279 16,754 -525 504,773  553,992 50,782 604,773
  Buy   short Endesa 929.02 17.640   3/23/15 18.130 16,388        570,380 34,394  
    MerVal long Comercial del Plata 59,034.58 0.278   6/29/15 0.285 16,388        586,768 18,006  
3/23/15 Sell IBEX 35 short Endesa 929.02 18.130 17.150 3/09/15 17.640 -16,388 15,933 -455 504,318  570,380 33,938 604,318
  Buy   long Intl. Cons. Airlines 1,969.88 8.100   5/11/15 7.890 15,956        586,336 17,982  
    TSX 60 Bausch Health 85.89 185.781   5/11/15 200.704 15,957        602,292 2,026  
3/30/15 Sell DJ Global Titans long Apple 598.80 29.169   3/02/15 28.856 -17,279 17,466 187 504,505  585,014 19,492 604,505
  Buy   short ConocoPhilips 263.99 59.090   4/27/15 61.591 15,599        600,613 3,893  
4/13/15 Sell HSI-C&I short Galaxy Entertainment 2,842.44 4.822 5.033 10/06/14 4.926 -14,003 14,305 302 504,808  586,610 18,198 604,808
    ÖkoDAX (deprecated) SolarWorld 71.99 14.550 772.962 4/29/13 106.050 -7,635 55,646 48,011 552,819  578,975 73,843 652,819
  Buy HSI-C&I long Tencent 872.72 20.815   7/06/15 17.093 18,166        597,141 55,678  
    OBX 25 Frontline 1,327.41 13.685   5/18/15 12.057 18,166        615,307 37,512  
4/27/15 Sell DJ Global Titans short ConocoPhilips 263.99 61.591 56.589 3/30/15 59.090 -15,599 14,939 -660 552,158  599,708 52,450 652,158
  Buy   long Mitsubishi UFJ 2,714.80 6.489   6/08/15 6.373 17,615        617,323 34,835  
date B/S market l/s instrument pieces price prc short corresponding invest divest prf/loss acc p/l ∑ invest asset total
5/11/15 Sell IBEX 35 long Intl. Cons. Airlines 1,969.88 7.890   3/23/15 8.100 -15,956 15,542 -414 551,745  601,367 50,378 651,745
    OMXH 25 Neste 2,068.07 7.640   1/26/15 8.080 -16,710 15,800 -910 550,835  584,657 66,178 650,835
    TSX 60 Bausch Health 85.89 200.704   3/23/15 185.781 -15,957 17,238 1,282 552,116  568,700 83,416 652,116
  Buy IBEX 35 short Obrascón Huarte Lain 960.71 19.140   4/25/16 5.840 18,388        587,088 65,028  
    OMXH 25 Outokumpu 3,512.51 5.235   1/04/16 2.584 18,388        605,476 46,640  
    TSX 60 Cenovus Energy 1,185.86 15.506   3/21/16 12.064 18,388        623,864 28,252  
5/18/15 Sell OBX 25 long Frontline 1,327.41 12.057   4/13/15 13.685 -18,166 16,004 -2,162 549,955  605,698 44,257 649,955
    Topix (FRA) Sony 694.70 28.471   2/09/15 22.627 -15,719 19,779 4,060 554,015  589,979 64,035 654,015
  Buy OBX 25 short REC Silicon 8,481.46 2.117   6/01/15 1.852 17,951        607,930 46,084  
5/25/15 Sell PSI 20 long Altri 5,740.41 4.081   2/23/15 3.024 -17,359 23,427 6,068 560,082  590,571 69,511 660,082
  Buy   short Pharol 35,762.75 0.510   11/23/15 0.369 18,239        608,810 51,272  
    Topix (FRA) long Sony 639.96 28.500   6/01/15 28.394 18,239        627,049 33,033  
6/01/15 Sell OBX 25 short REC Silicon 8,481.46 1.852 2.418 5/18/15 2.117 -17,951 20,511 2,560 562,642  609,098 53,544 662,642
    Nordic 30 long Pandora 202.61 91.032   11/10/14 68.154 -13,809 18,444 4,635 567,277  595,289 71,988 667,277
    Topix (FRA) Sony 639.96 28.394   5/25/15 28.500 -18,239 18,171 -68 567,209  577,050 90,159 667,209
    GEX Ströer Media 624.67 38.770   1/26/15 26.750 -16,710 24,218 7,509 574,718  560,340 114,377 674,718
    GCX Shimano 124.17 129.753   3/02/15 139.151 -17,278 16,111 -1,167 573,551  543,062 130,489 673,551
  Buy TecDAX short Aixtron 2,913.04 6.900   4/25/16 4.108 20,100        563,162 110,389  
    OBX 25 long Frontline 1,611.13 12.476   6/08/15 12.298 20,100        583,262 90,289  
    Nordic 30 short Fortum 1,160.51 17.320   11/30/15 13.820 20,100        603,362 70,189  
    GCX REC Silicon 10,850.79 1.852   10/05/20 0.464 20,100        623,462 50,089  
6/08/15 Sell S&P 100 long Gilead Sciences 160.37 100.700   10/27/14 88.668 -14,220 16,149 1,930 575,481  609,242 66,238 675,481
    France Adocia 312.35 66.230   12/29/14 47.700 -14,899 20,687 5,788 581,268  594,343 86,925 681,268
    ISEQ 20 Glanbia 599.17 17.420   1/19/15 13.850 -8,299 10,438 2,139 583,407  586,045 97,363 683,407
      Ryanair 852.88 11.660   1/19/15 9.730 -8,299 9,945 1,646 585,053  577,746 107,307 685,053
date B/S market l/s instrument pieces price prc short corresponding invest divest prf/loss acc p/l ∑ invest asset total
    OBX 25 Frontline 1,611.13 12.298   6/01/15 12.476 -20,100 19,814 -286 584,767  557,646 127,121 684,767
    OMXS 30 Boliden 531.87 18.209   11/03/14 13.117 -6,977 9,685 2,708 587,475  550,670 136,806 687,475
      Electrolux 310.68 27.196   11/03/14 22.455 -6,976 8,449 1,473 588,948  543,693 145,255 688,948
    FT 30 Man Group 79.09 231.072   1/19/15 209.841 -16,596 18,275 1,679 590,627  527,097 163,530 690,627
    CAC Mid 60 Adocia 262.61 66.230   1/19/15 63.200 -16,597 17,393 796 591,423  510,500 180,923 691,423
    DJ Global Titans Mitsubishi UFJ 2,714.80 6.373   4/27/15 6.489 -17,615 17,301 -314 591,109  492,885 198,224 691,109
  Buy S&P 100 short Norfolk Southern 275.68 80.648   6/15/15 80.979 22,233        515,118 175,991  
    France Solocal 31.74 700.450   11/23/15 390.360 22,232        537,350 153,759  
    ISEQ 20 FBD 1,198.67 9.274   8/10/15 7.120 11,116        548,467 142,642  
    OBX 25 DNO International 17,451.33 1.274   12/21/15 0.607 22,233        570,700 120,409  
    OMXS 30 SSAB 2,171.19 5.120   10/26/15 3.388 11,116        581,816 109,293  
      Telia Company 2,113.93 5.259   10/26/15 4.765 11,117        592,933 98,176  
    FT 30 Tate & Lyle 29.50 753.704   12/28/15 807.108 22,234        615,167 75,942  
    DJ Global Titans BHP 1,168.95 19.020   7/13/15 17.787 22,233        637,400 53,709  
6/15/15 Sell S&P 100 short Norfolk Southern 275.68 80.979 80.318 6/08/15 80.648 -22,233 22,142 -91 591,018  615,167 75,851 691,018
    Germany long Ströer Media 626.57 40.315   1/12/15 24.615 -15,423 25,260 9,837 600,855  599,744 101,111 700,855
  Buy S&P 100 Starbucks 432.74 46.330   7/06/15 49.123 20,049        619,793 81,062  
6/29/15 Sell SDAX long Patrizia Immobilien 1,117.73 22.015   1/26/15 14.950 -16,710 24,607 7,897 608,752  603,083 105,669 708,752
    MerVal Comercial del Plata 59,034.58 0.285   3/09/15 0.278 -16,388 16,819 431 609,183  586,695 122,488 709,183
7/06/15 Sell S&P 100 long Starbucks 432.74 49.123   6/15/15 46.330 -20,049 21,257 1,208 610,391  566,646 143,745 710,391
    Kospi 50 Amorepacific Group 154.55 157.893   12/08/14 82.934 -12,817 24,402 11,585 621,976  553,829 168,148 721,976
    DAX Merck (EMD) 181.83 90.640   11/17/14 76.670 -13,941 16,481 2,540 624,516  539,888 184,629 724,516
    HSI-C&I Tencent 872.72 17.093   4/13/15 20.815 -18,166 14,917 -3,249 621,268  521,722 199,546 721,268
  Buy S&P 100 short Norfolk Southern 292.71 78.643   7/13/15 78.579 23,020        544,741 176,526  
    CAC 40 ArcelorMittal 912.41 25.230   3/27/17 22.800 23,020        567,762 153,506  
date B/S market l/s instrument pieces price prc short corresponding invest divest prf/loss acc p/l ∑ invest asset total
    DAX RWE 1,196.47 19.240   7/13/15 20.205 23,020        590,782 130,486  
    HSI-C&I Sands China 6,803.40 3.384   5/09/16 3.084 23,020        613,802 107,466  
7/13/15 Sell S&P 100 short Norfolk Southern 292.71 78.579 78.708 7/06/15 78.643 -23,020 23,039 19 621,287  590,782 130,505 721,287
    HSI long China Life Ins HK 4,653.75 3.728   1/12/15 3.314 -15,423 17,351 1,928 623,215  575,359 147,856 723,215
    DAX short RWE 1,196.47 20.205 18.275 7/06/15 19.240 -23,020 21,865 -1,155 622,060  552,339 169,721 722,060
    DJ Global Titans BHP 1,168.95 17.787 20.338 6/08/15 19.020 -22,233 23,774 1,541 623,601  530,106 193,495 723,601
  Buy S&P 100 long 1,107.47 20.702   7/27/15 23.987 22,927        553,033 170,568  
    HSI short China Shenhua HK 12,344.93 1.857   4/18/16 1.521 22,927        575,960 147,641  
    DAX long Fresenius 374.26 61.260   7/27/15 61.200 22,927        598,887 124,714  
    DJ Global Titans Mitsubishi UFJ 3,649.98 6.281   7/27/15 6.435 22,927        621,814 101,787  
7/20/15 Sell DJTA long Avis Budget 508.65 38.916   9/24/12 12.419 -6,317 19,794 13,477 637,079  615,497 121,582 737,079
  Buy   short Avis Budget 551.60 38.916   8/03/15 39.514 21,466        636,963 100,116  
7/27/15 Sell S&P 100 long 1,107.47 23.987   7/13/15 20.702 -22,927 26,565 3,638 640,717  614,036 126,681 740,717
    DAX Fresenius 374.26 61.200   7/13/15 61.260 -22,927 22,905 -22 640,694  591,109 149,586 740,694
    Indices SSE 50 ew 51.60 382.611   2/23/15 336.435 -17,360 19,743 2,383 643,077  573,749 169,328 743,077
    DJ Global Titans Mitsubishi UFJ 3,649.98 6.435   7/13/15 6.281 -22,927 23,488 561 643,638  550,822 192,816 743,638
  Buy S&P 100 short ConocoPhilips 512.78 45.655   3/07/16 37.595 23,411        574,233 169,405  
    DAX RWE 1,262.05 18.550   10/19/15 12.230 23,411        597,644 145,994  
    BAX Grammer 891.51 26.260   11/09/15 23.675 23,411        621,055 122,583  
    DJ Global Titans ConocoPhilips 512.78 45.655   8/03/15 45.385 23,411        644,466 99,172  
8/03/15 Sell SSE 50 long AECC Aviation Power 3,718.87 7.097   7/07/14 2.976 -11,067 26,392 15,325 658,963  633,399 125,564 758,963
    HSI-Fin China Life Ins HK 4,473.06 3.251   1/26/15 3.736 -16,710 14,540 -2,170 656,793  616,689 140,104 756,793
    DJTA short Avis Budget 551.60 39.514 38.317 7/20/15 38.916 -21,466 21,136 -330 656,463  595,223 161,240 756,463
    DJ Global Titans ConocoPhilips 512.78 45.385 45.927 7/27/15 45.655 -23,411 23,551 140 656,602  571,812 184,790 756,602
  Buy SSE 50 China Northern Rare 11,306.81 2.081   1/04/16 1.789 23,534        595,346 161,256  
date B/S market l/s instrument pieces price prc short corresponding invest divest prf/loss acc p/l ∑ invest asset total
    HSI-Fin ICBC 37,630.32 0.625   1/04/16 0.538 23,534        618,880 137,722  
    DJTA long JetBlue Airways 1,092.70 21.538   8/24/15 18.277 23,534        642,414 114,188  
    SMI UBS 1,115.24 21.102   8/17/15 20.081 23,534        665,948 90,654  
    DJ Global Titans Mitsubishi UFJ 3,628.54 6.486   8/24/15 5.389 23,534        689,482 67,120  
8/10/15 Sell ISEQ 20 short FBD 1,198.67 7.120 12.080 6/08/15 9.274 -11,116 14,479 3,363 659,965  678,366 81,600 759,965
  Buy   long Kingspan 462.90 22.725   8/17/15 22.815 10,519        688,885 71,080  
      Ryanair 823.12 12.780   8/17/15 12.705 10,519        699,404 60,561  
8/17/15 Sell ASX 50 long James Hardie Ind 737.60 12.058   1/30/12 5.763 -4,251 8,894 4,643 664,608  695,153 69,455 764,608
    ISEQ 20 Kingspan 462.90 22.815   8/10/15 22.725 -10,519 10,561 42 664,650  684,634 80,016 764,650
      Ryanair 823.12 12.705   8/10/15 12.780 -10,519 10,458 -62 664,588  674,115 90,474 764,588
    OMXC 20 Pandora 201.59 107.440   11/24/14 67.207 -13,548 21,659 8,111 672,699  660,566 112,133 772,699
    SMI UBS 1,115.24 20.081   8/03/15 21.102 -23,534 22,395 -1,139 671,560  637,032 134,528 771,560
    Nikkei (FRA) Fujitsu 1,008.55 4.455   6/30/14 5.499 -5,546 4,493 -1,053 670,507  631,486 139,021 770,507
      Minebea Mitsumi 674.37 12.573   6/30/14 8.224 -5,546 8,479 2,933 673,440  625,940 147,500 773,440
  Buy ASX 50 short Santos 5,782.35 3.982   11/23/15 2.708 23,023        648,963 124,477  
    ISEQ 20 FBD 1,668.33 6.900   11/30/15 6.852 11,511        660,475 112,965  
    OMXC 20 GN Store Nord 184.92 124.500   10/05/15 126.375 23,023        683,497 89,943  
    Nikkei (FRA) Sharp 897.23 12.830   11/23/15 10.210 11,511        695,009 78,431  
      IHI 381.30 30.190   11/23/15 25.250 11,511        706,520 66,920  
8/24/15 Sell DJIA long Visa 139.28 58.880   12/19/11 18.897 -2,632 8,201 5,569 679,009  703,888 75,121 779,009
    Nasdaq 100 Regeneron 40.02 434.608   10/10/11 49.346 -1,975 17,393 15,418 694,427  701,913 92,514 794,427
    Euro 50 ASML 56.19 74.790   1/09/12 32.400 -1,821 4,202 2,382 696,809  700,093 96,716 796,809
      Anheuser-Busch InBev 38.33 91.280   1/09/12 47.495 -1,820 3,499 1,678 698,487  698,272 100,215 798,487
    HDAX Ströer Media 626.57 47.670   1/12/15 24.615 -15,423 29,869 14,446 712,933  682,849 130,084 812,933
    FTSE Ashtead 13.82 1,199.890   7/30/12 333.248 -4,605 16,582 11,977 724,910  678,244 146,666 824,910
date B/S market l/s instrument pieces price prc short corresponding invest divest prf/loss acc p/l ∑ invest asset total
    HSI-Prop CK Hutchison 436.24 10.950   7/28/14 13.730 -5,990 4,777 -1,213 723,697  672,254 151,443 823,697
      Sino Land 4,783.95 1.200   7/28/14 1.252 -5,990 5,741 -249 723,449  666,265 157,184 823,449
    Europe 50 Novartis 223.03 69.088   11/10/14 61.916 -13,809 15,409 1,600 725,048  652,456 172,592 825,048
    DJTA JetBlue Airways 1,092.70 18.277   8/03/15 21.538 -23,534 19,972 -3,562 721,486  628,922 192,564 821,486
    Nikkei (TYO) Minebea Mitsumi 1,357.21 10.589   10/27/14 10.477 -14,220 14,372 152 721,638  614,702 206,936 821,638
    DJ Global Titans Mitsubishi UFJ 3,628.54 5.389   8/03/15 6.486 -23,534 19,555 -3,979 717,659  591,168 226,491 817,659
    SP Global 100 Apple 637.20 22.212   11/03/14 21.898 -13,953 14,153 200 717,859  577,215 240,644 817,859
  Buy USA short Keurig Dr Pepper 598.88 44.186   9/14/15 52.434 26,462        603,677 214,182  
    DJIA Chevron 425.99 62.119   5/30/16 91.551 26,462        630,139 187,720  
    Nasdaq 100 Micron Technology 2,127.58 12.438   8/31/15 14.635 26,462        656,601 161,258  
    Euro 50 E.on 1,520.80 8.700   10/26/15 8.993 13,231        669,832 148,027  
      Banco Santander 2,539.54 5.210   10/26/15 5.230 13,231        683,063 134,796  
    HDAX RWE 2,001.66 13.220   11/23/15 10.895 26,462        709,525 108,334  
    FTSE Glencore 141.21 187.390   5/09/16 167.806 26,461        735,986 81,873  
    HSI-Prop Hang Lung 6,883.26 1.922   6/06/16 1.737 13,231        749,217 68,642  
      The Wharf 7,562.30 1.750   6/06/16 1.945 13,231        762,448 55,411  
    DJCA Chevron 425.99 62.119   8/31/15 72.229 26,462        788,910 28,949  
    Europe 50 Rio Tinto 9.04 2,927.710   10/26/15 3,453.900 26,467        815,377 2,482  
    DJTA Norfolk Southern 411.06 64.376   8/31/15 69.482 26,462        841,839 -23,980  
    SLI Aryzta 2,823.31 9.373   1/09/17 8.993 26,462        868,301 -50,442  
    CAC Next 20 Casino Guichard 4.70 5,628.000   1/30/17 4,978.000 26,452        894,752 -76,894  
    Nikkei (TYO) IHI 1,022.03 25.892   8/08/16 25.014 26,462        921,214 -103,356  
    DJ Global Titans ConocoPhilips 715.64 36.977   3/21/16 37.886 26,462        947,676 -129,818  
    SP Global 100 RWE 2,001.66 13.220   9/12/16 14.645 26,462        974,138 -156,280  
8/31/15 Sell Nasdaq 100 short Micron Technology 2,127.58 14.635 10.240 8/24/15 12.438 -26,462 21,787 -4,675 713,184  947,676 -134,492 813,184
date B/S market l/s instrument pieces price prc short corresponding invest divest prf/loss acc p/l ∑ invest asset total
    DJCA Chevron 425.99 72.229 52.009 8/24/15 62.119 -26,462 22,155 -4,307 708,877  921,214 -112,337 808,877
    DJTA Norfolk Southern 411.06 69.482 59.269 8/24/15 64.376 -26,462 24,363 -2,099 706,778  894,752 -87,974 806,778
  Buy Nasdaq 100 long Netflix 175.19 102.576   9/07/15 88.434 17,970        912,722 -105,944  
    DJCA JetBlue Airways 902.77 19.906   3/16/20 9.506 17,970        930,692 -123,914  
    DJUA short CenterPoint Energy 541.08 16.606   12/07/15 15.137 8,985        939,677 -132,899  
      FirstEnergy 315.23 28.503   12/07/15 29.960 8,985        948,662 -141,884  
    DJTA long JetBlue Airways 902.77 19.906   1/04/16 20.201 17,970        966,632 -159,854  
9/07/15 Sell Nasdaq 100 long Netflix 175.19 88.434   8/31/15 102.576 -17,970 15,493 -2,477 704,301  948,662 -144,361 804,301
    ATX Zumtobel 767.95 23.775   2/16/15 21.095 -16,200 18,258 2,058 706,359  932,462 -126,103 806,359
  Buy Nasdaq 100 short Micron Technology 1,128.78 15.066   10/19/15 16.912 17,006        949,468 -143,109  
    ATX Vienna Insurance 624.30 27.240   3/28/16 18.660 17,006        966,474 -160,115  
9/14/15 Sell USA short Keurig Dr Pepper 598.88 52.434 35.938 8/24/15 44.186 -26,462 21,523 -4,940 701,419  940,012 -138,593 801,419
  Buy   long JetBlue Airways 712.46 23.257   9/21/15 23.986 16,570        956,582 -155,163  
9/21/15 Sell   long JetBlue Airways 712.46 23.986   9/14/15 23.257 -16,570 17,089 519 701,938  940,012 -138,074 801,938
  Buy   short Wynn Resorts 279.01 59.482   10/05/15 57.973 16,596        956,608 -154,670  
    MIB Saipem 34.27 484.286   12/26/16 244.286 16,596        973,204 -171,266  
9/28/15 Sell BEL 20 long bpost 726.03 21.000   1/19/15 22.860 -16,597 15,247 -1,350 700,588  956,607 -156,020 800,588
  Buy   short Solvay 180.02 89.510   3/28/16 85.670 16,114        972,721 -172,133  
10/05/15 Sell USA short Wynn Resorts 279.01 57.973 61.030 9/21/15 59.482 -16,596 17,028 432 701,020  956,125 -155,105 801,020
    OMXC 20 GN Store Nord 184.92 126.375 122.625 8/17/15 124.500 -23,023 22,676 -347 700,673  933,102 -132,429 800,673
  Buy USA long Netflix 168.08 99.392   12/14/15 109.790 16,706        949,808 -149,135  
    OMXC 20 Genmab 196.39 85.064   11/02/15 91.174 16,706        966,514 -165,841  
10/12/15 Buy Kospi 50 long Lotte Chemical 76.12 208.474   4/02/18 330.481 15,869        982,383 -181,710  
    MerVal Pampa Energía 19,243.36 0.825   10/19/15 0.927 15,870        998,253 -197,580  
10/19/15 Sell Nasdaq 100 short Micron Technology 1,128.78 16.912 13.219 9/07/15 15.066 -17,006 14,922 -2,084 698,589  981,247 -182,658 798,589
date B/S market l/s instrument pieces price prc short corresponding invest divest prf/loss acc p/l ∑ invest asset total
    DAX RWE 1,262.05 12.230 28.136 7/27/15 18.550 -23,411 35,509 12,098 710,687  957,836 -147,149 810,687
    MerVal long Pampa Energía 19,243.36 0.927   10/12/15 0.825 -15,870 17,829 1,959 712,646  941,966 -129,320 812,646
  Buy Nasdaq 100 675.33 25.296   2/08/16 21.802 17,083        959,049 -146,403  
    DAX Fresenius 283.25 60.310   12/21/15 63.430 17,083        976,132 -163,486  
    MerVal short YPF 759.94 22.479   10/26/15 25.738 17,083        993,215 -180,569  
10/26/15 Sell Euro 50 short E.on 1,520.80 8.993 8.407 8/24/15 8.700 -13,231 12,786 -445 712,200  979,984 -167,783 812,200
      Banco Santander 2,539.54 5.230 5.190 8/24/15 5.210 -13,231 13,180 -51 712,150  966,753 -154,603 812,150
    OMXS 30 SSAB 2,171.19 3.388 7.737 6/08/15 5.120 -11,116 16,799 5,683 717,832  955,636 -137,804 817,832
      Telia Company 2,113.93 4.765 5.804 6/08/15 5.259 -11,117 12,268 1,152 718,984  944,520 -125,535 818,984
    Europe 50 Rio Tinto 9.04 3,453.900 2,401.510 8/24/15 2,927.710 -26,467 21,710 -4,757 714,227  918,053 -103,826 814,227
    MerVal YPF 759.94 25.738 19.221 10/19/15 22.479 -17,083 14,607 -2,476 711,751  900,970 -89,219 811,751
  Buy Euro 50 long Fresenius 140.79 64.150   1/11/16 59.420 9,032        910,002 -98,251  
      Inditex 268.71 33.610   1/11/16 29.430 9,031        919,033 -107,282  
    OMXS 30 Boliden 517.24 17.461   11/02/15 17.505 9,031        928,065 -116,314  
      Svenska Cellulosa B 1,732.93 5.212   11/02/15 5.468 9,032        937,096 -125,345  
    Europe 50 SAP 257.56 70.130   12/14/15 69.400 18,063        955,159 -143,408  
    MerVal Pampa Energía 15,717.89 1.149   3/07/16 0.728 18,063        973,222 -161,471  
11/02/15 Sell OMXC 20 long Genmab 196.39 91.174   10/05/15 85.064 -16,706 17,906 1,200 712,951  956,516 -143,565 812,951
    OMXS 30 Boliden 517.24 17.505   10/26/15 17.461 -9,031 9,054 23 712,974  947,485 -134,511 812,974
      Svenska Cellulosa B 1,732.93 5.468   10/26/15 5.212 -9,032 9,475 443 713,417  938,453 -125,036 813,417
  Buy   short SSAB 2,547.59 3.378   12/14/15 2.601 8,604        947,058 -133,641  
      SKF A 535.50 16.068   12/14/15 14.663 8,605        955,662 -142,245  
11/09/15 Sell BAX short Grammer 891.51 23.675 29.127 7/27/15 26.260 -23,411 25,967 2,556 715,973  932,251 -116,278 815,973
  Buy   long Adtran Networks 1,722.50 10.155   11/16/15 10.530 17,492        949,743 -133,770  
11/16/15 Sell MDAX long Ströer Media 627.84 61.450   2/02/15 25.790 -16,192 38,581 22,389 738,362  933,551 -95,189 838,362
date B/S market l/s instrument pieces price prc short corresponding invest divest prf/loss acc p/l ∑ invest asset total
    BSE Sensex 30 Hindustan Unilever 701.35 11.144   1/30/12 6.061 -4,251 7,816 3,565 741,927  929,300 -87,374 841,927
    BAX Adtran Networks 1,722.50 10.530   11/09/15 10.155 -17,492 18,138 646 742,573  911,808 -69,236 842,573
  Buy BSE Sensex 30 short Bharat Heavy 11,443.71 1.689   6/13/16 1.058 19,333        931,141 -88,569  
    SMI Holcim 382.76 50.510   1/09/17 49.995 19,333        950,474 -107,902  
    Topix (FRA) long Ono Pharmaceutical 708.12 27.302   12/14/15 30.520 19,333        969,808 -127,235  
11/23/15 Sell France short Solocal 31.74 390.360 1,256.870 6/08/15 700.450 -22,232 39,893 17,661 760,233  947,575 -87,342 860,233
    ASX 50 Santos 5,782.35 2.708 5.854 8/17/15 3.982 -23,023 33,849 10,826 771,059  924,552 -53,493 871,059
    HDAX RWE 2,001.66 10.895 16.041 8/24/15 13.220 -26,462 32,109 5,647 776,706  898,090 -21,384 876,706
    PSI 20 Pharol 35,762.75 0.369 0.705 5/25/15 0.510 -18,239 25,209 6,970 783,676  879,851 3,825 883,676
    Nikkei (FRA) Sharp 897.23 10.210 16.122 8/17/15 12.830 -11,511 14,465 2,954 786,630  868,340 18,290 886,630
      IHI 381.30 25.250 36.097 8/17/15 30.190 -11,511 13,764 2,252 788,882  856,828 32,054 888,882
  Buy France long Ubisoft 858.91 26.805   1/11/16 24.260 23,023        879,851 9,031  
    HDAX SMA Solar 481.90 47.775   1/18/16 41.200 23,023        902,874 -13,992  
    PSI 20 Altri 4,508.13 5.107   12/07/15 5.008 23,023        925,897 -37,015  
    OMXC 20 Genmab 203.03 113.399   2/08/16 88.896 23,023        948,921 -60,038  
    Nikkei (FRA) Yamaha 459.17 25.070   12/07/15 22.360 11,511        960,432 -71,550  
    BAX Adtran Networks 2,075.08 11.095   12/14/15 9.859 23,023        983,455 -94,573  
    GEX Hypoport 291.43 79.000   12/14/15 70.070 23,023        1,006,478 -117,596  
11/30/15 Sell ISEQ 20 short FBD 1,668.33 6.852 6.948 8/17/15 6.900 -11,511 11,592 81 788,963  994,967 -106,004 888,963
    Nordic 30 Fortum 1,160.51 13.820 21.706 6/01/15 17.320 -20,100 25,190 5,090 794,053  974,867 -80,813 894,053
  Buy Germany long SMA Solar 430.51 47.225   1/11/16 49.315 20,331        995,197 -101,144  
    ASX 50 short Origin Energy 5,307.52 3.831   1/04/16 3.253 20,331        1,015,528 -121,475  
    ISEQ 20 long Flutter 84.68 120.050   12/07/15 122.000 10,166        1,025,694 -131,641  
      Dalata Hotel 1,973.88 5.150   12/07/15 5.130 10,165        1,035,860 -141,806  
    Nordic 30 Pandora 181.20 112.200   12/14/15 108.345 20,331        1,056,190 -162,137  
date B/S market l/s instrument pieces price prc short corresponding invest divest prf/loss acc p/l ∑ invest asset total
12/07/15 Sell ISEQ 20 long Flutter 84.68 122.000   11/30/15 120.050 -10,166 10,331 165 794,219  1,046,024 -151,806 894,219
      Dalata Hotel 1,973.88 5.130   11/30/15 5.150 -10,165 10,126 -39 794,179  1,035,859 -141,680 894,179
    PSI 20 Altri 4,508.13 5.008   11/23/15 5.107 -23,023 22,577 -446 793,733  1,012,836 -119,103 893,733
    DJUA short CenterPoint Energy 541.08 15.137 18.217 8/31/15 16.606 -8,985 9,857 872 794,605  1,003,851 -109,246 894,605
      FirstEnergy 315.23 29.960 27.045 8/31/15 28.503 -8,985 8,525 -460 794,145  994,866 -100,721 894,145
    Nikkei (FRA) long Yamaha 459.17 22.360   11/23/15 25.070 -11,511 10,267 -1,244 792,901  983,355 -90,454 892,901
    BSE Sensex 50 Eicher Motors 841.47 22.421   10/24/11 2.335 -1,965 18,867 16,902 809,802  981,390 -71,587 909,802
  Buy ISEQ 20 short FBD 1,536.29 6.820   1/04/16 6.603 10,478        991,867 -82,065  
    PSI 20 Pharol 74,308.51 0.282   4/25/16 0.141 20,955        1,012,822 -103,020  
    DJUA long NiSource 593.45 17.655   3/16/20 18.760 10,477        1,023,300 -113,497  
      American Water 194.50 53.870   3/16/20 106.441 10,478        1,033,777 -123,975  
    Nikkei (FRA) short OKI Electric 912.67 11.480   3/07/16 12.000 10,477        1,044,255 -134,453  
      Sharp 1,102.89 9.500   3/07/16 13.180 10,477        1,054,732 -144,930  
    BSE Sensex 50 ONGC 10,162.96 2.062   12/21/15 2.125 20,955        1,075,687 -165,885  
12/14/15 Sell USA long Netflix 168.08 109.790   10/05/15 99.392 -16,706 18,454 1,748 811,550  1,058,981 -147,432 911,550
    OMXS 30 short SSAB 2,547.59 2.601 4.386 11/02/15 3.378 -8,604 11,172 2,568 814,118  1,050,377 -136,259 914,118
      SKF A 535.50 14.663 17.608 11/02/15 16.068 -8,605 9,429 824 814,942  1,041,772 -126,830 914,942
    Europe 50 long SAP 257.56 69.400   10/26/15 70.130 -18,063 17,875 -188 814,754  1,023,710 -108,955 914,754
    Nordic 30 Pandora 181.20 108.345   11/30/15 112.200 -20,331 19,632 -699 814,056  1,003,379 -89,323 914,056
    Topix (FRA) Ono Pharmaceutical 708.12 30.520   11/16/15 27.302 -19,333 21,612 2,279 816,334  984,046 -67,712 916,334
    BAX Adtran Networks 2,075.08 9.859   11/23/15 11.095 -23,023 20,458 -2,565 813,770  961,023 -47,253 913,770
    GEX Hypoport 291.43 70.070   11/23/15 79.000 -23,023 20,421 -2,602 811,167  938,000 -26,833 911,167
  Buy OMXS 30 Securitas 825.07 13.398   12/21/15 13.632 11,054        949,054 -37,887  
    Europe 50 short Rio Tinto 8.69 2,545.100   12/28/15 2,721.790 22,117        971,171 -60,004  
    Nordic 30 Møller-Mærsk B 18.03 1,226.160   4/25/16 1,254.850 22,108        993,279 -82,111  
date B/S market l/s instrument pieces price prc short corresponding invest divest prf/loss acc p/l ∑ invest asset total
    GEX Manz 543.73 40.660   5/09/16 36.225 22,108        1,015,387 -104,219  
12/21/15 Sell DAX long Fresenius 283.25 63.430   10/19/15 60.310 -17,083 17,967 884 812,051  998,304 -86,253 912,051
    OBX 25 short DNO International 17,451.33 0.607 2.673 6/08/15 1.274 -22,233 46,640 24,407 836,458  976,071 -39,613 936,458
    OMXS 30 long Securitas 825.07 13.632   12/14/15 13.398 -11,054 11,247 193 836,651  965,017 -28,366 936,651
    BSE Sensex 50 short ONGC 10,162.96 2.125 1.999 12/07/15 2.062 -20,955 20,316 -639 836,012  944,062 -8,050 936,012
  Buy DAX RWE 2,035.89 11.395   12/28/15 11.660 23,199        967,261 -31,249  
    OBX 25 long Bakkafrost 882.66 26.283   12/28/15 26.311 23,199        990,460 -54,448  
    OMXS 30 short SSAB 5,344.65 2.170   12/28/15 2.409 11,599        1,002,059 -66,047  
      SKF A 794.42 14.601   12/28/15 15.095 11,600        1,013,659 -77,647  
    Topix (FRA) long Ono Pharmaceutical 725.33 31.984   1/04/16 32.298 23,199        1,036,858 -100,846  
    CAC Mid 60 Sartorius Stedim 402.94 57.575   12/28/15 57.183 23,199        1,060,057 -124,045  
    BSE Sensex 50 Bajaj Finance 2,857.69 8.118   1/04/16 8.393 23,199        1,083,256 -147,244  
12/28/15 Sell DAX short RWE 2,035.89 11.660 11.130 12/21/15 11.395 -23,199 22,659 -540 835,472  1,060,057 -124,585 935,472
    OBX 25 long Bakkafrost 882.66 26.311   12/21/15 26.283 -23,199 23,223 24 835,497  1,036,858 -101,361 935,497
    OMXS 30 short SSAB 5,344.65 2.409 1.932 12/21/15 2.170 -11,599 10,323 -1,276 834,221  1,025,259 -91,038 934,221
      SKF A 794.42 15.095 14.108 12/21/15 14.601 -11,600 11,208 -392 833,829  1,013,659 -79,830 933,829
    Europe 50 Rio Tinto 8.69 2,721.790 2,368.420 12/14/15 2,545.100 -22,117 20,582 -1,535 832,293  991,542 -59,249 932,293
    FT 30 Tate & Lyle 29.50 807.108 700.300 6/08/15 753.704 -22,234 20,659 -1,575 830,718  969,308 -38,590 930,718
    CAC Mid 60 long Sartorius Stedim 402.94 57.183   12/21/15 57.575 -23,199 23,041 -158 830,560  946,109 -15,549 930,560
  Buy USA Energy Recovery 3,533.69 6.473   1/11/16 5.700 22,875        968,984 -38,424  
    DAX Adidas 256.76 89.090   3/07/16 96.970 22,875        991,858 -61,298  
    OMXS 30 Securitas 824.32 13.875   1/04/16 13.705 11,437        1,003,296 -72,736  
    Europe 50 SAP 313.96 72.860   1/04/16 70.580 22,875        1,026,171 -95,611  
    FT 30 ITV 61.32 373.033   1/11/16 356.368 22,874        1,049,045 -118,485  
1/04/16 Sell SSE 50 short China Northern Rare 11,306.81 1.789 2.422 8/03/15 2.081 -23,534 27,386 3,852 834,412  1,025,511 -91,099 934,412
date B/S market l/s instrument pieces price prc short corresponding invest divest prf/loss acc p/l ∑ invest asset total
    ASX 50 Origin Energy 5,307.52 3.253 4.511 11/30/15 3.831 -20,331 23,940 3,609 838,021  1,005,180 -67,159 938,021
    HSI-Fin ICBC 37,630.32 0.538 0.727 8/03/15 0.625 -23,534 27,338 3,804 841,825  981,646 -39,821 941,825
    ISEQ 20 FBD 1,536.29 6.603 7.044 12/07/15 6.820 -10,478 10,822 344 842,169  971,169 -28,999 942,169
    OMXH 25 Outokumpu 3,512.51 2.584 10.606 5/11/15 5.235 -18,388 37,253 18,865 861,034  952,781 8,253 961,034
    OMXS 30 long Securitas 824.32 13.705   12/28/15 13.875 -11,437 11,297 -140 860,894  941,343 19,551 960,894
    Europe 50 SAP 313.96 70.580   12/28/15 72.860 -22,875 22,159 -716 860,178  918,468 41,710 960,178
    DJTA JetBlue Airways 902.77 20.201   8/31/15 19.906 -17,970 18,237 267 860,445  900,498 59,947 960,445
    Topix (FRA) Ono Pharmaceutical 725.33 32.298   12/21/15 31.984 -23,199 23,427 228 860,673  877,299 83,374 960,673
    BSE Sensex 50 Bajaj Finance 2,857.69 8.393   12/21/15 8.118 -23,199 23,985 786 861,459  854,100 107,359 961,459
  Buy SSE 50 Shanghai Pudong 10,625.10 2.515   1/11/16 2.391 26,720        880,820 80,639  
    HSI-Fin Hang Seng Bank 1,568.67 17.034   1/11/16 16.023 26,720        907,540 53,919  
    ISEQ 20 Flutter 108.31 123.350   1/18/16 119.900 13,360        920,900 40,559  
      Dalata Hotel 2,483.27 5.380   1/18/16 4.930 13,360        934,260 27,199  
    OMXH 25 Elisa 791.70 33.750   1/11/16 34.422 26,720        960,980 479  
    OMXS 30 short SSAB 5,477.88 2.439   4/04/16 3.262 13,360        974,340 -12,881  
      SKF A 918.71 14.542   4/04/16 15.448 13,360        987,700 -26,241  
    Europe 50 Rio Tinto 10.34 2,585.270   1/25/16 2,112.660 26,732        1,014,432 -52,972  
    DJTA Ryder System 508.62 52.534   2/22/16 53.012 26,720        1,041,152 -79,692  
    BSE Sensex 50 Larsen & Toubro 2,302.32 11.606   3/07/16 10.779 26,720        1,067,872 -106,412  
1/11/16 Sell USA long Energy Recovery 3,533.69 5.700   12/28/15 6.473 -22,875 20,143 -2,732 858,727  1,044,997 -86,269 958,727
    Euro 50 Fresenius 140.79 59.420   10/26/15 64.150 -9,032 8,366 -666 858,061  1,035,965 -77,904 958,061
      Inditex 268.71 29.430   10/26/15 33.610 -9,031 7,908 -1,123 856,938  1,026,934 -69,995 956,938
    France Ubisoft 858.91 24.260   11/23/15 26.805 -23,023 20,837 -2,186 854,752  1,003,911 -49,158 954,752
    Germany SMA Solar 430.51 49.315   11/30/15 47.225 -20,331 21,231 900 855,652  983,580 -27,928 955,652
    SSE 50 Shanghai Pudong 10,625.10 2.391   1/04/16 2.515 -26,720 25,402 -1,318 854,335  956,860 -2,525 954,335
date B/S market l/s instrument pieces price prc short corresponding invest divest prf/loss acc p/l ∑ invest asset total
    HSI-Fin Hang Seng Bank 1,568.67 16.023   1/04/16 17.034 -26,720 25,135 -1,585 852,750  930,140 22,610 952,750
    OMXH 25 Elisa 791.70 34.422   1/04/16 33.750 -26,720 27,252 532 853,282  903,420 49,862 953,282
    FT 30 ITV 61.32 356.368   12/28/15 373.033 -22,874 21,852 -1,022 852,260  880,546 71,714 952,260
    Topix (TYO) Subaru 727.08 33.663   6/11/12 6.048 -4,397 24,476 20,079 872,338  876,149 96,190 972,338
  Buy Euro 50 short Volkswagen 114.11 117.050   1/25/16 110.750 13,357        889,505 82,833  
      Banco Santander 3,273.65 4.080   1/25/16 3.860 13,356        902,862 69,477  
    France Vallourec 101.31 263.680   4/18/16 148.800 26,713        929,575 42,763  
    SSE 50 Haitong Secs 15,191.65 1.758   6/13/16 1.997 26,713        956,288 16,050  
    ASX 50 Origin Energy 9,757.46 2.738   2/29/16 2.906 26,713        983,001 -10,663  
    HSI-Fin China Life Ins HK 10,524.80 2.538   6/06/16 1.986 26,713        1,009,714 -37,376  
    OMXH 25 Outokumpu 10,788.77 2.476   4/25/16 3.996 26,713        1,036,427 -64,089  
    FT 30 Tesco 108.26 246.739   1/25/16 258.955 26,712        1,063,139 -90,801  
1/18/16 Sell HDAX long SMA Solar 481.90 41.200   11/23/15 47.775 -23,023 19,854 -3,168 869,170  1,040,116 -70,946 969,170
    ISEQ 20 Flutter 108.31 119.900   1/04/16 123.350 -13,360 12,986 -374 868,796  1,026,756 -57,960 968,796
      Dalata Hotel 2,483.27 4.930   1/04/16 5.380 -13,360 12,243 -1,117 867,679  1,013,396 -45,717 967,679
    QIX Freenet 443.08 28.325   1/23/12 10.515 -4,659 12,550 7,891 875,570  1,008,737 -33,167 975,570
  Buy HDAX short Aixtron 7,139.39 3.300   3/14/16 3.331 23,560        1,032,297 -56,727  
    ISEQ 20 FBD 1,829.19 6.440   5/30/16 6.529 11,780        1,044,077 -68,507  
    QIX BMW 301.66 78.100   2/08/16 69.300 23,560        1,067,637 -92,067  
1/25/16 Sell Euro 50 short Volkswagen 114.11 110.750 123.708 1/11/16 117.050 -13,357 14,116 760 876,330  1,054,280 -77,951 976,330
      Banco Santander 3,273.65 3.860 4.313 1/11/16 4.080 -13,356 14,118 761 877,091  1,040,924 -63,833 977,091
    Europe 50 Rio Tinto 10.34 2,112.660 3,163.610 1/04/16 2,585.270 -26,732 32,712 5,980 883,071  1,014,192 -31,121 983,071
    FT 30 Tesco 108.26 258.955 234.523 1/11/16 246.739 -26,712 25,389 -1,323 881,748  987,480 -5,732 981,748
  Buy Euro 50 long SAP 167.86 72.680   4/04/16 70.040 12,200        999,680 -17,932  
      Vinci 197.96 61.630   4/04/16 65.450 12,200        1,011,880 -30,132  
date B/S market l/s instrument pieces price prc short corresponding invest divest prf/loss acc p/l ∑ invest asset total
    Europe 50 SAP 335.72 72.680   3/28/16 70.840 24,400        1,036,281 -54,532  
    FT 30 National Grid 19.64 1,242.520   2/01/16 1,311.560 24,403        1,060,684 -78,935  
2/01/16 Sell   long National Grid 19.64 1,311.560   1/25/16 1,242.520 -24,403 25,759 1,356 883,104  1,036,281 -53,176 983,104
  Buy   short NatWest 70.43 330.109   4/18/16 299.798 23,250        1,059,530 -76,426  
2/08/16 Sell Nasdaq 100 long 675.33 21.802   10/19/15 25.296 -17,083 14,723 -2,359 880,745  1,042,447 -61,702 980,745
    OMXC 20 Genmab 203.03 88.896   11/23/15 113.399 -23,023 18,048 -4,975 875,770  1,019,424 -43,654 975,770
    QIX short BMW 301.66 69.300 88.018 1/18/16 78.100 -23,560 26,551 2,992 878,762  995,864 -17,102 978,762
  Buy Nasdaq 100 Micron Technology 2,646.17 9.085   3/21/16 10.259 24,041        1,019,905 -41,143  
    QIX long Rational 59.34 405.150   4/11/16 463.700 24,042        1,043,947 -65,185  
2/22/16 Sell DJTA short Ryder System 508.62 53.012 52.057 1/04/16 52.534 -26,720 26,477 -243 878,519  1,017,227 -38,708 978,519
    NZX 50 long Tourism 16,098.64 1.542   7/28/14 0.744 -11,979 24,819 12,840 891,359  1,005,248 -13,889 991,359
  Buy OMXC 20 Vestas Wind Systems 2,023.35 12.077   2/29/16 12.460 24,436        1,029,684 -38,325  
    DJTA Delta Air Lines 552.54 44.225   3/07/16 43.943 24,436        1,054,120 -62,761  
    NZX 50 short ANZ Banking NZ 1,597.55 15.296   2/29/16 14.670 24,436        1,078,556 -87,197  
2/29/16 Sell ASX 50 short Origin Energy 9,757.46 2.906 2.569 1/11/16 2.738 -26,713 25,070 -1,643 889,716  1,051,843 -62,127 989,716
    OMXC 20 long Vestas Wind Systems 2,023.35 12.460   2/22/16 12.077 -24,436 25,211 775 890,490  1,027,407 -36,916 990,490
    NZX 50 short ANZ Banking NZ 1,597.55 14.670 15.949 2/22/16 15.296 -24,436 25,479 1,043 891,533  1,002,971 -11,438 991,533
  Buy   long a2 Milk 22,984.99 1.066   5/22/17 2.174 24,502        1,027,473 -35,940  
3/07/16 Sell S&P 100 short ConocoPhilips 512.78 37.595 55.443 7/27/15 45.655 -23,411 28,430 5,019 896,552  1,004,062 -7,510 996,552
    DAX long Adidas 256.76 96.970   12/28/15 89.090 -22,875 24,898 2,023 898,575  981,187 17,388 998,575
    MerVal Pampa Energía 15,717.89 0.728   10/26/15 1.149 -18,063 11,443 -6,620 891,955  963,124 28,831 991,955
    DJTA Delta Air Lines 552.54 43.943   2/22/16 44.225 -24,436 24,280 -156 891,799  938,688 53,111 991,799
    Nikkei (FRA) short OKI Electric 912.67 12.000 10.960 12/07/15 11.480 -10,477 10,003 -475 891,325  928,210 63,114 991,325
      Sharp 1,102.89 13.180 5.820 12/07/15 9.500 -10,477 6,419 -4,059 887,266  917,733 69,533 987,266
    BSE Sensex 50 Larsen & Toubro 2,302.32 10.779 12.496 1/04/16 11.606 -26,720 28,771 2,051 889,317  891,013 98,304 989,317
date B/S market l/s instrument pieces price prc short corresponding invest divest prf/loss acc p/l ∑ invest asset total
  Buy USA long Energy Recovery 3,493.78 7.782   10/29/18 6.189 27,190        918,203 71,114  
    S&P 100 Meta Platforms 283.19 96.013   3/28/16 101.554 27,190        945,393 43,924  
    DAX short Deutsche Bank 1,717.29 15.833   4/25/16 14.347 27,190        972,583 16,734  
    MerVal YPF 1,644.42 16.535   4/11/16 14.912 27,190        999,773 -10,456  
    DJTA Avis Budget 1,063.65 25.563   3/14/16 24.329 27,190        1,026,963 -37,646  
    Nikkei (FRA) long Nissui 3,205.61 4.241   3/14/16 4.289 13,595        1,040,558 -51,241  
      Yamaha 520.86 26.101   3/14/16 27.038 13,595        1,054,153 -64,836  
    BSE Sensex 50 Bajaj Finance 3,169.26 8.579   12/10/18 29.076 27,190        1,081,343 -92,026  
3/14/16 Sell HDAX short Aixtron 7,139.39 3.331 3.269 1/18/16 3.300 -23,560 23,339 -221 889,095  1,057,783 -68,688 989,095
    DJTA Avis Budget 1,063.65 24.329 26.860 3/07/16 25.563 -27,190 28,569 1,379 890,475  1,030,593 -40,118 990,475
    Nikkei (FRA) long Nissui 3,205.61 4.289   3/07/16 4.241 -13,595 13,749 154 890,628  1,016,998 -26,370 990,628
      Yamaha 520.86 27.038   3/07/16 26.101 -13,595 14,083 488 891,116  1,003,403 -12,287 991,116
  Buy HDAX SMA Solar 562.53 43.500   4/11/16 45.160 24,470        1,027,873 -36,757  
    DJTA Alaska Air Group 340.48 71.870   10/29/18 53.552 24,470        1,052,343 -61,227  
    Nikkei (FRA) short IHI 672.99 18.180   7/18/16 25.860 12,235        1,064,578 -73,462  
3/21/16 Sell Nasdaq 100 short Micron Technology 2,646.17 10.259 7.912 2/08/16 9.085 -24,041 20,935 -3,106 888,011  1,040,537 -52,527 988,011
    TSX 60 Cenovus Energy 1,185.86 12.064 19.931 5/11/15 15.506 -18,388 23,635 5,247 893,258  1,022,149 -28,892 993,258
    DJ Global Titans ConocoPhilips 715.64 37.886 36.068 8/24/15 36.977 -26,462 25,811 -651 892,607  995,687 -3,080 992,607
  Buy Nasdaq 100 long NVidia 32,795.97 0.754   10/29/18 4.074 24,738        1,020,425 -27,818  
    TSX 60 Barrick Gold 1,895.85 13.049   6/27/16 19.168 24,738        1,045,163 -52,556  
    DJ Global Titans McDonald´s 224.56 110.161   3/28/16 110.022 24,738        1,069,901 -77,294  
3/28/16 Sell S&P 100 long Meta Platforms 283.19 101.554   3/07/16 96.013 -27,190 28,759 1,569 894,176  1,042,711 -48,535 994,176
    ATX short Vienna Insurance 624.30 18.660 39.765 9/07/15 27.240 -17,006 24,825 7,819 901,996  1,025,705 -23,710 1,001,996
    BEL 20 Solvay 180.02 85.670 93.522 9/28/15 89.510 -16,114 16,836 722 902,718  1,009,591 -6,874 1,002,718
    Europe 50 long SAP 335.72 70.840   1/25/16 72.680 -24,400 23,782 -618 902,100  985,191 16,909 1,002,100
date B/S market l/s instrument pieces price prc short corresponding invest divest prf/loss acc p/l ∑ invest asset total
    DJ Global Titans McDonald´s 224.56 110.022   3/21/16 110.161 -24,738 24,707 -31 902,069  960,454 41,615 1,002,069
  Buy S&P 100 short Devon Energy 1,130.42 23.082   4/25/16 30.124 26,092        986,546 15,523  
    ATX long Flughafen Wien 1,071.65 24.348   5/16/16 25.113 26,092        1,012,638 -10,569  
    BEL 20 Bekaert 745.49 35.000   4/25/16 37.780 26,092        1,038,730 -36,661  
    DJ Global Titans short Mitsubishi UFJ 6,275.43 4.158   4/11/16 3.840 26,092        1,064,822 -62,753  
4/04/16 Sell Euro 50 long SAP 167.86 70.040   1/25/16 72.680 -12,200 11,757 -443 901,626  1,052,622 -50,996 1,001,626
      Vinci 197.96 65.450   1/25/16 61.630 -12,200 12,956 756 902,382  1,040,421 -38,040 1,002,382
    OMXS 30 short SSAB 5,477.88 3.262 1.615 1/04/16 2.439 -13,360 8,849 -4,511 897,871  1,027,061 -29,191 997,871
      SKF A 918.71 15.448 13.637 1/04/16 14.542 -13,360 12,528 -832 897,039  1,013,701 -16,662 997,039
  Buy Euro 50 Deutsche Bank 927.73 13.209   5/16/16 12.861 12,254        1,025,956 -28,917  
      Unicredit 810.86 15.113   5/16/16 14.382 12,255        1,038,210 -41,171  
    OMXC 20 long Genmab 197.15 124.315   4/11/16 126.502 24,509        1,062,719 -65,680  
    OMXS 30 Securitas 845.31 14.497   4/11/16 14.803 12,254        1,074,974 -77,935  
      Fingerprint Cards 1,168.30 10.489   4/11/16 10.913 12,255        1,087,228 -90,189  
4/11/16 Sell HDAX long SMA Solar 562.53 45.160   3/14/16 43.500 -24,470 25,404 934 897,973  1,062,758 -64,785 997,973
    OMXC 20 Genmab 197.15 126.502   4/04/16 124.315 -24,509 24,940 431 898,404  1,038,249 -39,845 998,404
    OMXS 30 Securitas 845.31 14.803   4/04/16 14.497 -12,254 12,513 259 898,663  1,025,995 -27,332 998,663
      Fingerprint Cards 1,168.30 10.913   4/04/16 10.489 -12,255 12,750 495 899,158  1,013,740 -14,583 999,158
    MerVal short YPF 1,644.42 14.912 18.335 3/07/16 16.535 -27,190 30,150 2,960 902,118  986,550 15,567 1,002,118
    QIX long Rational 59.34 463.700   2/08/16 405.150 -24,042 27,516 3,474 905,592  962,509 43,083 1,005,592
    DJ Global Titans short Mitsubishi UFJ 6,275.43 3.840 4.501 3/28/16 4.158 -26,092 28,248 2,156 907,748  936,417 71,331 1,007,748
  Buy HDAX Deutsche Bank 2,158.93 12.495   7/25/16 11.745 26,976        963,393 44,355  
    OMXC 20 Nordea Bank (DK) 3,256.63 8.283   4/25/16 8.632 26,976        990,369 17,379  
    OMXS 30 Nordea Bank 1,622.23 8.315   4/18/16 8.483 13,488        1,003,857 3,891  
      S.E.B 1,592.22 8.471   4/18/16 8.777 13,488        1,017,345 -9,597  
date B/S market l/s instrument pieces price prc short corresponding invest divest prf/loss acc p/l ∑ invest asset total
    MerVal long Gr Fin Galicia 11,839.37 2.279   6/20/16 2.681 26,976        1,044,321 -36,573  
    QIX short Mercedes-Benz 445.88 60.500   7/04/16 54.240 26,976        1,071,297 -63,548  
    DJ Global Titans long McDonald´s 241.23 111.826   5/09/16 114.955 26,976        1,098,272 -90,524  
4/18/16 Sell France short Vallourec 101.31 148.800 467.252 1/11/16 263.680 -26,713 47,337 20,624 928,372  1,071,559 -43,187 1,028,372
    HSI China Shenhua HK 12,344.93 1.521 2.268 7/13/15 1.857 -22,927 28,001 5,074 933,446  1,048,632 -15,186 1,033,446
    OMXS 30 Nordea Bank 1,622.23 8.483 8.147 4/11/16 8.315 -13,488 13,216 -273 933,173  1,035,144 -1,971 1,033,173
      S.E.B 1,592.22 8.777 8.166 4/11/16 8.471 -13,488 13,002 -486 932,687  1,021,656 11,031 1,032,687
    FT 30 NatWest 70.43 299.798 363.484 2/01/16 330.109 -23,250 25,600 2,351 935,038  998,406 36,631 1,035,038
  Buy France long Ubisoft 989.33 27.080   6/13/16 32.460 26,791        1,025,197 9,840  
    HSI AAC Technologies 4,062.63 6.595   11/21/16 8.782 26,791        1,051,988 -16,951  
    OMXS 30 Securitas 929.15 14.417   6/13/16 13.140 13,396        1,065,384 -30,346  
      Fingerprint Cards 1,082.91 12.370   6/13/16 9.568 13,395        1,078,780 -43,742  
    Europe 50 BAT 4.96 5,403.310   4/25/16 5,349.570 26,800        1,105,580 -70,542  
    FT 30 BAT 4.96 5,403.310   4/25/16 5,349.570 26,800        1,132,380 -97,343  
4/25/16 Sell S&P 100 short Devon Energy 1,130.42 30.124 16.039 3/28/16 23.082 -26,092 18,131 -7,961 927,077  1,106,288 -79,211 1,027,077
    DAX Deutsche Bank 1,717.29 14.347 17.473 3/07/16 15.833 -27,190 30,006 2,816 929,893  1,079,098 -49,205 1,029,893
    TecDAX Aixtron 2,913.04 4.108 11.590 6/01/15 6.900 -20,100 33,761 13,661 943,554  1,058,998 -15,444 1,043,554
    IBEX 35 Obrascón Huarte Lain 960.71 5.840 62.729 5/11/15 19.140 -18,388 60,265 41,877 985,431  1,040,610 44,820 1,085,431
    BEL 20 long Bekaert 745.49 37.780   3/28/16 35.000 -26,092 28,165 2,072 987,503  1,014,518 72,985 1,087,503
    OMXH 25 short Outokumpu 10,788.77 3.996 0.956 1/11/16 2.476 -26,713 10,314 -16,399 971,104  987,805 83,299 1,071,104
    PSI 20 Pharol 74,308.51 0.141 0.564 12/07/15 0.282 -20,955 41,910 20,955 992,059  966,850 125,209 1,092,059
    OMXC 20 Nordea Bank (DK) 3,256.63 8.632 7.935 4/11/16 8.283 -26,976 25,840 -1,136 990,923  939,874 151,049 1,090,923
    Europe 50 long BAT 4.96 5,349.570   4/18/16 5,403.310 -26,800 26,534 -267 990,657  913,074 177,583 1,090,657
    Nordic 30 short Møller-Mærsk B 18.03 1,254.850 1,197.470 12/14/15 1,226.160 -22,108 21,590 -517 990,140  890,966 199,173 1,090,140
    FT 30 long BAT 4.96 5,349.570   4/18/16 5,403.310 -26,800 26,534 -267 989,873  864,166 225,707 1,089,873
date B/S market l/s instrument pieces price prc short corresponding invest divest prf/loss acc p/l ∑ invest asset total
  Buy S&P 100 McDonald´s 290.71 113.132   5/09/16 114.955 32,889        897,054 192,819  
    Germany Verbio 3,925.64 8.378   6/27/16 5.220 32,889        929,943 159,930  
    DAX Adidas 304.95 107.850   5/09/16 114.300 32,889        962,832 127,041  
    TecDAX SMA Solar 703.28 46.765   5/09/16 46.500 32,889        995,721 94,152  
    IBEX 35 aena 272.49 120.700   5/09/16 123.100 32,890        1,028,611 61,262  
    BEL 20 short Ackermans van Haaren 297.77 110.450   8/22/16 112.650 32,889        1,061,499 28,374  
    OMXH 25 long Outokumpu 8,230.48 3.996   5/02/16 3.550 32,889        1,094,388 -4,515  
    OMXC 20 Genmab 252.37 130.322   6/13/16 152.120 32,889        1,127,278 -37,405  
    Nordic 30 Volvo 3,059.78 10.749   5/09/16 9.844 32,889        1,160,167 -70,294  
    FT 30 short NatWest 103.06 319.111   5/16/16 270.322 32,888        1,193,054 -103,181  
5/02/16 Sell OMXH 25 long Outokumpu 8,230.48 3.550   4/25/16 3.996 -32,889 29,218 -3,671 986,202  1,160,165 -73,963 1,086,202
  Buy   short Konecranes 1,266.14 19.986   5/23/16 22.476 25,305        1,185,470 -99,268  
5/09/16 Sell S&P 100 long McDonald´s 290.71 114.955   4/25/16 113.132 -32,889 33,419 530 986,732  1,152,582 -65,849 1,086,732
    DAX Adidas 304.95 114.300   4/25/16 107.850 -32,889 34,856 1,967 988,699  1,119,693 -30,994 1,088,699
    TecDAX SMA Solar 703.28 46.500   4/25/16 46.765 -32,889 32,703 -186 988,513  1,086,804 1,709 1,088,513
    IBEX 35 aena 272.49 123.100   4/25/16 120.700 -32,890 33,544 654 989,167  1,053,914 35,252 1,089,167
    FTSE short Glencore 141.21 167.806 209.259 8/24/15 187.390 -26,461 29,549 3,088 992,255  1,027,453 64,802 1,092,255
    HSI-C&I Sands China 6,803.40 3.084 3.713 7/06/15 3.384 -23,020 25,258 2,238 994,493  1,004,433 90,059 1,094,493
    Athex LC Eurobank Ergasias 234.51 0.875 2,744.000 1/27/14 49.000 -11,491 643,495 632,004 1,626,497  992,942 733,555 1,726,497
    Nordic 30 long Volvo 3,059.78 9.844   4/25/16 10.749 -32,889 30,121 -2,768 1,623,729  960,053 763,676 1,723,729
    GEX short Manz 543.73 36.225 45.638 12/14/15 40.660 -22,108 24,815 2,707 1,626,436  937,945 788,491 1,726,436
    DJ Global Titans long McDonald´s 241.23 114.955   4/11/16 111.826 -26,976 27,731 755 1,627,191  910,969 816,222 1,727,191
  Buy DAX short Deutsche Bank 4,863.02 13.075   5/16/16 12.861 63,585        974,554 752,637  
    FTSE long Fresnillo 48.34 1,315.360   10/08/18 886.711 63,585        1,038,139 689,052  
    HSI-C&I MTR 14,594.09 4.357   12/26/16 4.598 63,585        1,101,724 625,467  
date B/S market l/s instrument pieces price prc short corresponding invest divest prf/loss acc p/l ∑ invest asset total
    OBX 25 SalMar 2,834.14 22.435   6/27/16 25.094 63,585        1,165,309 561,882  
    Athex LC Jumbo 5,657.03 11.240   6/20/16 10.590 63,585        1,228,894 498,297  
    Nordic 30 short Ericsson 9,321.81 6.821   5/16/16 6.762 63,585        1,292,479 434,712  
    GEX long Hypoport 813.32 78.180   5/23/16 84.790 63,585        1,356,064 371,127  
    DJ Global Titans short Mitsubishi UFJ 15,812.05 4.021   7/04/16 3.981 63,585        1,419,649 307,542  
5/16/16 Sell Euro 50 short Deutsche Bank 927.73 12.861 13.567 4/04/16 13.209 -12,254 12,586 332 1,627,523  1,407,395 320,128 1,727,523
      Unicredit 810.86 14.382 15.881 4/04/16 15.113 -12,255 12,877 623 1,628,145  1,395,140 333,005 1,728,145
    ATX long Flughafen Wien 1,071.65 25.113   3/28/16 24.348 -26,092 26,912 820 1,628,965  1,369,048 359,917 1,728,965
    DAX short Deutsche Bank 4,863.02 12.861 13.293 5/09/16 13.075 -63,585 64,644 1,059 1,630,024  1,305,463 424,561 1,730,024
    Nordic 30 Ericsson 9,321.81 6.762 6.881 5/09/16 6.821 -63,585 64,141 556 1,630,580  1,241,878 488,702 1,730,580
    FT 30 NatWest 103.06 270.322 376.705 4/25/16 319.111 -32,888 38,823 5,936 1,636,516  1,208,991 527,525 1,736,516
  Buy Euro 50 long Deutsche Post 1,054.02 26.850   3/16/20 20.560 28,300        1,237,291 499,225  
      Vinci 431.94 65.520   3/16/20 59.040 28,301        1,265,592 470,924  
    ATX short Zumtobel 4,837.69 11.700   8/15/16 13.740 56,601        1,322,193 414,323  
    DAX long Adidas 515.02 109.900   3/05/18 174.750 56,601        1,378,793 357,722  
    PSI 20 short Pharol 428,795.45 0.132   8/15/16 0.180 56,601        1,435,394 301,121  
    Europe 50 long BAT 10.57 5,355.180   3/05/18 4,737.420 56,604        1,491,999 244,517  
    Nordic 30 Pandora 433.35 130.613   6/13/16 124.682 56,601        1,548,600 187,916  
    FT 30 Compass Group 34.76 1,628.290   5/30/16 1,692.840 56,599        1,605,199 131,316  
    CAC Mid 60 Ubisoft 1,882.31 30.070   6/27/16 30.880 56,601        1,661,800 74,715  
5/23/16 Sell OMXH 25 short Konecranes 1,266.14 22.476 17.496 5/02/16 19.986 -25,305 22,152 -3,153 1,633,363  1,636,495 96,868 1,733,363
    GEX long Hypoport 813.32 84.790   5/09/16 78.180 -63,585 68,961 5,376 1,638,739  1,572,910 165,829 1,738,739
  Buy S&P 100 1,533.35 31.052   8/21/17 40.356 47,614        1,620,524 118,215  
    OMXH 25 Huhtamäki 1,314.21 36.230   6/13/16 36.730 47,614        1,668,138 70,601  
5/30/16 Sell DJIA short Chevron 425.99 91.551 32.686 8/24/15 62.119 -26,462 13,924 -12,538 1,626,201  1,641,676 84,526 1,726,201
date B/S market l/s instrument pieces price prc short corresponding invest divest prf/loss acc p/l ∑ invest asset total
    ISEQ 20 FBD 1,829.19 6.529 6.351 1/18/16 6.440 -11,780 11,617 -163 1,626,038  1,629,896 96,143 1,726,038
    FT 30 long Compass Group 34.76 1,692.840   5/16/16 1,628.290 -56,599 58,843 2,244 1,628,282  1,573,296 154,986 1,728,282
  Buy DJIA Chevron 514.26 91.551   12/24/18 88.457 47,081        1,620,377 107,905  
    AEX Wolters Kluwer 1,305.45 36.065   6/13/16 33.620 47,081        1,667,458 60,824  
    ISEQ 20 Flutter 199.92 117.750   6/06/16 120.700 23,541        1,690,999 37,283  
    FT 30 short Marks & Spencer 92.67 508.070   6/06/16 462.909 47,083        1,738,082 -9,800  
6/06/16 Sell HSI-Fin short China Life Ins HK 10,524.80 1.986 3.243 1/11/16 2.538 -26,713 34,136 7,423 1,635,705  1,711,369 24,336 1,735,705
    HSI-Prop Hang Lung 6,883.26 1.737 2.127 8/24/15 1.922 -13,231 14,643 1,412 1,637,118  1,698,138 38,980 1,737,118
      The Wharf 7,562.30 1.945 1.554 8/24/15 1.750 -13,231 11,751 -1,480 1,635,638  1,684,907 50,731 1,735,638
    ISEQ 20 long Flutter 199.92 120.700   5/30/16 117.750 -23,541 24,130 590 1,636,227  1,661,366 74,861 1,736,227
    FT 30 short Marks & Spencer 92.67 462.909 557.638 5/30/16 508.070 -47,083 51,676 4,593 1,640,821  1,614,283 126,537 1,740,821
  Buy MDAX Hugo Boss 835.12 55.900   10/17/16 53.240 46,683        1,660,967 79,854  
    SDAX long Hypoport 525.59 88.820   6/27/16 81.550 46,683        1,707,650 33,171  
    HSI-Fin Bank of East Asia 14,053.95 3.322   12/19/16 3.743 46,683        1,754,333 -13,512  
    HSI-Prop Sino Land 16,848.20 1.385   12/19/16 1.418 23,342        1,777,674 -36,853  
      Link REIT 4,245.14 5.498   12/19/16 6.206 23,341        1,801,016 -60,195  
    ISEQ 20 short Bank of Ireland 2,992.50 7.800   10/03/16 5.475 23,342        1,824,357 -83,536  
      permanent tsb 11,341.84 2.058   10/03/16 2.166 23,342        1,847,699 -106,878  
    Indices long NZX 50 10.90 4,282.640   6/27/16 4,277.800 46,681        1,894,379 -153,558  
Portfolio market l/s instrument bought pieces buy price 6/06/16 prc short invest current prf/loss acc p/l ∑ invest ∑ on date yield
  ISEQ 20 short Bank of Ireland 6/06/16 2992.5 7.800   23,342 23,342 0 0 23,342 23,342  
    permanent tsb   11341.84 2.058   23,342 23,342     46,683 46,683  
  CAC 40 ArcelorMittal 7/06/15 912.41 25.230 14.160 44.954 23,020 41,017 17,997 17,997 69,703 87,700 87
  AEX long Wolters Kluwer 5/30/16 1305.45 36.065 35.730 47,081 46,644 -437 17,559 116,784 134,343 -39
  SSE 50 short Haitong Secs 1/11/16 15191.65 1.758 2.069 1.448 26,713 21,996 -4,717 12,842 143,497 156,339 -38
  HSI long AAC Technologies 4/18/16 4062.63 6.595 7.307 26,791 29,684 2,893 15,736 170,288 186,024 115
  HSI-Fin Bank of East Asia 6/06/16 14053.95 3.322   46,683 46,683     216,971 232,707  
  BSE Sensex 30 short Bharat Heavy 11/16/15 11443.71 1.689 1.039 2.747 19,333 31,435 12,102 27,837 236,304 264,142 140
  OMXH 25 long Huhtamäki 5/23/16 1314.21 36.230 37.171 47,614 48,851 1,237 29,074 283,918 312,992 95
  PSI 20 short Pharol 5/16/16 428795.45 0.132 0.148 0.116 56,601 49,740 -6,861 22,213 340,519 362,732 -89
  SMI Holcim 11/16/15 382.76 50.510 39.878 63.975 19,333 24,487 5,154 27,367 359,852 387,220 53
  NZX 50 long a2 Milk 2/29/16 22984.99 1.066 0.939 24,502 21,581 -2,921 24,446 384,354 408,800 -38
  HSI-Prop Sino Land 6/06/16 16848.2 1.385   23,342 23,342     407,696 432,142  
    Link REIT   4245.14 5.498   23,341 23,341     431,037 455,483  
  Nordic 30 Pandora 5/16/16 433.35 130.613 129.727 56,601 56,217 -384 24,062 487,638 511,700 -11
  Nikkei (FRA) short IHI 3/14/16 672.99 18.180 21.520 14.840 12,235 9,987 -2,248 21,814 499,873 521,688 -59
  Nikkei (TYO) IHI 8/24/15 1022.03 25.892 21.864 30.661 26,462 31,337 4,875 26,689 526,335 553,024 24
  Athex LC long Jumbo 5/09/16 5657.03 11.240 11.850 63,585 67,036 3,451 30,140 589,920 620,060 99
  OBX 25 SalMar   2834.14 22.435 27.697 63,585 78,497 14,912 45,052 653,505 698,557 1,459
  OMXS 30 Securitas 4/18/16 929.15 14.417 13.833 13,396 12,853 -543 44,509 666,901 711,410 -27
    Fingerprint Cards   1082.91 12.370 10.299 13,395 11,153 -2,243 42,266 680,296 722,563 -74
  OMXC 20 Genmab 4/25/16 252.37 130.322 168.040 32,889 42,408 9,519 51,785 713,186 764,971 811
  TSX 60 Barrick Gold 3/21/16 1895.85 13.049 16.670 24,738 31,604 6,866 58,651 737,924 796,575 219
  CAC Mid 60 Ubisoft 5/16/16 1882.31 30.070 32.940 56,601 62,003 5,402 64,053 794,525 858,578 388
  SDAX Hypoport 6/06/16 525.59 88.820   46,683 46,683     841,208 905,261  
Portfolio market l/s instrument bought pieces buy price 6/06/16 prc short invest current prf/loss acc p/l ∑ invest ∑ on date yield
  Indices NZX 50   10.9 4,282.640   46,681 46,681     887,888 951,942  
  BEL 20 short Ackermans van Haaren 4/25/16 297.77 110.450 116.200 104.700 32,889 31,177 -1,712 62,341 920,777 983,118 -37
  France long Ubisoft 4/18/16 989.33 27.080 32.940 26,791 32,589 5,797 68,139 947,568 1,015,707 330
  MIB short Saipem 9/21/15 34.27 484.286 170.952 1,371.923 16,596 47,016 30,419 98,558 964,165 1,062,723 334
  CAC Next 20 Casino Guichard 8/24/15 4.7 5,628.000 5,431.000 5,832.146 26,452 27,411 959 99,518 990,616 1,090,134 5
  ATX Zumtobel 5/16/16 4837.69 11.700 12.790 10.610 56,601 51,328 -5,273 94,244 1,047,217 1,141,462 -82
  DJ Global Titans Mitsubishi UFJ 5/09/16 15812.05 4.021 4.284 3.758 63,585 59,426 -4,159 90,086 1,110,802 1,200,888 -59
  S&P 100 long 5/23/16 1533.35 31.052 32.003 47,614 49,072 1,458 91,544 1,158,416 1,249,960 120
  HDAX short Deutsche Bank 4/11/16 2158.93 12.495 13.432 11.558 26,976 24,953 -2,023 89,521 1,185,392 1,274,913 -40
  DJTA long Alaska Air Group 3/14/16 340.48 71.870 57.434 24,470 19,555 -4,915 84,606 1,209,862 1,294,468 -62
  SP Global 100 short RWE 8/24/15 2001.66 13.220 12.620 13.849 26,462 27,720 1,258 85,864 1,236,324 1,322,188 6
  Nasdaq 100 long NVidia 3/21/16 32795.97 0.754 1.018 24,738 33,390 8,652 94,515 1,261,062 1,355,578 314
  Kospi 50 Lotte Chemical 10/12/15 76.12 208.474 204.313 15,869 15,552 -317 94,199 1,276,931 1,371,130 -3
  DAX Adidas 5/16/16 515.02 109.900 117.600 56,601 60,566 3,966 98,164 1,333,532 1,431,696 224
  MDAX short Hugo Boss 6/06/16 835.12 55.900   46,683 46,683     1,380,215 1,478,380  
  FTSE long Fresnillo 5/09/16 48.34 1,315.360 1,473.241 63,585 71,216 7,632 105,796 1,443,800 1,549,596 338
  Europe 50 BAT 5/16/16 10.57 5,355.180 5,398.664 56,604 57,064 460 106,256 1,500,404 1,606,660 15
  BSE Sensex 50 Bajaj Finance 3/07/16 3169.26 8.579 10.254 27,190 32,499 5,309 111,564 1,527,594 1,639,158 104
  QIX short Mercedes-Benz 4/11/16 445.88 60.500 59.360 61.662 26,976 27,494 518 112,083 1,554,570 1,666,652 13
  DJIA long Chevron 5/30/16 514.26 91.551 89.088 47,081 45,814 -1,267 110,815 1,601,651 1,712,466 -76
  Euro 50 Deutsche Post 5/16/16 1054.02 26.850 26.090 28,300 27,499 -801 110,014 1,629,951 1,739,966 -39
    Vinci   431.94 65.520 66.830 28,301 28,867 566 110,580 1,658,252 1,768,832 41
  USA Energy Recovery 3/07/16 3493.78 7.782 9.644 27,190 33,695 6,505 117,085 1,685,442 1,802,527 136
  Germany Verbio 4/25/16 3925.64 8.378 5.955 32,889 23,377 -9,512 107,573 1,718,331 1,825,904 -95
  HSI-C&I MTR 5/09/16 14594.09 4.357 4.234 63,585 61,797 -1,788 105,785 1,781,916 1,887,701 -31
Portfolio market l/s instrument bought pieces buy price 6/06/16 prc short invest current prf/loss acc p/l ∑ invest ∑ on date yield
  MerVal Gr Fin Galicia 4/11/16 11839.37 2.279 2.590 26,976 30,658 3,682 109,467 1,808,892 1,918,360 130
  SLI short Aryzta 8/24/15 2823.31 9.373 7.812 11.245 26,462 31,748 5,286 114,753 1,835,354 1,950,107 26
  GCX REC Silicon 6/01/15 10850.79 1.852 1.952 1.753 20,100 19,023 -1,077 113,675 1,855,454 1,969,130 -5
  DJCA long JetBlue Airways 8/31/15 902.77 19.906 15.818 17,970 14,280 -3,690 109,986 1,873,424 1,983,410 -26
  DJUA NiSource 12/07/15 593.45 17.655 21.517 10,477 12,769 2,292 112,277 1,883,902 1,996,179 49
    American Water   194.5 53.870 66.787 10,478 12,990 2,512 114,790 1,894,379 2,009,169 54
date B/S market l/s instrument pieces price prc short corresponding invest divest prf/loss acc p/l ∑ invest asset total
6/13/16 Sell France long Ubisoft 989.33 32.460   4/18/16 27.080 -26,791 32,114 5,323 1,646,143  1,867,588 -121,445 1,746,143
    SSE 50 short Haitong Secs 15,191.65 1.997 1.520 1/11/16 1.758 -26,713 23,096 -3,617 1,642,526  1,840,875 -98,349 1,742,526
    AEX long Wolters Kluwer 1,305.45 33.620   5/30/16 36.065 -47,081 43,889 -3,192 1,639,335  1,793,794 -54,460 1,739,335
    OMXH 25 Huhtamäki 1,314.21 36.730   5/23/16 36.230 -47,614 48,271 657 1,639,992  1,746,180 -6,189 1,739,992
    OMXC 20 Genmab 252.37 152.120   4/25/16 130.322 -32,889 38,391 5,501 1,645,493  1,713,291 32,202 1,745,493
    OMXS 30 Securitas 929.15 13.140   4/18/16 14.417 -13,396 12,209 -1,186 1,644,306  1,699,895 44,411 1,744,306
      Fingerprint Cards 1,082.91 9.568   4/18/16 12.370 -13,395 10,361 -3,034 1,641,272  1,686,500 54,772 1,741,272
    Nordic 30 Pandora 433.35 124.682   5/16/16 130.613 -56,601 54,031 -2,570 1,638,702  1,629,899 108,803 1,738,702
    BSE Sensex 30 short Bharat Heavy 11,443.71 1.058 2.697 11/16/15 1.689 -19,333 30,868 11,535 1,650,237  1,610,566 139,671 1,750,237
  Buy France Vallourec 351.64 134.360   8/15/16 166.280 47,246        1,657,812 92,425  
    SSE 50 long Kweichow Moutai 1,315.21 35.924   8/01/16 41.398 47,247        1,705,059 45,178  
    OMXH 25 short Nordea Bank 5,832.96 8.100   7/18/16 7.790 47,247        1,752,306 -2,069  
    OMXC 20 Jyske Bank 1,404.54 33.639   7/11/16 34.519 47,247        1,799,553 -49,316  
    OMXS 30 Ericsson 3,598.57 6.565   6/20/16 6.978 23,624        1,823,177 -72,940  
      SSAB 10,772.72 2.193   6/20/16 2.173 23,624        1,846,800 -96,563  
    Nordic 30 Ericsson 7,197.13 6.565   8/15/16 6.565 47,247        1,894,047 -143,810  
    BSE Sensex 30 long Tata Steel 111,117.12 0.425   12/26/16 0.536 47,247        1,941,294 -191,057  
6/20/16 Sell Athex LC long Jumbo 5,657.03 10.590   5/09/16 11.240 -63,585 59,908 -3,677 1,646,560  1,877,709 -131,149 1,746,560
    OMXS 30 short Ericsson 3,598.57 6.978 6.152 6/13/16 6.565 -23,624 22,137 -1,486 1,645,074  1,854,086 -109,012 1,745,074
      SSAB 10,772.72 2.173 2.213 6/13/16 2.193 -23,624 23,844 221 1,645,295  1,830,462 -85,167 1,745,295
    MerVal long Gr Fin Galicia 11,839.37 2.681   4/11/16 2.279 -26,976 31,744 4,768 1,650,062  1,803,486 -53,424 1,750,062
  Buy Athex LC short National Bank Greece 17,896.62 2.370   10/10/16 1.990 42,415        1,845,901 -95,839  
    OMXS 30 long Fingerprint Cards 2,352.68 9.014   6/27/16 7.925 21,208        1,867,109 -117,046  
    MerVal short Comercial del Plata 240,720.77 0.176   7/04/16 0.185 42,415        1,909,524 -159,461  
6/27/16 Sell Germany long Verbio 3,925.64 5.220   4/25/16 8.378 -32,889 20,492 -12,397 1,637,665  1,876,635 -138,969 1,737,665
date B/S market l/s instrument pieces price prc short corresponding invest divest prf/loss acc p/l ∑ invest asset total
    SDAX Hypoport 525.59 81.550   6/06/16 88.820 -46,683 42,862 -3,821 1,633,844  1,829,952 -96,108 1,733,844
    TSX 60 Barrick Gold 1,895.85 19.168   3/21/16 13.049 -24,738 36,340 11,602 1,645,446  1,805,214 -59,768 1,745,446
    OBX 25 SalMar 2,834.14 25.094   5/09/16 22.435 -63,585 71,121 7,536 1,652,982  1,741,629 11,353 1,752,982
    OMXS 30 Fingerprint Cards 2,352.68 7.925   6/20/16 9.014 -21,208 18,644 -2,563 1,650,418  1,720,421 29,997 1,750,418
    CAC Mid 60 Ubisoft 1,882.31 30.880   5/16/16 30.070 -56,601 58,126 1,525 1,651,943  1,663,820 88,123 1,751,943
    Indices NZX 50 10.90 4,277.800   6/06/16 4,282.640 -46,681 46,628 -53 1,651,890  1,617,139 134,751 1,751,890
  Buy TSX 60 short Bausch Health 2,772.01 17.015   7/18/16 21.195 47,166        1,664,305 87,585  
    OBX 25 BW LPG 15,347.52 3.073   8/01/16 3.143 47,166        1,711,471 40,419  
    OMXS 30 Nordea Bank 3,278.74 7.193   7/11/16 7.499 23,583        1,735,054 16,836  
      SSAB 11,793.27 2.000   7/11/16 2.427 23,583        1,758,637 -6,747  
    FT 30 ITV 254.45 185.363   7/25/16 224.848 47,166        1,805,803 -53,913  
    CAC Mid 60 Vallourec 410.85 114.800   9/05/16 167.760 47,166        1,852,969 -101,078  
    Indices Athex Large Cap 34.04 1,385.560   7/04/16 1,434.290 47,164        1,900,133 -148,243  
7/04/16 Sell MerVal short Comercial del Plata 240,720.77 0.185 0.167 6/20/16 0.176 -42,415 40,297 -2,118 1,649,772  1,857,718 -107,946 1,749,772
    Indices Athex Large Cap 34.04 1,434.290 1,336.830 6/27/16 1,385.560 -47,164 45,506 -1,659 1,648,113  1,810,554 -62,440 1,748,113
    QIX Mercedes-Benz 445.88 54.240 67.483 4/11/16 60.500 -26,976 30,089 3,113 1,651,226  1,783,578 -32,351 1,751,226
    DJ Global Titans Mitsubishi UFJ 15,812.05 3.981 4.062 5/09/16 4.021 -63,585 64,224 639 1,651,865  1,719,993 31,872 1,751,865
  Buy SDAX long Hypoport 527.98 84.460   8/08/16 89.550 44,593        1,764,586 -12,721  
    BAX Koenig & Bauer 1,031.29 43.240   7/18/16 44.510 44,593        1,809,179 -57,314  
    Indices Merval 49.08 908.669   2/12/18 1,230.340 44,597        1,853,776 -101,911  
    QIX Bechtle 2,834.90 15.730   11/19/18 23.500 44,593        1,898,369 -146,504  
    DJ Global Titans BP 83.90 531.514   3/05/18 527.670 44,594        1,942,963 -191,098  
7/11/16 Sell OMXC 20 short Jyske Bank 1,404.54 34.519 32.759 6/13/16 33.639 -47,247 46,011 -1,236 1,650,630  1,895,717 -145,087 1,750,630
    OMXS 30 Nordea Bank 3,278.74 7.499 6.887 6/27/16 7.193 -23,583 22,580 -1,003 1,649,626  1,872,134 -122,507 1,749,626
      SSAB 11,793.27 2.427 1.573 6/27/16 2.000 -23,583 18,546 -5,037 1,644,589  1,848,551 -103,961 1,744,589
date B/S market l/s instrument pieces price prc short corresponding invest divest prf/loss acc p/l ∑ invest asset total
  Buy OMXC 20 long Genmab 249.19 164.591   11/28/16 167.301 41,014        1,889,565 -144,976  
    OMXS 30 Boliden 1,116.21 18.372   8/14/17 26.731 20,507        1,910,072 -165,483  
      Fingerprint Cards 1,976.06 10.378   8/14/17 3.930 20,508        1,930,580 -185,991  
7/18/16 Sell OMXH 25 short Nordea Bank 5,832.96 7.790 8.422 6/13/16 8.100 -47,247 49,127 1,880 1,646,469  1,883,333 -136,864 1,746,469
    TSX 60 Bausch Health 2,772.01 21.195 12.835 6/27/16 17.015 -47,166 35,579 -11,587 1,634,883  1,836,167 -101,284 1,734,883
    Nikkei (FRA) IHI 672.99 25.860 10.500 3/14/16 18.180 -12,235 7,066 -5,169 1,629,714  1,823,932 -94,218 1,729,714
    BAX long Koenig & Bauer 1,031.29 44.510   7/04/16 43.240 -44,593 45,903 1,310 1,631,024  1,779,339 -48,315 1,731,024
  Buy OMXH 25 Outokumpu 9,129.12 4.608   10/24/16 6.197 42,067        1,821,406 -90,382  
    Nikkei (FRA) Screen 915.59 22.973   5/22/17 31.796 21,033        1,842,439 -111,416  
      Sumitomo Pharma 1,307.73 16.084   5/22/17 13.525 21,034        1,863,473 -132,449  
    BAX short Siltronic 2,900.17 14.505   7/25/16 14.645 42,067        1,905,540 -174,516  
7/25/16 Sell HDAX short Deutsche Bank 2,158.93 11.745 13.293 4/11/16 12.495 -26,976 28,698 1,722 1,632,746  1,878,564 -145,818 1,732,746
    FT 30 ITV 254.45 224.848 145.879 6/27/16 185.363 -47,166 37,119 -10,047 1,622,699  1,831,398 -108,699 1,722,699
    BAX Siltronic 2,900.17 14.645 14.365 7/18/16 14.505 -42,067 41,661 -406 1,622,293  1,789,331 -67,038 1,722,293
  Buy HDAX long Adidas 297.49 139.100   6/25/18 187.000 41,381        1,830,712 -108,419  
    FT 30 3i Group 56.74 729.304   11/21/16 761.138 41,381        1,872,093 -149,800  
    BAX Koenig & Bauer 829.94 49.860   8/01/16 49.515 41,381        1,913,474 -191,181  
8/01/16 Sell SSE 50 long Kweichow Moutai 1,315.21 41.398   6/13/16 35.924 -47,247 54,447 7,200 1,629,493  1,866,227 -136,734 1,729,493
    OBX 25 short BW LPG 15,347.52 3.143 3.004 6/27/16 3.073 -47,166 46,101 -1,065 1,628,427  1,819,061 -90,633 1,728,427
    BAX long Koenig & Bauer 829.94 49.515   7/25/16 49.860 -41,381 41,094 -286 1,628,141  1,777,680 -49,539 1,728,141
  Buy SSE 50 short Cosco Shipping 60,889.44 0.689   8/15/16 0.719 41,965        1,819,645 -91,504  
    OBX 25 long Aker BP 3,667.66 11.442   8/15/16 12.511 41,965        1,861,610 -133,469  
8/08/16 Sell SDAX long Hypoport 527.98 89.550   7/04/16 84.460 -44,593 47,281 2,687 1,630,829  1,817,017 -86,188 1,730,829
    Nikkei (TYO) short IHI 1,022.03 25.014 26.800 8/24/15 25.892 -26,462 27,390 928 1,631,757  1,790,555 -58,798 1,731,757
  Buy SDAX ElringKlinger 2,540.12 16.465   11/21/16 13.230 41,823        1,832,378 -100,621  
date B/S market l/s instrument pieces price prc short corresponding invest divest prf/loss acc p/l ∑ invest asset total
    Nikkei (TYO) long Tokuyama 2,869.17 14.577   8/22/16 16.114 41,823        1,874,201 -142,444  
8/15/16 Sell France short Vallourec 351.64 166.280 102.440 6/13/16 134.360 -47,246 36,022 -11,224 1,620,533  1,826,954 -106,422 1,720,533
    SSE 50 Cosco Shipping 60,889.44 0.719 0.659 8/01/16 0.689 -41,965 40,138 -1,827 1,618,706  1,784,989 -66,284 1,718,706
    ATX Zumtobel 4,837.69 13.740 9.660 5/16/16 11.700 -56,601 46,732 -9,869 1,608,837  1,728,388 -19,551 1,708,837
    PSI 20 Pharol 428,795.45 0.180 0.084 5/16/16 0.132 -56,601 36,019 -20,582 1,588,255  1,671,787 16,467 1,688,255
    OBX 25 long Aker BP 3,667.66 12.511   8/01/16 11.442 -41,965 45,887 3,922 1,592,177  1,629,822 62,354 1,692,177
    Nordic 30 short Ericsson 7,197.13 6.565 6.565 6/13/16 6.565 -47,247 47,247 0 1,592,177  1,582,575 109,601  
  Buy France long Ubisoft 1,219.05 36.950   12/05/16 30.830 45,044        1,627,619 64,557  
    SSE 50 Kweichow Moutai 1,049.12 42.935   12/26/16 44.672 45,044        1,672,663 19,513  
    ATX Lenzing 464.32 97.010   6/18/18 94.500 45,044        1,717,707 -25,530  
    PSI 20 Corticeira Amorim 5,214.63 8.638   9/19/16 8.494 45,044        1,762,751 -70,574  
    OBX 25 short BW LPG 14,489.66 3.109   10/24/16 2.621 45,044        1,807,795 -115,618  
    Nordic 30 long Kone 949.49 47.440   7/31/17 44.010 45,044        1,852,839 -160,662  
    Topix (FRA) Nintendo 2,298.16 19.600   8/22/16 19.812 45,044        1,897,883 -205,706  
8/22/16 Sell BEL 20 short Ackermans van Haaren 297.77 112.650 108.250 4/25/16 110.450 -32,889 32,234 -655 1,591,522  1,864,994 -173,473 1,691,522
    Topix (FRA) long Nintendo 2,298.16 19.812   8/15/16 19.600 -45,044 45,531 487 1,592,008  1,819,950 -127,942 1,692,008
    Nikkei (TYO) Tokuyama 2,869.17 16.114   8/08/16 14.577 -41,823 46,233 4,410 1,596,418  1,778,127 -81,709 1,696,418
  Buy BEL 20 Umicore 1,495.91 26.985   11/21/16 27.310 40,367        1,818,494 -122,076  
    Topix (FRA) short Ono Pharmaceutical 1,695.02 23.815   11/14/16 22.205 40,367        1,858,861 -162,443  
    Nikkei (TYO) Tokyo Electric Power 12,987.26 3.108   9/26/16 3.817 40,367        1,899,228 -202,810  
9/05/16 Sell CAC Mid 60 short Vallourec 410.85 167.760 61.840 6/27/16 114.800 -47,166 25,407 -21,759 1,574,659  1,852,063 -177,403 1,674,659
  Buy   long Ubisoft 1,024.24 36.545   9/26/16 33.640 37,431        1,889,493 -214,834  
9/12/16 Sell SP Global 100 short RWE 2,001.66 14.645 11.795 8/24/15 13.220 -26,462 23,610 -2,852 1,571,807  1,863,032 -191,225 1,671,807
  Buy   long Anglo American 38.06 972.585   7/02/18 1,858.240 37,017        1,900,048 -228,241  
9/19/16 Sell PSI 20 long Corticeira Amorim 5,214.63 8.494   8/15/16 8.638 -45,044 44,293 -751 1,571,056  1,855,004 -183,948 1,671,056
date B/S market l/s instrument pieces price prc short corresponding invest divest prf/loss acc p/l ∑ invest asset total
  Buy   short Banco Comercial 183,408.98 0.203   9/26/16 0.199 37,177        1,892,181 -221,125  
9/26/16 Sell   short Banco Comercial 183,408.98 0.199 0.207 9/19/16 0.203 -37,177 37,892 715 1,571,771  1,855,004 -183,233 1,671,771
    CAC Mid 60 long Ubisoft 1,024.24 33.640   9/05/16 36.545 -37,431 34,455 -2,975 1,568,796  1,817,573 -148,777 1,668,796
    Nikkei (TYO) short Tokyo Electric Power 12,987.26 3.817 2.399 8/22/16 3.108 -40,367 31,162 -9,205 1,559,591  1,777,206 -117,616 1,659,591
  Buy PSI 20 long Corticeira Amorim 4,451.39 8.660   10/03/16 8.697 38,549        1,815,755 -156,165  
    CAC Mid 60 short Air France-KLM 816.89 47.190   10/10/16 47.900 38,549        1,854,304 -194,714  
    Nikkei (TYO) long DeNA 1,170.10 32.945   10/10/16 30.024 38,549        1,892,853 -233,263  
10/03/16 Sell ISEQ 20 short Bank of Ireland 2,992.50 5.475 11.112 6/06/16 7.800 -23,342 33,254 9,912 1,569,503  1,869,512 -200,009 1,669,503
      permanent tsb 11,341.84 2.166 1.950 6/06/16 2.058 -23,342 22,117 -1,225 1,568,278  1,846,170 -177,893 1,668,278
    PSI 20 long Corticeira Amorim 4,451.39 8.697   9/26/16 8.660 -38,549 38,714 165 1,568,442  1,807,621 -139,179 1,668,442
  Buy ISEQ 20 CRH 647.00 29.545   10/10/16 30.215 19,116        1,826,737 -158,295  
    PSI 20 short Banco Comercial 190,964.04 0.200   2/20/17 0.155 38,231        1,864,968 -196,526  
10/10/16 Sell ISEQ 20 long CRH 647.00 30.215   10/03/16 29.545 -19,116 19,549 433 1,568,876  1,845,852 -176,977 1,668,876
    Athex LC short National Bank Greece 17,896.62 1.990 2.823 6/20/16 2.370 -42,415 50,515 8,100 1,576,976  1,803,437 -126,462 1,676,976
    CAC Mid 60 Air France-KLM 816.89 47.900 46.480 9/26/16 47.190 -38,549 37,969 -580 1,576,396  1,764,888 -88,492 1,676,396
    Nikkei (TYO) long DeNA 1,170.10 30.024   9/26/16 32.945 -38,549 35,131 -3,418 1,572,978  1,726,339 -53,361 1,672,978
  Buy AEX ArcelorMittal 2,319.01 17.460   10/24/16 17.163 40,490        1,766,829 -93,851  
    ISEQ 20 short Bank of Ireland 3,749.07 5.400   1/02/17 7.050 20,245        1,787,074 -114,096  
      permanent tsb 9,286.70 2.180   1/02/17 2.760 20,245        1,807,319 -134,341  
    Athex LC long Mytilineos 8,470.71 4.780   10/24/16 4.900 40,490        1,847,809 -174,831  
    CAC Mid 60 Nexans 762.52 53.100   11/21/16 49.590 40,490        1,888,299 -215,321  
    Nikkei (TYO) short Mitsubishi Motors 9,555.84 4.237   10/31/16 5.079 40,490        1,928,789 -255,811  
10/17/16 Sell MDAX short Hugo Boss 835.12 53.240 58.693 6/06/16 55.900 -46,683 49,016 2,332 1,575,311  1,882,106 -206,795 1,675,311
  Buy   long Covestro 681.11 53.900   10/31/16 53.840 36,712        1,918,818 -243,507  
10/24/16 Sell AEX long ArcelorMittal 2,319.01 17.163   10/10/16 17.460 -40,490 39,801 -689 1,574,622  1,878,328 -203,706 1,674,622
date B/S market l/s instrument pieces price prc short corresponding invest divest prf/loss acc p/l ∑ invest asset total
    OMXH 25 Outokumpu 9,129.12 6.197   7/18/16 4.608 -42,067 56,573 14,506 1,589,128  1,836,261 -147,133 1,689,128
    OBX 25 short BW LPG 14,489.66 2.621 3.687 8/15/16 3.109 -45,044 53,429 8,385 1,597,513  1,791,217 -93,704 1,697,513
    Athex LC long Mytilineos 8,470.71 4.900   10/10/16 4.780 -40,490 41,506 1,016 1,598,530  1,750,727 -52,197 1,698,530
  Buy AEX short Aegon 11,001.87 3.741   2/20/17 5.084 41,158        1,791,885 -93,355  
    OMXH 25 Nokia 9,150.29 4.498   1/23/17 4.310 41,158        1,833,043 -134,513  
    OBX 25 long Grieg Seafood 4,902.68 8.395   10/31/16 8.016 41,158        1,874,201 -175,671  
    Athex LC short Piraeus Financial 860.15 47.850   1/09/17 70.620 41,158        1,915,359 -216,829  
10/31/16 Sell MDAX long Covestro 681.11 53.840   10/17/16 53.900 -36,712 36,671 -41 1,598,489  1,878,647 -180,158 1,698,489
    OBX 25 Grieg Seafood 4,902.68 8.016   10/24/16 8.395 -41,158 39,300 -1,858 1,596,631  1,837,489 -140,858 1,696,631
    Nikkei (TYO) short Mitsubishi Motors 9,555.84 5.079 3.396 10/10/16 4.237 -40,490 32,449 -8,041 1,588,589  1,796,999 -108,410 1,688,589
  Buy MDAX GEA Group 1,121.48 35.225   11/14/16 35.225 39,504        1,836,503 -147,914  
    OBX 25 BW LPG 13,448.17 2.938   12/12/16 3.901 39,504        1,876,007 -187,418  
    Nikkei (TYO) long Tokuyama 2,022.39 19.533   6/12/17 21.235 39,504        1,915,511 -226,922  
11/14/16 Sell MDAX short GEA Group 1,121.48 35.225 35.225 10/31/16 35.225 -39,504 39,504 0 1,588,589  1,876,007 -187,418  
    Topix (FRA) Ono Pharmaceutical 1,695.02 22.205 25.542 8/22/16 23.815 -40,367 43,294 2,927 1,591,516  1,835,640 -144,124 1,691,516
  Buy MDAX long Covestro 718.50 53.840   11/21/16 57.850 38,684        1,874,324 -182,808  
    TSX 60 short Bausch Health 2,381.80 16.242   10/16/17 10.964 38,684        1,913,008 -221,492  
11/21/16 Sell HSI long AAC Technologies 4,062.63 8.782   4/18/16 6.595 -26,791 35,680 8,889 1,600,405  1,886,217 -185,812 1,700,405
    MDAX Covestro 718.50 57.850   11/14/16 53.840 -38,684 41,565 2,881 1,603,286  1,847,533 -144,247 1,703,286
    SDAX short ElringKlinger 2,540.12 13.230 20.491 8/08/16 16.465 -41,823 52,050 10,227 1,613,513  1,805,710 -92,197 1,713,513
    BEL 20 long Umicore 1,495.91 27.310   8/22/16 26.985 -40,367 40,853 486 1,613,999  1,765,343 -51,344 1,713,999
    FT 30 3i Group 56.74 761.138   7/25/16 729.304 -41,381 43,187 1,806 1,615,805  1,723,962 -8,157 1,715,805
    CAC Mid 60 Nexans 762.52 49.590   10/10/16 53.100 -40,490 37,813 -2,676 1,613,129  1,683,472 29,656 1,713,129
  Buy HSI short Lenovo 75,457.22 0.577   2/27/17 0.572 43,569        1,727,041 -13,913  
    MDAX GEA Group 1,291.32 33.740   1/16/17 38.300 43,569        1,770,611 -57,482  
date B/S market l/s instrument pieces price prc short corresponding invest divest prf/loss acc p/l ∑ invest asset total
    SDAX long Borussia Dortmund 7,524.87 5.790   11/28/16 5.790 43,569        1,814,180 -101,051  
    BEL 20 short Engie 3,782.03 11.520   1/30/17 11.030 43,569        1,857,749 -144,620  
    MerVal BBVA Banco Francés 7,681.82 5.672   11/28/16 5.672 43,569        1,901,318 -188,189  
    FT 30 ITV 223.82 194.663   1/09/17 238.670 43,569        1,944,887 -231,758  
    CAC Mid 60 Viridien 3,403.83 12.800   12/26/16 13.570 43,569        1,988,456 -275,327  
    BAX long Siltronic 1,184.58 36.780   12/05/16 41.970 43,569        2,032,025 -318,896  
11/28/16 Sell SDAX long Borussia Dortmund 7,524.87 5.790   11/21/16 5.790 -43,569 43,569 0 1,613,129  1,988,456 -275,327  
    OMXC 20 Genmab 249.19 167.301   7/11/16 164.591 -41,014 41,690 675 1,613,804  1,947,441 -233,638 1,713,804
    MerVal short BBVA Banco Francés 7,681.82 5.672 5.672 11/21/16 5.672 -43,569 43,569 0 1,613,804  1,903,872 -190,069  
  Buy SDAX Multitude 2,675.07 14.240   1/16/17 16.450 38,093        1,941,965 -228,162  
    OMXC 20 Novo Nordisk 2,494.30 15.272   12/19/16 17.112 38,093        1,980,058 -266,255  
    Topix (FRA) Ono Pharmaceutical 1,807.07 21.080   1/02/17 19.780 38,093        2,018,151 -304,348  
12/05/16 Sell France long Ubisoft 1,219.05 30.830   8/15/16 36.950 -45,044 37,583 -7,461 1,606,343  1,973,108 -266,764 1,706,343
    BAX Siltronic 1,184.58 41.970   11/21/16 36.780 -43,569 49,717 6,148 1,612,491  1,929,539 -217,047 1,712,491
  Buy France short Viridien 2,569.48 14.550   12/19/16 14.080 37,386        1,966,925 -254,433  
    STI long Genting 58,079.85 0.644   12/19/16 0.617 37,386        2,004,311 -291,819  
    BAX short SFC Energy 16,840.54 2.220   1/02/17 1.970 37,386        2,041,697 -329,205  
12/12/16 Sell OBX 25 short BW LPG 13,448.17 3.901 1.974 10/31/16 2.938 -39,504 26,545 -12,959 1,599,533  2,002,193 -302,660 1,699,533
  Buy   long Aker BP 2,127.01 16.418   2/06/17 18.078 34,921        2,037,114 -337,581  
12/19/16 Sell France short Viridien 2,569.48 14.080 15.036 12/05/16 14.550 -37,386 38,634 1,248 1,600,781  1,999,728 -298,947 1,700,781
    HSI-Fin long Bank of East Asia 14,053.95 3.743   6/06/16 3.322 -46,683 52,608 5,925 1,606,706  1,953,045 -246,339 1,706,706
    HSI-Prop Sino Land 16,848.20 1.418   6/06/16 1.385 -23,342 23,892 551 1,607,257  1,929,703 -222,447 1,707,257
      Link REIT 4,245.14 6.206   6/06/16 5.498 -23,341 26,344 3,003 1,610,260  1,906,362 -196,102 1,710,260
    OMXC 20 short Novo Nordisk 2,494.30 17.112 13.432 11/28/16 15.272 -38,093 33,503 -4,590 1,605,670  1,868,269 -162,599 1,705,670
    STI long Genting 58,079.85 0.617   12/05/16 0.644 -37,386 35,824 -1,562 1,604,108  1,830,883 -126,775 1,704,108
date B/S market l/s instrument pieces price prc short corresponding invest divest prf/loss acc p/l ∑ invest asset total
  Buy France STMicroelectronics 3,764.49 10.475   8/14/17 14.290 39,433        1,870,316 -166,208  
    HSI-Fin short AIA 7,267.15 5.426   2/13/17 5.791 39,433        1,909,749 -205,641  
    HSI-Prop China Ov Land & Inv 7,715.92 2.555   3/20/17 2.939 19,716        1,929,465 -225,358  
      China Res Land 9,188.84 2.146   3/20/17 2.639 19,716        1,949,182 -245,074  
    OMXC 20 long Møller-Mærsk B 25.95 1,519.570   12/26/16 1,533.700 39,433        1,988,615 -284,507  
    STI short StarHub 21,542.20 1.831   5/08/17 1.798 39,433        2,028,048 -323,940  
12/26/16 Sell SSE 50 long Kweichow Moutai 1,049.12 44.672   8/15/16 42.935 -45,044 46,866 1,822 1,605,930  1,983,004 -277,074 1,705,930
    MIB short Saipem 34.27 244.286 960.075 9/21/15 484.286 -16,596 32,902 16,305 1,622,235  1,966,407 -244,172 1,722,235
    HSI-C&I long MTR 14,594.09 4.598   5/09/16 4.357 -63,585 67,109 3,524 1,625,759  1,902,822 -177,063 1,725,759
    OMXC 20 Møller-Mærsk B 25.95 1,533.700   12/19/16 1,519.570 -39,433 39,800 367 1,626,126  1,863,389 -137,263 1,726,126
    BSE Sensex 30 Tata Steel 111,117.12 0.536   6/13/16 0.425 -47,247 59,570 12,323 1,638,449  1,816,142 -77,693 1,738,449
    CAC Mid 60 short Viridien 3,403.83 13.570 12.030 11/21/16 12.800 -43,569 40,948 -2,621 1,635,828  1,772,573 -36,745 1,735,828
  Buy SSE 50 Orient Secs 19,855.56 2.139   1/09/17 2.081 42,477        1,815,050 -79,222  
    MIB long STMicroel Italy 3,951.35 10.750   11/27/17 20.210 42,477        1,857,527 -121,699  
    HSI-C&I short Hengan 6,253.24 6.793   2/27/17 8.189 42,477        1,900,004 -164,176  
    OMXC 20 Novo Nordisk 2,476.33 17.153   1/02/17 17.422 42,477        1,942,481 -206,653  
    BSE Sensex 30 Sun Pharma 4,927.33 8.621   2/20/17 9.586 42,477        1,984,958 -249,130  
    CAC Mid 60 long Vallourec 168.51 252.080   8/21/17 177.240 42,478        2,027,436 -291,608  
1/02/17 Sell ISEQ 20 short Bank of Ireland 3,749.07 7.050 3.750 10/10/16 5.400 -20,245 14,059 -6,186 1,629,642  2,007,191 -277,549 1,729,642
      permanent tsb 9,286.70 2.760 1.600 10/10/16 2.180 -20,245 14,859 -5,386 1,624,256  1,986,946 -262,690 1,724,256
    OMXC 20 Novo Nordisk 2,476.33 17.422 16.884 12/26/16 17.153 -42,477 41,811 -666 1,623,589  1,944,469 -220,880 1,723,589
    Topix (FRA) Ono Pharmaceutical 1,807.07 19.780 22.465 11/28/16 21.080 -38,093 40,597 2,504 1,626,093  1,906,376 -180,283 1,726,093
    BAX SFC Energy 16,840.54 1.970 2.502 12/05/16 2.220 -37,386 42,130 4,744 1,630,837  1,868,990 -138,153 1,730,837
  Buy OMXC 20 long Møller-Mærsk B 25.38 1,568.680   10/09/17 1,612.300 39,813        1,908,803 -177,966  
    Topix (FRA) Nomura 7,180.70 5.545   1/09/17 5.622 39,817        1,948,620 -217,783  
date B/S market l/s instrument pieces price prc short corresponding invest divest prf/loss acc p/l ∑ invest asset total
    BAX Siltronic 888.77 44.800   3/05/18 120.700 39,817        1,988,437 -257,600  
1/09/17 Sell SSE 50 short Orient Secs 19,855.56 2.081 2.199 12/26/16 2.139 -42,477 43,662 1,185 1,632,022  1,945,960 -213,938 1,732,022
    Athex LC Piraeus Financial 860.15 70.620 25.080 10/24/16 47.850 -41,158 21,573 -19,586 1,612,437  1,904,802 -192,365 1,712,437
    FT 30 ITV 223.82 238.670 150.656 11/21/16 194.663 -43,569 33,720 -9,850 1,602,587  1,861,233 -158,646 1,702,587
    SMI Holcim 382.76 49.995 51.029 11/16/15 50.510 -19,333 19,532 199 1,602,786  1,841,899 -139,114 1,702,786
    SLI Aryzta 2,823.31 8.993 9.769 8/24/15 9.373 -26,462 27,581 1,119 1,603,905  1,815,437 -111,533 1,703,905
    Topix (FRA) long Nomura 7,180.70 5.622   1/02/17 5.545 -39,817 40,370 553 1,604,457  1,775,620 -71,163 1,704,457
  Buy SSE 50 China Unicom 38,832.14 1.052   4/10/17 1.022 40,832        1,816,452 -111,995  
    Athex LC Mytilineos 6,471.00 6.310   2/06/17 6.680 40,832        1,857,284 -152,827  
    FT 30 3i Group 48.93 834.484   1/23/17 819.203 40,831        1,898,116 -193,658  
    Topix (FRA) short Ono Pharmaceutical 2,030.43 20.110   1/16/17 18.935 40,832        1,938,948 -234,490  
1/16/17 Sell MDAX short GEA Group 1,291.32 38.300 29.180 11/21/16 33.740 -43,569 37,681 -5,888 1,598,569  1,895,379 -196,810 1,698,569
    SDAX Multitude 2,675.07 16.450 12.030 11/28/16 14.240 -38,093 32,181 -5,912 1,592,657  1,857,286 -164,628 1,692,657
    Topix (FRA) Ono Pharmaceutical 2,030.43 18.935 21.358 1/09/17 20.110 -40,832 43,366 2,534 1,595,191  1,816,454 -121,263 1,695,191
  Buy MDAX long Covestro 615.87 63.890   2/12/18 85.580 39,348        1,855,802 -160,611  
    SDAX Hapag-Lloyd 1,498.97 26.250   1/30/17 28.700 39,348        1,895,150 -199,959  
    Topix (FRA) Shin-Etsu 2,477.05 15.885   1/23/17 15.550 39,348        1,934,497 -239,307  
1/23/17 Sell OMXH 25 short Nokia 9,150.29 4.310 4.694 10/24/16 4.498 -41,158 42,953 1,795 1,596,986  1,893,339 -196,353 1,696,986
    FT 30 long 3i Group 48.93 819.203   1/09/17 834.484 -40,831 40,084 -748 1,596,239  1,852,508 -156,270 1,696,239
    Topix (FRA) Shin-Etsu 2,477.05 15.550   1/16/17 15.885 -39,348 38,519 -829 1,595,410  1,813,160 -117,751 1,695,410
  Buy OMXH 25 Outokumpu 4,780.73 8.250   1/30/17 8.270 39,441        1,852,601 -157,192  
    FT 30 short Ass Brit Foods 13.42 2,938.160   2/13/17 3,002.720 39,430        1,892,031 -196,622  
    SMI Swisscom 96.29 409.625   2/20/17 424.638 39,443        1,931,474 -236,064  
    Topix (FRA) Ono Pharmaceutical 2,185.10 18.050   2/27/17 20.125 39,441        1,970,915 -275,506  
1/30/17 Sell SDAX long Hapag-Lloyd 1,498.97 28.700   1/16/17 26.250 -39,348 43,020 3,672 1,599,082  1,931,567 -232,485 1,699,082
date B/S market l/s instrument pieces price prc short corresponding invest divest prf/loss acc p/l ∑ invest asset total
    BEL 20 short Engie 3,782.03 11.030 12.032 11/21/16 11.520 -43,569 45,505 1,936 1,601,018  1,887,998 -186,980 1,701,018
    OMXH 25 long Outokumpu 4,780.73 8.270   1/23/17 8.250 -39,441 39,537 96 1,601,113  1,848,557 -147,444 1,701,113
    CAC Next 20 short Casino Guichard 4.70 4,978.000 6,362.870 8/24/15 5,628.000 -26,452 29,905 3,454 1,604,567  1,822,106 -117,538 1,704,567
  Buy Germany long Siltronic 767.85 51.670   8/21/17 83.000 39,675        1,861,780 -157,213  
    SDAX short Patrizia Immobilien 2,704.50 14.670   2/20/17 17.805 39,675        1,901,455 -196,888  
    ISEQ 20 Kerry 303.23 65.420   2/06/17 65.840 19,837        1,921,293 -216,725  
    BEL 20 long Galapagos 654.06 60.660   11/13/17 77.350 39,675        1,960,968 -256,401  
    OMXH 25 short Nokia 9,423.99 4.210   2/27/17 4.840 39,675        2,000,643 -296,076  
    ÖkoDAX (deprecated) long Verbio 3,694.13 10.740   10/23/17 7.650 39,675        2,040,318 -335,751  
    CAC Next 20 STMicroelectronics 3,175.27 12.495   2/06/17 13.190 39,675        2,079,993 -375,426  
2/06/17 Sell ISEQ 20 short Kerry 303.23 65.840 65.000 1/30/17 65.420 -19,837 19,710 -127 1,604,440  2,060,156 -355,716 1,704,440
    OBX 25 long Aker BP 2,127.01 18.078   12/12/16 16.418 -34,921 38,451 3,530 1,607,970  2,025,235 -317,265 1,707,970
    Athex LC Mytilineos 6,471.00 6.680   1/09/17 6.310 -40,832 43,226 2,394 1,610,364  1,984,403 -274,038 1,710,364
    CAC Next 20 STMicroelectronics 3,175.27 13.190   1/30/17 12.495 -39,675 41,882 2,207 1,612,571  1,944,728 -232,157 1,712,571
  Buy IBEX 35 ArcelorMittal 1,678.46 22.050   2/27/17 25.230 37,010        1,981,738 -269,167  
    ISEQ 20 CRH 566.08 32.690   3/27/17 31.940 18,505        2,000,243 -287,672  
    Athex LC short Ellaktor 33,954.13 1.090   5/08/17 1.400 37,010        2,037,253 -324,682  
    CAC Next 20 SES 2,065.87 17.915   2/13/17 19.325 37,010        2,074,263 -361,692  
2/13/17 Sell HSI-Fin short AIA 7,267.15 5.791 5.062 12/19/16 5.426 -39,433 36,786 -2,647 1,609,924  2,034,830 -324,906 1,709,924
    FT 30 Ass Brit Foods 13.42 3,002.720 2,873.610 1/23/17 2,938.160 -39,430 38,564 -866 1,609,057  1,995,400 -286,342 1,709,057
    CAC Next 20 SES 2,065.87 19.325 16.505 2/06/17 17.915 -37,010 34,097 -2,913 1,606,144  1,958,390 -252,245 1,706,144
  Buy HSI-Fin long China Life Ins HK 12,220.35 2.974   5/21/18 2.414 36,347        1,994,737 -288,592  
    FT 30 3i Group 43.03 844.662   7/03/17 1,029.720 36,346        2,031,083 -324,938  
    CAC Next 20 STMicroelectronics 2,814.32 12.915   2/20/17 13.585 36,347        2,067,429 -361,285  
2/20/17 Sell SDAX short Patrizia Immobilien 2,704.50 17.805 11.535 1/30/17 14.670 -39,675 31,196 -8,479 1,597,666  2,027,754 -330,089 1,697,666
date B/S market l/s instrument pieces price prc short corresponding invest divest prf/loss acc p/l ∑ invest asset total
    AEX Aegon 11,001.87 5.084 2.398 10/24/16 3.741 -41,158 26,382 -14,776 1,582,890  1,986,596 -303,706 1,682,890
    PSI 20 Banco Comercial 190,964.04 0.155 0.259 10/03/16 0.200 -38,231 49,479 11,248 1,594,138  1,948,365 -254,227 1,694,138
    BSE Sensex 30 Sun Pharma 4,927.33 9.586 7.656 12/26/16 8.621 -42,477 37,722 -4,755 1,589,383  1,905,888 -216,506 1,689,383
    SMI Swisscom 96.29 424.638 394.612 1/23/17 409.625 -39,443 37,997 -1,446 1,587,937  1,866,446 -178,509 1,687,937
    CAC Next 20 long STMicroelectronics 2,814.32 13.585   2/13/17 12.915 -36,347 38,233 1,886 1,589,823  1,830,099 -140,276 1,689,823
  Buy TecDAX Siltronic 668.82 57.920   7/10/17 78.000 38,738        1,868,837 -179,014  
    SDAX 363.74 106.500   9/25/17 115.100 38,738        1,907,575 -217,752  
    AEX ArcelorMittal 1,487.12 26.049   4/17/17 21.390 38,738        1,946,313 -256,490  
    PSI 20 Pharol 110,680.00 0.350   2/27/17 0.345 38,738        1,985,051 -295,228  
    BSE Sensex 30 Tata Steel 56,411.82 0.687   10/07/19 0.416 38,738        2,023,789 -333,966  
2/27/17 Sell HSI short Lenovo 75,457.22 0.572 0.583 11/21/16 0.577 -43,569 43,992 423 1,590,245  1,980,220 -289,975 1,690,245
    IBEX 35 long ArcelorMittal 1,678.46 25.230   2/06/17 22.050 -37,010 42,348 5,338 1,595,583  1,943,210 -247,627 1,695,583
    HSI-C&I short Hengan 6,253.24 8.189 5.396 12/26/16 6.793 -42,477 33,744 -8,733 1,586,850  1,900,733 -213,883 1,686,850
    OMXH 25 Nokia 9,423.99 4.840 3.580 1/30/17 4.210 -39,675 33,738 -5,937 1,580,912  1,861,058 -180,146 1,680,912
    PSI 20 long Pharol 110,680.00 0.345   2/20/17 0.350 -38,738 38,185 -553 1,580,359  1,822,320 -141,961 1,680,359
    Topix (FRA) short Ono Pharmaceutical 2,185.10 20.125 15.975 1/23/17 18.050 -39,441 34,907 -4,534 1,575,825  1,782,879 -107,054 1,675,825
  Buy HSI long Geely Auto 30,463.73 1.287   4/23/18 2.225 39,219        1,822,098 -146,273  
    HSI-C&I Galaxy Entertainment 8,687.34 4.515   3/05/18 6.814 39,219        1,861,317 -185,492  
    OMXH 25 Outokumpu 4,217.10 9.300   3/20/17 9.820 39,219        1,900,536 -224,711  
    PSI 20 short Banco Comercial 268,623.29 0.146   3/27/17 0.180 39,219        1,939,755 -263,930  
    Topix (FRA) long T&D 2,715.25 14.444   3/06/17 14.444 39,219        1,978,974 -303,149  
    GEX MBB 458.43 85.550   5/22/17 109.000 39,219        2,018,193 -342,368  
3/06/17 Sell Topix (FRA) long T&D 2,715.25 14.444   2/27/17 14.444 -39,219 39,219 0 1,575,825  1,978,974 -303,149  
  Buy   short Ono Pharmaceutical 1,705.14 20.125   10/30/17 18.530 34,316        2,013,290 -337,465  
3/13/17 Buy SMI short Givaudan 19.70 1,698.660   3/27/17 1,677.880 33,464        2,046,753 -370,928  
date B/S market l/s instrument pieces price prc short corresponding invest divest prf/loss acc p/l ∑ invest asset total
3/20/17 Sell HSI-Prop short China Ov Land & Inv 7,715.92 2.939 2.172 12/19/16 2.555 -19,716 16,758 -2,958 1,572,867  2,027,037 -354,170 1,672,867
      China Res Land 9,188.84 2.639 1.653 12/19/16 2.146 -19,716 15,185 -4,531 1,568,336  2,007,320 -338,985 1,668,336
    OMXH 25 long Outokumpu 4,217.10 9.820   2/27/17 9.300 -39,219 41,412 2,193 1,570,529  1,968,101 -297,573 1,670,529
  Buy IBEX 35 ArcelorMittal 1,355.57 25.320   6/05/17 18.810 34,323        2,002,424 -331,896  
    HSI-Prop Hang Lung 6,979.34 2.459   9/03/18 1.711 17,162        2,019,586 -349,057  
      The Wharf 5,544.55 3.095   9/03/18 2.489 17,161        2,036,747 -366,219  
3/27/17 Sell CAC 40 short ArcelorMittal 912.41 22.800 27.919 7/06/15 25.230 -23,020 25,474 2,453 1,572,982  2,013,727 -340,745 1,672,982
    ISEQ 20 long CRH 566.08 31.940   2/06/17 32.690 -18,505 18,081 -425 1,572,557  1,995,222 -322,665 1,672,557
    PSI 20 short Banco Comercial 268,623.29 0.180 0.112 2/27/17 0.146 -39,219 30,086 -9,133 1,563,424  1,956,003 -292,579 1,663,424
    SMI Givaudan 19.70 1,677.880 1,719.700 3/13/17 1,698.660 -33,464 33,878 414 1,563,839  1,922,539 -258,701 1,663,839
  Buy CAC 40 long ArcelorMittal 1,540.70 22.800   7/31/17 22.180 35,128        1,957,667 -293,829  
    PSI 20 Pharol 92,442.11 0.380   7/24/17 0.325 35,128        1,992,795 -328,957  
4/03/17 Buy CAC Next 20 long STMicroelectronics 2,335.34 14.290   11/13/17 20.375 33,372        2,026,167 -362,329  
4/10/17 Sell SSE 50 long China Unicom 38,832.14 1.022   1/09/17 1.052 -40,832 39,686 -1,146 1,562,693  1,985,335 -322,642 1,662,693
  Buy   short Dongxing Secs 13,580.75 2.467   4/17/17 2.373 33,501        2,018,836 -356,143  
4/17/17 Sell   short Dongxing Secs 13,580.75 2.373 2.564 4/10/17 2.467 -33,501 34,825 1,324 1,564,017  1,985,335 -321,318 1,664,017
    AEX long ArcelorMittal 1,487.12 21.390   2/20/17 26.049 -38,738 31,810 -6,928 1,557,089  1,946,597 -289,509 1,657,089
  Buy SSE 50 China Unicom 33,502.20 1.021   4/24/17 0.999 34,189        1,980,786 -323,698  
    AEX short KPN 12,254.12 2.790   4/01/19 2.785 34,189        2,014,975 -357,887  
4/24/17 Sell SSE 50 long China Unicom 33,502.20 0.999   4/17/17 1.021 -34,189 33,462 -727 1,556,362  1,980,786 -324,425 1,656,362
  Buy   short Dongxing Secs 14,788.59 2.252   5/01/17 2.289 33,298        2,014,084 -357,723  
    ISEQ 20 long Kingspan 546.41 30.470   6/19/17 30.100 16,649        2,030,733 -374,372  
      Origin Enterprises 2,234.77 7.450   6/19/17 6.900 16,649        2,047,382 -391,021  
    SMI short Swisscom 82.37 404.234   5/08/17 416.139 33,297        2,080,679 -424,317  
5/01/17 Sell SSE 50 short Dongxing Secs 14,788.59 2.289 2.214 4/24/17 2.252 -33,298 32,745 -553 1,555,809  2,047,381 -391,573 1,655,809
date B/S market l/s instrument pieces price prc short corresponding invest divest prf/loss acc p/l ∑ invest asset total
  Buy   long China Unicom 31,773.40 0.995   5/22/17 0.966 31,605        2,078,986 -423,178  
5/08/17 Sell Athex LC short Ellaktor 33,954.13 1.400 0.780 2/06/17 1.090 -37,010 26,484 -10,526 1,545,283  2,041,976 -396,693 1,645,283
    STI StarHub 21,542.20 1.798 1.864 12/19/16 1.831 -39,433 40,148 715 1,545,998  2,002,543 -356,545 1,645,998
    SMI Swisscom 82.37 416.139 392.328 4/24/17 404.234 -33,297 32,316 -981 1,545,017  1,969,246 -324,229 1,645,017
  Buy OMXH 25 long Orion 589.10 56.050   7/24/17 44.830 33,019        2,002,266 -357,248  
    Athex LC GEK Terna 10,318.44 3.200   8/28/17 3.970 33,019        2,035,285 -390,267  
    STI Yangzijiang Ship 40,066.74 0.824   6/12/17 0.784 33,019        2,068,304 -423,286  
    SMI Sika 329.84 100.107   2/12/18 108.576 33,019        2,101,323 -456,305  
    SLI Sika 329.84 100.107   9/04/17 100.456 33,019        2,134,342 -489,325  
5/22/17 Sell SSE 50 long China Unicom 31,773.40 0.966   5/01/17 0.995 -31,605 30,693 -912 1,544,106  2,102,737 -458,632 1,644,106
    NZX 50 a2 Milk 22,984.99 2.174   2/29/16 1.066 -24,502 49,958 25,456 1,569,561  2,078,235 -408,674 1,669,561
    Nikkei (FRA) Screen 915.59 31.796   7/18/16 22.973 -21,033 29,112 8,079 1,577,640  2,057,202 -379,562 1,677,640
      Sumitomo Pharma 1,307.73 13.525   7/18/16 16.084 -21,034 17,687 -3,346 1,574,294  2,036,168 -361,875 1,674,294
    GEX MBB 458.43 109.000   2/27/17 85.550 -39,219 49,969 10,750 1,585,044  1,996,950 -311,906 1,685,044
  Buy SSE 50 short AECC Aviation Power 10,225.80 3.357   5/29/17 3.208 34,328        2,031,278 -346,234  
    NZX 50 Comvita 9,808.00 3.500   6/12/17 3.344 34,328        2,065,606 -380,562  
    Nikkei (FRA) Japan Steel Works 1,313.54 13.067   10/23/17 20.930 17,164        2,082,770 -397,726  
    GEX InVision 1,183.32 29.010   3/11/19 16.400 34,328        2,117,098 -432,054  
5/29/17 Sell SSE 50 short AECC Aviation Power 10,225.80 3.208 3.513 5/22/17 3.357 -34,328 35,922 1,594 1,586,638  2,082,770 -396,132 1,686,638
  Buy   long China Unicom 33,106.21 0.975   12/04/17 0.907 32,262        2,115,032 -428,394  
6/05/17 Sell IBEX 35 long ArcelorMittal 1,355.57 18.810   3/20/17 25.320 -34,323 25,498 -8,825 1,577,813  2,080,709 -402,895 1,677,813
  Buy   short ArcelorMittal 1,694.42 18.810   3/11/19 20.365 31,872        2,112,581 -434,767  
6/12/17 Sell STI long Yangzijiang Ship 40,066.74 0.784   5/08/17 0.824 -33,019 31,392 -1,627 1,576,187  2,079,562 -403,375 1,676,187
    NZX 50 short Comvita 9,808.00 3.344 3.663 5/22/17 3.500 -34,328 35,926 1,598 1,577,784  2,045,234 -367,449 1,677,784
    Nikkei (TYO) long Tokuyama 2,022.39 21.235   10/31/16 19.533 -39,504 42,945 3,441 1,581,225  2,005,730 -324,505 1,681,225
date B/S market l/s instrument pieces price prc short corresponding invest divest prf/loss acc p/l ∑ invest asset total
  Buy STI short StarHub 19,337.51 1.754   1/25/21 0.825 33,918        2,039,648 -358,423  
    NZX 50 long a2 Milk 15,330.86 2.212   7/17/17 2.573 33,918        2,073,566 -392,341  
    Nikkei (TYO) short Chiyoda 6,513.92 5.207   6/26/17 5.044 33,918        2,107,484 -426,258  
6/19/17 Sell ISEQ 20 long Kingspan 546.41 30.100   4/24/17 30.470 -16,649 16,447 -202 1,581,023  2,090,835 -409,812 1,681,023
      Origin Enterprises 2,234.77 6.900   4/24/17 7.450 -16,649 15,420 -1,229 1,579,794  2,074,186 -394,392 1,679,794
  Buy   short C&C Group 4,825.08 3.330   12/11/17 2.831 16,068        2,090,253 -410,459  
6/26/17 Sell Nikkei (TYO) short Chiyoda 6,513.92 5.044 5.376 6/12/17 5.207 -33,918 35,017 1,099 1,580,893  2,056,335 -375,442 1,680,893
  Buy   long Sharp 965.27 33.810   7/03/17 32.026 32,636        2,088,971 -408,078  
7/03/17 Sell FT 30 long 3i Group 43.03 1,029.720   2/13/17 844.662 -36,346 44,309 7,963 1,588,856  2,052,625 -363,769 1,688,856
    Nikkei (TYO) Sharp 965.27 32.026   6/26/17 33.810 -32,636 30,914 -1,722 1,587,134  2,019,989 -332,856 1,687,134
  Buy FT 30 short BT Group 101.86 332.369   1/15/18 310.160 33,855        2,053,844 -366,711  
    Nikkei (TYO) Sumitomo Pharma 2,796.93 12.105   7/10/17 11.686 33,856        2,087,700 -400,567  
7/10/17 Sell TecDAX long Siltronic 668.82 78.000   2/20/17 57.920 -38,738 52,168 13,430 1,600,563  2,048,962 -348,399 1,700,563
    Nikkei (TYO) short Sumitomo Pharma 2,796.93 11.686 12.538 7/03/17 12.105 -33,856 35,069 1,213 1,601,776  2,015,106 -313,330 1,701,776
  Buy TecDAX Nordex 2,949.11 11.770   1/29/18 10.870 34,711        2,049,817 -348,041  
    Nikkei (TYO) long Sharp 1,108.58 31.311   8/07/17 29.948 34,711        2,084,528 -382,752  
7/17/17 Sell NZX 50 long a2 Milk 15,330.86 2.573   6/12/17 2.212 -33,918 39,443 5,525 1,607,302  2,050,610 -343,309 1,707,302
  Buy   short Comvita 8,843.10 3.856   10/02/17 4.599 34,099        2,084,709 -377,408  
7/24/17 Sell OMXH 25 long Orion 589.10 44.830   5/08/17 56.050 -33,019 26,409 -6,610 1,600,692  2,051,690 -350,998 1,700,692
    PSI 20 Pharol 92,442.11 0.325   3/27/17 0.380 -35,128 30,044 -5,084 1,595,608  2,016,562 -320,955 1,695,608
  Buy OMXH 25 short Huhtamäki 1,072.26 32.050   3/04/19 32.340 34,366        2,050,928 -355,321  
    PSI 20 CTT-Correios 6,305.69 5.450   10/16/17 5.042 34,366        2,085,294 -389,687  
7/31/17 Sell CAC 40 long ArcelorMittal 1,540.70 22.180   3/27/17 22.800 -35,128 34,173 -955 1,594,652  2,050,166 -355,514 1,694,652
    Nordic 30 Kone 949.49 44.010   8/15/16 47.440 -45,044 41,787 -3,257 1,591,396  2,005,123 -313,727 1,691,396
  Buy CAC 40 short Carrefour 1,696.18 20.305   1/22/18 18.465 34,441        2,039,563 -348,168  
date B/S market l/s instrument pieces price prc short corresponding invest divest prf/loss acc p/l ∑ invest asset total
    Nordic 30 Hennes & Mauritz 1,562.45 22.043   9/03/18 11.729 34,441        2,074,005 -382,609  
8/07/17 Sell Nikkei (TYO) long Sharp 1,108.58 29.948   7/10/17 31.311 -34,711 33,200 -1,511 1,589,884  2,039,293 -349,409 1,689,884
  Buy   short Sumitomo Pharma 2,968.25 11.290   9/18/17 11.024 33,511        2,072,804 -382,920  
8/14/17 Sell France long STMicroelectronics 3,764.49 14.290   12/19/16 10.475 -39,433 53,795 14,362 1,604,246  2,033,371 -329,126 1,704,246
    OMXS 30 Boliden 1,116.21 26.731   7/11/16 18.372 -20,507 29,838 9,330 1,613,576  2,012,864 -299,288 1,713,576
      Fingerprint Cards 1,976.06 3.930   7/11/16 10.378 -20,508 7,766 -12,741 1,600,835  1,992,356 -291,521 1,700,835
  Buy France short Vantiva 420.93 83.700   10/02/17 77.895 35,232        2,027,588 -326,753  
    OMXS 30 AstraZeneca 356.21 49.454   9/11/17 54.468 17,616        2,045,204 -344,369  
      Fingerprint Cards 4,482.21 3.930   9/11/17 3.461 17,616        2,062,820 -361,985  
8/21/17 Sell S&P 100 long 1,533.35 40.356   5/23/16 31.052 -47,614 61,880 14,266 1,615,101  2,015,206 -300,105 1,715,101
    Germany Siltronic 767.85 83.000   1/30/17 51.670 -39,675 63,732 24,057 1,639,158  1,975,532 -236,374 1,739,158
    CAC Mid 60 Vallourec 168.51 177.240   12/26/16 252.080 -42,478 29,867 -12,611 1,626,546  1,933,054 -206,507 1,726,546
  Buy S&P 100 short Halliburton 1,158.54 32.800   9/04/17 32.706 38,000        1,971,054 -244,507  
    CAC Mid 60 Vantiva 454.44 83.619   12/11/17 84.780 38,000        2,009,053 -282,507  
8/28/17 Sell Athex LC long GEK Terna 10,318.44 3.970   5/08/17 3.200 -33,019 40,964 7,945 1,634,492  1,976,034 -241,543 1,734,492
  Buy   short Jumbo 2,647.02 14.100   1/08/18 15.280 37,323        2,013,357 -278,866  
9/04/17 Sell S&P 100 short Halliburton 1,158.54 32.706 32.895 8/21/17 32.800 -38,000 38,110 110 1,634,601  1,975,357 -240,756 1,734,601
    SLI long Sika 329.84 100.456   5/08/17 100.107 -33,019 33,134 115 1,634,716  1,942,338 -207,622 1,734,716
  Buy S&P 100 Boeing 188.94 202.060   4/02/18 262.125 38,177        1,980,515 -245,799  
    SLI short Aryzta 6,681.08 5.714   6/24/19 1.007 38,177        2,018,692 -283,976  
    NZX 20 Sky Network Telev. 2,428.55 15.720   10/09/17 16.924 38,177        2,056,869 -322,153  
9/11/17 Sell OMXS 30 short AstraZeneca 356.21 54.468 44.441 8/14/17 49.454 -17,616 15,830 -1,786 1,632,930  2,039,253 -306,323 1,732,930
      Fingerprint Cards 4,482.21 3.461 4.463 8/14/17 3.930 -17,616 20,002 2,386 1,635,317  2,021,637 -286,321 1,735,317
  Buy   long SSAB 4,139.70 4.375   2/05/18 4.785 18,112        2,039,749 -304,433  
      Volvo 1,175.68 15.406   2/05/18 15.660 18,112        2,057,861 -322,545  
date B/S market l/s instrument pieces price prc short corresponding invest divest prf/loss acc p/l ∑ invest asset total
9/18/17 Sell Nikkei (TYO) short Sumitomo Pharma 2,968.25 11.024 11.562 8/07/17 11.290 -33,511 34,318 807 1,636,124  2,024,350 -288,226 1,736,124
  Buy   long Tokai Carbon 5,497.30 6.585   3/19/18 12.592 36,197        2,060,547 -324,423  
9/25/17 Sell SDAX long 363.74 115.100   2/20/17 106.500 -38,738 41,866 3,128 1,639,252  2,021,809 -282,557 1,739,252
  Buy   short Bertrandt 449.09 81.090   10/09/17 84.150 36,417        2,058,226 -318,973  
10/02/17 Sell France short Vantiva 420.93 77.895 89.938 8/14/17 83.700 -35,232 37,857 2,626 1,641,878  2,022,994 -281,116 1,741,878
    NZX 50 Comvita 8,843.10 4.599 3.113 7/17/17 3.856 -34,099 27,529 -6,570 1,635,307  1,988,895 -253,587 1,735,307
  Buy France long Air France-KLM 272.38 136.000   2/05/18 119.550 37,044        2,025,939 -290,631  
    OBX 25 Norsk Hydro 5,967.36 6.208   1/29/18 6.053 37,043        2,062,982 -327,674  
    NZX 50 a2 Milk 9,056.97 4.090   3/05/18 7.510 37,043        2,100,025 -364,717  
10/09/17 Sell SDAX short Bertrandt 449.09 84.150 78.030 9/25/17 81.090 -36,417 35,042 -1,374 1,633,933  2,063,608 -329,675 1,733,933
    OMXC 20 long Møller-Mærsk B 25.38 1,612.300   1/02/17 1,568.680 -39,813 40,920 1,107 1,635,040  2,023,795 -288,754 1,735,040
    NZX 20 short Sky Network Telev. 2,428.55 16.924 14.516 9/04/17 15.720 -38,177 35,253 -2,924 1,632,116  1,985,618 -253,502 1,732,116
  Buy Germany long Aixtron 3,229.79 11.445   2/12/18 10.925 36,965        2,022,583 -290,467  
    SDAX Hypoport 247.42 149.400   10/23/17 120.750 36,965        2,059,547 -327,431  
    OMXC 20 short Pandora 440.55 83.907   10/16/17 78.116 36,965        2,096,512 -364,396  
    NZX 20 long Xero 1,849.36 19.988   3/23/20 31.706 36,965        2,133,477 -401,361  
10/16/17 Sell TSX 60 short Bausch Health 2,381.80 10.964 24.060 11/14/16 16.242 -38,684 57,307 18,623 1,650,739  2,094,793 -344,055 1,750,739
    PSI 20 CTT-Correios 6,305.69 5.042 5.891 7/24/17 5.450 -34,366 37,147 2,781 1,653,519  2,060,427 -306,908 1,753,519
    OMXC 20 Pandora 440.55 78.116 90.127 10/09/17 83.907 -36,965 39,705 2,740 1,656,260  2,023,462 -267,202 1,756,260
  Buy TSX 60 long BlackBerry 3,863.06 9.636   2/05/18 9.614 37,226        2,060,688 -304,428  
    PSI 20 Pharol 77,072.46 0.483   11/13/17 0.365 37,226        2,097,914 -341,654  
    OMXC 20 Ørsted 746.34 49.878   1/29/18 47.009 37,226        2,135,140 -378,881  
10/23/17 Sell SDAX long Hypoport 247.42 120.750   10/09/17 149.400 -36,965 29,876 -7,089 1,649,171  2,098,176 -349,005 1,749,171
    ÖkoDAX (deprecated) Verbio 3,694.13 7.650   1/30/17 10.740 -39,675 28,260 -11,415 1,637,756  2,058,501 -320,745 1,737,756
    Nikkei (FRA) short Japan Steel Works 1,313.54 20.930 5.204 5/22/17 13.067 -17,164 6,836 -10,328 1,627,428  2,041,337 -313,909 1,727,428
date B/S market l/s instrument pieces price prc short corresponding invest divest prf/loss acc p/l ∑ invest asset total
  Buy SDAX Takkt 1,889.68 18.700   11/27/17 17.985 35,337        2,076,674 -349,246  
    ÖkoDAX (deprecated) Nordex 3,926.77 8.999   1/28/19 9.860 35,337        2,112,011 -384,583  
    Nikkei (FRA) long Tokai Carbon 2,216.88 7.970   3/19/18 12.530 17,669        2,129,679 -402,251  
      Yaskawa Electric 562.39 31.417   3/19/18 37.800 17,669        2,147,348 -419,920  
10/30/17 Sell Topix (FRA) short Ono Pharmaceutical 1,705.14 18.530 21.857 3/06/17 20.125 -34,316 37,270 2,954 1,630,382  2,113,032 -382,650 1,730,382
  Buy   long Nintendo 994.77 33.870   11/27/17 35.900 33,693        2,146,725 -416,343  
11/13/17 Sell BEL 20 long Galapagos 654.06 77.350   1/30/17 60.660 -39,675 50,592 10,916 1,641,298  2,107,050 -365,752 1,741,298
    PSI 20 Pharol 77,072.46 0.365   10/16/17 0.483 -37,226 28,131 -9,095 1,632,204  2,069,824 -337,620 1,732,204
    CAC Next 20 STMicroelectronics 2,335.34 20.375   4/03/17 14.290 -33,372 47,583 14,211 1,646,414  2,036,452 -290,038 1,746,414
  Buy BEL 20 short Bekaert 951.25 38.275   1/08/18 37.100 36,409        2,072,861 -326,447  
    PSI 20 CTT-Correios 11,254.71 3.235   11/27/17 3.043 36,409        2,109,270 -362,856  
    CAC Next 20 SES 2,887.31 12.610   3/12/18 12.700 36,409        2,145,679 -399,265  
11/27/17 Sell SDAX short Takkt 1,889.68 17.985 19.443 10/23/17 18.700 -35,337 36,742 1,405 1,647,819  2,110,342 -362,523 1,747,819
    MIB long STMicroel Italy 3,951.35 20.210   12/26/16 10.750 -42,477 79,857 37,380 1,685,199  2,067,865 -282,666 1,785,199
    PSI 20 short CTT-Correios 11,254.71 3.043 3.439 11/13/17 3.235 -36,409 38,706 2,297 1,687,496  2,031,456 -243,960 1,787,496
    Topix (FRA) long Nintendo 994.77 35.900   10/30/17 33.870 -33,693 35,712 2,019 1,689,515  1,997,763 -208,248 1,789,515
  Buy SDAX Wacker Neuson 1,409.56 28.045   12/11/17 27.315 39,531        2,037,294 -247,779  
    MIB short Leonardo 3,868.00 10.220   1/08/18 10.570 39,531        2,076,825 -287,310  
    PSI 20 long Mota-Engil 11,623.35 3.401   12/04/17 3.495 39,531        2,116,356 -326,841  
    Topix (FRA) short Subaru 1,455.97 27.151   12/11/17 27.461 39,531        2,155,887 -366,372  
12/04/17 Sell SSE 50 long China Unicom 33,106.21 0.907   5/29/17 0.975 -32,262 30,011 -2,251 1,687,264  2,123,625 -336,361 1,787,264
    PSI 20 Mota-Engil 11,623.35 3.495   11/27/17 3.401 -39,531 40,624 1,093 1,688,356  2,084,094 -295,737 1,788,356
  Buy SSE 50 short Tsinghua Tongfang 27,138.18 1.375   1/15/18 1.277 37,315        2,121,409 -333,052  
    PSI 20 CTT-Correios 11,771.29 3.170   1/22/18 3.514 37,315        2,158,724 -370,367  
12/11/17 Sell SDAX long Wacker Neuson 1,409.56 27.315   11/27/17 28.045 -39,531 38,502 -1,029 1,687,328  2,119,193 -331,865 1,787,328
date B/S market l/s instrument pieces price prc short corresponding invest divest prf/loss acc p/l ∑ invest asset total
    ISEQ 20 short C&C Group 4,825.08 2.831 3.917 6/19/17 3.330 -16,068 18,900 2,832 1,690,160  2,103,125 -312,965 1,790,160
    Topix (FRA) Subaru 1,455.97 27.461 26.841 11/27/17 27.151 -39,531 39,080 -451 1,689,708  2,063,594 -273,886 1,789,708
    CAC Mid 60 Vantiva 454.44 84.780 82.458 8/21/17 83.619 -38,000 37,472 -528 1,689,181  2,025,594 -236,414 1,789,181
  Buy ISEQ 20 long FBD 1,960.56 9.900   12/25/17 10.400 19,410        2,045,004 -255,823  
    Topix (FRA) Shiseido 929.00 41.786   1/01/18 40.500 38,819        2,083,823 -294,642  
    CAC Mid 60 Air France-KLM 307.11 126.400   2/05/18 119.550 38,819        2,122,642 -333,461  
12/18/17 Buy SDAX long Hypoport 260.04 139.950   1/01/18 145.350 36,393        2,159,034 -369,854  
12/25/17 Sell ISEQ 20 long FBD 1,960.56 10.400   12/11/17 9.900 -19,410 20,390 980 1,690,161  2,139,625 -349,464 1,790,161
  Buy   short C&C Group 6,173.64 2.917   1/01/18 2.850 18,009        2,157,633 -367,472  
      Glanbia 1,220.09 14.760   1/01/18 14.900 18,009        2,175,642 -385,481  
1/01/18 Sell SDAX long Hypoport 260.04 145.350   12/18/17 139.950 -36,393 37,797 1,404 1,691,565  2,139,249 -347,684 1,791,565
    ISEQ 20 short C&C Group 6,173.64 2.850 2.986 12/25/17 2.917 -18,009 18,432 424 1,691,989  2,121,241 -329,252 1,791,989
      Glanbia 1,220.09 14.900 14.620 12/25/17 14.760 -18,009 17,838 -171 1,691,818  2,103,232 -311,414 1,791,818
    Topix (FRA) long Shiseido 929.00 40.500   12/11/17 41.786 -38,819 37,625 -1,195 1,690,623  2,064,413 -273,790 1,790,623
  Buy SDAX short Vossloh 810.26 46.800   1/08/18 48.650 37,920        2,102,333 -311,710  
    ISEQ 20 long FBD 1,875.37 10.110   1/08/18 10.600 18,960        2,121,293 -330,670  
      Dalata Hotel 3,007.14 6.305   1/08/18 6.010 18,960        2,140,253 -349,630  
    Topix (FRA) short Rakuten 5,022.52 7.550   3/18/19 7.290 37,920        2,178,173 -387,550  
1/08/18 Sell SDAX short Vossloh 810.26 48.650 44.950 1/01/18 46.800 -37,920 36,421 -1,499 1,689,124  2,140,253 -351,129 1,789,124
    MIB Leonardo 3,868.00 10.570 9.870 11/27/17 10.220 -39,531 38,177 -1,354 1,687,771  2,100,722 -312,952 1,787,771
    ISEQ 20 long FBD 1,875.37 10.600   1/01/18 10.110 -18,960 19,879 919 1,688,690  2,081,762 -293,073 1,788,690
      Dalata Hotel 3,007.14 6.010   1/01/18 6.305 -18,960 18,073 -887 1,687,802  2,062,802 -275,000 1,787,802
    BEL 20 short Bekaert 951.25 37.100 39.487 11/13/17 38.275 -36,409 37,562 1,153 1,688,956  2,026,393 -237,438 1,788,956
    Athex LC Jumbo 2,647.02 15.280 12.920 8/28/17 14.100 -37,323 34,200 -3,123 1,685,832  1,989,070 -203,238 1,785,832
  Buy SDAX long Wacker Neuson 1,201.09 32.940   2/05/18 30.780 39,564        2,028,634 -242,802  
date B/S market l/s instrument pieces price prc short corresponding invest divest prf/loss acc p/l ∑ invest asset total
    ISEQ 20 short Glanbia 1,391.14 14.220   7/16/18 15.550 19,782        2,048,416 -262,584  
    BEL 20 long Umicore 909.41 43.505   2/19/18 46.080 39,564        2,087,980 -302,148  
    Athex LC Viohalco 10,899.17 3.630   4/02/18 3.400 39,564        2,127,544 -341,712  
1/15/18 Sell SSE 50 short Tsinghua Tongfang 27,138.18 1.277 1.481 12/04/17 1.375 -37,315 40,186 2,871 1,688,703  2,090,229 -301,526 1,788,703
    FT 30 BT Group 101.86 310.160 356.169 7/03/17 332.369 -33,855 36,279 2,424 1,691,128  2,056,374 -265,246 1,791,128
  Buy SSE 50 long Kweichow Moutai 383.46 99.482   2/12/18 89.885 38,147        2,094,521 -303,394  
    FT 30 Man Group 158.23 241.085   1/22/18 242.920 38,147        2,132,668 -341,540  
1/22/18 Sell CAC 40 short Carrefour 1,696.18 18.465 22.328 7/31/17 20.305 -34,441 37,873 3,432 1,694,560  2,098,227 -303,667 1,794,560
    PSI 20 CTT-Correios 11,771.29 3.514 2.826 12/04/17 3.170 -37,315 33,266 -4,049 1,690,510  2,060,912 -270,402 1,790,510
    FT 30 long Man Group 158.23 242.920   1/15/18 241.085 -38,147 38,437 290 1,690,801  2,022,765 -231,965 1,790,801
  Buy CAC 40 Kering 95.21 409.300   2/05/18 388.900 38,969        2,061,735 -270,934  
    PSI 20 Mota-Engil 9,657.99 4.035   1/29/18 4.030 38,970        2,100,705 -309,904  
    FT 30 short National Grid 41.31 943.424   6/11/18 944.977 38,973        2,139,677 -348,877  
1/29/18 Sell TecDAX short Nordex 2,949.11 10.870 12.745 7/10/17 11.770 -34,711 37,585 2,874 1,693,675  2,104,966 -311,292 1,793,675
    PSI 20 long Mota-Engil 9,657.99 4.030   1/22/18 4.035 -38,970 38,922 -48 1,693,626  2,065,996 -272,370 1,793,626
    OMXC 20 Ørsted 746.34 47.009   10/16/17 49.878 -37,226 35,085 -2,142 1,691,485  2,028,770 -237,286 1,791,485
    OBX 25 Norsk Hydro 5,967.36 6.053   10/02/17 6.208 -37,043 36,117 -926 1,690,559  1,991,727 -201,168 1,790,559
  Buy TecDAX Aixtron 3,075.39 12.920   2/05/18 11.435 39,734        2,031,461 -240,902  
    PSI 20 short Pharol 168,364.41 0.236   5/21/18 0.270 39,734        2,071,195 -280,636  
    OMXC 20 Vestas Wind Systems 3,707.22 10.718   2/26/18 12.036 39,734        2,110,929 -320,370  
    OBX 25 Lerøy Seafood 9,937.72 3.998   6/11/18 5.742 39,734        2,150,663 -360,104  
2/05/18 Sell France long Air France-KLM 272.38 119.550   10/02/17 136.000 -37,044 32,563 -4,481 1,686,078  2,113,620 -327,541 1,786,078
    CAC 40 Kering 95.21 388.900   1/22/18 409.300 -38,969 37,027 -1,942 1,684,136  2,074,650 -290,514 1,784,136
    TecDAX Aixtron 3,075.39 11.435   1/29/18 12.920 -39,734 35,167 -4,567 1,679,569  2,034,916 -255,347 1,779,569
    SDAX Wacker Neuson 1,201.09 30.780   1/08/18 32.940 -39,564 36,970 -2,594 1,676,975  1,995,352 -218,377 1,776,975
date B/S market l/s instrument pieces price prc short corresponding invest divest prf/loss acc p/l ∑ invest asset total
    TSX 60 BlackBerry 3,863.06 9.614   10/16/17 9.636 -37,226 37,139 -87 1,676,888  1,958,126 -181,238 1,776,888
    OMXS 30 SSAB 4,139.70 4.785   9/11/17 4.375 -18,112 19,807 1,695 1,678,583  1,940,014 -161,431 1,778,583
      Volvo 1,175.68 15.660   9/11/17 15.406 -18,112 18,411 299 1,678,882  1,921,902 -143,020 1,778,882
    CAC Mid 60 Air France-KLM 307.11 119.550   12/11/17 126.400 -38,819 36,715 -2,104 1,676,778  1,883,084 -106,305 1,776,778
  Buy France short Innate Pharma 7,946.91 5.255   3/04/19 6.585 41,761        1,924,845 -148,066  
    CAC 40 Sanofi 605.06 69.020   5/06/19 76.710 41,761        1,966,606 -189,827  
    SDAX Vossloh 982.61 42.500   4/15/19 42.350 41,761        2,008,367 -231,588  
    TSX 60 ARC Resources 4,974.80 8.395   5/14/18 8.816 41,761        2,050,128 -273,349  
    OMXS 30 Hennes & Mauritz 1,462.32 14.279   3/12/18 13.451 20,880        2,071,008 -294,230  
      Fingerprint Cards 18,658.30 1.119   3/12/18 0.992 20,881        2,091,889 -315,110  
    CAC Mid 60 Innate Pharma 7,946.91 5.255   3/18/19 6.585 41,761        2,133,650 -356,871  
2/12/18 Sell Germany long Aixtron 3,229.79 10.925   10/09/17 11.445 -36,965 35,285 -1,679 1,675,099  2,096,685 -321,586 1,775,099
    SSE 50 Kweichow Moutai 383.46 89.885   1/15/18 99.482 -38,147 34,467 -3,680 1,671,419  2,058,537 -287,118 1,771,419
    MDAX Covestro 615.87 85.580   1/16/17 63.890 -39,348 52,706 13,358 1,684,777  2,019,189 -234,412 1,784,777
    SMI Sika 329.84 108.576   5/08/17 100.107 -33,019 35,813 2,793 1,687,571  1,986,170 -198,600 1,787,571
    Indices Merval 49.08 1,230.340   7/04/16 908.669 -44,597 60,385 15,788 1,703,358  1,941,573 -138,214 1,803,358
  Buy Germany short Bastei Lübbe 13,090.57 3.180   3/18/19 1.680 41,628        1,983,201 -179,842  
    SSE 50 Founder Secs 51,354.55 0.811   2/26/18 0.839 41,628        2,024,829 -221,470  
    MIB Leonardo 4,818.06 8.640   4/29/19 10.415 41,628        2,066,457 -263,098  
    SMI Roche 218.89 190.181   9/09/19 247.979 41,629        2,108,086 -304,727  
    Indices IBEX 35 4.26 9,771.100   7/09/18 9,927.000 41,625        2,149,710 -346,352  
2/19/18 Sell BEL 20 long Umicore 909.41 46.080   1/08/18 43.505 -39,564 41,906 2,342 1,705,700  2,110,147 -304,446 1,805,700
  Buy   short Anheuser-Busch InBev 439.99 85.300   4/22/19 79.840 37,531        2,147,678 -341,978  
2/26/18 Sell SSE 50 short Founder Secs 51,354.55 0.839 0.782 2/12/18 0.811 -41,628 40,170 -1,458 1,704,242  2,106,050 -301,808 1,804,242
    OMXC 20 Vestas Wind Systems 3,707.22 12.036 9.400 1/29/18 10.718 -39,734 34,848 -4,886 1,699,355  2,066,316 -266,960 1,799,355
date B/S market l/s instrument pieces price prc short corresponding invest divest prf/loss acc p/l ∑ invest asset total
  Buy SSE 50 long Kweichow Moutai 400.38 95.681   3/05/18 91.916 38,309        2,104,624 -305,269  
3/05/18 Sell   long Kweichow Moutai 400.38 91.916   2/26/18 95.681 -38,309 36,801 -1,507 1,697,848  2,066,316 -268,467 1,797,848
    DAX Adidas 515.02 174.750   5/16/16 109.900 -56,601 90,000 33,399 1,731,247  2,009,715 -178,468 1,831,247
    HSI-C&I Galaxy Entertainment 8,687.34 6.814   2/27/17 4.515 -39,219 59,197 19,978 1,751,226  1,970,496 -119,270 1,851,226
    Europe 50 BAT 10.57 4,737.420   5/16/16 5,355.180 -56,604 50,075 -6,530 1,744,696  1,913,892 -69,196 1,844,696
    NZX 50 a2 Milk 9,056.97 7.510   10/02/17 4.090 -37,043 68,016 30,973 1,775,669  1,876,849 -1,180 1,875,669
    BAX Siltronic 888.77 120.700   1/02/17 44.800 -39,817 107,275 67,458 1,843,127  1,837,032 106,095 1,943,127
    DJ Global Titans BP 83.90 527.670   7/04/16 531.514 -44,594 44,272 -323 1,842,804  1,792,438 150,366 1,942,804
  Buy SSE 50 short Founder Secs 63,660.58 0.822   11/05/18 0.714 52,329        1,844,767 98,037  
    DAX Merck (EMD) 654.77 79.920   5/07/18 82.660 52,329        1,897,096 45,708  
    HSI-C&I China Merchants 28,504.74 1.836   6/11/18 1.888 52,329        1,949,425 -6,621  
    Europe 50 Imperial Brands 18.07 2,896.210   4/23/18 2,733.340 52,335        2,001,760 -58,955  
    NZX 50 Metro Perf Glass 107,628.55 0.486   3/12/18 0.473 52,329        2,054,089 -111,284  
    BAX Umweltbank 5,243.39 9.980   5/07/18 9.740 52,329        2,106,418 -163,613  
    DJ Global Titans General Electric 559.53 93.523   3/12/18 97.980 52,329        2,158,746 -215,942  
3/12/18 Sell OMXS 30 short Hennes & Mauritz 1,462.32 13.451 15.158 2/05/18 14.279 -20,880 22,165 1,285 1,844,089  2,137,866 -193,777 1,944,089
      Fingerprint Cards 18,658.30 0.992 1.263 2/05/18 1.119 -20,881 23,565 2,685 1,846,774  2,116,985 -170,211 1,946,774
    NZX 50 Metro Perf Glass 107,628.55 0.473 0.500 3/05/18 0.486 -52,329 53,782 1,453 1,848,227  2,064,656 -116,429 1,948,227
    CAC Next 20 SES 2,887.31 12.700 12.520 11/13/17 12.610 -36,409 36,149 -260 1,847,967  2,028,247 -80,280 1,947,967
    DJ Global Titans General Electric 559.53 97.980 89.065 3/05/18 93.523 -52,329 49,834 -2,494 1,845,473  1,975,919 -30,446 1,945,473
  Buy OMXS 30 long Autoliv 261.34 91.596   3/26/18 88.849 23,938        1,999,856 -54,383  
      Svenska Cellulosa B 2,812.50 8.511   3/26/18 8.304 23,937        2,023,794 -78,321  
    NZX 50 a2 Milk 5,828.39 8.214   4/16/18 7.413 47,875        2,071,669 -126,196  
    CAC Next 20 Dassault Systèmes 2,156.53 22.200   5/28/18 23.200 47,875        2,119,544 -174,071  
    DJ Global Titans Intel 1,145.67 41.788   4/09/18 40.213 47,875        2,167,419 -221,946  
date B/S market l/s instrument pieces price prc short corresponding invest divest prf/loss acc p/l ∑ invest asset total
3/19/18 Sell Nikkei (FRA) long Tokai Carbon 2,216.88 12.530   10/23/17 7.970 -17,669 27,778 10,109 1,855,582  2,149,750 -194,168 1,955,582
      Yaskawa Electric 562.39 37.800   10/23/17 31.417 -17,669 21,258 3,590 1,859,171  2,132,081 -172,910 1,959,171
    Nikkei (TYO) Tokai Carbon 5,497.30 12.592   9/18/17 6.585 -36,197 69,223 33,026 1,892,198  2,095,884 -103,687 1,992,198
  Buy Nikkei (FRA) short Nippon Electric Glas 989.77 23.850   8/27/18 26.840 23,606        2,119,490 -127,293  
      NH Foods 710.60 33.220   8/27/18 31.260 23,606        2,143,097 -150,899  
    Nikkei (TYO) NH Foods 1,415.87 33.345   9/17/18 29.507 47,212        2,190,308 -198,111  
3/26/18 Sell OMXS 30 long Autoliv 261.34 88.849   3/12/18 91.596 -23,938 23,220 -718 1,891,480  2,166,371 -174,891 1,991,480
      Svenska Cellulosa B 2,812.50 8.304   3/12/18 8.511 -23,937 23,356 -582 1,890,898  2,142,433 -151,535 1,990,898
  Buy   short Getinge 2,531.88 9.081   4/02/18 9.198 22,992        2,165,425 -174,527  
      Fingerprint Cards 29,378.99 0.783   4/02/18 0.780 22,992        2,188,417 -197,519  
4/02/18 Sell S&P 100 long Boeing 188.94 262.125   9/04/17 202.060 -38,177 49,526 11,349 1,902,247  2,150,240 -147,993 2,002,247
    Kospi 50 Lotte Chemical 76.12 330.481   10/12/15 208.474 -15,869 25,156 9,287 1,911,534  2,134,371 -122,837 2,011,534
    Athex LC Viohalco 10,899.17 3.400   1/08/18 3.630 -39,564 37,057 -2,507 1,909,027  2,094,807 -85,780 2,009,027
    OMXS 30 short Getinge 2,531.88 9.198 8.964 3/26/18 9.081 -22,992 22,697 -295 1,908,732  2,071,815 -63,083 2,008,732
      Fingerprint Cards 29,378.99 0.780 0.785 3/26/18 0.783 -22,992 23,071 79 1,908,811  2,048,823 -40,012 2,008,811
  Buy S&P 100 General Electric 576.83 85.326   4/16/18 86.167 49,219        2,098,042 -89,231  
    Kospi 50 Kangwon Land 2,244.42 21.930   5/07/18 22.575 49,219        2,147,261 -138,450  
    Athex LC Attica Bank 1,619,046.05 0.030   2/25/19 0.127 49,219        2,196,480 -187,669  
    OMXS 30 long Svenska Cellulosa B 2,856.79 8.614   4/09/18 8.624 24,610        2,221,090 -212,278  
4/09/18 Sell   long Svenska Cellulosa B 2,856.79 8.624   4/02/18 8.614 -24,610 24,636 27 1,908,838  2,196,480 -187,642 2,008,838
    DJ Global Titans Intel 1,145.67 40.213   3/12/18 41.788 -47,875 46,070 -1,805 1,907,033  2,148,605 -141,572 2,007,033
  Buy MDAX Rocket Internet 1,797.84 25.940   5/14/18 24.460 46,636        2,195,241 -188,208  
    OMXS 30 short Hennes & Mauritz 1,901.10 12.266   4/23/18 13.154 23,318        2,218,559 -211,526  
      Fingerprint Cards 29,140.21 0.800   4/23/18 0.786 23,318        2,241,877 -234,844  
    DJ Global Titans General Electric 559.87 83.298   9/03/18 89.079 46,636        2,288,513 -281,480  
date B/S market l/s instrument pieces price prc short corresponding invest divest prf/loss acc p/l ∑ invest asset total
4/16/18 Sell S&P 100 short General Electric 576.83 86.167 84.486 4/02/18 85.326 -49,219 48,734 -485 1,906,549  2,239,294 -232,746 2,006,549
    NZX 50 long a2 Milk 5,828.39 7.413   3/12/18 8.214 -47,875 43,205 -4,670 1,901,878  2,191,419 -189,541 2,001,878
  Buy S&P 100 Boeing 169.01 268.075   5/14/18 288.674 45,307        2,236,727 -234,848  
4/23/18 Sell HSI long Geely Auto 30,463.73 2.225   2/27/17 1.287 -39,219 67,782 28,563 1,930,441  2,197,508 -167,067 2,030,441
    OMXS 30 short Hennes & Mauritz 1,901.10 13.154 11.377 4/09/18 12.266 -23,318 21,630 -1,688 1,928,753  2,174,190 -145,437 2,028,753
      Fingerprint Cards 29,140.21 0.786 0.814 4/09/18 0.800 -23,318 23,732 414 1,929,166  2,150,872 -121,705 2,029,166
    Europe 50 Imperial Brands 18.07 2,733.340 3,068.790 3/05/18 2,896.210 -52,335 55,453 3,119 1,932,285  2,098,537 -66,252 2,032,285
  Buy HSI China Merchants 27,482.67 1.788   5/21/18 2.042 49,150        2,147,687 -115,402  
    OMXS 30 long Autoliv 265.70 92.491   7/02/18 86.639 24,575        2,172,262 -139,977  
      Svenska Cellulosa B 2,693.71 9.123   7/02/18 9.281 24,575        2,196,837 -164,552  
    Europe 50 LVMH 174.88 281.050   10/15/18 260.450 49,150        2,245,987 -213,702  
4/30/18 Buy MerVal short San Miguel 11,737.79 3.873   6/11/18 3.425 45,464        2,291,451 -259,166  
5/07/18 Sell Kospi 50 short Kangwon Land 2,244.42 22.575 21.284 4/02/18 21.930 -49,219 47,770 -1,449 1,930,836  2,242,232 -211,396 2,030,836
    DAX Merck (EMD) 654.77 82.660 77.180 3/05/18 79.920 -52,329 50,535 -1,794 1,929,042  2,189,903 -160,861 2,029,042
    BAX Umweltbank 5,243.39 9.740 10.226 3/05/18 9.980 -52,329 53,618 1,289 1,930,331  2,137,574 -107,242 2,030,331
  Buy Kospi 50 long LG HH & HC 47.44 1,013.350   7/02/18 1,075.470 48,073        2,185,647 -155,316  
    DAX Deutsche Börse 412.32 116.600   5/21/18 111.550 48,077        2,233,724 -203,392  
    BAX SFC Energy 5,551.62 8.660   5/14/18 8.680 48,077        2,281,801 -251,469  
5/14/18 Sell S&P 100 long Boeing 169.01 288.674   4/16/18 268.075 -45,307 48,789 3,481 1,933,813  2,236,493 -202,680 2,033,813
    MDAX Rocket Internet 1,797.84 24.460   4/09/18 25.940 -46,636 43,975 -2,661 1,931,152  2,189,857 -158,705 2,031,152
    TSX 60 short ARC Resources 4,974.80 8.816 7.973 2/05/18 8.395 -41,761 39,662 -2,099 1,929,053  2,148,096 -119,043 2,029,053
    BAX long SFC Energy 5,551.62 8.680   5/07/18 8.660 -48,077 48,188 111 1,929,164  2,100,019 -70,855 2,029,164
  Buy S&P 100 short Philip Morris 722.73 67.739   8/27/18 68.711 48,957        2,148,976 -119,812  
    MDAX Metro 4,191.52 11.680   5/21/18 11.490 48,957        2,197,933 -168,769  
    TSX 60 long Bombardier 714.59 68.510   8/27/18 74.246 48,957        2,246,890 -217,726  
date B/S market l/s instrument pieces price prc short corresponding invest divest prf/loss acc p/l ∑ invest asset total
5/21/18 Sell HSI short China Merchants 27,482.67 2.042 1.535 4/23/18 1.788 -49,150 42,189 -6,961 1,922,203  2,197,740 -175,537 2,022,203
    DAX long Deutsche Börse 412.32 111.550   5/07/18 116.600 -48,077 45,994 -2,082 1,920,121  2,149,664 -129,543 2,020,121
    MDAX short Metro 4,191.52 11.490 11.873 5/14/18 11.680 -48,957 49,766 809 1,920,930  2,100,707 -79,777 2,020,930
    HSI-Fin long China Life Ins HK 12,220.35 2.414   2/13/17 2.974 -36,347 29,505 -6,842 1,914,088  2,064,360 -50,272 2,014,088
    PSI 20 short Pharol 168,364.41 0.270 0.202 1/29/18 0.236 -39,734 34,010 -5,724 1,908,364  2,024,626 -16,262 2,008,364
  Buy HSI long CNOOC 31,751.35 1.569   6/25/18 1.376 49,802        2,074,428 -66,064  
    DAX short Deutsche Bank 4,607.03 10.810   6/18/18 9.481 49,802        2,124,230 -115,866  
    HSI-Fin China Life Ins HK 20,627.07 2.414   2/11/19 2.127 49,802        2,174,032 -165,668  
    PSI 20 long Altri 6,442.69 7.730   5/28/18 7.450 49,802        2,223,834 -215,470  
    NZX 50 a2 Milk 7,656.19 6.505   7/16/18 6.530 49,802        2,273,636 -265,272  
5/28/18 Sell PSI 20 long Altri 6,442.69 7.450   5/21/18 7.730 -49,802 47,998 -1,804 1,906,560  2,223,834 -217,274 2,006,560
    CAC Next 20 Dassault Systèmes 2,156.53 23.200   3/12/18 22.200 -47,875 50,032 2,157 1,908,716  2,175,959 -167,243 2,008,716
  Buy PSI 20 short CTT-Correios 16,221.28 2.838   2/04/19 3.110 46,036        2,221,995 -213,278  
    CAC Next 20 Air France-KLM 630.11 73.060   7/15/19 87.620 46,036        2,268,030 -259,314  
6/04/18 Buy MDAX short Metro 3,768.63 11.605   6/11/18 11.295 43,735        2,311,765 -303,049  
    IPC Volaris 96,120.88 0.455   1/20/20 0.941 43,735        2,355,500 -346,784  
6/11/18 Sell MDAX short Metro 3,768.63 11.295 11.924 6/04/18 11.605 -43,735 44,935 1,200 1,909,916  2,311,765 -301,849 2,009,916
    HSI-C&I China Merchants 28,504.74 1.888 1.784 3/05/18 1.836 -52,329 50,855 -1,474 1,908,443  2,259,436 -250,994 2,008,443
    OBX 25 Lerøy Seafood 9,937.72 5.742 2.255 1/29/18 3.998 -39,734 22,409 -17,325 1,891,117  2,219,702 -228,585 1,991,117
    MerVal San Miguel 11,737.79 3.425 4.381 4/30/18 3.873 -45,464 51,422 5,958 1,897,075  2,174,238 -177,163 1,997,075
    FT 30 National Grid 41.31 944.977 941.871 1/22/18 943.424 -38,973 38,909 -64 1,897,011  2,135,266 -138,254 1,997,011
  Buy MDAX long Aroundtown 6,369.84 7.295   6/25/18 7.170 46,468        2,181,734 -184,722  
    HSI-C&I Sunny Optical 2,532.92 18.346   7/09/18 15.740 46,468        2,228,202 -231,190  
    OBX 25 Petroleum Geo-Srvcs 10,829.18 4.291   6/25/18 3.754 46,468        2,274,670 -277,658  
    FT 30 Next 6.69 6,948.530   8/20/18 6,090.010 46,486        2,321,155 -324,144  
date B/S market l/s instrument pieces price prc short corresponding invest divest prf/loss acc p/l ∑ invest asset total
6/18/18 Sell ATX long Lenzing 464.32 94.500   8/15/16 97.010 -45,044 43,878 -1,165 1,895,846  2,276,112 -280,266 1,995,846
    DAX short Deutsche Bank 4,607.03 9.481 12.325 5/21/18 10.810 -49,802 56,783 6,981 1,902,827  2,226,310 -223,483 2,002,827
  Buy ATX Lenzing 470.72 94.500   8/06/18 108.400 44,483        2,270,793 -267,966  
    DAX long Deutsche Börse 389.86 114.100   10/15/18 109.900 44,483        2,315,276 -312,449  
    MerVal short Consultatio 39,589.71 1.124   9/24/18 0.982 44,483        2,359,759 -356,932  
6/25/18 Sell HSI long CNOOC 31,751.35 1.376   5/21/18 1.569 -49,802 43,699 -6,103 1,896,724  2,309,957 -313,232 1,996,724
    MDAX Aroundtown 6,369.84 7.170   6/11/18 7.295 -46,468 45,672 -796 1,895,928  2,263,489 -267,561 1,995,928
    HDAX Adidas 297.49 187.000   7/25/16 139.100 -41,381 55,631 14,250 1,910,178  2,222,108 -211,930 2,010,178
    OBX 25 Petroleum Geo-Srvcs 10,829.18 3.754   6/11/18 4.291 -46,468 40,657 -5,811 1,904,367  2,175,640 -171,273 2,004,367
  Buy HSI short WH Group 67,992.58 0.674   1/21/19 0.770 45,827        2,221,467 -217,100  
    OBX 25 REC Silicon 46,024.91 0.996   7/23/18 0.796 45,827        2,267,294 -262,927  
7/02/18 Sell Kospi 50 long LG HH & HC 47.44 1,075.470   5/07/18 1,013.350 -48,073 51,020 2,947 1,907,314  2,219,220 -211,907 2,007,314
    OMXS 30 Autoliv 265.70 86.639   4/23/18 92.491 -24,575 23,020 -1,555 1,905,759  2,194,646 -188,887 2,005,759
      Svenska Cellulosa B 2,693.71 9.281   4/23/18 9.123 -24,575 25,001 426 1,906,185  2,170,071 -163,886 2,006,185
    SP Global 100 Anglo American 38.06 1,858.240   9/12/16 972.585 -37,017 70,725 33,708 1,939,893  2,133,054 -93,161 2,039,893
  Buy Kospi 50 short LG Display 3,485.60 13.963   8/27/18 16.354 48,668        2,181,722 -141,829  
    OMXS 30 Getinge 3,136.23 7.759   7/09/18 8.181 24,334        2,206,056 -166,163  
      Fingerprint Cards 37,282.06 0.653   7/09/18 0.628 24,334        2,230,390 -190,497  
    SP Global 100 Deutsche Bank 5,325.31 9.139   7/15/19 6.885 48,668        2,279,058 -239,165  
7/09/18 Sell HSI-C&I long Sunny Optical 2,532.92 15.740   6/11/18 18.346 -46,468 39,869 -6,599 1,933,294  2,232,590 -199,296 2,033,294
    OMXS 30 short Getinge 3,136.23 8.181 7.337 7/02/18 7.759 -24,334 23,011 -1,323 1,931,970  2,208,256 -176,286 2,031,970
      Fingerprint Cards 37,282.06 0.628 0.678 7/02/18 0.653 -24,334 25,292 958 1,932,928  2,183,922 -150,994 2,032,928
    Indices IBEX 35 4.26 9,927.000 9,615.200 2/12/18 9,771.100 -41,625 40,961 -664 1,932,264  2,142,297 -110,033 2,032,264
  Buy HSI-C&I WH Group 69,213.60 0.694   2/11/19 0.833 48,055        2,190,352 -158,088  
    OMXS 30 long Ericsson 3,633.76 6.612   10/29/18 7.602 24,028        2,214,380 -182,115  
date B/S market l/s instrument pieces price prc short corresponding invest divest prf/loss acc p/l ∑ invest asset total
    Indices NASDAQ-100 7.76 6,192.600   7/23/18 6,302.880 48,055        2,262,434 -230,170  
7/16/18 Sell ISEQ 20 short Glanbia 1,391.14 15.550 12.890 1/08/18 14.220 -19,782 17,932 -1,850 1,930,414  2,242,652 -212,238 2,030,414
    NZX 50 long a2 Milk 7,656.19 6.530   5/21/18 6.505 -49,802 49,992 190 1,930,604  2,192,850 -162,246 2,030,604
  Buy ISEQ 20 Smurfit Kappa 659.35 35.420   7/23/18 34.040 23,354        2,216,204 -185,601  
      Dalata Hotel 3,266.29 7.150   7/23/18 7.030 23,354        2,239,558 -208,955  
    NZX 50 short Comvita 13,527.57 3.453   8/20/18 3.298 46,708        2,286,266 -255,663  
7/23/18 Sell ISEQ 20 long Smurfit Kappa 659.35 34.040   7/16/18 35.420 -23,354 22,444 -910 1,929,694  2,262,912 -233,218 2,029,694
      Dalata Hotel 3,266.29 7.030   7/16/18 7.150 -23,354 22,962 -392 1,929,302  2,239,558 -210,256 2,029,302
    OBX 25 short REC Silicon 46,024.91 0.796 1.246 6/25/18 0.996 -45,827 57,338 11,511 1,940,813  2,193,731 -152,918 2,040,813
    Indices long NASDAQ-100 7.76 6,302.880   7/09/18 6,192.600 -48,055 48,910 856 1,941,669  2,145,677 -104,008 2,041,669
  Buy ISEQ 20 short Ryanair 1,670.38 14.500   3/11/19 12.790 24,221        2,169,897 -128,229  
    OBX 25 long Petroleum Geo-Srvcs 10,758.45 4.503   9/10/18 3.119 48,441        2,218,338 -176,670  
    Indices short SSE 50 ew 179.79 269.427   7/30/18 270.249 48,440        2,266,779 -225,110  
7/30/18 Sell   short SSE 50 ew 179.79 270.249 268.606 7/23/18 269.427 -48,440 48,293 -148 1,941,521  2,218,338 -176,817 2,041,521
  Buy   long TecDAX 16.01 2,912.240   9/10/18 2,908.990 46,625        2,264,963 -223,442  
8/06/18 Sell ATX short Lenzing 470.72 108.400 80.600 6/18/18 94.500 -44,483 37,940 -6,543 1,934,978  2,220,480 -185,502 2,034,978
  Buy   long Verbund 1,361.48 33.960   8/13/18 33.000 46,236        2,266,716 -231,738  
8/13/18 Sell   long Verbund 1,361.48 33.000   8/06/18 33.960 -46,236 44,929 -1,307 1,933,671  2,220,480 -186,809 2,033,671
  Buy   short Raiffeisen Bank Int 1,805.67 25.570   7/15/19 21.860 46,171        2,266,651 -232,980  
8/20/18 Sell FT 30 long Next 6.69 6,090.010   6/11/18 6,948.530 -46,486 40,742 -5,744 1,927,928  2,220,165 -192,238 2,027,928
    NZX 50 short Comvita 13,527.57 3.298 3.615 7/16/18 3.453 -46,708 48,905 2,197 1,930,124  2,173,457 -143,333 2,030,124
  Buy FT 30 Abrdn 133.03 354.582   4/01/19 314.997 47,170        2,220,628 -190,503  
    NZX 50 long Xero 1,554.87 30.336   12/10/18 23.541 47,169        2,267,797 -237,672  
8/27/18 Sell S&P 100 short Philip Morris 722.73 68.711 66.768 5/14/18 67.739 -48,957 48,255 -702 1,929,422  2,218,839 -189,417 2,029,422
    Kospi 50 LG Display 3,485.60 16.354 11.572 7/02/18 13.963 -48,668 40,334 -8,334 1,921,089  2,170,171 -149,083 2,021,089
date B/S market l/s instrument pieces price prc short corresponding invest divest prf/loss acc p/l ∑ invest asset total
    TSX 60 long Bombardier 714.59 74.246   5/14/18 68.510 -48,957 53,056 4,099 1,925,187  2,121,215 -96,027 2,025,187
    Nikkei (FRA) short Nippon Electric Glas 989.77 26.840 20.860 3/19/18 23.850 -23,606 20,647 -2,959 1,922,228  2,097,609 -75,381 2,022,228
      NH Foods 710.60 31.260 35.303 3/19/18 33.220 -23,606 25,086 1,480 1,923,708  2,074,003 -50,294 2,023,708
  Buy S&P 100 long 597.90 82.514   10/29/18 67.549 49,335        2,123,338 -99,630  
    Kospi 50 Samsung BioLogics 140.38 351.427   10/29/18 279.642 49,333        2,172,671 -148,963  
    TSX 60 short Kinross Gold 19,167.41 2.574   2/25/19 3.116 49,335        2,222,006 -198,298  
    Nikkei (FRA) long Taiyo Yuden 966.22 25.530   9/10/18 23.080 24,668        2,246,674 -222,966  
9/03/18 Sell HSI-Prop long Hang Lung 6,979.34 1.711   3/20/17 2.459 -17,162 11,939 -5,223 1,918,486  2,229,512 -211,027 2,018,486
      The Wharf 5,544.55 2.489   3/20/17 3.095 -17,161 13,801 -3,361 1,915,125  2,212,351 -197,226 2,015,125
    Nordic 30 short Hennes & Mauritz 1,562.45 11.729 41.426 7/31/17 22.043 -34,441 64,727 30,286 1,945,411  2,177,910 -132,499 2,045,411
    DJ Global Titans General Electric 559.87 89.079 77.518 4/09/18 83.298 -46,636 43,400 -3,236 1,942,174  2,131,274 -89,099 2,042,174
  Buy HSI-Prop Henderson Land 5,417.05 4.507   1/21/19 4.868 24,413        2,155,687 -113,512  
    Nordic 30 long Ericsson 6,627.57 7.367   10/15/18 7.123 48,826        2,204,513 -162,338  
    DJ Global Titans Apple 997.09 48.969   11/26/18 38.491 48,826        2,253,339 -211,164  
9/10/18 Sell OBX 25 long Petroleum Geo-Srvcs 10,758.45 3.119   7/23/18 4.503 -48,441 33,551 -14,890 1,927,285  2,204,898 -177,613 2,027,285
    Nikkei (FRA) Taiyo Yuden 966.22 23.080   8/27/18 25.530 -24,668 22,300 -2,367 1,924,917  2,180,230 -155,313 2,024,917
    Indices TecDAX 16.01 2,908.990   7/30/18 2,912.240 -46,625 46,573 -52 1,924,865  2,133,605 -108,740 2,024,865
  Buy OBX 25 short REC Silicon 67,421.53 0.711   9/24/18 0.680 47,903        2,181,508 -156,643  
    Nikkei (FRA) Mitsui Ming & Smltg 1,081.82 22.140   5/27/19 17.360 23,951        2,205,460 -180,594  
      SUMCO 1,825.57 13.120   5/27/19 9.717 23,951        2,229,411 -204,546  
    Indices SSE 50 ew 188.24 254.477   3/11/19 313.972 47,903        2,277,314 -252,449  
9/17/18 Sell Nikkei (TYO) short NH Foods 1,415.87 29.507 37.682 3/19/18 33.345 -47,212 53,352 6,140 1,931,006  2,230,102 -199,096 2,031,006
9/24/18 Sell OBX 25 short REC Silicon 67,421.53 0.680 0.742 9/10/18 0.711 -47,903 50,034 2,131 1,933,136  2,182,199 -149,063 2,033,136
    MerVal Consultatio 39,589.71 0.982 1.286 6/18/18 1.124 -44,483 50,897 6,414 1,939,550  2,137,716 -98,166 2,039,550
  Buy OBX 25 long Petroleum Geo-Srvcs 13,620.90 3.563   10/08/18 3.645 48,534        2,186,250 -146,700  
date B/S market l/s instrument pieces price prc short corresponding invest divest prf/loss acc p/l ∑ invest asset total
10/08/18 Sell FTSE long Fresnillo 48.34 886.711   5/09/16 1,315.360 -63,585 42,864 -20,721 1,918,829  2,122,665 -103,837 2,018,829
    OBX 25 Petroleum Geo-Srvcs 13,620.90 3.645   9/24/18 3.563 -48,534 49,643 1,109 1,919,938  2,074,131 -54,194 2,019,938
  Buy FTSE short Fresnillo 55.42 886.711   2/11/19 1,108.490 49,142        2,123,273 -103,335  
    OMXC 20 Danske Bank 2,557.39 19.216   10/22/18 17.486 49,143        2,172,416 -152,479  
    OBX 25 REC Silicon 80,814.01 0.608   4/15/19 0.719 49,143        2,221,559 -201,622  
    MerVal Supervielle 38,074.69 1.291   10/29/18 1.421 49,143        2,270,702 -250,765  
10/15/18 Sell DAX long Deutsche Börse 389.86 109.900   6/18/18 114.100 -44,483 42,846 -1,637 1,918,300  2,226,219 -207,919 2,018,300
    Europe 50 LVMH 174.88 260.450   4/23/18 281.050 -49,150 45,548 -3,603 1,914,698  2,177,069 -162,371 2,014,698
    Nordic 30 Ericsson 6,627.57 7.123   9/03/18 7.367 -48,826 47,208 -1,618 1,913,080  2,128,243 -115,163 2,013,080
  Buy DAX short Continental 411.39 115.333   11/12/18 113.583 47,447        2,175,690 -162,610  
    Europe 50 Intesa Sanpaolo 23,241.24 2.042   11/12/18 1.960 47,447        2,223,137 -210,057  
    Nordic 30 Danske Bank 2,535.71 18.712   2/11/19 16.674 47,447        2,270,584 -257,504  
    Nikkei (TYO) Sharp 3,117.31 15.221   11/04/19 10.638 47,447        2,318,031 -304,951  
10/22/18 Sell OMXC 20 short Danske Bank 2,557.39 17.486 21.117 10/08/18 19.216 -49,143 54,005 4,862 1,917,942  2,268,888 -250,946 2,017,942
  Buy   long GN Store Nord 156.98 281.400   10/29/18 274.000 44,174        2,313,062 -295,120  
10/29/18 Sell USA long Energy Recovery 3,493.78 6.189   3/07/16 7.782 -27,190 21,624 -5,566 1,912,376  2,285,872 -273,496 2,012,376
    S&P 100 597.90 67.549   8/27/18 82.514 -49,335 40,388 -8,948 1,903,428  2,236,537 -233,108 2,003,428
    Nasdaq 100 NVidia 32,795.97 4.074   3/21/16 0.754 -24,738 133,608 108,870 2,012,298  2,211,799 -99,501 2,112,298
    Kospi 50 Samsung BioLogics 140.38 279.642   8/27/18 351.427 -49,333 39,256 -10,077 2,002,221  2,162,465 -60,245 2,102,221
    OMXC 20 GN Store Nord 156.98 274.000   10/22/18 281.400 -44,174 43,013 -1,162 2,001,059  2,118,291 -17,232 2,101,059
    OMXS 30 Ericsson 3,633.76 7.602   7/09/18 6.612 -24,028 27,622 3,595 2,004,654  2,094,264 10,390 2,104,654
    MerVal short Supervielle 38,074.69 1.421 1.161 10/08/18 1.291 -49,143 44,201 -4,942 1,999,711  2,045,121 54,591 2,099,711
    DJTA long Alaska Air Group 340.48 53.552   3/14/16 71.870 -24,470 18,233 -6,237 1,993,475  2,020,650 72,824 2,093,475
  Buy USA short Western Digital 1,484.70 36.477   11/05/18 42.421 54,157        2,074,808 18,667  
    S&P 100 AIG 1,545.71 35.037   12/03/18 38.024 54,157        2,128,965 -35,490  
date B/S market l/s instrument pieces price prc short corresponding invest divest prf/loss acc p/l ∑ invest asset total
    Nasdaq 100 Western Digital 1,484.70 36.477   12/03/18 40.833 54,157        2,183,122 -89,647  
    Kospi 50 Amorepacific Group 1,134.15 47.751   12/17/18 51.987 54,157        2,237,279 -143,804  
    OMXC 20 Danske Bank 3,152.11 17.181   2/04/19 16.598 54,157        2,291,436 -197,961  
    OMXS 30 Boliden 1,419.95 19.070   2/04/19 21.765 27,079        2,318,514 -225,040  
      Electrolux 1,556.41 17.398   2/04/19 22.965 27,078        2,345,593 -252,118  
    DJTA Avis Budget 2,226.25 24.327   11/05/18 27.237 54,157        2,399,750 -306,275  
    Topix (TYO) Tokyo Electron 1,464.04 36.992   12/03/18 41.371 54,157        2,453,907 -360,433  
11/05/18 Sell USA short Western Digital 1,484.70 42.421 30.532 10/29/18 36.477 -54,157 45,331 -8,826 1,984,649  2,399,750 -315,101 2,084,649
    SSE 50 Founder Secs 63,660.58 0.714 0.947 3/05/18 0.822 -52,329 60,287 7,958 1,992,606  2,347,421 -254,815 2,092,606
    DJTA Avis Budget 2,226.25 27.237 21.416 10/29/18 24.327 -54,157 47,678 -6,480 1,986,127  2,293,264 -207,137 2,086,127
  Buy USA long Enphase Energy 9,935.07 4.728   12/24/18 4.064 46,974        2,340,238 -254,111  
    SSE 50 Bank of Shanghai 30,380.29 1.546   12/10/18 1.466 46,974        2,387,212 -301,085  
    ASX 50 short AMP 27,122.81 1.732   2/11/19 1.377 46,974        2,434,186 -348,059  
    DJTA long United Airlines 598.52 78.483   12/17/18 75.934 46,974        2,481,160 -395,033  
11/12/18 Sell DAX short Continental 411.39 113.583 117.110 10/15/18 115.333 -47,447 48,178 731 1,986,858  2,433,713 -346,855 2,086,858
    Europe 50 Intesa Sanpaolo 23,241.24 1.960 2.126 10/15/18 2.042 -47,447 49,416 1,969 1,988,826  2,386,266 -297,440 2,088,826
  Buy   long AstraZeneca 6.27 7,146.040   12/10/18 6,641.160 44,806        2,431,071 -342,245  
11/19/18 Sell QIX long Bechtle 2,834.90 23.500   7/04/16 15.730 -44,593 66,620 22,027 2,010,853  2,386,479 -275,625 2,110,853
  Buy DAX short Bayer 736.44 62.300   11/26/18 64.230 45,880        2,432,359 -321,505  
    QIX Bayer 736.44 62.300   4/01/19 58.260 45,880        2,478,239 -367,386  
11/26/18 Sell DAX short Bayer 736.44 64.230 60.370 11/19/18 62.300 -45,880 44,459 -1,421 2,009,432  2,432,359 -322,927 2,109,432
    DJ Global Titans long Apple 997.09 38.491   9/03/18 48.969 -48,826 38,379 -10,448 1,998,985  2,383,533 -284,548 2,098,985
  Buy DAX Merck (EMD) 465.90 97.360   12/10/18 95.600 45,360        2,428,893 -329,908  
    MerVal short Mirgor 6,588.81 6.884   12/10/18 7.995 45,360        2,474,253 -375,268  
    DJ Global Titans General Electric 848.38 53.466   4/01/19 72.073 45,360        2,519,612 -420,628  
date B/S market l/s instrument pieces price prc short corresponding invest divest prf/loss acc p/l ∑ invest asset total
12/03/18 Sell S&P 100 short AIG 1,545.71 38.024 32.050 10/29/18 35.037 -54,157 49,540 -4,618 1,994,367  2,465,455 -371,088 2,094,367
    Nasdaq 100 Western Digital 1,484.70 40.833 32.120 10/29/18 36.477 -54,157 47,689 -6,468 1,987,899  2,411,298 -323,399 2,087,899
    Topix (TYO) Tokyo Electron 1,464.04 41.371 32.612 10/29/18 36.992 -54,157 47,745 -6,412 1,981,487  2,357,141 -275,654 2,081,487
  Buy S&P 100 long Eli Lilly 432.55 104.369   12/10/18 100.411 45,145        2,402,286 -320,799  
    Nasdaq 100 Workday 305.52 147.765   12/10/18 140.535 45,145        2,447,431 -365,944  
    Topix (TYO) Eisai 560.12 80.598   12/10/18 74.923 45,145        2,492,576 -411,089  
12/10/18 Sell S&P 100 long Eli Lilly 432.55 100.411   12/03/18 104.369 -45,145 43,433 -1,712 1,979,775  2,447,431 -367,656 2,079,775
    Nasdaq 100 Workday 305.52 140.535   12/03/18 147.765 -45,145 42,936 -2,209 1,977,566  2,402,286 -324,720 2,077,566
    SSE 50 Bank of Shanghai 30,380.29 1.466   11/05/18 1.546 -46,974 44,544 -2,430 1,975,136  2,355,312 -280,176 2,075,136
    DAX Merck (EMD) 465.90 95.600   11/26/18 97.360 -45,360 44,540 -820 1,974,316  2,309,952 -235,636 2,074,316
    Europe 50 AstraZeneca 6.27 6,641.160   11/12/18 7,146.040 -44,806 41,640 -3,166 1,971,150  2,265,146 -193,996 2,071,150
    MerVal short Mirgor 6,588.81 7.995 5.774 11/26/18 6.884 -45,360 38,045 -7,315 1,963,835  2,219,786 -155,951 2,063,835
    NZX 50 long Xero 1,554.87 23.541   8/20/18 30.336 -47,169 36,603 -10,566 1,953,269  2,172,617 -119,348 2,053,269
    Topix (TYO) Eisai 560.12 74.923   12/03/18 80.598 -45,145 41,966 -3,179 1,950,090  2,127,472 -77,382 2,050,090
    BSE Sensex 50 Bajaj Finance 3,169.26 29.076   3/07/16 8.579 -27,190 92,150 64,960 2,015,050  2,100,282 14,768 2,115,050
  Buy S&P 100 short General Electric 1,091.24 48.793   4/01/19 72.073 53,245        2,153,527 -38,477  
    Nasdaq 100 Western Digital 1,452.20 36.665   1/28/19 38.469 53,245        2,206,772 -91,722  
    SSE 50 China Molybdenum 105,289.70 0.506   12/17/18 0.530 53,245        2,260,017 -144,967  
    DAX Covestro 1,228.26 43.350   2/25/19 49.970 53,245        2,313,262 -198,212  
    Europe 50 Bayer 875.74 60.800   2/11/19 68.170 53,245        2,366,507 -251,457  
    NZX 50 Metro Perf Glass 165,975.69 0.321   1/28/19 0.305 53,245        2,419,752 -304,702  
    Topix (TYO) Nitto Denko 1,203.46 44.243   1/14/19 46.163 53,245        2,472,997 -357,947  
    BSE Sensex 50 Yes Bank 26,482.14 2.011   12/17/18 2.227 53,245        2,526,242 -411,192  
12/17/18 Sell SSE 50 short China Molybdenum 105,289.70 0.530 0.481 12/10/18 0.506 -53,245 50,665 -2,580 2,012,471  2,472,997 -360,526 2,112,471
    Kospi 50 Amorepacific Group 1,134.15 51.987 43.516 10/29/18 47.751 -54,157 49,354 -4,803 2,007,667  2,418,840 -311,173 2,107,667
date B/S market l/s instrument pieces price prc short corresponding invest divest prf/loss acc p/l ∑ invest asset total
    DJTA long United Airlines 598.52 75.934   11/05/18 78.483 -46,974 45,448 -1,526 2,006,142  2,371,866 -265,725 2,106,142
    BSE Sensex 50 short Yes Bank 26,482.14 2.227 1.795 12/10/18 2.011 -53,245 47,525 -5,720 2,000,421  2,318,621 -218,200 2,100,421
  Buy SSE 50 long China Rwy Constr 30,642.75 1.536   12/24/18 1.423 47,055        2,365,676 -265,255  
    Kospi 50 NCsoft 125.59 374.678   6/10/19 354.207 47,056        2,412,732 -312,311  
    DJTA short Avis Budget 2,119.12 22.205   3/11/19 32.183 47,055        2,459,787 -359,366  
    BSE Sensex 50 long Nestlé India 3,424.30 13.742   7/29/19 15.160 47,055        2,506,842 -406,421  
12/24/18 Sell USA long Enphase Energy 9,935.07 4.064   11/05/18 4.728 -46,974 40,378 -6,596 1,993,826  2,459,868 -366,042 2,093,826
    DJIA Chevron 514.26 88.457   5/30/16 91.551 -47,081 45,490 -1,591 1,992,234  2,412,787 -320,552 2,092,234
    SSE 50 China Rwy Constr 30,642.75 1.423   12/17/18 1.536 -47,055 43,599 -3,457 1,988,778  2,365,732 -276,954 2,088,778
  Buy USA short United Natural Foods 5,325.69 8.505   12/31/18 9.235 45,295        2,411,027 -322,249  
    DJIA Goldman Sachs 330.75 136.947   4/29/19 185.027 45,295        2,456,322 -367,544  
    SSE 50 China Molybdenum 90,265.05 0.502   1/21/19 0.508 45,295        2,501,617 -412,839  
12/31/18 Sell USA short United Natural Foods 5,325.69 9.235 7.776 12/24/18 8.505 -45,295 41,410 -3,885 1,984,893  2,456,322 -371,429 2,084,893
  Buy   long Eli Lilly 424.51 100.908   3/16/20 115.911 42,836        2,499,159 -414,266  
1/14/19 Sell Topix (TYO) short Nitto Denko 1,203.46 46.163 42.324 12/10/18 44.243 -53,245 50,935 -2,310 1,982,583  2,445,914 -363,331 2,082,583
  Buy MerVal MetroGAS 64,691.45 0.664   2/04/19 0.711 42,981        2,488,895 -406,312  
    Topix (TYO) long Kansai Electric Pwr 2,993.54 14.358   2/18/19 12.748 42,981        2,531,876 -449,293  
1/21/19 Sell SSE 50 short China Molybdenum 90,265.05 0.508 0.496 12/24/18 0.502 -45,295 44,771 -524 1,982,059  2,486,581 -404,521 2,082,059
    HSI WH Group 67,992.58 0.770 0.579 6/25/18 0.674 -45,827 39,334 -6,493 1,975,566  2,440,754 -365,188 2,075,566
    HSI-Prop Henderson Land 5,417.05 4.868 4.145 9/03/18 4.507 -24,413 22,454 -1,959 1,973,607  2,416,341 -342,733 2,073,607
  Buy SSE 50 long Shandong Gold 11,338.77 3.816   2/04/19 4.009 43,271        2,459,612 -386,004  
    HSI Lenovo 66,972.60 0.646   5/27/19 0.649 43,271        2,502,883 -429,275  
    HSI-Prop China Res Land 6,313.43 3.427   8/19/19 3.652 21,635        2,524,518 -450,911  
      Link REIT 2,450.78 8.828   8/19/19 10.823 21,635        2,546,154 -472,546  
1/28/19 Sell Nasdaq 100 short Western Digital 1,452.20 38.469 34.861 12/10/18 36.665 -53,245 50,625 -2,620 1,970,987  2,492,909 -421,921 2,070,987
date B/S market l/s instrument pieces price prc short corresponding invest divest prf/loss acc p/l ∑ invest asset total
    ÖkoDAX (deprecated) Nordex 3,926.77 9.860 8.138 10/23/17 8.999 -35,337 31,956 -3,381 1,967,606  2,457,572 -389,965 2,067,606
    NZX 50 Metro Perf Glass 165,975.69 0.305 0.338 12/10/18 0.321 -53,245 56,033 2,788 1,970,395  2,404,327 -333,932 2,070,395
  Buy ÖkoDAX (deprecated) long Verbio 6,282.34 6.910   8/05/19 7.070 43,411        2,447,738 -377,343  
    NZX 50 Vista 17,805.26 2.438   3/16/20 0.946 43,411        2,491,149 -420,754  
2/04/19 Sell SSE 50 long Shandong Gold 11,338.77 4.009   1/21/19 3.816 -43,271 45,454 2,183 1,972,577  2,447,878 -375,300 2,072,577
    PSI 20 short CTT-Correios 16,221.28 3.110 2.566 5/28/18 2.838 -46,036 41,624 -4,412 1,968,165  2,401,842 -333,676 2,068,165
    OMXC 20 Danske Bank 3,152.11 16.598 17.785 10/29/18 17.181 -54,157 56,062 1,905 1,970,070  2,347,685 -277,615 2,070,070
    OMXS 30 Boliden 1,419.95 21.765 16.375 10/29/18 19.070 -27,079 23,252 -3,826 1,966,243  2,320,606 -254,363 2,066,243
      Electrolux 1,556.41 22.965 11.831 10/29/18 17.398 -27,078 18,413 -8,665 1,957,578  2,293,527 -235,949 2,057,578
    MerVal MetroGAS 64,691.45 0.711 0.618 1/14/19 0.664 -42,981 39,966 -3,015 1,954,563  2,250,546 -195,983 2,054,563
  Buy SSE 50 San’an Optoelectron 34,174.76 1.360   2/18/19 1.679 46,464        2,297,010 -242,447  
    PSI 20 long NOS 8,267.62 5.620   4/29/19 5.975 46,464        2,343,475 -288,911  
    OMXC 20 Vestas Wind Systems 3,251.35 14.291   7/15/19 15.722 46,464        2,389,939 -335,375  
    OMXS 30 Ericsson 3,031.79 7.663   6/03/19 8.592 23,232        2,413,171 -358,607  
      Getinge 2,364.36 9.826   6/03/19 12.242 23,232        2,436,403 -381,839  
2/11/19 Sell ASX 50 short AMP 27,122.81 1.377 2.178 11/05/18 1.732 -46,974 59,082 12,108 1,966,671  2,389,429 -322,757 2,066,671
    FTSE Fresnillo 55.42 1,108.490 664.927 10/08/18 886.711 -49,142 36,850 -12,291 1,954,380  2,340,287 -285,907 2,054,380
    HSI-Fin China Life Ins HK 20,627.07 2.127 2.741 5/21/18 2.414 -49,802 56,545 6,743 1,961,123  2,290,485 -229,362 2,061,123
    HSI-C&I WH Group 69,213.60 0.833 0.555 7/09/18 0.694 -48,055 38,441 -9,614 1,951,509  2,242,430 -190,921 2,051,509
    Europe 50 Bayer 875.74 68.170 53.430 12/10/18 60.800 -53,245 46,791 -6,454 1,945,055  2,189,185 -144,130 2,045,055
    Nordic 30 Danske Bank 2,535.71 16.674 20.998 10/15/18 18.712 -47,447 53,245 5,798 1,950,853  2,141,738 -90,885 2,050,853
  Buy ASX 50 long Fortescue Metals 12,371.61 3.961   3/09/20 4.945 48,999        2,190,737 -139,884  
    HSI-Fin AIA 5,936.75 8.254   5/20/19 8.758 48,999        2,239,736 -188,883  
    HSI-C&I Lenovo 75,838.11 0.646   5/27/19 0.649 48,999        2,288,735 -237,882  
    Europe 50 Roche 204.04 240.143   3/02/20 294.575 48,999        2,337,734 -286,881  
date B/S market l/s instrument pieces price prc short corresponding invest divest prf/loss acc p/l ∑ invest asset total
    Nordic 30 Vestas Wind Systems 3,299.33 14.851   6/03/19 14.590 48,999        2,386,733 -335,880  
2/18/19 Sell SSE 50 short San’an Optoelectron 34,174.76 1.679 1.040 2/04/19 1.360 -46,464 35,552 -10,912 1,939,941  2,340,269 -300,328 2,039,941
    Topix (TYO) long Kansai Electric Pwr 2,993.54 12.748   1/14/19 14.358 -42,981 38,163 -4,818 1,935,123  2,297,288 -262,165 2,035,123
  Buy SSE 50 Shandong Gold 10,535.29 4.207   7/08/19 5.268 44,323        2,341,611 -306,488  
    Topix (TYO) short Nintendo 1,868.72 23.718   7/01/19 32.729 44,323        2,385,934 -350,811  
2/25/19 Sell DAX short Covestro 1,228.26 49.970 36.730 12/10/18 43.350 -53,245 45,114 -8,131 1,926,992  2,332,689 -305,697 2,026,992
    TSX 60 Kinross Gold 19,167.41 3.116 2.032 8/27/18 2.574 -49,335 38,948 -10,387 1,916,605  2,283,354 -266,749 2,016,605
    Athex LC Attica Bank 1,619,046.05 0.127 0.000 4/02/18 0.030 -49,219 0 -49,219 1,867,386  2,234,135 -266,749 1,967,386
  Buy TSX 60 long Thomson Reuters (CA) 912.13 46.611   6/10/19 58.030 42,515        2,276,650 -309,264  
    Athex LC Terna Energy 6,402.86 6.640   9/16/19 7.400 42,515        2,319,165 -351,779  
3/04/19 Sell France short Innate Pharma 7,946.91 6.585 3.925 2/05/18 5.255 -41,761 31,192 -10,569 1,856,816  2,277,404 -320,588 1,956,816
    OMXH 25 Huhtamäki 1,072.26 32.340 31.760 7/24/17 32.050 -34,366 34,055 -311 1,856,505  2,243,038 -286,533 1,956,505
  Buy France long GTT 499.09 83.650   6/03/19 81.900 41,749        2,284,787 -328,281  
    OMXH 25 Neste 1,380.13 30.250   4/22/19 32.210 41,749        2,326,536 -370,030  
3/11/19 Sell IBEX 35 short ArcelorMittal 1,694.42 20.365 17.255 6/05/17 18.810 -31,872 29,237 -2,635 1,853,871  2,294,664 -340,793 1,953,871
    ISEQ 20 Ryanair 1,670.38 12.790 16.439 7/23/18 14.500 -24,221 27,459 3,238 1,857,109  2,270,443 -313,334 1,957,109
    DJTA Avis Budget 2,119.12 32.183 12.227 12/17/18 22.205 -47,055 25,911 -21,144 1,835,965  2,223,388 -287,423 1,935,965
    Indices SSE 50 ew 188.24 313.972 194.982 9/10/18 254.477 -47,903 36,703 -11,199 1,824,766  2,175,485 -250,720 1,924,766
    GEX InVision 1,183.32 16.400 51.316 5/22/17 29.010 -34,328 60,723 26,395 1,851,161  2,141,157 -189,997 1,951,161
  Buy IBEX 35 long Acciona 493.60 89.200   3/25/19 97.620 44,029        2,185,186 -234,026  
    ISEQ 20 Glanbia 1,186.13 18.560   5/13/19 16.050 22,015        2,207,201 -256,040  
      Irish Residential 14,332.36 1.536   5/13/19 1.590 22,015        2,229,216 -278,055  
    DJTA Union Pacific 298.19 147.654   3/09/20 118.466 44,029        2,273,244 -322,084  
    Indices Merval 58.72 749.771   8/05/19 804.230 44,027        2,317,271 -366,110  
    GEX Varta 1,223.03 36.000   5/13/19 43.250 44,029        2,361,300 -410,140  
date B/S market l/s instrument pieces price prc short corresponding invest divest prf/loss acc p/l ∑ invest asset total
3/18/19 Sell Germany short Bastei Lübbe 13,090.57 1.680 6.019 2/12/18 3.180 -41,628 78,796 37,168 1,888,329  2,319,672 -331,344 1,988,329
    Topix (FRA) Rakuten 5,022.52 7.290 7.819 1/01/18 7.550 -37,920 39,273 1,353 1,889,681  2,281,752 -292,071 1,989,681
    CAC Mid 60 Innate Pharma 7,946.91 6.585 3.925 2/05/18 5.255 -41,761 31,192 -10,569 1,879,112  2,239,991 -260,879 1,979,112
  Buy Germany long Varta 1,193.19 36.000   6/03/19 44.250 42,955        2,282,946 -303,834  
    Topix (FRA) Softbank Group 1,025.91 41.870   4/01/19 44.105 42,955        2,325,901 -346,789  
    CAC Mid 60 GTT 513.51 83.650   3/25/19 79.900 42,955        2,368,856 -389,744  
3/25/19 Sell IBEX 35 long Acciona 493.60 97.620   3/11/19 89.200 -44,029 48,185 4,156 1,883,268  2,324,827 -341,559 1,983,268
    CAC Mid 60 GTT 513.51 79.900   3/18/19 83.650 -42,955 41,029 -1,926 1,881,342  2,281,872 -300,529 1,981,342
  Buy IBEX 35 short DIA 67,643.27 0.621   10/21/19 0.441 42,020        2,323,892 -342,549  
    CAC Mid 60 DBV Technologies 3,257.36 12.900   4/08/19 16.400 42,020        2,365,912 -384,569  
4/01/19 Sell S&P 100 short General Electric 1,091.24 72.073 25.512 12/10/18 48.793 -53,245 27,840 -25,405 1,855,938  2,312,667 -356,729 1,955,938
    AEX KPN 12,254.12 2.785 2.795 4/17/17 2.790 -34,189 34,250 61 1,855,999  2,278,478 -322,479 1,955,999
    FT 30 Abrdn 133.03 314.997 399.141 8/20/18 354.582 -47,170 53,098 5,928 1,861,927  2,231,308 -269,381 1,961,927
    Topix (FRA) long Softbank Group 1,025.91 44.105   3/18/19 41.870 -42,955 45,248 2,293 1,864,219  2,188,353 -224,133 1,964,219
    QIX short Bayer 736.44 58.260 66.620 11/19/18 62.300 -45,880 49,062 3,182 1,867,401  2,142,473 -175,072 1,967,401
    DJ Global Titans General Electric 848.38 72.073 34.859 11/26/18 53.466 -45,360 29,574 -15,786 1,851,615  2,097,113 -145,498 1,951,615
  Buy S&P 100 long Eli Lilly 392.24 115.112   5/13/19 101.789 45,152        2,142,264 -190,649  
    AEX Galapagos 430.22 104.950   5/13/19 99.620 45,152        2,187,416 -235,801  
    FT 30 Diageo 12.42 3,635.520   6/03/19 3,786.890 45,153        2,232,569 -280,954  
    Topix (FRA) short Eisai 908.86 49.680   10/28/19 67.000 45,152        2,277,721 -326,106  
    QIX long MTU Aero Engines 220.25 205.000   3/09/20 185.550 45,151        2,322,873 -371,257  
    DJ Global Titans Procter & Gamble 488.41 92.447   4/22/19 94.127 45,152        2,368,024 -416,409  
4/08/19 Sell CAC Mid 60 short DBV Technologies 3,257.36 16.400 9.400 3/25/19 12.900 -42,020 30,619 -11,401 1,840,214  2,326,004 -385,790 1,940,214
  Buy   long GTT 434.43 89.450   5/20/19 79.850 38,860        2,364,864 -424,650  
4/15/19 Sell SDAX short Vossloh 982.61 42.350 42.651 2/05/18 42.500 -41,761 41,909 148 1,840,362  2,323,103 -382,741 1,940,362
date B/S market l/s instrument pieces price prc short corresponding invest divest prf/loss acc p/l ∑ invest asset total
    OBX 25 REC Silicon 80,814.01 0.719 0.498 10/08/18 0.608 -49,143 40,213 -8,930 1,831,432  2,273,960 -342,528 1,931,432
  Buy SDAX long Nordex 2,704.02 14.690   6/03/19 12.760 39,722        2,313,682 -382,250  
    OBX 25 DNO International 19,420.16 2.045   4/22/19 2.064 39,722        2,353,404 -421,972  
    MerVal short MetroGAS 99,678.80 0.399   7/01/19 0.431 39,722        2,393,126 -461,694  
    BAX long Adtran Networks 4,168.10 9.530   6/10/19 6.890 39,722        2,432,848 -501,416  
4/22/19 Sell BEL 20 short Anheuser-Busch InBev 439.99 79.840 91.133 2/19/18 85.300 -37,531 40,098 2,567 1,833,999  2,395,317 -461,318 1,933,999
    OMXH 25 long Neste 1,380.13 32.210   3/04/19 30.250 -41,749 44,454 2,705 1,836,704  2,353,568 -416,864 1,936,704
    OBX 25 DNO International 19,420.16 2.064   4/15/19 2.045 -39,722 40,079 357 1,837,061  2,313,846 -376,785 1,937,061
    DJ Global Titans Procter & Gamble 488.41 94.127   4/01/19 92.447 -45,152 45,972 820 1,837,882  2,268,694 -330,813 1,937,882
  Buy BEL 20 Colruyt 617.14 65.100   5/13/19 64.500 40,176        2,308,870 -370,988  
    OMXH 25 short Metsä Board 6,987.13 5.750   11/04/19 6.220 40,176        2,349,046 -411,164  
    OBX 25 Norwegian 94.86 423.523   12/02/19 380.224 40,175        2,389,222 -451,340  
    DJ Global Titans Schlumberger 986.88 40.710   4/29/19 38.835 40,176        2,429,398 -491,516  
4/29/19 Sell DJIA short Goldman Sachs 330.75 185.027 88.867 12/24/18 136.947 -45,295 29,393 -15,902 1,821,979  2,384,103 -462,123 1,921,979
    MIB Leonardo 4,818.06 10.415 6.865 2/12/18 8.640 -41,628 33,076 -8,552 1,813,427  2,342,475 -429,047 1,913,427
    PSI 20 long NOS 8,267.62 5.975   2/04/19 5.620 -46,464 49,399 2,935 1,816,362  2,296,011 -379,648 1,916,362
    DJ Global Titans short Schlumberger 986.88 38.835 42.676 4/22/19 40.710 -40,176 42,116 1,940 1,818,303  2,255,834 -337,532 1,918,303
  Buy DJIA long Walt Disney 317.26 124.562   3/09/20 91.003 39,519        2,295,353 -377,050  
    MIB Azimut 2,198.55 17.975   3/02/20 18.590 39,519        2,334,872 -416,569  
    PSI 20 short Pharol 248,547.17 0.159   10/21/19 0.102 39,519        2,374,391 -456,088  
    DJ Global Titans long Qualcomm 506.53 78.019   6/03/19 59.274 39,519        2,413,910 -495,607  
5/06/19 Sell CAC 40 short Sanofi 605.06 76.710 61.330 2/05/18 69.020 -41,761 37,108 -4,653 1,813,650  2,372,148 -458,499 1,913,650
  Buy   long LVMH 105.63 344.400   6/03/19 340.500 36,379        2,408,527 -494,878  
5/13/19 Sell S&P 100 long Eli Lilly 392.24 101.789   4/01/19 115.112 -45,152 39,926 -5,226 1,808,424  2,363,376 -454,952 1,908,424
    AEX Galapagos 430.22 99.620   4/01/19 104.950 -45,152 42,859 -2,293 1,806,131  2,318,224 -412,094 1,906,131
date B/S market l/s instrument pieces price prc short corresponding invest divest prf/loss acc p/l ∑ invest asset total
    ISEQ 20 Glanbia 1,186.13 16.050   3/11/19 18.560 -22,015 19,037 -2,977 1,803,154  2,296,210 -393,056 1,903,154
      Irish Residential 14,332.36 1.590   3/11/19 1.536 -22,015 22,788 774 1,803,928  2,274,195 -370,268 1,903,928
    BEL 20 Colruyt 617.14 64.500   4/22/19 65.100 -40,176 39,806 -370 1,803,557  2,234,019 -330,462 1,903,557
    GEX Varta 1,223.03 43.250   3/11/19 36.000 -44,029 52,896 8,867 1,812,424  2,189,990 -277,566 1,912,424
  Buy S&P 100 short Kraft Heinz 1,436.43 28.453   5/20/19 28.458 40,871        2,230,861 -318,437  
    AEX ArcelorMittal 2,653.96 15.400   11/18/19 14.664 40,871        2,271,732 -359,308  
    ISEQ 20 Ryanair 1,966.84 10.390   11/04/19 13.440 20,435        2,292,168 -379,744  
    BEL 20 Umicore 1,362.82 29.990   7/15/19 26.460 40,871        2,333,039 -420,615  
    GEX elumeo 27,615.54 1.480   6/15/20 1.290 40,871        2,373,910 -461,486  
5/20/19 Sell S&P 100 short Kraft Heinz 1,436.43 28.458 28.448 5/13/19 28.453 -40,871 40,864 -7 1,812,417  2,333,039 -420,622 1,912,417
    HSI-Fin long AIA 5,936.75 8.758   2/11/19 8.254 -48,999 51,993 2,994 1,815,411  2,284,040 -368,629 1,915,411
    CAC Mid 60 GTT 434.43 79.850   4/08/19 89.450 -38,860 34,689 -4,171 1,811,240  2,245,180 -333,940 1,911,240
  Buy S&P 100 Qualcomm 574.89 68.590   10/07/19 69.423 39,432        2,284,612 -373,372  
    HSI-Fin short Bank of East Asia 14,338.91 2.750   12/23/19 2.015 39,432        2,324,044 -412,804  
    CAC Mid 60 Eramet 770.16 51.200   12/09/19 39.940 39,432        2,363,476 -452,236  
5/27/19 Sell HSI long Lenovo 66,972.60 0.649   1/21/19 0.646 -43,271 43,459 188 1,811,428  2,320,205 -408,777 1,911,428
    HSI-C&I Lenovo 75,838.11 0.649   2/11/19 0.646 -48,999 49,211 212 1,811,640  2,271,206 -359,566 1,911,640
    Nikkei (FRA) short Mitsui Ming & Smltg 1,081.82 17.360 28.236 9/10/18 22.140 -23,951 30,546 6,595 1,818,235  2,247,255 -329,020 1,918,235
      SUMCO 1,825.57 9.717 17.715 9/10/18 13.120 -23,951 32,340 8,388 1,826,623  2,223,303 -296,680 1,926,623
  Buy HSI AAC Technologies 8,461.67 4.816   12/30/19 7.658 40,748        2,264,051 -337,428  
    HSI-C&I AAC Technologies 8,461.67 4.816   12/23/19 7.580 40,748        2,304,799 -378,176  
    Nikkei (FRA) long Daiichi Sankyo 1,354.65 15.040   6/10/19 16.360 20,374        2,325,173 -398,550  
      Rakuten 2,191.93 9.295   6/10/19 9.600 20,374        2,345,547 -418,924  
6/03/19 Sell France long GTT 499.09 81.900   3/04/19 83.650 -41,749 40,875 -873 1,825,750  2,303,798 -378,048 1,925,750
    Germany Varta 1,193.19 44.250   3/18/19 36.000 -42,955 52,799 9,844 1,835,594  2,260,843 -325,250 1,935,594
date B/S market l/s instrument pieces price prc short corresponding invest divest prf/loss acc p/l ∑ invest asset total
    CAC 40 LVMH 105.63 340.500   5/06/19 344.400 -36,379 35,967 -412 1,835,182  2,224,464 -289,283 1,935,182
    SDAX Nordex 2,704.02 12.760   4/15/19 14.690 -39,722 34,503 -5,219 1,829,963  2,184,742 -254,779 1,929,963
    OMXS 30 Ericsson 3,031.79 8.592   2/04/19 7.663 -23,232 26,049 2,817 1,832,780  2,161,510 -228,730 1,932,780
      Getinge 2,364.36 12.242   2/04/19 9.826 -23,232 28,945 5,713 1,838,493  2,138,278 -199,785 1,938,493
    Nordic 30 Vestas Wind Systems 3,299.33 14.590   2/11/19 14.851 -48,999 48,139 -860 1,837,633  2,089,279 -151,647 1,937,633
    FT 30 Diageo 12.42 3,786.890   4/01/19 3,635.520 -45,153 47,033 1,880 1,839,513  2,044,126 -104,614 1,939,513
    DJ Global Titans Qualcomm 506.53 59.274   4/29/19 78.019 -39,519 30,024 -9,495 1,830,018  2,004,607 -74,590 1,930,018
  Buy France short ArcelorMittal 3,478.70 13.334   9/02/19 12.876 46,385        2,050,992 -120,975  
    CAC 40 ArcelorMittal 3,478.70 13.334   10/28/19 14.270 46,385        2,097,377 -167,360  
    OMXS 30 Swedbank 1,822.97 12.722   6/10/19 13.328 23,193        2,120,570 -190,552  
      Autoliv 414.20 55.993   6/10/19 60.784 23,192        2,143,762 -213,745  
    Nordic 30 Pandora 1,440.33 32.205   7/08/19 33.641 46,385        2,190,147 -260,130  
    FT 30 ITV 391.64 118.439   7/08/19 125.657 46,385        2,236,533 -306,515  
    DJ Global Titans Schlumberger 1,469.85 31.558   6/10/19 31.341 46,385        2,282,918 -352,900  
6/10/19 Sell Kospi 50 long NCsoft 125.59 354.207   12/17/18 374.678 -47,056 44,485 -2,571 1,827,447  2,235,862 -308,415 1,927,447
    TSX 60 Thomson Reuters (CA) 912.13 58.030   2/25/19 46.611 -42,515 52,931 10,416 1,837,863  2,193,347 -255,484 1,937,863
    OMXS 30 short Swedbank 1,822.97 13.328 12.117 6/03/19 12.722 -23,193 22,089 -1,103 1,836,759  2,170,154 -233,395 1,936,759
      Autoliv 414.20 60.784 51.203 6/03/19 55.993 -23,192 21,208 -1,984 1,834,775  2,146,962 -212,187 1,934,775
    Nikkei (FRA) long Daiichi Sankyo 1,354.65 16.360   5/27/19 15.040 -20,374 22,162 1,788 1,836,563  2,126,588 -190,025 1,936,563
      Rakuten 2,191.93 9.600   5/27/19 9.295 -20,374 21,043 669 1,837,232  2,106,214 -168,982 1,937,232
    BAX Adtran Networks 4,168.10 6.890   4/15/19 9.530 -39,722 28,718 -11,004 1,826,228  2,066,492 -140,264 1,926,228
    DJ Global Titans short Schlumberger 1,469.85 31.341 31.775 6/03/19 31.558 -46,385 46,705 320 1,826,548  2,020,107 -93,559 1,926,548
  Buy Kospi 50 Hanwha Life 19,103.68 2.399   7/22/19 2.096 45,824        2,065,931 -139,383  
    TSX 60 SNC Lavalin 2,902.42 15.788   6/22/20 14.559 45,824        2,111,755 -185,207  
    OMXS 30 long Getinge 1,771.55 12.933   8/05/19 12.958 22,912        2,134,667 -208,119  
date B/S market l/s instrument pieces price prc short corresponding invest divest prf/loss acc p/l ∑ invest asset total
      Essity B 852.66 26.871   8/05/19 26.259 22,912        2,157,579 -231,031  
    Nikkei (FRA) short Toho Zinc 1,199.96 19.094   10/14/19 16.800 22,912        2,180,491 -253,943  
      Tokai Carbon 2,571.49 8.910   10/14/19 8.905 22,912        2,203,403 -276,855  
6/24/19 Sell SLI short Aryzta 6,681.08 1.007 32.422 9/04/17 5.714 -38,177 216,613 178,436 2,004,984  2,165,226 -60,242 2,104,984
  Buy   long Novartis 627.87 81.415   8/05/19 81.590 51,118        2,216,344 -111,360  
7/01/19 Sell MerVal short MetroGAS 99,678.80 0.431 0.366 4/15/19 0.399 -39,722 36,482 -3,240 2,001,745  2,176,622 -74,877 2,101,745
    Topix (TYO) Nintendo 1,868.72 32.729 14.707 2/18/19 23.718 -44,323 27,484 -16,839 1,984,906  2,132,299 -47,393 2,084,906
  Buy MerVal long Banco Macro 8,033.47 6.341   8/19/19 3.576 50,937        2,183,236 -98,330  
    Topix (TYO) Rakuten 4,974.46 10.240   7/08/19 9.736 50,937        2,234,173 -149,267  
7/08/19 Sell SSE 50 long Shandong Gold 10,535.29 5.268   2/18/19 4.207 -44,323 55,499 11,176 1,996,081  2,189,850 -93,769 2,096,081
    Nordic 30 short Pandora 1,440.33 33.641 30.769 6/03/19 32.205 -46,385 44,317 -2,068 1,994,013  2,143,465 -49,452 2,094,013
    FT 30 ITV 391.64 125.657 111.221 6/03/19 118.439 -46,385 43,559 -2,827 1,991,186  2,097,079 -5,893 2,091,186
    Topix (TYO) long Rakuten 4,974.46 9.736   7/01/19 10.240 -50,937 48,433 -2,504 1,988,682  2,046,142 42,540 2,088,682
  Buy SSE 50 short Bank of Shanghai 46,310.30 1.151   9/16/19 1.194 53,280        2,099,422 -10,740  
    Nordic 30 long Vestas Wind Systems 3,357.55 15.869   8/05/19 14.331 53,280        2,152,702 -64,020  
    FT 30 3i Group 41.86 1,272.750   8/05/19 1,159.540 53,277        2,205,980 -117,298  
    BAX SFC Energy 4,279.52 12.450   7/15/19 12.600 53,280        2,259,260 -170,578  
    Topix (TYO) short Eisai 1,056.89 50.412   9/09/19 45.191 53,280        2,312,540 -223,858  
7/15/19 Sell ATX short Raiffeisen Bank Int 1,805.67 21.860 29.910 8/13/18 25.570 -46,171 54,007 7,836 1,996,518  2,266,369 -169,851 2,096,518
    BEL 20 Umicore 1,362.82 26.460 33.991 5/13/19 29.990 -40,871 46,323 5,453 2,001,971  2,225,498 -123,527 2,101,971
    OMXC 20 long Vestas Wind Systems 3,251.35 15.722   2/04/19 14.291 -46,464 51,119 4,655 2,006,625  2,179,034 -72,409 2,106,625
    CAC Next 20 short Air France-KLM 630.11 87.620 58.500 5/28/18 73.060 -46,036 36,861 -9,174 1,997,451  2,132,998 -35,547 2,097,451
    BAX long SFC Energy 4,279.52 12.600   7/08/19 12.450 -53,280 53,922 642 1,998,093  2,079,718 18,375 2,098,093
    SP Global 100 short Deutsche Bank 5,325.31 6.885 12.131 7/02/18 9.139 -48,668 64,601 15,933 2,014,025  2,031,050 82,975 2,114,025
  Buy ATX long Verbund 1,133.88 48.440   9/30/19 50.200 54,925        2,085,975 28,050  
date B/S market l/s instrument pieces price prc short corresponding invest divest prf/loss acc p/l ∑ invest asset total
    BEL 20 Galapagos 360.87 152.200   8/26/19 148.800 54,924        2,140,900 -26,874  
    OMXC 20 short Ambu 3,983.80 13.787   7/22/19 13.649 54,925        2,195,825 -81,799  
    SP Global 100 long LVMH 144.52 380.050   3/09/20 338.000 54,925        2,250,749 -136,724  
7/22/19 Sell Kospi 50 short Hanwha Life 19,103.68 2.096 2.745 6/10/19 2.399 -45,824 52,440 6,616 2,020,641  2,204,925 -84,284 2,120,641
    OMXC 20 Ambu 3,983.80 13.649 13.927 7/15/19 13.787 -54,925 55,482 557 2,021,198  2,150,000 -28,803 2,121,198
  Buy Kospi 50 long Kia 1,607.36 32.544   8/26/19 31.266 52,309        2,202,310 -81,112  
    OMXC 20 Ørsted 615.59 84.974   8/05/19 83.070 52,309        2,254,618 -133,421  
7/29/19 Sell BSE Sensex 50 long Nestlé India 3,424.30 15.160   12/17/18 13.742 -47,055 51,911 4,856 2,026,054  2,207,563 -81,509 2,126,054
  Buy   short Yes Bank 41,350.21 1.236   8/19/19 0.968 51,113        2,258,676 -132,622  
8/05/19 Sell OMXC 20 long Ørsted 615.59 83.070   7/22/19 84.974 -52,309 51,137 -1,172 2,024,882  2,206,368 -81,486 2,124,882
    ÖkoDAX (deprecated) Verbio 6,282.34 7.070   1/28/19 6.910 -43,411 44,416 1,005 2,025,887  2,162,957 -37,069 2,125,887
    OMXS 30 Getinge 1,771.55 12.958   6/10/19 12.933 -22,912 22,955 43 2,025,930  2,140,045 -14,115 2,125,930
      Essity B 852.66 26.259   6/10/19 26.871 -22,912 22,390 -522 2,025,408  2,117,133 8,275 2,125,408
    Nordic 30 Vestas Wind Systems 3,357.55 14.331   7/08/19 15.869 -53,280 48,117 -5,163 2,020,245  2,063,853 56,392 2,120,245
    FT 30 3i Group 41.86 1,159.540   7/08/19 1,272.750 -53,277 48,538 -4,739 2,015,506  2,010,575 104,930 2,115,506
    SLI Novartis 627.87 81.590   6/24/19 81.415 -51,118 51,228 110 2,015,615  1,959,457 156,158 2,115,615
    Indices Merval 58.72 804.230   3/11/19 749.771 -44,027 47,224 3,198 2,018,813  1,915,431 203,382 2,118,813
  Buy OMXC 20 short Ambu 4,501.29 12.897   9/02/19 15.867 58,054        1,973,485 145,328  
    OMXS 30 SSAB 12,270.98 2.366   9/02/19 2.498 29,027        2,002,512 116,301  
      Swedbank 2,456.09 11.818   9/02/19 11.389 29,027        2,031,539 87,274  
    Nordic 30 Swedbank 4,912.17 11.818   9/09/19 12.751 58,054        2,089,593 29,220  
    FT 30 Marks & Spencer 280.73 206.797   9/30/19 208.040 58,054        2,147,647 -28,834  
    SLI UBS 5,886.81 9.862   11/25/19 11.203 58,054        2,205,701 -86,888  
    Indices IPC 32.27 1,799.250   10/07/19 1,999.220 58,062        2,263,763 -144,949  
8/19/19 Sell HSI-Prop long China Res Land 6,313.43 3.652   1/21/19 3.427 -21,635 23,055 1,420 2,020,233  2,242,127 -121,894 2,120,233
date B/S market l/s instrument pieces price prc short corresponding invest divest prf/loss acc p/l ∑ invest asset total
      Link REIT 2,450.78 10.823   1/21/19 8.828 -21,635 26,525 4,890 2,025,123  2,220,492 -95,369 2,125,123
    MerVal Banco Macro 8,033.47 3.576   7/01/19 6.341 -50,937 28,728 -22,209 2,002,913  2,169,555 -66,641 2,102,913
    BSE Sensex 50 short Yes Bank 41,350.21 0.968 1.579 7/29/19 1.236 -51,113 65,296 14,183 2,017,096  2,118,442 -1,345 2,117,096
  Buy HSI-Prop Sino Land 19,585.65 1.350   1/20/20 1.302 26,447        2,144,888 -27,792  
      Wharf REIC 4,840.76 5.463   1/20/20 5.193 26,447        2,171,335 -54,238  
    MerVal Comercial del Plata 2,330,088.11 0.023   12/16/19 0.028 52,893        2,224,228 -107,131  
    BSE Sensex 50 long Bajaj Finance 1,259.04 42.011   3/02/20 53.712 52,893        2,277,121 -160,024  
8/26/19 Sell Kospi 50 long Kia 1,607.36 31.266   7/22/19 32.544 -52,309 50,256 -2,053 2,015,043  2,224,812 -109,768 2,115,043
    BEL 20 Galapagos 360.87 148.800   7/15/19 152.200 -54,924 53,697 -1,227 2,013,816  2,169,887 -56,071 2,113,816
  Buy Kospi 50 short Hanmi Science 1,720.94 29.892   9/30/19 30.345 51,443        2,221,330 -107,514  
    BEL 20 Aperam 2,553.00 20.150   10/28/19 23.640 51,443        2,272,773 -158,957  
9/02/19 Sell France short ArcelorMittal 3,478.70 12.876 13.808 6/03/19 13.334 -46,385 48,035 1,650 2,015,466  2,226,388 -110,922 2,115,466
    OMXC 20 Ambu 4,501.29 15.867 9.928 8/05/19 12.897 -58,054 44,687 -13,367 2,002,099  2,168,334 -66,235 2,102,099
    OMXS 30 SSAB 12,270.98 2.498 2.233 8/05/19 2.366 -29,027 27,406 -1,621 2,000,478  2,139,307 -38,829 2,100,478
      Swedbank 2,456.09 11.389 12.264 8/05/19 11.818 -29,027 30,122 1,095 2,001,574  2,110,280 -8,706 2,101,574
  Buy OMXC 20 long Ørsted 597.03 87.636   10/14/19 84.133 52,321        2,162,601 -61,028  
    OMXS 30 Getinge 2,067.19 12.655   3/02/20 15.332 26,161        2,188,762 -87,188  
      Hennes & Mauritz 1,515.45 17.263   3/02/20 16.433 26,160        2,214,922 -113,349  
9/09/19 Sell Nordic 30 short Swedbank 4,912.17 12.751 10.886 8/05/19 11.818 -58,054 53,471 -4,583 1,996,991  2,156,868 -59,877 2,096,991
    SMI Roche 218.89 247.979 132.384 2/12/18 190.181 -41,629 28,978 -12,651 1,984,340  2,115,240 -30,900 2,084,340
    Topix (TYO) Eisai 1,056.89 45.191 56.236 7/08/19 50.412 -53,280 59,436 6,156 1,990,496  2,061,959 28,536 2,090,496
  Buy Nordic 30 long Genmab 283.97 186.551   3/02/20 207.684 52,975        2,114,934 -24,439  
    SMI Nestlé 523.94 101.108   2/03/20 100.107 52,975        2,167,909 -77,413  
    Topix (TYO) Daiichi Sankyo 2,602.29 20.357   3/09/20 17.808 52,975        2,220,884 -130,388  
9/16/19 Sell SSE 50 short Bank of Shanghai 46,310.30 1.194 1.107 7/08/19 1.151 -53,280 51,266 -2,015 1,988,481  2,167,604 -79,123 2,088,481
date B/S market l/s instrument pieces price prc short corresponding invest divest prf/loss acc p/l ∑ invest asset total
    Athex LC long Terna Energy 6,402.86 7.400   2/25/19 6.640 -42,515 47,381 4,866 1,993,347  2,125,089 -31,742 2,093,347
  Buy SSE 50 Kweichow Moutai 364.50 141.401   9/23/19 146.903 51,541        2,176,630 -83,282  
    Athex LC short Motor Oil Hellas 2,394.98 21.520   9/23/19 20.980 51,540        2,228,170 -134,822  
9/23/19 Sell SSE 50 long Kweichow Moutai 364.50 146.903   9/16/19 141.401 -51,541 53,546 2,005 1,995,353  2,176,629 -81,276 2,095,353
    Athex LC short Motor Oil Hellas 2,394.98 20.980 22.074 9/16/19 21.520 -51,540 52,867 1,327 1,996,679  2,125,089 -28,410 2,096,679
  Buy SSE 50 Bank of Shanghai 44,053.85 1.174   10/14/19 1.253 51,706        2,176,795 -80,116  
    Athex LC long Piraeus Financial 1,048.06 49.335   9/30/19 50.820 51,706        2,228,501 -131,822  
9/30/19 Sell Kospi 50 short Hanmi Science 1,720.94 30.345 29.440 8/26/19 29.892 -51,443 50,664 -779 1,995,901  2,177,058 -81,158 2,095,901
    ATX long Verbund 1,133.88 50.200   7/15/19 48.440 -54,925 56,921 1,996 1,997,896  2,122,133 -24,237 2,097,896
    Athex LC Piraeus Financial 1,048.06 50.820   9/23/19 49.335 -51,706 53,262 1,556 1,999,453  2,070,427 29,026 2,099,453
    FT 30 short Marks & Spencer 280.73 208.040 205.554 8/05/19 206.797 -58,054 57,705 -349 1,999,104  2,012,373 86,731 2,099,104
  Buy Kospi 50 long Naver 454.21 120.307   2/24/20 139.183 54,645        2,067,017 32,086  
    ATX short Schoeller-Bleckmann 1,002.66 54.500   10/28/19 52.500 54,645        2,121,662 -22,559  
    Athex LC Motor Oil Hellas 2,551.12 21.420   1/20/20 20.860 54,645        2,176,307 -77,204  
    FT 30 long Experian 18.64 2,931.390   10/07/19 2,856.440 54,641        2,230,949 -131,845  
10/07/19 Sell S&P 100 long Qualcomm 574.89 69.423   5/20/19 68.590 -39,432 39,911 479 1,999,583  2,191,517 -91,934 2,099,583
    FT 30 Experian 18.64 2,856.440   9/30/19 2,931.390 -54,641 53,244 -1,397 1,998,186  2,136,876 -38,690 2,098,186
    BSE Sensex 30 Tata Steel 56,411.82 0.416   2/20/17 0.687 -38,738 23,479 -15,259 1,982,926  2,098,138 -15,211 2,082,926
    Indices short IPC 32.27 1,999.220 1,599.280 8/05/19 1,799.250 -58,062 51,609 -6,453 1,976,473  2,040,076 36,397 2,076,473
  Buy S&P 100 Halliburton 3,163.60 16.697   10/21/19 17.590 52,821        2,092,897 -16,424  
    France Genfit 4,146.08 12.740   11/04/19 13.150 52,821        2,145,718 -69,245  
    FT 30 Marks & Spencer 275.62 191.644   10/21/19 231.109 52,821        2,198,539 -122,066  
    BSE Sensex 30 Tata Steel 126,912.54 0.416   7/13/20 0.401 52,821        2,251,360 -174,887  
    Indices long NZX 50 8.40 6,287.290   3/02/20 6,221.370 52,813        2,304,173 -227,700  
10/14/19 Sell SSE 50 short Bank of Shanghai 44,053.85 1.253 1.095 9/23/19 1.174 -51,706 48,221 -3,485 1,972,988  2,252,467 -179,479 2,072,988
date B/S market l/s instrument pieces price prc short corresponding invest divest prf/loss acc p/l ∑ invest asset total
    OMXC 20 long Ørsted 597.03 84.133   9/02/19 87.636 -52,321 50,230 -2,092 1,970,897  2,200,146 -129,249 2,070,897
    Nikkei (FRA) short Toho Zinc 1,199.96 16.800 21.701 6/10/19 19.094 -22,912 26,041 3,129 1,974,025  2,177,234 -103,208 2,074,025
      Tokai Carbon 2,571.49 8.905 8.915 6/10/19 8.910 -22,912 22,925 13 1,974,038  2,154,322 -80,283 2,074,038
  Buy SSE 50 long Kweichow Moutai 329.07 151.465   10/21/19 148.212 49,843        2,204,164 -130,126  
    HDAX short Hugo Boss 1,325.61 37.600   10/28/19 38.040 49,843        2,254,007 -179,969  
    OMXC 20 FLSmidth 1,642.19 30.352   10/28/19 33.437 49,843        2,303,850 -229,812  
    ÖkoDAX (deprecated) long PNE Wind 12,507.65 3.985   3/09/20 4.355 49,843        2,353,693 -279,655  
    Nikkei (FRA) Advantest 2,407.87 10.350   2/24/20 11.350 24,921        2,378,615 -304,577  
      Tokyo Electron 415.36 60.000   2/24/20 66.667 24,922        2,403,536 -329,498  
10/21/19 Sell S&P 100 short Halliburton 3,163.60 17.590 15.803 10/07/19 16.697 -52,821 49,994 -2,827 1,971,211  2,350,715 -279,504 2,071,211
    SSE 50 long Kweichow Moutai 329.07 148.212   10/14/19 151.465 -49,843 48,772 -1,070 1,970,141  2,300,873 -230,732 2,070,141
    IBEX 35 short DIA 67,643.27 0.441 0.875 3/25/19 0.621 -42,020 59,188 17,168 1,987,309  2,258,853 -171,544 2,087,309
    PSI 20 Pharol 248,547.17 0.102 0.247 4/29/19 0.159 -39,519 61,366 21,847 2,009,156  2,219,334 -110,178 2,109,156
    FT 30 Marks & Spencer 275.62 231.109 152.179 10/07/19 191.644 -52,821 41,944 -10,877 1,998,279  2,166,513 -68,234 2,098,279
  Buy S&P 100 long Target 497.70 101.971   3/02/20 97.674 50,751        2,217,264 -118,985  
    SSE 50 short PetroChina 66,030.44 0.769   12/16/19 0.741 50,751        2,268,015 -169,736  
    IBEX 35 long Cellnex 1,286.46 39.450   11/04/19 37.850 50,751        2,318,766 -220,487  
    PSI 20 EDP Renováveis 5,157.62 9.840   11/25/19 10.040 50,751        2,369,517 -271,238  
    FT 30 Next 6.42 7,900.100   11/11/19 7,681.380 50,719        2,420,235 -321,957  
10/28/19 Sell ATX short Schoeller-Bleckmann 1,002.66 52.500 56.576 9/30/19 54.500 -54,645 56,727 2,082 2,000,360  2,365,590 -265,230 2,100,360
    CAC 40 ArcelorMittal 3,478.70 14.270 12.398 6/03/19 13.334 -46,385 43,129 -3,256 1,997,104  2,319,205 -222,101 2,097,104
    HDAX Hugo Boss 1,325.61 38.040 37.160 10/14/19 37.600 -49,843 49,260 -583 1,996,521  2,269,362 -172,841 2,096,521
    BEL 20 Aperam 2,553.00 23.640 16.660 8/26/19 20.150 -51,443 42,533 -8,910 1,987,611  2,217,919 -130,308 2,087,611
    OMXC 20 FLSmidth 1,642.19 33.437 27.266 10/14/19 30.352 -49,843 44,776 -5,067 1,982,544  2,168,076 -85,533 2,082,544
    Topix (FRA) Eisai 908.86 67.000 32.360 4/01/19 49.680 -45,152 29,411 -15,741 1,966,802  2,122,924 -56,122 2,066,802
date B/S market l/s instrument pieces price prc short corresponding invest divest prf/loss acc p/l ∑ invest asset total
  Buy ATX long S Immo 2,244.06 22.400   3/02/20 25.750 50,267        2,173,191 -106,389  
    CAC 40 STMicroelectronics 2,430.71 20.680   12/02/19 21.800 50,267        2,223,458 -156,656  
    BEL 20 Galapagos 318.15 158.000   11/18/19 169.050 50,268        2,273,726 -206,924  
    OMXC 20 Genmab 261.69 192.084   3/09/20 193.821 50,266        2,323,992 -257,190  
    Topix (FRA) Daiichi Sankyo 2,669.52 18.830   12/02/19 19.500 50,267        2,374,259 -307,457  
11/04/19 Sell France short Genfit 4,146.08 13.150 12.330 10/07/19 12.740 -52,821 51,121 -1,700 1,965,102  2,321,438 -256,336 2,065,102
    IBEX 35 long Cellnex 1,286.46 37.850   10/21/19 39.450 -50,751 48,693 -2,058 1,963,044  2,270,688 -207,643 2,063,044
    ISEQ 20 short Ryanair 1,966.84 13.440 7.340 5/13/19 10.390 -20,435 14,437 -5,999 1,957,045  2,250,252 -193,207 2,057,045
    OMXH 25 Metsä Board 6,987.13 6.220 5.280 4/22/19 5.750 -40,176 36,892 -3,284 1,953,761  2,210,076 -156,315 2,053,761
    Nikkei (TYO) Sharp 3,117.31 10.638 21.777 10/15/18 15.221 -47,447 67,885 20,438 1,974,199  2,162,629 -88,430 2,074,199
  Buy France long STMicroelectronics 2,362.87 21.010   3/02/20 24.320 49,644        2,212,273 -138,074  
    IBEX 35 short DIA 272,469.81 0.182   11/11/19 0.132 49,644        2,261,917 -187,718  
    ISEQ 20 long Flutter 269.51 92.100   12/23/19 106.100 24,822        2,286,739 -212,540  
      Ryanair 1,846.88 13.440   12/23/19 14.450 24,822        2,311,561 -237,362  
    OMXH 25 Metso 8,138.36 6.100   12/09/19 5.278 49,644        2,361,205 -287,006  
    CAC Next 20 short Ubisoft 952.86 52.100   12/16/19 61.420 49,644        2,410,849 -336,650  
    Nikkei (TYO) long Advantest 4,683.00 10.601   3/02/20 10.706 49,644        2,460,493 -386,294  
11/11/19 Sell IBEX 35 short DIA 272,469.81 0.132 0.252 11/04/19 0.182 -49,644 68,744 19,100 1,993,299  2,410,849 -317,549 2,093,299
    FT 30 long Next 6.42 7,681.380   10/21/19 7,900.100 -50,719 49,314 -1,404 1,991,895  2,360,130 -268,235 2,091,895
  Buy Germany Varta 435.86 104.600   3/02/20 73.300 45,591        2,405,721 -313,826  
    MDAX short Hugo Boss 1,129.33 40.370   12/16/19 43.590 45,591        2,451,312 -359,417  
    IBEX 35 long Cellnex 1,232.19 37.000   11/25/19 37.630 45,591        2,496,903 -405,008  
    FT 30 short Marks & Spencer 207.68 219.526   12/02/19 224.563 45,591        2,542,494 -450,599  
11/18/19 Sell AEX short ArcelorMittal 2,653.96 14.664 16.173 5/13/19 15.400 -40,871 42,922 2,051 1,993,946  2,501,623 -407,677 2,093,946
    BEL 20 long Galapagos 318.15 169.050   10/28/19 158.000 -50,268 53,783 3,516 1,997,462  2,451,356 -353,894 2,097,462
date B/S market l/s instrument pieces price prc short corresponding invest divest prf/loss acc p/l ∑ invest asset total
  Buy AEX Galapagos 257.85 169.050   1/27/20 206.000 43,590        2,494,945 -397,483  
    BEL 20 short Colruyt 902.65 48.290   12/09/19 47.300 43,589        2,538,534 -441,072  
11/25/19 Sell IBEX 35 long Cellnex 1,232.19 37.630   11/11/19 37.000 -45,591 46,367 776 1,998,238  2,492,943 -394,705 2,098,238
    PSI 20 EDP Renováveis 5,157.62 10.040   10/21/19 9.840 -50,751 51,783 1,032 1,999,270  2,442,192 -342,922 2,099,270
    SLI short UBS 5,886.81 11.203 8.521 8/05/19 9.862 -58,054 50,160 -7,894 1,991,376  2,384,138 -292,762 2,091,376
  Buy IBEX 35 DIA 179,143.43 0.251   6/01/20 0.115 44,965        2,429,103 -337,727  
    PSI 20 Pharol 407,291.67 0.110   12/16/19 0.102 44,965        2,474,068 -382,692  
    SLI long ams-OSRAM 1,077.07 41.748   2/03/20 36.607 44,965        2,519,033 -427,657  
    BAX short STS 8,987.61 5.003   12/16/19 4.793 44,965        2,563,998 -472,622  
12/02/19 Sell CAC 40 long STMicroelectronics 2,430.71 21.800   10/28/19 20.680 -50,267 52,989 2,722 1,994,099  2,513,731 -419,633 2,094,099
    OBX 25 short Norwegian 94.86 380.224 471.753 4/22/19 423.523 -40,175 44,750 4,575 1,998,674  2,473,556 -374,882 2,098,674
    FT 30 Marks & Spencer 207.68 224.563 214.489 11/11/19 219.526 -45,591 44,545 -1,046 1,997,628  2,427,965 -330,337 2,097,628
    Topix (FRA) long Daiichi Sankyo 2,669.52 19.500   10/28/19 18.830 -50,267 52,056 1,789 1,999,416  2,377,698 -278,281 2,099,416
  Buy CAC 40 short Renault 1,053.52 43.215   12/30/19 42.600 45,528        2,423,226 -323,809  
    OBX 25 long BW LPG 5,850.57 7.782   1/13/20 7.829 45,528        2,468,754 -369,337  
    FT 30 Melrose 56.23 809.618   2/24/20 807.761 45,525        2,514,278 -414,862  
12/09/19 Sell BEL 20 short Colruyt 902.65 47.300 49.301 11/18/19 48.290 -43,589 44,501 912 2,000,329  2,470,689 -370,361 2,100,329
    OMXH 25 long Metso 8,138.36 5.278   11/04/19 6.100 -49,644 42,954 -6,690 1,993,639  2,421,045 -327,407 2,093,639
    CAC Mid 60 short Eramet 770.16 39.940 65.635 5/20/19 51.200 -39,432 50,549 11,117 2,004,756  2,381,613 -276,858 2,104,756
  Buy BEL 20 long Galapagos 233.15 196.000   3/02/20 191.450 45,697        2,427,311 -322,555  
    OMXH 25 short Nokia 14,620.70 3.126   12/30/19 3.296 45,697        2,473,008 -368,252  
    CAC Mid 60 long Viridien 17,941.50 2.547   1/13/20 2.978 45,697        2,518,705 -413,949  
12/16/19 Sell SSE 50 short PetroChina 66,030.44 0.741 0.798 10/21/19 0.769 -50,751 52,672 1,921 2,006,677  2,467,954 -361,276 2,106,677
    MDAX Hugo Boss 1,129.33 43.590 37.150 11/11/19 40.370 -45,591 41,955 -3,636 2,003,041  2,422,363 -319,322 2,103,041
    PSI 20 Pharol 407,291.67 0.102 0.119 11/25/19 0.110 -44,965 48,590 3,625 2,006,666  2,377,398 -270,732 2,106,666
date B/S market l/s instrument pieces price prc short corresponding invest divest prf/loss acc p/l ∑ invest asset total
    MerVal Comercial del Plata 2,330,088.11 0.028 0.018 8/19/19 0.023 -52,893 41,243 -11,650 1,995,015  2,324,505 -229,489 2,095,015
    CAC Next 20 Ubisoft 952.86 61.420 42.780 11/04/19 52.100 -49,644 40,763 -8,881 1,986,135  2,274,861 -188,726 2,086,135
    BAX STS 8,987.61 4.793 5.223 11/25/19 5.003 -44,965 46,940 1,975 1,988,109  2,229,896 -141,786 2,088,109
  Buy SSE 50 long San’an Optoelectron 19,321.00 2.518   1/27/20 2.950 48,658        2,278,554 -190,444  
    MDAX Delivery Hero 754.39 64.500   1/13/20 67.500 48,658        2,327,212 -239,103  
    SDAX Varta 403.47 120.600   2/03/20 73.700 48,658        2,375,870 -287,761  
    PSI 20 CTT-Correios 14,798.66 3.288   1/20/20 3.132 48,658        2,424,528 -336,419  
    MerVal Banco de Valores 255,556.72 0.190   3/02/20 0.209 48,658        2,473,186 -385,077  
12/23/19 Sell HSI-Fin short Bank of East Asia 14,338.91 2.015 3.753 5/20/19 2.750 -39,432 53,813 14,381 2,002,490  2,433,754 -331,265 2,102,490
    HSI-C&I AAC Technologies 8,461.67 7.580 2.051 5/27/19 4.816 -40,748 17,357 -23,391 1,979,099  2,393,006 -313,907 2,079,099
    ISEQ 20 long Flutter 269.51 106.100   11/04/19 92.100 -24,822 28,595 3,773 1,982,872  2,368,184 -285,312 2,082,872
      Ryanair 1,846.88 14.450   11/04/19 13.440 -24,822 26,687 1,865 1,984,737  2,343,362 -258,625 2,084,737
  Buy HSI-Fin China Life Ins HK 18,463.16 2.473   2/03/20 2.177 45,652        2,389,014 -304,277  
    HSI-C&I Sunny Optical 2,858.54 15.970   2/24/20 15.131 45,652        2,434,666 -349,929  
    ISEQ 20 short Glanbia 2,224.76 10.260   1/06/20 10.470 22,826        2,457,492 -372,755  
      Origin Enterprises 6,169.19 3.700   1/06/20 3.840 22,826        2,480,318 -395,581  
12/30/19 Sell HSI short AAC Technologies 8,461.67 7.658 1.973 5/27/19 4.816 -40,748 16,693 -24,055 1,960,683  2,439,570 -378,888 2,060,683
    CAC 40 Renault 1,053.52 42.600 43.839 12/02/19 43.215 -45,528 46,185 657 1,961,340  2,394,042 -332,702 2,061,340
    OMXH 25 Nokia 14,620.70 3.296 2.955 12/09/19 3.126 -45,697 43,204 -2,493 1,958,847  2,348,345 -289,498 2,058,847
  Buy HSI long Sunny Optical 2,843.19 15.558   2/03/20 14.947 44,233        2,392,578 -333,731  
    CAC 40 STMicroelectronics 1,844.58 23.980   1/27/20 26.140 44,233        2,436,811 -377,964  
    OMXH 25 Metso 7,682.01 5.758   1/27/20 5.578 44,233        2,481,044 -422,197  
1/06/20 Sell ISEQ 20 short Glanbia 2,224.76 10.470 10.050 12/23/19 10.260 -22,826 22,359 -467 1,958,380  2,458,218 -399,838 2,058,380
      Origin Enterprises 6,169.19 3.840 3.560 12/23/19 3.700 -22,826 21,962 -864 1,957,516  2,435,392 -377,876 2,057,516
  Buy   long Flutter 190.26 110.350   1/13/20 110.350 20,995        2,456,388 -398,871  
date B/S market l/s instrument pieces price prc short corresponding invest divest prf/loss acc p/l ∑ invest asset total
      Ryanair 1,445.97 14.520   1/13/20 14.520 20,995        2,477,383 -419,867  
1/13/20 Sell MDAX long Delivery Hero 754.39 67.500   12/16/19 64.500 -48,658 50,921 2,263 1,959,779  2,428,725 -368,945 2,059,779
    ISEQ 20 Flutter 190.26 110.350   1/06/20 110.350 -20,995 20,995 0 1,959,779  2,407,730 -347,950  
      Ryanair 1,445.97 14.520   1/06/20 14.520 -20,995 20,995 0 1,959,779  2,386,734 -326,955  
    OBX 25 BW LPG 5,850.57 7.829   12/02/19 7.782 -45,528 45,806 278 1,960,057  2,341,206 -281,149 2,060,057
    CAC Mid 60 Viridien 17,941.50 2.978   12/09/19 2.547 -45,697 53,430 7,733 1,967,790  2,295,509 -227,719 2,067,790
  Buy MDAX short K+S 4,222.21 10.895   2/17/20 8.920 46,001        2,341,510 -273,720  
    ISEQ 20 Glanbia 2,196.80 10.470   1/20/20 10.470 23,001        2,364,511 -296,721  
      Origin Enterprises 5,989.71 3.840   1/20/20 3.840 23,000        2,387,511 -319,721  
    OBX 25 REC Silicon 174,246.21 0.264   7/13/20 0.272 46,001        2,433,512 -365,722  
    CAC Next 20 SES 3,622.13 12.700   1/20/20 12.700 46,001        2,479,513 -411,723  
    CAC Mid 60 Ipsen 584.88 78.650   7/13/20 81.500 46,001        2,525,514 -457,724  
1/20/20 Sell HSI-Prop short Sino Land 19,585.65 1.302 1.400 8/19/19 1.350 -26,447 27,428 981 1,968,771  2,499,068 -430,296 2,068,771
      Wharf REIC 4,840.76 5.193 5.748 8/19/19 5.463 -26,447 27,823 1,376 1,970,148  2,472,621 -402,473 2,070,148
    ISEQ 20 Glanbia 2,196.80 10.470 10.470 1/13/20 10.470 -23,001 23,001 0 1,970,148  2,449,621 -379,473  
      Origin Enterprises 5,989.71 3.840 3.840 1/13/20 3.840 -23,000 23,000 0 1,970,148  2,426,620 -356,472  
    PSI 20 long CTT-Correios 14,798.66 3.132   12/16/19 3.288 -48,658 46,349 -2,309 1,967,839  2,377,962 -310,123 2,067,839
    Athex LC short Motor Oil Hellas 2,551.12 20.860 21.995 9/30/19 21.420 -54,645 56,112 1,467 1,969,306  2,323,317 -254,011 2,069,306
    IPC Volaris 96,120.88 0.941 0.000 6/04/18 0.455 -43,735 0 -43,735 1,925,571  2,279,582 -254,011 2,025,571
    CAC Next 20 SES 3,622.13 12.700 12.700 1/13/20 12.700 -46,001 46,001 0 1,925,571  2,233,581 -208,010  
  Buy HSI-Prop long China Res Land 5,239.50 4.336   2/03/20 3.807 22,720        2,256,301 -230,730  
    ISEQ 20 Flutter 205.89 110.350   1/27/20 105.450 22,720        2,279,020 -253,450  
      Ryanair 1,564.70 14.520   1/27/20 14.720 22,719        2,301,740 -276,169  
    PSI 20 short Pharol 445,480.39 0.102   6/01/20 0.084 45,439        2,347,179 -321,608  
    Athex LC long Public Power 10,503.70 4.326   2/03/20 4.110 45,439        2,392,618 -367,047  
date B/S market l/s instrument pieces price prc short corresponding invest divest prf/loss acc p/l ∑ invest asset total
    IPC Gentera 47,926.38 0.948   3/09/20 0.682 45,439        2,438,057 -412,486  
1/27/20 Sell SSE 50 long San’an Optoelectron 19,321.00 2.950   12/16/19 2.518 -48,658 56,995 8,337 1,933,908  2,389,399 -355,491 2,033,908
    CAC 40 STMicroelectronics 1,844.58 26.140   12/30/19 23.980 -44,233 48,217 3,984 1,937,892  2,345,166 -307,274 2,037,892
    AEX Galapagos 257.85 206.000   11/18/19 169.050 -43,590 53,117 9,528 1,947,420  2,301,576 -254,157 2,047,420
    ISEQ 20 Flutter 205.89 105.450   1/20/20 110.350 -22,720 21,711 -1,009 1,946,411  2,278,856 -232,446 2,046,411
      Ryanair 1,564.70 14.720   1/20/20 14.520 -22,719 23,032 313 1,946,724  2,256,137 -209,413 2,046,724
    OMXH 25 Metso 7,682.01 5.578   12/30/19 5.758 -44,233 42,850 -1,383 1,945,341  2,211,904 -166,563 2,045,341
  Buy SSE 50 short China Comms Constr 42,761.29 1.098   7/06/20 1.103 46,969        2,258,873 -213,532  
    CAC 40 Renault 1,338.15 35.100   8/10/20 24.080 46,969        2,305,842 -260,501  
    AEX ABN AMRO 3,017.60 15.565   6/29/20 7.744 46,969        2,352,811 -307,470  
    ISEQ 20 Origin Enterprises 6,279.28 3.740   6/22/20 2.660 23,485        2,376,295 -330,954  
      AIB 8,848.72 2.654   6/22/20 1.062 23,485        2,399,780 -354,439  
    OMXH 25 Nokian Tyres 2,087.51 22.500   6/22/20 19.640 46,969        2,446,749 -401,408  
2/03/20 Sell HSI long Sunny Optical 2,843.19 14.947   12/30/19 15.558 -44,233 42,497 -1,736 1,943,605  2,402,516 -358,911 2,043,605
    SDAX Varta 403.47 73.700   12/16/19 120.600 -48,658 29,736 -18,923 1,924,682  2,353,858 -329,175 2,024,682
    HSI-Fin China Life Ins HK 18,463.16 2.177   12/23/19 2.473 -45,652 40,191 -5,461 1,919,221  2,308,206 -288,985 2,019,221
    HSI-Prop China Res Land 5,239.50 3.807   1/20/20 4.336 -22,720 19,945 -2,775 1,916,446  2,285,486 -269,040 2,016,446
    Athex LC Public Power 10,503.70 4.110   1/20/20 4.326 -45,439 43,170 -2,269 1,914,177  2,240,047 -225,870 2,014,177
    SMI Nestlé 523.94 100.107   9/09/19 101.108 -52,975 52,450 -524 1,913,653  2,187,072 -173,420 2,013,653
    SLI ams-OSRAM 1,077.07 36.607   11/25/19 41.748 -44,965 39,428 -5,537 1,908,116  2,142,107 -133,992 2,008,116
  Buy HSI short Bank of East Asia 24,043.21 1.949   6/29/20 2.009 46,853        2,188,960 -180,845  
    SDAX Heidelberger Druck 53,668.96 0.873   2/17/20 0.913 46,853        2,235,813 -227,698  
    HSI-Fin Bank of East Asia 24,043.21 1.949   11/30/20 1.858 46,853        2,282,666 -274,551  
    HSI-Prop Sino Land 19,092.50 1.227   8/17/20 0.999 23,427        2,306,093 -297,977  
      Wharf REIC 5,056.33 4.633   8/17/20 3.458 23,426        2,329,519 -321,404  
date B/S market l/s instrument pieces price prc short corresponding invest divest prf/loss acc p/l ∑ invest asset total
    Athex LC Motor Oil Hellas 2,512.23 18.650   6/29/20 12.630 46,853        2,376,372 -368,257  
    SMI Swatch 204.20 229.446   2/17/20 237.871 46,853        2,423,225 -415,110  
    SLI Swatch 204.20 229.446   9/28/20 200.720 46,853        2,470,078 -461,963  
2/17/20 Sell MDAX short K+S 4,222.21 8.920 13.307 1/13/20 10.895 -46,001 56,186 10,185 1,918,301  2,424,077 -405,776 2,018,301
    SDAX Heidelberger Druck 53,668.96 0.913 0.833 2/03/20 0.873 -46,853 44,706 -2,147 1,916,154  2,377,224 -361,070 2,016,154
    SMI Swatch 204.20 237.871 221.021 2/03/20 229.446 -46,853 45,132 -1,720 1,914,434  2,330,371 -315,938 2,014,434
  Buy MDAX long Delivery Hero 537.49 79.000   2/24/20 72.760 42,462        2,372,833 -358,399  
    SDAX HelloFresh 1,761.91 24.100   3/02/20 22.100 42,462        2,415,295 -400,861  
    SMI Lonza 108.27 392.186   3/02/20 366.276 42,462        2,457,757 -443,323  
2/24/20 Sell Kospi 50 long Naver 454.21 139.183   9/30/19 120.307 -54,645 63,218 8,574 1,923,007  2,403,112 -380,105 2,023,007
    MDAX Delivery Hero 537.49 72.760   2/17/20 79.000 -42,462 39,108 -3,354 1,919,653  2,360,651 -340,997 2,019,653
    HSI-C&I Sunny Optical 2,858.54 15.131   12/23/19 15.970 -45,652 43,253 -2,399 1,917,255  2,314,999 -297,744 2,017,255
    FT 30 Melrose 56.23 807.761   12/02/19 809.618 -45,525 45,420 -104 1,917,150  2,269,474 -252,324 2,017,150
    Nikkei (FRA) Advantest 2,407.87 11.350   10/14/19 10.350 -24,921 27,329 2,408 1,919,558  2,244,552 -224,994 2,019,558
      Tokyo Electron 415.36 66.667   10/14/19 60.000 -24,922 27,691 2,769 1,922,327  2,219,631 -197,304 2,022,327
  Buy Kospi 50 short Hanmi Science 1,990.64 22.920   5/18/20 20.551 45,625        2,265,256 -242,929  
    MDAX K+S 5,607.79 8.136   12/07/20 8.362 45,625        2,310,881 -288,554  
    HSI-C&I PetroChina 119,876.51 0.381   7/13/20 0.314 45,625        2,356,506 -334,179  
    FT 30 BT Group 253.40 180.050   7/13/20 123.298 45,625        2,402,131 -379,803  
    Nikkei (FRA) Nissan Motor 5,515.59 4.136   8/17/20 3.311 22,812        2,424,943 -402,616  
      Kobe Steel 6,199.05 3.680   8/17/20 3.100 22,813        2,447,756 -425,428  
    DJ Global Titans Exxon Mobil 878.62 51.928   10/05/20 28.615 45,625        2,493,381 -471,053  
3/02/20 Sell S&P 100 long Target 497.70 97.674   10/21/19 101.971 -50,751 48,612 -2,139 1,920,189  2,442,630 -422,441 2,020,189
    France STMicroelectronics 2,362.87 24.320   11/04/19 21.010 -49,644 57,465 7,821 1,928,010  2,392,986 -364,976 2,028,010
    Germany Varta 435.86 73.300   11/11/19 104.600 -45,591 31,949 -13,642 1,914,367  2,347,395 -333,027 2,014,367
date B/S market l/s instrument pieces price prc short corresponding invest divest prf/loss acc p/l ∑ invest asset total
    ATX S Immo 2,244.06 25.750   10/28/19 22.400 -50,267 57,785 7,518 1,921,885  2,297,128 -275,243 2,021,885
    SDAX HelloFresh 1,761.91 22.100   2/17/20 24.100 -42,462 38,938 -3,524 1,918,361  2,254,666 -236,305 2,018,361
    MIB Azimut 2,198.55 18.590   4/29/19 17.975 -39,519 40,871 1,352 1,919,713  2,215,147 -195,434 2,019,713
    BEL 20 Galapagos 233.15 191.450   12/09/19 196.000 -45,697 44,637 -1,061 1,918,652  2,169,449 -150,797 2,018,652
    OMXS 30 Getinge 2,067.19 15.332   9/02/19 12.655 -26,161 31,694 5,534 1,924,186  2,143,289 -119,103 2,024,186
      Hennes & Mauritz 1,515.45 16.433   9/02/19 17.263 -26,160 24,904 -1,257 1,922,930  2,117,128 -94,199 2,022,930
    Europe 50 Roche 204.04 294.575   2/11/19 240.143 -48,999 60,105 11,106 1,934,036  2,068,130 -34,094 2,034,036
    Nordic 30 Genmab 283.97 207.684   9/09/19 186.551 -52,975 58,976 6,001 1,940,037  2,015,155 24,882 2,040,037
    MerVal Banco de Valores 255,556.72 0.209   12/16/19 0.190 -48,658 53,309 4,651 1,944,688  1,966,497 78,191 2,044,688
    SMI Lonza 108.27 366.276   2/17/20 392.186 -42,462 39,657 -2,805 1,941,883  1,924,035 117,848 2,041,883
    Indices NZX 50 8.40 6,221.370   10/07/19 6,287.290 -52,813 52,260 -554 1,941,329  1,871,222 170,108 2,041,329
    Nikkei (TYO) Advantest 4,683.00 10.706   11/04/19 10.601 -49,644 50,137 493 1,941,822  1,821,578 220,244 2,041,822
    BSE Sensex 50 Bajaj Finance 1,259.04 53.712   8/19/19 42.011 -52,893 67,626 14,733 1,956,555  1,768,684 287,870 2,056,555
  Buy S&P 100 short Occidental Pet 1,986.11 29.510   8/17/20 11.719 58,610        1,827,295 229,260  
    France Vantiva 9,007.22 6.507   6/08/20 4.091 58,610        1,885,905 170,650  
    Germany K+S 8,185.75 7.160   6/15/20 6.260 58,610        1,944,514 112,040  
    ATX Schoeller-Bleckmann 1,594.83 36.750   10/19/20 22.450 58,610        2,003,124 53,430  
    DAX Deutsche Lufthansa 5,362.31 10.930   7/13/20 8.732 58,610        2,061,735 -5,180  
    SDAX Koenig & Bauer 2,798.95 20.940   8/10/20 19.070 58,610        2,120,345 -63,790  
    HDAX K+S 8,185.75 7.160   8/24/20 6.520 58,610        2,178,955 -122,400  
    MIB Juventus Football 6,310.29 9.288   9/28/20 8.646 58,610        2,237,564 -181,010  
    BEL 20 Anheuser-Busch InBev 1,127.12 52.000   10/12/20 50.890 58,610        2,296,175 -239,620  
    OMXS 30 Electrolux 1,608.68 18.217   6/22/20 14.678 29,305        2,325,480 -268,925  
      Kinnevik 1,566.99 18.702   6/22/20 22.953 29,305        2,354,785 -298,230  
    Europe 50 Anheuser-Busch InBev 1,127.12 52.000   6/22/20 44.950 58,610        2,413,395 -356,840  
date B/S market l/s instrument pieces price prc short corresponding invest divest prf/loss acc p/l ∑ invest asset total
    Nordic 30 Equinor 4,210.16 13.921   6/22/20 13.062 58,610        2,472,005 -415,450  
    MerVal Edenor 208,354.07 0.281   5/18/20 0.282 58,610        2,530,615 -474,060  
    SMI Swatch 285.00 205.650   12/21/20 215.380 58,610        2,589,225 -532,671  
    CAC Next 20 SES 8,075.23 7.258   10/19/20 6.650 58,610        2,647,835 -591,281  
    BAX Koenig & Bauer 2,798.95 20.940   8/03/20 19.000 58,610        2,706,445 -649,891  
    Indices Athex Large Cap 32.15 1,823.290   8/03/20 1,479.090 58,619        2,765,064 -708,509  
    Nikkei (TYO) Kobe Steel 17,523.77 3.345   8/31/20 3.220 58,610        2,823,674 -767,119  
    BSE Sensex 50 Yes Bank 150,823.47 0.389   7/20/20 0.227 58,610        2,882,284 -825,729  
3/09/20 Sell DJIA long Walt Disney 317.26 91.003   4/29/19 124.562 -39,519 28,872 -10,647 1,945,908  2,842,766 -796,858 2,045,908
    ASX 50 Fortescue Metals 12,371.61 4.945   2/11/19 3.961 -48,999 61,171 12,172 1,958,080  2,793,767 -735,686 2,058,080
    OMXC 20 Genmab 261.69 193.821   10/28/19 192.084 -50,266 50,721 455 1,958,535  2,743,500 -684,965 2,058,535
    ÖkoDAX (deprecated) PNE Wind 12,507.65 4.355   10/14/19 3.985 -49,843 54,471 4,628 1,963,163  2,693,657 -630,494 2,063,163
    DJTA Union Pacific 298.19 118.466   3/11/19 147.654 -44,029 35,325 -8,704 1,954,459  2,649,628 -595,169 2,054,459
    IPC Gentera 47,926.38 0.682   1/20/20 0.948 -45,439 32,695 -12,744 1,941,716  2,604,189 -562,474 2,041,716
    Topix (TYO) Daiichi Sankyo 2,602.29 17.808   9/09/19 20.357 -52,975 46,342 -6,633 1,935,083  2,551,214 -516,132 2,035,083
    QIX MTU Aero Engines 220.25 185.550   4/01/19 205.000 -45,151 40,867 -4,284 1,930,799  2,506,063 -475,264 2,030,799
    SP Global 100 LVMH 144.52 338.000   7/15/19 380.050 -54,925 48,848 -6,077 1,924,722  2,451,138 -426,416 2,024,722
  Buy DJIA short Exxon Mobil 1,094.53 36.506   7/20/20 37.145 39,957        2,491,095 -466,373  
    Nasdaq 100 American Airlines 3,106.25 12.863   5/11/20 9.343 39,957        2,531,052 -506,330  
    OMXC 20 ISS 2,889.15 13.830   6/15/20 16.154 39,957        2,571,009 -546,287  
    ÖkoDAX (deprecated) Nordex 4,444.61 8.990   5/25/20 7.530 39,957        2,610,966 -586,244  
    DJTA American Airlines 3,106.25 12.863   6/08/20 17.984 39,957        2,650,923 -626,201  
    IPC Alpek 85,268.89 0.469   3/08/21 0.758 39,957        2,690,880 -666,158  
    Topix (TYO) JFE 5,921.75 6.748   5/25/20 6.228 39,957        2,730,837 -706,115  
    QIX Mercedes-Benz 1,305.57 30.605   8/17/20 42.335 39,957        2,770,794 -746,072  
date B/S market l/s instrument pieces price prc short corresponding invest divest prf/loss acc p/l ∑ invest asset total
    SP Global 100 DuPont 1,303.48 30.654   12/07/20 53.960 39,957        2,810,751 -786,029  
3/16/20 Sell USA long Eli Lilly 424.51 115.911   12/31/18 100.908 -42,836 49,205 6,369 1,931,091  2,767,914 -736,824 2,031,091
    Euro 50 Deutsche Post 1,054.02 20.560   5/16/16 26.850 -28,300 21,671 -6,630 1,924,461  2,739,614 -715,153 2,024,461
      Vinci 431.94 59.040   5/16/16 65.520 -28,301 25,502 -2,799 1,921,662  2,711,313 -689,652 2,021,662
    DJCA JetBlue Airways 902.77 9.506   8/31/15 19.906 -17,970 8,581 -9,389 1,912,273  2,693,343 -681,070 2,012,273
    DJUA NiSource 593.45 18.760   12/07/15 17.655 -10,477 11,133 656 1,912,929  2,682,866 -669,937 2,012,929
      American Water 194.50 106.441   12/07/15 53.870 -10,478 20,703 10,225 1,923,154  2,672,388 -649,234 2,023,154
    NZX 50 Vista 17,805.26 0.946   1/28/19 2.438 -43,411 16,846 -26,565 1,896,588  2,628,977 -632,389 1,996,588
  Buy USA short Occidental Pet 3,166.96 10.769   5/04/20 14.230 34,104        2,663,081 -666,493  
    Euro 50 ING Groep 3,651.39 4.670   8/03/20 6.056 17,052        2,680,133 -683,545  
      Anheuser-Busch InBev 493.55 34.550   8/03/20 46.325 17,052        2,697,185 -700,597  
    DJCA Boeing 293.70 116.117   4/27/20 118.849 34,104        2,731,289 -734,701  
    DJUA AES 1,731.89 9.846   12/07/20 17.212 17,052        2,748,341 -751,753  
      CenterPoint Energy 1,525.11 11.181   12/07/20 19.084 17,052        2,765,393 -768,804  
    NZX 50 Sky Network Telev. 20,564.40 1.658   10/26/20 0.876 34,104        2,799,497 -802,908  
3/23/20 Sell NZX 20 long Xero 1,849.36 31.706   10/09/17 19.988 -36,965 58,635 21,670 1,918,258  2,762,532 -744,274 2,018,258
  Buy   short Sky Network Telev. 31,536.79 1.010   6/08/20 0.986 31,849        2,794,381 -776,123  
4/27/20 Sell DJCA short Boeing 293.70 118.849 113.386 3/16/20 116.117 -34,104 33,301 -802 1,917,456  2,760,277 -742,821 2,017,456
  Buy   long Apple 487.35 65.384   5/04/20 67.200 31,865        2,792,142 -774,686  
5/04/20 Sell USA short Occidental Pet 3,166.96 14.230 7.307 3/16/20 10.769 -34,104 23,141 -10,963 1,906,493  2,758,038 -751,545 2,006,493
    DJCA long Apple 487.35 67.200   4/27/20 65.384 -31,865 32,750 885 1,907,378  2,726,173 -718,795 2,007,378
  Buy USA Tesla Motors 692.34 46.529   5/09/22 248.045 32,214        2,758,387 -751,009  
    DJCA short United Airlines 1,390.88 23.161   5/18/20 22.125 32,214        2,790,601 -783,223  
5/11/20 Sell Nasdaq 100 short American Airlines 3,106.25 9.343 17.711 3/09/20 12.863 -39,957 55,015 15,058 1,922,437  2,750,644 -728,207 2,022,437
  Buy   long Tesla Motors 646.72 50.030   2/28/22 258.867 32,355        2,782,999 -760,563  
date B/S market l/s instrument pieces price prc short corresponding invest divest prf/loss acc p/l ∑ invest asset total
5/18/20 Sell Kospi 50 short Hanmi Science 1,990.64 20.551 25.562 2/24/20 22.920 -45,625 50,884 5,259 1,927,696  2,737,374 -709,679 2,027,696
    DJCA United Airlines 1,390.88 22.125 24.246 5/04/20 23.161 -32,214 33,723 1,509 1,929,204  2,705,160 -675,956 2,029,204
    MerVal Edenor 208,354.07 0.282 0.281 3/02/20 0.281 -58,610 58,464 -146 1,929,058  2,646,550 -617,492 2,029,058
  Buy Kospi 50 long Samsung BioLogics 78.95 446.957   8/16/21 718.042 35,287        2,681,838 -652,779  
    DJCA Apple 488.79 72.197   5/25/20 73.129 35,289        2,717,127 -688,068  
    MerVal Banco de Valores 124,520.11 0.283   5/25/20 0.290 35,289        2,752,416 -723,357  
5/25/20 Sell DJCA long Apple 488.79 73.129   5/18/20 72.197 -35,289 35,745 456 1,929,514  2,717,127 -687,612 2,029,514
    ÖkoDAX (deprecated) short Nordex 4,444.61 7.530 10.733 3/09/20 8.990 -39,957 47,704 7,747 1,937,262  2,677,170 -639,908 2,037,262
    MerVal long Banco de Valores 124,520.11 0.290   5/18/20 0.283 -35,289 36,123 834 1,938,096  2,641,881 -603,785 2,038,096
    Topix (TYO) short JFE 5,921.75 6.228 7.311 3/09/20 6.748 -39,957 43,293 3,336 1,941,432  2,601,924 -560,492 2,041,432
  Buy DJCA United Airlines 1,589.02 23.299   6/01/20 26.464 37,023        2,638,947 -597,515  
    ÖkoDAX (deprecated) long PNE Wind 7,753.51 4.775   3/08/21 7.470 37,023        2,675,970 -634,538  
    MerVal short TGN 90,322.03 0.410   6/08/20 0.501 37,023        2,712,993 -671,561  
    Topix (TYO) long Ono Pharmaceutical 1,491.08 24.830   7/13/20 23.908 37,023        2,750,015 -708,584  
6/01/20 Sell IBEX 35 short DIA 179,143.43 0.115 0.549 11/25/19 0.251 -44,965 98,403 53,438 1,994,870  2,705,050 -610,180 2,094,870
    PSI 20 Pharol 445,480.39 0.084 0.124 1/20/20 0.102 -45,439 55,061 9,622 2,004,492  2,659,611 -555,119 2,104,492
    DJCA United Airlines 1,589.02 26.464 20.135 5/25/20 23.299 -37,023 31,994 -5,029 1,999,464  2,622,588 -523,125 2,099,464
  Buy TecDAX long Sartorius 118.20 333.400   8/10/20 332.200 39,408        2,661,996 -562,533  
    IBEX 35 Cellnex 778.81 50.600   6/15/20 50.240 39,408        2,701,404 -601,941  
    PSI 20 EDP Renováveis 3,246.13 12.140   7/27/20 14.020 39,408        2,740,812 -641,349  
    DJCA Apple 545.22 72.280   6/22/20 79.642 39,408        2,780,220 -680,757  
6/08/20 Sell France short Vantiva 9,007.22 4.091 10.351 3/02/20 6.507 -58,610 93,235 34,625 2,034,088  2,721,610 -587,522 2,134,088
    MerVal TGN 90,322.03 0.501 0.319 5/25/20 0.410 -37,023 28,822 -8,201 2,025,887  2,684,587 -558,700 2,125,887
    DJTA American Airlines 3,106.25 17.984 7.742 3/09/20 12.863 -39,957 24,050 -15,907 2,009,980  2,644,631 -534,651 2,109,980
    NZX 20 Sky Network Telev. 31,536.79 0.986 1.035 3/23/20 1.010 -31,849 32,631 782 2,010,762  2,612,782 -502,020 2,110,762
date B/S market l/s instrument pieces price prc short corresponding invest divest prf/loss acc p/l ∑ invest asset total
  Buy MerVal long Banco de Valores 135,459.75 0.297   9/21/20 0.227 40,218        2,653,000 -542,238  
    DJTA Avis Budget 1,407.02 28.584   6/15/20 23.341 40,218        2,693,218 -582,456  
    NZX 20 Fisher & Paykel HC 2,312.20 17.394   12/27/21 19.773 40,218        2,733,435 -622,673  
    Topix (FRA) Ono Pharmaceutical 1,779.56 22.600   6/22/20 25.600 40,218        2,773,654 -662,892  
6/15/20 Sell Germany short K+S 8,185.75 6.260 8.189 3/02/20 7.160 -58,610 67,036 8,426 2,019,188  2,715,044 -595,855 2,119,188
    IBEX 35 long Cellnex 778.81 50.240   6/01/20 50.600 -39,408 39,127 -280 2,018,908  2,675,636 -556,728 2,118,908
    OMXC 20 short ISS 2,889.15 16.154 11.506 3/09/20 13.830 -39,957 33,242 -6,715 2,012,193  2,635,679 -523,486 2,112,193
    DJTA long Avis Budget 1,407.02 23.341   6/08/20 28.584 -40,218 32,841 -7,377 2,004,816  2,595,461 -490,645 2,104,816
    GEX short elumeo 27,615.54 1.290 1.698 5/13/19 1.480 -40,871 46,891 6,020 2,010,836  2,554,590 -443,754 2,110,836
  Buy Germany long HelloFresh 1,095.61 38.040   10/26/20 46.500 41,677        2,596,267 -485,431  
    IBEX 35 short Banco Sabadell 127,726.02 0.326   11/30/20 0.326 41,677        2,637,944 -527,108  
    OMXC 20 long Ambu 1,434.68 29.050   10/04/21 24.538 41,677        2,679,621 -568,785  
    DJTA short United Airlines 1,206.41 34.546   7/06/20 31.119 41,677        2,721,298 -610,462  
6/22/20 Sell ISEQ 20 short Origin Enterprises 6,279.28 2.660 5.259 1/27/20 3.740 -23,485 33,020 9,535 2,020,371  2,697,813 -577,442 2,120,371
      AIB 8,848.72 1.062 6.633 1/27/20 2.654 -23,485 58,689 35,205 2,055,576  2,674,329 -518,753 2,155,576
    OMXH 25 Nokian Tyres 2,087.51 19.640 25.777 1/27/20 22.500 -46,969 53,809 6,840 2,062,416  2,627,360 -464,944 2,162,416
    TSX 60 SNC Lavalin 2,902.42 14.559 17.121 6/10/19 15.788 -45,824 49,693 3,869 2,066,285  2,581,536 -415,251 2,166,285
    DJCA long Apple 545.22 79.642   6/01/20 72.280 -39,408 43,422 4,014 2,070,299  2,542,127 -371,829 2,170,299
    OMXS 30 short Electrolux 1,608.68 14.678 22.609 3/02/20 18.217 -29,305 36,371 7,066 2,077,365  2,512,822 -335,458 2,177,365
      Kinnevik 1,566.99 22.953 14.450 3/02/20 18.702 -29,305 22,642 -6,663 2,070,702  2,483,517 -312,815 2,170,702
    Europe 50 Anheuser-Busch InBev 1,127.12 44.950 60.156 3/02/20 52.000 -58,610 67,803 9,192 2,079,894  2,424,907 -245,013 2,179,894
    Nordic 30 Equinor 4,210.16 13.062 14.837 3/02/20 13.921 -58,610 62,466 3,856 2,083,751  2,366,297 -182,547 2,183,751
    Topix (FRA) long Ono Pharmaceutical 1,779.56 25.600   6/08/20 22.600 -40,218 45,557 5,339 2,089,089  2,326,079 -136,990 2,189,089
  Buy ISEQ 20 Kingspan 453.20 56.600   9/14/20 70.150 25,651        2,351,730 -162,641  
      Flutter 203.50 126.050   9/14/20 128.100 25,651        2,377,381 -188,292  
date B/S market l/s instrument pieces price prc short corresponding invest divest prf/loss acc p/l ∑ invest asset total
    OMXH 25 Kojamo 2,755.21 18.620   9/07/20 19.900 51,302        2,428,683 -239,594  
    TSX 60 Shopify 638.30 80.373   10/26/20 87.769 51,302        2,479,985 -290,896  
    DJCA short United Airlines 1,581.61 32.437   7/06/20 31.119 51,302        2,531,287 -342,198  
    OMXS 30 long Svenska Cellulosa B 2,304.57 11.131   11/15/21 13.936 25,651        2,556,938 -367,849  
    Europe 50 ASML 159.05 322.550   6/29/20 322.200 51,302        2,608,240 -419,150  
    Nordic 30 Genmab 179.73 285.446   10/26/20 295.015 51,303        2,659,543 -470,454  
    Topix (FRA) short Mitsubishi Heavy 23,109.01 2.220   1/11/21 2.620 51,302        2,710,845 -521,756  
6/29/20 Sell HSI short Bank of East Asia 24,043.21 2.009 1.889 2/03/20 1.949 -46,853 45,410 -1,443 2,087,647  2,663,992 -476,345 2,187,647
    AEX ABN AMRO 3,017.60 7.744 31.285 1/27/20 15.565 -46,969 94,405 47,436 2,135,083  2,617,023 -381,940 2,235,083
    Athex LC Motor Oil Hellas 2,512.23 12.630 27.539 2/03/20 18.650 -46,853 69,185 22,332 2,157,415  2,570,170 -312,755 2,257,415
    Europe 50 long ASML 159.05 322.200   6/22/20 322.550 -51,302 51,246 -56 2,157,359  2,518,868 -261,509 2,257,359
  Buy HSI Tencent 893.44 55.847   8/03/20 59.199 49,896        2,568,764 -311,405  
    AEX Adyen 38.59 1,293.000   9/07/20 1,340.000 49,897        2,618,661 -361,302  
    Athex LC Terna Energy 5,268.85 9.470   7/27/20 10.540 49,896        2,668,557 -411,198  
    Europe 50 short Airbus 787.62 63.350   7/27/20 61.920 49,896        2,718,453 -461,094  
7/06/20 Sell SSE 50 short China Comms Constr 42,761.29 1.103 1.094 1/27/20 1.098 -46,969 46,785 -184 2,157,175  2,671,484 -414,309 2,257,175
    DJCA United Airlines 1,581.61 31.119 33.810 6/22/20 32.437 -51,302 53,475 2,173 2,159,348  2,620,182 -360,834 2,259,348
    DJTA United Airlines 1,206.41 31.119 38.352 6/15/20 34.546 -41,677 46,268 4,591 2,163,939  2,578,505 -314,566 2,263,939
  Buy SSE 50 long China Merchants Secs 13,229.99 3.684   11/16/20 2.734 48,734        2,627,239 -363,300  
    FTSE Scottish Mortgage 49.14 991.827   3/07/22 1,032.440 48,738        2,675,978 -412,039  
    DJCA Apple 589.99 82.602   6/20/22 124.982 48,734        2,724,712 -460,773  
    DJTA J.B. Hunt 456.32 106.798   10/04/21 142.379 48,734        2,773,446 -509,507  
7/13/20 Sell DAX short Deutsche Lufthansa 5,362.31 8.732 13.681 3/02/20 10.930 -58,610 73,363 14,753 2,178,692  2,714,836 -436,144 2,278,692
    HSI-C&I PetroChina 119,876.51 0.314 0.461 2/24/20 0.381 -45,625 55,227 9,602 2,188,294  2,669,211 -380,916 2,288,294
    OBX 25 REC Silicon 174,246.21 0.272 0.256 1/13/20 0.264 -46,001 44,555 -1,446 2,186,848  2,623,210 -336,362 2,286,848
date B/S market l/s instrument pieces price prc short corresponding invest divest prf/loss acc p/l ∑ invest asset total
    FT 30 BT Group 253.40 123.298 262.924 2/24/20 180.050 -45,625 66,625 21,000 2,207,849  2,577,585 -269,737 2,307,849
    BSE Sensex 30 Tata Steel 126,912.54 0.401 0.432 10/07/19 0.416 -52,821 54,877 2,056 2,209,904  2,524,764 -214,860 2,309,904
    CAC Mid 60 Ipsen 584.88 81.500 75.800 1/13/20 78.650 -46,001 44,334 -1,667 2,208,238  2,478,763 -170,526 2,308,238
    Topix (TYO) long Ono Pharmaceutical 1,491.08 23.908   5/25/20 24.830 -37,023 35,648 -1,375 2,206,863  2,441,741 -134,878 2,306,863
  Buy DAX Infineon 2,339.97 23.205   1/24/22 34.285 54,299        2,496,040 -189,177  
    HSI-C&I Geely Auto 25,100.08 2.163   8/10/20 1.840 54,299        2,550,339 -243,476  
    OBX 25 Gjensidige 3,018.41 17.989   9/07/20 17.484 54,299        2,604,638 -297,775  
    FT 30 Reckitt Benckiser 6.37 8,523.200   7/27/20 8,451.940 54,293        2,658,930 -352,068  
    BSE Sensex 30 Reliance Industries 2,396.08 22.662   6/17/24 33.030 54,299        2,713,229 -406,367  
    Topix (TYO) short West Japan Railway 2,439.53 22.258   7/20/20 21.896 54,299        2,767,528 -460,666  
7/20/20 Sell DJIA short Exxon Mobil 1,094.53 37.145 35.867 3/09/20 36.506 -39,957 39,257 -700 2,206,163  2,727,572 -421,408 2,306,163
    Topix (TYO) West Japan Railway 2,439.53 21.896 22.626 7/13/20 22.258 -54,299 55,198 899 2,207,062  2,673,273 -366,211 2,307,062
    BSE Sensex 50 Yes Bank 150,823.47 0.227 0.664 3/02/20 0.389 -58,610 100,162 41,552 2,248,614  2,614,663 -266,049 2,348,614
  Buy DJIA long Apple 605.64 85.965   6/20/22 124.982 52,064        2,666,726 -318,112  
    Topix (TYO) Yamato 2,317.02 22.470   8/10/20 22.354 52,064        2,718,790 -370,176  
    BSE Sensex 50 Aurobindo Pharma 5,407.34 9.628   8/03/20 9.810 52,064        2,770,854 -422,240  
7/27/20 Sell PSI 20 long EDP Renováveis 3,246.13 14.020   6/01/20 12.140 -39,408 45,511 6,103 2,254,716  2,731,446 -376,730 2,354,716
    Athex LC Terna Energy 5,268.85 10.540   6/29/20 9.470 -49,896 55,534 5,638 2,260,354  2,681,550 -321,196 2,360,354
    Europe 50 short Airbus 787.62 61.920 64.813 6/29/20 63.350 -49,896 51,048 1,152 2,261,506  2,631,654 -270,148 2,361,506
    FT 30 long Reckitt Benckiser 6.37 8,451.940   7/13/20 8,523.200 -54,293 53,839 -454 2,261,053  2,577,362 -216,309 2,361,053
  Buy PSI 20 short Banco Comercial 531,397.42 0.101   11/30/20 0.119 53,618        2,630,980 -269,927  
    Athex LC Alpha Services 95,067.38 0.564   11/30/20 0.722 53,618        2,684,598 -323,545  
    Europe 50 long ASML 165.51 323.950   6/20/22 457.250 53,617        2,738,215 -377,162  
    FT 30 short Int Cons Airlines 261.97 204.675   11/16/20 176.987 53,619        2,791,833 -430,781  
8/03/20 Sell Euro 50 short ING Groep 3,651.39 6.056 3.284 3/16/20 4.670 -17,052 11,991 -5,061 2,255,992  2,774,781 -418,790 2,355,992
date B/S market l/s instrument pieces price prc short corresponding invest divest prf/loss acc p/l ∑ invest asset total
      Anheuser-Busch InBev 493.55 46.325 22.775 3/16/20 34.550 -17,052 11,241 -5,812 2,250,180  2,757,729 -407,549 2,350,180
    HSI long Tencent 893.44 59.199   6/29/20 55.847 -49,896 52,891 2,995 2,253,175  2,707,833 -354,658 2,353,175
    BAX short Koenig & Bauer 2,798.95 19.000 23.078 3/02/20 20.940 -58,610 64,594 5,984 2,259,159  2,649,223 -290,064 2,359,159
    Indices Athex Large Cap 32.15 1,479.090 2,247.590 3/02/20 1,823.290 -58,619 72,260 13,641 2,272,800  2,590,604 -217,804 2,372,800
    BSE Sensex 50 long Aurobindo Pharma 5,407.34 9.810   7/20/20 9.628 -52,064 53,047 983 2,273,784  2,538,540 -164,757 2,373,784
  Buy Euro 50 SAP 200.76 137.540   6/20/22 89.240 27,613        2,566,153 -192,369  
      ASML 89.04 310.100   6/20/22 457.250 27,611        2,593,764 -219,980  
    HSI short Swire Pacific 13,337.44 4.141   8/31/20 4.559 55,225        2,648,989 -275,205  
    BAX long Steico 1,401.65 39.400   10/26/20 45.900 55,225        2,704,214 -330,430  
    Indices Merval 89.59 616.439   11/02/20 518.841 55,227        2,759,441 -385,657  
    BSE Sensex 50 short Yes Bank 406,664.21 0.136   8/10/20 0.168 55,225        2,814,666 -440,882  
8/10/20 Sell CAC 40 short Renault 1,338.15 24.080 51.163 1/27/20 35.100 -46,969 68,464 21,495 2,295,278  2,767,697 -372,418 2,395,278
    TecDAX long Sartorius 118.20 332.200   6/01/20 333.400 -39,408 39,266 -142 2,295,137  2,728,289 -333,152 2,395,137
    SDAX short Koenig & Bauer 2,798.95 19.070 22.993 3/02/20 20.940 -58,610 64,357 5,747 2,300,884  2,669,679 -268,795 2,400,884
    HSI-C&I long Geely Auto 25,100.08 1.840   7/13/20 2.163 -54,299 46,194 -8,105 2,292,779  2,615,380 -222,601 2,392,779
    Topix (TYO) Yamato 2,317.02 22.354   7/20/20 22.470 -52,064 51,794 -270 2,292,509  2,563,316 -170,807 2,392,509
    BSE Sensex 50 short Yes Bank 406,664.21 0.168 0.104 8/03/20 0.136 -55,225 42,090 -13,135 2,279,374  2,508,091 -128,717 2,379,374
  Buy CAC 40 long Schneider Electric 549.20 102.450   9/21/20 101.050 56,266        2,564,356 -184,982  
    SDAX Redcare Pharmacy 413.11 136.200   10/19/20 161.200 56,266        2,620,622 -241,248  
    HSI-C&I short Swire Pacific 13,172.11 4.272   1/18/21 5.234 56,266        2,676,888 -297,514  
    Topix (TYO) West Japan Railway 2,918.48 19.279   11/16/20 19.906 56,266        2,733,154 -353,780  
    BSE Sensex 50 long Aurobindo Pharma 5,219.77 10.779   9/14/20 9.135 56,266        2,789,420 -410,046  
8/17/20 Sell S&P 100 short Occidental Pet 1,986.11 11.719 74.309 3/02/20 29.510 -58,610 147,585 88,975 2,368,349  2,730,810 -262,460 2,468,349
    HSI-Prop Sino Land 19,092.50 0.999 1.507 2/03/20 1.227 -23,427 28,767 5,340 2,373,690  2,707,383 -233,694 2,473,690
      Wharf REIC 5,056.33 3.458 6.208 2/03/20 4.633 -23,426 31,390 7,964 2,381,653  2,683,957 -202,304 2,481,653
date B/S market l/s instrument pieces price prc short corresponding invest divest prf/loss acc p/l ∑ invest asset total
    Nikkei (FRA) Nissan Motor 5,515.59 3.311 5.167 2/24/20 4.136 -22,812 28,501 5,688 2,387,341  2,661,144 -173,803 2,487,341
      Kobe Steel 6,199.05 3.100 4.369 2/24/20 3.680 -22,813 27,081 4,268 2,391,610  2,638,332 -146,722 2,491,610
    QIX Mercedes-Benz 1,305.57 42.335 18.875 3/09/20 30.605 -39,957 24,643 -15,314 2,376,295  2,598,375 -122,080 2,476,295
  Buy S&P 100 long NVidia 5,662.40 10.394   12/20/21 24.551 58,855        2,657,230 -180,935  
    HSI-Prop Hang Lung 12,857.17 2.289   9/13/21 1.979 29,427        2,686,657 -210,362  
      New World Dev 6,666.10 4.415   9/13/21 3.958 29,428        2,716,085 -239,790  
    Nikkei (FRA) LY 5,770.10 5.100   10/12/20 6.350 29,428        2,745,512 -269,217  
    QIX Software 1,438.29 40.920   1/24/22 29.740 58,855        2,804,367 -328,072  
8/24/20 Sell HDAX short K+S 8,185.75 6.520 7.863 3/02/20 7.160 -58,610 64,363 5,753 2,382,048  2,745,757 -263,709 2,482,048
  Buy   long HelloFresh 1,233.50 44.960   1/24/22 53.000 55,458        2,801,215 -319,167  
8/31/20 Sell HSI short Swire Pacific 13,337.44 4.559 3.722 8/03/20 4.141 -55,225 49,647 -5,578 2,376,470  2,745,990 -269,520 2,476,470
    Nikkei (TYO) Kobe Steel 17,523.77 3.220 3.474 3/02/20 3.345 -58,610 60,874 2,264 2,378,735  2,687,380 -208,646 2,478,735
  Buy HSI long HK Exchgs & Clrg 1,342.90 42.261   9/14/20 40.429 56,752        2,744,133 -265,398  
    Nikkei (TYO) LY 10,174.26 5.578   11/02/20 5.317 56,752        2,800,885 -322,150  
9/07/20 Sell AEX long Adyen 38.59 1,340.000   6/29/20 1,293.000 -49,897 51,711 1,814 2,380,548  2,750,988 -270,439 2,480,548
    OMXH 25 Kojamo 2,755.21 19.900   6/22/20 18.620 -51,302 54,829 3,527 2,384,075  2,699,686 -215,611 2,484,075
    OBX 25 Gjensidige 3,018.41 17.484   7/13/20 17.989 -54,299 52,774 -1,526 2,382,549  2,645,387 -162,837 2,482,549
  Buy France short DBV Technologies 15,818.88 3.666   11/09/20 3.820 57,992        2,703,379 -220,829  
    AEX UnibailRodaWestfield 1,486.97 39.000   3/29/21 66.520 57,992        2,761,370 -278,821  
    OMXH 25 Wärtsilä 8,284.57 7.000   2/01/21 8.000 57,992        2,819,362 -336,813  
    OBX 25 Norwegian 5,627.72 10.305   11/23/20 3.904 57,992        2,877,354 -394,805  
9/14/20 Sell HSI long HK Exchgs & Clrg 1,342.90 40.429   8/31/20 42.261 -56,752 54,291 -2,461 2,380,089  2,820,602 -340,514 2,480,089
    ISEQ 20 Kingspan 453.20 70.150   6/22/20 56.600 -25,651 31,792 6,141 2,386,230  2,794,951 -308,722 2,486,230
      Flutter 203.50 128.100   6/22/20 126.050 -25,651 26,068 417 2,386,647  2,769,300 -282,653 2,486,647
    BSE Sensex 50 Aurobindo Pharma 5,219.77 9.135   8/10/20 10.779 -56,266 47,684 -8,582 2,378,065  2,713,034 -234,969 2,478,065
date B/S market l/s instrument pieces price prc short corresponding invest divest prf/loss acc p/l ∑ invest asset total
  Buy HSI short HSBC 16,016.05 3.501   1/04/21 4.257 56,077        2,769,111 -291,046  
    ISEQ 20 Bank of Ireland 15,482.33 1.811   11/09/20 2.420 28,039        2,797,149 -319,085  
      AIB 27,569.81 1.017   11/09/20 1.135 28,039        2,825,188 -347,123  
    BSE Sensex 50 Yes Bank 331,424.35 0.169   9/28/20 0.158 56,077        2,881,265 -403,200  
9/21/20 Sell CAC 40 long Schneider Electric 549.20 101.050   8/10/20 102.450 -56,266 55,497 -769 2,377,296  2,824,999 -347,703 2,477,296
    MerVal Banco de Valores 135,459.75 0.227   6/08/20 0.297 -40,218 30,682 -9,536 2,367,760  2,784,781 -317,022 2,467,760
  Buy ASX 50 Fortescue Metals 5,406.59 9.945   1/31/22 12.507 53,768        2,838,549 -370,790  
    CAC 40 short UnibailRodaWestfield 1,762.31 30.510   12/28/20 65.420 53,768        2,892,318 -424,558  
    MerVal YPF 8,332.38 6.453   9/28/20 6.155 53,768        2,946,086 -478,326  
    CAC Mid 60 Vallourec 3,023.39 17.784   11/16/20 20.950 53,768        2,999,853 -532,094  
9/28/20 Sell MIB short Juventus Football 6,310.29 8.646 9.978 3/02/20 9.288 -58,610 62,962 4,352 2,372,112  2,941,244 -469,132 2,472,112
    MerVal YPF 8,332.38 6.155 6.766 9/21/20 6.453 -53,768 56,373 2,605 2,374,717  2,887,476 -412,759 2,474,717
    SLI Swatch 204.20 200.720 262.283 2/03/20 229.446 -46,853 53,558 6,705 2,381,422  2,840,623 -359,201 2,481,422
    BSE Sensex 50 Yes Bank 331,424.35 0.158 0.182 9/14/20 0.169 -56,077 60,253 4,176 2,385,598  2,784,546 -298,948 2,485,598
  Buy MIB long DiaSorin 320.06 170.800   2/01/21 180.000 54,666        2,839,212 -353,614  
    MerVal Bolsas y Mercados 459,378.15 0.119   10/05/20 0.119 54,666        2,893,878 -408,280  
    SLI Logitech 861.50 63.455   10/26/20 72.948 54,666        2,948,544 -462,946  
    BSE Sensex 50 Dr. Reddy's Labs 916.96 59.617   6/20/22 50.603 54,666        3,003,210 -517,612  
10/05/20 Sell MerVal long Bolsas y Mercados 459,378.15 0.119   9/28/20 0.119 -54,666 54,528 -138 2,385,460  2,948,544 -463,084 2,485,460
    DJ Global Titans short Exxon Mobil 878.62 28.615 94.235 2/24/20 51.928 -45,625 82,797 37,172 2,422,632  2,902,919 -380,287 2,522,632
    GCX REC Silicon 10,850.79 0.464 7.392 6/01/15 1.852 -20,100 80,209 60,109 2,482,741  2,882,819 -300,078 2,582,741
  Buy MerVal YPF 8,949.70 6.376   10/12/20 6.700 57,066        2,939,885 -357,144  
    DJ Global Titans long Apple 577.57 98.803   3/07/22 146.445 57,066        2,996,951 -414,210  
    GCX SunPower 4,324.36 13.196   11/02/20 14.483 57,066        3,054,017 -471,276  
10/12/20 Sell BEL 20 short Anheuser-Busch InBev 1,127.12 50.890 53.134 3/02/20 52.000 -58,610 59,889 1,278 2,484,019  2,995,407 -411,387 2,584,019
date B/S market l/s instrument pieces price prc short corresponding invest divest prf/loss acc p/l ∑ invest asset total
    MerVal YPF 8,949.70 6.700 6.052 10/05/20 6.376 -57,066 54,165 -2,901 2,481,119  2,938,341 -357,222 2,581,119
    Nikkei (FRA) long LY 5,770.10 6.350   8/17/20 5.100 -29,428 36,640 7,213 2,488,332  2,908,913 -320,582 2,588,332
  Buy BEL 20 argenx 238.01 238.200   1/24/22 232.800 56,694        2,965,607 -377,276  
    MerVal Ternium Argentina 110,383.57 0.514   12/07/20 0.548 56,693        3,022,300 -433,969  
    Nikkei (FRA) short Konica Minolta 12,324.57 2.300   11/16/20 2.460 28,347        3,050,647 -462,315  
      Mitsui Eng & Ship 9,324.51 3.040   11/16/20 3.060 28,347        3,078,993 -490,662  
10/19/20 Sell ATX short Schoeller-Bleckmann 1,594.83 22.450 60.159 3/02/20 36.750 -58,610 95,943 37,333 2,525,664  3,020,383 -394,719 2,625,664
    SDAX long Redcare Pharmacy 413.11 161.200   8/10/20 136.200 -56,266 66,593 10,328 2,535,992  2,964,117 -328,125 2,635,992
    CAC Next 20 short SES 8,075.23 6.650 7.922 3/02/20 7.258 -58,610 63,969 5,359 2,541,351  2,905,507 -264,157 2,641,351
  Buy ATX long Verbund 1,134.14 52.400   2/28/22 108.000 59,429        2,964,936 -323,586  
    CAC Next 20 Sartorius Stedim 194.85 305.000   11/02/20 327.200 59,429        3,024,366 -383,015  
10/26/20 Sell Germany long HelloFresh 1,095.61 46.500   6/15/20 38.040 -41,677 50,946 9,269 2,550,620  2,982,689 -332,069 2,650,620
    TSX 60 Shopify 638.30 87.769   6/22/20 80.373 -51,302 56,023 4,721 2,555,341  2,931,387 -276,046 2,655,341
    Nordic 30 Genmab 179.73 295.015   6/22/20 285.446 -51,303 53,023 1,720 2,557,061  2,880,084 -223,023 2,657,061
    SLI Logitech 861.50 72.948   9/28/20 63.455 -54,666 62,845 8,178 2,565,239  2,825,417 -160,178 2,665,239
    NZX 50 short Sky Network Telev. 20,564.40 0.876 3.139 3/16/20 1.658 -34,104 64,541 30,437 2,595,677  2,791,313 -95,637 2,695,677
    BAX long Steico 1,401.65 45.900   8/03/20 39.400 -55,225 64,336 9,111 2,604,787  2,736,088 -31,301 2,704,787
  Buy Germany short Grenke 2,050.21 32.600   12/21/20 38.100 66,837        2,802,925 -98,138  
    TSX 60 Bombardier 12,644.39 5.286   12/07/20 8.054 66,837        2,869,762 -164,975  
    Nordic 30 Svenska Handelsbank 9,063.75 7.374   11/09/20 7.953 66,837        2,936,599 -231,812  
    SLI Temenos 709.05 94.263   5/17/21 120.633 66,837        3,003,436 -298,649  
11/02/20 Sell CAC Next 20 long Sartorius Stedim 194.85 327.200   10/19/20 305.000 -59,429 63,755 4,326 2,609,113  2,944,007 -234,894 2,709,113
    Indices Merval 89.59 518.841   8/03/20 616.439 -55,227 46,483 -8,744 2,600,369  2,888,780 -188,411 2,700,369
    Nikkei (TYO) LY 10,174.26 5.317   8/31/20 5.578 -56,752 54,097 -2,655 2,597,714  2,832,028 -134,315 2,697,714
    GCX SunPower 4,324.36 14.483   10/05/20 13.196 -57,066 62,631 5,565 2,603,279  2,774,962 -71,684 2,703,279
date B/S market l/s instrument pieces price prc short corresponding invest divest prf/loss acc p/l ∑ invest asset total
  Buy NZX 50 short Channel Infra 213,947.97 0.308   11/09/20 0.312 65,789        2,840,751 -137,473  
    CAC Next 20 Klépierre 5,951.06 11.055   11/09/20 15.000 65,789        2,906,540 -203,262  
    Nikkei (TYO) Mitsui Eng & Ship 23,179.83 2.838   11/09/20 2.993 65,789        2,972,329 -269,051  
    GCX Konica Minolta 28,440.69 2.313   4/05/21 4.512 65,789        3,038,118 -334,840  
11/09/20 Sell France short DBV Technologies 15,818.88 3.820 3.512 9/07/20 3.666 -57,992 55,556 -2,436 2,600,843  2,980,126 -279,284 2,700,843
    ISEQ 20 Bank of Ireland 15,482.33 2.420 1.202 9/14/20 1.811 -28,039 18,610 -9,429 2,591,414  2,952,088 -260,674 2,691,414
      AIB 27,569.81 1.135 0.899 9/14/20 1.017 -28,039 24,785 -3,253 2,588,161  2,924,049 -235,889 2,688,161
    Nordic 30 Svenska Handelsbank 9,063.75 7.953 6.795 10/26/20 7.374 -66,837 61,591 -5,246 2,582,915  2,857,212 -174,298 2,682,915
    NZX 50 Channel Infra 213,947.97 0.312 0.303 11/02/20 0.308 -65,789 64,912 -877 2,582,037  2,791,423 -109,386 2,682,037
    CAC Next 20 Klépierre 5,951.06 15.000 7.110 11/02/20 11.055 -65,789 42,312 -23,477 2,558,560  2,725,634 -67,074 2,658,560
    Nikkei (TYO) Mitsui Eng & Ship 23,179.83 2.993 2.684 11/02/20 2.838 -65,789 62,210 -3,579 2,554,981  2,659,845 -4,864 2,654,981
  Buy France long Sartorius Stedim 206.91 320.200   7/19/21 457.400 66,253        2,726,098 -71,117  
    ISEQ 20 Kingspan 417.73 79.300   2/15/21 54.500 33,126        2,759,224 -104,243  
      Uniphar 13,802.50 2.400   2/15/21 2.620 33,126        2,792,350 -137,369  
    Nordic 30 Pandora 854.76 77.509   10/04/21 106.220 66,252        2,858,602 -203,620  
    NZX 50 Metro Perf Glass 310,313.82 0.214   12/14/20 0.242 66,252        2,924,854 -269,872  
    CAC Next 20 Sartorius Stedim 206.91 320.200   6/28/21 402.500 66,253        2,991,106 -336,125  
    Indices Merval 125.10 529.588   11/29/21 695.022 66,251        3,057,358 -402,376  
    Nikkei (TYO) Japan Steel Works 3,450.79 19.199   11/30/20 20.457 66,252        3,123,610 -468,628  
11/16/20 Sell SSE 50 long China Merchants Secs 13,229.99 2.734   7/06/20 3.684 -48,734 36,171 -12,563 2,542,418  3,074,876 -432,458 2,642,418
    FT 30 short Int Cons Airlines 261.97 176.987 236.695 7/27/20 204.675 -53,619 62,007 8,388 2,550,807  3,021,257 -370,451 2,650,807
    Nikkei (FRA) Konica Minolta 12,324.57 2.460 2.140 10/12/20 2.300 -28,347 26,375 -1,972 2,548,835  2,992,911 -344,076 2,648,835
      Mitsui Eng & Ship 9,324.51 3.060 3.020 10/12/20 3.040 -28,347 28,160 -186 2,548,648  2,964,564 -315,916 2,648,648
    CAC Mid 60 Vallourec 3,023.39 20.950 14.618 9/21/20 17.784 -53,768 44,196 -9,572 2,539,076  2,910,796 -271,720 2,639,076
    Topix (TYO) West Japan Railway 2,918.48 19.906 18.652 8/10/20 19.279 -56,266 54,436 -1,830 2,537,246  2,854,530 -217,284 2,637,246
date B/S market l/s instrument pieces price prc short corresponding invest divest prf/loss acc p/l ∑ invest asset total
  Buy SSE 50 Shandong Gold 19,060.21 3.174   11/30/20 3.033 60,499        2,915,029 -277,783  
    SDAX long Redcare Pharmacy 436.50 138.600   7/19/21 128.300 60,499        2,975,528 -338,282  
    Nikkei (FRA) Fast Retailing 131.52 230.000   7/12/21 204.070 30,250        3,005,778 -368,531  
      Japan Steel Works 1,426.86 21.200   7/12/21 21.200 30,249        3,036,027 -398,781  
    CAC Mid 60 Solutions 30 3,455.11 17.510   7/12/21 6.350 60,499        3,096,526 -459,280  
    Topix (TYO) Nidec 641.70 94.279   6/17/24 42.915 60,499        3,157,025 -519,779  
11/23/20 Sell OBX 25 short Norwegian 5,627.72 3.904 27.200 9/07/20 10.305 -57,992 153,075 95,083 2,632,330  3,099,033 -366,704 2,732,330
  Buy   long Nel 28,243.95 2.094   12/14/20 2.295 59,140        3,158,173 -425,844  
11/30/20 Sell SSE 50 short Shandong Gold 19,060.21 3.033 3.322 11/16/20 3.174 -60,499 63,322 2,823 2,635,152  3,097,674 -362,522 2,735,152
    IBEX 35 Banco Sabadell 127,726.02 0.326 0.327 6/15/20 0.326 -41,677 41,779 102 2,635,255  3,055,997 -320,743 2,735,255
    HSI-Fin Bank of East Asia 24,043.21 1.858 2.044 2/03/20 1.949 -46,853 49,137 2,284 2,637,539  3,009,144 -271,606 2,737,539
    PSI 20 Banco Comercial 531,397.42 0.119 0.083 7/27/20 0.101 -53,618 44,265 -9,353 2,628,186  2,955,526 -227,340 2,728,186
    Athex LC Alpha Services 95,067.38 0.722 0.406 7/27/20 0.564 -53,618 38,597 -15,021 2,613,166  2,901,908 -188,743 2,713,166
    Nikkei (TYO) long Japan Steel Works 3,450.79 20.457   11/09/20 19.199 -66,252 70,591 4,339 2,617,505  2,835,656 -118,152 2,717,505
  Buy SSE 50 LONGi Green Energy 7,435.98 8.739   12/21/20 10.664 64,983        2,900,639 -183,135  
    HSI-Fin HK Exchgs & Clrg 1,562.63 41.586   6/21/21 49.705 64,983        2,965,622 -248,118  
    PSI 20 EDP Renováveis 3,658.95 17.760   2/22/21 19.220 64,983        3,030,605 -313,101  
    Athex LC Public Power 9,404.20 6.910   12/21/20 7.060 64,983        3,095,588 -378,084  
    Nikkei (TYO) short Mitsui Eng & Ship 23,754.57 2.736   12/07/20 2.926 64,983        3,160,571 -443,067  
12/07/20 Sell MDAX short K+S 5,607.79 8.362 7.910 2/24/20 8.136 -45,625 44,358 -1,267 2,616,237  3,114,946 -398,709 2,716,237
    TSX 60 Bombardier 12,644.39 8.054 2.517 10/26/20 5.286 -66,837 31,831 -35,006 2,581,231  3,048,109 -366,878 2,681,231
    MerVal long Ternium Argentina 110,383.57 0.548   10/12/20 0.514 -56,693 60,457 3,764 2,584,995  2,991,416 -306,421 2,684,995
    DJUA short AES 1,731.89 17.212 2.480 3/16/20 9.846 -17,052 4,296 -12,756 2,572,239  2,974,364 -302,125 2,672,239
      CenterPoint Energy 1,525.11 19.084 3.278 3/16/20 11.181 -17,052 4,999 -12,053 2,560,186  2,957,312 -297,126 2,660,186
    Nikkei (TYO) Mitsui Eng & Ship 23,754.57 2.926 2.545 11/30/20 2.736 -64,983 60,460 -4,523 2,555,663  2,892,329 -236,666 2,655,663
date B/S market l/s instrument pieces price prc short corresponding invest divest prf/loss acc p/l ∑ invest asset total
    SP Global 100 DuPont 1,303.48 53.960 7.348 3/09/20 30.654 -39,957 9,578 -30,379 2,525,284  2,852,372 -227,088 2,625,284
  Buy MDAX long Siltronic 480.40 124.800   10/04/21 136.000 59,954        2,912,326 -287,042  
    TSX 60 First Quantum 4,730.29 12.675   9/20/21 14.135 59,954        2,972,280 -346,996  
    MerVal short Banco Macro 24,300.42 2.467   12/14/20 2.311 59,954        3,032,234 -406,950  
    DJUA long AES 1,741.68 17.212   10/10/22 25.674 29,977        3,062,211 -436,927  
      PG & E 2,900.95 10.334   10/10/22 14.575 29,977        3,092,188 -466,904  
    Nikkei (TYO) Japan Steel Works 2,721.69 22.028   8/02/21 21.825 59,954        3,152,142 -526,858  
    SP Global 100 Mercedes-Benz 1,039.06 57.700   3/07/22 57.390 59,954        3,212,096 -586,811  
12/14/20 Sell OBX 25 long Nel 28,243.95 2.295   11/23/20 2.094 -59,140 64,828 5,688 2,530,973  3,152,956 -521,983 2,630,973
    MerVal short Banco Macro 24,300.42 2.311 2.634 12/07/20 2.467 -59,954 64,010 4,056 2,535,029  3,093,002 -457,973 2,635,029
    NZX 50 long Metro Perf Glass 310,313.82 0.242   11/09/20 0.214 -66,252 75,096 8,844 2,543,872  3,026,750 -382,877 2,643,872
  Buy OBX 25 short Frontline 10,036.04 5.632   12/28/20 5.200 56,524        3,083,274 -439,401  
    MerVal long Ternium Argentina 108,325.03 0.522   2/15/21 0.474 56,524        3,139,798 -495,925  
    NZX 50 short Channel Infra 164,313.95 0.344   1/25/21 0.302 56,524        3,196,322 -552,449  
12/21/20 Sell Germany short Grenke 2,050.21 38.100 27.100 10/26/20 32.600 -66,837 55,561 -11,276 2,532,596  3,129,485 -496,889 2,632,596
    SSE 50 long LONGi Green Energy 7,435.98 10.664   11/30/20 8.739 -64,983 79,299 14,316 2,546,912  3,064,502 -417,590 2,646,912
    Athex LC Public Power 9,404.20 7.060   11/30/20 6.910 -64,983 66,394 1,411 2,548,323  2,999,519 -351,196 2,648,323
    SMI short Swatch 285.00 215.380 195.920 3/02/20 205.650 -58,610 55,837 -2,773 2,545,550  2,940,909 -295,359 2,645,550
  Buy Germany long elumeo 13,475.69 4.360   9/20/21 6.450 58,754        2,999,663 -354,113  
    SSE 50 short Shenzhen Goodix Tech 3,024.74 19.425   1/18/21 20.301 58,754        3,058,417 -412,867  
    Athex LC Piraeus Financial 3,287.95 17.870   1/04/21 20.477 58,754        3,117,171 -471,621  
    SMI long Richemont 817.81 71.843   10/25/21 105.047 58,754        3,175,924 -530,375  
12/28/20 Sell CAC 40 short UnibailRodaWestfield 1,762.31 65.420 0.000 9/21/20 30.510 -53,768 0 -53,768 2,491,782  3,122,156 -530,375 2,591,782
    OBX 25 Frontline 10,036.04 5.200 6.100 12/14/20 5.632 -56,524 61,222 4,698 2,496,479  3,065,632 -469,153 2,596,479
  Buy CAC 40 long ArcelorMittal 2,790.29 19.060   7/19/21 24.610 53,183        3,118,815 -522,336  
date B/S market l/s instrument pieces price prc short corresponding invest divest prf/loss acc p/l ∑ invest asset total
    OBX 25 Scatec 1,648.66 32.258   5/10/21 20.544 53,183        3,171,998 -575,519  
1/04/21 Sell HSI short HSBC 16,016.05 4.257 2.745 9/14/20 3.501 -56,077 43,970 -12,107 2,484,373  3,115,921 -531,548 2,584,373
    Athex LC Piraeus Financial 3,287.95 20.477 15.263 12/21/20 17.870 -58,754 50,182 -8,572 2,475,801  3,057,167 -481,366 2,575,801
  Buy HSI long Geely Auto 18,494.58 2.831   7/19/21 2.585 52,360        3,109,527 -533,726  
    Athex LC Public Power 6,912.21 7.575   3/15/21 9.110 52,360        3,161,887 -586,086  
1/11/21 Sell Topix (FRA) short Mitsubishi Heavy 23,109.01 2.620 1.820 6/22/20 2.220 -51,302 42,058 -9,244 2,466,558  3,110,585 -544,028 2,566,558
  Buy TecDAX long Nordex 1,978.21 25.560   3/08/21 19.800 50,563        3,161,148 -594,591  
    Topix (FRA) Nidec 443.54 114.000   2/01/21 110.750 50,564        3,211,712 -645,154  
1/18/21 Sell SSE 50 short Shenzhen Goodix Tech 3,024.74 20.301 18.548 12/21/20 19.425 -58,754 56,102 -2,652 2,463,905  3,152,958 -589,053 2,563,905
    HSI-C&I Swire Pacific 13,172.11 5.234 3.309 8/10/20 4.272 -56,266 43,587 -12,679 2,451,226  3,096,692 -545,466 2,551,226
  Buy SSE 50 long LONGi Green Energy 3,808.44 13.166   2/01/21 13.700 50,143        3,146,835 -595,609  
    HSI-C&I Geely Auto 14,669.42 3.418   6/28/21 2.755 50,143        3,196,978 -645,752  
1/25/21 Sell STI short StarHub 19,337.51 0.825 3.730 6/12/17 1.754 -33,918 72,121 38,203 2,489,429  3,163,060 -573,631 2,589,429
    NZX 50 Channel Infra 164,313.95 0.302 0.392 12/14/20 0.344 -56,524 64,345 7,821 2,497,250  3,106,536 -509,286 2,597,250
  Buy IBEX 35 Intl. Cons. Airlines 33,016.45 1.581   4/12/21 2.386 52,199        3,158,735 -561,485  
    STI long Wilmar International 15,219.25 3.430   6/21/21 2.842 52,199        3,210,934 -613,684  
    NZX 50 Metro Perf Glass 220,248.95 0.237   2/08/21 0.252 52,199        3,263,133 -665,883  
2/01/21 Sell SSE 50 long LONGi Green Energy 3,808.44 13.700   1/18/21 13.166 -50,143 52,176 2,033 2,499,283  3,212,990 -613,707 2,599,283
    MIB DiaSorin 320.06 180.000   9/28/20 170.800 -54,666 57,611 2,945 2,502,228  3,158,324 -556,096 2,602,228
    OMXH 25 short Wärtsilä 8,284.57 8.000 6.000 9/07/20 7.000 -57,992 49,707 -8,285 2,493,943  3,100,332 -506,388 2,593,943
    Topix (FRA) long Nidec 443.54 110.750   1/11/21 114.000 -50,564 49,122 -1,442 2,492,502  3,049,768 -457,266 2,592,502
  Buy SSE 50 short Shenzhen Goodix Tech 3,038.62 17.567   2/15/21 17.053 53,380        3,103,148 -510,646  
    MIB BPER Banca 34,820.61 1.533   2/08/21 1.910 53,380        3,156,528 -564,026  
    OMXH 25 long Metso 6,431.33 8.300   3/01/21 9.445 53,380        3,209,908 -617,406  
    Topix (FRA) short ANA 3,085.55 17.300   3/15/21 20.800 53,380        3,263,288 -670,786  
date B/S market l/s instrument pieces price prc short corresponding invest divest prf/loss acc p/l ∑ invest asset total
2/08/21 Sell MIB short BPER Banca 34,820.61 1.910 1.157 2/01/21 1.533 -53,380 40,270 -13,110 2,479,392  3,209,908 -630,516 2,579,392
    NZX 50 long Metro Perf Glass 220,248.95 0.252   1/25/21 0.237 -52,199 55,459 3,260 2,482,651  3,157,709 -575,058 2,582,651
  Buy MIB CNH Industrial 4,221.11 11.890   1/24/22 13.125 50,189        3,207,898 -625,247  
    NZX 50 short a2 Milk 7,562.57 6.637   2/22/21 6.840 50,189        3,258,087 -675,436  
2/15/21 Sell SSE 50 short Shenzhen Goodix Tech 3,038.62 17.053 18.097 2/01/21 17.567 -53,380 54,988 1,608 2,484,260  3,204,707 -620,447 2,584,260
    ISEQ 20 long Kingspan 417.73 54.500   11/09/20 79.300 -33,126 22,766 -10,360 2,473,900  3,171,581 -597,681 2,573,900
      Uniphar 13,802.50 2.620   11/09/20 2.400 -33,126 36,163 3,037 2,476,937  3,138,455 -561,519 2,576,937
    MerVal Ternium Argentina 108,325.03 0.474   12/14/20 0.522 -56,524 51,368 -5,156 2,471,780  3,081,931 -510,151 2,571,780
  Buy SSE 50 China Tourism 1,041.03 49.509   3/22/21 40.112 51,540        3,133,471 -561,691  
    ISEQ 20 short Kerry 242.88 106.100   3/01/21 106.000 25,770        3,159,241 -587,460  
      Kingspan 472.84 54.500   3/01/21 64.350 25,770        3,185,010 -613,230  
    MerVal Cablevisión 16,166.37 3.188   5/17/21 2.683 51,540        3,236,550 -664,770  
2/22/21 Sell PSI 20 long EDP Renováveis 3,658.95 19.220   11/30/20 17.760 -64,983 70,325 5,342 2,477,122  3,171,567 -594,445 2,577,122
    NZX 50 short a2 Milk 7,562.57 6.840 6.433 2/08/21 6.637 -50,189 48,653 -1,536 2,475,586  3,121,378 -545,792 2,575,586
  Buy PSI 20 NOS 18,358.90 2.764   4/12/21 3.038 50,744        3,172,122 -596,536  
    NZX 50 long Skellerup 18,490.69 2.744   11/22/21 3.683 50,744        3,222,866 -647,280  
3/01/21 Sell ISEQ 20 short Kerry 242.88 106.000 106.200 2/15/21 106.100 -25,770 25,794 24 2,475,611  3,197,097 -621,486 2,575,611
      Kingspan 472.84 64.350 44.650 2/15/21 54.500 -25,770 21,112 -4,657 2,470,953  3,171,327 -600,374 2,570,953
    OMXH 25 long Metso 6,431.33 9.445   2/01/21 8.300 -53,380 60,744 7,364 2,478,317  3,117,947 -539,630 2,578,317
  Buy ISEQ 20 AIB 12,322.78 2.068   6/21/21 2.247 25,484        3,143,431 -565,113  
    OMXH 25 short Orion 1,517.78 33.580   3/15/21 34.510 50,967        3,194,398 -616,081  
3/08/21 Sell TecDAX long Nordex 1,978.21 19.800   1/11/21 25.560 -50,563 39,169 -11,394 2,466,923  3,143,835 -576,912 2,566,923
    ÖkoDAX (deprecated) PNE Wind 7,753.51 7.470   5/25/20 4.775 -37,023 57,919 20,896 2,487,818  3,106,812 -518,993 2,587,818
    IPC short Alpek 85,268.89 0.758 0.179 3/09/20 0.469 -39,957 15,263 -24,694 2,463,124  3,066,855 -503,730 2,563,124
  Buy TecDAX Morphosys 627.09 82.100   6/17/24 66.250 51,484        3,118,339 -555,214  
date B/S market l/s instrument pieces price prc short corresponding invest divest prf/loss acc p/l ∑ invest asset total
    ÖkoDAX (deprecated) CropEnergies 4,793.67 10.740   11/01/21 11.780 51,484        3,169,823 -606,698  
    IPC long Cemex 87,572.72 0.588   8/29/22 0.391 51,484        3,221,307 -658,182  
3/15/21 Sell OMXH 25 short Orion 1,517.78 34.510 32.650 3/01/21 33.580 -50,967 49,556 -1,412 2,461,713  3,170,340 -608,627 2,561,713
    Athex LC long Public Power 6,912.21 9.110   1/04/21 7.575 -52,360 62,970 10,610 2,472,323  3,117,980 -545,656 2,572,323
    Topix (FRA) short ANA 3,085.55 20.800 13.800 2/01/21 17.300 -53,380 42,581 -10,799 2,461,524  3,064,600 -503,076 2,561,524
  Buy OMXH 25 long Cargotec 1,150.74 44.720   5/24/21 46.920 51,461        3,116,061 -554,537  
    Athex LC short Piraeus Financial 4,186.37 12.293   4/05/21 7.098 51,461        3,167,522 -605,998  
    Topix (FRA) long Nippon Steel 3,598.67 14.300   4/05/21 14.110 51,461        3,218,983 -657,459  
3/22/21 Sell SSE 50 long China Tourism 1,041.03 40.112   2/15/21 49.509 -51,540 41,757 -9,783 2,451,741  3,167,443 -615,702 2,551,741
  Buy   short Shenzhen Goodix Tech 3,348.90 14.453   12/13/21 14.830 48,400        3,215,843 -664,102  
3/29/21 Sell AEX short UnibailRodaWestfield 1,486.97 66.520 11.480 9/07/20 39.000 -57,992 17,070 -40,921 2,410,820  3,157,851 -647,031 2,510,820
  Buy   long ArcelorMittal 1,953.22 23.855   5/31/21 26.895 46,594        3,204,445 -693,625  
4/05/21 Sell Athex LC short Piraeus Financial 4,186.37 7.098 21.288 3/15/21 12.293 -51,461 89,118 37,657 2,448,476  3,152,984 -604,507 2,548,476
    Topix (FRA) long Nippon Steel 3,598.67 14.110   3/15/21 14.300 -51,461 50,777 -684 2,447,793  3,101,523 -553,730 2,547,793
    GCX short Konica Minolta 28,440.69 4.512 0.115 11/02/20 2.313 -65,789 3,265 -62,524 2,385,269  3,035,734 -550,465 2,485,269
  Buy Athex LC long Public Power 5,315.38 9.100   4/19/21 9.270 48,370        3,084,104 -598,835  
    Topix (FRA) short Kao 867.16 55.780   9/13/21 51.720 48,370        3,132,474 -647,205  
    GCX long REC Silicon 25,303.41 1.912   6/21/21 1.742 48,370        3,180,844 -695,575  
4/12/21 Sell IBEX 35 short Intl. Cons. Airlines 33,016.45 2.386 0.776 1/25/21 1.581 -52,199 25,621 -26,578 2,358,690  3,128,645 -669,955 2,458,690
    PSI 20 NOS 18,358.90 3.038 2.490 2/22/21 2.764 -50,744 45,714 -5,030 2,353,660  3,077,901 -624,241 2,453,660
  Buy IBEX 35 long ArcelorMittal 1,876.69 24.370   4/19/21 24.745 45,735        3,123,636 -669,976  
    PSI 20 CTT-Correios 13,085.84 3.495   4/26/21 3.745 45,735        3,169,371 -715,711  
4/19/21 Sell IBEX 35 long ArcelorMittal 1,876.69 24.745   4/12/21 24.370 -45,735 46,439 704 2,354,364  3,123,636 -669,272 2,454,364
    Athex LC Public Power 5,315.38 9.270   4/05/21 9.100 -48,370 49,274 904 2,355,268  3,075,266 -619,999 2,455,268
  Buy IBEX 35 short Cellnex 1,001.33 45.820   5/10/21 47.020 45,881        3,121,147 -665,880  
date B/S market l/s instrument pieces price prc short corresponding invest divest prf/loss acc p/l ∑ invest asset total
    Athex LC Piraeus Financial 13,695.82 3.350   5/17/21 1.616 45,881        3,167,028 -711,761  
    GEX DFV 3,556.67 12.900   8/16/21 14.500 45,881        3,212,909 -757,642  
4/26/21 Sell PSI 20 long CTT-Correios 13,085.84 3.745   4/12/21 3.495 -45,735 49,006 3,271 2,358,539  3,167,174 -708,635 2,458,539
  Buy   short Corticeira Amorim 4,379.08 9.990   5/03/21 10.300 43,747        3,210,921 -752,382  
5/03/21 Sell   short Corticeira Amorim 4,379.08 10.300 9.680 4/26/21 9.990 -43,747 42,389 -1,358 2,357,181  3,167,174 -709,993 2,457,181
  Buy   long CTT-Correios 11,257.47 3.880   5/31/21 4.270 43,679        3,210,853 -753,672  
5/10/21 Sell IBEX 35 short Cellnex 1,001.33 47.020 44.620 4/19/21 45.820 -45,881 44,679 -1,202 2,355,980  3,164,972 -708,992 2,455,980
    OBX 25 long Scatec 1,648.66 20.544   12/28/20 32.258 -53,183 33,869 -19,314 2,336,666  3,111,789 -675,123 2,436,666
  Buy IBEX 35 ArcelorMittal 1,596.74 27.580   5/17/21 26.995 44,038        3,155,827 -719,161  
    OBX 25 short Nel 24,966.27 1.764   5/24/21 1.776 44,038        3,199,865 -763,199  
5/17/21 Sell IBEX 35 long ArcelorMittal 1,596.74 26.995   5/10/21 27.580 -44,038 43,104 -934 2,335,732  3,155,827 -720,095 2,435,732
    Athex LC short Piraeus Financial 13,695.82 1.616 6.945 4/19/21 3.350 -45,881 95,112 49,231 2,384,963  3,109,946 -624,983 2,484,963
    MerVal Cablevisión 16,166.37 2.683 3.788 2/15/21 3.188 -51,540 61,240 9,700 2,394,663  3,058,406 -563,743 2,494,663
    SLI Temenos 709.05 120.633 67.893 10/26/20 94.263 -66,837 48,140 -18,698 2,375,965  2,991,569 -515,604 2,475,965
  Buy IBEX 35 Pharma Mar 586.09 83.620   5/23/22 69.900 49,009        3,040,578 -564,612  
    Athex LC long Alpha Services 37,554.79 1.305   6/28/21 1.109 49,009        3,089,587 -613,621  
    MerVal Cresud 47,581.55 1.030   2/21/22 0.985 49,009        3,138,596 -662,630  
    SLI Kühne & Nagel 187.53 261.334   8/02/21 284.829 49,008        3,187,604 -711,638  
5/24/21 Sell OMXH 25 long Cargotec 1,150.74 46.920   3/15/21 44.720 -51,461 53,993 2,532 2,378,497  3,136,143 -657,646 2,478,497
    OBX 25 short Nel 24,966.27 1.776 1.752 5/10/21 1.764 -44,038 43,743 -295 2,378,202  3,092,105 -613,902 2,478,202
  Buy OMXH 25 Orion 1,262.38 36.920   6/07/21 35.270 46,607        3,138,712 -660,509  
    OBX 25 long BW LPG 6,557.07 7.108   7/05/21 5.443 46,607        3,185,319 -707,116  
5/31/21 Sell AEX long ArcelorMittal 1,953.22 26.895   3/29/21 23.855 -46,594 52,532 5,938 2,384,140  3,138,725 -654,584 2,484,140
    PSI 20 CTT-Correios 11,257.47 4.270   5/03/21 3.880 -43,679 48,069 4,390 2,388,531  3,095,046 -606,515 2,488,531
  Buy AEX short Galapagos 770.05 61.100   1/09/23 41.880 47,050        3,142,096 -653,565  
date B/S market l/s instrument pieces price prc short corresponding invest divest prf/loss acc p/l ∑ invest asset total
    PSI 20 NOS 16,090.97 2.924   9/06/21 3.602 47,050        3,189,146 -700,615  
6/07/21 Sell OMXH 25 short Orion 1,262.38 35.270 38.647 5/24/21 36.920 -46,607 48,787 2,180 2,390,711  3,142,539 -651,828 2,490,711
  Buy   long Outokumpu 9,244.32 4.973   6/21/21 4.727 45,972        3,188,511 -697,800  
6/21/21 Sell HSI-Fin long HK Exchgs & Clrg 1,562.63 49.705   11/30/20 41.586 -64,983 77,670 12,687 2,403,398  3,123,528 -620,130 2,503,398
    ISEQ 20 AIB 12,322.78 2.247   3/01/21 2.068 -25,484 27,689 2,206 2,405,604  3,098,044 -592,440 2,505,604
    OMXH 25 Outokumpu 9,244.32 4.727   6/07/21 4.973 -45,972 43,698 -2,274 2,403,330  3,052,072 -548,743 2,503,330
    STI Wilmar International 15,219.25 2.842   1/25/21 3.430 -52,199 43,256 -8,943 2,394,387  2,999,873 -505,486 2,494,387
    GCX REC Silicon 25,303.41 1.742   4/05/21 1.912 -48,370 44,073 -4,297 2,390,090  2,951,503 -461,413 2,490,090
  Buy HSI-Fin short Ping An 6,171.71 8.218   1/17/22 6.822 50,716        3,002,219 -512,129  
    ISEQ 20 Kerry 233.82 108.450   1/02/23 84.240 25,358        3,027,577 -537,487  
      Greencoat Renewables 22,146.72 1.145   1/02/23 1.135 25,358        3,052,935 -562,845  
    OMXH 25 Orion 1,366.64 37.110   7/05/21 36.820 50,716        3,103,651 -613,561  
    STI Keppel DC REIT 31,590.88 1.605   7/19/21 1.616 50,716        3,154,367 -664,277  
    GCX bioMérieux 552.34 91.820   5/13/24 97.000 50,716        3,205,083 -714,993  
6/28/21 Sell HSI-C&I long Geely Auto 14,669.42 2.755   1/18/21 3.418 -50,143 40,416 -9,727 2,380,363  3,154,940 -674,577 2,480,363
    Athex LC Alpha Services 37,554.79 1.109   5/17/21 1.305 -49,009 41,629 -7,380 2,372,983  3,105,931 -632,947 2,472,983
    CAC Next 20 Sartorius Stedim 206.91 402.500   11/09/20 320.200 -66,253 83,281 17,029 2,390,012  3,039,678 -549,666 2,490,012
  Buy HSI-C&I short China Unicom 104,161.48 0.466   1/17/22 0.457 48,508        3,088,186 -598,174  
    Athex LC Piraeus Financial 32,577.57 1.489   1/17/22 1.440 48,508        3,136,694 -646,682  
    CAC Next 20 Ubisoft 828.35 58.560   7/05/21 60.480 48,508        3,185,202 -695,190  
7/05/21 Sell OMXH 25 short Orion 1,366.64 36.820 37.402 6/21/21 37.110 -50,716 51,115 399 2,390,412  3,134,486 -644,075 2,490,412
    OBX 25 long BW LPG 6,557.07 5.443   5/24/21 7.108 -46,607 35,689 -10,918 2,379,494  3,087,879 -608,385 2,479,494
    CAC Next 20 short Ubisoft 828.35 60.480 56.640 6/28/21 58.560 -48,508 46,918 -1,590 2,377,904  3,039,371 -561,468 2,477,904
  Buy OMXH 25 long Outokumpu 8,921.79 5.370   7/19/21 5.162 47,910        3,087,281 -609,378  
    OBX 25 short Nel 25,227.74 1.899   8/09/21 1.441 47,910        3,135,191 -657,288  
date B/S market l/s instrument pieces price prc short corresponding invest divest prf/loss acc p/l ∑ invest asset total
    CAC Next 20 long Klépierre 2,095.80 22.860   7/12/21 22.260 47,910        3,183,101 -705,198  
7/12/21 Sell Nikkei (FRA) long Fast Retailing 131.52 204.070   11/16/20 230.000 -30,250 26,839 -3,410 2,374,493  3,152,852 -678,358 2,474,493
      Japan Steel Works 1,426.86 21.200   11/16/20 21.200 -30,249 30,249 0 2,374,493  3,122,602 -648,109  
    CAC Next 20 Klépierre 2,095.80 22.260   7/05/21 22.860 -47,910 46,653 -1,257 2,373,236  3,074,692 -601,456 2,473,236
    CAC Mid 60 Solutions 30 3,455.11 6.350   11/16/20 17.510 -60,499 21,940 -38,559 2,334,677  3,014,193 -579,516 2,434,677
  Buy Nikkei (FRA) short Daiichi Sankyo 1,338.89 17.320   9/13/21 21.140 23,190        3,037,383 -602,706  
      Nexon 1,310.14 17.700   9/13/21 15.800 23,189        3,060,572 -625,895  
    CAC Next 20 Ubisoft 774.27 59.900   7/26/21 55.020 46,379        3,106,951 -672,274  
    CAC Mid 60 Vallourec 6,310.07 7.350   11/15/21 7.240 46,379        3,153,330 -718,653  
7/19/21 Sell France long Sartorius Stedim 206.91 457.400   11/09/20 320.200 -66,253 94,641 28,388 2,363,065  3,087,077 -624,013 2,463,065
    HSI Geely Auto 18,494.58 2.585   1/04/21 2.831 -52,360 47,807 -4,553 2,358,511  3,034,717 -576,206 2,458,511
    CAC 40 ArcelorMittal 2,790.29 24.610   12/28/20 19.060 -53,183 68,669 15,486 2,373,998  2,981,535 -507,537 2,473,998
    SDAX Redcare Pharmacy 436.50 128.300   11/16/20 138.600 -60,499 56,003 -4,496 2,369,502  2,921,036 -451,534 2,469,502
    OMXH 25 Outokumpu 8,921.79 5.162   7/05/21 5.370 -47,910 46,054 -1,856 2,367,646  2,873,126 -405,480 2,467,646
    STI short Keppel DC REIT 31,590.88 1.616 1.595 6/21/21 1.605 -50,716 50,378 -338 2,367,308  2,822,410 -355,102 2,467,308
  Buy France Vallourec 7,349.34 7.185   10/18/21 7.500 52,805        2,875,215 -407,907  
    HSI China Life Ins HK 35,236.22 1.499   1/24/22 1.592 52,805        2,928,020 -460,712  
    CAC 40 Atos 1,306.73 40.410   2/13/23 11.995 52,805        2,980,825 -513,517  
    SDAX Corestate Capital 4,748.65 11.120   8/02/21 12.480 52,805        3,033,630 -566,322  
    OMXH 25 Orion 1,477.06 35.750   7/26/21 35.440 52,805        3,086,434 -619,127  
    FT 30 Tesco 197.15 267.841   11/15/21 337.186 52,805        3,139,239 -671,931  
    STI long Yangzijiang Ship 62,468.95 0.845   9/27/21 0.884 52,805        3,192,044 -724,736  
7/26/21 Sell OMXH 25 short Orion 1,477.06 35.440 36.063 7/19/21 35.750 -52,805 53,267 462 2,367,770  3,139,239 -671,470 2,467,770
    CAC Next 20 Ubisoft 774.27 55.020 65.213 7/12/21 59.900 -46,379 50,492 4,114 2,371,883  3,092,861 -620,977 2,471,883
  Buy OMXH 25 long Outokumpu 8,112.20 5.704   8/02/21 5.876 46,272        3,139,133 -667,249  
date B/S market l/s instrument pieces price prc short corresponding invest divest prf/loss acc p/l ∑ invest asset total
    CAC Next 20 Sartorius Stedim 101.27 456.900   8/02/21 484.500 46,270        3,185,403 -713,520  
8/02/21 Sell SDAX short Corestate Capital 4,748.65 12.480 9.760 7/19/21 11.120 -52,805 46,347 -6,458 2,365,425  3,132,598 -667,173 2,465,425
    OMXH 25 long Outokumpu 8,112.20 5.876   7/26/21 5.704 -46,272 47,667 1,395 2,366,820  3,086,326 -619,505 2,466,820
    SLI Kühne & Nagel 187.53 284.829   5/17/21 261.334 -49,008 53,414 4,406 2,371,226  3,037,318 -566,092 2,471,226
    CAC Next 20 Sartorius Stedim 101.27 484.500   7/26/21 456.900 -46,270 49,065 2,795 2,374,021  2,991,048 -517,026 2,474,022
    Nikkei (TYO) Japan Steel Works 2,721.69 21.825   12/07/20 22.028 -59,954 59,400 -554 2,373,467  2,931,094 -457,627 2,473,467
  Buy SDAX Eckert & Ziegler 424.57 118.700   9/06/21 129.900 50,396        2,981,490 -508,023  
    OMXH 25 short Orion 1,401.84 35.950   9/06/21 35.310 50,396        3,031,886 -558,419  
    CAC Next 20 Ubisoft 941.63 53.520   2/06/23 20.730 50,396        3,082,282 -608,815  
    Nikkei (TYO) Daiichi Sankyo 3,132.00 16.091   10/18/21 21.394 50,396        3,132,678 -659,211  
8/09/21 Sell OBX 25 short Nel 25,227.74 1.441 2.504 7/05/21 1.899 -47,910 63,163 15,253 2,388,720  3,084,768 -596,049 2,488,720
  Buy   long Nordic Semiconductor 1,671.07 28.315   8/16/21 26.690 47,316        3,132,084 -643,365  
8/16/21 Sell Kospi 50 long Samsung BioLogics 78.95 718.042   5/18/20 446.957 -35,287 56,689 21,402 2,410,122  3,096,797 -586,675 2,510,122
    OBX 25 Nordic Semiconductor 1,671.07 26.690   8/09/21 28.315 -47,316 44,601 -2,715 2,407,407  3,049,481 -542,074 2,507,407
    GEX short DFV 3,556.67 14.500 11.300 4/19/21 12.900 -45,881 40,190 -5,691 2,401,717  3,003,600 -501,884 2,501,717
  Buy Kospi 50 NCsoft 87.08 574.142   10/25/21 459.108 49,996        3,053,596 -551,880  
    OBX 25 Nel 35,131.05 1.423   2/06/23 1.604 49,995        3,103,591 -601,875  
    GEX long elumeo 6,666.00 7.500   9/06/21 6.500 49,995        3,153,586 -651,870  
9/06/21 Sell SDAX long Eckert & Ziegler 424.57 129.900   8/02/21 118.700 -50,396 55,152 4,755 2,406,472  3,103,190 -596,718 2,506,472
    OMXH 25 short Orion 1,401.84 35.310 36.602 8/02/21 35.950 -50,396 51,310 913 2,407,385  3,052,794 -545,409 2,507,385
    PSI 20 NOS 16,090.97 3.602 2.246 5/31/21 2.924 -47,050 36,140 -10,910 2,396,476  3,005,744 -509,268 2,496,476
    GEX long elumeo 6,666.00 6.500   8/16/21 7.500 -49,995 43,329 -6,666 2,389,810  2,955,749 -465,939 2,489,810
  Buy SDAX short Morphosys 1,050.58 48.160   1/23/23 17.560 50,596        3,006,345 -516,535  
    OMXH 25 long Outokumpu 8,796.24 5.752   9/13/21 5.802 50,596        3,056,941 -567,131  
    PSI 20 CTT-Correios 10,788.06 4.690   9/13/21 4.720 50,596        3,107,537 -617,727  
date B/S market l/s instrument pieces price prc short corresponding invest divest prf/loss acc p/l ∑ invest asset total
    BAX short Morphosys 1,050.58 48.160   2/06/23 19.050 50,596        3,158,133 -668,323  
    GEX Voltabox 20,117.69 2.515   6/17/24 1.080 50,596        3,208,729 -718,919  
9/13/21 Sell HSI-Prop long Hang Lung 12,857.17 1.979   8/17/20 2.289 -29,427 25,449 -3,978 2,385,832  3,179,301 -693,470 2,485,832
      New World Dev 6,666.10 3.958   8/17/20 4.415 -29,428 26,382 -3,045 2,382,786  3,149,874 -667,087 2,482,786
    OMXH 25 Outokumpu 8,796.24 5.802   9/06/21 5.752 -50,596 51,036 440 2,383,226  3,099,278 -616,051 2,483,226
    PSI 20 CTT-Correios 10,788.06 4.720   9/06/21 4.690 -50,596 50,920 324 2,383,550  3,048,682 -565,132 2,483,550
    Nikkei (FRA) short Daiichi Sankyo 1,338.89 21.140 13.500 7/12/21 17.320 -23,190 18,075 -5,115 2,378,435  3,025,492 -547,057 2,478,435
      Nexon 1,310.14 15.800 19.829 7/12/21 17.700 -23,189 25,978 2,789 2,381,224  3,002,303 -521,079 2,481,224
    Topix (FRA) Kao 867.16 51.720 60.159 4/05/21 55.780 -48,370 52,167 3,797 2,385,021  2,953,932 -468,911 2,485,021
  Buy HSI-Prop Hang Lung 12,731.64 1.979   2/14/22 1.861 25,201        2,979,133 -494,112  
      China Res Land 7,638.98 3.299   2/14/22 4.329 25,201        3,004,334 -519,313  
    OMXH 25 Orion 1,470.73 34.270   1/02/23 51.180 50,402        3,054,736 -569,715  
    PSI 20 Pharol 526,116.91 0.096   9/27/21 0.092 50,402        3,105,138 -620,117  
    Nikkei (FRA) long Kawasaki Kisen 4,447.21 5.667   11/29/21 4.267 25,201        3,130,339 -645,318  
      Nippon Yūsen 1,008.04 25.000   11/29/21 19.670 25,201        3,155,540 -670,519  
    Topix (FRA) JFE 3,524.62 14.300   9/20/21 13.900 50,402        3,205,942 -720,921  
9/20/21 Sell Germany long elumeo 13,475.69 6.450   12/21/20 4.360 -58,754 86,918 28,164 2,413,185  3,147,188 -634,003 2,513,185
    TSX 60 First Quantum 4,730.29 14.135   12/07/20 12.675 -59,954 66,863 6,909 2,420,094  3,087,234 -567,140 2,520,094
    Topix (FRA) JFE 3,524.62 13.900   9/13/21 14.300 -50,402 48,992 -1,410 2,418,684  3,036,832 -518,148 2,518,684
  Buy Germany short Voltabox 27,269.90 1.834   1/02/23 1.120 50,013        3,086,845 -568,161  
    TSX 60 Canopy Growth 434.51 115.101   1/10/22 77.185 50,013        3,136,858 -618,173  
    Topix (FRA) Softbank Group 1,009.24 49.555   1/15/24 40.330 50,013        3,186,871 -668,186  
9/27/21 Sell PSI 20 short Pharol 526,116.91 0.092 0.100 9/13/21 0.096 -50,402 52,349 1,947 2,420,631  3,136,469 -615,838 2,520,631
    STI long Yangzijiang Ship 62,468.95 0.884   7/19/21 0.845 -52,805 55,229 2,424 2,423,055  3,083,664 -560,609 2,523,055
  Buy PSI 20 CTT-Correios 10,296.12 4.765   11/22/21 4.350 49,061        3,132,725 -609,670  
date B/S market l/s instrument pieces price prc short corresponding invest divest prf/loss acc p/l ∑ invest asset total
    STI short DFI Retail 16,692.52 2.939   6/17/24 1.783 49,061        3,181,786 -658,731  
10/04/21 Sell MDAX long Siltronic 480.40 136.000   12/07/20 124.800 -59,954 65,334 5,380 2,428,435  3,121,832 -593,397 2,528,435
    OMXC 20 Ambu 1,434.68 24.538   6/15/20 29.050 -41,677 35,204 -6,472 2,421,963  3,080,155 -558,192 2,521,963
    Nordic 30 Pandora 854.76 106.220   11/09/20 77.509 -66,252 90,793 24,541 2,446,504  3,013,903 -467,399 2,546,504
    DJTA J.B. Hunt 456.32 142.379   7/06/20 106.798 -48,734 64,970 16,236 2,462,740  2,965,169 -402,429 2,562,740
  Buy MDAX short Deutsche Lufthansa 8,783.05 6.149   10/18/21 5.901 54,007        3,019,176 -456,436  
    OMXC 20 Ambu 2,200.94 24.538   11/08/21 23.447 54,007        3,073,183 -510,443  
    Nordic 30 Ørsted 472.44 114.314   12/27/21 111.356 54,007        3,127,190 -564,450  
    DJTA FedEx 288.11 187.455   10/18/21 196.130 54,008        3,181,197 -618,457  
10/18/21 Sell France short Vallourec 7,349.34 7.500 6.870 7/19/21 7.185 -52,805 50,490 -2,315 2,460,425  3,128,392 -567,967 2,560,425
    MDAX Deutsche Lufthansa 8,783.05 5.901 6.407 10/04/21 6.149 -54,007 56,277 2,270 2,462,695  3,074,385 -511,691 2,562,695
    DJTA FedEx 288.11 196.130 178.780 10/04/21 187.455 -54,008 51,508 -2,499 2,460,195  3,020,378 -460,183 2,560,195
    Nikkei (TYO) Daiichi Sankyo 3,132.00 21.394 10.787 8/02/21 16.091 -50,396 33,786 -16,611 2,443,585  2,969,982 -426,397 2,543,585
  Buy France long Eramet 627.49 84.350   11/29/21 68.050 52,929        3,022,910 -479,326  
    DJTA Avis Budget 388.61 136.202   4/11/22 235.712 52,929        3,075,840 -532,255  
    Nikkei (TYO) Nippon Yūsen 2,795.05 18.937   11/01/21 21.298 52,929        3,128,769 -585,184  
10/25/21 Sell Kospi 50 short NCsoft 87.08 459.108 717.998 8/16/21 574.142 -49,996 62,523 12,527 2,456,112  3,078,773 -522,661 2,556,112
    SMI long Richemont 817.81 105.047   12/21/20 71.843 -58,754 85,908 27,155 2,483,266  3,020,019 -436,752 2,583,266
  Buy Kospi 50 Korea Zinc 127.10 422.203   11/29/21 374.590 53,662        3,073,681 -490,414  
    SMI short Holcim 1,263.86 42.459   11/08/21 44.668 53,662        3,127,343 -544,077  
11/01/21 Sell ÖkoDAX (deprecated) short CropEnergies 4,793.67 11.780 9.700 3/08/21 10.740 -51,484 46,499 -4,985 2,478,281  3,075,859 -497,578 2,578,281
    Nikkei (TYO) long Nippon Yūsen 2,795.05 21.298   10/18/21 18.937 -52,929 59,530 6,601 2,484,882  3,022,930 -438,048 2,584,882
  Buy ÖkoDAX (deprecated) Verbio 775.58 69.200   1/03/22 64.650 53,670        3,076,600 -491,718  
    Nikkei (TYO) short Nexon 3,641.73 14.738   11/08/21 16.136 53,670        3,130,270 -545,388  
11/08/21 Sell OMXC 20 short Ambu 2,200.94 23.447 25.680 10/04/21 24.538 -54,007 56,521 2,514 2,487,396  3,076,263 -488,867 2,587,396
date B/S market l/s instrument pieces price prc short corresponding invest divest prf/loss acc p/l ∑ invest asset total
    SMI Holcim 1,263.86 44.668 40.250 10/25/21 42.459 -53,662 50,870 -2,792 2,484,604  3,022,601 -437,997 2,584,604
    Nikkei (TYO) Nexon 3,641.73 16.136 13.339 11/01/21 14.738 -53,670 48,577 -5,093 2,479,511  2,968,931 -389,420 2,579,511
  Buy OMXC 20 long Novo Nordisk 1,104.26 49.583   11/15/21 49.895 54,752        3,023,683 -444,172  
    SMI Partners 35.09 1,560.270   12/13/21 1,420.720 54,750        3,078,433 -498,922  
    Nikkei (TYO) Nippon Yūsen 2,787.82 19.640   11/15/21 19.684 54,752        3,133,185 -553,674  
11/15/21 Sell OMXC 20 long Novo Nordisk 1,104.26 49.895   11/08/21 49.583 -54,752 55,097 344 2,479,855  3,078,433 -498,578 2,579,855
    OMXS 30 Svenska Cellulosa B 2,304.57 13.936   6/22/20 11.131 -25,651 32,117 6,466 2,486,321  3,052,782 -466,461 2,586,321
    FT 30 short Tesco 197.15 337.186 198.495 7/19/21 267.841 -52,805 39,133 -13,672 2,472,650  2,999,977 -427,327 2,572,650
    CAC Mid 60 Vallourec 6,310.07 7.240 7.462 7/12/21 7.350 -46,379 47,084 705 2,473,354  2,953,598 -380,243 2,573,354
    Nikkei (TYO) long Nippon Yūsen 2,787.82 19.684   11/08/21 19.640 -54,752 54,876 124 2,473,479  2,898,846 -325,367 2,573,479
  Buy OMXC 20 short GN Store Nord 145.11 387.300   6/27/22 243.700 56,201        2,955,047 -381,568  
    OMXS 30 Ericsson 2,946.83 9.536   11/22/21 9.178 28,101        2,983,148 -409,669  
      Hennes & Mauritz 1,644.37 17.089   11/22/21 16.083 28,101        3,011,249 -437,770  
    FT 30 long Man Group 205.49 273.499   11/22/21 269.633 56,201        3,067,450 -493,972  
    CAC Mid 60 Valneva 2,656.05 21.160   11/22/21 19.060 56,202        3,123,652 -550,174  
    Nikkei (TYO) short GS Yuasa 3,381.08 16.623   2/14/22 17.902 56,202        3,179,854 -606,376  
11/22/21 Sell PSI 20 long CTT-Correios 10,296.12 4.350   9/27/21 4.765 -49,061 44,788 -4,273 2,469,206  3,130,793 -561,587 2,569,206
    OMXS 30 short Ericsson 2,946.83 9.178 9.908 11/15/21 9.536 -28,101 29,198 1,097 2,470,303  3,102,692 -532,390 2,570,303
      Hennes & Mauritz 1,644.37 16.083 18.159 11/15/21 17.089 -28,101 29,860 1,759 2,472,061  3,074,591 -502,530 2,572,061
    FT 30 long Man Group 205.49 269.633   11/15/21 273.499 -56,201 55,407 -794 2,471,267  3,018,390 -447,123 2,571,267
    NZX 50 Skellerup 18,490.69 3.683   2/22/21 2.744 -50,744 68,107 17,363 2,488,630  2,967,646 -379,016 2,588,630
    CAC Mid 60 Valneva 2,656.05 19.060   11/15/21 21.160 -56,202 50,624 -5,578 2,483,052  2,911,444 -328,392 2,583,052
  Buy MDAX short TeamViewer 4,708.94 11.970   1/03/22 12.625 56,366        2,967,810 -384,758  
    PSI 20 Pharol 633,325.84 0.089   3/28/22 0.080 56,366        3,024,176 -441,124  
    OMXS 30 long Alfa Laval 754.16 37.370   11/29/21 35.320 28,183        3,052,359 -469,307  
date B/S market l/s instrument pieces price prc short corresponding invest divest prf/loss acc p/l ∑ invest asset total
      Getinge 701.91 40.152   11/29/21 37.381 28,183        3,080,542 -497,490  
    FT 30 short Flutter 4.16 13,553.100   1/03/22 14,035.400 56,381        3,136,923 -553,871  
    CAC Mid 60 Vallourec 7,465.70 7.550   1/17/22 9.285 56,366        3,193,289 -610,237  
11/29/21 Sell France long Eramet 627.49 68.050   10/18/21 84.350 -52,929 42,701 -10,228 2,472,824  3,140,360 -567,536 2,572,824
    Kospi 50 Korea Zinc 127.10 374.590   10/25/21 422.203 -53,662 47,610 -6,052 2,466,772  3,086,698 -519,926 2,566,772
    OMXS 30 Alfa Laval 754.16 35.320   11/22/21 37.370 -28,183 26,637 -1,546 2,465,226  3,058,515 -493,289 2,565,226
      Getinge 701.91 37.381   11/22/21 40.152 -28,183 26,238 -1,945 2,463,281  3,030,332 -467,051 2,563,281
    Nikkei (FRA) Kawasaki Kisen 4,447.21 4.267   9/13/21 5.667 -25,201 18,975 -6,226 2,457,055  3,005,131 -448,076 2,557,055
      Nippon Yūsen 1,008.04 19.670   9/13/21 25.000 -25,201 19,828 -5,373 2,451,682  2,979,930 -428,248 2,551,682
    Indices Merval 125.10 695.022   11/09/20 529.588 -66,251 86,947 20,696 2,472,378  2,913,679 -341,301 2,572,378
  Buy France short Vivendi 4,980.00 11.200   1/03/22 11.975 55,776        2,969,455 -397,077  
    Kospi 50 Amorepacific Group 1,731.70 32.209   3/28/22 32.077 55,776        3,025,231 -452,853  
    OMXS 30 Hennes & Mauritz 1,755.70 15.884   12/13/21 16.022 27,888        3,053,119 -480,741  
      Kinnevik 869.00 32.092   12/13/21 30.350 27,888        3,081,007 -508,629  
    Nikkei (FRA) NTN 16,901.82 1.650   11/21/22 1.940 27,888        3,108,895 -536,517  
      Unitika 12,676.36 2.200   11/21/22 1.730 27,888        3,136,783 -564,405  
    Indices HSI 20.55 2,714.150   12/13/21 2,718.820 55,776        3,192,558 -620,180  
12/13/21 Sell SSE 50 short Shenzhen Goodix Tech 3,348.90 14.830 14.075 3/22/21 14.453 -48,400 47,136 -1,264 2,471,114  3,144,158 -573,044 2,571,114
    OMXS 30 Hennes & Mauritz 1,755.70 16.022 15.746 11/29/21 15.884 -27,888 27,646 -242 2,470,872  3,116,270 -545,399 2,570,872
      Kinnevik 869.00 30.350 33.934 11/29/21 32.092 -27,888 29,488 1,601 2,472,472  3,088,382 -515,910 2,572,472
    SMI long Partners 35.09 1,420.720   11/08/21 1,560.270 -54,750 49,853 -4,897 2,467,576  3,033,633 -466,057 2,567,576
    Indices short HSI 20.55 2,718.820 2,709.480 11/29/21 2,714.150 -55,776 55,680 -96 2,467,480  2,977,857 -410,377 2,567,480
  Buy SSE 50 long Wingtech Technology 2,806.94 19.212   1/17/22 16.708 53,927        3,031,784 -464,304  
    OMXS 30 Alfa Laval 780.47 34.548   2/28/22 29.209 26,964        3,058,747 -491,268  
      Getinge 703.69 38.317   2/28/22 34.919 26,964        3,085,711 -518,231  
date B/S market l/s instrument pieces price prc short corresponding invest divest prf/loss acc p/l ∑ invest asset total
    Indices Merval 75.60 713.301   1/24/22 684.072 53,926        3,139,636 -572,157  
12/20/21 Sell S&P 100 long NVidia 5,662.40 24.551   8/17/20 10.394 -58,855 139,016 80,161 2,547,640  3,080,781 -433,141 2,647,640
  Buy   short PayPal 342.16 161.800   12/27/21 169.467 55,361        3,136,143 -488,502  
12/27/21 Sell   short PayPal 342.16 169.467 154.132 12/20/21 161.800 -55,361 52,738 -2,624 2,545,017  3,080,781 -435,765 2,645,017
    Nordic 30 Ørsted 472.44 111.356 117.351 10/04/21 114.314 -54,007 55,441 1,435 2,546,452  3,026,775 -380,323 2,646,452
    NZX 20 long Fisher & Paykel HC 2,312.20 19.773   6/08/20 17.394 -40,218 45,720 5,502 2,551,953  2,986,557 -334,604 2,651,953
  Buy S&P 100 NVidia 2,121.16 27.312   1/24/22 20.626 57,933        3,044,490 -392,537  
    Nordic 30 Novo Nordisk 1,183.26 48.960   1/24/22 40.900 57,933        3,102,423 -450,470  
    NZX 20 short Ryman Healthcare 7,889.02 7.344   5/15/23 3.089 57,933        3,160,356 -508,403  
1/03/22 Sell France short Vivendi 4,980.00 11.975 10.425 11/29/21 11.200 -55,776 51,917 -3,860 2,548,094  3,104,580 -456,486 2,648,094
    MDAX TeamViewer 4,708.94 12.625 11.315 11/22/21 11.970 -56,366 53,282 -3,084 2,545,009  3,048,214 -403,204 2,645,009
    ÖkoDAX (deprecated) long Verbio 775.58 64.650   11/01/21 69.200 -53,670 50,141 -3,529 2,541,480  2,994,544 -353,063 2,641,480
    FT 30 short Flutter 4.16 14,035.400 13,070.800 11/22/21 13,553.100 -56,381 54,375 -2,006 2,539,474  2,938,163 -298,689 2,639,474
  Buy France long Valneva 2,531.10 23.120   1/24/22 14.230 58,519        2,996,682 -357,208  
    ÖkoDAX (deprecated) short Nordex 4,044.16 14.470   3/21/22 15.840 58,519        3,055,201 -415,727  
    FT 30 long Experian 13.50 4,334.750   2/28/22 3,505.440 58,519        3,113,720 -474,246  
    SMI Richemont 440.72 132.781   1/24/22 123.610 58,519        3,172,239 -532,765  
1/10/22 Sell TSX 60 short Canopy Growth 434.51 77.185 171.645 9/20/21 115.101 -50,013 74,581 24,569 2,564,043  3,122,227 -458,184 2,664,043
  Buy MDAX TeamViewer 4,930.35 11.185   4/03/23 15.540 55,146        3,177,373 -513,330  
    TSX 60 long Cenovus Energy 4,605.48 11.974   1/24/22 12.266 55,146        3,232,519 -568,476  
1/17/22 Sell SSE 50 long Wingtech Technology 2,806.94 16.708   12/13/21 19.212 -53,927 46,897 -7,030 2,557,013  3,178,592 -521,578 2,657,013
    HSI-Fin short Ping An 6,171.71 6.822 9.898 6/21/21 8.218 -50,716 61,087 10,371 2,567,384  3,127,876 -460,491 2,667,384
    HSI-C&I China Unicom 104,161.48 0.457 0.475 6/28/21 0.466 -48,508 49,466 958 2,568,343  3,079,368 -411,025 2,668,343
    Athex LC Piraeus Financial 32,577.57 1.440 1.540 6/28/21 1.489 -48,508 50,160 1,652 2,569,994  3,030,860 -360,865 2,669,994
    CAC Mid 60 Vallourec 7,465.70 9.285 5.815 11/22/21 7.550 -56,366 43,413 -12,953 2,557,041  2,974,494 -317,452 2,657,041
date B/S market l/s instrument pieces price prc short corresponding invest divest prf/loss acc p/l ∑ invest asset total
  Buy SSE 50 China Tourism 2,224.75 26.290   9/05/22 26.156 58,489        3,032,983 -375,941  
    HSI-Fin long HSBC 9,453.84 6.187   5/09/22 5.903 58,489        3,091,472 -434,430  
    HSI-C&I Want Want China 68,504.33 0.854   5/09/22 0.837 58,489        3,149,961 -492,919  
    Athex LC National Bank Greece 18,317.88 3.193   1/24/22 3.049 58,489        3,208,450 -551,408  
    CAC Mid 60 Derichebourg 4,906.80 11.920   1/24/22 10.760 58,489        3,266,939 -609,897  
1/24/22 Sell S&P 100 long NVidia 2,121.16 20.626   12/27/21 27.312 -57,933 43,751 -14,182 2,542,859  3,209,005 -566,147 2,642,859
    France Valneva 2,531.10 14.230   1/03/22 23.120 -58,519 36,018 -22,501 2,520,357  3,150,486 -530,129 2,620,357
    HSI short China Life Ins HK 35,236.22 1.592 1.405 7/19/21 1.499 -52,805 49,514 -3,291 2,517,066  3,097,681 -480,615 2,617,066
    DAX long Infineon 2,339.97 34.285   7/13/20 23.205 -54,299 80,226 25,927 2,542,993  3,043,382 -400,389 2,642,993
    HDAX HelloFresh 1,233.50 53.000   8/24/20 44.960 -55,458 65,376 9,917 2,552,911  2,987,924 -335,014 2,652,911
    MIB CNH Industrial 4,221.11 13.125   2/08/21 11.890 -50,189 55,402 5,213 2,558,124  2,937,735 -279,612 2,658,124
    BEL 20 argenx 238.01 232.800   10/12/20 238.200 -56,694 55,409 -1,285 2,556,838  2,881,041 -224,203 2,656,838
    TSX 60 Cenovus Energy 4,605.48 12.266   1/10/22 11.974 -55,146 56,493 1,347 2,558,185  2,825,895 -167,710 2,658,185
    Athex LC National Bank Greece 18,317.88 3.049   1/17/22 3.193 -58,489 55,851 -2,638 2,555,547  2,767,406 -111,859 2,655,547
    Nordic 30 Novo Nordisk 1,183.26 40.900   12/27/21 48.960 -57,933 48,396 -9,537 2,546,010  2,709,474 -63,463 2,646,010
    SMI Richemont 440.72 123.610   1/03/22 132.781 -58,519 54,477 -4,042 2,541,969  2,650,954 -8,986 2,641,969
    CAC Mid 60 Derichebourg 4,906.80 10.760   1/17/22 11.920 -58,489 52,797 -5,692 2,536,277  2,592,465 43,811 2,636,277
    Indices Merval 75.60 684.072   12/13/21 713.301 -53,926 51,716 -2,210 2,534,067  2,538,540 95,527 2,634,067
    QIX Software 1,438.29 29.740   8/17/20 40.920 -58,855 42,775 -16,080 2,517,987  2,479,685 138,302 2,617,987
  Buy S&P 100 short PayPal 481.48 143.116   11/21/22 78.776 68,907        2,548,592 69,394  
    France DBV Technologies 26,401.15 2.610   6/06/22 2.938 68,907        2,617,499 487  
    HSI long China Res Power 29,428.57 2.342   4/25/22 1.665 68,907        2,686,406 -68,420  
    DAX short Delivery Hero 1,004.77 68.580   1/31/22 67.920 68,907        2,755,313 -137,327  
    HDAX Morphosys 2,707.54 25.450   2/06/23 19.050 68,907        2,824,220 -206,234  
    MIB Nexi 5,327.17 12.935   1/31/22 12.910 68,907        2,893,127 -275,140  
date B/S market l/s instrument pieces price prc short corresponding invest divest prf/loss acc p/l ∑ invest asset total
    BEL 20 Umicore 2,113.06 32.610   5/08/23 29.450 68,907        2,962,034 -344,047  
    TSX 60 Canopy Growth 1,058.02 65.128   3/21/22 63.695 68,907        3,030,941 -412,954  
    Athex LC Piraeus Financial 48,870.21 1.410   1/09/23 1.560 68,907        3,099,848 -481,861  
    Nordic 30 Vestas Wind Systems 2,947.83 23.376   8/15/22 25.639 68,907        3,168,755 -550,768  
    CAC Mid 60 DBV Technologies 26,401.15 2.610   1/16/23 3.058 68,907        3,237,662 -619,675  
    Indices SDAX 4.76 14,463.900   11/14/22 12,569.300 68,848        3,306,510 -688,523  
    QIX Software 2,316.98 29.740   11/28/22 24.940 68,907        3,375,417 -757,430  
1/31/22 Sell ASX 50 long Fortescue Metals 5,406.59 12.507   9/21/20 9.945 -53,768 67,622 13,854 2,531,841  3,321,649 -689,809 2,631,841
    DAX short Delivery Hero 1,004.77 67.920 69.246 1/24/22 68.580 -68,907 69,577 670 2,532,510  3,252,742 -620,232 2,632,510
    MIB Nexi 5,327.17 12.910 12.960 1/24/22 12.935 -68,907 69,040 133 2,532,643  3,183,835 -551,192 2,632,643
  Buy ASX 50 Northern Star 9,972.02 5.218   2/07/22 5.228 52,036        3,235,871 -603,228  
    DAX long E.on 4,258.27 12.220   2/07/22 12.230 52,036        3,287,907 -655,264  
    MIB Unicredit 3,719.51 13.990   2/07/22 14.784 52,036        3,339,943 -707,300  
2/07/22 Sell ASX 50 short Northern Star 9,972.02 5.228 5.209 1/31/22 5.218 -52,036 51,939 -97 2,532,547  3,287,907 -655,361 2,632,547
    DAX long E.on 4,258.27 12.230   1/31/22 12.220 -52,036 52,079 43 2,532,589  3,235,871 -603,282 2,632,589
    MIB Unicredit 3,719.51 14.784   1/31/22 13.990 -52,036 54,989 2,953 2,535,543  3,183,835 -548,293 2,635,543
  Buy ASX 50 SOUTH32 20,179.05 2.586   2/14/22 2.859 52,181        3,236,016 -600,474  
    DAX short Delivery Hero 769.63 67.800   2/14/22 43.270 52,181        3,288,197 -652,655  
    MIB Saipem 908.25 57.452   2/06/23 1.368 52,181        3,340,378 -704,835  
2/14/22 Sell ASX 50 long SOUTH32 20,179.05 2.859   2/07/22 2.586 -52,181 57,696 5,515 2,541,058  3,288,197 -647,139 2,641,058
    DAX short Delivery Hero 769.63 43.270 106.236 2/07/22 67.800 -52,181 81,762 29,582 2,570,639  3,236,016 -565,377 2,670,639
    HSI-Prop Hang Lung 12,731.64 1.861 2.106 9/13/21 1.979 -25,201 26,809 1,608 2,572,247  3,210,815 -538,568 2,672,247
      China Res Land 7,638.98 4.329 2.269 9/13/21 3.299 -25,201 17,334 -7,867 2,564,380  3,185,614 -521,234 2,664,380
    Nikkei (TYO) GS Yuasa 3,381.08 17.902 15.343 11/15/21 16.623 -56,202 51,876 -4,326 2,560,053  3,129,412 -469,359 2,660,053
  Buy ASX 50 Xero 796.06 68.798   2/21/22 64.626 54,767        3,184,179 -524,126  
date B/S market l/s instrument pieces price prc short corresponding invest divest prf/loss acc p/l ∑ invest asset total
    DAX long Deutsche Bank 3,941.21 13.896   3/07/22 8.895 54,767        3,238,946 -578,893  
    HSI-Prop China Ov Land & Inv 10,026.55 2.731   8/29/22 2.677 27,384        3,266,330 -606,277  
      China Res Land 6,325.74 4.329   8/29/22 4.063 27,384        3,293,713 -633,660  
    Nikkei (TYO) Kawasaki Kisen 8,853.81 6.186   2/21/22 6.502 54,767        3,348,480 -688,427  
2/21/22 Sell ASX 50 short Xero 796.06 64.626 73.239 2/14/22 68.798 -54,767 58,303 3,535 2,563,588  3,293,713 -630,125 2,663,589
    MerVal long Cresud 47,581.55 0.985   5/17/21 1.030 -49,009 46,863 -2,146 2,561,443  3,244,704 -583,261 2,661,443
    Nikkei (TYO) Kawasaki Kisen 8,853.81 6.502   2/14/22 6.186 -54,767 57,571 2,804 2,564,247  3,189,937 -525,690 2,664,247
  Buy ASX 50 SOUTH32 18,444.42 2.899   2/28/22 3.115 53,463        3,243,400 -579,153  
    MerVal short Holcim (Argentina) 38,668.45 1.383   2/28/22 1.350 53,463        3,296,863 -632,616  
    Nikkei (TYO) M3 1,739.89 30.728   6/06/22 27.347 53,463        3,350,326 -686,079  
2/28/22 Sell Nasdaq 100 long Tesla Motors 646.72 258.867   5/11/20 50.030 -32,355 167,414 135,059 2,699,306  3,317,971 -518,665 2,799,306
    ASX 50 SOUTH32 18,444.42 3.115   2/21/22 2.899 -53,463 57,449 3,986 2,703,292  3,264,508 -461,216 2,803,292
    ATX Verbund 1,134.14 108.000   10/19/20 52.400 -59,429 122,487 63,058 2,766,350  3,205,079 -338,729 2,866,350
    OMXS 30 Alfa Laval 780.47 29.209   12/13/21 34.548 -26,964 22,797 -4,167 2,762,183  3,178,115 -315,932 2,862,183
      Getinge 703.69 34.919   12/13/21 38.317 -26,964 24,572 -2,391 2,759,791  3,151,152 -291,360 2,859,791
    MerVal short Holcim (Argentina) 38,668.45 1.350 1.416 2/21/22 1.383 -53,463 54,758 1,295 2,761,087  3,097,689 -236,602 2,861,087
    FT 30 long Experian 13.50 3,505.440   1/03/22 4,334.750 -58,519 47,323 -11,196 2,749,891  3,039,170 -189,279 2,849,891
  Buy Nasdaq 100 short PayPal 666.05 99.864   4/04/22 111.027 66,515        3,105,684 -255,793  
    ASX 50 Xero 1,095.90 60.694   3/21/22 68.061 66,515        3,172,199 -322,308  
    ATX Raiffeisen Bank Int 4,534.08 14.670   12/12/22 14.630 66,515        3,238,714 -388,823  
    OMXS 30 Kinnevik 1,451.95 22.905   6/27/22 16.088 33,258        3,271,972 -422,080  
      Sinch 4,349.03 7.647   6/27/22 3.572 33,257        3,305,229 -455,338  
    MerVal long TGN 73,286.69 0.908   3/07/22 0.967 66,515        3,371,744 -521,853  
    FT 30 short Ocado 40.53 1,640.970   1/09/23 843.128 66,509        3,438,253 -588,361  
3/07/22 Sell DAX long Deutsche Bank 3,941.21 8.895   2/14/22 13.896 -54,767 35,057 -19,710 2,730,181  3,383,486 -553,304 2,830,181
date B/S market l/s instrument pieces price prc short corresponding invest divest prf/loss acc p/l ∑ invest asset total
    FTSE Scottish Mortgage 49.14 1,032.440   7/06/20 991.827 -48,738 50,734 1,996 2,732,177  3,334,747 -502,570 2,832,177
    MerVal TGN 73,286.69 0.967   2/28/22 0.908 -66,515 70,832 4,317 2,736,494  3,268,232 -431,739 2,836,494
    DJ Global Titans Apple 577.57 146.445   10/05/20 98.803 -57,066 84,582 27,516 2,764,010  3,211,166 -347,156 2,864,010
    SP Global 100 Mercedes-Benz 1,039.06 57.390   12/07/20 57.700 -59,954 59,632 -322 2,763,688  3,151,213 -287,525 2,863,688
  Buy DAX short Delivery Hero 1,574.67 40.900   4/11/22 38.830 64,404        3,215,617 -351,929  
    MerVal Holcim (Argentina) 50,307.76 1.280   3/21/22 1.311 64,404        3,280,021 -416,333  
    SP Global 100 Vivendi 5,996.65 10.740   3/21/22 11.750 64,404        3,344,425 -480,737  
3/21/22 Sell ASX 50 short Xero 1,095.90 68.061 53.327 2/28/22 60.694 -66,515 58,441 -8,073 2,755,614  3,277,910 -422,295 2,855,614
    TSX 60 Canopy Growth 1,058.02 63.695 66.594 1/24/22 65.128 -68,907 70,458 1,551 2,757,165  3,209,003 -351,838 2,857,165
    ÖkoDAX (deprecated) Nordex 4,044.16 15.840 13.100 1/03/22 14.470 -58,519 52,979 -5,541 2,751,625  3,150,484 -298,859 2,851,625
    MerVal Holcim (Argentina) 50,307.76 1.311 1.250 3/07/22 1.280 -64,404 62,865 -1,539 2,750,085  3,086,080 -235,995 2,850,085
    SP Global 100 Vivendi 5,996.65 11.750 9.730 3/07/22 10.740 -64,404 58,347 -6,057 2,744,029  3,021,676 -177,647 2,844,029
  Buy ASX 50 long SOUTH32 20,368.82 3.273   6/20/22 2.686 66,659        3,088,335 -244,306  
    TSX 60 Cdn Nat Resources 2,351.62 28.346   5/09/22 27.775 66,659        3,154,994 -310,965  
    ÖkoDAX (deprecated) Verbio 986.81 67.550   10/10/22 61.250 66,659        3,221,653 -377,624  
    MerVal Comercial del Plata 996,397.61 0.067   5/09/22 0.070 66,659        3,288,312 -444,283  
    SP Global 100 Chevron 446.74 149.213   6/13/22 160.269 66,659        3,354,971 -510,943  
3/28/22 Sell Kospi 50 short Amorepacific Group 1,731.70 32.077 32.341 11/29/21 32.209 -55,776 56,005 229 2,744,258  3,299,195 -454,938 2,844,258
    PSI 20 Pharol 633,325.84 0.080 0.099 11/22/21 0.089 -56,366 62,699 6,333 2,750,591  3,242,829 -392,238 2,850,591
  Buy Kospi 50 long Korea Aerospace 1,835.15 33.489   6/20/22 40.439 61,458        3,304,287 -453,696  
    PSI 20 Galp Energia 5,438.76 11.300   6/13/22 12.405 61,458        3,365,745 -515,154  
    DJ Global Titans ConocoPhilips 652.45 94.195   6/13/22 107.044 61,458        3,427,203 -576,612  
4/04/22 Sell Nasdaq 100 short PayPal 666.05 111.027 88.702 2/28/22 99.864 -66,515 59,080 -7,435 2,743,156  3,360,689 -517,532 2,843,156
  Buy   long Tesla Motors 167.13 347.875   4/18/22 310.460 58,140        3,418,829 -575,673  
4/11/22 Sell DAX short Delivery Hero 1,574.67 38.830 43.080 3/07/22 40.900 -64,404 67,837 3,433 2,746,590  3,354,425 -507,835 2,846,590
date B/S market l/s instrument pieces price prc short corresponding invest divest prf/loss acc p/l ∑ invest asset total
    DJTA long Avis Budget 388.61 235.712   10/18/21 136.202 -52,929 91,600 38,671 2,785,260  3,301,495 -416,235 2,885,260
  Buy DAX Bayer 911.34 67.730   4/18/22 67.300 61,725        3,363,220 -477,960  
    DJTA short JetBlue Airways 5,584.96 11.052   4/18/22 11.741 61,725        3,424,945 -539,685  
4/18/22 Sell Nasdaq 100 long Tesla Motors 167.13 310.460   4/04/22 347.875 -58,140 51,887 -6,253 2,779,007  3,366,805 -487,798 2,879,007
    DAX Bayer 911.34 67.300   4/11/22 67.730 -61,725 61,333 -392 2,778,615  3,305,080 -426,465 2,878,615
    DJTA short JetBlue Airways 5,584.96 11.741 10.363 4/11/22 11.052 -61,725 57,878 -3,847 2,774,768  3,243,355 -368,587 2,874,768
  Buy Nasdaq 100 PayPal 671.69 93.278   8/08/22 94.345 62,654        3,306,009 -431,241  
    DAX Delivery Hero 1,737.98 36.050   7/18/22 39.060 62,654        3,368,663 -493,896  
    DJTA long Avis Budget 253.52 247.134   6/06/22 179.118 62,653        3,431,317 -556,549  
4/25/22 Sell HSI long China Res Power 29,428.57 1.665   1/24/22 2.342 -68,907 49,010 -19,897 2,754,871  3,362,410 -507,539 2,854,871
  Buy   short AAC Technologies 31,381.28 1.870   1/02/23 2.144 58,683        3,421,093 -566,222  
5/09/22 Sell USA long Tesla Motors 692.34 248.045   5/04/20 46.529 -32,214 171,731 139,518 2,894,389  3,388,879 -394,490 2,994,389
    HSI-Fin HSBC 9,453.84 5.903   1/17/22 6.187 -58,489 55,808 -2,681 2,891,707  3,330,390 -338,682 2,991,707
    HSI-C&I Want Want China 68,504.33 0.837   1/17/22 0.854 -58,489 57,359 -1,130 2,890,577  3,271,901 -281,324 2,990,577
    TSX 60 Cdn Nat Resources 2,351.62 27.775   3/21/22 28.346 -66,659 65,315 -1,344 2,889,233  3,205,242 -216,009 2,989,233
    MerVal Comercial del Plata 996,397.61 0.070   3/21/22 0.067 -66,659 69,549 2,890 2,892,123  3,138,583 -146,460 2,992,123
  Buy USA short Netflix 434.72 163.649   5/30/22 180.980 71,141        3,209,724 -217,601  
    HSI-Fin HK Exchgs & Clrg 1,802.55 39.467   1/02/23 40.519 71,141        3,280,865 -288,742  
    HSI-C&I Sunny Optical 5,899.26 12.059   1/09/23 11.121 71,141        3,352,006 -359,883  
    TSX 60 Shopify 2,204.78 32.267   1/09/23 34.660 71,141        3,423,147 -431,024  
    MerVal Holcim (Argentina) 61,754.34 1.152   5/16/22 1.312 71,141        3,494,288 -502,165  
5/16/22 Sell   short Holcim (Argentina) 61,754.34 1.312 0.992 5/09/22 1.152 -71,141 61,254 -9,887 2,882,236  3,423,147 -440,911 2,982,236
  Buy   long Comercial del Plata 853,938.17 0.074   6/06/22 0.076 63,533        3,486,680 -504,444  
5/23/22 Sell IBEX 35 short Pharma Mar 586.09 69.900 100.033 5/17/21 83.620 -49,009 58,628 9,619 2,891,855  3,437,671 -445,816 2,991,855
  Buy   long Solaria Energía 2,838.98 22.420   5/30/22 21.960 63,650        3,501,321 -509,466  
date B/S market l/s instrument pieces price prc short corresponding invest divest prf/loss acc p/l ∑ invest asset total
5/30/22 Sell USA short Netflix 434.72 180.980 146.319 5/09/22 163.649 -71,141 63,608 -7,534 2,884,322  3,430,180 -445,858 2,984,322
    IBEX 35 long Solaria Energía 2,838.98 21.960   5/23/22 22.420 -63,650 62,344 -1,306 2,883,016  3,366,530 -383,514 2,983,016
  Buy USA Occidental Pet 989.13 65.701   6/13/22 57.305 64,987        3,431,517 -448,501  
    IBEX 35 short Fluidra 2,582.95 25.160   12/26/22 14.310 64,987        3,496,504 -513,488  
6/06/22 Sell France short DBV Technologies 26,401.15 2.938 2.282 1/24/22 2.610 -68,907 60,247 -8,660 2,874,356  3,427,597 -453,240 2,974,356
    MerVal long Comercial del Plata 853,938.17 0.076   5/16/22 0.074 -63,533 64,643 1,110 2,875,466  3,364,064 -388,597 2,975,466
    DJTA Avis Budget 253.52 179.118   4/18/22 247.134 -62,653 45,410 -17,243 2,858,223  3,301,410 -343,187 2,958,223
    Nikkei (TYO) short M3 1,739.89 27.347 34.527 2/21/22 30.728 -53,463 60,073 6,610 2,864,832  3,247,947 -283,115 2,964,832
  Buy France long Eramet 470.80 142.400   6/13/22 111.800 67,042        3,314,989 -350,157  
    MerVal short BBVA Banco Francés 42,786.39 1.567   7/11/22 1.746 67,042        3,382,031 -417,199  
    DJTA JetBlue Airways 6,707.49 9.995   8/01/22 8.359 67,042        3,449,073 -484,241  
    Nikkei (TYO) long Kawasaki Kisen 7,951.18 8.432   6/20/22 6.513 67,042        3,516,115 -551,283  
6/13/22 Sell USA long Occidental Pet 989.13 57.305   5/30/22 65.701 -64,987 56,682 -8,305 2,856,528  3,451,128 -494,600 2,956,528
    France Eramet 470.80 111.800   6/06/22 142.400 -67,042 52,635 -14,406 2,842,121  3,384,086 -441,965 2,942,121
    PSI 20 Galp Energia 5,438.76 12.405   3/28/22 11.300 -61,458 67,468 6,010 2,848,131  3,322,628 -374,497 2,948,131
    DJ Global Titans ConocoPhilips 652.45 107.044   3/28/22 94.195 -61,458 69,841 8,383 2,856,514  3,261,170 -304,656 2,956,514
    SP Global 100 Chevron 446.74 160.269   3/21/22 149.213 -66,659 71,599 4,939 2,861,453  3,194,511 -233,058 2,961,453
  Buy USA short Beyond Meat 3,197.77 21.330   8/15/22 35.075 68,209        3,262,720 -301,267  
    France Orpea 3.20 21,310.000   11/28/22 6,760.000 68,192        3,330,912 -369,459  
    PSI 20 CTT-Correios 20,669.39 3.300   12/12/22 3.175 68,209        3,399,121 -437,668  
    DJ Global Titans General Electric 1,051.60 64.862   1/09/23 67.576 68,209        3,467,330 -505,877  
    SP Global 100 Philips 3,209.08 21.255   12/05/22 14.250 68,209        3,535,539 -574,086  
6/20/22 Sell DJIA long Apple 605.64 124.982   7/20/20 85.965 -52,064 75,694 23,630 2,885,084  3,483,475 -498,392 2,985,084
    Euro 50 SAP 200.76 89.240   8/03/20 137.540 -27,613 17,916 -9,697 2,875,387  3,455,863 -480,476 2,975,387
      ASML 89.04 457.250   8/03/20 310.100 -27,611 40,714 13,102 2,888,489  3,428,252 -439,762 2,988,489
date B/S market l/s instrument pieces price prc short corresponding invest divest prf/loss acc p/l ∑ invest asset total
    Kospi 50 Korea Aerospace 1,835.15 40.439   3/28/22 33.489 -61,458 74,212 12,754 2,901,243  3,366,794 -365,551 3,001,243
    ASX 50 SOUTH32 20,368.82 2.686   3/21/22 3.273 -66,659 54,719 -11,940 2,889,303  3,300,135 -310,832 2,989,303
    DJCA Apple 589.99 124.982   7/06/20 82.602 -48,734 73,738 25,004 2,914,306  3,251,400 -237,094 3,014,306
    Europe 50 ASML 165.51 457.250   7/27/20 323.950 -53,617 75,679 22,062 2,936,369  3,197,783 -161,414 3,036,369
    Nikkei (TYO) Kawasaki Kisen 7,951.18 6.513   6/06/22 8.432 -67,042 51,783 -15,259 2,921,110  3,130,741 -109,632 3,021,110
    BSE Sensex 50 Dr. Reddy's Labs 916.96 50.603   9/28/20 59.617 -54,666 46,401 -8,265 2,912,844  3,076,075 -63,231 3,012,844
  Buy DJIA short Walt Disney 822.78 89.623   2/06/23 102.531 73,740        3,149,815 -136,971  
    Euro 50 Philips 1,871.19 19.704   8/08/22 20.310 36,870        3,186,685 -173,841  
      Adyen 29.77 1,238.600   8/08/22 1,820.000 36,873        3,223,558 -210,714  
    Kospi 50 LG HH & HC 161.47 456.688   8/15/22 549.880 73,741        3,297,300 -284,455  
    ASX 50 Tabcorp 105,629.57 0.698   8/01/22 0.678 73,740        3,371,040 -358,195  
    DJCA JetBlue Airways 9,089.12 8.113   6/27/22 8.264 73,740        3,444,780 -431,935  
    Europe 50 Adyen 59.53 1,238.600   6/27/22 1,419.800 73,734        3,518,514 -505,669  
    Nikkei (TYO) Rakuten 17,945.10 4.109   7/25/22 4.673 73,740        3,592,254 -579,409  
    BSE Sensex 50 Indiabulls HF 64,429.88 1.145   6/27/22 1.256 73,740        3,665,994 -653,149  
6/27/22 Sell OMXC 20 short GN Store Nord 145.11 243.700 615.516 11/15/21 387.300 -56,201 89,318 33,116 2,945,961  3,609,793 -563,832 3,045,961
    DJCA JetBlue Airways 9,089.12 8.264 7.962 6/20/22 8.113 -73,740 72,366 -1,374 2,944,587  3,536,053 -491,466 3,044,587
    OMXS 30 Kinnevik 1,451.95 16.088 32.612 2/28/22 22.905 -33,258 47,351 14,094 2,958,680  3,502,795 -444,115 3,058,680
      Sinch 4,349.03 3.572 16.373 2/28/22 7.647 -33,257 71,205 37,947 2,996,628  3,469,538 -372,910 3,096,628
    Europe 50 Adyen 59.53 1,419.800 1,057.400 6/20/22 1,238.600 -73,734 62,947 -10,787 2,985,841  3,395,804 -309,963 3,085,841
    BSE Sensex 50 Indiabulls HF 64,429.88 1.256 1.034 6/20/22 1.145 -73,740 66,588 -7,152 2,978,689  3,322,064 -243,375 3,078,689
  Buy OMXC 20 long Novo Nordisk 1,326.77 53.425   7/04/22 53.482 70,882        3,392,946 -314,257  
    DJCA Chevron 509.15 139.217   9/26/22 146.528 70,882        3,463,828 -385,139  
    OMXS 30 AstraZeneca 281.65 125.835   7/04/22 126.686 35,441        3,499,270 -420,581  
    Europe 50 BAT 17.11 4,142.120   7/11/22 4,002.030 70,872        3,570,141 -491,452  
date B/S market l/s instrument pieces price prc short corresponding invest divest prf/loss acc p/l ∑ invest asset total
    BSE Sensex 50 Mahindra & Mahindra 5,444.13 13.020   6/17/24 32.734 70,882        3,641,023 -562,334  
7/04/22 Sell OMXC 20 long Novo Nordisk 1,326.77 53.482   6/27/22 53.425 -70,882 70,958 76 2,978,765  3,570,141 -491,376 3,078,765
    OMXS 30 AstraZeneca 281.65 126.686   6/27/22 125.835 -35,441 35,681 240 2,979,005  3,534,700 -455,695 3,079,005
  Buy OMXC 20 short Ambu 6,726.29 9.750   8/01/22 10.972 65,582        3,600,282 -521,277  
    OMXS 30 Kinnevik 2,146.23 15.278   8/15/22 17.003 32,791        3,633,073 -554,068  
      Sinch 10,763.85 3.046   8/15/22 2.232 32,791        3,665,864 -586,859  
7/11/22 Sell Europe 50 long BAT 17.11 4,002.030   6/27/22 4,142.120 -70,872 68,475 -2,397 2,976,608  3,594,992 -518,384 3,076,608
    MerVal short BBVA Banco Francés 42,786.39 1.746 1.388 6/06/22 1.567 -67,042 59,388 -7,654 2,968,953  3,527,950 -458,997 3,068,953
  Buy Europe 50 Adidas 400.10 163.080   7/25/22 176.020 65,248        3,593,198 -524,245  
    MerVal long Comercial del Plata 595,328.47 0.110   6/17/24 0.171 65,248        3,658,446 -589,493  
7/18/22 Sell DAX short Delivery Hero 1,737.98 39.060 33.040 4/18/22 36.050 -62,654 57,423 -5,231 2,963,722  3,595,792 -532,070 3,063,722
  Buy   long Deutsche Telekom 3,341.66 18.940   8/22/22 18.988 63,291        3,659,083 -595,361  
7/25/22 Sell Europe 50 short Adidas 400.10 176.020 150.140 7/11/22 163.080 -65,248 60,071 -5,177 2,958,545  3,593,835 -535,290 3,058,545
    Nikkei (TYO) Rakuten 17,945.10 4.673 3.545 6/20/22 4.109 -73,740 63,623 -10,117 2,948,427  3,520,095 -471,668 3,048,427
  Buy Europe 50 long Novo Nordisk 1,146.00 56.211   9/05/22 52.634 64,418        3,584,513 -536,086  
    Nikkei (TYO) Kawasaki Kisen 8,233.38 7.824   8/01/22 8.283 64,418        3,648,931 -600,504  
8/01/22 Sell ASX 50 short Tabcorp 105,629.57 0.678 0.719 6/20/22 0.698 -73,740 75,948 2,208 2,950,635  3,575,191 -524,556 3,050,635
    OMXC 20 Ambu 6,726.29 10.972 8.529 7/04/22 9.750 -65,582 57,365 -8,217 2,942,418  3,509,609 -467,191 3,042,418
    DJTA JetBlue Airways 6,707.49 8.359 11.951 6/06/22 9.995 -67,042 80,164 13,122 2,955,540  3,442,567 -387,027 3,055,540
    Nikkei (TYO) long Kawasaki Kisen 8,233.38 8.283   7/25/22 7.824 -64,418 68,194 3,776 2,959,316  3,378,149 -318,833 3,059,316
  Buy ASX 50 Woodside Energy 3,047.04 22.485   8/22/22 22.867 68,512        3,446,661 -387,345  
    OMXC 20 Novo Nordisk 1,204.21 56.894   8/08/22 50.402 68,512        3,515,173 -455,857  
    DJTA C.H. Robinson 641.80 106.749   8/15/22 115.827 68,512        3,583,685 -524,369  
    Nikkei (TYO) short Rakuten 13,800.10 4.965   8/15/22 5.330 68,512        3,652,197 -592,881  
8/08/22 Sell Nasdaq 100 short PayPal 671.69 94.345 92.212 4/18/22 93.278 -62,654 61,938 -716 2,958,599  3,589,543 -530,943 3,058,599
date B/S market l/s instrument pieces price prc short corresponding invest divest prf/loss acc p/l ∑ invest asset total
    Euro 50 Philips 1,871.19 20.310 19.098 6/20/22 19.704 -36,870 35,736 -1,134 2,957,466  3,552,673 -495,207 3,057,466
      Adyen 29.77 1,820.000 657.200 6/20/22 1,238.600 -36,873 19,565 -17,308 2,940,157  3,515,800 -475,642 3,040,157
    OMXC 20 long Novo Nordisk 1,204.21 50.402   8/01/22 56.894 -68,512 60,694 -7,818 2,932,339  3,447,288 -414,948 3,032,339
  Buy Nasdaq 100 Vertex 227.12 288.102   9/26/22 287.713 65,434        3,512,721 -480,382  
    Euro 50 Deutsche Börse 187.22 174.750   6/17/24 186.100 32,717        3,545,438 -513,099  
      TotalEnergies 656.70 49.820   6/17/24 62.000 32,717        3,578,155 -545,816  
    OMXC 20 short Ambu 6,669.11 9.812   11/14/22 13.176 65,434        3,643,589 -611,250  
8/15/22 Sell USA short Beyond Meat 3,197.77 35.075 7.585 6/13/22 21.330 -68,209 24,255 -43,954 2,888,386  3,575,380 -586,994 2,988,386
    Kospi 50 LG HH & HC 161.47 549.880 363.497 6/20/22 456.688 -73,741 58,694 -15,048 2,873,338  3,501,638 -528,300 2,973,338
    OMXS 30 Kinnevik 2,146.23 17.003 13.554 7/04/22 15.278 -32,791 29,089 -3,702 2,869,636  3,468,847 -499,211 2,969,636
      Sinch 10,763.85 2.232 4.158 7/04/22 3.046 -32,791 44,752 11,961 2,881,597  3,436,056 -454,459 2,981,597
    Nordic 30 Vestas Wind Systems 2,947.83 25.639 21.112 1/24/22 23.376 -68,907 62,235 -6,672 2,874,926  3,367,149 -392,224 2,974,926
    DJTA long C.H. Robinson 641.80 115.827   8/01/22 106.749 -68,512 74,338 5,826 2,880,752  3,298,638 -317,886 2,980,752
    Nikkei (TYO) short Rakuten 13,800.10 5.330 4.599 8/01/22 4.965 -68,512 63,464 -5,048 2,875,704  3,230,126 -254,422 2,975,704
  Buy USA long Array Tech 3,021.11 22.519   8/22/22 20.635 68,032        3,298,158 -322,454  
    Kospi 50 Korea Aerospace 1,631.79 41.692   10/03/22 34.457 68,032        3,366,190 -390,486  
    OMXS 30 AstraZeneca 259.97 130.845   8/22/22 135.852 34,016        3,400,206 -424,502  
    Nordic 30 Equinor 1,908.25 35.652   8/29/22 41.367 68,032        3,468,238 -492,534  
    DJTA short JetBlue Airways 7,551.14 9.010   8/29/22 7.937 68,032        3,536,270 -560,566  
    Nikkei (TYO) long Mitsubishi Motors 17,789.40 3.824   9/19/22 4.240 68,032        3,604,302 -628,598  
8/22/22 Sell USA long Array Tech 3,021.11 20.635   8/15/22 22.519 -68,032 62,342 -5,691 2,870,013  3,536,270 -566,257 2,970,013
    ASX 50 Woodside Energy 3,047.04 22.867   8/01/22 22.485 -68,512 69,675 1,163 2,871,176  3,467,758 -496,581 2,971,176
    DAX Deutsche Telekom 3,341.66 18.988   7/18/22 18.940 -63,291 63,451 160 2,871,337  3,404,467 -433,130 2,971,337
    OMXS 30 AstraZeneca 259.97 135.852   8/15/22 130.845 -34,016 35,317 1,302 2,872,638  3,370,451 -397,813 2,972,638
  Buy USA short Gaia 19,675.99 3.272   11/14/22 2.728 64,370        3,434,821 -462,183  
date B/S market l/s instrument pieces price prc short corresponding invest divest prf/loss acc p/l ∑ invest asset total
    ASX 50 Tabcorp 100,515.30 0.640   9/05/22 0.633 64,370        3,499,191 -526,553  
    DAX Zalando 2,574.80 25.000   9/19/22 21.330 64,370        3,563,561 -590,923  
    OMXS 30 Getinge 1,622.03 19.842   8/29/22 19.008 32,185        3,595,746 -623,108  
      Sinch 17,272.19 1.863   8/29/22 1.809 32,185        3,627,931 -655,293  
8/29/22 Sell HSI-Prop long China Ov Land & Inv 10,026.55 2.677   2/14/22 2.731 -27,384 26,840 -543 2,872,095  3,600,548 -628,452 2,972,095
      China Res Land 6,325.74 4.063   2/14/22 4.329 -27,384 25,701 -1,682 2,870,413  3,573,164 -602,751 2,970,413
    OMXS 30 short Getinge 1,622.03 19.008 20.713 8/22/22 19.842 -32,185 33,597 1,412 2,871,825  3,540,979 -569,154 2,971,825
      Sinch 17,272.19 1.809 1.920 8/22/22 1.863 -32,185 33,154 969 2,872,794  3,508,794 -536,000 2,972,794
    Nordic 30 long Equinor 1,908.25 41.367   8/15/22 35.652 -68,032 78,938 10,906 2,883,701  3,440,762 -457,061 2,983,701
    DJTA short JetBlue Airways 7,551.14 7.937 10.228 8/15/22 9.010 -68,032 77,230 9,198 2,892,899  3,372,730 -379,831 2,992,899
    IPC long Cemex 87,572.72 0.391   3/08/21 0.588 -51,484 34,215 -17,269 2,875,629  3,321,246 -345,617 2,975,629
  Buy HSI-Prop short Hang Lung 19,704.51 1.668   3/06/23 1.872 32,875        3,354,121 -378,492  
    OMXS 30 long AstraZeneca 250.50 131.238   9/05/22 123.603 32,875        3,386,996 -411,367  
    Nordic 30 short EQT 2,955.92 22.244   12/05/22 22.151 65,750        3,452,746 -477,117  
    DJTA long C.H. Robinson 572.56 114.835   9/19/22 105.822 65,750        3,518,496 -542,867  
    IPC short Volaris 70,441.40 0.933   1/23/23 1.024 65,750        3,584,246 -608,617  
9/05/22 Sell SSE 50 short China Tourism 2,224.75 26.156 26.425 1/17/22 26.290 -58,489 58,789 301 2,875,930  3,525,757 -549,827 2,975,930
    ASX 50 Tabcorp 100,515.30 0.633 0.648 8/22/22 0.640 -64,370 65,104 734 2,876,664  3,461,387 -484,723 2,976,664
    OMXS 30 long AstraZeneca 250.50 123.603   8/29/22 131.238 -32,875 30,963 -1,913 2,874,751  3,428,512 -453,761 2,974,751
    Europe 50 Novo Nordisk 1,146.00 52.634   7/25/22 56.211 -64,418 60,318 -4,100 2,870,651  3,364,094 -393,443 2,970,651
  Buy SSE 50 China Shenhua En 13,625.60 4.729   9/19/22 4.493 64,430        3,428,524 -457,873  
    ASX 50 Woodside Energy 2,682.95 24.015   9/19/22 21.746 64,430        3,492,954 -522,303  
    OMXS 30 short Getinge 1,699.11 18.960   10/17/22 18.433 32,215        3,525,169 -554,518  
      Sinch 18,835.88 1.710   10/17/22 1.814 32,215        3,557,384 -586,733  
    Europe 50 Adidas 443.73 145.200   11/07/22 114.960 64,430        3,621,813 -651,162  
date B/S market l/s instrument pieces price prc short corresponding invest divest prf/loss acc p/l ∑ invest asset total
9/19/22 Sell SSE 50 long China Shenhua En 13,625.60 4.493   9/05/22 4.729 -64,430 61,218 -3,212 2,867,440  3,557,383 -589,944 2,967,440
    ASX 50 Woodside Energy 2,682.95 21.746   9/05/22 24.015 -64,430 58,344 -6,086 2,861,354  3,492,953 -531,599 2,961,354
    DAX short Zalando 2,574.80 21.330 29.302 8/22/22 25.000 -64,370 75,446 11,076 2,872,429  3,428,583 -456,154 2,972,429
    DJTA long C.H. Robinson 572.56 105.822   8/29/22 114.835 -65,750 60,589 -5,160 2,867,269  3,362,833 -395,565 2,967,269
    Nikkei (TYO) Mitsubishi Motors 17,789.40 4.240   8/15/22 3.824 -68,032 75,427 7,395 2,874,664  3,294,801 -320,137 2,974,664
  Buy SSE 50 short Wingtech Technology 8,568.50 7.745   12/05/22 7.796 66,363        3,361,164 -386,500  
    ASX 50 Tabcorp 101,503.52 0.654   11/28/22 0.675 66,363        3,427,527 -452,863  
    DAX long RWE 1,621.38 40.930   9/26/22 38.800 66,363        3,493,890 -519,227  
    DJTA short JetBlue Airways 8,144.10 8.149   11/07/22 7.659 66,363        3,560,253 -585,590  
    Nikkei (TYO) Rakuten 14,822.76 4.477   12/12/22 4.383 66,363        3,626,616 -651,953  
9/26/22 Sell Nasdaq 100 long Vertex 227.12 287.713   8/08/22 288.102 -65,434 65,345 -88 2,874,576  3,561,183 -586,607 2,974,576
    DAX RWE 1,621.38 38.800   9/19/22 40.930 -66,363 62,910 -3,454 2,871,122  3,494,820 -523,698 2,971,122
    DJCA Chevron 509.15 146.528   6/27/22 139.217 -70,882 74,605 3,722 2,874,844  3,423,937 -449,093 2,974,844
  Buy Nasdaq 100 short Charter Comm 198.38 318.295   10/03/22 326.803 63,143        3,487,081 -512,236  
    DAX Zalando 3,203.60 19.710   10/24/22 22.620 63,143        3,550,224 -575,379  
    DJCA JetBlue Airways 9,161.91 6.892   10/17/22 6.960 63,143        3,613,367 -638,522  
10/03/22 Sell Nasdaq 100 short Charter Comm 198.38 326.803 309.786 9/26/22 318.295 -63,143 61,455 -1,688 2,873,156  3,550,223 -577,067 2,973,156
    Kospi 50 long Korea Aerospace 1,631.79 34.457   8/15/22 41.692 -68,032 56,227 -11,806 2,861,351  3,482,191 -520,840 2,961,351
  Buy Nasdaq 100 Vertex 201.03 303.497   6/17/24 442.189 61,012        3,543,203 -581,852  
    Kospi 50 short Netmarble Games 1,672.30 36.484   11/14/22 35.406 61,012        3,604,215 -642,864  
10/10/22 Sell ÖkoDAX (deprecated) long Verbio 986.81 61.250   3/21/22 67.550 -66,659 60,442 -6,217 2,855,134  3,537,556 -582,422 2,955,134
    DJUA AES 1,741.68 25.674   12/07/20 17.212 -29,977 44,716 14,739 2,869,873  3,507,579 -537,706 2,969,873
      PG & E 2,900.95 14.575   12/07/20 10.334 -29,977 42,282 12,305 2,882,178  3,477,602 -495,425 2,982,178
  Buy ÖkoDAX (deprecated) short Nordex 7,992.80 7.778   11/28/22 11.895 62,168        3,539,770 -557,593  
    DJUA American Water 236.46 131.454   11/14/22 140.016 31,084        3,570,854 -588,676  
date B/S market l/s instrument pieces price prc short corresponding invest divest prf/loss acc p/l ∑ invest asset total
      Exelon 797.01 39.001   11/14/22 36.815 31,084        3,601,938 -619,760  
10/17/22 Sell DJCA short JetBlue Airways 9,161.91 6.960 6.824 9/26/22 6.892 -63,143 62,516 -627 2,881,551  3,538,795 -557,244 2,981,551
    OMXS 30 Getinge 1,699.11 18.433 19.502 9/05/22 18.960 -32,215 33,136 921 2,882,472  3,506,580 -524,108 2,982,472
      Sinch 18,835.88 1.814 1.607 9/05/22 1.710 -32,215 30,265 -1,950 2,880,522  3,474,365 -493,843 2,980,522
  Buy DJCA long PG & E 4,320.68 14.388   6/17/24 16.607 62,166        3,536,531 -556,009  
    OMXS 30 AstraZeneca 269.86 115.183   6/26/23 131.605 31,083        3,567,614 -587,092  
      Autoliv 412.59 75.336   6/26/23 75.664 31,083        3,598,697 -618,175  
10/24/22 Sell DAX short Zalando 3,203.60 22.620 16.800 9/26/22 19.710 -63,143 53,820 -9,322 2,871,200  3,535,554 -564,354 2,971,200
  Buy   long Münchener Rück 228.87 262.900   9/25/23 373.800 60,170        3,595,724 -624,524  
11/07/22 Sell Europe 50 short Adidas 443.73 114.960 183.395 9/05/22 145.200 -64,430 81,378 16,948 2,888,148  3,531,295 -543,146 2,988,148
    DJTA JetBlue Airways 8,144.10 7.659 8.670 9/19/22 8.149 -66,363 70,610 4,247 2,892,395  3,464,932 -472,536 2,992,395
  Buy Europe 50 long BP 109.24 576.662   10/23/23 610.510 62,995        3,527,926 -535,531  
    DJTA Avis Budget 263.14 239.397   1/02/23 153.733 62,995        3,590,921 -598,526  
11/14/22 Sell USA short Gaia 19,675.99 2.728 3.924 8/22/22 3.272 -64,370 77,201 12,831 2,905,226  3,526,551 -521,325 3,005,226
    Kospi 50 Netmarble Games 1,672.30 35.406 37.594 10/03/22 36.484 -61,012 62,869 1,857 2,907,083  3,465,539 -458,456 3,007,083
    OMXC 20 Ambu 6,669.11 13.176 6.448 8/08/22 9.812 -65,434 42,999 -22,435 2,884,648  3,400,105 -415,457 2,984,648
    DJUA American Water 236.46 140.016 122.893 10/10/22 131.454 -31,084 29,059 -2,024 2,882,624  3,369,021 -386,398 2,982,624
      Exelon 797.01 36.815 41.317 10/10/22 39.001 -31,084 32,930 1,845 2,884,469  3,337,937 -353,468 2,984,469
    Indices SDAX 4.76 12,569.300 16,644.100 1/24/22 14,463.900 -68,848 79,226 10,378 2,894,847  3,269,089 -274,242 2,994,847
  Buy USA long First Solar 457.69 148.606   12/19/22 147.505 68,015        3,337,105 -342,258  
    Kospi 50 Samsung SDI 122.62 554.662   6/17/24 257.572 68,013        3,405,117 -410,270  
    OMXC 20 Genmab 166.09 409.515   11/21/22 426.510 68,016        3,473,134 -478,287  
    DJUA AES 1,277.05 26.630   1/02/23 26.971 34,007        3,507,141 -512,294  
      PG & E 2,431.35 13.987   1/02/23 15.249 34,008        3,541,149 -546,302  
    Indices Merval 74.13 917.518   12/19/22 916.038 68,016        3,609,164 -614,317  
date B/S market l/s instrument pieces price prc short corresponding invest divest prf/loss acc p/l ∑ invest asset total
11/21/22 Sell S&P 100 short PayPal 481.48 78.776 260.005 1/24/22 143.116 -68,907 125,187 56,280 2,951,127  3,540,257 -489,130 3,051,127
    OMXC 20 long Genmab 166.09 426.510   11/14/22 409.515 -68,016 70,839 2,823 2,953,949  3,472,240 -418,291 3,053,949
    Nikkei (FRA) short NTN 16,901.82 1.940 1.360 11/29/21 1.650 -27,888 22,986 -4,902 2,949,048  3,444,352 -395,304 3,049,048
      Unitika 12,676.36 1.730 2.798 11/29/21 2.200 -27,888 35,465 7,577 2,956,625  3,416,464 -359,840 3,056,625
  Buy S&P 100 long Occidental Pet 991.61 67.990   1/23/23 61.200 67,419        3,483,883 -427,259  
    OMXC 20 short GN Store Nord 408.60 165.000   12/12/22 161.300 67,419        3,551,302 -494,678  
    Nikkei (FRA) long Mitsubishi Motors 8,284.47 4.069   12/05/22 4.000 33,710        3,585,012 -528,387  
      Fujikura 4,435.46 7.600   12/05/22 7.100 33,710        3,618,721 -562,097  
11/28/22 Sell France short Orpea 3.20 6,760.000 67,176.900 6/13/22 21,310.000 -68,192 214,966 146,774 3,103,399  3,550,529 -347,131 3,203,399
    ASX 50 Tabcorp 101,503.52 0.675 0.632 9/19/22 0.654 -66,363 64,191 -2,172 3,101,226  3,484,166 -282,940 3,201,226
    ÖkoDAX (deprecated) Nordex 7,992.80 11.895 3.661 10/10/22 7.778 -62,168 29,262 -32,906 3,068,320  3,421,998 -253,678 3,168,320
    QIX Software 2,316.98 24.940 35.464 1/24/22 29.740 -68,907 82,169 13,262 3,081,582  3,353,091 -171,509 3,181,582
  Buy ASX 50 long Origin Energy 14,756.83 5.099   10/23/23 5.467 75,251        3,428,342 -246,760  
    QIX Hannover Rück 420.63 178.900   10/23/23 205.100 75,251        3,503,593 -322,011  
12/05/22 Sell SSE 50 short Wingtech Technology 8,568.50 7.796 7.694 9/19/22 7.745 -66,363 65,923 -440 3,081,142  3,437,230 -256,088 3,181,142
    Nordic 30 EQT 2,955.92 22.151 22.336 8/29/22 22.244 -65,750 66,024 274 3,081,416  3,371,480 -190,064 3,181,416
    Nikkei (FRA) long Mitsubishi Motors 8,284.47 4.000   11/21/22 4.069 -33,710 33,138 -572 3,080,844  3,337,771 -156,927 3,180,844
      Fujikura 4,435.46 7.100   11/21/22 7.600 -33,710 31,492 -2,218 3,078,626  3,304,061 -125,435 3,178,626
    SP Global 100 short Philips 3,209.08 14.250 31.704 6/13/22 21.255 -68,209 101,739 33,530 3,112,156  3,235,852 -23,696 3,212,156
  Buy SSE 50 long China Unicom 111,969.38 0.712   12/26/22 0.646 79,711        3,315,563 -103,407  
    Nordic 30 Genmab 181.52 439.139   4/10/23 351.912 79,713        3,395,276 -183,119  
    Nikkei (FRA) short Pacific Metals 2,767.74 14.400   3/06/23 14.300 39,855        3,435,131 -222,975  
      LY 15,486.89 2.574   3/06/23 2.569 39,856        3,474,987 -262,830  
    SP Global 100 long Merck (MSD) 760.64 104.795   12/19/22 102.972 79,711        3,554,698 -342,541  
12/12/22 Sell ATX short Raiffeisen Bank Int 4,534.08 14.630 14.710 2/28/22 14.670 -66,515 66,697 182 3,112,338  3,488,183 -275,845 3,212,338
date B/S market l/s instrument pieces price prc short corresponding invest divest prf/loss acc p/l ∑ invest asset total
    PSI 20 CTT-Correios 20,669.39 3.175 3.430 6/13/22 3.300 -68,209 70,894 2,685 3,115,023  3,419,974 -204,951 3,215,023
    OMXC 20 GN Store Nord 408.60 161.300 168.785 11/21/22 165.000 -67,419 68,966 1,547 3,116,570  3,352,555 -135,985 3,216,570
    Nikkei (TYO) Rakuten 14,822.76 4.383 4.573 9/19/22 4.477 -66,363 67,783 1,420 3,117,990  3,286,192 -68,202 3,217,990
  Buy ATX long Andritz 1,458.22 54.000   12/19/22 53.900 78,744        3,364,936 -146,946  
    PSI 20 Galp Energia 6,727.38 11.705   12/19/22 11.940 78,744        3,443,680 -225,690  
    OMXC 20 Genmab 180.14 437.115   8/07/23 341.039 78,742        3,522,422 -304,432  
    Nikkei (TYO) Fujikura 10,167.08 7.745   12/19/22 7.735 78,744        3,601,166 -383,176  
12/19/22 Sell USA long First Solar 457.69 147.505   11/14/22 148.606 -68,015 67,512 -504 3,117,486  3,533,150 -315,664 3,217,486
    ATX Andritz 1,458.22 53.900   12/12/22 54.000 -78,744 78,598 -146 3,117,340  3,454,406 -237,066 3,217,340
    PSI 20 Galp Energia 6,727.38 11.940   12/12/22 11.705 -78,744 80,325 1,581 3,118,921  3,375,662 -156,741 3,218,921
    Indices Merval 74.13 916.038   11/14/22 917.518 -68,016 67,906 -110 3,118,811  3,307,647 -88,836 3,218,811
    Nikkei (TYO) Fujikura 10,167.08 7.735   12/12/22 7.745 -78,744 78,644 -100 3,118,712  3,228,903 -10,191 3,218,712
    SP Global 100 Merck (MSD) 760.64 102.972   12/05/22 104.795 -79,711 78,325 -1,387 3,117,325  3,149,191 68,133 3,217,325
  Buy USA short Tesla Motors 582.47 141.013   1/16/23 113.147 82,136        3,231,327 -14,002  
    ATX S Immo 6,623.87 12.400   1/16/23 12.520 82,136        3,313,463 -96,138  
    PSI 20 Pharol 1,337,719.87 0.061   12/26/22 0.056 82,136        3,395,599 -178,274  
    Indices NASDAQ-100 7.88 10,429.500   1/16/23 10,669.000 82,184        3,477,784 -260,459  
    Nikkei (TYO) LY 34,179.19 2.403   3/27/23 2.644 82,136        3,559,920 -342,595  
12/26/22 Sell SSE 50 long China Unicom 111,969.38 0.646   12/05/22 0.712 -79,711 72,343 -7,368 3,109,957  3,480,209 -270,251 3,209,957
    IBEX 35 short Fluidra 2,582.95 14.310 44.237 5/30/22 25.160 -64,987 114,261 49,274 3,159,231  3,415,222 -155,991 3,259,231
    PSI 20 Pharol 1,337,719.87 0.056 0.067 12/19/22 0.061 -82,136 89,761 7,625 3,166,856  3,333,086 -66,230 3,266,856
  Buy SSE 50 LONGi Green Energy 14,095.34 5.677   1/02/23 5.753 80,015        3,413,101 -146,245  
    IBEX 35 long Banco Sabadell 87,812.77 0.911   2/06/23 1.131 80,015        3,493,116 -226,260  
    PSI 20 Galp Energia 6,388.42 12.525   1/09/23 12.580 80,015        3,573,131 -306,274  
1/02/23 Sell Germany short Voltabox 27,269.90 1.120 3.003 9/20/21 1.834 -50,013 81,897 31,884 3,198,740  3,523,118 -224,378 3,298,740
date B/S market l/s instrument pieces price prc short corresponding invest divest prf/loss acc p/l ∑ invest asset total
    SSE 50 LONGi Green Energy 14,095.34 5.753 5.600 12/26/22 5.677 -80,015 78,938 -1,077 3,197,663  3,443,103 -145,439 3,297,663
    HSI AAC Technologies 31,381.28 2.144 1.596 4/25/22 1.870 -58,683 50,094 -8,589 3,189,074  3,384,420 -95,345 3,289,074
    HSI-Fin HK Exchgs & Clrg 1,802.55 40.519 38.415 5/09/22 39.467 -71,141 69,244 -1,897 3,187,177  3,313,279 -26,101 3,287,177
    ISEQ 20 Kerry 233.82 84.240 139.618 6/21/21 108.450 -25,358 32,645 7,288 3,194,465  3,287,921 6,544 3,294,465
      Greencoat Renewables 22,146.72 1.135 1.155 6/21/21 1.145 -25,358 25,582 224 3,194,689  3,262,563 32,126 3,294,689
    OMXH 25 Orion 1,470.73 51.180 17.360 9/13/21 34.270 -50,402 25,532 -24,870 3,169,819  3,212,161 57,658 3,269,819
    DJUA long AES 1,277.05 26.971   11/14/22 26.630 -34,007 34,443 436 3,170,255  3,178,154 92,101 3,270,255
      PG & E 2,431.35 15.249   11/14/22 13.987 -34,008 37,075 3,067 3,173,322  3,144,146 129,176 3,273,322
    DJTA Avis Budget 263.14 153.733   11/07/22 239.397 -62,995 40,453 -22,542 3,150,780  3,081,151 169,629 3,250,780
  Buy SSE 50 China Life 16,921.28 5.053   4/24/23 4.762 85,510        3,166,661 84,119  
    HSI Sands China 27,475.74 3.112   4/24/23 3.357 85,510        3,252,171 -1,391  
    HSI-Fin China Life Ins HK 53,105.20 1.610   5/29/23 1.615 85,510        3,337,681 -86,901  
    ISEQ 20 AIB 11,823.84 3.616   1/09/23 3.744 42,755        3,380,436 -129,656  
      Malin 5,889.12 7.260   1/09/23 7.260 42,755        3,423,191 -172,411  
    OMXH 25 Cargotec 2,017.70 42.380   2/13/23 48.200 85,510        3,508,701 -257,921  
    DJUA short Dominion Resources 743.49 57.506   3/20/23 51.877 42,755        3,551,456 -300,676  
      NiSource 1,662.69 25.714   3/20/23 25.948 42,755        3,594,211 -343,431  
    DJTA JetBlue Airways 14,071.32 6.077   1/09/23 6.798 85,510        3,679,721 -428,941  
1/09/23 Sell AEX short Galapagos 770.05 41.880 89.141 5/31/21 61.100 -47,050 68,643 21,593 3,172,373  3,632,671 -360,298 3,272,373
    HSI-C&I Sunny Optical 5,899.26 11.121 13.077 5/09/22 12.059 -71,141 77,145 6,004 3,178,377  3,561,530 -283,153 3,278,377
    ISEQ 20 long AIB 11,823.84 3.744   1/02/23 3.616 -42,755 44,268 1,513 3,179,891  3,518,775 -238,885 3,279,891
      Malin 5,889.12 7.260   1/02/23 7.260 -42,755 42,755 0 3,179,891  3,476,020 -196,130  
    TSX 60 short Shopify 2,204.78 34.660 29.874 5/09/22 32.267 -71,141 65,865 -5,276 3,174,615  3,404,879 -130,265 3,274,615
    PSI 20 long Galp Energia 6,388.42 12.580   12/26/22 12.525 -80,015 80,366 351 3,174,966  3,324,864 -49,898 3,274,966
    Athex LC short Piraeus Financial 48,870.21 1.560 1.260 1/24/22 1.410 -68,907 61,576 -7,331 3,167,636  3,255,957 11,678 3,267,636
date B/S market l/s instrument pieces price prc short corresponding invest divest prf/loss acc p/l ∑ invest asset total
    FT 30 Ocado 40.53 843.128 3,193.800 2/28/22 1,640.970 -66,509 129,445 62,936 3,230,572  3,189,449 141,123 3,330,572
    DJTA JetBlue Airways 14,071.32 6.798 5.356 1/02/23 6.077 -85,510 75,369 -10,141 3,220,431  3,103,939 216,492 3,320,431
    DJ Global Titans General Electric 1,051.60 67.576 62.148 6/13/22 64.862 -68,209 65,355 -2,854 3,217,577  3,035,730 281,847 3,317,577
  Buy AEX long Prosus 2,641.18 34.070   3/13/23 29.760 89,985        3,125,715 191,862  
    FTSE Antofagasta 45.94 1,958.640   8/21/23 1,626.590 89,980        3,215,695 101,882  
    HSI-C&I Sands China 26,962.61 3.337   5/08/23 3.021 89,985        3,305,680 11,897  
    ISEQ 20 short Irish Residential 40,902.27 1.100   1/16/23 1.116 44,993        3,350,672 -33,096  
      Glenveagh Properties 51,361.30 0.876   1/16/23 0.929 44,993        3,395,665 -78,088  
    TSX 60 long Restaurant Brands 1,473.22 61.081   3/13/23 56.403 89,985        3,485,650 -168,073  
    PSI 20 short Pharol 1,606,875.00 0.056   4/03/23 0.054 89,985        3,575,635 -258,058  
    Athex LC long Motor Oil Hellas 3,974.60 22.640   4/24/23 22.000 89,985        3,665,620 -348,043  
    FT 30 Flutter 6.36 14,141.000   5/15/23 18,645.000 89,937        3,755,556 -437,980  
    DJTA Landstar System 563.91 159.572   6/17/24 168.422 89,984        3,845,541 -527,964  
    DJ Global Titans Schlumberger 1,739.18 51.740   3/13/23 45.465 89,985        3,935,526 -617,949  
1/16/23 Sell USA short Tesla Motors 582.47 113.147 175.742 12/19/22 141.013 -82,136 102,364 20,229 3,237,805  3,853,390 -515,585 3,337,805
    ATX S Immo 6,623.87 12.520 12.280 12/19/22 12.400 -82,136 81,341 -795 3,237,010  3,771,254 -434,244 3,337,010
    ISEQ 20 Irish Residential 40,902.27 1.116 1.084 1/09/23 1.100 -44,993 44,338 -654 3,236,356  3,726,261 -389,905 3,336,356
      Glenveagh Properties 51,361.30 0.929 0.823 1/09/23 0.876 -44,993 42,270 -2,722 3,233,634  3,681,269 -347,635 3,333,634
    CAC Mid 60 DBV Technologies 26,401.15 3.058 2.162 1/24/22 2.610 -68,907 57,079 -11,828 3,221,806  3,612,362 -290,556 3,321,806
    Indices NASDAQ-100 7.88 10,669.000 10,190.100 12/19/22 10,429.500 -82,184 80,298 -1,886 3,219,920  3,530,177 -210,258 3,319,920
  Buy USA long First Solar 466.72 166.568   5/15/23 203.641 77,741        3,607,918 -287,998  
    ATX Raiffeisen Bank Int 4,627.44 16.800   6/26/23 13.810 77,741        3,685,659 -365,739  
    ISEQ 20 AIB 10,637.79 3.654   4/03/23 3.692 38,870        3,724,529 -404,610  
      Malin 5,354.06 7.260   4/03/23 6.900 38,870        3,763,400 -443,480  
    CAC Mid 60 Elior 19,435.25 4.000   3/27/23 3.104 77,741        3,841,141 -521,221  
date B/S market l/s instrument pieces price prc short corresponding invest divest prf/loss acc p/l ∑ invest asset total
    Indices Merval 61.12 1,271.840   6/26/23 1,557.720 77,735        3,918,876 -598,956  
1/23/23 Sell S&P 100 long Occidental Pet 991.61 61.200   11/21/22 67.990 -67,419 60,687 -6,732 3,213,187  3,851,457 -538,270 3,313,187
    SDAX short Morphosys 1,050.58 17.560 132.083 9/06/21 48.160 -50,596 138,764 88,168 3,301,355  3,800,861 -399,506 3,401,355
    IPC Volaris 70,441.40 1.024 0.843 8/29/22 0.933 -65,750 59,375 -6,375 3,294,980  3,735,111 -340,131 3,394,980
  Buy S&P 100 Tesla Motors 577.29 132.293   2/06/23 181.750 76,371        3,811,482 -416,502  
    SDAX long SMA Solar 982.90 77.700   4/10/23 97.500 76,371        3,887,854 -492,874  
    IPC Banco del Bajio 22,371.26 3.414   6/17/24 2.632 76,371        3,964,225 -569,245  
    SP Global 100 Münchener Rück 234.48 325.700   10/23/23 372.100 76,370        4,040,595 -645,615  
2/06/23 Sell DJIA short Walt Disney 822.78 102.531 76.715 6/20/22 89.623 -73,740 63,120 -10,620 3,284,360  3,966,855 -582,495 3,384,360
    S&P 100 Tesla Motors 577.29 181.750 82.837 1/23/23 132.293 -76,371 47,821 -28,551 3,255,809  3,890,483 -534,674 3,355,809
    HDAX Morphosys 2,707.54 19.050 34.000 1/24/22 25.450 -68,907 92,057 23,150 3,278,959  3,821,576 -442,618 3,378,959
    MIB Saipem 908.25 1.368 2,412.820 2/07/22 57.452 -52,181 2,191,444 2,139,263 5,418,222  3,769,396 1,748,826 5,518,222
    IBEX 35 long Banco Sabadell 87,812.77 1.131   12/26/22 0.911 -80,015 99,316 19,301 5,437,523  3,689,381 1,848,142 5,537,523
    OBX 25 short Nel 35,131.05 1.604 1.242 8/16/21 1.423 -49,995 43,643 -6,352 5,431,171  3,639,386 1,891,786 5,531,171
    CAC Next 20 Ubisoft 941.63 20.730 138.176 8/02/21 53.520 -50,396 130,111 79,715 5,510,886  3,588,990 2,021,896 5,610,886
    BAX Morphosys 1,050.58 19.050 121.753 9/06/21 48.160 -50,596 127,911 77,315 5,588,201  3,538,394 2,149,808 5,688,201
  Buy DJIA long Boeing 1,015.31 192.995   10/30/23 171.809 195,950        3,734,343 1,953,858  
    S&P 100 Netflix 580.88 337.334   5/08/23 300.739 195,951        3,930,294 1,757,907  
    HDAX SMA Solar 2,517.02 77.850   8/07/23 85.200 195,950        4,126,244 1,561,957  
    MIB Unicredit 10,706.48 18.302   10/23/23 22.690 195,950        4,322,194 1,366,007  
    IBEX 35 short Rovi 4,913.49 39.880   2/13/23 40.180 195,950        4,518,144 1,170,057  
    OBX 25 long Petroleum Geo-Srvcs 247,661.78 0.791   3/13/23 0.959 195,950        4,714,094 974,107  
    CAC Next 20 Rexel 9,063.37 21.620   2/27/23 23.680 195,950        4,910,044 778,157  
2/13/23 Sell CAC 40 short Atos 1,306.73 11.995 136.137 7/19/21 40.410 -52,805 177,894 125,089 5,713,291  4,857,239 956,052 5,813,291
    IBEX 35 Rovi 4,913.49 40.180 39.580 2/06/23 39.880 -195,950 194,476 -1,474 5,711,817  4,661,289 1,150,528 5,811,817
date B/S market l/s instrument pieces price prc short corresponding invest divest prf/loss acc p/l ∑ invest asset total
    OMXH 25 long Cargotec 2,017.70 48.200   1/02/23 42.380 -85,510 97,253 11,743 5,723,560  4,575,779 1,247,781 5,823,560
  Buy CAC 40 Renault 4,256.24 41.535   6/05/23 33.320 176,783        4,752,562 1,070,998  
    IBEX 35 Banco Sabadell 149,499.37 1.183   3/13/23 1.090 176,783        4,929,345 894,215  
    OMXH 25 short Telia Company 75,872.53 2.330   12/25/23 2.321 176,783        5,106,128 717,432  
2/27/23 Sell CAC Next 20 long Rexel 9,063.37 23.680   2/06/23 21.620 -195,950 214,621 18,671 5,742,230  4,910,178 932,052 5,842,230
  Buy   short Ubisoft 8,165.72 20.740   4/24/23 25.540 169,357        5,079,535 762,695  
3/06/23 Sell HSI-Prop short Hang Lung 19,704.51 1.872 1.465 8/29/22 1.668 -32,875 28,859 -4,016 5,738,214  5,046,660 791,555 5,838,214
    Nikkei (FRA) Pacific Metals 2,767.74 14.300 14.501 12/05/22 14.400 -39,855 40,134 279 5,738,493  5,006,804 831,689 5,838,493
      LY 15,486.89 2.569 2.578 12/05/22 2.574 -39,856 39,925 70 5,738,563  4,966,949 871,614 5,838,563
  Buy HSI-Prop long Wharf REIC 15,735.59 5.330   5/15/23 5.037 83,877        5,050,826 787,737  
      China Res Mixc 15,613.16 5.372   5/15/23 4.521 83,877        5,134,703 703,860  
    Nikkei (FRA) Nippon Sheet Glass 16,609.31 5.050   4/17/23 4.260 83,877        5,218,580 619,983  
      Kobe Steel 12,096.48 6.934   4/17/23 6.900 83,877        5,302,457 536,106  
3/13/23 Sell AEX long Prosus 2,641.18 29.760   1/09/23 34.070 -89,985 78,602 -11,383 5,727,179  5,212,472 614,707 5,827,179
    IBEX 35 Banco Sabadell 149,499.37 1.090   2/13/23 1.183 -176,783 162,954 -13,829 5,713,351  5,035,689 777,662 5,813,351
    TSX 60 Restaurant Brands 1,473.22 56.403   1/09/23 61.081 -89,985 83,094 -6,891 5,706,460  4,945,704 860,756 5,806,460
    OBX 25 Petroleum Geo-Srvcs 247,661.78 0.959   2/06/23 0.791 -195,950 237,433 41,483 5,747,943  4,749,754 1,098,189 5,847,943
    DJ Global Titans Schlumberger 1,739.18 45.465   1/09/23 51.740 -89,985 79,072 -10,913 5,737,030  4,659,769 1,177,261 5,837,030
  Buy AEX short NN 4,949.39 35.430   2/12/24 37.190 175,357        4,835,126 1,001,904  
    IBEX 35 Grifols 17,526.94 10.005   12/11/23 14.065 175,357        5,010,483 826,547  
    TSX 60 Algonquin 25,040.63 7.003   4/03/23 7.691 175,357        5,185,840 651,190  
    OBX 25 Vår Energi 71,086.83 2.467   4/24/23 2.310 175,357        5,361,197 475,833  
    DJ Global Titans 3M 1,820.04 96.348   3/27/23 94.020 175,357        5,536,554 300,476  
3/20/23 Sell DJUA short Dominion Resources 743.49 51.877 63.746 1/02/23 57.506 -42,755 47,394 4,639 5,741,669  5,493,799 347,870 5,841,669
      NiSource 1,662.69 25.948 25.481 1/02/23 25.714 -42,755 42,367 -388 5,741,282  5,451,044 390,237 5,841,282
date B/S market l/s instrument pieces price prc short corresponding invest divest prf/loss acc p/l ∑ invest asset total
  Buy   long Consolidated Edison 861.77 90.388   5/15/23 90.503 77,893        5,528,937 312,344  
      Edison International 1,210.35 64.356   5/15/23 66.389 77,893        5,606,831 234,451  
3/27/23 Sell CAC Mid 60 long Elior 19,435.25 3.104   1/16/23 4.000 -77,741 60,327 -17,414 5,723,868  5,529,090 294,778 5,823,868
    Nikkei (TYO) short LY 34,179.19 2.644 2.162 12/19/22 2.403 -82,136 73,906 -8,230 5,715,637  5,446,954 368,683 5,815,637
    DJ Global Titans 3M 1,820.04 94.020 98.734 3/13/23 96.348 -175,357 179,699 4,342 5,719,979  5,271,596 548,383 5,819,979
  Buy ÖkoDAX (deprecated) Verbio 3,585.79 44.400   4/08/24 20.280 159,209        5,430,806 389,174  
    CAC Mid 60 Orpea 75.81 2,100.000   2/12/24 13.200 159,201        5,590,007 229,973  
    Nikkei (TYO) long Kobe Steel 22,464.62 7.087   12/25/23 11.072 159,209        5,749,216 70,764  
    DJ Global Titans NVidia 6,477.62 24.578   10/30/23 38.782 159,209        5,908,424 -88,445  
4/03/23 Sell MDAX short TeamViewer 4,930.35 15.540 6.830 1/10/22 11.185 -55,146 33,674 -21,472 5,698,507  5,853,278 -54,771 5,798,507
    ISEQ 20 long AIB 10,637.79 3.692   1/16/23 3.654 -38,870 39,275 404 5,698,912  5,814,408 -15,496 5,798,912
      Malin 5,354.06 6.900   1/16/23 7.260 -38,870 36,943 -1,927 5,696,984  5,775,538 21,447 5,796,984
    TSX 60 short Algonquin 25,040.63 7.691 6.315 3/13/23 7.003 -175,357 158,124 -17,233 5,679,751  5,600,181 179,571 5,779,751
    PSI 20 Pharol 1,606,875.00 0.054 0.059 1/09/23 0.056 -89,985 94,002 4,017 5,683,768  5,510,196 273,573 5,783,768
  Buy MDAX long Deutsche Lufthansa 14,849.28 10.198   4/24/23 9.790 151,433        5,661,628 122,140  
    ISEQ 20 short Irish Residential 80,549.47 0.940   1/29/24 1.170 75,717        5,737,345 46,423  
      Uniphar 24,906.74 3.040   1/29/24 2.635 75,716        5,813,061 -29,293  
    TSX 60 long Shopify 3,459.55 43.773   5/29/23 55.992 151,433        5,964,495 -180,726  
    PSI 20 Banco Comercial 743,777.01 0.204   5/15/23 0.216 151,433        6,115,928 -332,159  
4/10/23 Sell SDAX long SMA Solar 982.90 97.500   1/23/23 77.700 -76,371 95,833 19,461 5,703,230  6,039,556 -236,326 5,803,230
    Nordic 30 Genmab 181.52 351.912   12/05/22 439.139 -79,713 63,879 -15,833 5,687,396  5,959,844 -172,447 5,787,396
  Buy SDAX short Grand City 21,029.66 6.675   3/25/24 9.915 140,373        6,100,217 -312,820  
    Nordic 30 Møller-Mærsk B 91.18 1,539.450   11/27/23 1,445.410 140,367        6,240,584 -453,187  
4/17/23 Sell Nikkei (FRA) long Nippon Sheet Glass 16,609.31 4.260   3/06/23 5.050 -83,877 70,756 -13,121 5,674,275  6,156,707 -382,432 5,774,275
      Kobe Steel 12,096.48 6.900   3/06/23 6.934 -83,877 83,466 -411 5,673,864  6,072,830 -298,966 5,773,864
date B/S market l/s instrument pieces price prc short corresponding invest divest prf/loss acc p/l ∑ invest asset total
  Buy   short Nidec 1,506.07 45.440   5/15/23 46.510 68,436        6,141,266 -367,402  
      Sumitomo Pharma 12,330.81 5.550   5/15/23 5.300 68,436        6,209,702 -435,838  
4/24/23 Sell SSE 50 long China Life 16,921.28 4.762   1/02/23 5.053 -85,510 80,576 -4,934 5,668,929  6,124,192 -355,262 5,768,929
    HSI Sands China 27,475.74 3.357   1/02/23 3.112 -85,510 92,244 6,734 5,675,664  6,038,682 -263,018 5,775,664
    MDAX Deutsche Lufthansa 14,849.28 9.790   4/03/23 10.198 -151,433 145,374 -6,059 5,669,605  5,887,249 -117,643 5,769,605
    OBX 25 short Vår Energi 71,086.83 2.310 2.635 3/13/23 2.467 -175,357 187,278 11,921 5,681,527  5,711,892 69,635 5,781,527
    Athex LC long Motor Oil Hellas 3,974.60 22.000   1/09/23 22.640 -89,985 87,441 -2,544 5,678,983  5,621,907 157,076 5,778,983
    CAC Next 20 short Ubisoft 8,165.72 25.540 15.940 2/27/23 20.740 -169,357 130,162 -39,195 5,639,787  5,452,550 287,238 5,739,787
  Buy SSE 50 LONGi Green Energy 31,669.05 4.758   5/01/23 4.597 150,675        5,603,225 136,563  
    HSI 9,436.36 15.968   4/29/24 14.064 150,675        5,753,900 -14,112  
    MDAX Aroundtown 126,035.13 1.196   5/29/23 0.904 150,675        5,904,575 -164,787  
    OBX 25 long Frontline 10,105.77 14.910   5/08/23 12.937 150,675        6,055,250 -315,462  
    Athex LC short Hell Telecom OTE 11,128.14 13.540   6/12/23 14.900 150,675        6,205,925 -466,137  
    CAC Next 20 long Sodexo 2,117.71 71.150   6/12/23 74.170 150,675        6,356,600 -616,813  
5/01/23 Sell SSE 50 short LONGi Green Energy 31,669.05 4.597 4.924 4/24/23 4.758 -150,675 155,932 5,257 5,645,044  6,205,925 -460,880 5,745,044
  Buy   long China Petrol&Chem 149,320.67 0.885   5/22/23 0.831 132,104        6,338,029 -592,984  
5/08/23 Sell S&P 100 long Netflix 580.88 300.739   2/06/23 337.334 -195,951 174,693 -21,257 5,623,787  6,142,078 -418,291 5,723,787
    HSI-C&I Sands China 26,962.61 3.021   1/09/23 3.337 -89,985 81,457 -8,528 5,615,259  6,052,093 -336,834 5,715,259
    BEL 20 short Umicore 2,113.06 29.450 36.109 1/24/22 32.610 -68,907 76,301 7,394 5,622,653  5,983,186 -260,534 5,722,653
    OBX 25 long Frontline 10,105.77 12.937   4/24/23 14.910 -150,675 130,736 -19,939 5,602,714  5,832,511 -129,797 5,702,714
  Buy S&P 100 short U.S. Bancorp 5,159.31 27.004   7/31/23 36.037 139,322        5,971,833 -269,119  
    France Orpea 51.81 2,689.000   12/25/23 15.200 139,317        6,111,150 -408,437  
    HSI-C&I 8,628.30 16.147   5/13/24 15.336 139,322        6,250,473 -547,759  
    BEL 20 long Solvay 1,288.23 108.150   6/19/23 100.450 139,322        6,389,795 -687,081  
    OBX 25 short Nordic Semiconductor 14,615.47 9.533   10/16/23 10.054 139,322        6,529,117 -826,403  
date B/S market l/s instrument pieces price prc short corresponding invest divest prf/loss acc p/l ∑ invest asset total
5/15/23 Sell USA long First Solar 466.72 203.641   1/16/23 166.568 -77,741 95,043 17,303 5,620,017  6,451,376 -731,359 5,720,017
    HSI-Prop Wharf REIC 15,735.59 5.037   3/06/23 5.330 -83,877 79,259 -4,618 5,615,398  6,367,499 -652,101 5,715,398
      China Res Mixc 15,613.16 4.521   3/06/23 5.372 -83,877 70,586 -13,291 5,602,107  6,283,622 -581,515 5,702,107
    PSI 20 Banco Comercial 743,777.01 0.216   4/03/23 0.204 -151,433 160,953 9,520 5,611,627  6,132,189 -420,562 5,711,627
    FT 30 Flutter 6.36 18,645.000   1/09/23 14,141.000 -89,937 118,582 28,645 5,640,273  6,042,252 -301,980 5,740,273
    DJUA Consolidated Edison 861.77 90.503   3/20/23 90.388 -77,893 77,993 100 5,640,372  5,964,359 -223,987 5,740,372
      Edison International 1,210.35 66.389   3/20/23 64.356 -77,893 80,353 2,460 5,642,832  5,886,465 -143,633 5,742,832
    Nikkei (FRA) short Nidec 1,506.07 46.510 44.370 4/17/23 45.440 -68,436 66,824 -1,611 5,641,221  5,818,030 -76,809 5,741,221
      Sumitomo Pharma 12,330.81 5.300 5.812 4/17/23 5.550 -68,436 71,664 3,228 5,644,449  5,749,594 -5,145 5,744,449
    NZX 20 Ryman Healthcare 7,889.02 3.089 17.461 12/27/21 7.344 -57,933 137,747 79,814 5,724,263  5,691,661 132,602 5,824,263
  Buy USA Plug Power 20,643.05 7.214   5/22/23 8.165 148,921        5,840,582 -16,319  
    HSI-Prop Country Garden Svcs 57,097.23 1.304   6/17/24 0.603 74,461        5,915,042 -90,779  
    PSI 20 Greenvolt 22,326.99 6.670   9/11/23 6.020 148,921        6,063,963 -239,700  
    FT 30 Ocado 299.94 496.509   12/25/23 835.484 148,923        6,212,886 -388,623  
    DJUA AES 3,684.56 20.209   7/03/23 19.296 74,461        6,287,347 -463,084  
      Dominion Resources 1,479.34 50.334   7/03/23 48.180 74,461        6,361,807 -537,544  
    Nikkei (FRA) long Keisei El Railway 2,115.36 35.200   10/23/23 33.600 74,461        6,436,268 -612,005  
      Kobe Steel 9,797.43 7.600   10/23/23 10.800 74,460        6,510,728 -686,466  
    NZX 20 Fisher & Paykel HC 9,734.03 15.299   10/30/23 11.439 148,921        6,659,649 -835,386  
5/22/23 Sell USA short Plug Power 20,643.05 8.165 6.263 5/15/23 7.214 -148,921 129,289 -19,632 5,704,631  6,510,728 -706,097 5,804,631
    SSE 50 long China Petrol&Chem 149,320.67 0.831   5/01/23 0.885 -132,104 124,100 -8,004 5,696,628  6,378,624 -581,997 5,796,628
  Buy USA NVidia 4,522.09 28.829   6/17/24 122.270 130,365        6,508,989 -712,362  
    SSE 50 short LONGi Green Energy 29,726.37 4.386   7/31/23 3.797 130,365        6,639,354 -842,727  
5/29/23 Sell MDAX short Aroundtown 126,035.13 0.904 1.581 4/24/23 1.196 -150,675 199,262 48,587 5,745,214  6,488,679 -643,465 5,845,214
    HSI-Fin long China Life Ins HK 53,105.20 1.615   1/02/23 1.610 -85,510 85,744 234 5,745,448  6,403,169 -557,721 5,845,448
date B/S market l/s instrument pieces price prc short corresponding invest divest prf/loss acc p/l ∑ invest asset total
    TSX 60 Shopify 3,459.55 55.992   4/03/23 43.773 -151,433 193,707 42,274 5,787,721  6,251,736 -364,015 5,887,721
  Buy MDAX SMA Solar 1,369.96 100.800   6/05/23 93.200 138,092        6,389,828 -502,107  
    HSI-Fin short Hang Seng Bank 10,692.62 12.915   4/29/24 12.372 138,092        6,527,920 -640,199  
    TSX 60 Nutrien 2,607.41 52.961   1/01/24 51.001 138,092        6,666,012 -778,291  
6/05/23 Sell CAC 40 long Renault 4,256.24 33.320   2/13/23 41.535 -176,783 141,818 -34,965 5,752,756  6,489,229 -636,473 5,852,756
    MDAX SMA Solar 1,369.96 93.200   5/29/23 100.800 -138,092 127,680 -10,412 5,742,345  6,351,137 -508,792 5,842,345
  Buy CAC 40 short Teleperformance 960.99 138.750   3/18/24 85.040 133,337        6,484,475 -642,130  
    MDAX Aroundtown 130,276.50 1.024   6/12/23 1.096 133,338        6,617,813 -775,468  
6/12/23 Sell   short Aroundtown 130,276.50 1.096 0.952 6/05/23 1.024 -133,338 123,958 -9,380 5,732,965  6,484,475 -651,510 5,832,965
    Athex LC Hell Telecom OTE 11,128.14 14.900 12.180 4/24/23 13.540 -150,675 135,541 -15,134 5,717,831  6,333,800 -515,969 5,817,831
    CAC Next 20 long Sodexo 2,117.71 74.170   4/24/23 71.150 -150,675 157,071 6,395 5,724,226  6,183,124 -358,898 5,824,226
  Buy MDAX Gerresheimer 1,258.13 108.600   6/19/23 107.300 136,633        6,319,757 -495,531  
    Athex LC Piraeus Financial 45,544.33 3.000   9/04/23 3.060 136,633        6,456,390 -632,164  
    CAC Next 20 short Rémy Cointreau 945.23 144.550   7/24/23 145.550 136,633        6,593,023 -768,797  
6/19/23 Sell MDAX long Gerresheimer 1,258.13 107.300   6/12/23 108.600 -136,633 134,997 -1,636 5,722,590  6,456,390 -633,800 5,822,590
    BEL 20 Solvay 1,288.23 100.450   5/08/23 108.150 -139,322 129,403 -9,919 5,712,671  6,317,068 -504,397 5,812,671
  Buy MDAX short Aroundtown 124,899.76 1.063   6/26/23 1.093 132,706        6,449,774 -637,103  
    BEL 20 Proximus 18,701.52 7.096   5/06/24 7.015 132,706        6,582,480 -769,809  
6/26/23 Sell ATX long Raiffeisen Bank Int 4,627.44 13.810   1/16/23 16.800 -77,741 63,905 -13,836 5,698,835  6,504,739 -705,904 5,798,835
    MDAX short Aroundtown 124,899.76 1.093 1.032 6/19/23 1.063 -132,706 128,897 -3,809 5,695,026  6,372,033 -577,008 5,795,026
    OMXS 30 long AstraZeneca 269.86 131.605   10/17/22 115.183 -31,083 35,515 4,432 5,699,457  6,340,950 -541,493 5,799,457
      Autoliv 412.59 75.664   10/17/22 75.336 -31,083 31,218 135 5,699,593  6,309,867 -510,275 5,799,593
    Indices Merval 61.12 1,557.720   1/16/23 1,271.840 -77,735 95,208 17,473 5,717,066  6,232,132 -415,067 5,817,066
  Buy ATX short Lenzing 2,804.76 48.150   1/01/24 35.550 135,049        6,367,181 -550,116  
    MDAX long SMA Solar 1,317.55 102.500   8/21/23 73.100 135,049        6,502,230 -685,165  
date B/S market l/s instrument pieces price prc short corresponding invest divest prf/loss acc p/l ∑ invest asset total
    OMXS 30 short Telia Company 33,710.00 2.003   7/03/23 2.021 67,525        6,569,755 -752,689  
      SBB 228,354.75 0.296   7/03/23 0.350 67,525        6,637,279 -820,214  
    Indices OMXH 25 30.89 4,371.300   7/24/23 4,412.140 135,029        6,772,309 -955,243  
7/03/23 Sell OMXS 30 short Telia Company 33,710.00 2.021 1.985 6/26/23 2.003 -67,525 66,918 -607 5,716,459  6,704,784 -888,326 5,816,459
      SBB 228,354.75 0.350 0.241 6/26/23 0.296 -67,525 55,102 -12,423 5,704,036  6,637,260 -833,224 5,804,036
    DJUA AES 3,684.56 19.296 21.165 5/15/23 20.209 -74,461 77,983 3,523 5,707,559  6,562,799 -755,240 5,807,559
      Dominion Resources 1,479.34 48.180 52.583 5/15/23 50.334 -74,461 77,788 3,328 5,710,887  6,488,339 -677,452 5,810,887
  Buy OMXS 30 long ABB 1,809.48 35.462   8/21/23 33.962 64,168        6,552,506 -741,619  
      Hennes & Mauritz 4,108.43 15.619   8/21/23 13.665 64,168        6,616,674 -805,787  
    DJUA Edison International 1,014.14 63.273   9/04/23 63.361 64,167        6,680,841 -869,954  
      Atmos Energy 597.33 107.424   9/04/23 106.948 64,168        6,745,009 -934,122  
7/10/23 Buy SMI long Richemont 824.26 147.913   8/14/23 135.074 121,919        6,866,928 -1,056,041  
7/24/23 Sell CAC Next 20 short Rémy Cointreau 945.23 145.550 143.550 6/12/23 144.550 -136,633 135,688 -945 5,709,942  6,730,295 -920,353 5,809,942
    Indices OMXH 25 30.89 4,412.140 4,330.460 6/26/23 4,371.300 -135,029 133,768 -1,262 5,708,680  6,595,265 -786,585 5,808,680
  Buy SLI ams-OSRAM 18,896.48 6.644   6/17/24 1.371 125,552        6,720,817 -912,137  
    CAC Next 20 long Forvia 5,048.33 24.870   8/07/23 21.640 125,552        6,846,369 -1,037,689  
    Indices Merval 80.80 1,553.920   8/28/23 1,759.170 125,557        6,971,926 -1,163,246  
7/31/23 Sell S&P 100 short U.S. Bancorp 5,159.31 36.037 17.971 5/08/23 27.004 -139,322 92,716 -46,606 5,662,074  6,832,604 -1,070,529 5,762,074
    SSE 50 LONGi Green Energy 29,726.37 3.797 5.066 5/22/23 4.386 -130,365 150,585 20,220 5,682,294  6,702,239 -919,944 5,782,294
  Buy S&P 100 long NVidia 2,864.29 42.439   9/25/23 39.858 121,558        6,823,797 -1,041,503  
    SSE 50 PetroChina 120,677.06 1.007   8/14/23 0.989 121,558        6,945,355 -1,163,061  
8/07/23 Sell HDAX long SMA Solar 2,517.02 85.200   2/06/23 77.850 -195,950 214,450 18,500 5,700,794  6,749,405 -948,611 5,800,794
    OMXC 20 Genmab 180.14 341.039   12/12/22 437.115 -78,742 61,435 -17,307 5,683,487  6,670,663 -887,176 5,783,487
    CAC Next 20 Forvia 5,048.33 21.640   7/24/23 24.870 -125,552 109,246 -16,306 5,667,181  6,545,111 -777,930 5,767,181
  Buy HDAX short Adtran 19,124.66 6.522   3/04/24 5.542 124,731        6,669,842 -902,661  
date B/S market l/s instrument pieces price prc short corresponding invest divest prf/loss acc p/l ∑ invest asset total
    OMXC 20 Bavarian Nordic 6,050.38 20.615   12/04/23 22.172 124,731        6,794,573 -1,027,392  
    CAC Next 20 Sartorius Stedim 469.44 265.700   6/17/24 172.000 124,730        6,919,303 -1,152,122  
8/14/23 Sell SSE 50 long PetroChina 120,677.06 0.989   7/31/23 1.007 -121,558 119,301 -2,257 5,664,925  6,797,745 -1,032,821 5,764,925
    SMI Richemont 824.26 135.074   7/10/23 147.913 -121,919 111,336 -10,583 5,654,342  6,675,827 -921,485 5,754,342
  Buy SSE 50 short Foshan Haitian F&F 22,123.12 5.461   3/04/24 5.112 120,821        6,796,648 -1,042,306  
    SMI Roche 437.19 276.358   6/17/24 256.907 120,821        6,917,469 -1,163,127  
8/21/23 Sell MDAX long SMA Solar 1,317.55 73.100   6/26/23 102.500 -135,049 96,313 -38,736 5,615,606  6,782,420 -1,066,814 5,715,606
    FTSE Antofagasta 45.94 1,626.590   1/09/23 1,958.640 -89,980 74,726 -15,254 5,600,352  6,692,440 -992,088 5,700,352
    OMXS 30 ABB 1,809.48 33.962   7/03/23 35.462 -64,168 61,453 -2,715 5,597,637  6,628,272 -930,635 5,697,637
      Hennes & Mauritz 4,108.43 13.665   7/03/23 15.619 -64,168 56,142 -8,025 5,589,611  6,564,105 -874,493 5,689,611
  Buy FTSE short Fresnillo 201.70 596.805   12/11/23 672.332 120,376        6,684,480 -994,869  
    OMXS 30 NIBE Industrier 9,258.63 6.501   9/04/23 6.935 60,189        6,744,669 -1,055,057  
      SBB 216,739.29 0.278   9/04/23 0.301 60,189        6,804,857 -1,115,246  
8/28/23 Sell Indices long Merval 80.80 1,759.170   7/24/23 1,553.920 -125,557 142,141 16,584 5,606,196  6,679,300 -973,105 5,706,196
  Buy   short OMXH 25 27.56 4,294.210   12/04/23 4,357.270 118,348        6,797,649 -1,091,453  
9/04/23 Sell Athex LC long Piraeus Financial 45,544.33 3.060   6/12/23 3.000 -136,633 139,366 2,733 5,608,928  6,661,016 -952,088 5,708,928
    OMXS 30 short NIBE Industrier 9,258.63 6.935 6.067 8/21/23 6.501 -60,189 56,169 -4,019 5,604,909  6,600,827 -895,918 5,704,909
      SBB 216,739.29 0.301 0.254 8/21/23 0.278 -60,189 55,117 -5,072 5,599,837  6,540,639 -840,802 5,699,837
    DJUA long Edison International 1,014.14 63.361   7/03/23 63.273 -64,167 64,257 90 5,599,927  6,476,472 -776,544 5,699,927
      Atmos Energy 597.33 106.948   7/03/23 107.424 -64,168 63,883 -284 5,599,643  6,412,304 -712,661 5,699,643
  Buy Athex LC short Terna Energy 7,496.93 16.630   1/22/24 15.180 124,674        6,536,978 -837,335  
    OMXS 30 long Hennes & Mauritz 4,424.67 14.089   9/11/23 14.242 62,337        6,599,315 -899,672  
      Autoliv 689.66 90.388   9/11/23 92.420 62,337        6,661,651 -962,009  
    DJUA short AES 3,762.11 16.570   12/11/23 16.796 62,337        6,723,989 -1,024,346  
      Dominion Resources 1,405.68 44.347   12/11/23 44.338 62,337        6,786,326 -1,086,683  
date B/S market l/s instrument pieces price prc short corresponding invest divest prf/loss acc p/l ∑ invest asset total
9/11/23 Sell PSI 20 short Greenvolt 22,326.99 6.020 7.390 5/15/23 6.670 -148,921 165,001 16,080 5,615,723  6,637,404 -921,682 5,715,723
    OMXS 30 long Hennes & Mauritz 4,424.67 14.242   9/04/23 14.089 -62,337 63,017 680 5,616,403  6,575,068 -858,665 5,716,403
      Autoliv 689.66 92.420   9/04/23 90.388 -62,337 63,738 1,402 5,617,804  6,512,731 -794,926 5,717,804
  Buy PSI 20 Mota-Engil 37,984.88 3.240   9/18/23 3.130 123,071        6,635,802 -917,997  
    OMXS 30 short NIBE Industrier 9,364.57 6.571   11/27/23 5.550 61,536        6,697,337 -979,533  
      SBB 207,260.02 0.297   11/27/23 0.337 61,536        6,758,873 -1,041,068  
9/18/23 Sell PSI 20 long Mota-Engil 37,984.88 3.130   9/11/23 3.240 -123,071 118,893 -4,178 5,613,626  6,635,802 -922,176 5,713,626
  Buy   short EDP Renováveis 7,353.35 16.290   11/06/23 16.315 119,786        6,755,588 -1,041,962  
9/25/23 Sell S&P 100 long NVidia 2,864.29 39.858   7/31/23 42.439 -121,558 114,164 -7,394 5,606,232  6,634,030 -927,798 5,706,232
    DAX Münchener Rück 228.87 373.800   10/24/22 262.900 -60,170 85,552 25,382 5,631,613  6,573,860 -842,247 5,731,613
  Buy S&P 100 short Walgreens Boots 6,067.71 20.145   11/06/23 20.274 122,234        6,696,094 -964,481  
    DAX Zalando 5,508.52 22.190   11/20/23 23.560 122,234        6,818,328 -1,086,715  
10/16/23 Sell OBX 25 short Nordic Semiconductor 14,615.47 10.054 9.011 5/08/23 9.533 -139,322 131,694 -7,628 5,623,986  6,679,006 -955,020 5,723,986
10/23/23 Sell ASX 50 long Origin Energy 14,756.83 5.467   11/28/22 5.099 -75,251 80,670 5,419 5,629,404  6,603,755 -874,351 5,729,404
    MIB Unicredit 10,706.48 22.690   2/06/23 18.302 -195,950 242,930 46,980 5,676,384  6,407,805 -631,421 5,776,384
    Europe 50 BP 109.24 610.510   11/07/22 576.662 -62,995 66,692 3,698 5,680,082  6,344,810 -564,729 5,780,082
    Nikkei (FRA) Keisei El Railway 2,115.36 33.600   5/15/23 35.200 -74,461 71,076 -3,385 5,676,697  6,270,350 -493,653 5,776,697
      Kobe Steel 9,797.43 10.800   5/15/23 7.600 -74,460 105,812 31,352 5,708,049  6,195,889 -387,840 5,808,049
    QIX Hannover Rück 420.63 205.100   11/28/22 178.900 -75,251 86,271 11,021 5,719,070  6,120,639 -301,569 5,819,070
    SP Global 100 Münchener Rück 234.48 372.100   1/23/23 325.700 -76,370 87,250 10,880 5,729,949  6,044,268 -214,319 5,829,949
  Buy ASX 50 short Mineral Resources 4,181.67 33.573   11/06/23 36.711 140,390        6,184,658 -354,709  
    MIB CNH Industrial 13,307.11 10.550   1/08/24 11.080 140,390        6,325,048 -495,099  
    OBX 25 Tomra Systems 19,626.73 7.153   12/18/23 10.192 140,390        6,465,438 -635,489  
    Europe 50 Adyen 205.79 682.200   10/30/23 633.000 140,390        6,605,828 -775,879  
    Nikkei (FRA) Sumitomo Pharma 23,398.33 3.000   12/11/23 2.980 70,195        6,676,023 -846,074  
date B/S market l/s instrument pieces price prc short corresponding invest divest prf/loss acc p/l ∑ invest asset total
      Pacific Metals 9,422.15 7.450   12/11/23 7.350 70,195        6,746,218 -916,269  
    QIX Sartorius 599.44 234.200   12/04/23 288.000 140,389        6,886,607 -1,056,658  
    SP Global 100 Pfizer 4,856.21 28.909   12/11/23 26.650 140,390        7,026,997 -1,197,048  
10/30/23 Sell DJIA long Boeing 1,015.31 171.809   2/06/23 192.995 -195,950 174,439 -21,510 5,708,439  6,831,048 -1,022,609 5,808,439
    Europe 50 short Adyen 205.79 633.000 735.224 10/23/23 682.200 -140,390 151,302 10,912 5,719,351  6,690,658 -871,307 5,819,351
    NZX 20 long Fisher & Paykel HC 9,734.03 11.439   5/15/23 15.299 -148,921 111,346 -37,575 5,681,776  6,541,737 -759,961 5,781,776
    DJ Global Titans NVidia 6,477.62 38.782   3/27/23 24.578 -159,209 251,213 92,004 5,773,780  6,382,528 -508,748 5,873,780
  Buy DJIA short Walgreens Boots 6,746.63 19.880   1/29/24 21.005 134,125        6,516,653 -642,873  
    Europe 50 long Novo Nordisk 1,477.25 90.794   6/17/24 131.435 134,125        6,650,778 -776,998  
    NZX 20 short Skycity Entertainm. 131,831.14 1.017   12/25/23 1.036 134,125        6,784,903 -911,123  
    DJ Global Titans Pfizer 4,659.69 28.784   12/04/23 27.037 134,125        6,919,028 -1,045,248  
11/06/23 Sell S&P 100 short Walgreens Boots 6,067.71 20.274 20.016 9/25/23 20.145 -122,234 121,449 -785 5,772,995  6,796,794 -923,799 5,872,995
    ASX 50 Mineral Resources 4,181.67 36.711 30.434 10/23/23 33.573 -140,390 127,266 -13,124 5,759,871  6,656,404 -796,533 5,859,871
    PSI 20 EDP Renováveis 7,353.35 16.315 16.265 9/18/23 16.290 -119,786 119,602 -184 5,759,687  6,536,618 -676,930 5,859,687
  Buy S&P 100 long NVidia 3,040.95 42.608   6/17/24 122.270 129,568        6,666,186 -806,499  
    ASX 50 Xero 1,914.62 67.673   11/13/23 58.787 129,568        6,795,754 -936,067  
    PSI 20 Mota-Engil 41,198.09 3.145   11/13/23 3.255 129,568        6,925,322 -1,065,635  
11/13/23 Sell ASX 50 long Xero 1,914.62 58.787   11/06/23 67.673 -129,568 112,556 -17,012 5,742,675  6,795,754 -953,079 5,842,675
    PSI 20 Mota-Engil 41,198.09 3.255   11/06/23 3.145 -129,568 134,100 4,532 5,747,206  6,666,186 -818,979 5,847,207
  Buy ASX 50 short IGO 23,904.65 5.259   11/20/23 5.371 125,705        6,791,891 -944,684  
    PSI 20 EDP Renováveis 8,120.48 15.480   12/04/23 16.595 125,705        6,917,596 -1,070,389  
11/20/23 Sell ASX 50 short IGO 23,904.65 5.371 5.146 11/13/23 5.259 -125,705 123,013 -2,692 5,744,515  6,791,891 -947,376 5,844,515
    DAX Zalando 5,508.52 23.560 20.820 9/25/23 22.190 -122,234 114,687 -7,547 5,736,968  6,669,657 -832,689 5,836,968
  Buy ASX 50 long James Hardie Ind 4,296.28 29.120   11/27/23 28.218 125,106        6,794,763 -957,794  
    DAX Vonovia 4,908.04 25.490   6/17/24 26.310 125,106        6,919,869 -1,082,900  
date B/S market l/s instrument pieces price prc short corresponding invest divest prf/loss acc p/l ∑ invest asset total
11/27/23 Sell ASX 50 long James Hardie Ind 4,296.28 28.218   11/20/23 29.120 -125,106 121,233 -3,873 5,733,095  6,794,763 -961,668 5,833,095
    OMXS 30 short NIBE Industrier 9,364.57 5.550 7.781 9/11/23 6.571 -61,536 72,862 11,326 5,744,422  6,733,227 -888,806 5,844,422
      SBB 207,260.02 0.337 0.257 9/11/23 0.297 -61,536 53,183 -8,353 5,736,069  6,671,692 -835,623 5,836,069
    Nordic 30 Møller-Mærsk B 91.18 1,445.410 1,639.610 4/10/23 1,539.450 -140,367 149,500 9,133 5,745,202  6,531,325 -686,123 5,845,202
  Buy ASX 50 IGO 25,314.73 5.095   12/04/23 4.910 128,976        6,660,301 -815,099  
    OMXS 30 long Atlas Copco A 4,591.63 14.045   6/17/24 17.739 64,488        6,724,789 -879,587  
      Hennes & Mauritz 4,220.14 15.281   6/17/24 16.672 64,488        6,789,277 -944,075  
    Nordic 30 Novo Nordisk 1,354.18 95.243   6/17/24 131.435 128,976        6,918,252 -1,073,051  
12/04/23 Sell ASX 50 short IGO 25,314.73 4.910 5.287 11/27/23 5.095 -128,976 133,847 4,871 5,750,072  6,789,276 -939,204 5,850,072
    PSI 20 EDP Renováveis 8,120.48 16.595 14.365 11/13/23 15.480 -125,705 116,651 -9,054 5,741,018  6,663,571 -822,553 5,841,018
    OMXC 20 Bavarian Nordic 6,050.38 22.172 19.059 8/07/23 20.615 -124,731 115,315 -9,416 5,731,602  6,538,840 -707,238 5,831,602
    Indices OMXH 25 27.56 4,357.270 4,231.150 8/28/23 4,294.210 -118,348 116,610 -1,738 5,729,864  6,420,492 -590,628 5,829,864
    QIX Sartorius 599.44 288.000 180.400 10/23/23 234.200 -140,389 108,139 -32,250 5,697,614  6,280,103 -482,489 5,797,614
    DJ Global Titans Pfizer 4,659.69 27.037 30.644 10/30/23 28.784 -134,125 142,791 8,666 5,706,280  6,145,978 -339,698 5,806,280
  Buy ASX 50 long James Hardie Ind 4,495.70 30.399   12/11/23 30.024 136,664        6,282,642 -476,362  
    PSI 20 Mota-Engil 35,268.13 3.875   1/01/24 3.960 136,664        6,419,306 -613,026  
    OMXC 20 Pandora 1,107.74 123.372   6/17/24 140.685 136,664        6,555,970 -749,690  
    Indices Merval 63.43 2,154.400   6/17/24 1,637.390 136,654        6,692,623 -886,344  
    QIX Nemetschek 1,744.05 78.360   6/17/24 89.650 136,664        6,829,287 -1,023,007  
    DJ Global Titans NVidia 3,252.04 42.024   6/17/24 122.270 136,664        6,965,951 -1,159,671  
12/11/23 Sell ASX 50 long James Hardie Ind 4,495.70 30.024   12/04/23 30.399 -136,664 134,979 -1,685 5,704,595  6,829,287 -1,024,692 5,804,595
    IBEX 35 short Grifols 17,526.94 14.065 5.945 3/13/23 10.005 -175,357 104,198 -71,159 5,633,436  6,653,930 -920,494 5,733,436
    FTSE Fresnillo 201.70 672.332 521.279 8/21/23 596.805 -120,376 105,142 -15,234 5,618,202  6,533,555 -815,352 5,718,202
    DJUA AES 3,762.11 16.796 16.344 9/04/23 16.570 -62,337 61,488 -849 5,617,353  6,471,218 -753,865 5,717,353
      Dominion Resources 1,405.68 44.338 44.355 9/04/23 44.347 -62,337 62,348 11 5,617,364  6,408,881 -691,516 5,717,364
date B/S market l/s instrument pieces price prc short corresponding invest divest prf/loss acc p/l ∑ invest asset total
    Nikkei (FRA) Sumitomo Pharma 23,398.33 2.980 3.020 10/23/23 3.000 -70,195 70,665 470 5,617,835  6,338,686 -620,851 5,717,835
      Pacific Metals 9,422.15 7.350 7.551 10/23/23 7.450 -70,195 71,150 955 5,618,790  6,268,491 -549,701 5,718,790
    SP Global 100 Pfizer 4,856.21 26.650 31.361 10/23/23 28.909 -140,390 152,295 11,905 5,630,695  6,128,101 -397,406 5,730,695
  Buy ASX 50 IGO 27,237.29 4.895   12/18/23 4.895 133,332        6,261,433 -530,738  
    IBEX 35 long Rovi 2,341.21 56.950   1/01/24 60.200 133,332        6,394,765 -664,069  
    FTSE Rolls-Royce 384.74 346.554   6/17/24 545.788 133,333        6,528,098 -797,403  
    DJUA PSEG 1,137.59 58.603   1/15/24 55.084 66,666        6,594,764 -864,069  
      Southern 1,004.00 66.401   1/15/24 65.221 66,666        6,661,430 -930,735  
    Nikkei (FRA) Screen 938.96 71.000   1/01/24 75.500 66,666        6,728,096 -997,401  
      Tokyo Electric Power 11,745.24 5.676   1/01/24 4.643 66,666        6,794,762 -1,064,067  
    SP Global 100 Intel 3,217.12 41.445   6/17/24 28.920 133,332        6,928,094 -1,197,399  
12/18/23 Sell ASX 50 short IGO 27,237.29 4.895 4.895 12/11/23 4.895 -133,332 133,332 0 5,630,695  6,794,762 -1,064,067  
    OBX 25 Tomra Systems 19,626.73 10.192 4.114 10/23/23 7.153 -140,390 80,740 -59,650 5,571,045  6,654,372 -983,326 5,671,046
  Buy ASX 50 long James Hardie Ind 3,903.26 30.024   6/17/24 29.727 117,192        6,771,564 -1,100,518  
    OBX 25 Schibsted A 4,387.13 26.713   12/25/23 25.931 117,192        6,888,756 -1,217,710  
12/25/23 Sell France short Orpea 51.81 15.200 475,705.000 5/08/23 2,689.000 -139,317 24,646,276 24,506,959 30,078,004  6,749,439 23,428,566 30,178,004
    OMXH 25 Telia Company 75,872.53 2.321 2.339 2/13/23 2.330 -176,783 177,466 683 30,078,687  6,572,656 23,606,031 30,178,687
    OBX 25 long Schibsted A 4,387.13 25.931   12/18/23 26.713 -117,192 113,761 -3,431 30,075,257  6,455,464 23,719,793 30,175,257
    FT 30 short Ocado 299.94 835.484 157.535 5/15/23 496.509 -148,923 47,251 -101,672 29,973,585  6,306,541 23,767,044 30,073,585
    NZX 20 Skycity Entertainm. 131,831.14 1.036 0.999 10/30/23 1.017 -134,125 131,633 -2,492 29,971,093  6,172,416 23,898,677 30,071,093
    Nikkei (TYO) long Kobe Steel 22,464.62 11.072   3/27/23 7.087 -159,209 248,726 89,517 30,060,610  6,013,207 24,147,403 30,160,610
  Buy France UnibailRodaWestfield 20,215.90 67.160   6/17/24 70.560 1,357,700        7,370,907 22,789,703  
    OMXH 25 Wärtsilä 102,467.92 13.250   3/04/24 14.315 1,357,700        8,728,607 21,432,003  
    OBX 25 short Nel 2,259,068.22 0.601   5/13/24 0.487 1,357,700        10,086,307 20,074,303  
    FT 30 long Wise 1,351.40 1,004.660   1/01/24 1,005.440 1,357,698        11,444,004 18,716,606  
date B/S market l/s instrument pieces price prc short corresponding invest divest prf/loss acc p/l ∑ invest asset total
    NZX 20 Xero 19,979.60 67.954   3/04/24 81.311 1,357,700        12,801,704 17,358,906  
    Nikkei (TYO) short Toho Zinc 201,588.72 6.735   1/01/24 7.196 1,357,700        14,159,404 16,001,206  
1/01/24 Sell ATX short Lenzing 2,804.76 35.550 65.216 6/26/23 48.150 -135,049 182,915 47,865 30,108,476  14,024,355 16,184,121 30,208,476
    IBEX 35 long Rovi 2,341.21 60.200   12/11/23 56.950 -133,332 140,941 7,609 30,116,085  13,891,023 16,325,062 30,216,085
    TSX 60 short Nutrien 2,607.41 51.001 54.997 5/29/23 52.961 -138,092 143,401 5,308 30,121,393  13,752,931 16,468,462 30,221,393
    PSI 20 long Mota-Engil 35,268.13 3.960   12/04/23 3.875 -136,664 139,662 2,998 30,124,391  13,616,267 16,608,124 30,224,391
    FT 30 Wise 1,351.40 1,005.440   12/25/23 1,004.660 -1,357,698 1,358,752 1,054 30,125,445  12,258,569 17,966,876 30,225,445
    Nikkei (FRA) Screen 938.96 75.500   12/11/23 71.000 -66,666 70,891 4,225 30,129,670  12,191,903 18,037,767 30,229,670
      Tokyo Electric Power 11,745.24 4.643   12/11/23 5.676 -66,666 54,533 -12,133 30,117,537  12,125,237 18,092,300 30,217,537
    Nikkei (TYO) short Toho Zinc 201,588.72 7.196 6.274 12/25/23 6.735 -1,357,700 1,264,848 -92,852 30,024,686  10,767,537 19,357,149 30,124,686
  Buy Germany long Morphosys 36,383.68 34.000   6/17/24 66.250 1,237,045        12,004,582 18,120,103  
    ATX Immofinanz 58,766.98 21.050   6/17/24 24.000 1,237,045        13,241,627 16,883,058  
    IBEX 35 short Unicaja Banco 1,389,938.20 0.890   1/08/24 0.938 1,237,045        14,478,672 15,646,013  
    TSX 60 long Shopify 17,551.99 70.479   6/17/24 62.036 1,237,045        15,715,717 14,408,969  
    PSI 20 short NOS 386,576.56 3.200   1/08/24 3.312 1,237,045        16,952,762 13,171,924  
    FT 30 Burberry Group 759.41 1,628.950   1/08/24 1,618.960 1,237,041        18,189,803 11,934,883  
    Nikkei (FRA) Toho Zinc 88,360.36 7.000   1/08/24 7.150 618,523        18,808,325 11,316,360  
      Yamaha 29,880.31 20.700   1/08/24 20.540 618,522        19,426,848 10,697,838  
    Nikkei (TYO) long Screen 16,240.54 76.170   6/17/24 87.101 1,237,045        20,663,893 9,460,793  
1/08/24 Sell MIB short CNH Industrial 13,307.11 11.080 10.020 10/23/23 10.550 -140,390 133,337 -7,053 30,017,633  20,523,503 9,594,130 30,117,633
    IBEX 35 Unicaja Banco 1,389,938.20 0.938 0.843 1/01/24 0.890 -1,237,045 1,171,023 -66,022 29,951,611  19,286,458 10,765,153 30,051,611
    PSI 20 NOS 386,576.56 3.312 3.088 1/01/24 3.200 -1,237,045 1,193,748 -43,297 29,908,314  18,049,413 11,958,901 30,008,314
    FT 30 Burberry Group 759.41 1,618.960 1,639.000 1/01/24 1,628.950 -1,237,041 1,244,673 7,632 29,915,946  16,812,372 13,203,574 30,015,946
    Nikkei (FRA) Toho Zinc 88,360.36 7.150 6.850 1/01/24 7.000 -618,523 605,268 -13,254 29,902,692  16,193,850 13,808,843 30,002,692
      Yamaha 29,880.31 20.540 20.861 1/01/24 20.700 -618,522 623,339 4,817 29,907,509  15,575,327 14,432,182 30,007,509
date B/S market l/s instrument pieces price prc short corresponding invest divest prf/loss acc p/l ∑ invest asset total
  Buy MIB long Leonardo 67,867.56 16.370   6/17/24 21.790 1,110,992        16,686,319 13,321,190  
    IBEX 35 Rovi 17,991.77 61.750   1/22/24 64.250 1,110,992        17,797,311 12,210,198  
    PSI 20 Mota-Engil 255,107.23 4.355   1/15/24 4.660 1,110,992        18,908,303 11,099,206  
    FT 30 Wise 1,129.25 983.828   1/15/24 1,021.630 1,110,988        20,019,291 9,988,218  
    Nikkei (FRA) Screen 7,557.77 73.500   2/19/24 111.000 555,496        20,574,787 9,432,722  
      Kawasaki Kisen 40,021.33 13.880   2/19/24 14.333 555,496        21,130,283 8,877,226  
1/15/24 Sell PSI 20 long Mota-Engil 255,107.23 4.660   1/08/24 4.355 -1,110,992 1,188,800 77,808 29,985,317  20,019,291 10,066,026 30,085,317
    FT 30 Wise 1,129.25 1,021.630   1/08/24 983.828 -1,110,988 1,153,676 42,688 30,028,005  18,908,303 11,219,701 30,128,005
    DJUA PSEG 1,137.59 55.084   12/11/23 58.603 -66,666 62,663 -4,003 30,024,002  18,841,637 11,282,365 30,124,002
      Southern 1,004.00 65.221   12/11/23 66.401 -66,666 65,482 -1,184 30,022,817  18,774,971 11,347,846 30,122,817
    Topix (FRA) short Softbank Group 1,009.24 40.330 60.890 9/20/21 49.555 -50,013 61,453 11,440 30,034,257  18,724,958 11,409,299 30,134,257
  Buy PSI 20 NOS 316,642.68 3.280   3/25/24 3.548 1,038,588        19,763,546 10,370,711  
    FT 30 Burberry Group 736.95 1,409.300   1/29/24 1,575.420 1,038,584        20,802,130 9,332,127  
    DJUA NextEra Energy 9,316.08 55.742   5/06/24 66.106 519,294        21,321,424 8,812,833  
      Exelon 15,765.28 32.939   5/06/24 34.839 519,294        21,840,718 8,293,539  
    Topix (FRA) long Lasertec 4,711.52 220.436   3/04/24 255.533 1,038,589        22,879,307 7,254,950  
1/22/24 Sell IBEX 35 long Rovi 17,991.77 64.250   1/08/24 61.750 -1,110,992 1,155,971 44,979 30,079,237  21,768,315 8,410,922 30,179,237
    Athex LC short Terna Energy 7,496.93 15.180 18.219 9/04/23 16.630 -124,674 136,583 11,909 30,091,145  21,643,641 8,547,505 30,191,145
  Buy IBEX 35 Grifols 109,853.22 8.816   5/13/24 9.800 968,466        22,612,107 7,579,039  
    Athex LC long Public Power 79,123.04 12.240   4/15/24 11.320 968,466        23,580,573 6,610,573  
1/29/24 Sell DJIA short Walgreens Boots 6,746.63 21.005 18.756 10/30/23 19.880 -134,125 126,540 -7,585 30,083,560  23,446,448 6,737,112 30,183,560
    ISEQ 20 Irish Residential 80,549.47 1.170 0.710 4/03/23 0.940 -75,717 57,190 -18,526 30,065,034  23,370,731 6,794,302 30,165,034
      Uniphar 24,906.74 2.635 3.507 4/03/23 3.040 -75,716 87,353 11,636 30,076,670  23,295,015 6,881,655 30,176,670
    FT 30 Burberry Group 736.95 1,575.420 1,243.180 1/15/24 1,409.300 -1,038,584 916,162 -122,422 29,954,248  22,256,431 7,797,817 30,054,248
  Buy DJIA long 3,555.85 266.125   6/17/24 215.152 946,301        23,202,732 6,851,516  
date B/S market l/s instrument pieces price prc short corresponding invest divest prf/loss acc p/l ∑ invest asset total
    ISEQ 20 Ryanair 24,189.70 19.560   2/12/24 19.990 473,151        23,675,882 6,378,366  
      Cairn Homes 328,121.01 1.442   2/12/24 1.506 473,151        24,149,033 5,905,215  
    FT 30 3i Group 331.56 2,854.060   2/05/24 2,732.670 946,292        25,095,325 4,958,923  
2/05/24 Sell   long 3i Group 331.56 2,732.670   1/29/24 2,854.060 -946,292 906,044 -40,248 29,914,000  24,149,033 5,864,967 30,014,000
  Buy   short Burberry Group 595.44 1,506.410   2/12/24 1,565.360 896,977        25,046,010 4,967,990  
2/12/24 Sell AEX short NN 4,949.39 37.190 33.670 3/13/23 35.430 -175,357 166,646 -8,711 29,905,289  24,870,653 5,134,636 30,005,289
    ISEQ 20 long Ryanair 24,189.70 19.990   1/29/24 19.560 -473,151 483,552 10,402 29,915,691  24,397,502 5,618,188 30,015,691
      Cairn Homes 328,121.01 1.506   1/29/24 1.442 -473,151 494,150 21,000 29,936,690  23,924,352 6,112,339 30,036,690
    FT 30 short Burberry Group 595.44 1,565.360 1,447.470 2/05/24 1,506.410 -896,977 861,882 -35,095 29,901,595  23,027,375 6,974,220 30,001,595
    CAC Mid 60 Orpea 75.81 13.200 334,091.000 3/27/23 2,100.000 -159,201 25,327,439 25,168,238 55,069,833  22,868,174 32,301,659 55,169,833
  Buy AEX long BE Semiconductor 13,783.72 158.650   6/17/24 153.900 2,186,787        25,054,961 30,114,872  
    ISEQ 20 short permanent tsb 662,662.73 1.650   3/25/24 1.340 1,093,394        26,148,355 29,021,478  
      Greencoat Renewables 1,271,387.79 0.860   3/25/24 0.865 1,093,394        27,241,748 27,928,085  
    FT 30 long Wise 2,194.92 996.296   3/04/24 1,071.860 2,186,790        29,428,538 25,741,295  
    CAC Mid 60 Eurazeo 28,017.77 78.050   4/22/24 81.950 2,186,787        31,615,325 23,554,508  
2/19/24 Sell Nikkei (FRA) long Screen 7,557.77 111.000   1/08/24 73.500 -555,496 838,912 283,416 55,353,249  31,059,829 24,393,420 55,453,249
      Kawasaki Kisen 40,021.33 14.333   1/08/24 13.880 -555,496 573,638 18,142 55,371,391  30,504,333 24,967,058 55,471,391
  Buy   short Sumitomo Pharma 448,875.22 2.240   3/04/24 2.180 1,005,480        31,509,813 23,961,578  
      Toho Zinc 155,888.45 6.450   3/04/24 6.000 1,005,481        32,515,294 22,956,097  
    BAX long Morphosys 30,711.07 65.480   6/17/24 66.250 2,010,961        34,526,255 20,945,136  
3/04/24 Sell SSE 50 short Foshan Haitian F&F 22,123.12 5.112 5.835 8/14/23 5.461 -120,821 129,088 8,267 55,379,658  34,405,434 21,074,225 55,479,658
    HDAX Adtran 19,124.66 5.542 7.675 8/07/23 6.522 -124,731 146,788 22,056 55,401,715  34,280,703 21,221,012 55,501,715
    OMXH 25 long Wärtsilä 102,467.92 14.315   12/25/23 13.250 -1,357,700 1,466,828 109,128 55,510,843  32,923,003 22,687,840 55,610,843
    FT 30 Wise 2,194.92 1,071.860   2/12/24 996.296 -2,186,790 2,352,647 165,857 55,676,700  30,736,213 25,040,487 55,776,700
    Nikkei (FRA) short Sumitomo Pharma 448,875.22 2.180 2.302 2/19/24 2.240 -1,005,480 1,033,176 27,696 55,704,396  29,730,732 26,073,663 55,804,396
date B/S market l/s instrument pieces price prc short corresponding invest divest prf/loss acc p/l ∑ invest asset total
      Toho Zinc 155,888.45 6.000 6.934 2/19/24 6.450 -1,005,481 1,080,899 75,419 55,779,814  28,725,252 27,154,563 55,879,814
    NZX 20 long Xero 19,979.60 81.311   12/25/23 67.954 -1,357,700 1,624,563 266,864 56,046,678  27,367,552 28,779,126 56,146,678
    Topix (FRA) Lasertec 4,711.52 255.533   1/15/24 220.436 -1,038,589 1,203,949 165,360 56,212,038  26,328,963 29,983,075 56,312,038
  Buy SSE 50 Shaanxi Coal 629,560.23 3.427   3/18/24 3.111 2,157,377        28,486,340 27,825,698  
    HDAX Morphosys 33,078.46 65.220   6/17/24 66.250 2,157,377        30,643,718 25,668,321  
    OMXH 25 short Neste 86,295.08 25.000   6/17/24 17.440 2,157,377        32,801,095 23,510,944  
    FT 30 Burberry Group 1,468.85 1,468.750   3/11/24 1,462.490 2,157,373        34,958,468 21,353,570  
    Nikkei (FRA) long Screen 9,141.43 118.000   6/17/24 85.520 1,078,689        36,037,157 20,274,881  
      Mitsui Eng & Ship 92,990.39 11.600   6/17/24 8.050 1,078,689        37,115,845 19,196,193  
    NZX 20 short Ryman Healthcare 837,068.64 2.577   6/17/24 2.083 2,157,377        39,273,222 17,038,816  
    Topix (FRA) Eisai 57,103.68 37.780   6/17/24 37.330 2,157,377        41,430,599 14,881,439  
3/11/24 Sell FT 30 short Burberry Group 1,468.85 1,462.490 1,475.040 3/04/24 1,468.750 -2,157,373 2,166,613 9,239 56,221,277  39,273,226 17,048,051 56,321,277
  Buy   long Wise 1,743.09 1,052.290   3/18/24 1,106.580 1,834,236        41,107,462 15,213,815  
3/18/24 Sell SSE 50 long Shaanxi Coal 629,560.23 3.111   3/04/24 3.427 -2,157,377 1,958,310 -199,067 56,022,210  38,950,085 17,172,125 56,122,210
    CAC 40 short Teleperformance 960.99 85.040 226.382 6/05/23 138.750 -133,337 217,551 84,213 56,106,424  38,816,748 17,389,676 56,206,424
    FT 30 long Wise 1,743.09 1,106.580   3/11/24 1,052.290 -1,834,236 1,928,869 94,632 56,201,056  36,982,511 19,318,545 56,301,056
  Buy SSE 50 short WuXi AppTec 276,966.46 6.826   3/25/24 6.258 1,890,490        38,873,001 17,428,055  
    CAC 40 long Stellantis 72,294.07 26.150   4/29/24 23.210 1,890,490        40,763,491 15,537,565  
    FT 30 short Burberry Group 1,285.65 1,470.450   3/25/24 1,399.110 1,890,484        42,653,975 13,647,081  
3/25/24 Sell SSE 50 short WuXi AppTec 276,966.46 6.258 7.444 3/18/24 6.826 -1,890,490 2,061,849 171,359 56,372,415  40,763,485 15,708,930 56,472,415
    SDAX Grand City 21,029.66 9.915 3.435 4/10/23 6.675 -140,373 72,237 -68,136 56,304,279  40,623,112 15,781,167 56,404,279
    ISEQ 20 permanent tsb 662,662.73 1.340 2.032 2/12/24 1.650 -1,093,394 1,346,332 252,938 56,557,218  39,529,719 17,127,499 56,657,218
      Greencoat Renewables 1,271,387.79 0.865 0.855 2/12/24 0.860 -1,093,394 1,087,037 -6,357 56,550,861  38,436,325 18,214,535 56,650,861
    PSI 20 NOS 316,642.68 3.548 3.012 1/15/24 3.280 -1,038,588 953,728 -84,860 56,466,000  37,397,737 19,168,263 56,566,000
    FT 30 Burberry Group 1,285.65 1,399.110 1,545.430 3/18/24 1,470.450 -1,890,484 1,986,882 96,398 56,562,398  35,507,253 21,155,145 56,662,398
date B/S market l/s instrument pieces price prc short corresponding invest divest prf/loss acc p/l ∑ invest asset total
  Buy SSE 50 long Shaanxi Coal 584,865.47 3.326   6/17/24 3.483 1,945,438        37,452,691 19,209,707  
    SDAX Morphosys 28,967.21 67.160   4/01/24 67.200 1,945,438        39,398,129 17,264,269  
    ISEQ 20 Ryanair 46,474.87 20.930   4/01/24 21.030 972,719        40,370,848 16,291,550  
      Cairn Homes 621,943.09 1.564   4/01/24 1.596 972,719        41,343,567 15,318,831  
    PSI 20 Mota-Engil 399,473.92 4.870   4/01/24 4.815 1,945,438        43,289,005 13,373,393  
    FT 30 3i Group 597.59 3,255.460   4/08/24 3,290.980 1,945,430        45,234,436 11,427,963  
4/01/24 Sell SDAX long Morphosys 28,967.21 67.200   3/25/24 67.160 -1,945,438 1,946,597 1,159 56,563,557  43,288,998 13,374,559 56,663,557
    ISEQ 20 Ryanair 46,474.87 21.030   3/25/24 20.930 -972,719 977,367 4,647 56,568,205  42,316,279 14,351,926 56,668,205
      Cairn Homes 621,943.09 1.596   3/25/24 1.564 -972,719 992,621 19,902 56,588,107  41,343,560 15,344,547 56,688,107
    PSI 20 Mota-Engil 399,473.92 4.815   3/25/24 4.870 -1,945,438 1,923,467 -21,971 56,566,136  39,398,122 17,268,014 56,666,136
  Buy SDAX short Verbio 87,807.74 21.050   6/17/24 19.960 1,848,353        41,246,475 15,419,661  
    ISEQ 20 permanent tsb 672,128.36 1.375   6/17/24 1.360 924,177        42,170,651 14,495,484  
      FD Technologies 64,627.73 14.300   6/17/24 15.900 924,177        43,094,828 13,571,308  
    PSI 20 EDP Renováveis 147,337.82 12.545   4/08/24 12.160 1,848,353        44,943,181 11,722,955  
4/08/24 Sell   short EDP Renováveis 147,337.82 12.160 12.942 4/01/24 12.545 -1,848,353 1,906,876 58,523 56,624,658  43,094,828 13,629,831 56,724,658
    ÖkoDAX (deprecated) Verbio 3,585.79 20.280 97.207 3/27/23 44.400 -159,209 348,564 189,355 56,814,013  42,935,619 13,978,395 56,914,013
    FT 30 long 3i Group 597.59 3,290.980   3/25/24 3,255.460 -1,945,430 1,966,657 21,226 56,835,240  40,990,188 15,945,051 56,935,240
  Buy PSI 20 Mota-Engil 383,903.71 4.746   4/15/24 4.412 1,822,007        42,812,195 14,123,044  
    ÖkoDAX (deprecated) Nordex 147,530.93 12.350   6/17/24 12.500 1,822,007        44,634,202 12,301,037  
    FT 30 short Ocado 4,166.67 437.281   4/22/24 415.608 1,822,006        46,456,208 10,479,032  
4/15/24 Sell PSI 20 long Mota-Engil 383,903.71 4.412   4/08/24 4.746 -1,822,007 1,693,783 -128,224 56,707,016  44,634,201 12,172,815 56,807,016
    Athex LC Public Power 79,123.04 11.320   1/22/24 12.240 -968,466 895,673 -72,793 56,634,223  43,665,735 13,068,488 56,734,223
  Buy PSI 20 short EDP Renováveis 136,868.00 12.750   4/22/24 12.730 1,745,067        45,410,802 11,323,421  
    Athex LC EYDAP 311,619.11 5.600   6/17/24 5.630 1,745,067        47,155,869 9,578,354  
4/22/24 Sell PSI 20 short EDP Renováveis 136,868.00 12.730 12.770 4/15/24 12.750 -1,745,067 1,747,804 2,737 56,636,960  45,410,802 11,326,158 56,736,960
date B/S market l/s instrument pieces price prc short corresponding invest divest prf/loss acc p/l ∑ invest asset total
    FT 30 Ocado 4,166.67 415.608 460.085 4/08/24 437.281 -1,822,006 1,917,022 95,017 56,731,977  43,588,796 13,243,181 56,831,977
    CAC Mid 60 long Eurazeo 28,017.77 81.950   2/12/24 78.050 -2,186,787 2,296,056 109,269 56,841,246  41,402,009 15,539,237 56,941,246
  Buy PSI 20 Galp Energia 93,644.03 19.350   6/17/24 18.915 1,812,012        43,214,021 13,727,225  
    FT 30 3i Group 549.43 3,297.960   4/29/24 3,368.880 1,811,998        45,026,020 11,915,227  
    CAC Mid 60 short Orpea 146,935.78 12.332   5/13/24 13.418 1,812,012        46,838,032 10,103,215  
4/29/24 Sell HSI short 9,436.36 14.064 18.129 4/24/23 15.968 -150,675 171,067 20,392 56,861,638  46,687,357 10,274,282 56,961,638
    CAC 40 long Stellantis 72,294.07 23.210   3/18/24 26.150 -1,890,490 1,677,945 -212,545 56,649,094  44,796,867 11,952,227 56,749,094
    HSI-Fin short Hang Seng Bank 10,692.62 12.372 13.482 5/29/23 12.915 -138,092 144,154 6,062 56,655,155  44,658,775 12,096,381 56,755,155
    FT 30 long 3i Group 549.43 3,368.880   4/22/24 3,297.960 -1,811,998 1,850,964 38,966 56,694,121  42,846,776 13,947,344 56,794,121
  Buy HSI China Hongqiao 1,386,760.76 1.275   6/17/24 1.411 1,768,536        44,615,312 12,178,808  
    CAC 40 short Teleperformance 19,760.18 89.500   6/17/24 96.740 1,768,536        46,383,849 10,410,272  
    HSI-Fin long Bank of China 4,088,155.34 0.433   6/17/24 0.452 1,768,536        48,152,385 8,641,736  
    FT 30 short Ocado 4,246.67 416.452   5/13/24 398.017 1,768,534        49,920,919 6,873,202  
5/06/24 Sell BEL 20 short Proximus 18,701.52 7.015 7.178 6/19/23 7.096 -132,706 134,238 1,532 56,695,652  49,788,213 7,007,440 56,795,652
    DJUA NextEra Energy 9,316.08 66.106 45.378 1/15/24 55.742 -519,294 422,742 -96,552 56,599,101  49,268,919 7,430,182 56,699,101
      Exelon 15,765.28 34.839 31.039 1/15/24 32.939 -519,294 489,345 -29,949 56,569,151  48,749,624 7,919,527 56,669,151
  Buy BEL 20 long UCB 13,534.92 119.300   6/17/24 137.200 1,614,716        50,364,340 6,304,811  
    DJUA NextEra Energy 12,213.14 66.106   6/17/24 67.501 807,358        51,171,699 5,497,453  
      PSEG 12,197.73 66.189   6/17/24 68.211 807,358        51,979,057 4,690,095  
5/13/24 Sell IBEX 35 short Grifols 109,853.22 9.800 7.832 1/22/24 8.816 -968,466 860,370 -108,096 56,461,056  51,010,591 5,550,465 56,561,056
    HSI-C&I 8,628.30 15.336 17.001 5/08/23 16.147 -139,322 146,690 7,368 56,468,423  50,871,269 5,697,155 56,568,423
    OBX 25 Nel 2,259,068.22 0.487 0.741 12/25/23 0.601 -1,357,700 1,674,195 316,495 56,784,919  49,513,569 7,371,350 56,884,919
    FT 30 Ocado 4,246.67 398.017 435.741 4/29/24 416.452 -1,768,534 1,850,448 81,914 56,866,833  47,745,034 9,221,799 56,966,833
    CAC Mid 60 Orpea 146,935.78 13.418 11.246 4/22/24 12.332 -1,812,012 1,652,440 -159,572 56,707,261  45,933,022 10,874,238 56,807,261
    GCX bioMérieux 552.34 97.000 86.640 6/21/21 91.820 -50,716 47,855 -2,861 56,704,400  45,882,306 10,922,093 56,804,400
date B/S market l/s instrument pieces price prc short corresponding invest divest prf/loss acc p/l ∑ invest asset total
  Buy IBEX 35 long Banco Sabadell 907,132.07 1.867   6/10/24 1.900 1,693,162        47,575,469 9,228,931  
    HSI-C&I China Hongqiao 1,207,676.18 1.402   6/17/24 1.411 1,693,162        49,268,631 7,535,769  
    OBX 25 Golden Ocean Group 122,510.91 13.821   6/17/24 11.941 1,693,162        50,961,793 5,842,607  
    FT 30 NatWest 4,546.45 372.414   6/17/24 364.174 1,693,162        52,654,954 4,149,445  
    CAC Mid 60 Eramet 16,583.37 102.100   6/17/24 96.650 1,693,162        54,348,116 2,456,283  
    GCX Interface 114,684.90 14.764   5/27/24 14.424 1,693,162        56,041,278 763,121  
5/27/24 Sell   long Interface 114,684.90 14.424   5/13/24 14.764 -1,693,162 1,654,261 -38,901 56,665,498  54,348,116 2,417,382 56,765,498
  Buy   short SunPower 550,108.57 2.690   6/17/24 2.502 1,479,572        55,827,688 937,810  
6/10/24 Sell IBEX 35 long Banco Sabadell 907,132.07 1.900   5/13/24 1.867 -1,693,162 1,723,551 30,389 56,695,887  54,134,526 2,661,361 56,795,887
  Buy   short Grifols 163,021.61 9.118   6/17/24 9.146 1,486,431        55,620,957 1,174,930  
6/17/24 Sell USA long NVidia 4,522.09 122.270   5/22/23 28.829 -130,365 552,916 422,551 57,118,438  55,490,592 1,727,846 57,218,438
    DJIA 3,555.85 215.152   1/29/24 266.125 -946,301 765,048 -181,252 56,937,186  54,544,292 2,492,894 57,037,186
    S&P 100 NVidia 3,040.95 122.270   11/06/23 42.608 -129,568 371,817 242,249 57,179,435  54,414,723 2,864,711 57,279,435
    Nasdaq 100 Vertex 201.03 442.189   10/03/22 303.497 -61,012 88,893 27,881 57,207,316  54,353,711 2,953,604 57,307,316
    Euro 50 Deutsche Börse 187.22 186.100   8/08/22 174.750 -32,717 34,842 2,125 57,209,441  54,320,995 2,988,446 57,309,441
      TotalEnergies 656.70 62.000   8/08/22 49.820 -32,717 40,715 7,999 57,217,439  54,288,278 3,029,162 57,317,439
    France UnibailRodaWestfield 20,215.90 70.560   12/25/23 67.160 -1,357,700 1,426,434 68,734 57,286,174  52,930,578 4,455,595 57,386,174
    Germany Morphosys 36,383.68 66.250   1/01/24 34.000 -1,237,045 2,410,419 1,173,374 58,459,547  51,693,533 6,866,014 58,559,547
    SSE 50 Shaanxi Coal 584,865.47 3.483   3/25/24 3.326 -1,945,438 2,037,262 91,824 58,551,371  49,748,095 8,903,276 58,651,371
    HSI China Hongqiao 1,386,760.76 1.411   4/29/24 1.275 -1,768,536 1,956,303 187,767 58,739,138  47,979,559 10,859,580 58,839,138
    Kospi 50 Samsung SDI 122.62 257.572   11/14/22 554.662 -68,013 31,583 -36,429 58,702,709  47,911,546 10,891,163 58,802,709
    ASX 50 James Hardie Ind 3,903.26 29.727   12/18/23 30.024 -117,192 116,031 -1,160 58,701,549  47,794,354 11,007,194 58,801,549
    ATX Immofinanz 58,766.98 24.000   1/01/24 21.050 -1,237,045 1,410,408 173,363 58,874,911  46,557,310 12,417,602 58,974,911
    CAC 40 short Teleperformance 19,760.18 96.740 82.260 4/29/24 89.500 -1,768,536 1,625,472 -143,064 58,731,848  44,788,773 14,043,074 58,831,848
    DAX long Vonovia 4,908.04 26.310   11/20/23 25.490 -125,106 129,131 4,025 58,735,872  44,663,667 14,172,205 58,835,872
date B/S market l/s instrument pieces price prc short corresponding invest divest prf/loss acc p/l ∑ invest asset total
    TecDAX short Morphosys 627.09 66.250 101.742 3/08/21 82.100 -51,484 63,801 12,317 58,748,190  44,612,183 14,236,006 58,848,190
    SDAX Verbio 87,807.74 19.960 22.200 4/01/24 21.050 -1,848,353 1,949,288 100,935 58,849,125  42,763,830 16,185,294 58,949,125
    HDAX long Morphosys 33,078.46 66.250   3/04/24 65.220 -2,157,377 2,191,448 34,071 58,883,195  40,606,453 18,376,742 58,983,195
    MIB Leonardo 67,867.56 21.790   1/08/24 16.370 -1,110,992 1,478,834 367,842 59,251,038  39,495,461 19,855,576 59,351,038
    AEX BE Semiconductor 13,783.72 153.900   2/12/24 158.650 -2,186,787 2,121,315 -65,473 59,185,565  37,308,674 21,976,891 59,285,565
    IBEX 35 short Grifols 163,021.61 9.146 9.090 6/10/24 9.118 -1,486,431 1,481,866 -4,565 59,181,000  35,822,243 23,458,757 59,281,000
    FTSE long Rolls-Royce 384.74 545.788   12/11/23 346.554 -133,333 209,986 76,653 59,257,654  35,688,910 23,668,744 59,357,654
    HSI-Fin Bank of China 4,088,155.34 0.452   4/29/24 0.433 -1,768,536 1,847,437 78,901 59,336,555  33,920,374 25,516,181 59,436,555
    HSI-Prop short Country Garden Svcs 57,097.23 0.603 2.823 5/15/23 1.304 -74,461 161,168 86,708 59,423,263  33,845,913 25,677,349 59,523,263
    HSI-C&I long China Hongqiao 1,207,676.18 1.411   5/13/24 1.402 -1,693,162 1,703,669 10,507 59,433,770  32,152,751 27,381,018 59,533,770
    ISEQ 20 short permanent tsb 672,128.36 1.360 1.390 4/01/24 1.375 -924,177 934,393 10,216 59,443,986  31,228,575 28,315,411 59,543,986
      FD Technologies 64,627.73 15.900 12.700 4/01/24 14.300 -924,177 820,772 -103,404 59,340,582  30,304,398 29,136,183 59,440,582
    BEL 20 long UCB 13,534.92 137.200   5/06/24 119.300 -1,614,716 1,856,991 242,275 59,582,857  28,689,682 30,993,174 59,682,857
    OMXH 25 short Neste 86,295.08 17.440 35.837 3/04/24 25.000 -2,157,377 3,092,574 935,197 60,518,054  26,532,305 34,085,748 60,618,054
    TSX 60 long Shopify 17,551.99 62.036   1/01/24 70.479 -1,237,045 1,088,862 -148,183 60,369,871  25,295,260 35,174,611 60,469,871
    PSI 20 Galp Energia 93,644.03 18.915   4/22/24 19.350 -1,812,012 1,771,277 -40,735 60,329,136  23,483,249 36,945,887 60,429,136
    OMXC 20 Pandora 1,107.74 140.685   12/04/23 123.372 -136,664 155,842 19,178 60,348,314  23,346,584 37,101,730 60,448,314
    OBX 25 Golden Ocean Group 122,510.91 11.941   5/13/24 13.821 -1,693,162 1,462,878 -230,284 60,118,030  21,653,422 38,564,608 60,218,030
    Athex LC short EYDAP 311,619.11 5.630 5.570 4/15/24 5.600 -1,745,067 1,735,718 -9,349 60,108,682  19,908,355 40,300,327 60,208,682
    DJCA long PG & E 4,320.68 16.607   10/17/22 14.388 -62,166 71,753 9,587 60,118,269  19,846,189 40,372,080 60,218,269
    ÖkoDAX (deprecated) Nordex 147,530.93 12.500   4/08/24 12.350 -1,822,007 1,844,137 22,130 60,140,399  18,024,182 42,216,216 60,240,399
    OMXS 30 Atlas Copco A 4,591.63 17.739   11/27/23 14.045 -64,488 81,451 16,963 60,157,362  17,959,694 42,297,668 60,257,362
      Hennes & Mauritz 4,220.14 16.672   11/27/23 15.281 -64,488 70,360 5,872 60,163,234  17,895,206 42,368,028 60,263,234
    Europe 50 Novo Nordisk 1,477.25 131.435   10/30/23 90.794 -134,125 194,162 60,038 60,223,272  17,761,082 42,562,190 60,323,272
    Nordic 30 Novo Nordisk 1,354.18 131.435   11/27/23 95.243 -128,976 177,987 49,011 60,272,283  17,632,106 42,740,177 60,372,283
date B/S market l/s instrument pieces price prc short corresponding invest divest prf/loss acc p/l ∑ invest asset total
    MerVal Comercial del Plata 595,328.47 0.171   7/11/22 0.110 -65,248 102,039 36,791 60,309,074  17,566,858 42,842,216 60,409,074
    FT 30 NatWest 4,546.45 364.174   5/13/24 372.414 -1,693,162 1,655,699 -37,463 60,271,611  15,873,696 44,497,915 60,371,611
    BSE Sensex 30 Reliance Industries 2,396.08 33.030   7/13/20 22.662 -54,299 79,143 24,844 60,296,456  15,819,397 44,577,058 60,396,456
    DJUA NextEra Energy 12,213.14 67.501   5/06/24 66.106 -807,358 824,402 17,043 60,313,499  15,012,039 45,401,460 60,413,499
      PSEG 12,197.73 68.211   5/06/24 66.189 -807,358 832,016 24,658 60,338,157  14,204,681 46,233,475 60,438,157
    DJTA Landstar System 563.91 168.422   1/09/23 159.572 -89,984 94,975 4,991 60,343,147  14,114,697 46,328,450 60,443,147
    STI short DFI Retail 16,692.52 1.783 4.845 9/27/21 2.939 -49,061 80,872 31,811 60,374,958  14,065,636 46,409,322 60,474,958
    SMI Roche 437.19 256.907 297.281 8/14/23 276.358 -120,821 129,968 9,147 60,384,106  13,944,815 46,539,291 60,484,106
    SLI ams-OSRAM 18,896.48 1.371 32.202 7/24/23 6.644 -125,552 608,501 482,949 60,867,054  13,819,263 47,147,791 60,967,054
    IPC long Banco del Bajio 22,371.26 2.632   1/23/23 3.414 -76,371 58,890 -17,481 60,849,573  13,742,892 47,206,681 60,949,573
    Nikkei (FRA) Screen 9,141.43 85.520   3/04/24 118.000 -1,078,689 781,775 -296,914 60,552,660  12,664,203 47,988,456 60,652,660
      Mitsui Eng & Ship 92,990.39 8.050   3/04/24 11.600 -1,078,689 748,573 -330,116 60,222,544  11,585,515 48,737,029 60,322,544
    NZX 20 short Ryman Healthcare 837,068.64 2.083 3.189 3/04/24 2.577 -2,157,377 2,669,496 512,119 60,734,662  9,428,138 51,406,525 60,834,662
    Topix (FRA) Eisai 57,103.68 37.330 38.235 3/04/24 37.780 -2,157,377 2,183,382 26,005 60,760,667  7,270,761 53,589,907 60,860,667
    CAC Next 20 Sartorius Stedim 469.44 172.000 410.445 8/07/23 265.700 -124,730 192,679 67,949 60,828,617  7,146,031 53,782,586 60,928,617
    CAC Mid 60 long Eramet 16,583.37 96.650   5/13/24 102.100 -1,693,162 1,602,783 -90,379 60,738,237  5,452,868 55,385,369 60,838,237
    BAX Morphosys 30,711.07 66.250   2/19/24 65.480 -2,010,961 2,034,608 23,648 60,761,885  3,441,908 57,419,977 60,861,885
    Indices Merval 63.43 1,637.390   12/04/23 2,154.400 -136,654 103,860 -32,794 60,729,091  3,305,254 57,523,837 60,829,091
    Nikkei (TYO) Screen 16,240.54 87.101   1/01/24 76.170 -1,237,045 1,414,572 177,527 60,906,618  2,068,209 58,938,409 61,006,618
    Topix (TYO) Nidec 641.70 42.915   11/16/20 94.279 -60,499 27,538 -32,961 60,873,657  2,007,710 58,965,947 60,973,657
    GEX short Voltabox 20,117.69 1.080 5.857 9/06/21 2.515 -50,596 117,823 67,227 60,940,884  1,957,114 59,083,771 61,040,884
    BSE Sensex 50 long Mahindra & Mahindra 5,444.13 32.734   6/27/22 13.020 -70,882 178,209 107,327 61,048,212  1,886,232 59,261,980 61,148,212
    QIX Nemetschek 1,744.05 89.650   12/04/23 78.360 -136,664 156,354 19,690 61,067,902  1,749,568 59,418,334 61,167,902
    DJ Global Titans NVidia 3,252.04 122.270   12/04/23 42.024 -136,664 397,627 260,963 61,328,865  1,612,904 59,815,961 61,428,865
    SP Global 100 Intel 3,217.12 28.920   12/11/23 41.445 -133,332 93,038 -40,293 61,288,571  1,479,572 59,908,999 61,388,571
date B/S market l/s instrument pieces price prc short corresponding invest divest prf/loss acc p/l ∑ invest asset total
    GCX short SunPower 550,108.57 2.502 2.892 5/27/24 2.690 -1,479,572 1,590,639 111,067 61,399,638  -0 61,499,638 61,499,638