Thu, Oct 24th, 2024, 3:13UTC
Portfolio Development

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World * Best Practice * Alternating in € start 2011 (invest/signal = 5 %, rating invest = 50 %)
date B/S market l/s instrument pieces price prc short corresponding invest divest prf/loss acc p/l ∑ invest asset total
1/03/11 Buy ISEQ 20 long Kingspan 331.13 7.550   3/21/11 6.330 2,500        2,500 97,500 100,000
      Origin Enterprises 787.40 3.175   3/21/11 3.825 2,500        5,000 95,000  
1/17/11 Buy CAC 40 long Valeo 321.75 15.148   3/14/11 13.523 4,874        9,874 90,126  
    AEX Aalberts 323.85 15.050   3/28/11 16.715 4,874        14,748 85,252  
1/24/11 Buy IBEX 35 long Sacyr 847.86 5.462   2/28/11 7.082 4,631        19,379 80,621  
    Topix (TYO) short Resona 1,147.25 4.037   1/31/11 3.670 4,631        24,010 75,990  
1/31/11 Sell   short Resona 1,147.25 3.670 4.440 1/24/11 4.037 -4,631 5,094 463 463  19,379 81,084 100,463
  Buy SSE 50 long China Shipbuilding 4,614.60 0.983   2/21/11 0.981 4,538        23,917 76,546  
    Topix (TYO) Isuzu Motors 632.21 7.178   8/29/11 5.756 4,538        28,455 72,008  
2/07/11 Buy HSI short China Res Land 3,595.50 1.199   4/04/11 1.417 4,311        32,766 67,697  
    HSI-Fin China Life Ins HK 1,574.33 2.738   1/16/12 2.249 4,311        37,077 63,386  
    ÖkoDAX (deprecated) long CropEnergies 730.68 5.900   6/06/11 4.970 4,311        41,388 59,075  
    BSE Sensex 30 short Bharat Heavy 988.85 4.360   1/30/12 2.662 4,311        45,699 54,764  
    STI Wilmar International 1,421.74 3.032   3/28/11 3.080 4,311        50,010 50,453  
2/14/11 Buy OMXH 25 short Nokia 562.99 6.700   2/21/11 6.240 3,772        53,782 46,681  
    PSI 20 long Jerónimo Martins 314.99 11.975   2/21/11 11.500 3,772        57,554 42,909  
    GEX InVision 183.91 20.510   3/07/11 22.905 3,772        61,326 39,137  
2/21/11 Sell SSE 50 long China Shipbuilding 4,614.60 0.981   1/31/11 0.983 -4,538 4,525 -13 450  56,788 43,662 100,450
    OMXH 25 short Nokia 562.99 6.240 7.194 2/14/11 6.700 -3,772 4,050 278 728  53,016 47,712 100,728
    PSI 20 long Jerónimo Martins 314.99 11.500   2/14/11 11.975 -3,772 3,622 -150 579  49,244 51,335 100,579
  Buy SSE 50 short Shanghai Pudong 3,415.80 1.112   4/04/11 1.203 3,797        53,041 47,538  
    OMXH 25 long Metso 389.84 9.740   2/28/11 10.430 3,797        56,838 43,741  
    PSI 20 short Impresa 3,835.35 0.990   3/28/11 1.010 3,797        60,635 39,944  
    SMI long Richemont 89.22 42.559   2/28/11 41.624 3,797        64,432 36,147  
2/28/11 Sell IBEX 35 long Sacyr 847.86 7.082   1/24/11 5.462 -4,631 6,005 1,374 1,952  59,801 42,151 101,952
date B/S market l/s instrument pieces price prc short corresponding invest divest prf/loss acc p/l ∑ invest asset total
    OMXH 25 Metso 389.84 10.430   2/21/11 9.740 -3,797 4,066 269 2,221  56,004 46,217 102,221
    SMI Richemont 89.22 41.624   2/21/11 42.559 -3,797 3,714 -83 2,138  52,207 49,931 102,138
  Buy IBEX 35 short Banco Sabadell 1,503.56 2.528   3/21/11 2.535 3,801        56,008 46,130  
    OMXH 25 Nokia 624.14 6.090   12/26/11 3.720 3,801        59,809 42,329  
    SMI Roche 34.64 109.719   3/07/11 102.126 3,801        63,610 38,528  
    NZX 50 Heartland 8,918.35 0.426   4/25/11 0.391 3,801        67,411 34,727  
    Topix (FRA) Resona 936.21 4.060   7/11/11 3.532 3,801        71,212 30,926  
3/07/11 Sell SMI short Roche 34.64 102.126 117.876 2/28/11 109.719 -3,801 4,083 283 2,420  67,411 35,009 102,420
    GEX long InVision 183.91 22.905   2/14/11 20.510 -3,772 4,212 440 2,861  63,639 39,222 102,861
  Buy SMI Richemont 83.99 42.288   3/14/11 39.521 3,552        67,191 35,670  
    GEX short MeVis Medical 291.15 12.200   2/13/12 5.650 3,552        70,743 32,118  
3/14/11 Sell CAC 40 long Valeo 321.75 13.523   1/17/11 15.148 -4,874 4,351 -523 2,338  65,869 36,469 102,338
    SMI Richemont 83.99 39.521   3/07/11 42.288 -3,552 3,319 -232 2,105  62,317 39,788 102,105
  Buy CAC 40 short Carrefour 113.11 31.360   4/25/11 31.100 3,547        65,864 36,241  
    TecDAX SMA Solar 48.09 73.750   2/06/12 50.420 3,547        69,411 32,695  
    HSI-Prop China Ov Land & Inv 1,350.31 1.313   1/16/12 1.541 1,774        71,184 30,921  
      China Res Land 1,478.16 1.200   1/16/12 1.413 1,774        72,958 29,148  
    Nordic 30 Nokia 604.26 5.870   11/28/11 4.150 3,547        76,505 25,601  
    FT 30 Reckitt Benckiser 1.00 3,548.390   3/28/11 3,629.840 3,548        80,053 22,052  
    SMI Roche 35.06 101.160   5/02/11 110.747 3,547        83,600 18,506  
    Nikkei (FRA) Resona 521.62 3.400   1/09/12 3.458 1,774        85,373 16,732  
      Tokyo Electric Power 137.48 12.900   1/09/12 1.740 1,773        87,147 14,959  
    Nikkei (TYO) Resona 1,043.67 3.399   4/25/11 3.103 3,547        90,694 11,412  
3/21/11 Sell IBEX 35 short Banco Sabadell 1,503.56 2.535 2.521 2/28/11 2.528 -3,801 3,790 -11 2,095  86,893 15,202 102,095
    ISEQ 20 long Kingspan 331.13 6.330   1/03/11 7.550 -2,500 2,096 -404 1,691  84,393 17,298 101,691
date B/S market l/s instrument pieces price prc short corresponding invest divest prf/loss acc p/l ∑ invest asset total
      Origin Enterprises 787.40 3.825   1/03/11 3.175 -2,500 3,012 512 2,203  81,893 20,310 102,203
  Buy IBEX 35 Sacyr 422.11 7.254   4/04/11 7.471 3,062        84,955 17,248  
    ISEQ 20 short Bank of Ireland 171.83 8.910   3/28/11 7.590 1,531        86,486 15,717  
      Ryanair 470.93 3.251   3/28/11 3.273 1,531        88,017 14,186  
3/28/11 Sell AEX long Aalberts 323.85 16.715   1/17/11 15.050 -4,874 5,413 539 2,742  83,143 19,599 102,742
    ISEQ 20 short Bank of Ireland 171.83 7.590 10.460 3/21/11 8.910 -1,531 1,797 266 3,008  81,612 21,396 103,008
      Ryanair 470.93 3.273 3.229 3/21/11 3.251 -1,531 1,521 -10 2,998  80,081 22,917 102,998
    PSI 20 Impresa 3,835.35 1.010 0.970 2/21/11 0.990 -3,797 3,720 -77 2,921  76,284 26,637 102,921
    FT 30 Reckitt Benckiser 1.00 3,629.840 3,466.930 3/14/11 3,548.390 -3,548 3,467 -81 2,840  72,736 30,104 102,840
    STI Wilmar International 1,421.74 3.080 2.984 2/07/11 3.032 -4,311 4,243 -68 2,771  68,425 34,347 102,771
  Buy AEX Philips 154.51 22.180   1/02/12 16.490 3,427        71,852 30,920  
    ISEQ 20 long Glanbia 393.91 4.350   4/25/11 4.541 1,714        73,565 29,206  
      Origin Enterprises 447.97 3.825   4/25/11 3.900 1,713        75,279 27,493  
    PSI 20 Jerónimo Martins 303.54 11.290   4/11/11 11.320 3,427        78,706 24,066  
    STI Genting 2,954.31 1.160   5/02/11 1.158 3,427        82,133 20,639  
4/04/11 Sell SSE 50 short Shanghai Pudong 3,415.80 1.203 1.020 2/21/11 1.112 -3,797 3,484 -313 2,458  78,336 24,123 102,458
    HSI China Res Land 3,595.50 1.417 0.981 2/07/11 1.199 -4,311 3,527 -784 1,674  74,025 27,650 101,674
    IBEX 35 long Sacyr 422.11 7.471   3/21/11 7.254 -3,062 3,154 92 1,766  70,963 30,803 101,766
  Buy SSE 50 IM BaoTou Steel 10,937.29 0.303   5/23/11 0.268 3,314        74,277 27,489  
    HSI Galaxy Entertainment 3,068.52 1.080   8/01/11 1.948 3,314        77,591 24,175  
    IBEX 35 short Banco Sabadell 1,331.46 2.489   2/06/12 2.331 3,314        80,905 20,861  
    Athex LC Piraeus Financial 0.01 432,300.000   4/02/12 82,830.000 4,323        85,228 16,538  
4/11/11 Sell PSI 20 long Jerónimo Martins 303.54 11.320   3/28/11 11.290 -3,427 3,436 9 1,775  81,801 19,974 101,775
  Buy   short Teixeira Duarte 4,988.52 0.610   2/06/12 0.190 3,043        84,844 16,931  
    OBX 25 Frontline 39.40 77.243   1/16/12 17.878 3,043        87,887 13,888  
date B/S market l/s instrument pieces price prc short corresponding invest divest prf/loss acc p/l ∑ invest asset total
    OMXS 30 AstraZeneca 44.79 33.972   4/18/11 34.188 1,522        89,409 12,366  
      Nokia 255.02 5.966   4/18/11 6.088 1,522        90,930 10,845  
    FT 30 3i Group 10.06 302.376   5/02/11 315.356 3,042        93,972 7,803  
4/18/11 Sell OMXS 30 short AstraZeneca 44.79 34.188 33.756 4/11/11 33.972 -1,522 1,512 -10 1,765  92,450 9,315 101,765
      Nokia 255.02 6.088 5.844 4/11/11 5.966 -1,522 1,490 -31 1,734  90,929 10,805 101,734
  Buy   long Swedbank 107.69 13.061   5/30/11 12.341 1,407        92,335 9,399  
4/25/11 Sell CAC 40 short Carrefour 113.11 31.100 31.622 3/14/11 31.360 -3,547 3,577 30 1,764  88,788 12,976 101,764
    ISEQ 20 long Glanbia 393.91 4.541   3/28/11 4.350 -1,714 1,789 75 1,839  87,075 14,764 101,839
      Origin Enterprises 447.97 3.900   3/28/11 3.825 -1,713 1,747 34 1,873  85,361 16,511 101,873
    NZX 50 short Heartland 8,918.35 0.391 0.465 2/28/11 0.426 -3,801 4,144 343 2,216  81,560 20,656 102,216
    Nikkei (TYO) Resona 1,043.67 3.103 3.722 3/14/11 3.399 -3,547 3,885 338 2,554  78,013 24,541 102,554
  Buy ISEQ 20 Bank of Ireland 213.51 7.440   1/02/12 2.550 1,589        79,602 22,952  
      Ryanair 471.93 3.366   1/02/12 3.780 1,589        81,190 21,364  
    OMXC 20 Vestas Wind Systems 660.69 4.809   5/16/11 4.185 3,177        84,367 18,187  
    NZX 50 long a2 Milk 41,206.23 0.077   10/03/11 0.120 3,177        87,544 15,010  
    Nikkei (TYO) Screen 210.17 15.117   5/09/11 16.045 3,177        90,721 11,833  
5/02/11 Sell FT 30 short 3i Group 10.06 315.356 289.395 4/11/11 302.376 -3,042 2,911 -131 2,423  87,679 14,744 102,423
    STI long Genting 2,954.31 1.158   3/28/11 1.160 -3,427 3,422 -5 2,418  84,252 18,166 102,418
    SMI short Roche 35.06 110.747 91.573 3/14/11 101.160 -3,547 3,211 -336 2,082  80,706 21,377 102,082
  Buy STI Wilmar International 1,092.78 2.824   7/02/12 2.197 3,086        83,792 18,291  
    SMI long Richemont 70.55 43.745   5/09/11 42.905 3,086        86,878 15,204  
5/09/11 Sell   long Richemont 70.55 42.905   5/02/11 43.745 -3,086 3,027 -59 2,023  83,792 18,231 102,023
    Nikkei (TYO) Screen 210.17 16.045   4/25/11 15.117 -3,177 3,372 195 2,218  80,615 21,603 102,218
  Buy CAC 40 short Carrefour 100.93 30.665   2/06/12 18.345 3,095        83,710 18,508  
    TSX 60 BlackBerry 102.19 30.287   2/20/12 11.318 3,095        86,805 15,413  
date B/S market l/s instrument pieces price prc short corresponding invest divest prf/loss acc p/l ∑ invest asset total
    FT 30 Lloyds Bank 50.54 61.241   5/30/11 59.956 3,095        89,900 12,318  
    Nikkei (TYO) Tokyo Electric Power 749.16 4.131   2/13/12 1.953 3,095        92,995 9,223  
5/16/11 Sell OMXC 20 short Vestas Wind Systems 660.69 4.185 5.526 4/25/11 4.809 -3,177 3,651 474 2,692  89,818 12,874 102,692
  Buy   long Novonesis 122.04 23.673   5/30/11 23.619 2,889        92,707 9,985  
    CAC Mid 60 short Genfit 734.55 3.933   1/23/12 1.723 2,889        95,596 7,096  
5/23/11 Sell SSE 50 long IM BaoTou Steel 10,937.29 0.268   4/04/11 0.303 -3,314 2,928 -386 2,306  92,282 10,024 102,306
  Buy   short China Life 1,350.65 2.079   5/30/11 2.028 2,808        95,090 7,216  
    SDAX Heidelberger Druck 968.61 2.899   1/30/12 1.657 2,808        97,898 4,408  
    Indices Athex Large Cap 0.49 5,689.400   1/16/12 2,507.600 2,788        100,686 1,620  
5/30/11 Sell SSE 50 short China Life 1,350.65 2.028 2.131 5/23/11 2.079 -2,808 2,879 71 2,376  97,878 4,498 102,376
    OMXC 20 long Novonesis 122.04 23.619   5/16/11 23.673 -2,889 2,882 -7 2,370  94,989 7,381 102,370
    OMXS 30 Swedbank 107.69 12.341   4/18/11 13.061 -1,407 1,329 -78 2,292  93,582 8,710 102,292
    FT 30 short Lloyds Bank 50.54 59.956 62.554 5/09/11 61.241 -3,095 3,161 66 2,358  90,487 11,871 102,358
  Buy SSE 50 long China Northern Rare 1,182.00 2.415   6/06/11 2.742 2,855        93,342 9,016  
    BEL 20 short Galapagos 298.95 9.550   7/04/11 8.420 2,855        96,197 6,161  
    OMXC 20 Vestas Wind Systems 704.85 4.051   7/04/11 3.486 2,855        99,052 3,306  
    OMXS 30 Nokia 316.39 4.512   7/04/11 4.367 1,428        100,479 1,879  
      Telia Company 269.33 5.300   7/04/11 4.997 1,428        101,907 451  
6/06/11 Sell SSE 50 long China Northern Rare 1,182.00 2.742   5/30/11 2.415 -2,855 3,242 387 2,745  99,052 3,693 102,745
    ÖkoDAX (deprecated) CropEnergies 730.68 4.970   2/07/11 5.900 -4,311 3,631 -680 2,065  94,741 7,324 102,065
  Buy SSE 50 short China Rwy Constr 4,328.00 0.632   1/23/12 0.506 2,734        97,475 4,590  
    FT 30 Lloyds Bank 51.94 52.638   12/05/11 31.447 2,734        100,209 1,856  
6/27/11 Buy France short Carrefour 98.22 26.450   1/23/12 17.050 2,598        102,807 -741  
    MIB UnipolSai 506.43 5.130   11/05/12 0.935 2,598        105,405 -3,339  
    CAC Next 20 long Arkema 39.90 65.105   7/11/11 66.601 2,598        108,003 -5,937  
date B/S market l/s instrument pieces price prc short corresponding invest divest prf/loss acc p/l ∑ invest asset total
7/04/11 Sell BEL 20 short Galapagos 298.95 8.420 10.832 5/30/11 9.550 -2,855 3,238 383 2,449  105,148 -2,699 102,449
    OMXC 20 Vestas Wind Systems 704.85 3.486 4.707 5/30/11 4.051 -2,855 3,318 463 2,911  102,293 619 102,911
    OMXS 30 Nokia 316.39 4.367 4.661 5/30/11 4.512 -1,428 1,475 47 2,959  100,865 2,094 102,959
      Telia Company 269.33 4.997 5.622 5/30/11 5.300 -1,428 1,514 87 3,045  99,438 3,608 103,045
  Buy BEL 20 long Solvay 24.75 107.700   7/11/11 107.450 2,666        102,103 942  
    OMXC 20 Novonesis 114.69 23.246   7/11/11 23.100 2,666        104,769 -1,724  
7/11/11 Sell BEL 20 long Solvay 24.75 107.450   7/04/11 107.700 -2,666 2,659 -6 3,039  102,104 935 103,039
    OMXC 20 Novonesis 114.69 23.100   7/04/11 23.246 -2,666 2,649 -17 3,022  99,438 3,585 103,022
    Topix (FRA) short Resona 936.21 3.532 4.667 2/28/11 4.060 -3,801 4,369 568 3,590  95,637 7,954 103,590
    CAC Next 20 long Arkema 39.90 66.601   6/27/11 65.105 -2,598 2,657 60 3,650  93,039 10,611 103,650
  Buy BEL 20 short Bekaert 56.62 50.440   3/12/12 24.765 2,856        95,895 7,755  
    OMXC 20 Vestas Wind Systems 832.77 3.430   11/28/11 1.979 2,856        98,751 4,899  
    OMXS 30 Nokia 361.20 3.954   11/28/11 4.082 1,428        100,179 3,471  
      SSAB 151.91 9.401   11/28/11 6.652 1,428        101,607 2,043  
    Topix (FRA) long Daito Trust 44.09 64.780   8/01/11 65.420 2,856        104,463 -813  
7/18/11 Buy ATX short Flughafen Wien 309.64 8.300   3/26/12 7.050 2,570        107,033 -3,383  
7/25/11 Buy ASX 50 short Macquarie Group 120.32 20.828   1/16/12 19.953 2,506        109,539 -5,889  
    DJ Global Titans Bank of America 359.55 6.970   12/26/11 4.202 2,506        112,045 -8,395  
8/01/11 Sell HSI long Galaxy Entertainment 3,068.52 1.948   4/04/11 1.080 -3,314 5,979 2,665 6,315  108,731 -2,416 106,315
    Topix (FRA) Daito Trust 44.09 65.420   7/11/11 64.780 -2,856 2,884 28 6,343  105,875 468 106,343
  Buy S&P 100 short AIG 134.44 19.860   1/09/12 18.875 2,670        108,545 -2,202  
    HSI New World Dev 710.18 3.760   12/26/11 2.465 2,670        111,215 -4,872  
    HDAX Commerzbank 142.01 18.801   1/23/12 14.511 2,670        113,885 -7,542  
    DJTA Delta Air Lines 492.78 5.418   10/24/11 6.408 2,670        116,555 -10,212  
    Topix (FRA) Nintendo 241.41 11.060   1/23/12 10.574 2,670        119,225 -12,882  
date B/S market l/s instrument pieces price prc short corresponding invest divest prf/loss acc p/l ∑ invest asset total
    SP Global 100 Carrefour 132.97 20.080   4/30/12 15.175 2,670        121,895 -15,552  
8/08/11 Buy Nasdaq 100 short Akamai 153.92 14.741   10/10/11 17.540 2,269        124,164 -17,821  
    Kospi 50 LG Display 166.01 13.668   10/10/11 14.049 2,269        126,433 -20,090  
    DAX Commerzbank 147.78 15.354   12/19/11 9.482 2,269        128,702 -22,359  
    MDAX Ceconomy 236.09 9.611   5/14/12 7.298 2,269        130,971 -24,628  
    FTSE Lloyds Bank 60.27 37.648   11/28/11 27.613 2,269        133,240 -26,897  
    Europe 50 Lloyds Bank 60.27 37.648   12/19/11 27.968 2,269        135,509 -29,166  
    BSE Sensex 50 Tata Motors 877.86 2.585   10/03/11 2.302 2,269        137,778 -31,435  
    QIX Pro7-Sat1 162.07 14.000   1/23/12 17.200 2,269        140,047 -33,704  
8/22/11 Buy DJIA short Goldman Sachs 24.53 73.991   12/19/11 67.244 1,815        141,862 -35,519  
8/29/11 Sell Topix (TYO) long Isuzu Motors 632.21 5.756   1/31/11 7.178 -4,538 3,639 -899 5,444  137,324 -31,880 105,444
  Buy   short Nintendo 157.72 11.660   2/13/12 10.500 1,839        139,163 -33,719  
9/05/11 Buy Euro 50 short Societe Generale 44.27 20.250   1/09/12 15.000 896        140,059 -34,615  
      Unicredit 32.65 27.460   1/09/12 11.455 897        140,956 -35,512  
10/03/11 Sell NZX 50 long a2 Milk 41,206.23 0.120   4/25/11 0.077 -3,177 4,924 1,747 7,191  137,779 -30,588 107,191
    BSE Sensex 50 short Tata Motors 877.86 2.302 2.902 8/08/11 2.585 -2,269 2,548 279 7,470  135,510 -28,040 107,470
  Buy NZX 50 Heartland 7,119.80 0.279   10/17/11 0.296 1,985        137,495 -30,025  
    BSE Sensex 50 long Eicher Motors 815.46 2.434   10/17/11 2.393 1,985        139,480 -32,010  
10/10/11 Sell Nasdaq 100 short Akamai 153.92 17.540 11.942 8/08/11 14.741 -2,269 1,838 -431 7,039  137,211 -30,172 107,039
    Kospi 50 LG Display 166.01 14.049 13.287 8/08/11 13.668 -2,269 2,206 -63 6,976  134,942 -27,966 106,976
  Buy Nasdaq 100 long Regeneron 40.02 49.346   8/24/15 434.608 1,975        136,917 -29,941  
    Kospi 50 SK Holdings 20.60 95.875   12/19/11 80.532 1,975        138,892 -31,916  
10/17/11 Sell NZX 50 short Heartland 7,119.80 0.296 0.262 10/03/11 0.279 -1,985 1,864 -121 6,855  136,907 -30,052 106,855
    BSE Sensex 50 long Eicher Motors 815.46 2.393   10/03/11 2.434 -1,985 1,951 -34 6,821  134,922 -28,101 106,821
  Buy NZX 50 a2 Milk 14,130.75 0.139   10/31/11 0.139 1,967        136,889 -30,068  
date B/S market l/s instrument pieces price prc short corresponding invest divest prf/loss acc p/l ∑ invest asset total
    BSE Sensex 50 short Aurobindo Pharma 2,141.54 0.919   10/24/11 0.877 1,967        138,856 -32,035  
10/24/11 Sell DJTA short Delta Air Lines 492.78 6.408 4.429 8/01/11 5.418 -2,670 2,182 -488 6,333  136,186 -29,853 106,333
    BSE Sensex 50 Aurobindo Pharma 2,141.54 0.877 0.962 10/17/11 0.919 -1,967 2,060 93 6,425  134,219 -27,793 106,425
  Buy   long Eicher Motors 841.47 2.335   12/07/15 22.421 1,965        136,184 -29,758  
10/31/11 Sell NZX 50 long a2 Milk 14,130.75 0.139   10/17/11 0.139 -1,967 1,968 1 6,427  134,217 -27,790 106,427
  Buy   short Heartland 6,510.93 0.302   3/05/12 0.277 1,965        136,182 -29,755  
11/21/11 Buy USA short Netflix 243.56 7.867   11/28/11 7.544 1,916        138,098 -31,671  
    DJTA JetBlue Airways 721.79 2.655   12/05/11 3.509 1,916        140,014 -33,587  
11/28/11 Sell USA short Netflix 243.56 7.544 8.203 11/21/11 7.867 -1,916 1,998 82 6,509  138,098 -31,589 106,509
    FTSE Lloyds Bank 60.27 27.613 51.330 8/08/11 37.648 -2,269 3,094 825 7,333  135,829 -28,495 107,333
    OMXC 20 Vestas Wind Systems 832.77 1.979 5.942 7/11/11 3.430 -2,856 4,948 2,093 9,426  132,973 -23,547 109,426
    OMXS 30 Nokia 361.20 4.082 3.825 7/11/11 3.954 -1,428 1,382 -46 9,380  131,545 -22,165 109,380
      SSAB 151.91 6.652 13.285 7/11/11 9.401 -1,428 2,018 590 9,970  130,117 -20,147 109,970
    Nordic 30 Nokia 604.26 4.150 8.303 3/14/11 5.870 -3,547 5,017 1,470 11,440  126,570 -15,130 111,440
  Buy FTSE long Next 0.77 3,105.900   6/04/12 3,698.710 2,392        128,961 -17,521  
    OMXC 20 Tryg 279.96 8.598   5/14/12 8.768 2,407        131,368 -19,928  
    OMXS 30 Getinge 64.56 18.641   5/14/12 19.967 1,203        132,572 -21,132  
    Nordic 30 Equinor 131.85 18.255   5/07/12 19.757 2,407        134,979 -23,539  
12/05/11 Sell FT 30 short Lloyds Bank 51.94 31.447 88.109 6/06/11 52.638 -2,734 4,576 1,842 13,282  132,245 -18,962 113,282
    DJTA JetBlue Airways 721.79 3.509 1.800 11/21/11 2.655 -1,916 1,299 -617 12,666  130,329 -17,663 112,666
  Buy FT 30 long BAT 0.70 3,416.030   12/12/11 3,512.060 2,391        132,720 -20,054  
    DJTA Kirby 49.47 48.011   6/25/12 36.163 2,375        135,095 -22,429  
12/12/11 Sell FT 30 long BAT 0.70 3,512.060   12/05/11 3,416.030 -2,391 2,458 67 12,733  132,704 -19,971 112,733
  Buy   short Lloyds Bank 81.10 28.594   12/19/11 27.968 2,319        135,023 -22,290  
12/19/11 Sell DJIA short Goldman Sachs 24.53 67.244 81.415 8/22/11 73.991 -1,815 1,997 182 12,915  133,208 -20,293 112,915
date B/S market l/s instrument pieces price prc short corresponding invest divest prf/loss acc p/l ∑ invest asset total
    Kospi 50 long SK Holdings 20.60 80.532   10/10/11 95.875 -1,975 1,659 -316 12,599  131,233 -18,634 112,599
    DAX short Commerzbank 147.78 9.482 24.862 8/08/11 15.354 -2,269 3,674 1,405 14,004  128,964 -14,960 114,004
    Europe 50 Lloyds Bank 60.27 27.968 50.678 8/08/11 37.648 -2,269 3,054 785 14,789  126,695 -11,905 114,789
    FT 30 Lloyds Bank 81.10 27.968 29.234 12/12/11 28.594 -2,319 2,371 52 14,841  124,376 -9,534 114,841
  Buy DJIA long Visa 139.28 18.897   8/24/15 58.880 2,632        127,007 -12,166  
    Kospi 50 short Hyundai Heavy 14.44 182.275   1/23/12 209.385 2,632        129,640 -14,798  
    DAX long Merck (EMD) 71.73 36.695   6/04/12 36.500 2,632        132,272 -17,430  
    Europe 50 Roche 20.29 129.719   10/20/14 222.572 2,632        134,904 -20,062  
    FT 30 Tate & Lyle 3.26 808.105   5/14/12 858.422 2,634        137,538 -22,697  
12/26/11 Sell HSI short New World Dev 710.18 2.465 5.735 8/01/11 3.760 -2,670 4,073 1,403 16,244  134,868 -18,624 116,244
    OMXH 25 Nokia 624.14 3.720 9.970 2/28/11 6.090 -3,801 6,223 2,422 18,666  131,067 -12,402 118,666
    DJ Global Titans Bank of America 359.55 4.202 11.562 7/25/11 6.970 -2,506 4,157 1,651 20,317  128,561 -8,244 120,317
  Buy HSI long Lenovo 5,202.45 0.538   5/21/12 0.656 2,801        131,362 -11,045  
    OMXH 25 Huhtamäki 303.80 9.220   1/02/12 9.150 2,801        134,163 -13,846  
    DJ Global Titans Philip Morris 46.34 60.439   1/23/12 57.914 2,801        136,964 -16,647  
1/02/12 Sell AEX short Philips 154.51 16.490 29.833 3/28/11 22.180 -3,427 4,610 1,183 21,499  133,537 -12,038 121,499
    ISEQ 20 Bank of Ireland 213.51 2.550 21.707 4/25/11 7.440 -1,589 4,635 3,046 24,545  131,948 -7,403 124,545
      Ryanair 471.93 3.780 2.952 4/25/11 3.366 -1,589 1,393 -195 24,350  130,360 -6,010 124,350
    OMXH 25 long Huhtamäki 303.80 9.150   12/26/11 9.220 -2,801 2,780 -21 24,329  127,559 -3,230 124,329
  Buy Germany Encavis 931.96 3.248   5/14/12 2.970 3,027        130,586 -6,257  
    AEX Vopak 73.66 41.095   4/09/12 44.780 3,027        133,613 -9,284  
    ISEQ 20 Flutter 33.56 45.100   5/21/12 50.010 1,514        135,126 -10,798  
      Ryanair 400.40 3.780   5/21/12 4.040 1,514        136,640 -12,311  
    OMXH 25 short Outokumpu 260.50 11.620   1/09/12 12.510 3,027        139,667 -15,338  
1/09/12 Sell S&P 100 short AIG 134.44 18.875 20.895 8/01/11 19.860 -2,670 2,809 139 24,468  136,997 -12,529 124,468
date B/S market l/s instrument pieces price prc short corresponding invest divest prf/loss acc p/l ∑ invest asset total
    Euro 50 Societe Generale 44.27 15.000 27.338 9/05/11 20.250 -896 1,210 314 24,782  136,100 -11,319 124,782
      Unicredit 32.65 11.455 65.827 9/05/11 27.460 -897 2,149 1,253 26,034  135,204 -9,169 126,034
    OMXH 25 Outokumpu 260.50 12.510 10.730 1/02/12 11.620 -3,027 2,795 -232 25,803  132,177 -6,374 125,803
    Nikkei (FRA) Resona 521.62 3.458 3.342 3/14/11 3.400 -1,774 1,743 -30 25,772  130,403 -4,631 125,772
      Tokyo Electric Power 137.48 1.740 95.638 3/14/11 12.900 -1,773 13,148 11,375 37,147  128,630 8,517 137,147
  Buy S&P 100 long Biogen 40.30 90.342   9/03/12 116.954 3,641        132,271 4,877  
    Euro 50 ASML 56.19 32.400   8/24/15 74.790 1,821        134,091 3,056  
      Anheuser-Busch InBev 38.33 47.495   8/24/15 91.280 1,820        135,912 1,235  
    OMXH 25 Wärtsilä 435.35 8.363   1/30/12 8.837 3,641        139,553 -2,405  
    Nikkei (FRA) Aozora Bank 85.19 21.370   5/14/12 18.670 1,821        141,373 -4,226  
      Nitto Boseki 140.31 12.975   5/14/12 12.260 1,821        143,194 -6,047  
1/16/12 Sell ASX 50 short Macquarie Group 120.32 19.953 21.742 7/25/11 20.828 -2,506 2,616 110 37,257  140,688 -3,431 137,257
    HSI-Fin China Life Ins HK 1,574.33 2.249 3.335 2/07/11 2.738 -4,311 5,250 939 38,196  136,377 1,819 138,196
    HSI-Prop China Ov Land & Inv 1,350.31 1.541 1.086 3/14/11 1.313 -1,774 1,466 -307 37,889  134,603 3,285 137,889
      China Res Land 1,478.16 1.413 0.987 3/14/11 1.200 -1,774 1,458 -315 37,573  132,830 4,744 137,573
    OBX 25 Frontline 39.40 17.878 333.728 4/11/11 77.243 -3,043 13,149 10,106 47,679  129,786 17,892 147,679
    Indices Athex Large Cap 0.49 2,507.600 12,908.500 5/23/11 5,689.400 -2,788 6,325 3,537 51,216  126,999 24,218 151,216
  Buy ASX 50 long James Hardie Ind 748.87 5.856   1/23/12 6.001 4,385        131,384 19,833  
    HSI-Fin AIA 1,670.99 2.624   5/14/12 2.577 4,385        135,769 15,448  
    HSI-Prop China Ov Land & Inv 1,422.78 1.541   6/10/13 2.124 2,193        137,961 13,255  
      China Res Land 1,551.55 1.413   6/10/13 2.183 2,193        140,154 11,063  
    HSI-C&I Sands China 1,707.29 2.568   5/21/12 2.614 4,385        144,539 6,678  
    OBX 25 Equinor 227.62 19.264   5/14/12 19.745 4,385        148,923 2,293  
    Indices ISEQ-Overall 1.46 3,005.690   5/21/12 3,087.810 4,388        153,312 -2,096  
1/23/12 Sell France short Carrefour 98.22 17.050 41.032 6/27/11 26.450 -2,598 4,030 1,432 52,648  150,714 1,935 152,648
date B/S market l/s instrument pieces price prc short corresponding invest divest prf/loss acc p/l ∑ invest asset total
    SSE 50 China Rwy Constr 4,328.00 0.506 0.789 6/06/11 0.632 -2,734 3,417 683 53,331  147,980 5,351 153,331
    Kospi 50 Hyundai Heavy 14.44 209.385 155.165 12/19/11 182.275 -2,632 2,241 -391 52,939  145,348 7,592 152,939
    ASX 50 long James Hardie Ind 748.87 6.001   1/16/12 5.856 -4,385 4,494 109 53,049  140,963 12,086 153,049
    HDAX short Commerzbank 142.01 14.511 24.359 8/01/11 18.801 -2,670 3,459 789 53,838  138,293 15,545 153,838
    Topix (FRA) Nintendo 241.41 10.574 11.568 8/01/11 11.060 -2,670 2,793 123 53,960  135,623 18,338 153,960
    CAC Mid 60 Genfit 734.55 1.723 8.978 5/16/11 3.933 -2,889 6,595 3,706 57,666  132,734 24,932 157,666
    QIX Pro7-Sat1 162.07 17.200 10.800 8/08/11 14.000 -2,269 1,750 -519 57,147  130,465 26,682 157,147
    DJ Global Titans long Philip Morris 46.34 57.914   12/26/11 60.439 -2,801 2,684 -117 57,030  127,664 29,366 157,030
  Buy France Hermes International 18.37 253.600   4/23/12 251.250 4,659        132,323 24,708  
    SSE 50 China Minsheng Bk 6,977.68 0.668   3/19/12 0.633 4,659        136,982 20,049  
    Kospi 50 Samsung Electronics 303.60 15.346   5/21/12 16.200 4,659        141,641 15,390  
    ASX 50 short QBE Insurance 486.04 9.586   1/30/12 9.544 4,659        146,300 10,731  
    HDAX long Dürr 510.58 9.125   8/04/14 28.230 4,659        150,959 6,072  
    Topix (FRA) Fast Retailing 95.65 48.710   2/27/12 49.490 4,659        155,618 1,412  
    CAC Mid 60 Innate Pharma 2,724.56 1.710   5/14/12 1.650 4,659        160,277 -3,247  
    QIX Freenet 443.08 10.515   1/18/16 28.325 4,659        164,936 -7,906  
    DJ Global Titans short Bank of America 830.64 5.609   2/06/12 6.060 4,659        169,595 -12,565  
1/30/12 Sell ASX 50 short QBE Insurance 486.04 9.544 9.628 1/23/12 9.586 -4,659 4,679 20 57,051  164,936 -7,885 157,051
    SDAX Heidelberger Druck 968.61 1.657 5.072 5/23/11 2.899 -2,808 4,913 2,105 59,155  162,128 -2,972 159,155
    OMXH 25 long Wärtsilä 435.35 8.837   1/09/12 8.363 -3,641 3,847 206 59,362  158,487 875 159,362
    BSE Sensex 30 short Bharat Heavy 988.85 2.662 7.139 2/07/11 4.360 -4,311 7,059 2,748 62,110  154,176 7,934 162,110
  Buy ASX 50 long James Hardie Ind 737.60 5.763   8/17/15 12.058 4,251        158,427 3,683  
    SDAX Encavis 1,407.15 3.021   5/21/12 2.951 4,251        162,678 -568  
    OMXH 25 short Nokia 1,095.62 3.880   2/13/12 3.800 4,251        166,929 -4,819  
    BSE Sensex 30 long Hindustan Unilever 701.35 6.061   11/16/15 11.144 4,251        171,180 -9,070  
date B/S market l/s instrument pieces price prc short corresponding invest divest prf/loss acc p/l ∑ invest asset total
2/06/12 Sell CAC 40 short Carrefour 100.93 18.345 51.259 5/09/11 30.665 -3,095 5,174 2,079 64,189  168,085 -3,897 164,189
    TecDAX SMA Solar 48.09 50.420 107.875 3/14/11 73.750 -3,547 5,188 1,641 65,830  164,538 1,291 165,830
    IBEX 35 Banco Sabadell 1,331.46 2.331 2.658 4/04/11 2.489 -3,314 3,539 225 66,054  161,224 4,830 166,054
    PSI 20 Teixeira Duarte 4,988.52 0.190 1.958 4/11/11 0.610 -3,043 9,770 6,727 72,781  158,181 14,599 172,781
    DJ Global Titans Bank of America 830.64 6.060 5.157 1/23/12 5.609 -4,659 4,284 -375 72,406  153,522 18,883 172,406
  Buy CAC 40 long Airbus 175.62 27.230   4/09/12 29.725 4,782        158,305 14,101  
    IBEX 35 Bankinter 1,385.28 3.452   2/13/12 3.297 4,782        163,087 9,319  
    PSI 20 Jerónimo Martins 372.43 12.840   2/20/12 12.970 4,782        167,869 4,537  
    MerVal short Gr Fin Galicia 8,062.72 0.593   2/27/12 0.596 4,782        172,651 -245  
    DJ Global Titans long Apple 379.52 12.600   5/21/12 15.695 4,782        177,432 -5,027  
2/13/12 Sell IBEX 35 long Bankinter 1,385.28 3.297   2/06/12 3.452 -4,782 4,567 -215 72,191  172,650 -460 172,191
    OMXH 25 short Nokia 1,095.62 3.800 3.962 1/30/12 3.880 -4,251 4,341 90 72,280  168,399 3,881 172,280
    Nikkei (TYO) Tokyo Electric Power 749.16 1.953 8.741 5/09/11 4.131 -3,095 6,548 3,453 75,734  165,304 10,429 175,734
    Topix (TYO) Nintendo 157.72 10.500 12.949 8/29/11 11.660 -1,839 2,042 203 75,937  163,465 12,472 175,937
    GEX MeVis Medical 291.15 5.650 26.343 3/07/11 12.200 -3,552 7,670 4,118 80,055  159,913 20,142 180,055
  Buy IBEX 35 Sacyr 1,509.96 3.314   8/20/12 1.284 5,004        164,917 15,138  
    OMXH 25 long Nokian Tyres 148.49 33.700   4/09/12 36.040 5,004        169,922 10,133  
    Topix (TYO) Fast Retailing 96.93 51.626   5/07/12 55.879 5,004        174,926 5,129  
    GEX 4SC 81.24 61.593   5/07/12 48.084 5,004        179,929 126  
2/20/12 Sell TSX 60 short BlackBerry 102.19 11.318 81.048 5/09/11 30.287 -3,095 8,282 5,187 85,242  176,834 8,408 185,242
    PSI 20 long Jerónimo Martins 372.43 12.970   2/06/12 12.840 -4,782 4,830 48 85,291  172,052 13,238 185,291
  Buy TSX 60 Constellation Soft 70.20 70.699   4/16/12 66.838 4,963        177,015 8,275  
    PSI 20 short Pharol 1,181.67 4.200   2/27/12 3.989 4,963        181,978 3,312  
    SLI long Sonova 58.19 85.291   4/23/12 82.016 4,963        186,942 -1,651  
2/27/12 Sell PSI 20 short Pharol 1,181.67 3.989 4.422 2/20/12 4.200 -4,963 5,226 263 85,553  181,979 3,575 185,553
date B/S market l/s instrument pieces price prc short corresponding invest divest prf/loss acc p/l ∑ invest asset total
    MerVal Gr Fin Galicia 8,062.72 0.596 0.591 2/06/12 0.593 -4,782 4,762 -20 85,533  177,197 8,337 185,533
    Topix (FRA) long Fast Retailing 95.65 49.490   1/23/12 48.710 -4,659 4,734 75 85,608  172,537 13,070 185,608
  Buy PSI 20 Jerónimo Martins 365.95 13.570   3/12/12 14.360 4,966        177,503 8,104  
    Topix (FRA) short Mazda Motor 777.15 6.390   3/05/12 6.150 4,966        182,469 3,138  
3/05/12 Sell NZX 50 short Heartland 6,510.93 0.277 0.329 10/31/11 0.302 -1,965 2,145 180 85,787  180,504 5,283 185,787
    Topix (FRA) Mazda Motor 777.15 6.150 6.639 2/27/12 6.390 -4,966 5,160 194 85,981  175,538 10,443 185,981
  Buy MerVal Aluar 10,231.30 0.480   3/12/12 0.513 4,910        180,448 5,533  
    NZX 50 long a2 Milk 21,118.28 0.233   5/21/12 0.267 4,910        185,358 623  
    Topix (FRA) Isuzu Motors 584.38 8.402   3/19/12 8.620 4,910        190,268 -4,287  
3/12/12 Sell BEL 20 short Bekaert 56.62 24.765 102.733 7/11/11 50.440 -2,856 5,817 2,961 88,942  187,412 1,530 188,942
    PSI 20 long Jerónimo Martins 365.95 14.360   2/27/12 13.570 -4,966 5,255 289 89,231  182,446 6,785 189,231
    MerVal short Aluar 10,231.30 0.513 0.447 3/05/12 0.480 -4,910 4,573 -337 88,894  177,536 11,358 188,894
  Buy BEL 20 long Galapagos 399.20 12.540   5/14/12 10.990 5,006        182,542 6,352  
    PSI 20 short Pharol 1,270.88 3.939   3/26/12 4.022 5,006        187,548 1,346  
3/19/12 Sell SSE 50 long China Minsheng Bk 6,977.68 0.633   1/23/12 0.668 -4,659 4,418 -241 88,653  182,889 5,764 188,653
    Topix (FRA) Isuzu Motors 584.38 8.620   3/05/12 8.402 -4,910 5,037 127 88,780  177,979 10,801 188,780
  Buy SSE 50 short Anhui Conch Cement 2,551.79 1.955   4/09/12 2.031 4,989        182,968 5,812  
    Topix (FRA) Mazda Motor 772.29 6.460   8/13/12 4.800 4,989        187,957 823  
3/26/12 Sell ATX short Flughafen Wien 309.64 7.050 9.772 7/18/11 8.300 -2,570 3,026 456 89,236  185,387 3,849 189,236
    PSI 20 Pharol 1,270.88 4.022 3.856 3/12/12 3.939 -5,006 4,901 -105 89,131  180,381 8,749 189,131
  Buy ATX long Österreichische Post 196.27 25.200   4/09/12 25.800 4,946        185,327 3,803  
    PSI 20 Jerónimo Martins 331.95 14.900   4/02/12 15.420 4,946        190,273 -1,143  
4/02/12 Sell   long Jerónimo Martins 331.95 15.420   3/26/12 14.900 -4,946 5,119 173 89,303  185,327 3,976 189,303
    Athex LC short Piraeus Financial 0.01 82,830.000 2,256,230.000 4/04/11 432,300.000 -4,323 22,562 18,239 107,543  181,004 26,538 207,543
  Buy PSI 20 Banco Comercial 8,885.51 0.659   8/20/12 0.452 5,852        186,856 20,686  
date B/S market l/s instrument pieces price prc short corresponding invest divest prf/loss acc p/l ∑ invest asset total
    Athex LC long EYDAP 1,470.35 3.980   4/16/12 4.030 5,852        192,708 14,834  
4/09/12 Sell SSE 50 short Anhui Conch Cement 2,551.79 2.031 1.880 3/19/12 1.955 -4,989 4,796 -193 107,350  187,719 19,630 207,350
    ATX long Österreichische Post 196.27 25.800   3/26/12 25.200 -4,946 5,064 118 107,467  182,773 24,694 207,467
    CAC 40 Airbus 175.62 29.725   2/06/12 27.230 -4,782 5,220 438 107,906  177,991 29,914 207,906
    AEX Vopak 73.66 44.780   1/02/12 41.095 -3,027 3,298 271 108,177  174,964 33,213 208,177
    OMXH 25 Nokian Tyres 148.49 36.040   2/13/12 33.700 -5,004 5,352 347 108,524  169,960 38,564 208,524
  Buy SSE 50 China Northern Rare 2,138.92 2.888   6/04/12 3.823 6,177        176,137 32,387  
    ATX short Zumtobel 630.05 9.804   4/16/12 9.950 6,177        182,314 26,210  
    AEX ArcelorMittal 159.49 38.730   9/03/12 35.565 6,177        188,491 20,033  
    OMXH 25 Outokumpu 531.58 11.620   8/20/12 6.980 6,177        194,668 13,856  
4/16/12 Sell ATX short Zumtobel 630.05 9.950 9.658 4/09/12 9.804 -6,177 6,085 -92 108,432  188,491 19,941 208,432
    TSX 60 long Constellation Soft 70.20 66.838   2/20/12 70.699 -4,963 4,692 -271 108,161  183,528 24,633 208,161
    Athex LC EYDAP 1,470.35 4.030   4/02/12 3.980 -5,852 5,926 74 108,235  177,676 30,559 208,235
  Buy ATX Österreichische Post 223.35 26.725   5/21/12 27.000 5,969        183,645 24,590  
    TSX 60 short BlackBerry 590.66 10.106   8/20/12 5.638 5,969        189,614 18,621  
    Athex LC Public Power 3,850.97 1.550   9/03/12 1.330 5,969        195,583 12,652  
4/23/12 Sell France long Hermes International 18.37 251.250   1/23/12 253.600 -4,659 4,615 -43 108,192  190,924 17,267 208,192
    SLI Sonova 58.19 82.016   2/20/12 85.291 -4,963 4,772 -191 108,001  185,961 22,040 208,001
  Buy France short Solocal 3.89 1,476.830   8/13/12 1,038.280 5,745        191,706 16,295  
    MerVal YPF 428.12 13.433   8/27/12 14.446 5,751        197,457 10,544  
    SLI Lonza 166.68 34.504   11/26/12 36.099 5,751        203,208 4,793  
    GCX REC Silicon 1,653.20 3.479   2/11/13 1.027 5,751        208,959 -958  
4/30/12 Sell SP Global 100 short Carrefour 132.97 15.175 26.570 8/01/11 20.080 -2,670 3,533 863 108,864  206,289 2,575 208,864
  Buy   long Apple 335.81 15.738   10/20/14 19.487 5,285        211,574 -2,710  
Portfolio market l/s instrument bought pieces buy price 4/30/12 prc short invest current prf/loss acc p/l ∑ invest ∑ on date yield
  ISEQ 20 long Flutter 1/02/12 33.56 45.100 49.350 1,514 1,656 143 143 1,514 1,656 32
    Ryanair   400.4 3.780 4.255 1,514 1,704 190 333 3,027 3,360 44
  AEX short ArcelorMittal 4/09/12 159.49 38.730 39.195 38.265 6,177 6,103 -74 259 9,204 9,463 -19
  IBEX 35 Sacyr 2/13/12 1509.96 3.314 1.234 8.900 5,004 13,439 8,435 8,693 14,208 22,901 10,708
  Topix (TYO) long Fast Retailing   96.93 51.626 55.513 5,004 5,381 377 9,070 19,212 28,282 41
  SSE 50 China Northern Rare 4/09/12 2138.92 2.888 2.830 6,177 6,053 -124 8,946 25,389 34,335 -30
  HSI Lenovo 12/26/11 5202.45 0.538 0.726 2,801 3,778 977 9,922 28,190 38,112 138
  HSI-Fin AIA 1/16/12 1670.99 2.624 2.745 4,385 4,587 202 10,124 32,575 42,699 17
  BSE Sensex 30 Hindustan Unilever 1/30/12 701.35 6.061 6.183 4,251 4,336 85 10,209 36,826 47,035 8
  STI short Wilmar International 5/02/11 1092.78 2.824 3.002 2.646 3,086 2,892 -194 10,015 39,912 49,927 -6
  OMXH 25 Outokumpu 4/09/12 531.58 11.620 10.810 12.491 6,177 6,640 463 10,478 46,089 56,567 251
  PSI 20 Banco Comercial 4/02/12 8885.51 0.659 0.504 0.861 5,852 7,653 1,801 12,279 51,941 64,220 3,204
  GEX long 4SC 2/13/12 81.24 61.593 51.519 5,004 4,185 -818 11,460 56,945 68,405 -57
  NZX 50 a2 Milk 3/05/12 21118.28 0.233 0.261 4,910 5,503 593 12,054 61,855 73,909 110
  Topix (FRA) short Mazda Motor 3/19/12 772.29 6.460 6.255 6.672 4,989 5,152 164 12,217 66,844 79,061 32
  HSI-Prop long China Ov Land & Inv 1/16/12 1422.78 1.541 1.655 2,193 2,354 162 12,379 69,036 81,415 28
    China Res Land   1551.55 1.413 1.460 2,193 2,265 73 12,452 71,229 83,681 12
  Nordic 30 Equinor 11/28/11 131.85 18.255 20.263 2,407 2,672 265 12,717 73,636 86,352 28
  FT 30 Tate & Lyle 12/19/11 3.26 808.105 847.343 2,634 2,762 128 12,844 76,270 89,115 14
  Nikkei (FRA) Aozora Bank 1/09/12 85.19 21.370 19.150 1,821 1,631 -189 12,655 78,091 90,746 -30
    Nitto Boseki   140.31 12.975 14.210 1,821 1,994 173 12,829 79,911 92,740 34
  Athex LC short Public Power 4/16/12 3850.97 1.550 1.270 1.892 5,969 7,285 1,316 14,144 85,880 100,025 17,919
  OBX 25 long Equinor 1/16/12 227.62 19.264 20.263 4,385 4,612 227 14,372 90,265 104,637 19
  OMXS 30 Getinge 11/28/11 64.56 18.641 20.368 1,203 1,315 112 14,483 91,469 105,952 23
  OMXC 20 Tryg   279.96 8.598 8.582 2,407 2,403 -4 14,479 93,876 108,355 -0
Portfolio market l/s instrument bought pieces buy price 4/30/12 prc short invest current prf/loss acc p/l ∑ invest ∑ on date yield
  TSX 60 short BlackBerry 4/16/12 590.66 10.106 9.720 10.507 5,969 6,206 237 14,716 99,845 114,561 176
  CAC Mid 60 long Innate Pharma 1/23/12 2724.56 1.710 1.670 4,659 4,550 -109 14,607 104,504 119,111 -8
  SDAX Encavis 1/30/12 1407.15 3.021 3.021 4,251 4,251     108,755 123,362 0
  Indices ISEQ-Overall 1/16/12 1.46 3,005.690 3,268.450 4,388 4,772 384 14,991 113,143 128,134 34
  BEL 20 Galapagos 3/12/12 399.2 12.540 11.540 5,006 4,607 -399 14,591 118,149 132,740 -46
  France short Solocal 4/23/12 3.89 1,476.830 1,687.590 1,266.070 5,745 4,925 -820 13,772 123,894 137,665 -100
  MIB UnipolSai 6/27/11 506.43 5.130 2.258 11.655 2,598 5,902 3,304 17,076 126,492 143,568 164
  ATX long Österreichische Post 4/16/12 223.35 26.725 26.800 5,969 5,986 17 17,093 132,461 149,554 8
  ASX 50 James Hardie Ind 1/30/12 737.6 5.763 5.917 4,251 4,365 114 17,206 136,712 153,918 11
  DJ Global Titans Apple 2/06/12 379.52 12.600 15.738 4,782 5,973 1,191 18,397 141,494 159,891 163
  S&P 100 Biogen 1/09/12 40.3 90.342 101.124 3,641 4,075 435 18,832 145,135 163,966 44
  HDAX Dürr 1/23/12 510.58 9.125 11.933 4,659 6,093 1,433 20,265 149,794 170,059 172
  DJTA Kirby 12/05/11 49.47 48.011 50.083 2,375 2,478 103 20,368 152,169 172,536 11
  SP Global 100 Apple 4/30/12 335.81 15.738   5,285 5,285     157,454 177,822  
  Nasdaq 100 Regeneron 10/10/11 40.02 49.346 102.068 1,975 4,085 2,110 22,478 159,429 181,906 269
  Kospi 50 Samsung Electronics 1/23/12 303.6 15.346 18.787 4,659 5,704 1,045 23,522 164,088 187,610 112
  DAX Merck (EMD) 12/19/11 71.73 36.695 41.500 2,632 2,977 345 23,867 166,720 190,587 40
  MDAX short Ceconomy 8/08/11 236.09 9.611 7.748 11.922 2,269 2,815 546 24,413 168,989 193,401 34
  FTSE long Next 11/28/11 0.77 3,105.900 3,594.306 2,392 2,768 376 24,789 171,380 196,169 41
  Europe 50 Roche 12/19/11 20.29 129.719 138.006 2,632 2,800 168 24,957 174,012 198,969 19
  BSE Sensex 50 Eicher Motors 10/24/11 841.47 2.335 3.247 1,965 2,732 767 25,724 175,977 201,701 89
  QIX Freenet 1/23/12 443.08 10.515 13.130 4,659 5,818 1,159 26,883 180,636 207,519 129
  DJIA Visa 12/19/11 139.28 18.897 23.200 2,632 3,231 599 27,482 183,268 210,750 76
  Euro 50 ASML 1/09/12 56.19 32.400 38.440 1,821 2,160 339 27,822 185,089 212,910 75
    Anheuser-Busch InBev   38.33 47.495 54.450 1,820 2,087 267 28,088 186,909 214,997 56
Portfolio market l/s instrument bought pieces buy price 4/30/12 prc short invest current prf/loss acc p/l ∑ invest ∑ on date yield
  Germany Encavis 1/02/12 931.96 3.248 3.021 3,027 2,815 -212 27,877 189,936 217,813 -20
  HSI-C&I Sands China 1/16/12 1707.29 2.568 2.998 4,385 5,118 733 28,610 194,321 222,931 71
  MerVal short YPF 4/23/12 428.12 13.433 12.982 13.900 5,751 5,951 200 28,810 200,072 228,882 493
  SLI Lonza   166.68 34.504 34.069 34.945 5,751 5,825 74 28,883 205,823 234,707 94
  GCX REC Silicon   1653.2 3.479 3.769 3.188 5,751 5,271 -480 28,403 211,574 239,977 -99
date B/S market l/s instrument pieces price prc short corresponding invest divest prf/loss acc p/l ∑ invest asset total
5/07/12 Sell Nordic 30 long Equinor 131.85 19.757   11/28/11 18.255 -2,407 2,605 198 109,062  209,167 -105 209,062
    Topix (TYO) Fast Retailing 96.93 55.879   2/13/12 51.626 -5,004 5,416 412 109,475  204,163 5,311 209,475
    GEX 4SC 81.24 48.084   2/13/12 61.593 -5,004 3,906 -1,098 108,377  199,160 9,217 208,377
  Buy Nordic 30 short Nokia 2,266.25 2.400   8/13/12 2.220 5,439        204,599 3,778  
    Topix (TYO) Sony 464.09 11.720   6/11/12 10.270 5,439        210,037 -1,660  
5/14/12 Sell Germany long Encavis 931.96 2.970   1/02/12 3.248 -3,027 2,768 -259 108,118  207,010 1,107 208,118
    MDAX short Ceconomy 236.09 7.298 12.656 8/08/11 9.611 -2,269 2,988 719 108,837  204,741 4,095 208,837
    HSI-Fin long AIA 1,670.99 2.577   1/16/12 2.624 -4,385 4,307 -78 108,759  200,356 8,402 208,759
    BEL 20 Galapagos 399.20 10.990   3/12/12 12.540 -5,006 4,387 -619 108,140  195,350 12,789 208,140
    OMXC 20 Tryg 279.96 8.768   11/28/11 8.598 -2,407 2,455 48 108,188  192,943 15,244 208,188
    OBX 25 Equinor 227.62 19.745   1/16/12 19.264 -4,385 4,494 109 108,297  188,559 19,738 208,297
    OMXS 30 Getinge 64.56 19.967   11/28/11 18.641 -1,203 1,289 86 108,383  187,355 21,028 208,383
    FT 30 Tate & Lyle 3.26 858.422   12/19/11 808.105 -2,634 2,798 164 108,547  184,721 23,826 208,547
    Nikkei (FRA) Aozora Bank 85.19 18.670   1/09/12 21.370 -1,821 1,591 -230 108,317  182,900 25,417 208,317
      Nitto Boseki 140.31 12.260   1/09/12 12.975 -1,821 1,720 -100 108,216  181,080 27,137 208,216
    CAC Mid 60 Innate Pharma 2,724.56 1.650   1/23/12 1.710 -4,659 4,496 -163 108,053  176,421 31,632 208,053
  Buy Germany short SolarWorld 25.33 236.550   9/10/12 182.550 5,992        182,412 25,640  
    MDAX long Dürr 547.41 10.946   5/21/12 10.445 5,992        188,404 19,648  
    HSI-Fin short HK Exchgs & Clrg 527.66 11.356   9/17/12 11.718 5,992        194,396 13,656  
    BEL 20 Bekaert 262.23 22.850   6/25/12 18.225 5,992        200,388 7,664  
    OMXC 20 Vestas Wind Systems 5,287.68 1.133   5/28/12 1.008 5,992        206,380 1,672  
    OBX 25 REC Silicon 1,731.04 3.462   9/03/12 2.359 5,992        212,372 -4,320  
    OMXS 30 ABB 231.06 12.967   7/23/12 14.168 2,996        215,368 -7,316  
      Nokia 1,281.22 2.338   7/23/12 1.752 2,996        218,364 -10,312  
    FT 30 Man Group 58.03 103.259   8/06/12 106.958 5,992        224,357 -16,304  
date B/S market l/s instrument pieces price prc short corresponding invest divest prf/loss acc p/l ∑ invest asset total
    Nikkei (FRA) Nippon Sheet Glass 331.42 9.040   1/07/13 9.100 2,996        227,353 -19,300  
      Sharp 77.56 38.630   1/07/13 23.550 2,996        230,349 -22,296  
    CAC Mid 60 Vallourec 4.33 1,382.400   9/10/12 1,453.800 5,986        236,335 -28,282  
5/21/12 Sell HSI long Lenovo 5,202.45 0.656   12/26/11 0.538 -2,801 3,412 611 108,664  233,534 -24,870 208,664
    Kospi 50 Samsung Electronics 303.60 16.200   1/23/12 15.346 -4,659 4,918 259 108,923  228,875 -19,952 208,923
    ATX Österreichische Post 223.35 27.000   4/16/12 26.725 -5,969 6,030 61 108,984  222,906 -13,921 208,984
    MDAX Dürr 547.41 10.445   5/14/12 10.946 -5,992 5,718 -274 108,710  216,914 -8,203 208,710
    SDAX Encavis 1,407.15 2.951   1/30/12 3.021 -4,251 4,153 -99 108,612  212,663 -4,051 208,612
    HSI-C&I Sands China 1,707.29 2.614   1/16/12 2.568 -4,385 4,463 78 108,690  208,278 412 208,690
    ISEQ 20 Flutter 33.56 50.010   1/02/12 45.100 -1,514 1,678 165 108,855  206,764 2,091 208,855
      Ryanair 400.40 4.040   1/02/12 3.780 -1,514 1,618 104 108,959  205,251 3,708 208,959
    NZX 50 a2 Milk 21,118.28 0.267   3/05/12 0.233 -4,910 5,630 720 109,679  200,341 9,338 209,679
    Indices ISEQ-Overall 1.46 3,087.810   1/16/12 3,005.690 -4,388 4,508 120 109,799  195,952 13,846 209,799
    DJ Global Titans Apple 379.52 15.695   2/06/12 12.600 -4,782 5,957 1,175 110,973  191,170 19,803 210,973
  Buy HSI short China Unicom 4,853.20 1.189   8/20/12 1.370 5,769        196,939 14,034  
    Kospi 50 SK Holdings 102.51 56.279   7/23/12 68.528 5,769        202,708 8,265  
    ATX Zumtobel 585.21 9.858   6/25/12 8.050 5,769        208,477 2,496  
    MDAX Ströer Media 726.30 7.943   5/28/12 8.000 5,769        214,246 -3,273  
    TecDAX SMA Solar 219.23 26.315   12/22/14 14.800 5,769        220,015 -9,042  
    SDAX Klöckner 736.41 7.834   10/29/12 7.058 5,769        225,784 -14,811  
    HSI-C&I Citic Pacific 4,870.00 1.185   9/17/12 0.959 5,769        231,553 -20,580  
    ISEQ 20 Bank of Ireland 1,105.17 2.610   8/27/12 2.490 2,884        234,438 -23,465  
      Smurfit Kappa 519.73 5.550   8/27/12 6.550 2,885        237,322 -26,349  
    SMI long Richemont 120.09 48.039   5/28/12 48.077 5,769        243,092 -32,118  
    NZX 50 short KMD Brands 6,049.07 0.954   7/30/12 0.992 5,769        248,861 -37,887  
date B/S market l/s instrument pieces price prc short corresponding invest divest prf/loss acc p/l ∑ invest asset total
    Indices Athex Large Cap 2.84 2,028.100   9/10/12 2,671.700 5,760        254,620 -43,647  
    Nikkei (TYO) Nippon Sheet Glass 677.18 8.519   7/02/12 8.411 5,769        260,389 -49,416  
    DJ Global Titans Telefónica 587.71 9.816   5/28/12 9.440 5,769        266,158 -55,185  
5/28/12 Sell MDAX short Ströer Media 726.30 8.000 7.886 5/21/12 7.943 -5,769 5,728 -41 110,932  260,389 -49,457 210,932
    OMXC 20 Vestas Wind Systems 5,287.68 1.008 1.274 5/14/12 1.133 -5,992 6,737 745 111,676  254,397 -42,721 211,676
    SMI long Richemont 120.09 48.077   5/21/12 48.039 -5,769 5,774 5 111,681  248,628 -36,947 211,681
    DJ Global Titans short Telefónica 587.71 9.440 10.207 5/21/12 9.816 -5,769 5,999 230 111,911  242,859 -30,949 211,911
  Buy MDAX long Rhön-Klinikum 205.68 21.995   6/04/12 22.100 4,524        247,383 -35,472  
    OMXC 20 GN Store Nord 66.38 68.150   6/04/12 67.500 4,524        251,907 -39,996  
    DJ Global Titans Apple 277.42 16.307   10/22/12 17.386 4,524        256,431 -44,520  
6/04/12 Sell SSE 50 long China Northern Rare 2,138.92 3.823   4/09/12 2.888 -6,177 8,178 2,001 113,911  250,254 -36,343 213,911
    DAX Merck (EMD) 71.73 36.500   12/19/11 36.695 -2,632 2,618 -14 113,897  247,622 -33,725 213,897
    MDAX Rhön-Klinikum 205.68 22.100   5/28/12 21.995 -4,524 4,546 22 113,919  243,098 -29,179 213,919
    FTSE Next 0.77 3,698.710   11/28/11 3,105.900 -2,392 2,848 456 114,375  240,706 -26,331 214,375
    OMXC 20 GN Store Nord 66.38 67.500   5/28/12 68.150 -4,524 4,481 -43 114,332  236,183 -21,850 214,332
  Buy SSE 50 short China Unicom 9,509.88 0.506   12/10/12 0.413 4,812        240,995 -26,662  
    DAX thyssenkrupp 379.79 12.670   7/16/12 14.565 4,812        245,806 -31,474  
    MDAX Ströer Media 574.57 8.375   6/18/12 8.546 4,812        250,618 -36,286  
    FTSE Aviva 14.40 334.157   7/30/12 382.206 4,812        255,430 -41,098  
    OMXC 20 Vestas Wind Systems 5,513.29 0.873   6/18/12 0.791 4,812        260,242 -45,910  
    SMI long Swiss Re 110.00 43.744   6/11/12 46.079 4,812        265,054 -50,722  
6/11/12 Sell   long Swiss Re 110.00 46.079   6/04/12 43.744 -4,812 5,069 257 114,589  260,242 -45,653 214,589
    Topix (TYO) short Sony 464.09 10.270 13.374 5/07/12 11.720 -5,439 6,207 768 115,357  254,803 -39,447 215,357
  Buy   long Subaru 727.08 6.048   1/11/16 33.663 4,397        259,200 -43,844  
6/18/12 Sell MDAX short Ströer Media 574.57 8.546 8.204 6/04/12 8.375 -4,812 4,714 -98 115,259  254,388 -39,130 215,259
date B/S market l/s instrument pieces price prc short corresponding invest divest prf/loss acc p/l ∑ invest asset total
    OMXC 20 Vestas Wind Systems 5,513.29 0.791 0.963 6/04/12 0.873 -4,812 5,312 500 115,758  249,576 -33,818 215,758
  Buy MDAX long Dürr 401.86 11.318   6/25/12 11.594 4,548        254,124 -38,366  
    OMXC 20 GN Store Nord 62.09 73.250   6/25/12 71.650 4,548        258,673 -42,915  
    SMI Swiss Re 97.55 46.620   11/19/12 54.864 4,548        263,220 -47,462  
6/25/12 Sell ATX short Zumtobel 585.21 8.050 12.072 5/21/12 9.858 -5,769 7,065 1,296 117,054  257,451 -40,398 217,054
    MDAX long Dürr 401.86 11.594   6/18/12 11.318 -4,548 4,659 111 117,165  252,903 -35,739 217,165
    BEL 20 short Bekaert 262.23 18.225 28.649 5/14/12 22.850 -5,992 7,513 1,521 118,685  246,911 -28,226 218,685
    OMXC 20 long GN Store Nord 62.09 71.650   6/18/12 73.250 -4,548 4,449 -99 118,586  242,363 -23,777 218,586
    DJTA Kirby 49.47 36.163   12/05/11 48.011 -2,375 1,789 -586 118,000  239,988 -21,988 218,000
  Buy ATX Österreichische Post 189.26 25.890   7/29/13 31.600 4,900        244,888 -26,888  
    MDAX short Ströer Media 609.38 8.041   7/02/12 8.090 4,900        249,788 -31,788  
    BEL 20 long Galapagos 400.00 12.250   10/22/12 16.900 4,900        254,688 -36,688  
    OMXC 20 short Vestas Wind Systems 6,038.20 0.812   7/16/12 0.678 4,900        259,588 -41,588  
    DJTA Ryder System 179.33 27.323   7/02/12 27.880 4,900        264,488 -46,488  
7/02/12 Sell MDAX short Ströer Media 609.38 8.090 7.992 6/25/12 8.041 -4,900 4,870 -30 117,970  259,588 -41,618 217,970
    DJTA Ryder System 179.33 27.880 26.767 6/25/12 27.323 -4,900 4,800 -100 117,870  254,688 -36,818 217,870
    STI Wilmar International 1,092.78 2.197 3.631 5/02/11 2.824 -3,086 3,967 881 118,752  251,602 -32,850 218,752
    Nikkei (TYO) Nippon Sheet Glass 677.18 8.411 8.629 5/21/12 8.519 -5,769 5,843 74 118,826  245,833 -27,007 218,826
  Buy MDAX long Dürr 384.68 12.465   7/23/12 13.345 4,795        250,628 -31,802  
    DJTA Delta Air Lines 546.12 8.780   9/17/12 7.031 4,795        255,423 -36,597  
    STI ThaiBev 22,596.61 0.212   6/10/13 0.382 4,795        260,218 -41,392  
    Nikkei (TYO) OKI Electric 375.65 12.765   7/16/12 12.784 4,795        265,013 -46,187  
7/16/12 Sell DAX short thyssenkrupp 379.79 14.565 10.775 6/04/12 12.670 -4,812 4,092 -720 118,106  260,201 -42,095 218,106
    OMXC 20 Vestas Wind Systems 6,038.20 0.678 0.971 6/25/12 0.812 -4,900 5,862 962 119,069  255,301 -36,233 219,069
    Nikkei (TYO) long OKI Electric 375.65 12.784   7/02/12 12.765 -4,795 4,802 7 119,076  250,506 -31,430 219,076
date B/S market l/s instrument pieces price prc short corresponding invest divest prf/loss acc p/l ∑ invest asset total
  Buy DAX Continental 78.80 59.533   8/11/14 133.083 4,691        255,197 -36,122  
    OMXC 20 Genmab 553.92 8.469   6/24/13 22.604 4,691        259,888 -40,813  
    Nikkei (TYO) short Nippon Sheet Glass 614.90 7.629   11/19/12 7.143 4,691        264,579 -45,504  
7/23/12 Sell Kospi 50 short SK Holdings 102.51 68.528 44.029 5/21/12 56.279 -5,769 4,513 -1,256 117,820  258,810 -40,990 217,820
    MDAX long Dürr 384.68 13.345   7/02/12 12.465 -4,795 5,134 339 118,159  254,015 -35,857 218,159
    OMXS 30 short ABB 231.06 14.168 11.765 5/14/12 12.967 -2,996 2,718 -278 117,881  251,019 -33,138 217,881
      Nokia 1,281.22 1.752 3.121 5/14/12 2.338 -2,996 3,999 1,003 118,884  248,023 -29,139 218,884
  Buy Kospi 50 long Amorepacific Group 181.27 26.166   10/20/14 87.497 4,743        252,766 -33,883  
    MDAX short Ströer Media 598.33 7.927   8/06/12 7.080 4,743        257,509 -38,626  
    OMXS 30 long Electrolux 133.82 17.722   6/24/13 19.030 2,371        259,881 -40,997  
      Swedbank 171.99 13.789   6/24/13 16.871 2,372        262,252 -43,369  
7/30/12 Sell FTSE short Aviva 14.40 382.206 286.108 6/04/12 334.157 -4,812 4,120 -692 118,192  257,440 -39,249 218,192
    NZX 50 KMD Brands 6,049.07 0.992 0.916 5/21/12 0.954 -5,769 5,539 -230 117,962  251,671 -33,709 217,962
  Buy FTSE long Ashtead 13.82 333.248   8/24/15 1,199.890 4,605        256,277 -38,315  
8/06/12 Sell MDAX short Ströer Media 598.33 7.080 8.875 7/23/12 7.927 -4,743 5,310 567 118,529  251,534 -33,005 218,529
    FT 30 Man Group 58.03 106.958 99.561 5/14/12 103.259 -5,992 5,778 -215 118,315  245,542 -27,227 218,315
  Buy MDAX long Dürr 345.22 13.838   10/29/12 14.790 4,777        250,319 -32,004  
    FT 30 Ferguson 1.56 3,068.570   6/24/13 3,452.810 4,787        255,106 -36,791  
8/13/12 Sell France short Solocal 3.89 1,038.280 2,100.620 4/23/12 1,476.830 -5,745 8,171 2,427 120,741  249,361 -28,620 220,741
    Nordic 30 Nokia 2,266.25 2.220 2.595 5/07/12 2.400 -5,439 5,880 441 121,182  243,922 -22,740 221,182
    Topix (FRA) Mazda Motor 772.29 4.800 8.694 3/19/12 6.460 -4,989 6,714 1,725 122,908  238,933 -16,025 222,908
  Buy France long Eurofins Scientific 499.47 10.355   4/22/13 15.325 5,172        244,105 -21,197  
    Nordic 30 Pandora 462.11 11.192   6/03/13 26.264 5,172        249,277 -26,369  
    Topix (FRA) Softbank Group 320.47 16.139   9/03/12 15.996 5,172        254,449 -31,541  
8/20/12 Sell HSI short China Unicom 4,853.20 1.370 1.008 5/21/12 1.189 -5,769 4,892 -877 122,030  248,680 -26,650 222,030
date B/S market l/s instrument pieces price prc short corresponding invest divest prf/loss acc p/l ∑ invest asset total
    IBEX 35 Sacyr 1,509.96 1.284 8.553 2/13/12 3.314 -5,004 12,915 7,911 129,942  243,676 -13,735 229,942
    OMXH 25 Outokumpu 531.58 6.980 19.345 4/09/12 11.620 -6,177 10,283 4,106 134,048  237,499 -3,451 234,048
    TSX 60 BlackBerry 590.66 5.638 18.115 4/16/12 10.106 -5,969 10,700 4,731 138,779  231,530 7,248 238,779
    PSI 20 Banco Comercial 8,885.51 0.452 0.960 4/02/12 0.659 -5,852 8,527 2,675 141,453  225,678 15,775 241,453
  Buy HSI long Galaxy Entertainment 2,733.49 2.352   4/22/13 3.135 6,430        232,108 9,345  
    IBEX 35 Grifols 572.06 11.240   11/05/12 13.025 6,430        238,538 2,915  
    OMXH 25 Huhtamäki 540.79 11.890   10/22/12 12.450 6,430        244,968 -3,515  
    TSX 60 Couche-Tard 961.85 6.685   4/22/13 7.405 6,430        251,398 -9,945  
8/27/12 Sell ISEQ 20 short Bank of Ireland 1,105.17 2.490 2.736 5/21/12 2.610 -2,884 3,024 139 141,592  248,514 -6,921 241,592
      Smurfit Kappa 519.73 6.550 4.550 5/21/12 5.550 -2,885 2,365 -520 141,072  245,629 -4,557 241,072
    MerVal YPF 428.12 14.446 12.421 4/23/12 13.433 -5,751 5,318 -433 140,639  239,878 761 240,639
  Buy ISEQ 20 long Kerry 80.28 37.580   6/17/13 42.250 3,017        242,895 -2,256  
      Smurfit Kappa 460.61 6.550   6/17/13 12.270 3,017        245,912 -5,273  
9/03/12 Sell S&P 100 long Biogen 40.30 116.954   1/09/12 90.342 -3,641 4,713 1,072 141,711  242,271 -560 241,711
    AEX short ArcelorMittal 159.49 35.565 42.177 4/09/12 38.730 -6,177 6,727 550 142,261  236,094 6,167 242,261
    OBX 25 REC Silicon 1,731.04 2.359 5.080 5/14/12 3.462 -5,992 8,793 2,801 145,062  230,102 14,960 245,062
    Athex LC Public Power 3,850.97 1.330 1.806 4/16/12 1.550 -5,969 6,956 987 146,050  224,133 21,917 246,050
    Topix (FRA) long Softbank Group 320.47 15.996   8/13/12 16.139 -5,172 5,126 -46 146,004  218,961 27,043 246,004
  Buy S&P 100 short HP 505.22 13.511   9/17/12 13.872 6,826        225,787 20,217  
    OBX 25 long Grieg Seafood 4,977.40 1.371   1/07/13 1.707 6,826        232,613 13,391  
    Athex LC Alpha Services 101.88 67.000   3/25/13 37.850 6,826        239,439 6,565  
    MerVal short Pampa Energía 40,606.78 0.168   9/10/12 0.164 6,826        246,265 -261  
    Topix (FRA) Kansai Electric Pwr 1,197.12 5.702   3/11/13 6.145 6,826        253,091 -7,087  
9/10/12 Sell Germany short SolarWorld 25.33 182.550 306.524 5/14/12 236.550 -5,992 7,764 1,772 147,776  247,099 677 247,776
    MerVal Pampa Energía 40,606.78 0.164 0.172 9/03/12 0.168 -6,826 6,997 171 147,947  240,273 7,674 247,947
date B/S market l/s instrument pieces price prc short corresponding invest divest prf/loss acc p/l ∑ invest asset total
    CAC Mid 60 Vallourec 4.33 1,453.800 1,311.000 5/14/12 1,382.400 -5,986 5,677 -309 147,638  234,287 13,350 247,638
    Indices Athex Large Cap 2.84 2,671.700 1,384.500 5/21/12 2,028.100 -5,760 3,932 -1,828 145,810  228,528 17,282 245,810
  Buy CAC Mid 60 long Eurofins Scientific 597.91 11.000   4/22/13 15.325 6,577        235,105 10,705  
    Indices OMXC 20 99.05 66.404   6/17/13 70.001 6,577        241,682 4,128  
9/17/12 Sell S&P 100 short HP 505.22 13.872 13.150 9/03/12 13.511 -6,826 6,643 -183 145,627  234,856 10,771 245,627
    HSI-Fin HK Exchgs & Clrg 527.66 11.718 10.994 5/14/12 11.356 -5,992 5,801 -191 145,436  228,864 16,572 245,436
    HSI-C&I Citic Pacific 4,870.00 0.959 1.464 5/21/12 1.185 -5,769 7,128 1,359 146,796  223,095 23,701 246,796
    DJTA long Delta Air Lines 546.12 7.031   7/02/12 8.780 -4,795 3,840 -955 145,840  218,300 27,541 245,840
  Buy S&P 100 Gilead Sciences 272.68 25.063   10/13/14 79.611 6,834        225,134 20,706  
    CAC 40 Credit Agricole 1,142.05 5.984   9/24/12 5.714 6,834        231,968 13,872  
    HSI-Fin Bank of China (HK) 2,863.25 2.387   5/13/13 2.748 6,834        238,802 7,038  
    HSI-C&I Galaxy Entertainment 2,811.19 2.431   4/08/13 3.018 6,834        245,636 204  
    DJTA short Expeditors Wash 233.13 29.314   9/24/12 28.398 6,834        252,470 -6,630  
9/24/12 Sell CAC 40 long Credit Agricole 1,142.05 5.714   9/17/12 5.984 -6,834 6,526 -308 145,532  245,636 -104 245,532
    DJTA short Expeditors Wash 233.13 28.398 30.259 9/17/12 29.314 -6,834 7,054 220 145,753  238,802 6,950 245,753
  Buy   long Avis Budget 508.65 12.419   7/20/15 38.916 6,317        245,119 634  
10/01/12 Buy CAC Next 20 short Hermes International 29.13 211.450   12/10/12 235.500 6,160        251,279 -5,526  
10/15/12 Buy AEX short KPN 1,656.09 3.626   2/02/15 2.756 6,005        257,284 -11,531  
    MerVal Pampa Energía 39,820.95 0.151   10/22/12 0.141 6,005        263,289 -17,536  
10/22/12 Sell BEL 20 long Galapagos 400.00 16.900   6/25/12 12.250 -4,900 6,760 1,860 147,613  258,389 -10,776 247,613
    OMXH 25 Huhtamäki 540.79 12.450   8/20/12 11.890 -6,430 6,733 303 147,915  251,959 -4,043 247,915
    MerVal short Pampa Energía 39,820.95 0.141 0.161 10/15/12 0.151 -6,005 6,427 422 148,338  245,954 2,384 248,338
    DJ Global Titans long Apple 277.42 17.386   5/28/12 16.307 -4,524 4,823 299 148,637  241,430 7,207 248,637
  Buy BEL 20 short Bekaert 296.39 21.580   11/12/12 21.290 6,396        247,826 811  
    OMXH 25 Outokumpu 988.56 6.470   11/05/12 6.200 6,396        254,222 -5,585  
date B/S market l/s instrument pieces price prc short corresponding invest divest prf/loss acc p/l ∑ invest asset total
    DJ Global Titans Telefónica 609.14 10.500   10/29/12 10.070 6,396        260,618 -11,981  
10/29/12 Sell MDAX long Dürr 345.22 14.790   8/06/12 13.838 -4,777 5,106 329 148,966  255,841 -6,875 248,966
    SDAX short Klöckner 736.41 7.058 8.695 5/21/12 7.834 -5,769 6,403 634 149,600  250,072 -472 249,600
    DJ Global Titans Telefónica 609.14 10.070 10.948 10/22/12 10.500 -6,396 6,669 273 149,873  243,676 6,197 249,873
  Buy MDAX Ströer Media 965.46 6.630   1/14/13 6.901 6,401        250,077 -204  
    MerVal Pampa Energía 44,205.80 0.145   12/24/12 0.147 6,401        256,478 -6,605  
    DJ Global Titans long Bank of America 888.58 7.204   12/16/13 11.075 6,401        262,879 -13,006  
11/05/12 Sell MIB short UnipolSai 506.43 0.935 28.146 6/27/11 5.130 -2,598 14,254 11,656 161,529  260,281 1,249 261,529
    IBEX 35 long Grifols 572.06 13.025   8/20/12 11.240 -6,430 7,451 1,021 162,550  253,851 8,700 262,550
    OMXH 25 short Outokumpu 988.56 6.200 6.752 10/22/12 6.470 -6,396 6,675 279 162,829  247,455 15,374 262,829
  Buy MIB long Azimut 747.53 9.304   8/04/14 18.460 6,955        254,410 8,419  
    OMXH 25 Konecranes 275.45 25.250   11/12/12 24.380 6,955        261,365 1,464  
11/12/12 Sell BEL 20 short Bekaert 296.39 21.290 21.874 10/22/12 21.580 -6,396 6,483 87 162,916  254,969 7,947 262,916
    OMXH 25 long Konecranes 275.45 24.380   11/05/12 25.250 -6,955 6,715 -240 162,676  248,014 14,663 262,676
  Buy BEL 20 Galapagos 409.99 16.910   6/24/13 14.210 6,933        254,947 7,730  
    OMXH 25 short Outokumpu 1,079.91 6.420   12/31/12 7.400 6,933        261,880 797  
11/19/12 Sell SMI long Swiss Re 97.55 54.864   6/18/12 46.620 -4,548 5,352 804 163,481  257,332 6,149 263,481
    Nikkei (TYO) short Nippon Sheet Glass 614.90 7.143 8.148 7/16/12 7.629 -4,691 5,010 319 163,800  252,641 11,159 263,800
  Buy PSI 20 Impresa 23,700.00 0.290   12/17/12 0.300 6,873        259,514 4,286  
    SMI Julius Bär 263.13 26.121   12/17/12 27.324 6,873        266,387 -2,587  
    Nikkei (TYO) long Subaru 840.66 8.176   10/07/13 20.003 6,873        273,260 -9,460  
11/26/12 Sell SLI short Lonza 166.68 36.099 32.909 4/23/12 34.504 -5,751 5,485 -266 163,534  267,509 -3,975 263,534
  Buy SDAX Deutz 1,996.31 3.250   12/10/12 3.138 6,488        273,997 -10,463  
    SLI long Swiss Life 62.25 104.219   6/24/13 120.698 6,488        280,484 -16,950  
12/10/12 Sell SSE 50 short China Unicom 9,509.88 0.413 0.620 6/04/12 0.506 -4,812 5,891 1,079 164,613  275,672 -11,059 264,613
date B/S market l/s instrument pieces price prc short corresponding invest divest prf/loss acc p/l ∑ invest asset total
    SDAX Deutz 1,996.31 3.138 3.366 11/26/12 3.250 -6,488 6,720 232 164,845  269,184 -4,339 264,845
    CAC Next 20 Hermes International 29.13 235.500 187.400 10/01/12 211.450 -6,160 5,459 -701 164,144  263,025 1,120 264,144
  Buy SSE 50 long China Rwy Constr 9,261.17 0.716   4/29/13 0.634 6,631        269,656 -5,511  
    CAC 40 Societe Generale 230.12 28.815   1/14/13 34.140 6,631        276,287 -12,142  
12/17/12 Sell PSI 20 short Impresa 23,700.00 0.300 0.280 11/19/12 0.290 -6,873 6,636 -237 163,907  269,414 -5,506 263,907
    SMI Julius Bär 263.13 27.324 24.917 11/19/12 26.121 -6,873 6,556 -317 163,591  262,541 1,050 263,591
  Buy   long Richemont 110.40 59.929   10/14/13 74.199 6,616        269,157 -5,566  
12/24/12 Sell MerVal short Pampa Energía 44,205.80 0.147 0.143 10/29/12 0.145 -6,401 6,308 -93 163,498  262,756 742 263,498
  Buy   long Gr Fin Galicia 9,470.89 0.697   5/27/13 0.697 6,605        269,361 -5,863  
12/31/12 Sell OMXH 25 short Outokumpu 1,079.91 7.400 5.440 11/12/12 6.420 -6,933 5,875 -1,058 162,440  262,428 12 262,440
  Buy   long Orion 295.54 22.200   3/18/13 22.000 6,561        268,989 -6,549  
1/07/13 Sell OBX 25 long Grieg Seafood 4,977.40 1.707   9/03/12 1.371 -6,826 8,495 1,669 164,108  262,163 1,946 264,108
    Nikkei (FRA) short Nippon Sheet Glass 331.42 9.100 8.980 5/14/12 9.040 -2,996 2,976 -20 164,089  259,167 4,922 264,089
      Sharp 77.56 23.550 63.366 5/14/12 38.630 -2,996 4,915 1,919 166,007  256,171 9,837 266,007
  Buy OBX 25 REC Silicon 3,826.22 1.802   1/21/13 1.488 6,896        263,067 2,941  
    Nikkei (FRA) long Subaru 348.28 9.900   1/14/13 9.907 3,448        266,515 -507  
1/14/13 Sell CAC 40 long Societe Generale 230.12 34.140   12/10/12 28.815 -6,631 7,856 1,225 167,233  259,884 7,349 267,233
    MDAX short Ströer Media 965.46 6.901 6.359 10/29/12 6.630 -6,401 6,139 -262 166,971  253,483 13,488 266,971
    Nikkei (FRA) long Subaru 348.28 9.907   1/07/13 9.900 -3,448 3,450 2 166,973  250,035 16,939 266,973
  Buy CAC 40 short Engie 459.95 15.430   1/28/13 15.390 7,097        257,132 9,842  
    Nikkei (FRA) Screen 364.23 9.743   2/11/13 8.403 3,549        260,680 6,293  
1/21/13 Sell OBX 25 short REC Silicon 3,826.22 1.488 2.182 1/07/13 1.802 -6,896 8,350 1,454 168,428  253,784 14,643 268,428
  Buy   long Grieg Seafood 4,075.10 1.736   1/28/13 1.688 7,076        260,860 7,567  
1/28/13 Sell CAC 40 short Engie 459.95 15.390 15.470 1/14/13 15.430 -7,097 7,115 18 168,446  253,763 14,683 268,446
    OBX 25 long Grieg Seafood 4,075.10 1.688   1/21/13 1.736 -7,076 6,879 -197 168,249  246,687 21,562 268,249
date B/S market l/s instrument pieces price prc short corresponding invest divest prf/loss acc p/l ∑ invest asset total
  Buy CAC 40 Credit Agricole 933.39 7.762   2/11/13 7.414 7,245        253,932 14,317  
    OBX 25 short REC Silicon 4,683.86 1.547   2/25/13 1.312 7,245        261,177 7,072  
2/11/13 Sell CAC 40 long Credit Agricole 933.39 7.414   1/28/13 7.762 -7,245 6,920 -325 167,924  253,932 13,992 267,924
    Nikkei (FRA) short Screen 364.23 8.403 11.296 1/14/13 9.743 -3,549 4,114 566 168,490  250,384 18,107 268,490
    GCX REC Silicon 1,653.20 1.027 11.783 4/23/12 3.479 -5,751 19,480 13,729 182,219  244,633 37,587 282,219
  Buy CAC 40 Orange 1,014.21 7.883   2/25/13 7.479 7,995        252,628 29,592  
    ÖkoDAX (deprecated) long PNE Wind 2,865.59 2.790   4/29/13 2.700 7,995        260,623 21,597  
    Nikkei (FRA) Subaru 370.14 10.800   8/26/13 18.441 3,998        264,620 17,599  
      Mazda Motor 321.21 12.445   8/26/13 15.485 3,997        268,618 13,602  
    GCX SunPower 1,132.00 7.063   11/25/13 21.795 7,995        276,613 5,607  
2/18/13 Buy GEX long MBB 388.92 18.500   4/22/13 17.650 7,195        283,808 -1,588  
2/25/13 Sell CAC 40 short Orange 1,014.21 7.479 8.309 2/11/13 7.883 -7,995 8,427 432 182,651  275,813 6,839 282,651
    OBX 25 REC Silicon 4,683.86 1.312 1.824 1/28/13 1.547 -7,245 8,545 1,300 183,951  268,568 15,383 283,951
  Buy CAC 40 long Credit Agricole 1,001.07 7.475   4/22/13 6.300 7,483        276,051 7,900  
    OBX 25 Norwegian 2.56 2,924.050   4/15/13 2,803.560 7,486        283,536 415  
3/11/13 Sell Topix (FRA) short Kansai Electric Pwr 1,197.12 6.145 5.259 9/03/12 5.702 -6,826 6,296 -530 183,421  276,710 6,710 283,421
  Buy   long Mazda Motor 587.05 12.355   4/01/13 11.250 7,253        283,963 -543  
3/18/13 Sell OMXH 25 long Orion 295.54 22.000   12/31/12 22.200 -6,561 6,502 -59 183,362  277,402 5,959 283,362
  Buy   short Outokumpu 1,310.33 5.520   9/16/13 4.600 7,233        284,635 -1,274  
3/25/13 Sell Athex LC long Alpha Services 101.88 37.850   9/03/12 67.000 -6,826 3,856 -2,970 180,392  277,809 2,582 280,392
  Buy   short Eurobank Ergasias 27.21 260.000   9/30/13 50.000 7,075        284,884 -4,492  
4/01/13 Sell Topix (FRA) long Mazda Motor 587.05 11.250   3/11/13 12.355 -7,253 6,604 -649 179,743  277,631 2,112 279,743
  Buy   short Nidec 643.32 10.953   4/15/13 10.948 7,046        284,677 -4,934  
4/08/13 Sell HSI-C&I long Galaxy Entertainment 2,811.19 3.018   9/17/12 2.431 -6,834 8,485 1,651 181,394  277,843 3,552 281,394
4/15/13 Sell OBX 25 long Norwegian 2.56 2,803.560   2/25/13 2,924.050 -7,486 7,177 -308 181,086  270,357 10,729 281,086
date B/S market l/s instrument pieces price prc short corresponding invest divest prf/loss acc p/l ∑ invest asset total
    Topix (FRA) short Nidec 643.32 10.948 10.957 4/01/13 10.953 -7,046 7,049 3 181,089  263,311 17,777 281,089
  Buy OBX 25 Frontline 1,007.84 7.413   10/21/13 8.829 7,471        270,782 10,306  
    Topix (FRA) long Mazda Motor 638.27 11.705   6/03/13 14.600 7,471        278,253 2,836  
4/22/13 Sell France long Eurofins Scientific 499.47 15.325   8/13/12 10.355 -5,172 7,654 2,482 183,571  273,081 10,490 283,571
    HSI Galaxy Entertainment 2,733.49 3.135   8/20/12 2.352 -6,430 8,569 2,139 185,710  266,651 19,059 285,710
    CAC 40 Credit Agricole 1,001.07 6.300   2/25/13 7.475 -7,483 6,307 -1,176 184,534  259,168 25,365 284,534
    TSX 60 Couche-Tard 961.85 7.405   8/20/12 6.685 -6,430 7,122 692 185,226  252,738 32,488 285,226
    CAC Mid 60 Eurofins Scientific 597.91 15.325   9/10/12 11.000 -6,577 9,163 2,586 187,812  246,161 41,651 287,812
    GEX MBB 388.92 17.650   2/18/13 18.500 -7,195 6,864 -331 187,481  238,966 48,515 287,481
  Buy France short ArcelorMittal 319.52 26.286   5/06/13 29.061 8,399        247,365 40,116  
    HSI China Shenhua HK 3,301.23 2.544   9/16/13 2.475 8,399        255,764 31,717  
    CAC 40 ArcelorMittal 319.52 26.286   8/05/13 28.620 8,399        264,163 23,318  
    TSX 60 Barrick Gold 580.69 14.464   9/30/13 13.729 8,399        272,562 14,919  
    CAC Mid 60 Viridien 16.87 497.920   4/29/13 532.320 8,400        280,962 6,519  
    GEX YOC 1,663.50 5.049   9/23/13 2.219 8,399        289,361 -1,880  
4/29/13 Sell SSE 50 long China Rwy Constr 9,261.17 0.634   12/10/12 0.716 -6,631 5,874 -757 186,725  282,730 3,995 286,725
    ÖkoDAX (deprecated) PNE Wind 2,865.59 2.700   2/11/13 2.790 -7,995 7,737 -258 186,467  274,735 11,732 286,467
    CAC Mid 60 short Viridien 16.87 532.320 463.520 4/22/13 497.920 -8,400 7,820 -580 185,886  266,335 19,551 285,886
  Buy SSE 50 China Northern Rare 3,363.44 2.270   5/06/13 2.286 7,635        273,970 11,916  
    ÖkoDAX (deprecated) SolarWorld 71.99 106.050   4/13/15 14.550 7,635        281,605 4,282  
5/06/13 Sell France short ArcelorMittal 319.52 29.061 23.511 4/22/13 26.286 -8,399 7,512 -887 185,000  273,206 11,794 285,000
    SSE 50 China Northern Rare 3,363.44 2.286 2.254 4/29/13 2.270 -7,635 7,581 -54 184,946  265,571 19,375 284,946
  Buy   long China Minsheng Bk 7,235.38 1.052   5/13/13 1.064 7,608        273,179 11,767  
5/13/13 Sell   long China Minsheng Bk 7,235.38 1.064   5/06/13 1.052 -7,608 7,700 92 185,038  265,571 19,467 285,038
    HSI-Fin Bank of China (HK) 2,863.25 2.748   9/17/12 2.387 -6,834 7,867 1,033 186,071  258,737 27,334 286,071
date B/S market l/s instrument pieces price prc short corresponding invest divest prf/loss acc p/l ∑ invest asset total
  Buy SSE 50 short China Northern Rare 3,308.84 2.368   11/04/13 2.137 7,835        266,572 19,499  
    HSI-Fin Ping An 2,615.15 2.996   10/14/13 2.804 7,835        274,407 11,664  
5/27/13 Sell MerVal long Gr Fin Galicia 9,470.89 0.697   12/24/12 0.697 -6,605 6,598 -7 186,064  267,802 18,262 286,064
  Buy   short Pampa Energía 46,732.19 0.163   6/10/13 0.158 7,608        275,410 10,654  
6/03/13 Sell Nordic 30 long Pandora 462.11 26.264   8/13/12 11.192 -5,172 12,137 6,965 193,029  270,238 22,791 293,029
    Topix (FRA) Mazda Motor 638.27 14.600   4/15/13 11.705 -7,471 9,319 1,848 194,877  262,767 32,110 294,877
  Buy Nordic 30 short Equinor 471.38 17.340   7/29/13 16.264 8,174        270,941 23,936  
    Topix (FRA) Inpex 1,027.79 7.953   11/18/13 8.519 8,174        279,115 15,762  
6/10/13 Sell HSI-Prop long China Ov Land & Inv 1,422.78 2.124   1/16/12 1.541 -2,193 3,022 829 195,706  276,922 18,784 295,706
      China Res Land 1,551.55 2.183   1/16/12 1.413 -2,193 3,386 1,194 196,900  274,730 22,170 296,900
    MerVal short Pampa Energía 46,732.19 0.158 0.168 5/27/13 0.163 -7,608 7,832 224 197,124  267,122 30,002 297,124
    STI long ThaiBev 22,596.61 0.382   7/02/12 0.212 -4,795 8,623 3,828 200,952  262,327 38,625 300,952
  Buy France short ArcelorMittal 301.12 28.191   7/08/13 26.415 8,489        270,816 30,136  
    SDAX Hypoport 1,134.89 7.480   9/30/13 8.120 8,489        279,305 21,647  
    HSI-Prop Hang Lung 1,652.71 2.568   11/18/13 2.531 4,244        283,549 17,403  
      Sino Land 3,944.34 1.076   11/18/13 1.043 4,245        287,793 13,158  
    MerVal long Telecom Argentina 2,241.14 3.788   6/17/13 3.268 8,489        296,282 4,669  
    CAC Mid 60 short Viridien 15.13 561.120   8/05/13 575.840 8,490        304,772 -3,820  
6/17/13 Sell ISEQ 20 long Kerry 80.28 42.250   8/27/12 37.580 -3,017 3,392 375 201,327  301,755 -429 301,327
      Smurfit Kappa 460.61 12.270   8/27/12 6.550 -3,017 5,652 2,635 203,961  298,738 5,223 303,961
    MerVal Telecom Argentina 2,241.14 3.268   6/10/13 3.788 -8,489 7,324 -1,165 202,797  290,249 12,547 302,797
    Indices OMXC 20 99.05 70.001   9/10/12 66.404 -6,577 6,934 356 203,153  283,672 19,481 303,153
  Buy ISEQ 20 short C&C Group 952.63 4.233   7/29/13 4.100 4,032        287,704 15,448  
      CRH 257.98 15.631   7/29/13 15.994 4,032        291,737 11,416  
    PSI 20 long Teixeira Duarte 14,935.19 0.540   6/24/13 0.570 8,065        299,802 3,351  
date B/S market l/s instrument pieces price prc short corresponding invest divest prf/loss acc p/l ∑ invest asset total
    MerVal short Comercial del Plata 114,722.62 0.070   8/12/13 0.067 8,065        307,867 -4,714  
6/24/13 Sell BEL 20 long Galapagos 409.99 14.210   11/12/12 16.910 -6,933 5,826 -1,107 202,046  300,934 1,112 302,046
    PSI 20 Teixeira Duarte 14,935.19 0.570   6/17/13 0.540 -8,065 8,513 448 202,494  292,869 9,625 302,494
    OMXC 20 Genmab 553.92 22.604   7/16/12 8.469 -4,691 12,521 7,830 210,324  288,178 22,146 310,324
    OMXS 30 Electrolux 133.82 19.030   7/23/12 17.722 -2,371 2,547 175 210,499  285,807 24,692 310,499
      Swedbank 171.99 16.871   7/23/12 13.789 -2,372 2,902 530 211,029  283,435 27,594 311,029
    FT 30 Ferguson 1.56 3,452.810   8/06/12 3,068.570 -4,787 5,386 599 211,628  278,648 32,980 311,628
    SLI Swiss Life 62.25 120.698   11/26/12 104.219 -6,488 7,513 1,026 212,654  272,160 40,494 312,654
  Buy Germany short SolarWorld 96.01 91.950   7/29/13 77.250 8,828        280,989 31,666  
    MDAX Salzgitter 347.49 25.405   7/01/13 25.340 8,828        289,816 22,838  
    BEL 20 Aperam 1,061.06 8.320   7/15/13 8.461 8,828        298,645 14,010  
    OMXC 20 FLSmidth 252.00 35.032   7/01/13 34.376 8,828        307,473 5,182  
    OMXS 30 Boliden 462.24 9.549   7/08/13 9.256 4,414        311,887 768  
      Tele2 502.84 8.778   7/08/13 9.227 4,414        316,301 -3,646  
    FT 30 Man Group 92.68 95.252   7/01/13 100.211 8,828        325,129 -12,474  
    SLI Kühne & Nagel 108.79 81.145   7/08/13 90.725 8,828        333,956 -21,302  
    BAX SFC Energy 1,858.53 4.750   7/01/13 4.650 8,828        342,784 -30,130  
7/01/13 Sell MDAX short Salzgitter 347.49 25.340 25.470 6/24/13 25.405 -8,828 8,851 23 212,677  333,956 -21,280 312,677
    OMXC 20 FLSmidth 252.00 34.376 35.701 6/24/13 35.032 -8,828 8,997 169 212,845  325,128 -12,283 312,845
    FT 30 Man Group 92.68 100.211 90.294 6/24/13 95.252 -8,828 8,368 -460 212,386  316,300 -3,914 312,386
    BAX SFC Energy 1,858.53 4.650 4.852 6/24/13 4.750 -8,828 9,018 190 212,576  307,472 5,104 312,576
  Buy MDAX long Dürr 330.91 23.998   7/28/14 30.355 7,941        315,413 -2,837  
    OMXC 20 Vestas Wind Systems 3,678.94 2.159   9/01/14 6.373 7,941        323,354 -10,778  
    FT 30 Lloyds Bank 106.06 74.871   9/09/13 90.907 7,941        331,295 -18,719  
    BAX Morphosys 179.88 44.145   4/14/14 58.270 7,941        339,236 -26,660  
date B/S market l/s instrument pieces price prc short corresponding invest divest prf/loss acc p/l ∑ invest asset total
7/08/13 Sell France short ArcelorMittal 301.12 26.415 30.086 6/10/13 28.191 -8,489 9,060 571 213,147  330,747 -17,601 313,147
    OMXS 30 Boliden 462.24 9.256 9.852 6/24/13 9.549 -4,414 4,554 140 213,287  326,333 -13,047 313,287
      Tele2 502.84 9.227 8.329 6/24/13 8.778 -4,414 4,188 -226 213,061  321,919 -8,858 313,061
    SLI Kühne & Nagel 108.79 90.725 71.565 6/24/13 81.145 -8,828 7,786 -1,042 212,019  313,091 -1,073 312,019
  Buy OMXS 30 long Nokia 1,220.02 3.186   10/13/14 6.407 3,887        316,978 -4,959  
      Kinnevik 177.73 21.868   10/13/14 22.475 3,887        320,864 -8,846  
    SLI Lonza 129.12 60.201   8/12/13 56.494 7,773        328,637 -16,619  
7/15/13 Sell BEL 20 short Aperam 1,061.06 8.461 8.179 6/24/13 8.320 -8,828 8,678 -150 211,869  319,809 -7,940 311,869
  Buy   long KBC 242.36 31.350   10/13/14 40.740 7,598        327,407 -15,538  
7/29/13 Sell Germany short SolarWorld 96.01 77.250 109.447 6/24/13 91.950 -8,828 10,508 1,680 213,549  318,579 -5,030 313,549
    ATX long Österreichische Post 189.26 31.600   6/25/12 25.890 -4,900 5,981 1,081 214,630  313,679 950 314,630
    ISEQ 20 short C&C Group 952.63 4.100 4.370 6/17/13 4.233 -4,032 4,163 131 214,760  309,647 5,113 314,760
      CRH 257.98 15.994 15.268 6/17/13 15.631 -4,032 3,939 -94 214,667  305,614 9,052 314,667
    Nordic 30 Equinor 471.38 16.264 18.488 6/03/13 17.340 -8,174 8,715 541 215,208  297,440 17,767 315,208
  Buy ATX Raiffeisen Bank Int 360.58 23.085   10/21/13 25.350 8,324        305,764 9,443  
    ISEQ 20 long FBD 266.79 15.600   8/05/13 16.650 4,162        309,926 5,281  
      Smurfit Kappa 291.05 14.300   8/05/13 15.150 4,162        314,088 1,119  
    Nordic 30 Pandora 289.84 28.719   4/28/14 46.257 8,324        322,412 -7,205  
8/05/13 Sell CAC 40 short ArcelorMittal 319.52 28.620 23.952 4/22/13 26.286 -8,399 7,653 -746 214,462  314,013 449 314,462
    ISEQ 20 long FBD 266.79 16.650   7/29/13 15.600 -4,162 4,442 280 214,742  309,851 4,891 314,742
      Smurfit Kappa 291.05 15.150   7/29/13 14.300 -4,162 4,409 247 214,990  305,689 9,300 314,990
    CAC Mid 60 short Viridien 15.13 575.840 546.400 6/10/13 561.120 -8,490 8,267 -223 214,767  297,200 17,567 314,767
  Buy ISEQ 20 C&C Group 1,003.14 4.141   9/09/13 4.285 4,154        301,354 13,413  
      Flutter 68.10 61.000   9/09/13 61.200 4,154        305,508 9,259  
8/12/13 Sell MerVal short Comercial del Plata 114,722.62 0.067 0.074 6/17/13 0.070 -8,065 8,467 402 215,168  297,443 17,726 315,168
date B/S market l/s instrument pieces price prc short corresponding invest divest prf/loss acc p/l ∑ invest asset total
    SLI long Lonza 129.12 56.494   7/08/13 60.201 -7,773 7,295 -479 214,690  289,670 25,020 314,690
  Buy MerVal Telecom Argentina 2,014.52 4.215   2/10/14 2.998 8,492        298,162 16,528  
    Indices Merval 16.94 501.316   8/04/14 750.468 8,492        306,654 8,036  
8/26/13 Sell Nikkei (FRA) long Subaru 370.14 18.441   2/11/13 10.800 -3,998 6,826 2,828 217,518  302,657 14,862 317,518
      Mazda Motor 321.21 15.485   2/11/13 12.445 -3,997 4,974 976 218,494  298,659 19,835 318,494
  Buy PSI 20 Teixeira Duarte 12,623.88 0.670   9/02/13 0.650 8,458        307,117 11,377  
    Nikkei (FRA) short Nikon 321.60 13.150   9/09/13 12.596 4,229        311,346 7,148  
9/02/13 Sell PSI 20 long Teixeira Duarte 12,623.88 0.650   8/26/13 0.670 -8,458 8,206 -252 218,242  302,888 15,354 318,242
9/09/13 Sell ISEQ 20 short C&C Group 1,003.14 4.285 3.997 8/05/13 4.141 -4,154 4,010 -144 218,098  298,734 19,363 318,098
      Flutter 68.10 61.200 60.800 8/05/13 61.000 -4,154 4,140 -14 218,084  294,580 23,504 318,084
    FT 30 long Lloyds Bank 106.06 90.907   7/01/13 74.871 -7,941 9,642 1,701 219,785  286,639 33,146 319,785
    Nikkei (FRA) short Nikon 321.60 12.596 13.728 8/26/13 13.150 -4,229 4,415 186 219,971  282,410 37,561 319,971
  Buy ISEQ 20 long Bank of Ireland 631.21 7.080   10/14/13 6.960 4,469        286,879 33,092  
      Smurfit Kappa 280.19 15.950   10/14/13 17.020 4,469        291,348 28,623  
    PSI 20 Impresa 13,144.12 0.680   9/16/13 0.670 8,938        300,286 19,685  
    FT 30 short Man Group 84.77 105.435   10/14/13 92.741 8,938        309,224 10,747  
    Nikkei (FRA) long Furukawa Co 267.12 16.730   9/30/13 17.160 4,469        313,693 6,278  
      Tokyo Electric Power 1,142.97 3.910   9/30/13 4.520 4,469        318,162 1,809  
9/16/13 Sell HSI short China Shenhua HK 3,301.23 2.475 2.615 4/22/13 2.544 -8,399 8,633 234 220,205  309,763 10,442 320,205
    OMXH 25 Outokumpu 1,310.33 4.600 6.624 3/18/13 5.520 -7,233 8,680 1,447 221,651  302,530 19,122 321,651
    PSI 20 long Impresa 13,144.12 0.670   9/09/13 0.680 -8,938 8,807 -131 221,520  293,592 27,928 321,520
  Buy HSI Galaxy Entertainment 1,632.41 5.352   12/23/13 6.370 8,736        302,328 19,192  
    OMXH 25 Nokia 1,850.85 4.720   10/21/13 5.265 8,736        311,064 10,456  
9/23/13 Sell GEX short YOC 1,663.50 2.219 11.488 4/22/13 5.049 -8,399 19,111 10,712 232,232  302,665 29,567 332,232
  Buy PSI 20 long Teixeira Duarte 13,703.03 0.660   12/09/13 0.920 9,044        311,709 20,523  
date B/S market l/s instrument pieces price prc short corresponding invest divest prf/loss acc p/l ∑ invest asset total
    GEX Manz 168.83 53.570   4/14/14 65.730 9,044        320,753 11,479  
9/30/13 Sell SDAX short Hypoport 1,134.89 8.120 6.840 6/10/13 7.480 -8,489 7,763 -726 231,505  312,264 19,241 331,505
    TSX 60 Barrick Gold 580.69 13.729 15.238 4/22/13 14.464 -8,399 8,848 449 231,954  303,865 28,089 331,954
    Athex LC Eurobank Ergasias 27.21 50.000 1,352.000 3/25/13 260.000 -7,075 36,788 29,713 261,668  296,790 64,877 361,668
    Nikkei (FRA) long Furukawa Co 267.12 17.160   9/09/13 16.730 -4,469 4,584 115 261,783  292,321 69,461 361,783
      Tokyo Electric Power 1,142.97 4.520   9/09/13 3.910 -4,469 5,166 697 262,480  287,852 74,627 362,480
  Buy HSI-C&I Galaxy Entertainment 2,111.86 5.174   2/03/14 7.265 10,927        298,779 63,700  
    TSX 60 Bausch Health 142.13 76.879   9/29/14 102.197 10,927        309,706 52,774  
    Athex LC Aegean Airlines 2,601.67 4.200   1/27/14 7.210 10,927        320,633 41,847  
    Nikkei (FRA) short Nikon 417.70 13.080   11/04/13 13.433 5,464        326,097 36,383  
    CAC Next 20 SES 516.64 21.150   10/07/13 21.020 10,927        337,024 25,456  
10/07/13 Sell   short SES 516.64 21.020 21.281 9/30/13 21.150 -10,927 10,995 68 262,547  326,097 36,451 362,547
    Nikkei (TYO) long Subaru 840.66 20.003   11/19/12 8.176 -6,873 16,816 9,943 272,490  319,224 53,267 372,490
  Buy   short Nikon 841.32 12.650   10/14/13 13.191 10,643        329,867 42,624  
10/14/13 Sell HSI-Fin short Ping An 2,615.15 2.804 3.201 5/13/13 2.996 -7,835 8,371 536 273,027  322,032 50,995 373,027
    ISEQ 20 long Bank of Ireland 631.21 6.960   9/09/13 7.080 -4,469 4,393 -76 272,951  317,563 55,388 372,951
      Smurfit Kappa 280.19 17.020   9/09/13 15.950 -4,469 4,769 300 273,251  313,094 60,157 373,251
    FT 30 short Man Group 84.77 92.741 119.865 9/09/13 105.435 -8,938 10,161 1,223 274,474  304,156 70,318 374,474
    SMI long Richemont 110.40 74.199   12/17/12 59.929 -6,616 8,192 1,575 276,049  297,540 78,509 376,049
    Nikkei (TYO) short Nikon 841.32 13.191 12.110 10/07/13 12.650 -10,643 10,188 -455 275,594  286,897 88,698 375,594
  Buy HSI-Fin long AIA 3,165.00 3.667   1/06/14 3.604 11,607        298,504 77,091  
    ISEQ 20 short C&C Group 1,381.79 4.200   10/28/13 4.008 5,804        304,307 71,287  
      Flutter 101.89 56.960   10/28/13 56.500 5,804        310,111 65,483  
    FT 30 long ITV 53.27 217.888   12/02/13 228.772 11,607        321,718 53,876  
    Nikkei (TYO) Tokyo Electric Power 2,973.49 3.904   11/04/13 3.961 11,607        333,325 42,269  
date B/S market l/s instrument pieces price prc short corresponding invest divest prf/loss acc p/l ∑ invest asset total
10/21/13 Sell ATX short Raiffeisen Bank Int 360.58 25.350 20.820 7/29/13 23.085 -8,324 7,507 -817 274,778  325,001 49,777 374,778
    OMXH 25 long Nokia 1,850.85 5.265   9/16/13 4.720 -8,736 9,745 1,009 275,786  316,265 59,521 375,786
    OBX 25 short Frontline 1,007.84 8.829 5.997 4/15/13 7.413 -7,471 6,044 -1,427 274,359  308,794 65,565 374,359
  Buy ATX long Wienerberger 841.79 13.065   8/11/14 11.525 10,998        319,792 54,567  
    OMXH 25 short YIT 1,105.33 9.950   10/28/13 10.035 10,998        330,790 43,569  
    OBX 25 long REC Silicon 3,103.36 3.544   12/16/13 2.538 10,998        341,788 32,571  
10/28/13 Sell ISEQ 20 short C&C Group 1,381.79 4.008 4.401 10/14/13 4.200 -5,804 6,082 278 274,637  335,985 38,653 374,637
      Flutter 101.89 56.500 57.424 10/14/13 56.960 -5,804 5,851 47 274,685  330,181 44,504 374,685
    OMXH 25 YIT 1,105.33 10.035 9.865 10/21/13 9.950 -10,998 10,904 -94 274,591  319,183 55,408 374,591
  Buy ISEQ 20 long Bank of Ireland 699.80 7.680   11/25/13 8.040 5,374        324,557 50,034  
      Smurfit Kappa 312.29 17.210   11/25/13 17.550 5,375        329,932 44,659  
    OMXH 25 Nokia 2,167.14 4.960   11/11/13 5.770 10,749        340,681 33,910  
    CAC Next 20 short STMicroelectronics 1,921.87 5.593   11/11/13 5.653 10,749        351,430 23,161  
11/04/13 Sell SSE 50 short China Northern Rare 3,308.84 2.137 2.623 5/13/13 2.368 -7,835 8,680 845 275,436  343,595 31,841 375,436
    Nikkei (FRA) Nikon 417.70 13.433 12.727 9/30/13 13.080 -5,464 5,316 -147 275,289  338,131 37,157 375,289
    Nikkei (TYO) long Tokyo Electric Power 2,973.49 3.961   10/14/13 3.904 -11,607 11,779 172 275,460  326,524 48,936 375,460
  Buy SSE 50 Shanghai Oriental 2,412.51 4.398   12/23/13 4.388 10,609        337,133 38,327  
    Nikkei (FRA) Softbank Group 185.80 28.550   12/16/13 30.884 5,305        342,438 33,022  
      Tokyo Electric Power 1,338.17 3.964   12/16/13 3.730 5,305        347,742 27,718  
    Nikkei (TYO) short Nikon 789.57 13.437   11/18/13 13.220 10,609        358,351 17,109  
11/11/13 Sell OMXH 25 long Nokia 2,167.14 5.770   10/28/13 4.960 -10,749 12,504 1,755 277,216  347,602 29,613 377,216
    CAC Next 20 short STMicroelectronics 1,921.87 5.653 5.533 10/28/13 5.593 -10,749 10,634 -115 277,100  336,853 40,247 377,100
  Buy OMXH 25 Outokumpu 2,980.86 3.500   12/02/13 3.690 10,433        347,286 29,814  
11/18/13 Sell HSI-Prop short Hang Lung 1,652.71 2.531 2.606 6/10/13 2.568 -4,244 4,307 63 277,163  343,042 34,121 377,163
      Sino Land 3,944.34 1.043 1.110 6/10/13 1.076 -4,245 4,380 135 277,299  338,797 38,501 377,299
date B/S market l/s instrument pieces price prc short corresponding invest divest prf/loss acc p/l ∑ invest asset total
    Topix (FRA) Inpex 1,027.79 8.519 7.387 6/03/13 7.953 -8,174 7,592 -582 276,717  330,623 46,093 376,717
    Nikkei (TYO) Nikon 789.57 13.220 13.657 11/04/13 13.437 -10,609 10,783 174 276,891  320,014 56,876 376,891
  Buy HSI-Prop long CK Hutchison 457.48 11.852   2/10/14 10.645 5,422        325,436 51,454  
      China Ov Land & Inv 2,336.36 2.321   2/10/14 1.876 5,422        330,858 46,032  
    Topix (FRA) Softbank Group 378.58 28.644   11/25/13 31.950 10,844        341,702 35,188  
    Nikkei (TYO) Minebea Mitsumi 2,159.60 5.021   3/03/14 6.187 10,844        352,546 24,344  
11/25/13 Sell ISEQ 20 long Bank of Ireland 699.80 8.040   10/28/13 7.680 -5,374 5,626 252 277,143  347,172 29,971 377,143
      Smurfit Kappa 312.29 17.550   10/28/13 17.210 -5,375 5,481 106 277,249  341,797 35,451 377,249
    Topix (FRA) Softbank Group 378.58 31.950   11/18/13 28.644 -10,844 12,095 1,251 278,500  330,953 47,547 378,500
    GCX SunPower 1,132.00 21.795   2/11/13 7.063 -7,995 24,672 16,677 295,177  322,958 72,218 395,177
  Buy ISEQ 20 short Flutter 104.19 56.070   12/02/13 56.450 5,842        328,800 66,376  
      Ryanair 1,001.71 5.832   12/02/13 6.109 5,842        334,642 60,534  
    Topix (FRA) Komatsu 746.92 15.643   6/09/14 16.815 11,684        346,326 48,850  
    GCX Aurubis 275.73 42.375   1/06/14 43.845 11,684        358,010 37,166  
12/02/13 Sell ISEQ 20 short Flutter 104.19 56.450 55.690 11/25/13 56.070 -5,842 5,802 -40 295,137  352,169 42,969 395,137
      Ryanair 1,001.71 6.109 5.555 11/25/13 5.832 -5,842 5,565 -277 294,860  346,327 48,533 394,860
    OMXH 25 Outokumpu 2,980.86 3.690 3.310 11/11/13 3.500 -10,433 9,867 -566 294,293  335,894 58,400 394,293
    FT 30 long ITV 53.27 228.772   10/14/13 217.888 -11,607 12,187 580 294,873  324,287 70,587 394,873
  Buy ISEQ 20 Bank of Ireland 697.60 8.340   4/14/14 8.250 5,818        330,105 64,769  
      Smurfit Kappa 337.47 17.240   4/14/14 17.010 5,818        335,923 58,951  
    OMXH 25 Nokia 1,969.20 5.909   12/09/13 5.850 11,636        347,559 47,315  
12/09/13 Sell   long Nokia 1,969.20 5.850   12/02/13 5.909 -11,636 11,520 -116 294,757  335,923 58,834 394,757
    PSI 20 Teixeira Duarte 13,703.03 0.920   9/23/13 0.660 -9,044 12,607 3,563 298,320  326,879 71,441 398,320
  Buy OMXH 25 short Metso 1,753.62 6.697   5/12/14 8.620 11,744        338,623 59,697  
    CAC Next 20 STMicroelectronics 2,154.86 5.450   1/13/14 5.763 11,744        350,367 47,953  
date B/S market l/s instrument pieces price prc short corresponding invest divest prf/loss acc p/l ∑ invest asset total
12/16/13 Sell OBX 25 long REC Silicon 3,103.36 2.538   10/21/13 3.544 -10,998 7,875 -3,123 295,197  339,369 55,828 395,197
    Nikkei (FRA) Softbank Group 185.80 30.884   11/04/13 28.550 -5,305 5,738 434 295,631  334,064 61,567 395,631
      Tokyo Electric Power 1,338.17 3.730   11/04/13 3.964 -5,305 4,991 -313 295,317  328,760 66,558 395,317
    DJ Global Titans Bank of America 888.58 11.075   10/29/12 7.204 -6,401 9,841 3,440 298,757  322,359 76,399 398,757
  Buy IBEX 35 short Acciona 298.74 39.760   1/20/14 48.255 11,878        334,236 64,521  
    OBX 25 TGS-NOPEC 699.85 16.972   12/23/13 17.469 11,878        346,114 52,643  
    Nikkei (FRA) Nitto Denko 204.93 28.981   12/30/13 30.258 5,939        352,054 46,704  
      Pacific Metals 238.90 24.860   12/30/13 26.180 5,939        357,993 40,765  
    CAC Mid 60 Adocia 2,080.21 5.710   12/23/13 5.660 11,878        369,871 28,887  
    DJ Global Titans IBM 91.91 129.242   12/23/13 133.044 11,879        381,749 17,008  
12/23/13 Sell SSE 50 long Shanghai Oriental 2,412.51 4.388   11/04/13 4.398 -10,609 10,586 -23 298,735  371,140 27,594 398,735
    HSI Galaxy Entertainment 1,632.41 6.370   9/16/13 5.352 -8,736 10,399 1,663 300,397  362,404 37,993 400,397
    OBX 25 short TGS-NOPEC 699.85 17.469 16.475 12/16/13 16.972 -11,878 11,530 -348 300,049  350,526 49,523 400,049
    CAC Mid 60 Adocia 2,080.21 5.660 5.760 12/16/13 5.710 -11,878 11,983 105 300,154  338,648 61,506 400,154
    DJ Global Titans IBM 91.91 133.044 125.440 12/16/13 129.242 -11,879 11,529 -349 299,805  326,770 73,035 399,805
  Buy SSE 50 Poly Developments 18,448.57 0.641   6/02/14 0.591 11,820        338,590 61,215  
    PSI 20 long Impresa 10,844.04 1.090   5/12/14 1.759 11,820        350,410 49,395  
    OBX 25 DNO International 4,066.89 2.906   2/17/14 2.830 11,820        362,230 37,575  
    FT 30 Int Cons Airlines 25.07 471.516   1/27/14 485.635 11,821        374,050 25,754  
    DJ Global Titans Alphabet A 578.96 20.416   10/27/14 21.652 11,820        385,871 13,934  
12/30/13 Sell Nikkei (FRA) short Nitto Denko 204.93 30.258 27.704 12/16/13 28.981 -5,939 5,677 -262 299,543  379,931 19,612 399,543
      Pacific Metals 238.90 26.180 23.540 12/16/13 24.860 -5,939 5,624 -315 299,228  373,992 25,235 399,228
  Buy   long Minebea Mitsumi 1,006.16 5.273   2/10/14 6.030 5,305        379,298 19,930  
      Softbank Group 167.76 31.625   2/10/14 27.751 5,305        384,603 14,624  
1/06/14 Sell HSI-Fin long AIA 3,165.00 3.604   10/14/13 3.667 -11,607 11,408 -199 299,029  372,996 26,032 399,029
date B/S market l/s instrument pieces price prc short corresponding invest divest prf/loss acc p/l ∑ invest asset total
    GCX short Aurubis 275.73 43.845 40.905 11/25/13 42.375 -11,684 11,279 -405 298,623  361,312 37,311 398,623
  Buy HSI-Fin ICBC 23,226.77 0.469   6/02/14 0.478 10,898        372,210 26,413  
    GCX long Vestas Wind Systems 2,184.27 4.989   2/03/14 4.789 10,898        383,108 15,515  
1/13/14 Sell CAC Next 20 short STMicroelectronics 2,154.86 5.763 5.137 12/09/13 5.450 -11,744 11,070 -674 297,949  371,364 26,585 397,949
1/20/14 Sell IBEX 35 short Acciona 298.74 48.255 31.265 12/16/13 39.760 -11,878 9,340 -2,538 295,411  359,486 35,925 395,411
  Buy NZX 50 Chorus 11,510.46 0.937   6/02/14 1.063 10,783        370,269 25,142  
1/27/14 Sell Athex LC long Aegean Airlines 2,601.67 7.210   9/30/13 4.200 -10,927 18,758 7,831 303,242  359,342 43,900 403,242
    FT 30 Int Cons Airlines 25.07 485.635   12/23/13 471.516 -11,821 12,175 354 303,596  347,521 56,075 403,596
  Buy IBEX 35 short Repsol 655.69 17.525   2/17/14 17.625 11,491        359,012 44,584  
    Athex LC Eurobank Ergasias 234.51 49.000   5/09/16 0.875 11,491        370,503 33,093  
2/03/14 Sell HSI-C&I long Galaxy Entertainment 2,111.86 7.265   9/30/13 5.174 -10,927 15,342 4,415 308,011  359,576 48,434 408,011
    GCX Vestas Wind Systems 2,184.27 4.789   1/06/14 4.989 -10,898 10,461 -437 307,574  348,678 58,895 407,574
  Buy FT 30 Int Cons Airlines 23.34 499.638   2/10/14 509.014 11,662        360,340 47,234  
    GCX short Aurubis 287.22 40.600   3/03/14 38.880 11,661        372,001 35,573  
2/10/14 Sell HSI-Prop long CK Hutchison 457.48 10.645   11/18/13 11.852 -5,422 4,870 -552 307,022  366,579 40,443 407,022
      China Ov Land & Inv 2,336.36 1.876   11/18/13 2.321 -5,422 4,383 -1,039 305,983  361,157 44,826 405,983
    MerVal Telecom Argentina 2,014.52 2.998   8/12/13 4.215 -8,492 6,040 -2,452 303,531  352,665 50,866 403,531
    FT 30 Int Cons Airlines 23.34 509.014   2/03/14 499.638 -11,662 11,880 219 303,750  341,004 62,746 403,750
    Nikkei (FRA) Minebea Mitsumi 1,006.16 6.030   12/30/13 5.273 -5,305 6,067 762 304,511  335,698 68,813 404,511
      Softbank Group 167.76 27.751   12/30/13 31.625 -5,305 4,655 -650 303,861  330,393 73,469 403,861
  Buy HSI-Prop short New World Dev 1,690.71 3.529   7/28/14 3.549 5,967        336,359 67,502  
      The Wharf 3,224.61 1.850   7/28/14 2.205 5,967        342,326 61,536  
    Nikkei (FRA) Hitachi Zosen 1,399.60 4.263   6/30/14 3.700 5,966        348,292 55,569  
      Nitto Denko 190.64 31.297   6/30/14 33.890 5,966        354,259 49,603  
2/17/14 Sell IBEX 35 short Repsol 655.69 17.625 17.425 1/27/14 17.525 -11,491 11,425 -66 303,796  342,768 61,028 403,796
date B/S market l/s instrument pieces price prc short corresponding invest divest prf/loss acc p/l ∑ invest asset total
    OBX 25 long DNO International 4,066.89 2.830   12/23/13 2.906 -11,820 11,510 -310 303,486  330,948 72,538 403,486
  Buy   short Petroleum Geo-Srvcs 1,564.76 7.605   6/02/14 7.980 11,900        342,848 60,638  
2/24/14 Buy MerVal long Edenor 36,893.48 0.315   12/15/14 0.569 11,603        354,451 49,035  
3/03/14 Sell Nikkei (TYO) long Minebea Mitsumi 2,159.60 6.187   11/18/13 5.021 -10,844 13,360 2,516 306,002  343,607 62,396 406,002
    GCX short Aurubis 287.22 38.880 42.396 2/03/14 40.600 -11,661 12,177 516 306,518  331,945 74,573 406,518
  Buy Nikkei (TYO) Hitachi Zosen 3,063.58 3.926   3/31/14 3.419 12,027        343,972 62,546  
    GCX long Vestas Wind Systems 2,403.67 5.004   4/14/14 5.847 12,027        355,999 50,519  
3/10/14 Buy IBEX 35 short Inditex 544.83 20.970   6/09/14 21.750 11,425        367,425 39,094  
3/31/14 Sell Nikkei (TYO) short Hitachi Zosen 3,063.58 3.419 4.508 3/03/14 3.926 -12,027 13,812 1,785 308,303  355,398 52,906 408,303
  Buy SDAX Koenig & Bauer 937.40 12.300   5/05/14 11.730 11,530        366,928 41,376  
    Nikkei (TYO) long Minebea Mitsumi 1,789.51 6.443   4/07/14 6.630 11,530        378,458 29,846  
4/07/14 Sell   long Minebea Mitsumi 1,789.51 6.630   3/31/14 6.443 -11,530 11,864 334 308,637  366,928 41,709 408,637
  Buy   short Hitachi Zosen 3,260.83 3.453   7/28/14 3.842 11,258        378,186 30,451  
4/14/14 Sell ISEQ 20 long Bank of Ireland 697.60 8.250   12/02/13 8.340 -5,818 5,755 -63 308,574  372,368 36,206 408,574
      Smurfit Kappa 337.47 17.010   12/02/13 17.240 -5,818 5,740 -78 308,496  366,550 41,947 408,496
    BAX Morphosys 179.88 58.270   7/01/13 44.145 -7,941 10,482 2,541 311,037  358,609 52,428 411,037
    GEX Manz 168.83 65.730   9/23/13 53.570 -9,044 11,097 2,053 313,090  349,565 63,526 413,090
    GCX Vestas Wind Systems 2,403.67 5.847   3/03/14 5.004 -12,027 14,053 2,026 315,117  337,538 77,579 415,117
  Buy ISEQ 20 short C&C Group 1,374.67 4.480   1/19/15 3.322 6,159        343,696 71,420  
      Flutter 114.92 53.590   1/19/15 66.350 6,159        349,855 65,262  
    BAX Adtran Networks 3,845.46 3.203   4/21/14 3.210 12,317        362,172 52,945  
    GEX 4SC 429.74 28.662   1/26/15 18.284 12,317        374,489 40,628  
    GCX EJR 717.68 17.162   4/28/14 17.175 12,317        386,806 28,311  
4/21/14 Sell BAX short Adtran Networks 3,845.46 3.210 3.196 4/14/14 3.203 -12,317 12,290 -27 315,090  374,489 40,601 415,090
  Buy   long Sixt 393.78 28.930   5/05/14 28.890 11,392        385,881 29,209  
date B/S market l/s instrument pieces price prc short corresponding invest divest prf/loss acc p/l ∑ invest asset total
4/28/14 Sell Nordic 30 long Pandora 289.84 46.257   7/29/13 28.719 -8,324 13,407 5,083 320,173  377,557 42,616 420,173
    GCX short EJR 717.68 17.175 17.150 4/14/14 17.162 -12,317 12,308 -9 320,164  365,240 54,924 420,164
  Buy Germany SolarWorld 384.74 30.870   6/09/14 16.900 11,877        377,117 43,047  
    Nordic 30 Carlsberg A 160.91 73.812   5/05/14 74.896 11,877        388,994 31,170  
    GCX long Vestas Wind Systems 1,927.40 6.162   5/19/14 7.076 11,877        400,871 19,293  
5/05/14 Sell SDAX short Koenig & Bauer 937.40 11.730 12.898 3/31/14 12.300 -11,530 12,090 560 320,724  389,341 31,383 420,724
    Nordic 30 Carlsberg A 160.91 74.896 72.728 4/28/14 73.812 -11,877 11,703 -174 320,550  377,464 43,086 420,550
    BAX long Sixt 393.78 28.890   4/21/14 28.930 -11,392 11,376 -16 320,534  366,072 54,462 420,534
  Buy Nordic 30 Pandora 243.67 48.729   9/15/14 59.766 11,874        377,946 42,588  
    BAX short Adtran Networks 3,710.63 3.200   6/09/14 3.196 11,874        389,820 30,714  
5/12/14 Sell OMXH 25 short Metso 1,753.62 8.620 4.774 12/09/13 6.697 -11,744 8,372 -3,372 317,162  378,076 39,086 417,162
    PSI 20 long Impresa 10,844.04 1.759   12/23/13 1.090 -11,820 19,075 7,255 324,416  366,256 58,161 424,416
  Buy OMXH 25 Outokumpu 1,805.99 6.680   5/19/14 6.250 12,064        378,320 46,097  
5/19/14 Sell   long Outokumpu 1,805.99 6.250   5/12/14 6.680 -12,064 11,287 -777 323,640  366,256 57,384 423,640
    GCX Vestas Wind Systems 1,927.40 7.076   4/28/14 6.162 -11,877 13,639 1,762 325,402  354,379 71,023 425,402
  Buy HSI Citic Pacific 9,580.05 1.295   11/10/14 1.393 12,410        366,789 58,613  
    SDAX short WCM 7,645.86 1.623   5/26/14 1.623 12,410        379,199 46,203  
    OMXH 25 YIT 1,677.03 7.400   1/26/15 5.508 12,410        391,609 33,793  
    GCX Energy Recovery 3,681.95 3.371   3/02/15 3.076 12,410        404,019 21,383  
5/26/14 Sell SDAX short WCM 7,645.86 1.623 1.623 5/19/14 1.623 -12,410 12,410 0 325,402  391,609 33,793  
  Buy HSI-C&I long Tencent 1,128.75 10.170   10/06/14 12.196 11,479        403,088 22,314  
6/02/14 Sell SSE 50 short Poly Developments 18,448.57 0.591 0.695 12/23/13 0.641 -11,820 12,816 996 326,398  391,268 35,130 426,398
    HSI-Fin ICBC 23,226.77 0.478 0.460 1/06/14 0.469 -10,898 10,694 -204 326,193  380,370 45,824 426,193
    OBX 25 Petroleum Geo-Srvcs 1,564.76 7.980 7.230 2/17/14 7.605 -11,900 11,314 -586 325,607  368,470 57,138 425,607
    NZX 50 Chorus 11,510.46 1.063 0.811 1/20/14 0.937 -10,783 9,330 -1,453 324,155  357,687 66,468 424,155
date B/S market l/s instrument pieces price prc short corresponding invest divest prf/loss acc p/l ∑ invest asset total
  Buy SSE 50 long Sinolink Secs 10,665.22 1.150   6/23/14 1.117 12,265        369,952 54,203  
    HSI-Fin HK Exchgs & Clrg 896.21 13.685   9/29/14 17.213 12,265        382,217 41,938  
    OBX 25 Grieg Seafood 3,635.80 3.373   6/30/14 3.430 12,265        394,482 29,673  
    FT 30 National Grid 11.12 1,103.450   6/09/14 1,037.210 12,270        406,752 17,403  
    NZX 50 Tourism 17,614.53 0.696   7/21/14 0.758 12,265        419,017 5,138  
6/09/14 Sell Germany short SolarWorld 384.74 16.900 56.388 4/28/14 30.870 -11,877 21,695 9,818 333,972  407,140 26,832 433,972
    IBEX 35 Inditex 544.83 21.750 20.190 3/10/14 20.970 -11,425 11,000 -425 333,548  395,715 37,832 433,548
    FT 30 long National Grid 11.12 1,037.210   6/02/14 1,103.450 -12,270 11,534 -737 332,811  383,445 49,366 432,811
    Topix (FRA) short Komatsu 746.92 16.815 14.471 11/25/13 15.643 -11,684 10,809 -875 331,936  371,761 60,175 431,936
    BAX Adtran Networks 3,710.63 3.196 3.204 5/05/14 3.200 -11,874 11,889 15 331,950  359,887 72,064 431,950
  Buy SDAX WCM 7,878.20 1.599   12/29/14 1.381 12,600        372,487 59,464  
    FT 30 Tesco 27.36 460.539   11/17/14 306.530 12,600        385,087 46,863  
    Topix (FRA) long Fujitsu 2,518.49 5.003   9/15/14 4.810 12,600        397,687 34,263  
    BAX Cancom 638.30 19.740   6/16/14 18.403 12,600        410,287 21,663  
6/16/14 Sell   long Cancom 638.30 18.403   6/09/14 19.740 -12,600 11,746 -854 331,097  397,687 33,410 431,097
  Buy IBEX 35 short ArcelorMittal 354.13 32.790   3/02/15 28.860 11,612        409,299 21,798  
    BAX Adtran Networks 3,702.81 3.136   6/23/14 3.096 11,612        420,911 10,186  
6/23/14 Sell SSE 50 long Sinolink Secs 10,665.22 1.117   6/02/14 1.150 -12,265 11,913 -352 330,745  408,646 22,099 430,745
    BAX short Adtran Networks 3,702.81 3.096 3.177 6/16/14 3.136 -11,612 11,762 150 330,895  397,034 33,861 430,895
  Buy SSE 50 Kangmei Pharma 13,477.96 0.862   7/07/14 0.868 11,618        408,652 22,243  
    CAC Next 20 Arkema 164.43 70.655   1/26/15 62.720 11,618        420,270 10,625  
    CAC Mid 60 Viridien 33.84 343.360   1/19/15 153.600 11,619        431,889 -994  
    BAX long Wacker Neuson 701.15 16.570   7/14/14 17.170 11,618        443,507 -12,612  
6/30/14 Sell OBX 25 long Grieg Seafood 3,635.80 3.430   6/02/14 3.373 -12,265 12,470 205 331,100  431,242 -142 431,100
    Nikkei (FRA) short Hitachi Zosen 1,399.60 3.700 4.912 2/10/14 4.263 -5,966 6,874 908 332,008  425,276 6,732 432,008
date B/S market l/s instrument pieces price prc short corresponding invest divest prf/loss acc p/l ∑ invest asset total
      Nitto Denko 190.64 33.890 28.704 2/10/14 31.297 -5,966 5,472 -494 331,514  419,309 12,205 431,514
  Buy OBX 25 Norwegian 4.62 2,398.530   7/07/14 2,546.850 11,081        430,390 1,123  
    Nikkei (FRA) long Fujitsu 1,008.55 5.499   8/17/15 4.455 5,546        435,936 -4,423  
      Minebea Mitsumi 674.37 8.224   8/17/15 12.573 5,546        441,482 -9,969  
7/07/14 Sell SSE 50 short Kangmei Pharma 13,477.96 0.868 0.856 6/23/14 0.862 -11,618 11,532 -86 331,427  429,864 1,563 431,427
    OBX 25 Norwegian 4.62 2,546.850 2,250.210 6/30/14 2,398.530 -11,081 10,396 -685 330,742  418,783 11,959 430,742
  Buy SSE 50 long AECC Aviation Power 3,718.87 2.976   8/03/15 7.097 11,067        429,850 892  
    OBX 25 SalMar 821.01 13.480   7/28/14 14.639 11,067        440,917 -10,175  
7/14/14 Sell BAX long Wacker Neuson 701.15 17.170   6/23/14 16.570 -11,618 12,039 421 331,163  429,299 1,864 431,163
7/21/14 Sell NZX 50 long Tourism 17,614.53 0.758   6/02/14 0.696 -12,265 13,350 1,085 332,248  417,034 15,214 432,248
  Buy France short Viridien 41.85 267.296   12/29/14 160.352 11,186        428,220 4,027  
    NZX 50 a2 Milk 28,550.28 0.392   7/28/14 0.401 11,186        439,406 -7,159  
7/28/14 Sell MDAX long Dürr 330.91 30.355   7/01/13 23.998 -7,941 10,045 2,104 334,352  431,465 2,886 434,352
    HSI-Prop short New World Dev 1,690.71 3.549 3.509 2/10/14 3.529 -5,967 5,933 -33 334,318  425,499 8,819 434,318
      The Wharf 3,224.61 2.205 1.496 2/10/14 1.850 -5,967 4,824 -1,142 333,176  419,532 13,644 433,176
    OBX 25 long SalMar 821.01 14.639   7/07/14 13.480 -11,067 12,019 952 334,128  408,465 25,662 434,128
    NZX 50 short a2 Milk 28,550.28 0.401 0.383 7/21/14 0.392 -11,186 10,932 -254 333,874  397,279 36,594 433,874
    Nikkei (TYO) Hitachi Zosen 3,260.83 3.842 3.063 4/07/14 3.453 -11,258 9,988 -1,270 332,603  386,021 46,582 432,603
  Buy Germany SolarWorld 798.60 15.000   1/12/15 12.350 11,979        398,000 34,603  
    MDAX Südzucker 862.73 13.885   2/02/15 11.245 11,979        409,979 22,624  
    HSI-Prop long CK Hutchison 436.24 13.730   8/24/15 10.950 5,990        415,969 16,634  
      Sino Land 4,783.95 1.252   8/24/15 1.200 5,990        421,958 10,645  
    OBX 25 short Petroleum Geo-Srvcs 1,856.35 6.453   8/11/14 6.127 11,979        433,937 -1,334  
    NZX 50 long Tourism 16,098.64 0.744   2/22/16 1.542 11,979        445,916 -13,313  
    BAX Nemetschek 1,885.21 6.354   8/04/14 6.125 11,979        457,895 -25,292  
date B/S market l/s instrument pieces price prc short corresponding invest divest prf/loss acc p/l ∑ invest asset total
    Nikkei (TYO) Minebea Mitsumi 1,310.91 9.138   10/20/14 9.651 11,979        469,874 -37,271  
8/04/14 Sell HDAX long Dürr 510.58 28.230   1/23/12 9.125 -4,659 14,414 9,755 342,358  465,215 -22,857 442,358
    MIB Azimut 747.53 18.460   11/05/12 9.304 -6,955 13,799 6,844 349,202  458,260 -9,058 449,202
    BAX Nemetschek 1,885.21 6.125   7/28/14 6.354 -11,979 11,547 -432 348,770  446,281 2,489 448,770
    Indices Merval 16.94 750.468   8/12/13 501.316 -8,492 12,713 4,221 352,991  437,789 15,202 452,991
  Buy HDAX short Südzucker 898.92 13.020   1/12/15 11.160 11,704        449,493 3,498  
    Indices PSI 20 2.00 5,854.360   8/18/14 5,654.350 11,709        461,202 -8,211  
8/11/14 Sell ATX long Wienerberger 841.79 11.525   10/21/13 13.065 -10,998 9,702 -1,296 351,694  450,204 1,491 451,694
    DAX Continental 78.80 133.083   7/16/12 59.533 -4,691 10,487 5,796 357,490  445,513 11,978 457,490
    OBX 25 short Petroleum Geo-Srvcs 1,856.35 6.127 6.796 7/28/14 6.453 -11,979 12,616 637 358,127  433,533 24,594 458,127
  Buy ATX Raiffeisen Bank Int 638.18 18.910   2/16/15 13.795 12,068        445,601 12,526  
    DAX Adidas 210.06 57.450   8/18/14 60.070 12,068        457,669 458  
    OBX 25 long SalMar 916.14 13.173   8/18/14 12.880 12,068        469,737 -11,610  
8/18/14 Sell DAX short Adidas 210.06 60.070 54.830 8/11/14 57.450 -12,068 11,518 -550 357,577  457,669 -93 457,577
    OBX 25 long SalMar 916.14 12.880   8/11/14 13.173 -12,068 11,800 -268 357,309  445,601 11,707 457,309
    Indices short PSI 20 2.00 5,654.350 6,061.440 8/04/14 5,854.360 -11,709 12,123 414 357,723  433,893 23,830 457,723
  Buy DAX long Vonovia 527.29 22.830   10/06/14 22.420 12,038        445,931 11,792  
    OBX 25 short Petroleum Geo-Srvcs 1,973.54 6.100   2/16/15 5.700 12,038        457,969 -246  
    Indices long Merval 15.35 784.124   10/06/14 1,022.100 12,036        470,005 -12,282  
9/01/14 Sell OMXC 20 long Vestas Wind Systems 3,678.94 6.373   7/01/13 2.159 -7,941 23,445 15,504 373,227  462,064 11,163 473,227
  Buy   short Demant 1,029.44 11.763   9/08/14 11.966 12,109        474,173 -946  
9/08/14 Sell   short Demant 1,029.44 11.966 11.559 9/01/14 11.763 -12,109 11,899 -210 373,017  462,064 10,953 473,017
  Buy   long Pandora 210.59 57.454   9/29/14 61.631 12,099        474,163 -1,146  
9/15/14 Sell Nordic 30 long Pandora 243.67 59.766   5/05/14 48.729 -11,874 14,563 2,689 375,707  462,289 13,417 475,707
    Topix (FRA) Fujitsu 2,518.49 4.810   6/09/14 5.003 -12,600 12,114 -486 375,220  449,689 25,531 475,220
date B/S market l/s instrument pieces price prc short corresponding invest divest prf/loss acc p/l ∑ invest asset total
  Buy Nordic 30 short Volvo 1,423.92 8.791   11/10/14 9.334 12,518        462,207 13,013  
    Topix (FRA) Aeon 1,594.45 7.851   1/05/15 8.291 12,518        474,725 495  
9/29/14 Sell HSI-Fin long HK Exchgs & Clrg 896.21 17.213   6/02/14 13.685 -12,265 15,426 3,161 378,381  462,460 15,921 478,381
    TSX 60 Bausch Health 142.13 102.197   9/30/13 76.879 -10,927 14,525 3,598 381,980  451,534 30,446 481,980
    OMXC 20 Pandora 210.59 61.631   9/08/14 57.454 -12,099 12,979 880 382,860  439,434 43,425 482,860
  Buy HSI-Fin short ICBC 26,419.68 0.498   11/03/14 0.526 13,157        452,591 30,268  
10/06/14 Sell DAX long Vonovia 527.29 22.420   8/18/14 22.830 -12,038 11,822 -216 382,643  440,553 42,090 482,643
    HSI-C&I Tencent 1,128.75 12.196   5/26/14 10.170 -11,479 13,766 2,287 384,931  429,074 55,856 484,931
    Indices Merval 15.35 1,022.100   8/18/14 784.124 -12,036 15,689 3,653 388,584  417,038 71,546 488,584
  Buy DAX short Deutsche Lufthansa 1,159.19 12.080   11/17/14 13.145 14,003        431,041 57,543  
    HSI-C&I Galaxy Entertainment 2,842.44 4.926   4/13/15 4.822 14,003        445,044 43,540  
    PSI 20 Pharol 8,590.80 1.630   2/23/15 0.697 14,003        459,047 29,537  
    Indices PSI 20 2.53 5,537.710   2/23/15 5,494.440 14,010        473,057 15,526  
10/13/14 Sell S&P 100 long Gilead Sciences 272.68 79.611   9/17/12 25.063 -6,834 21,708 14,874 403,458  466,223 37,234 503,458
    BEL 20 KBC 242.36 40.740   7/15/13 31.350 -7,598 9,874 2,276 405,734  458,625 47,108 505,734
    OMXS 30 Nokia 1,220.02 6.407   7/08/13 3.186 -3,887 7,816 3,930 409,663  454,739 54,924 509,663
      Kinnevik 177.73 22.475   7/08/13 21.868 -3,887 3,995 108 409,771  450,852 58,919 509,771
  Buy S&P 100 short General Motors 608.10 23.379   10/27/14 23.689 14,217        465,069 44,702  
    BEL 20 Galapagos 1,279.08 11.115   11/17/14 12.800 14,217        479,286 30,485  
    OMXS 30 MTG 307.39 23.125   11/03/14 24.302 7,108        486,395 23,376  
10/20/14 Sell Kospi 50 long Amorepacific Group 181.27 87.497   7/23/12 26.166 -4,743 15,861 11,118 420,889  481,652 39,237 520,889
    Europe 50 Roche 20.29 222.572   12/19/11 129.719 -2,632 4,516 1,884 422,773  479,020 43,753 522,773
    Nikkei (TYO) Minebea Mitsumi 1,310.91 9.651   7/28/14 9.138 -11,979 12,651 672 423,445  467,041 56,404 523,445
    SP Global 100 Apple 335.81 19.487   4/30/12 15.738 -5,285 6,544 1,259 424,704  461,756 62,948 524,704
  Buy Kospi 50 short Hyundai Heavy 175.78 83.577   12/08/14 94.176 14,691        476,447 48,257  
date B/S market l/s instrument pieces price prc short corresponding invest divest prf/loss acc p/l ∑ invest asset total
    Europe 50 Deutsche Bank 681.87 21.545   11/10/14 21.563 14,691        491,138 33,566  
    Nikkei (TYO) Toyo Seikan 1,789.08 8.212   10/27/14 8.725 14,691        505,829 18,875  
    SP Global 100 Deutsche Bank 681.87 21.545   11/03/14 22.134 14,691        520,520 4,184  
10/27/14 Sell S&P 100 short General Motors 608.10 23.689 23.070 10/13/14 23.379 -14,217 14,029 -188 424,516  506,303 18,213 524,516
    Nikkei (TYO) Toyo Seikan 1,789.08 8.725 7.698 10/20/14 8.212 -14,691 13,772 -919 423,597  491,612 31,985 523,597
    DJ Global Titans long Alphabet A 578.96 21.652   12/23/13 20.416 -11,820 12,536 716 424,313  479,792 44,521 524,313
  Buy S&P 100 Gilead Sciences 160.37 88.668   6/08/15 100.700 14,220        494,011 30,301  
    Nikkei (TYO) Minebea Mitsumi 1,357.21 10.477   8/24/15 10.589 14,220        508,231 16,081  
    DJ Global Titans short Samsung Electronics 867.78 16.387   11/10/14 18.745 14,220        522,451 1,861  
11/03/14 Sell HSI-Fin short ICBC 26,419.68 0.526 0.470 9/29/14 0.498 -13,157 12,428 -729 423,583  509,294 14,289 523,583
    OMXS 30 MTG 307.39 24.302 21.949 10/13/14 23.125 -7,108 6,747 -362 423,222  502,186 21,036 523,222
    SP Global 100 Deutsche Bank 681.87 22.134 20.956 10/20/14 21.545 -14,691 14,289 -402 422,820  487,495 35,325 522,820
  Buy HSI-Fin long HK Exchgs & Clrg 789.69 17.669   11/24/14 17.528 13,953        501,448 21,372  
    OMXC 20 Pandora 209.26 66.679   11/17/14 66.322 13,953        515,401 7,419  
    OMXS 30 Boliden 531.87 13.117   6/08/15 18.209 6,977        522,378 442  
      Electrolux 310.68 22.455   6/08/15 27.196 6,976        529,354 -6,534  
    SP Global 100 Apple 637.20 21.898   8/24/15 22.212 13,953        543,307 -20,487  
11/10/14 Sell HSI long Citic Pacific 9,580.05 1.393   5/19/14 1.295 -12,410 13,345 935 423,755  530,897 -7,142 523,755
    Europe 50 short Deutsche Bank 681.87 21.563 21.527 10/20/14 21.545 -14,691 14,679 -12 423,743  516,206 7,537 523,743
    Nordic 30 Volvo 1,423.92 9.334 8.249 9/15/14 8.791 -12,518 11,745 -772 422,970  503,688 19,282 522,970
    DJ Global Titans Samsung Electronics 867.78 18.745 14.028 10/27/14 16.387 -14,220 12,174 -2,046 420,924  489,468 31,456 520,924
  Buy HSI Kunlun Energy 13,330.44 1.036   1/12/15 0.825 13,809        503,277 17,647  
    Europe 50 long Novartis 223.03 61.916   8/24/15 69.088 13,809        517,086 3,838  
    Nordic 30 Pandora 202.61 68.154   6/01/15 91.032 13,809        530,895 -9,971  
    DJ Global Titans Apple 630.57 21.899   12/15/14 21.746 13,809        544,704 -23,780  
date B/S market l/s instrument pieces price prc short corresponding invest divest prf/loss acc p/l ∑ invest asset total
11/17/14 Sell DAX short Deutsche Lufthansa 1,159.19 13.145 11.015 10/06/14 12.080 -14,003 12,768 -1,235 419,689  530,701 -11,012 519,689
    BEL 20 Galapagos 1,279.08 12.800 9.430 10/13/14 11.115 -14,217 12,062 -2,155 417,534  516,484 1,050 517,534
    OMXC 20 long Pandora 209.26 66.322   11/03/14 66.679 -13,953 13,879 -75 417,459  502,531 14,929 517,459
    FT 30 short Tesco 27.36 306.530 691.926 6/09/14 460.539 -12,600 18,931 6,331 423,790  489,930 33,860 523,790
  Buy DAX long Merck (EMD) 181.83 76.670   7/06/15 90.640 13,941        503,871 19,919  
    BEL 20 Proximus 457.08 30.500   11/24/14 30.740 13,941        517,812 5,978  
    OMXC 20 short FLSmidth 420.15 33.181   11/24/14 35.297 13,941        531,753 -7,963  
    FT 30 long Man Group 82.23 169.534   12/15/14 177.040 13,941        545,694 -21,904  
11/24/14 Sell HSI-Fin long HK Exchgs & Clrg 789.69 17.528   11/03/14 17.669 -13,953 13,842 -111 423,679  531,741 -8,062 523,679
    BEL 20 Proximus 457.08 30.740   11/17/14 30.500 -13,941 14,051 110 423,789  517,800 5,988 523,789
    OMXC 20 short FLSmidth 420.15 35.297 31.065 11/17/14 33.181 -13,941 13,052 -889 422,900  503,859 19,040 522,900
  Buy HSI-Fin HSBC 1,695.26 7.992   1/26/15 8.332 13,548        517,407 5,492  
    BEL 20 Galapagos 1,050.23 12.900   12/01/14 13.020 13,548        530,955 -8,056  
    OMXC 20 long Pandora 201.59 67.207   8/17/15 107.440 13,548        544,503 -21,604  
12/01/14 Sell BEL 20 short Galapagos 1,050.23 13.020 12.780 11/24/14 12.900 -13,548 13,422 -126 422,774  530,955 -8,182 522,774
  Buy   long Proximus 406.96 31.610   12/15/14 29.550 12,864        543,819 -21,046  
12/08/14 Sell Kospi 50 short Hyundai Heavy 175.78 94.176 72.978 10/20/14 83.577 -14,691 12,828 -1,863 420,910  529,128 -8,218 520,910
  Buy   long Amorepacific Group 154.55 82.934   7/06/15 157.893 12,817        541,946 -21,035  
12/15/14 Sell BEL 20 long Proximus 406.96 29.550   12/01/14 31.610 -12,864 12,026 -838 420,072  529,082 -9,010 520,072
    MerVal Edenor 36,893.48 0.569   2/24/14 0.315 -11,603 20,978 9,375 429,447  517,479 11,968 529,447
    FT 30 Man Group 82.23 177.040   11/17/14 169.534 -13,941 14,558 617 430,064  503,538 26,526 530,064
    DJ Global Titans Apple 630.57 21.746   11/10/14 21.899 -13,809 13,712 -97 429,967  489,729 40,238 529,967
  Buy BEL 20 short Umicore 914.66 15.585   1/19/15 16.578 14,255        503,984 25,983  
    FT 30 Tesco 54.31 262.480   12/22/14 292.250 14,255        518,239 11,728  
12/22/14 Sell TecDAX short SMA Solar 219.23 14.800 46.789 5/21/12 26.315 -5,769 10,258 4,489 434,456  512,470 21,986 534,456
date B/S market l/s instrument pieces price prc short corresponding invest divest prf/loss acc p/l ∑ invest asset total
    FT 30 Tesco 54.31 292.250 232.709 12/15/14 262.480 -14,255 12,638 -1,617 432,839  498,215 34,624 532,839
  Buy   long Man Group 70.70 200.637   1/05/15 211.401 14,185        512,400 20,439  
12/29/14 Sell France short Viridien 41.85 160.352 445.565 7/21/14 267.296 -11,186 18,647 7,461 440,300  501,214 39,086 540,300
    SDAX WCM 7,878.20 1.381 1.852 6/09/14 1.599 -12,600 14,587 1,987 442,287  488,614 53,673 542,287
  Buy France long Adocia 312.35 47.700   6/08/15 66.230 14,899        503,513 38,774  
    SDAX Patrizia Immobilien 1,211.30 12.300   1/19/15 14.055 14,899        518,412 23,875  
1/05/15 Sell FT 30 long Man Group 70.70 211.401   12/22/14 200.637 -14,185 14,946 761 443,048  504,227 38,821 543,048
    Topix (FRA) short Aeon 1,594.45 8.291 7.411 9/15/14 7.851 -12,518 11,816 -702 442,346  491,709 50,638 542,346
  Buy FT 30 Tesco 50.42 294.006   1/19/15 365.061 14,824        506,532 35,814  
    Topix (FRA) long Oriental Land 1,546.47 9.586   2/02/15 10.843 14,824        521,356 20,990  
1/12/15 Sell Germany short SolarWorld 798.60 12.350 18.219 7/28/14 15.000 -11,979 14,549 2,570 444,917  509,377 35,539 544,917
    HSI Kunlun Energy 13,330.44 0.825 1.300 11/10/14 1.036 -13,809 17,335 3,526 448,443  495,568 52,874 548,443
    HDAX Südzucker 898.92 11.160 15.190 8/04/14 13.020 -11,704 13,655 1,951 450,393  483,864 66,529 550,393
  Buy Germany long Ströer Media 626.57 24.615   6/15/15 40.315 15,423        499,287 51,106  
    HSI China Life Ins HK 4,653.75 3.314   7/13/15 3.728 15,423        514,710 35,683  
    HDAX Ströer Media 626.57 24.615   8/24/15 47.670 15,423        530,133 20,260  
1/19/15 Sell SDAX long Patrizia Immobilien 1,211.30 14.055   12/29/14 12.300 -14,899 17,025 2,126 452,519  515,234 37,285 552,519
    ISEQ 20 short C&C Group 1,374.67 3.322 6.042 4/14/14 4.480 -6,159 8,305 2,147 454,666  509,076 45,590 554,666
      Flutter 114.92 66.350 40.830 4/14/14 53.590 -6,159 4,692 -1,466 453,199  502,917 50,282 553,199
    BEL 20 Umicore 914.66 16.578 14.593 12/15/14 15.585 -14,255 13,347 -908 452,292  488,662 63,629 552,292
    FT 30 Tesco 50.42 365.061 222.950 1/05/15 294.006 -14,824 11,241 -3,583 448,709  473,839 74,870 548,709
    CAC Mid 60 Viridien 33.84 153.600 767.553 6/23/14 343.360 -11,619 25,974 14,355 463,064  462,219 100,844 563,064
  Buy SDAX SGL Carbon 1,177.93 14.090   1/26/15 15.480 16,597        478,816 84,247  
    ISEQ 20 long Glanbia 599.17 13.850   6/08/15 17.420 8,299        487,115 75,949  
      Ryanair 852.88 9.730   6/08/15 11.660 8,299        495,413 67,650  
date B/S market l/s instrument pieces price prc short corresponding invest divest prf/loss acc p/l ∑ invest asset total
    BEL 20 bpost 726.03 22.860   9/28/15 21.000 16,597        512,010 51,053  
    FT 30 Man Group 79.09 209.841   6/08/15 231.072 16,596        528,607 34,457  
    CAC Mid 60 Adocia 262.61 63.200   6/08/15 66.230 16,597        545,204 17,860  
1/26/15 Sell SDAX short SGL Carbon 1,177.93 15.480 12.700 1/19/15 14.090 -16,597 14,960 -1,637 461,426  528,607 32,820 561,426
    HSI-Fin HSBC 1,695.26 8.332 7.651 11/24/14 7.992 -13,548 12,971 -577 460,849  515,059 45,790 560,849
    OMXH 25 YIT 1,677.03 5.508 9.942 5/19/14 7.400 -12,410 16,673 4,263 465,112  502,649 62,463 565,112
    CAC Next 20 Arkema 164.43 62.720 79.594 6/23/14 70.655 -11,618 13,088 1,470 466,582  491,031 75,551 566,582
    GEX 4SC 429.74 18.284 44.930 4/14/14 28.662 -12,317 19,308 6,991 473,573  478,714 94,859 573,573
  Buy SDAX long Patrizia Immobilien 1,117.73 14.950   6/29/15 22.015 16,710        495,424 78,149  
    HSI-Fin China Life Ins HK 4,473.06 3.736   8/03/15 3.251 16,710        512,134 61,439  
    OMXH 25 Neste 2,068.07 8.080   5/11/15 7.640 16,710        528,844 44,729  
    GEX Ströer Media 624.67 26.750   6/01/15 38.770 16,710        545,554 28,019  
2/02/15 Sell MDAX short Südzucker 862.73 11.245 17.145 7/28/14 13.885 -11,979 14,791 2,812 476,385  533,575 42,811 576,385
    AEX KPN 1,656.09 2.756 4.771 10/15/12 3.626 -6,005 7,901 1,896 478,281  527,570 50,711 578,281
    Topix (FRA) long Oriental Land 1,546.47 10.843   1/05/15 9.586 -14,824 16,769 1,945 480,225  512,746 67,480 580,225
  Buy MDAX Ströer Media 627.84 25.790   11/16/15 61.450 16,192        528,938 51,288  
    Topix (FRA) short Orix 1,626.03 9.958   2/09/15 10.802 16,192        545,130 35,096  
2/09/15 Sell   short Orix 1,626.03 10.802 9.114 2/02/15 9.958 -16,192 14,820 -1,372 478,853  528,938 49,915 578,853
  Buy MerVal long Aluar 16,768.72 0.937   2/16/15 0.944 15,719        544,657 34,196  
    Topix (FRA) Sony 694.70 22.627   5/18/15 28.471 15,719        560,376 18,477  
2/16/15 Sell ATX short Raiffeisen Bank Int 638.18 13.795 25.922 8/11/14 18.910 -12,068 16,543 4,475 483,328  548,308 35,020 583,328
    OBX 25 Petroleum Geo-Srvcs 1,973.54 5.700 6.528 8/18/14 6.100 -12,038 12,883 845 484,173  536,270 47,903 584,173
    MerVal long Aluar 16,768.72 0.944   2/09/15 0.937 -15,719 15,831 112 484,285  520,551 63,735 584,285
  Buy ATX Zumtobel 767.95 21.095   9/07/15 23.775 16,200        536,751 47,535  
    OBX 25 Frontline 1,301.37 12.448   2/23/15 11.234 16,200        552,951 31,335  
date B/S market l/s instrument pieces price prc short corresponding invest divest prf/loss acc p/l ∑ invest asset total
2/23/15 Sell PSI 20 short Pharol 8,590.80 0.697 3.812 10/06/14 1.630 -14,003 32,747 18,744 503,030  538,948 64,082 603,030
    OBX 25 long Frontline 1,301.37 11.234   2/16/15 12.448 -16,200 14,620 -1,580 501,449  522,748 78,702 601,449
    Indices short PSI 20 2.53 5,494.440 5,581.320 10/06/14 5,537.710 -14,010 14,121 110 501,560  508,737 92,822 601,560
  Buy PSI 20 long Altri 5,740.41 3.024   5/25/15 4.081 17,359        526,096 75,463  
    MerVal Comercial del Plata 70,194.10 0.247   3/02/15 0.261 17,359        543,455 58,104  
    Indices SSE 50 ew 51.60 336.435   7/27/15 382.611 17,360        560,815 40,744  
3/02/15 Sell IBEX 35 short ArcelorMittal 354.13 28.860 37.255 6/16/14 32.790 -11,612 13,193 1,581 503,141  549,203 53,937 603,141
    MerVal long Comercial del Plata 70,194.10 0.261   2/23/15 0.247 -17,359 18,328 969 504,109  531,844 72,265 604,109
    GCX short Energy Recovery 3,681.95 3.076 3.693 5/19/14 3.371 -12,410 13,599 1,189 505,298  519,434 85,864 605,298
  Buy IBEX 35 long Intl. Cons. Airlines 2,187.22 7.900   3/09/15 7.660 17,279        536,713 68,585  
    DJ Global Titans Apple 598.80 28.856   3/30/15 29.169 17,279        553,992 51,306  
    GCX Shimano 124.17 139.151   6/01/15 129.753 17,278        571,271 34,028  
3/09/15 Sell IBEX 35 long Intl. Cons. Airlines 2,187.22 7.660   3/02/15 7.900 -17,279 16,754 -525 504,773  553,992 50,782 604,773
  Buy   short Endesa 929.02 17.640   3/23/15 18.130 16,388        570,380 34,394  
    MerVal long Comercial del Plata 59,034.58 0.278   6/29/15 0.285 16,388        586,768 18,006  
3/23/15 Sell IBEX 35 short Endesa 929.02 18.130 17.150 3/09/15 17.640 -16,388 15,933 -455 504,318  570,380 33,938 604,318
  Buy   long Intl. Cons. Airlines 1,969.88 8.100   5/11/15 7.890 15,956        586,336 17,982  
    TSX 60 Bausch Health 85.89 185.781   5/11/15 200.704 15,957        602,292 2,026  
3/30/15 Sell DJ Global Titans long Apple 598.80 29.169   3/02/15 28.856 -17,279 17,466 187 504,505  585,014 19,492 604,505
  Buy   short ConocoPhilips 263.99 59.090   4/27/15 61.591 15,599        600,613 3,893  
4/13/15 Sell HSI-C&I short Galaxy Entertainment 2,842.44 4.822 5.033 10/06/14 4.926 -14,003 14,305 302 504,808  586,610 18,198 604,808
    ÖkoDAX (deprecated) SolarWorld 71.99 14.550 772.962 4/29/13 106.050 -7,635 55,646 48,011 552,819  578,975 73,843 652,819
  Buy HSI-C&I long Tencent 872.72 20.815   7/06/15 17.093 18,166        597,141 55,678  
    OBX 25 Frontline 1,327.41 13.685   5/18/15 12.057 18,166        615,307 37,512  
4/27/15 Sell DJ Global Titans short ConocoPhilips 263.99 61.591 56.589 3/30/15 59.090 -15,599 14,939 -660 552,158  599,708 52,450 652,158
date B/S market l/s instrument pieces price prc short corresponding invest divest prf/loss acc p/l ∑ invest asset total
  Buy   long Mitsubishi UFJ 2,714.80 6.489   6/08/15 6.373 17,615        617,323 34,835  
5/11/15 Sell IBEX 35 long Intl. Cons. Airlines 1,969.88 7.890   3/23/15 8.100 -15,956 15,542 -414 551,745  601,367 50,378 651,745
    OMXH 25 Neste 2,068.07 7.640   1/26/15 8.080 -16,710 15,800 -910 550,835  584,657 66,178 650,835
    TSX 60 Bausch Health 85.89 200.704   3/23/15 185.781 -15,957 17,238 1,282 552,116  568,700 83,416 652,116
  Buy IBEX 35 short Obrascón Huarte Lain 960.71 19.140   4/25/16 5.840 18,388        587,088 65,028  
    OMXH 25 Outokumpu 3,512.51 5.235   1/04/16 2.584 18,388        605,476 46,640  
    TSX 60 Cenovus Energy 1,185.86 15.506   3/21/16 12.064 18,388        623,864 28,252  
5/18/15 Sell OBX 25 long Frontline 1,327.41 12.057   4/13/15 13.685 -18,166 16,004 -2,162 549,955  605,698 44,257 649,955
    Topix (FRA) Sony 694.70 28.471   2/09/15 22.627 -15,719 19,779 4,060 554,015  589,979 64,035 654,015
  Buy OBX 25 short REC Silicon 8,481.46 2.117   6/01/15 1.852 17,951        607,930 46,084  
5/25/15 Sell PSI 20 long Altri 5,740.41 4.081   2/23/15 3.024 -17,359 23,427 6,068 560,082  590,571 69,511 660,082
  Buy   short Pharol 35,762.75 0.510   11/23/15 0.369 18,239        608,810 51,272  
    Topix (FRA) long Sony 639.96 28.500   6/01/15 28.394 18,239        627,049 33,033  
6/01/15 Sell OBX 25 short REC Silicon 8,481.46 1.852 2.418 5/18/15 2.117 -17,951 20,511 2,560 562,642  609,098 53,544 662,642
    Nordic 30 long Pandora 202.61 91.032   11/10/14 68.154 -13,809 18,444 4,635 567,277  595,289 71,988 667,277
    Topix (FRA) Sony 639.96 28.394   5/25/15 28.500 -18,239 18,171 -68 567,209  577,050 90,159 667,209
    GEX Ströer Media 624.67 38.770   1/26/15 26.750 -16,710 24,218 7,509 574,718  560,340 114,377 674,718
    GCX Shimano 124.17 129.753   3/02/15 139.151 -17,278 16,111 -1,167 573,551  543,062 130,489 673,551
  Buy TecDAX short Aixtron 2,913.04 6.900   4/25/16 4.108 20,100        563,162 110,389  
    OBX 25 long Frontline 1,611.13 12.476   6/08/15 12.298 20,100        583,262 90,289  
    Nordic 30 short Fortum 1,160.51 17.320   11/30/15 13.820 20,100        603,362 70,189  
    GCX REC Silicon 10,850.79 1.852   10/05/20 0.464 20,100        623,462 50,089  
6/08/15 Sell S&P 100 long Gilead Sciences 160.37 100.700   10/27/14 88.668 -14,220 16,149 1,930 575,481  609,242 66,238 675,481
    France Adocia 312.35 66.230   12/29/14 47.700 -14,899 20,687 5,788 581,268  594,343 86,925 681,268
    ISEQ 20 Glanbia 599.17 17.420   1/19/15 13.850 -8,299 10,438 2,139 583,407  586,045 97,363 683,407
date B/S market l/s instrument pieces price prc short corresponding invest divest prf/loss acc p/l ∑ invest asset total
      Ryanair 852.88 11.660   1/19/15 9.730 -8,299 9,945 1,646 585,053  577,746 107,307 685,053
    OBX 25 Frontline 1,611.13 12.298   6/01/15 12.476 -20,100 19,814 -286 584,767  557,646 127,121 684,767
    OMXS 30 Boliden 531.87 18.209   11/03/14 13.117 -6,977 9,685 2,708 587,475  550,670 136,806 687,475
      Electrolux 310.68 27.196   11/03/14 22.455 -6,976 8,449 1,473 588,948  543,693 145,255 688,948
    FT 30 Man Group 79.09 231.072   1/19/15 209.841 -16,596 18,275 1,679 590,627  527,097 163,530 690,627
    CAC Mid 60 Adocia 262.61 66.230   1/19/15 63.200 -16,597 17,393 796 591,423  510,500 180,923 691,423
    DJ Global Titans Mitsubishi UFJ 2,714.80 6.373   4/27/15 6.489 -17,615 17,301 -314 591,109  492,885 198,224 691,109
  Buy S&P 100 short Norfolk Southern 275.68 80.648   6/15/15 80.979 22,233        515,118 175,991  
    France Solocal 31.74 700.450   11/23/15 390.360 22,232        537,350 153,759  
    ISEQ 20 FBD 1,198.67 9.274   8/10/15 7.120 11,116        548,467 142,642  
    OBX 25 DNO International 17,451.33 1.274   12/21/15 0.607 22,233        570,700 120,409  
    OMXS 30 SSAB 2,171.19 5.120   10/26/15 3.388 11,116        581,816 109,293  
      Telia Company 2,113.93 5.259   10/26/15 4.765 11,117        592,933 98,176  
    FT 30 Tate & Lyle 29.50 753.704   12/28/15 807.108 22,234        615,167 75,942  
    DJ Global Titans BHP 1,168.95 19.020   7/13/15 17.787 22,233        637,400 53,709  
6/15/15 Sell S&P 100 short Norfolk Southern 275.68 80.979 80.318 6/08/15 80.648 -22,233 22,142 -91 591,018  615,167 75,851 691,018
    Germany long Ströer Media 626.57 40.315   1/12/15 24.615 -15,423 25,260 9,837 600,855  599,744 101,111 700,855
  Buy S&P 100 Starbucks 432.74 46.330   7/06/15 49.123 20,049        619,793 81,062  
6/29/15 Sell SDAX long Patrizia Immobilien 1,117.73 22.015   1/26/15 14.950 -16,710 24,607 7,897 608,752  603,083 105,669 708,752
    MerVal Comercial del Plata 59,034.58 0.285   3/09/15 0.278 -16,388 16,819 431 609,183  586,695 122,488 709,183
7/06/15 Sell S&P 100 long Starbucks 432.74 49.123   6/15/15 46.330 -20,049 21,257 1,208 610,391  566,646 143,745 710,391
    Kospi 50 Amorepacific Group 154.55 157.893   12/08/14 82.934 -12,817 24,402 11,585 621,976  553,829 168,148 721,976
    DAX Merck (EMD) 181.83 90.640   11/17/14 76.670 -13,941 16,481 2,540 624,516  539,888 184,629 724,516
    HSI-C&I Tencent 872.72 17.093   4/13/15 20.815 -18,166 14,917 -3,249 621,268  521,722 199,546 721,268
  Buy S&P 100 short Norfolk Southern 292.71 78.643   7/13/15 78.579 23,020        544,741 176,526  
date B/S market l/s instrument pieces price prc short corresponding invest divest prf/loss acc p/l ∑ invest asset total
    CAC 40 ArcelorMittal 912.41 25.230   3/27/17 22.800 23,020        567,762 153,506  
    DAX RWE 1,196.47 19.240   7/13/15 20.205 23,020        590,782 130,486  
    HSI-C&I Sands China 6,803.40 3.384   5/09/16 3.084 23,020        613,802 107,466  
7/13/15 Sell S&P 100 short Norfolk Southern 292.71 78.579 78.708 7/06/15 78.643 -23,020 23,039 19 621,287  590,782 130,505 721,287
    HSI long China Life Ins HK 4,653.75 3.728   1/12/15 3.314 -15,423 17,351 1,928 623,215  575,359 147,856 723,215
    DAX short RWE 1,196.47 20.205 18.275 7/06/15 19.240 -23,020 21,865 -1,155 622,060  552,339 169,721 722,060
    DJ Global Titans BHP 1,168.95 17.787 20.338 6/08/15 19.020 -22,233 23,774 1,541 623,601  530,106 193,495 723,601
  Buy S&P 100 long 1,107.47 20.702   7/27/15 23.987 22,927        553,033 170,568  
    HSI short China Shenhua HK 12,344.93 1.857   4/18/16 1.521 22,927        575,960 147,641  
    DAX long Fresenius 374.26 61.260   7/27/15 61.200 22,927        598,887 124,714  
    DJ Global Titans Mitsubishi UFJ 3,649.98 6.281   7/27/15 6.435 22,927        621,814 101,787  
7/20/15 Sell DJTA long Avis Budget 508.65 38.916   9/24/12 12.419 -6,317 19,794 13,477 637,079  615,497 121,582 737,079
  Buy   short Avis Budget 551.60 38.916   8/03/15 39.514 21,466        636,963 100,116  
7/27/15 Sell S&P 100 long 1,107.47 23.987   7/13/15 20.702 -22,927 26,565 3,638 640,717  614,036 126,681 740,717
    DAX Fresenius 374.26 61.200   7/13/15 61.260 -22,927 22,905 -22 640,694  591,109 149,586 740,694
    Indices SSE 50 ew 51.60 382.611   2/23/15 336.435 -17,360 19,743 2,383 643,077  573,749 169,328 743,077
    DJ Global Titans Mitsubishi UFJ 3,649.98 6.435   7/13/15 6.281 -22,927 23,488 561 643,638  550,822 192,816 743,638
  Buy S&P 100 short ConocoPhilips 512.78 45.655   3/07/16 37.595 23,411        574,233 169,405  
    DAX RWE 1,262.05 18.550   10/19/15 12.230 23,411        597,644 145,994  
    BAX Grammer 891.51 26.260   11/09/15 23.675 23,411        621,055 122,583  
    DJ Global Titans ConocoPhilips 512.78 45.655   8/03/15 45.385 23,411        644,466 99,172  
8/03/15 Sell SSE 50 long AECC Aviation Power 3,718.87 7.097   7/07/14 2.976 -11,067 26,392 15,325 658,963  633,399 125,564 758,963
    HSI-Fin China Life Ins HK 4,473.06 3.251   1/26/15 3.736 -16,710 14,540 -2,170 656,793  616,689 140,104 756,793
    DJTA short Avis Budget 551.60 39.514 38.317 7/20/15 38.916 -21,466 21,136 -330 656,463  595,223 161,240 756,463
    DJ Global Titans ConocoPhilips 512.78 45.385 45.927 7/27/15 45.655 -23,411 23,551 140 656,602  571,812 184,790 756,602
date B/S market l/s instrument pieces price prc short corresponding invest divest prf/loss acc p/l ∑ invest asset total
  Buy SSE 50 China Northern Rare 11,306.81 2.081   1/04/16 1.789 23,534        595,346 161,256  
    HSI-Fin ICBC 37,630.32 0.625   1/04/16 0.538 23,534        618,880 137,722  
    DJTA long JetBlue Airways 1,092.70 21.538   8/24/15 18.277 23,534        642,414 114,188  
    SMI UBS 1,115.24 21.102   8/17/15 20.081 23,534        665,948 90,654  
    DJ Global Titans Mitsubishi UFJ 3,628.54 6.486   8/24/15 5.389 23,534        689,482 67,120  
8/10/15 Sell ISEQ 20 short FBD 1,198.67 7.120 12.080 6/08/15 9.274 -11,116 14,479 3,363 659,965  678,366 81,600 759,965
  Buy   long Kingspan 462.90 22.725   8/17/15 22.815 10,519        688,885 71,080  
      Ryanair 823.12 12.780   8/17/15 12.705 10,519        699,404 60,561  
8/17/15 Sell ASX 50 long James Hardie Ind 737.60 12.058   1/30/12 5.763 -4,251 8,894 4,643 664,608  695,153 69,455 764,608
    ISEQ 20 Kingspan 462.90 22.815   8/10/15 22.725 -10,519 10,561 42 664,650  684,634 80,016 764,650
      Ryanair 823.12 12.705   8/10/15 12.780 -10,519 10,458 -62 664,588  674,115 90,474 764,588
    OMXC 20 Pandora 201.59 107.440   11/24/14 67.207 -13,548 21,659 8,111 672,699  660,566 112,133 772,699
    SMI UBS 1,115.24 20.081   8/03/15 21.102 -23,534 22,395 -1,139 671,560  637,032 134,528 771,560
    Nikkei (FRA) Fujitsu 1,008.55 4.455   6/30/14 5.499 -5,546 4,493 -1,053 670,507  631,486 139,021 770,507
      Minebea Mitsumi 674.37 12.573   6/30/14 8.224 -5,546 8,479 2,933 673,440  625,940 147,500 773,440
  Buy ASX 50 short Santos 5,782.35 3.982   11/23/15 2.708 23,023        648,963 124,477  
    ISEQ 20 FBD 1,668.33 6.900   11/30/15 6.852 11,511        660,475 112,965  
    OMXC 20 GN Store Nord 184.92 124.500   10/05/15 126.375 23,023        683,497 89,943  
    Nikkei (FRA) Sharp 897.23 12.830   11/23/15 10.210 11,511        695,009 78,431  
      IHI 381.30 30.190   11/23/15 25.250 11,511        706,520 66,920  
8/24/15 Sell DJIA long Visa 139.28 58.880   12/19/11 18.897 -2,632 8,201 5,569 679,009  703,888 75,121 779,009
    Nasdaq 100 Regeneron 40.02 434.608   10/10/11 49.346 -1,975 17,393 15,418 694,427  701,913 92,514 794,427
    Euro 50 ASML 56.19 74.790   1/09/12 32.400 -1,821 4,202 2,382 696,809  700,093 96,716 796,809
      Anheuser-Busch InBev 38.33 91.280   1/09/12 47.495 -1,820 3,499 1,678 698,487  698,272 100,215 798,487
    HDAX Ströer Media 626.57 47.670   1/12/15 24.615 -15,423 29,869 14,446 712,933  682,849 130,084 812,933
date B/S market l/s instrument pieces price prc short corresponding invest divest prf/loss acc p/l ∑ invest asset total
    FTSE Ashtead 13.82 1,199.890   7/30/12 333.248 -4,605 16,582 11,977 724,910  678,244 146,666 824,910
    HSI-Prop CK Hutchison 436.24 10.950   7/28/14 13.730 -5,990 4,777 -1,213 723,697  672,254 151,443 823,697
      Sino Land 4,783.95 1.200   7/28/14 1.252 -5,990 5,741 -249 723,449  666,265 157,184 823,449
    Europe 50 Novartis 223.03 69.088   11/10/14 61.916 -13,809 15,409 1,600 725,048  652,456 172,592 825,048
    DJTA JetBlue Airways 1,092.70 18.277   8/03/15 21.538 -23,534 19,972 -3,562 721,486  628,922 192,564 821,486
    Nikkei (TYO) Minebea Mitsumi 1,357.21 10.589   10/27/14 10.477 -14,220 14,372 152 721,638  614,702 206,936 821,638
    DJ Global Titans Mitsubishi UFJ 3,628.54 5.389   8/03/15 6.486 -23,534 19,555 -3,979 717,659  591,168 226,491 817,659
    SP Global 100 Apple 637.20 22.212   11/03/14 21.898 -13,953 14,153 200 717,859  577,215 240,644 817,859
  Buy USA short Keurig Dr Pepper 598.88 44.186   9/14/15 52.434 26,462        603,677 214,182  
    DJIA Chevron 425.99 62.119   5/30/16 91.551 26,462        630,139 187,720  
    Nasdaq 100 Micron Technology 2,127.58 12.438   8/31/15 14.635 26,462        656,601 161,258  
    Euro 50 E.on 1,520.80 8.700   10/26/15 8.993 13,231        669,832 148,027  
      Banco Santander 2,539.54 5.210   10/26/15 5.230 13,231        683,063 134,796  
    HDAX RWE 2,001.66 13.220   11/23/15 10.895 26,462        709,525 108,334  
    FTSE Glencore 141.21 187.390   5/09/16 167.806 26,461        735,986 81,873  
    HSI-Prop Hang Lung 6,883.26 1.922   6/06/16 1.737 13,231        749,217 68,642  
      The Wharf 7,562.30 1.750   6/06/16 1.945 13,231        762,448 55,411  
    DJCA Chevron 425.99 62.119   8/31/15 72.229 26,462        788,910 28,949  
    Europe 50 Rio Tinto 9.04 2,927.710   10/26/15 3,453.900 26,467        815,377 2,482  
    DJTA Norfolk Southern 411.06 64.376   8/31/15 69.482 26,462        841,839 -23,980  
    SLI Aryzta 2,823.31 9.373   1/09/17 8.993 26,462        868,301 -50,442  
    CAC Next 20 Casino Guichard 4.70 5,628.000   1/30/17 4,978.000 26,452        894,752 -76,894  
    Nikkei (TYO) IHI 1,022.03 25.892   8/08/16 25.014 26,462        921,214 -103,356  
    DJ Global Titans ConocoPhilips 715.64 36.977   3/21/16 37.886 26,462        947,676 -129,818  
    SP Global 100 RWE 2,001.66 13.220   9/12/16 14.645 26,462        974,138 -156,280  
date B/S market l/s instrument pieces price prc short corresponding invest divest prf/loss acc p/l ∑ invest asset total
8/31/15 Sell Nasdaq 100 short Micron Technology 2,127.58 14.635 10.240 8/24/15 12.438 -26,462 21,787 -4,675 713,184  947,676 -134,492 813,184
    DJCA Chevron 425.99 72.229 52.009 8/24/15 62.119 -26,462 22,155 -4,307 708,877  921,214 -112,337 808,877
    DJTA Norfolk Southern 411.06 69.482 59.269 8/24/15 64.376 -26,462 24,363 -2,099 706,778  894,752 -87,974 806,778
  Buy Nasdaq 100 long Netflix 175.19 102.576   9/07/15 88.434 17,970        912,722 -105,944  
    DJCA JetBlue Airways 902.77 19.906   3/16/20 9.506 17,970        930,692 -123,914  
    DJUA short CenterPoint Energy 541.08 16.606   12/07/15 15.137 8,985        939,677 -132,899  
      FirstEnergy 315.23 28.503   12/07/15 29.960 8,985        948,662 -141,884  
    DJTA long JetBlue Airways 902.77 19.906   1/04/16 20.201 17,970        966,632 -159,854  
9/07/15 Sell Nasdaq 100 long Netflix 175.19 88.434   8/31/15 102.576 -17,970 15,493 -2,477 704,301  948,662 -144,361 804,301
    ATX Zumtobel 767.95 23.775   2/16/15 21.095 -16,200 18,258 2,058 706,359  932,462 -126,103 806,359
  Buy Nasdaq 100 short Micron Technology 1,128.78 15.066   10/19/15 16.912 17,006        949,468 -143,109  
    ATX Vienna Insurance 624.30 27.240   3/28/16 18.660 17,006        966,474 -160,115  
9/14/15 Sell USA short Keurig Dr Pepper 598.88 52.434 35.938 8/24/15 44.186 -26,462 21,523 -4,940 701,419  940,012 -138,593 801,419
  Buy   long JetBlue Airways 712.46 23.257   9/21/15 23.986 16,570        956,582 -155,163  
9/21/15 Sell   long JetBlue Airways 712.46 23.986   9/14/15 23.257 -16,570 17,089 519 701,938  940,012 -138,074 801,938
  Buy   short Wynn Resorts 279.01 59.482   10/05/15 57.973 16,596        956,608 -154,670  
    MIB Saipem 34.27 484.286   12/26/16 244.286 16,596        973,204 -171,266  
9/28/15 Sell BEL 20 long bpost 726.03 21.000   1/19/15 22.860 -16,597 15,247 -1,350 700,588  956,607 -156,020 800,588
  Buy   short Solvay 180.02 89.510   3/28/16 85.670 16,114        972,721 -172,133  
10/05/15 Sell USA short Wynn Resorts 279.01 57.973 61.030 9/21/15 59.482 -16,596 17,028 432 701,020  956,125 -155,105 801,020
    OMXC 20 GN Store Nord 184.92 126.375 122.625 8/17/15 124.500 -23,023 22,676 -347 700,673  933,102 -132,429 800,673
  Buy USA long Netflix 168.08 99.392   12/14/15 109.790 16,706        949,808 -149,135  
    OMXC 20 Genmab 196.39 85.064   11/02/15 91.174 16,706        966,514 -165,841  
10/12/15 Buy Kospi 50 long Lotte Chemical 76.12 208.474   4/02/18 330.481 15,869        982,383 -181,710  
    MerVal Pampa Energía 19,243.36 0.825   10/19/15 0.927 15,870        998,253 -197,580  
date B/S market l/s instrument pieces price prc short corresponding invest divest prf/loss acc p/l ∑ invest asset total
10/19/15 Sell Nasdaq 100 short Micron Technology 1,128.78 16.912 13.219 9/07/15 15.066 -17,006 14,922 -2,084 698,589  981,247 -182,658 798,589
    DAX RWE 1,262.05 12.230 28.136 7/27/15 18.550 -23,411 35,509 12,098 710,687  957,836 -147,149 810,687
    MerVal long Pampa Energía 19,243.36 0.927   10/12/15 0.825 -15,870 17,829 1,959 712,646  941,966 -129,320 812,646
  Buy Nasdaq 100 675.33 25.296   2/08/16 21.802 17,083        959,049 -146,403  
    DAX Fresenius 283.25 60.310   12/21/15 63.430 17,083        976,132 -163,486  
    MerVal short YPF 759.94 22.479   10/26/15 25.738 17,083        993,215 -180,569  
10/26/15 Sell Euro 50 short E.on 1,520.80 8.993 8.407 8/24/15 8.700 -13,231 12,786 -445 712,200  979,984 -167,783 812,200
      Banco Santander 2,539.54 5.230 5.190 8/24/15 5.210 -13,231 13,180 -51 712,150  966,753 -154,603 812,150
    OMXS 30 SSAB 2,171.19 3.388 7.737 6/08/15 5.120 -11,116 16,799 5,683 717,832  955,636 -137,804 817,832
      Telia Company 2,113.93 4.765 5.804 6/08/15 5.259 -11,117 12,268 1,152 718,984  944,520 -125,535 818,984
    Europe 50 Rio Tinto 9.04 3,453.900 2,401.510 8/24/15 2,927.710 -26,467 21,710 -4,757 714,227  918,053 -103,826 814,227
    MerVal YPF 759.94 25.738 19.221 10/19/15 22.479 -17,083 14,607 -2,476 711,751  900,970 -89,219 811,751
  Buy Euro 50 long Fresenius 140.79 64.150   1/11/16 59.420 9,032        910,002 -98,251  
      Inditex 268.71 33.610   1/11/16 29.430 9,031        919,033 -107,282  
    OMXS 30 Boliden 517.24 17.461   11/02/15 17.505 9,031        928,065 -116,314  
      Svenska Cellulosa B 1,732.93 5.212   11/02/15 5.468 9,032        937,096 -125,345  
    Europe 50 SAP 257.56 70.130   12/14/15 69.400 18,063        955,159 -143,408  
    MerVal Pampa Energía 15,717.89 1.149   3/07/16 0.728 18,063        973,222 -161,471  
11/02/15 Sell OMXC 20 long Genmab 196.39 91.174   10/05/15 85.064 -16,706 17,906 1,200 712,951  956,516 -143,565 812,951
    OMXS 30 Boliden 517.24 17.505   10/26/15 17.461 -9,031 9,054 23 712,974  947,485 -134,511 812,974
      Svenska Cellulosa B 1,732.93 5.468   10/26/15 5.212 -9,032 9,475 443 713,417  938,453 -125,036 813,417
  Buy   short SSAB 2,547.59 3.378   12/14/15 2.601 8,604        947,058 -133,641  
      SKF A 535.50 16.068   12/14/15 14.663 8,605        955,662 -142,245  
11/09/15 Sell BAX short Grammer 891.51 23.675 29.127 7/27/15 26.260 -23,411 25,967 2,556 715,973  932,251 -116,278 815,973
  Buy   long Adtran Networks 1,722.50 10.155   11/16/15 10.530 17,492        949,743 -133,770  
date B/S market l/s instrument pieces price prc short corresponding invest divest prf/loss acc p/l ∑ invest asset total
11/16/15 Sell MDAX long Ströer Media 627.84 61.450   2/02/15 25.790 -16,192 38,581 22,389 738,362  933,551 -95,189 838,362
    BSE Sensex 30 Hindustan Unilever 701.35 11.144   1/30/12 6.061 -4,251 7,816 3,565 741,927  929,300 -87,374 841,927
    BAX Adtran Networks 1,722.50 10.530   11/09/15 10.155 -17,492 18,138 646 742,573  911,808 -69,236 842,573
  Buy BSE Sensex 30 short Bharat Heavy 11,443.71 1.689   6/13/16 1.058 19,333        931,141 -88,569  
    SMI Holcim 382.76 50.510   1/09/17 49.995 19,333        950,474 -107,902  
    Topix (FRA) long Ono Pharmaceutical 708.12 27.302   12/14/15 30.520 19,333        969,808 -127,235  
11/23/15 Sell France short Solocal 31.74 390.360 1,256.870 6/08/15 700.450 -22,232 39,893 17,661 760,233  947,575 -87,342 860,233
    ASX 50 Santos 5,782.35 2.708 5.854 8/17/15 3.982 -23,023 33,849 10,826 771,059  924,552 -53,493 871,059
    HDAX RWE 2,001.66 10.895 16.041 8/24/15 13.220 -26,462 32,109 5,647 776,706  898,090 -21,384 876,706
    PSI 20 Pharol 35,762.75 0.369 0.705 5/25/15 0.510 -18,239 25,209 6,970 783,676  879,851 3,825 883,676
    Nikkei (FRA) Sharp 897.23 10.210 16.122 8/17/15 12.830 -11,511 14,465 2,954 786,630  868,340 18,290 886,630
      IHI 381.30 25.250 36.097 8/17/15 30.190 -11,511 13,764 2,252 788,882  856,828 32,054 888,882
  Buy France long Ubisoft 858.91 26.805   1/11/16 24.260 23,023        879,851 9,031  
    HDAX SMA Solar 481.90 47.775   1/18/16 41.200 23,023        902,874 -13,992  
    PSI 20 Altri 4,508.13 5.107   12/07/15 5.008 23,023        925,897 -37,015  
    OMXC 20 Genmab 203.03 113.399   2/08/16 88.896 23,023        948,921 -60,038  
    Nikkei (FRA) Yamaha 459.17 25.070   12/07/15 22.360 11,511        960,432 -71,550  
    BAX Adtran Networks 2,075.08 11.095   12/14/15 9.859 23,023        983,455 -94,573  
    GEX Hypoport 291.43 79.000   12/14/15 70.070 23,023        1,006,478 -117,596  
11/30/15 Sell ISEQ 20 short FBD 1,668.33 6.852 6.948 8/17/15 6.900 -11,511 11,592 81 788,963  994,967 -106,004 888,963
    Nordic 30 Fortum 1,160.51 13.820 21.706 6/01/15 17.320 -20,100 25,190 5,090 794,053  974,867 -80,813 894,053
  Buy Germany long SMA Solar 430.51 47.225   1/11/16 49.315 20,331        995,197 -101,144  
    ASX 50 short Origin Energy 5,307.52 3.831   1/04/16 3.253 20,331        1,015,528 -121,475  
    ISEQ 20 long Flutter 84.68 120.050   12/07/15 122.000 10,166        1,025,694 -131,641  
      Dalata Hotel 1,973.88 5.150   12/07/15 5.130 10,165        1,035,860 -141,806  
date B/S market l/s instrument pieces price prc short corresponding invest divest prf/loss acc p/l ∑ invest asset total
    Nordic 30 Pandora 181.20 112.200   12/14/15 108.345 20,331        1,056,190 -162,137  
12/07/15 Sell ISEQ 20 long Flutter 84.68 122.000   11/30/15 120.050 -10,166 10,331 165 794,219  1,046,024 -151,806 894,219
      Dalata Hotel 1,973.88 5.130   11/30/15 5.150 -10,165 10,126 -39 794,179  1,035,859 -141,680 894,179
    PSI 20 Altri 4,508.13 5.008   11/23/15 5.107 -23,023 22,577 -446 793,733  1,012,836 -119,103 893,733
    DJUA short CenterPoint Energy 541.08 15.137 18.217 8/31/15 16.606 -8,985 9,857 872 794,605  1,003,851 -109,246 894,605
      FirstEnergy 315.23 29.960 27.045 8/31/15 28.503 -8,985 8,525 -460 794,145  994,866 -100,721 894,145
    Nikkei (FRA) long Yamaha 459.17 22.360   11/23/15 25.070 -11,511 10,267 -1,244 792,901  983,355 -90,454 892,901
    BSE Sensex 50 Eicher Motors 841.47 22.421   10/24/11 2.335 -1,965 18,867 16,902 809,802  981,390 -71,587 909,802
  Buy ISEQ 20 short FBD 1,536.29 6.820   1/04/16 6.603 10,478        991,867 -82,065  
    PSI 20 Pharol 74,308.51 0.282   4/25/16 0.141 20,955        1,012,822 -103,020  
    DJUA long NiSource 593.45 17.655   3/16/20 18.760 10,477        1,023,300 -113,497  
      American Water 194.50 53.870   3/16/20 106.441 10,478        1,033,777 -123,975  
    Nikkei (FRA) short OKI Electric 912.67 11.480   3/07/16 12.000 10,477        1,044,255 -134,453  
      Sharp 1,102.89 9.500   3/07/16 13.180 10,477        1,054,732 -144,930  
    BSE Sensex 50 ONGC 10,162.96 2.062   12/21/15 2.125 20,955        1,075,687 -165,885  
12/14/15 Sell USA long Netflix 168.08 109.790   10/05/15 99.392 -16,706 18,454 1,748 811,550  1,058,981 -147,432 911,550
    OMXS 30 short SSAB 2,547.59 2.601 4.386 11/02/15 3.378 -8,604 11,172 2,568 814,118  1,050,377 -136,259 914,118
      SKF A 535.50 14.663 17.608 11/02/15 16.068 -8,605 9,429 824 814,942  1,041,772 -126,830 914,942
    Europe 50 long SAP 257.56 69.400   10/26/15 70.130 -18,063 17,875 -188 814,754  1,023,710 -108,955 914,754
    Nordic 30 Pandora 181.20 108.345   11/30/15 112.200 -20,331 19,632 -699 814,056  1,003,379 -89,323 914,056
    Topix (FRA) Ono Pharmaceutical 708.12 30.520   11/16/15 27.302 -19,333 21,612 2,279 816,334  984,046 -67,712 916,334
    BAX Adtran Networks 2,075.08 9.859   11/23/15 11.095 -23,023 20,458 -2,565 813,770  961,023 -47,253 913,770
    GEX Hypoport 291.43 70.070   11/23/15 79.000 -23,023 20,421 -2,602 811,167  938,000 -26,833 911,167
  Buy OMXS 30 Securitas 825.07 13.398   12/21/15 13.632 11,054        949,054 -37,887  
    Europe 50 short Rio Tinto 8.69 2,545.100   12/28/15 2,721.790 22,117        971,171 -60,004  
date B/S market l/s instrument pieces price prc short corresponding invest divest prf/loss acc p/l ∑ invest asset total
    Nordic 30 Møller-Mærsk B 18.03 1,226.160   4/25/16 1,254.850 22,108        993,279 -82,111  
    GEX Manz 543.73 40.660   5/09/16 36.225 22,108        1,015,387 -104,219  
12/21/15 Sell DAX long Fresenius 283.25 63.430   10/19/15 60.310 -17,083 17,967 884 812,051  998,304 -86,253 912,051
    OBX 25 short DNO International 17,451.33 0.607 2.673 6/08/15 1.274 -22,233 46,640 24,407 836,458  976,071 -39,613 936,458
    OMXS 30 long Securitas 825.07 13.632   12/14/15 13.398 -11,054 11,247 193 836,651  965,017 -28,366 936,651
    BSE Sensex 50 short ONGC 10,162.96 2.125 1.999 12/07/15 2.062 -20,955 20,316 -639 836,012  944,062 -8,050 936,012
  Buy DAX RWE 2,035.89 11.395   12/28/15 11.660 23,199        967,261 -31,249  
    OBX 25 long Bakkafrost 882.66 26.283   12/28/15 26.311 23,199        990,460 -54,448  
    OMXS 30 short SSAB 5,344.65 2.170   12/28/15 2.409 11,599        1,002,059 -66,047  
      SKF A 794.42 14.601   12/28/15 15.095 11,600        1,013,659 -77,647  
    Topix (FRA) long Ono Pharmaceutical 725.33 31.984   1/04/16 32.298 23,199        1,036,858 -100,846  
    CAC Mid 60 Sartorius Stedim 402.94 57.575   12/28/15 57.183 23,199        1,060,057 -124,045  
    BSE Sensex 50 Bajaj Finance 2,857.69 8.118   1/04/16 8.393 23,199        1,083,256 -147,244  
12/28/15 Sell DAX short RWE 2,035.89 11.660 11.130 12/21/15 11.395 -23,199 22,659 -540 835,472  1,060,057 -124,585 935,472
    OBX 25 long Bakkafrost 882.66 26.311   12/21/15 26.283 -23,199 23,223 24 835,497  1,036,858 -101,361 935,497
    OMXS 30 short SSAB 5,344.65 2.409 1.932 12/21/15 2.170 -11,599 10,323 -1,276 834,221  1,025,259 -91,038 934,221
      SKF A 794.42 15.095 14.108 12/21/15 14.601 -11,600 11,208 -392 833,829  1,013,659 -79,830 933,829
    Europe 50 Rio Tinto 8.69 2,721.790 2,368.420 12/14/15 2,545.100 -22,117 20,582 -1,535 832,293  991,542 -59,249 932,293
    FT 30 Tate & Lyle 29.50 807.108 700.300 6/08/15 753.704 -22,234 20,659 -1,575 830,718  969,308 -38,590 930,718
    CAC Mid 60 long Sartorius Stedim 402.94 57.183   12/21/15 57.575 -23,199 23,041 -158 830,560  946,109 -15,549 930,560
  Buy USA Energy Recovery 3,533.69 6.473   1/11/16 5.700 22,875        968,984 -38,424  
    DAX Adidas 256.76 89.090   3/07/16 96.970 22,875        991,858 -61,298  
    OMXS 30 Securitas 824.32 13.875   1/04/16 13.705 11,437        1,003,296 -72,736  
    Europe 50 SAP 313.96 72.860   1/04/16 70.580 22,875        1,026,171 -95,611  
    FT 30 ITV 61.32 373.033   1/11/16 356.368 22,874        1,049,045 -118,485  
date B/S market l/s instrument pieces price prc short corresponding invest divest prf/loss acc p/l ∑ invest asset total
1/04/16 Sell SSE 50 short China Northern Rare 11,306.81 1.789 2.422 8/03/15 2.081 -23,534 27,386 3,852 834,412  1,025,511 -91,099 934,412
    ASX 50 Origin Energy 5,307.52 3.253 4.511 11/30/15 3.831 -20,331 23,940 3,609 838,021  1,005,180 -67,159 938,021
    HSI-Fin ICBC 37,630.32 0.538 0.727 8/03/15 0.625 -23,534 27,338 3,804 841,825  981,646 -39,821 941,825
    ISEQ 20 FBD 1,536.29 6.603 7.044 12/07/15 6.820 -10,478 10,822 344 842,169  971,169 -28,999 942,169
    OMXH 25 Outokumpu 3,512.51 2.584 10.606 5/11/15 5.235 -18,388 37,253 18,865 861,034  952,781 8,253 961,034
    OMXS 30 long Securitas 824.32 13.705   12/28/15 13.875 -11,437 11,297 -140 860,894  941,343 19,551 960,894
    Europe 50 SAP 313.96 70.580   12/28/15 72.860 -22,875 22,159 -716 860,178  918,468 41,710 960,178
    DJTA JetBlue Airways 902.77 20.201   8/31/15 19.906 -17,970 18,237 267 860,445  900,498 59,947 960,445
    Topix (FRA) Ono Pharmaceutical 725.33 32.298   12/21/15 31.984 -23,199 23,427 228 860,673  877,299 83,374 960,673
    BSE Sensex 50 Bajaj Finance 2,857.69 8.393   12/21/15 8.118 -23,199 23,985 786 861,459  854,100 107,359 961,459
  Buy SSE 50 Shanghai Pudong 10,625.10 2.515   1/11/16 2.391 26,720        880,820 80,639  
    HSI-Fin Hang Seng Bank 1,568.67 17.034   1/11/16 16.023 26,720        907,540 53,919  
    ISEQ 20 Flutter 108.31 123.350   1/18/16 119.900 13,360        920,900 40,559  
      Dalata Hotel 2,483.27 5.380   1/18/16 4.930 13,360        934,260 27,199  
    OMXH 25 Elisa 791.70 33.750   1/11/16 34.422 26,720        960,980 479  
    OMXS 30 short SSAB 5,477.88 2.439   4/04/16 3.262 13,360        974,340 -12,881  
      SKF A 918.71 14.542   4/04/16 15.448 13,360        987,700 -26,241  
    Europe 50 Rio Tinto 10.34 2,585.270   1/25/16 2,112.660 26,732        1,014,432 -52,972  
    DJTA Ryder System 508.62 52.534   2/22/16 53.012 26,720        1,041,152 -79,692  
    BSE Sensex 50 Larsen & Toubro 2,302.32 11.606   3/07/16 10.779 26,720        1,067,872 -106,412  
1/11/16 Sell USA long Energy Recovery 3,533.69 5.700   12/28/15 6.473 -22,875 20,143 -2,732 858,727  1,044,997 -86,269 958,727
    Euro 50 Fresenius 140.79 59.420   10/26/15 64.150 -9,032 8,366 -666 858,061  1,035,965 -77,904 958,061
      Inditex 268.71 29.430   10/26/15 33.610 -9,031 7,908 -1,123 856,938  1,026,934 -69,995 956,938
    France Ubisoft 858.91 24.260   11/23/15 26.805 -23,023 20,837 -2,186 854,752  1,003,911 -49,158 954,752
    Germany SMA Solar 430.51 49.315   11/30/15 47.225 -20,331 21,231 900 855,652  983,580 -27,928 955,652
date B/S market l/s instrument pieces price prc short corresponding invest divest prf/loss acc p/l ∑ invest asset total
    SSE 50 Shanghai Pudong 10,625.10 2.391   1/04/16 2.515 -26,720 25,402 -1,318 854,335  956,860 -2,525 954,335
    HSI-Fin Hang Seng Bank 1,568.67 16.023   1/04/16 17.034 -26,720 25,135 -1,585 852,750  930,140 22,610 952,750
    OMXH 25 Elisa 791.70 34.422   1/04/16 33.750 -26,720 27,252 532 853,282  903,420 49,862 953,282
    FT 30 ITV 61.32 356.368   12/28/15 373.033 -22,874 21,852 -1,022 852,260  880,546 71,714 952,260
    Topix (TYO) Subaru 727.08 33.663   6/11/12 6.048 -4,397 24,476 20,079 872,338  876,149 96,190 972,338
  Buy Euro 50 short Volkswagen 114.11 117.050   1/25/16 110.750 13,357        889,505 82,833  
      Banco Santander 3,273.65 4.080   1/25/16 3.860 13,356        902,862 69,477  
    France Vallourec 101.31 263.680   4/18/16 148.800 26,713        929,575 42,763  
    SSE 50 Haitong Secs 15,191.65 1.758   6/13/16 1.997 26,713        956,288 16,050  
    ASX 50 Origin Energy 9,757.46 2.738   2/29/16 2.906 26,713        983,001 -10,663  
    HSI-Fin China Life Ins HK 10,524.80 2.538   6/06/16 1.986 26,713        1,009,714 -37,376  
    OMXH 25 Outokumpu 10,788.77 2.476   4/25/16 3.996 26,713        1,036,427 -64,089  
    FT 30 Tesco 108.26 246.739   1/25/16 258.955 26,712        1,063,139 -90,801  
1/18/16 Sell HDAX long SMA Solar 481.90 41.200   11/23/15 47.775 -23,023 19,854 -3,168 869,170  1,040,116 -70,946 969,170
    ISEQ 20 Flutter 108.31 119.900   1/04/16 123.350 -13,360 12,986 -374 868,796  1,026,756 -57,960 968,796
      Dalata Hotel 2,483.27 4.930   1/04/16 5.380 -13,360 12,243 -1,117 867,679  1,013,396 -45,717 967,679
    QIX Freenet 443.08 28.325   1/23/12 10.515 -4,659 12,550 7,891 875,570  1,008,737 -33,167 975,570
  Buy HDAX short Aixtron 7,139.39 3.300   3/14/16 3.331 23,560        1,032,297 -56,727  
    ISEQ 20 FBD 1,829.19 6.440   5/30/16 6.529 11,780        1,044,077 -68,507  
    QIX BMW 301.66 78.100   2/08/16 69.300 23,560        1,067,637 -92,067  
1/25/16 Sell Euro 50 short Volkswagen 114.11 110.750 123.708 1/11/16 117.050 -13,357 14,116 760 876,330  1,054,280 -77,951 976,330
      Banco Santander 3,273.65 3.860 4.313 1/11/16 4.080 -13,356 14,118 761 877,091  1,040,924 -63,833 977,091
    Europe 50 Rio Tinto 10.34 2,112.660 3,163.610 1/04/16 2,585.270 -26,732 32,712 5,980 883,071  1,014,192 -31,121 983,071
    FT 30 Tesco 108.26 258.955 234.523 1/11/16 246.739 -26,712 25,389 -1,323 881,748  987,480 -5,732 981,748
  Buy Euro 50 long SAP 167.86 72.680   4/04/16 70.040 12,200        999,680 -17,932  
date B/S market l/s instrument pieces price prc short corresponding invest divest prf/loss acc p/l ∑ invest asset total
      Vinci 197.96 61.630   4/04/16 65.450 12,200        1,011,880 -30,132  
    Europe 50 SAP 335.72 72.680   3/28/16 70.840 24,400        1,036,281 -54,532  
    FT 30 National Grid 19.64 1,242.520   2/01/16 1,311.560 24,403        1,060,684 -78,935  
2/01/16 Sell   long National Grid 19.64 1,311.560   1/25/16 1,242.520 -24,403 25,759 1,356 883,104  1,036,281 -53,176 983,104
  Buy   short NatWest 70.43 330.109   4/18/16 299.798 23,250        1,059,530 -76,426  
2/08/16 Sell Nasdaq 100 long 675.33 21.802   10/19/15 25.296 -17,083 14,723 -2,359 880,745  1,042,447 -61,702 980,745
    OMXC 20 Genmab 203.03 88.896   11/23/15 113.399 -23,023 18,048 -4,975 875,770  1,019,424 -43,654 975,770
    QIX short BMW 301.66 69.300 88.018 1/18/16 78.100 -23,560 26,551 2,992 878,762  995,864 -17,102 978,762
  Buy Nasdaq 100 Micron Technology 2,646.17 9.085   3/21/16 10.259 24,041        1,019,905 -41,143  
    QIX long Rational 59.34 405.150   4/11/16 463.700 24,042        1,043,947 -65,185  
2/22/16 Sell DJTA short Ryder System 508.62 53.012 52.057 1/04/16 52.534 -26,720 26,477 -243 878,519  1,017,227 -38,708 978,519
    NZX 50 long Tourism 16,098.64 1.542   7/28/14 0.744 -11,979 24,819 12,840 891,359  1,005,248 -13,889 991,359
  Buy OMXC 20 Vestas Wind Systems 2,023.35 12.077   2/29/16 12.460 24,436        1,029,684 -38,325  
    DJTA Delta Air Lines 552.54 44.225   3/07/16 43.943 24,436        1,054,120 -62,761  
    NZX 50 short ANZ Banking NZ 1,597.55 15.296   2/29/16 14.670 24,436        1,078,556 -87,197  
2/29/16 Sell ASX 50 short Origin Energy 9,757.46 2.906 2.569 1/11/16 2.738 -26,713 25,070 -1,643 889,716  1,051,843 -62,127 989,716
    OMXC 20 long Vestas Wind Systems 2,023.35 12.460   2/22/16 12.077 -24,436 25,211 775 890,490  1,027,407 -36,916 990,490
    NZX 50 short ANZ Banking NZ 1,597.55 14.670 15.949 2/22/16 15.296 -24,436 25,479 1,043 891,533  1,002,971 -11,438 991,533
  Buy   long a2 Milk 22,984.99 1.066   5/22/17 2.174 24,502        1,027,473 -35,940  
3/07/16 Sell S&P 100 short ConocoPhilips 512.78 37.595 55.443 7/27/15 45.655 -23,411 28,430 5,019 896,552  1,004,062 -7,510 996,552
    DAX long Adidas 256.76 96.970   12/28/15 89.090 -22,875 24,898 2,023 898,575  981,187 17,388 998,575
    MerVal Pampa Energía 15,717.89 0.728   10/26/15 1.149 -18,063 11,443 -6,620 891,955  963,124 28,831 991,955
    DJTA Delta Air Lines 552.54 43.943   2/22/16 44.225 -24,436 24,280 -156 891,799  938,688 53,111 991,799
    Nikkei (FRA) short OKI Electric 912.67 12.000 10.960 12/07/15 11.480 -10,477 10,003 -475 891,325  928,210 63,114 991,325
      Sharp 1,102.89 13.180 5.820 12/07/15 9.500 -10,477 6,419 -4,059 887,266  917,733 69,533 987,266
date B/S market l/s instrument pieces price prc short corresponding invest divest prf/loss acc p/l ∑ invest asset total
    BSE Sensex 50 Larsen & Toubro 2,302.32 10.779 12.496 1/04/16 11.606 -26,720 28,771 2,051 889,317  891,013 98,304 989,317
  Buy USA long Energy Recovery 3,493.78 7.782   10/29/18 6.189 27,190        918,203 71,114  
    S&P 100 Meta Platforms 283.19 96.013   3/28/16 101.554 27,190        945,393 43,924  
    DAX short Deutsche Bank 1,717.29 15.833   4/25/16 14.347 27,190        972,583 16,734  
    MerVal YPF 1,644.42 16.535   4/11/16 14.912 27,190        999,773 -10,456  
    DJTA Avis Budget 1,063.65 25.563   3/14/16 24.329 27,190        1,026,963 -37,646  
    Nikkei (FRA) long Nissui 3,205.61 4.241   3/14/16 4.289 13,595        1,040,558 -51,241  
      Yamaha 520.86 26.101   3/14/16 27.038 13,595        1,054,153 -64,836  
    BSE Sensex 50 Bajaj Finance 3,169.26 8.579   12/10/18 29.076 27,190        1,081,343 -92,026  
3/14/16 Sell HDAX short Aixtron 7,139.39 3.331 3.269 1/18/16 3.300 -23,560 23,339 -221 889,095  1,057,783 -68,688 989,095
    DJTA Avis Budget 1,063.65 24.329 26.860 3/07/16 25.563 -27,190 28,569 1,379 890,475  1,030,593 -40,118 990,475
    Nikkei (FRA) long Nissui 3,205.61 4.289   3/07/16 4.241 -13,595 13,749 154 890,628  1,016,998 -26,370 990,628
      Yamaha 520.86 27.038   3/07/16 26.101 -13,595 14,083 488 891,116  1,003,403 -12,287 991,116
  Buy HDAX SMA Solar 562.53 43.500   4/11/16 45.160 24,470        1,027,873 -36,757  
    DJTA Alaska Air Group 340.48 71.870   10/29/18 53.552 24,470        1,052,343 -61,227  
    Nikkei (FRA) short IHI 672.99 18.180   7/18/16 25.860 12,235        1,064,578 -73,462  
3/21/16 Sell Nasdaq 100 short Micron Technology 2,646.17 10.259 7.912 2/08/16 9.085 -24,041 20,935 -3,106 888,011  1,040,537 -52,527 988,011
    TSX 60 Cenovus Energy 1,185.86 12.064 19.931 5/11/15 15.506 -18,388 23,635 5,247 893,258  1,022,149 -28,892 993,258
    DJ Global Titans ConocoPhilips 715.64 37.886 36.068 8/24/15 36.977 -26,462 25,811 -651 892,607  995,687 -3,080 992,607
  Buy Nasdaq 100 long NVidia 32,795.97 0.754   10/29/18 4.074 24,738        1,020,425 -27,818  
    TSX 60 Barrick Gold 1,895.85 13.049   6/27/16 19.168 24,738        1,045,163 -52,556  
    DJ Global Titans McDonald´s 224.56 110.161   3/28/16 110.022 24,738        1,069,901 -77,294  
3/28/16 Sell S&P 100 long Meta Platforms 283.19 101.554   3/07/16 96.013 -27,190 28,759 1,569 894,176  1,042,711 -48,535 994,176
    ATX short Vienna Insurance 624.30 18.660 39.765 9/07/15 27.240 -17,006 24,825 7,819 901,996  1,025,705 -23,710 1,001,996
    BEL 20 Solvay 180.02 85.670 93.522 9/28/15 89.510 -16,114 16,836 722 902,718  1,009,591 -6,874 1,002,718
date B/S market l/s instrument pieces price prc short corresponding invest divest prf/loss acc p/l ∑ invest asset total
    Europe 50 long SAP 335.72 70.840   1/25/16 72.680 -24,400 23,782 -618 902,100  985,191 16,909 1,002,100
    DJ Global Titans McDonald´s 224.56 110.022   3/21/16 110.161 -24,738 24,707 -31 902,069  960,454 41,615 1,002,069
  Buy S&P 100 short Devon Energy 1,130.42 23.082   4/25/16 30.124 26,092        986,546 15,523  
    ATX long Flughafen Wien 1,071.65 24.348   5/16/16 25.113 26,092        1,012,638 -10,569  
    BEL 20 Bekaert 745.49 35.000   4/25/16 37.780 26,092        1,038,730 -36,661  
    DJ Global Titans short Mitsubishi UFJ 6,275.43 4.158   4/11/16 3.840 26,092        1,064,822 -62,753  
4/04/16 Sell Euro 50 long SAP 167.86 70.040   1/25/16 72.680 -12,200 11,757 -443 901,626  1,052,622 -50,996 1,001,626
      Vinci 197.96 65.450   1/25/16 61.630 -12,200 12,956 756 902,382  1,040,421 -38,040 1,002,382
    OMXS 30 short SSAB 5,477.88 3.262 1.615 1/04/16 2.439 -13,360 8,849 -4,511 897,871  1,027,061 -29,191 997,871
      SKF A 918.71 15.448 13.637 1/04/16 14.542 -13,360 12,528 -832 897,039  1,013,701 -16,662 997,039
  Buy Euro 50 Deutsche Bank 927.73 13.209   5/16/16 12.861 12,254        1,025,956 -28,917  
      Unicredit 810.86 15.113   5/16/16 14.382 12,255        1,038,210 -41,171  
    OMXC 20 long Genmab 197.15 124.315   4/11/16 126.502 24,509        1,062,719 -65,680  
    OMXS 30 Securitas 845.31 14.497   4/11/16 14.803 12,254        1,074,974 -77,935  
      Fingerprint Cards 1,168.30 10.489   4/11/16 10.913 12,255        1,087,228 -90,189  
4/11/16 Sell HDAX long SMA Solar 562.53 45.160   3/14/16 43.500 -24,470 25,404 934 897,973  1,062,758 -64,785 997,973
    OMXC 20 Genmab 197.15 126.502   4/04/16 124.315 -24,509 24,940 431 898,404  1,038,249 -39,845 998,404
    OMXS 30 Securitas 845.31 14.803   4/04/16 14.497 -12,254 12,513 259 898,663  1,025,995 -27,332 998,663
      Fingerprint Cards 1,168.30 10.913   4/04/16 10.489 -12,255 12,750 495 899,158  1,013,740 -14,583 999,158
    MerVal short YPF 1,644.42 14.912 18.335 3/07/16 16.535 -27,190 30,150 2,960 902,118  986,550 15,567 1,002,118
    QIX long Rational 59.34 463.700   2/08/16 405.150 -24,042 27,516 3,474 905,592  962,509 43,083 1,005,592
    DJ Global Titans short Mitsubishi UFJ 6,275.43 3.840 4.501 3/28/16 4.158 -26,092 28,248 2,156 907,748  936,417 71,331 1,007,748
  Buy HDAX Deutsche Bank 2,158.93 12.495   7/25/16 11.745 26,976        963,393 44,355  
    OMXC 20 Nordea Bank (DK) 3,256.63 8.283   4/25/16 8.632 26,976        990,369 17,379  
    OMXS 30 Nordea Bank 1,622.23 8.315   4/18/16 8.483 13,488        1,003,857 3,891  
date B/S market l/s instrument pieces price prc short corresponding invest divest prf/loss acc p/l ∑ invest asset total
      S.E.B 1,592.22 8.471   4/18/16 8.777 13,488        1,017,345 -9,597  
    MerVal long Gr Fin Galicia 11,839.37 2.279   6/20/16 2.681 26,976        1,044,321 -36,573  
    QIX short Mercedes-Benz 445.88 60.500   7/04/16 54.240 26,976        1,071,297 -63,548  
    DJ Global Titans long McDonald´s 241.23 111.826   5/09/16 114.955 26,976        1,098,272 -90,524  
4/18/16 Sell France short Vallourec 101.31 148.800 467.252 1/11/16 263.680 -26,713 47,337 20,624 928,372  1,071,559 -43,187 1,028,372
    HSI China Shenhua HK 12,344.93 1.521 2.268 7/13/15 1.857 -22,927 28,001 5,074 933,446  1,048,632 -15,186 1,033,446
    OMXS 30 Nordea Bank 1,622.23 8.483 8.147 4/11/16 8.315 -13,488 13,216 -273 933,173  1,035,144 -1,971 1,033,173
      S.E.B 1,592.22 8.777 8.166 4/11/16 8.471 -13,488 13,002 -486 932,687  1,021,656 11,031 1,032,687
    FT 30 NatWest 70.43 299.798 363.484 2/01/16 330.109 -23,250 25,600 2,351 935,038  998,406 36,631 1,035,038
  Buy France long Ubisoft 989.33 27.080   6/13/16 32.460 26,791        1,025,197 9,840  
    HSI AAC Technologies 4,062.63 6.595   11/21/16 8.782 26,791        1,051,988 -16,951  
    OMXS 30 Securitas 929.15 14.417   6/13/16 13.140 13,396        1,065,384 -30,346  
      Fingerprint Cards 1,082.91 12.370   6/13/16 9.568 13,395        1,078,780 -43,742  
    Europe 50 BAT 4.96 5,403.310   4/25/16 5,349.570 26,800        1,105,580 -70,542  
    FT 30 BAT 4.96 5,403.310   4/25/16 5,349.570 26,800        1,132,380 -97,343  
4/25/16 Sell S&P 100 short Devon Energy 1,130.42 30.124 16.039 3/28/16 23.082 -26,092 18,131 -7,961 927,077  1,106,288 -79,211 1,027,077
    DAX Deutsche Bank 1,717.29 14.347 17.473 3/07/16 15.833 -27,190 30,006 2,816 929,893  1,079,098 -49,205 1,029,893
    TecDAX Aixtron 2,913.04 4.108 11.590 6/01/15 6.900 -20,100 33,761 13,661 943,554  1,058,998 -15,444 1,043,554
    IBEX 35 Obrascón Huarte Lain 960.71 5.840 62.729 5/11/15 19.140 -18,388 60,265 41,877 985,431  1,040,610 44,820 1,085,431
    BEL 20 long Bekaert 745.49 37.780   3/28/16 35.000 -26,092 28,165 2,072 987,503  1,014,518 72,985 1,087,503
    OMXH 25 short Outokumpu 10,788.77 3.996 0.956 1/11/16 2.476 -26,713 10,314 -16,399 971,104  987,805 83,299 1,071,104
    PSI 20 Pharol 74,308.51 0.141 0.564 12/07/15 0.282 -20,955 41,910 20,955 992,059  966,850 125,209 1,092,059
    OMXC 20 Nordea Bank (DK) 3,256.63 8.632 7.935 4/11/16 8.283 -26,976 25,840 -1,136 990,923  939,874 151,049 1,090,923
    Europe 50 long BAT 4.96 5,349.570   4/18/16 5,403.310 -26,800 26,534 -267 990,657  913,074 177,583 1,090,657
    Nordic 30 short Møller-Mærsk B 18.03 1,254.850 1,197.470 12/14/15 1,226.160 -22,108 21,590 -517 990,140  890,966 199,173 1,090,140
date B/S market l/s instrument pieces price prc short corresponding invest divest prf/loss acc p/l ∑ invest asset total
    FT 30 long BAT 4.96 5,349.570   4/18/16 5,403.310 -26,800 26,534 -267 989,873  864,166 225,707 1,089,873
  Buy S&P 100 McDonald´s 290.71 113.132   5/09/16 114.955 32,889        897,054 192,819  
    Germany Verbio 3,925.64 8.378   6/27/16 5.220 32,889        929,943 159,930  
    DAX Adidas 304.95 107.850   5/09/16 114.300 32,889        962,832 127,041  
    TecDAX SMA Solar 703.28 46.765   5/09/16 46.500 32,889        995,721 94,152  
    IBEX 35 aena 272.49 120.700   5/09/16 123.100 32,890        1,028,611 61,262  
    BEL 20 short Ackermans van Haaren 297.77 110.450   8/22/16 112.650 32,889        1,061,499 28,374  
    OMXH 25 long Outokumpu 8,230.48 3.996   5/02/16 3.550 32,889        1,094,388 -4,515  
    OMXC 20 Genmab 252.37 130.322   6/13/16 152.120 32,889        1,127,278 -37,405  
    Nordic 30 Volvo 3,059.78 10.749   5/09/16 9.844 32,889        1,160,167 -70,294  
    FT 30 short NatWest 103.06 319.111   5/16/16 270.322 32,888        1,193,054 -103,181  
5/02/16 Sell OMXH 25 long Outokumpu 8,230.48 3.550   4/25/16 3.996 -32,889 29,218 -3,671 986,202  1,160,165 -73,963 1,086,202
  Buy   short Konecranes 1,266.14 19.986   5/23/16 22.476 25,305        1,185,470 -99,268  
5/09/16 Sell S&P 100 long McDonald´s 290.71 114.955   4/25/16 113.132 -32,889 33,419 530 986,732  1,152,582 -65,849 1,086,732
    DAX Adidas 304.95 114.300   4/25/16 107.850 -32,889 34,856 1,967 988,699  1,119,693 -30,994 1,088,699
    TecDAX SMA Solar 703.28 46.500   4/25/16 46.765 -32,889 32,703 -186 988,513  1,086,804 1,709 1,088,513
    IBEX 35 aena 272.49 123.100   4/25/16 120.700 -32,890 33,544 654 989,167  1,053,914 35,252 1,089,167
    FTSE short Glencore 141.21 167.806 209.259 8/24/15 187.390 -26,461 29,549 3,088 992,255  1,027,453 64,802 1,092,255
    HSI-C&I Sands China 6,803.40 3.084 3.713 7/06/15 3.384 -23,020 25,258 2,238 994,493  1,004,433 90,059 1,094,493
    Athex LC Eurobank Ergasias 234.51 0.875 2,744.000 1/27/14 49.000 -11,491 643,495 632,004 1,626,497  992,942 733,555 1,726,497
    Nordic 30 long Volvo 3,059.78 9.844   4/25/16 10.749 -32,889 30,121 -2,768 1,623,729  960,053 763,676 1,723,729
    GEX short Manz 543.73 36.225 45.638 12/14/15 40.660 -22,108 24,815 2,707 1,626,436  937,945 788,491 1,726,436
    DJ Global Titans long McDonald´s 241.23 114.955   4/11/16 111.826 -26,976 27,731 755 1,627,191  910,969 816,222 1,727,191
  Buy DAX short Deutsche Bank 4,863.02 13.075   5/16/16 12.861 63,585        974,554 752,637  
    FTSE long Fresnillo 48.34 1,315.360   10/08/18 886.711 63,585        1,038,139 689,052  
date B/S market l/s instrument pieces price prc short corresponding invest divest prf/loss acc p/l ∑ invest asset total
    HSI-C&I MTR 14,594.09 4.357   12/26/16 4.598 63,585        1,101,724 625,467  
    OBX 25 SalMar 2,834.14 22.435   6/27/16 25.094 63,585        1,165,309 561,882  
    Athex LC Jumbo 5,657.03 11.240   6/20/16 10.590 63,585        1,228,894 498,297  
    Nordic 30 short Ericsson 9,321.81 6.821   5/16/16 6.762 63,585        1,292,479 434,712  
    GEX long Hypoport 813.32 78.180   5/23/16 84.790 63,585        1,356,064 371,127  
    DJ Global Titans short Mitsubishi UFJ 15,812.05 4.021   7/04/16 3.981 63,585        1,419,649 307,542  
5/16/16 Sell Euro 50 short Deutsche Bank 927.73 12.861 13.567 4/04/16 13.209 -12,254 12,586 332 1,627,523  1,407,395 320,128 1,727,523
      Unicredit 810.86 14.382 15.881 4/04/16 15.113 -12,255 12,877 623 1,628,145  1,395,140 333,005 1,728,145
    ATX long Flughafen Wien 1,071.65 25.113   3/28/16 24.348 -26,092 26,912 820 1,628,965  1,369,048 359,917 1,728,965
    DAX short Deutsche Bank 4,863.02 12.861 13.293 5/09/16 13.075 -63,585 64,644 1,059 1,630,024  1,305,463 424,561 1,730,024
    Nordic 30 Ericsson 9,321.81 6.762 6.881 5/09/16 6.821 -63,585 64,141 556 1,630,580  1,241,878 488,702 1,730,580
    FT 30 NatWest 103.06 270.322 376.705 4/25/16 319.111 -32,888 38,823 5,936 1,636,516  1,208,991 527,525 1,736,516
  Buy Euro 50 long Deutsche Post 1,054.02 26.850   3/16/20 20.560 28,300        1,237,291 499,225  
      Vinci 431.94 65.520   3/16/20 59.040 28,301        1,265,592 470,924  
    ATX short Zumtobel 4,837.69 11.700   8/15/16 13.740 56,601        1,322,193 414,323  
    DAX long Adidas 515.02 109.900   3/05/18 174.750 56,601        1,378,793 357,722  
    PSI 20 short Pharol 428,795.45 0.132   8/15/16 0.180 56,601        1,435,394 301,121  
    Europe 50 long BAT 10.57 5,355.180   3/05/18 4,737.420 56,604        1,491,999 244,517  
    Nordic 30 Pandora 433.35 130.613   6/13/16 124.682 56,601        1,548,600 187,916  
    FT 30 Compass Group 34.76 1,628.290   5/30/16 1,692.840 56,599        1,605,199 131,316  
    CAC Mid 60 Ubisoft 1,882.31 30.070   6/27/16 30.880 56,601        1,661,800 74,715  
5/23/16 Sell OMXH 25 short Konecranes 1,266.14 22.476 17.496 5/02/16 19.986 -25,305 22,152 -3,153 1,633,363  1,636,495 96,868 1,733,363
    GEX long Hypoport 813.32 84.790   5/09/16 78.180 -63,585 68,961 5,376 1,638,739  1,572,910 165,829 1,738,739
  Buy S&P 100 1,533.35 31.052   8/21/17 40.356 47,614        1,620,524 118,215  
    OMXH 25 Huhtamäki 1,314.21 36.230   6/13/16 36.730 47,614        1,668,138 70,601  
date B/S market l/s instrument pieces price prc short corresponding invest divest prf/loss acc p/l ∑ invest asset total
5/30/16 Sell DJIA short Chevron 425.99 91.551 32.686 8/24/15 62.119 -26,462 13,924 -12,538 1,626,201  1,641,676 84,526 1,726,201
    ISEQ 20 FBD 1,829.19 6.529 6.351 1/18/16 6.440 -11,780 11,617 -163 1,626,038  1,629,896 96,143 1,726,038
    FT 30 long Compass Group 34.76 1,692.840   5/16/16 1,628.290 -56,599 58,843 2,244 1,628,282  1,573,296 154,986 1,728,282
  Buy DJIA Chevron 514.26 91.551   12/24/18 88.457 47,081        1,620,377 107,905  
    AEX Wolters Kluwer 1,305.45 36.065   6/13/16 33.620 47,081        1,667,458 60,824  
    ISEQ 20 Flutter 199.92 117.750   6/06/16 120.700 23,541        1,690,999 37,283  
    FT 30 short Marks & Spencer 92.67 508.070   6/06/16 462.909 47,083        1,738,082 -9,800  
6/06/16 Sell HSI-Fin short China Life Ins HK 10,524.80 1.986 3.243 1/11/16 2.538 -26,713 34,136 7,423 1,635,705  1,711,369 24,336 1,735,705
    HSI-Prop Hang Lung 6,883.26 1.737 2.127 8/24/15 1.922 -13,231 14,643 1,412 1,637,118  1,698,138 38,980 1,737,118
      The Wharf 7,562.30 1.945 1.554 8/24/15 1.750 -13,231 11,751 -1,480 1,635,638  1,684,907 50,731 1,735,638
    ISEQ 20 long Flutter 199.92 120.700   5/30/16 117.750 -23,541 24,130 590 1,636,227  1,661,366 74,861 1,736,227
    FT 30 short Marks & Spencer 92.67 462.909 557.638 5/30/16 508.070 -47,083 51,676 4,593 1,640,821  1,614,283 126,537 1,740,821
  Buy MDAX Hugo Boss 835.12 55.900   10/17/16 53.240 46,683        1,660,967 79,854  
    SDAX long Hypoport 525.59 88.820   6/27/16 81.550 46,683        1,707,650 33,171  
    HSI-Fin Bank of East Asia 14,053.95 3.322   12/19/16 3.743 46,683        1,754,333 -13,512  
    HSI-Prop Sino Land 16,848.20 1.385   12/19/16 1.418 23,342        1,777,674 -36,853  
      Link REIT 4,245.14 5.498   12/19/16 6.206 23,341        1,801,016 -60,195  
    ISEQ 20 short Bank of Ireland 2,992.50 7.800   10/03/16 5.475 23,342        1,824,357 -83,536  
      permanent tsb 11,341.84 2.058   10/03/16 2.166 23,342        1,847,699 -106,878  
    Indices long NZX 50 10.90 4,282.640   6/27/16 4,277.800 46,681        1,894,379 -153,558  
6/13/16 Sell France long Ubisoft 989.33 32.460   4/18/16 27.080 -26,791 32,114 5,323 1,646,143  1,867,588 -121,445 1,746,143
    SSE 50 short Haitong Secs 15,191.65 1.997 1.520 1/11/16 1.758 -26,713 23,096 -3,617 1,642,526  1,840,875 -98,349 1,742,526
    AEX long Wolters Kluwer 1,305.45 33.620   5/30/16 36.065 -47,081 43,889 -3,192 1,639,335  1,793,794 -54,460 1,739,335
    OMXH 25 Huhtamäki 1,314.21 36.730   5/23/16 36.230 -47,614 48,271 657 1,639,992  1,746,180 -6,189 1,739,992
    OMXC 20 Genmab 252.37 152.120   4/25/16 130.322 -32,889 38,391 5,501 1,645,493  1,713,291 32,202 1,745,493
date B/S market l/s instrument pieces price prc short corresponding invest divest prf/loss acc p/l ∑ invest asset total
    OMXS 30 Securitas 929.15 13.140   4/18/16 14.417 -13,396 12,209 -1,186 1,644,306  1,699,895 44,411 1,744,306
      Fingerprint Cards 1,082.91 9.568   4/18/16 12.370 -13,395 10,361 -3,034 1,641,272  1,686,500 54,772 1,741,272
    Nordic 30 Pandora 433.35 124.682   5/16/16 130.613 -56,601 54,031 -2,570 1,638,702  1,629,899 108,803 1,738,702
    BSE Sensex 30 short Bharat Heavy 11,443.71 1.058 2.697 11/16/15 1.689 -19,333 30,868 11,535 1,650,237  1,610,566 139,671 1,750,237
  Buy France Vallourec 351.64 134.360   8/15/16 166.280 47,246        1,657,812 92,425  
    SSE 50 long Kweichow Moutai 1,315.21 35.924   8/01/16 41.398 47,247        1,705,059 45,178  
    OMXH 25 short Nordea Bank 5,832.96 8.100   7/18/16 7.790 47,247        1,752,306 -2,069  
    OMXC 20 Jyske Bank 1,404.54 33.639   7/11/16 34.519 47,247        1,799,553 -49,316  
    OMXS 30 Ericsson 3,598.57 6.565   6/20/16 6.978 23,624        1,823,177 -72,940  
      SSAB 10,772.72 2.193   6/20/16 2.173 23,624        1,846,800 -96,563  
    Nordic 30 Ericsson 7,197.13 6.565   8/15/16 6.565 47,247        1,894,047 -143,810  
    BSE Sensex 30 long Tata Steel 111,117.12 0.425   12/26/16 0.536 47,247        1,941,294 -191,057  
6/20/16 Sell Athex LC long Jumbo 5,657.03 10.590   5/09/16 11.240 -63,585 59,908 -3,677 1,646,560  1,877,709 -131,149 1,746,560
    OMXS 30 short Ericsson 3,598.57 6.978 6.152 6/13/16 6.565 -23,624 22,137 -1,486 1,645,074  1,854,086 -109,012 1,745,074
      SSAB 10,772.72 2.173 2.213 6/13/16 2.193 -23,624 23,844 221 1,645,295  1,830,462 -85,167 1,745,295
    MerVal long Gr Fin Galicia 11,839.37 2.681   4/11/16 2.279 -26,976 31,744 4,768 1,650,062  1,803,486 -53,424 1,750,062
  Buy Athex LC short National Bank Greece 17,896.62 2.370   10/10/16 1.990 42,415        1,845,901 -95,839  
    OMXS 30 long Fingerprint Cards 2,352.68 9.014   6/27/16 7.925 21,208        1,867,109 -117,046  
    MerVal short Comercial del Plata 240,720.77 0.176   7/04/16 0.185 42,415        1,909,524 -159,461  
6/27/16 Sell Germany long Verbio 3,925.64 5.220   4/25/16 8.378 -32,889 20,492 -12,397 1,637,665  1,876,635 -138,969 1,737,665
    SDAX Hypoport 525.59 81.550   6/06/16 88.820 -46,683 42,862 -3,821 1,633,844  1,829,952 -96,108 1,733,844
    TSX 60 Barrick Gold 1,895.85 19.168   3/21/16 13.049 -24,738 36,340 11,602 1,645,446  1,805,214 -59,768 1,745,446
    OBX 25 SalMar 2,834.14 25.094   5/09/16 22.435 -63,585 71,121 7,536 1,652,982  1,741,629 11,353 1,752,982
    OMXS 30 Fingerprint Cards 2,352.68 7.925   6/20/16 9.014 -21,208 18,644 -2,563 1,650,418  1,720,421 29,997 1,750,418
    CAC Mid 60 Ubisoft 1,882.31 30.880   5/16/16 30.070 -56,601 58,126 1,525 1,651,943  1,663,820 88,123 1,751,943
date B/S market l/s instrument pieces price prc short corresponding invest divest prf/loss acc p/l ∑ invest asset total
    Indices NZX 50 10.90 4,277.800   6/06/16 4,282.640 -46,681 46,628 -53 1,651,890  1,617,139 134,751 1,751,890
  Buy TSX 60 short Bausch Health 2,772.01 17.015   7/18/16 21.195 47,166        1,664,305 87,585  
    OBX 25 BW LPG 15,347.52 3.073   8/01/16 3.143 47,166        1,711,471 40,419  
    OMXS 30 Nordea Bank 3,278.74 7.193   7/11/16 7.499 23,583        1,735,054 16,836  
      SSAB 11,793.27 2.000   7/11/16 2.427 23,583        1,758,637 -6,747  
    FT 30 ITV 254.45 185.363   7/25/16 224.848 47,166        1,805,803 -53,913  
    CAC Mid 60 Vallourec 410.85 114.800   9/05/16 167.760 47,166        1,852,969 -101,078  
    Indices Athex Large Cap 34.04 1,385.560   7/04/16 1,434.290 47,164        1,900,133 -148,243  
7/04/16 Sell MerVal short Comercial del Plata 240,720.77 0.185 0.167 6/20/16 0.176 -42,415 40,297 -2,118 1,649,772  1,857,718 -107,946 1,749,772
    Indices Athex Large Cap 34.04 1,434.290 1,336.830 6/27/16 1,385.560 -47,164 45,506 -1,659 1,648,113  1,810,554 -62,440 1,748,113
    QIX Mercedes-Benz 445.88 54.240 67.483 4/11/16 60.500 -26,976 30,089 3,113 1,651,226  1,783,578 -32,351 1,751,226
    DJ Global Titans Mitsubishi UFJ 15,812.05 3.981 4.062 5/09/16 4.021 -63,585 64,224 639 1,651,865  1,719,993 31,872 1,751,865
  Buy SDAX long Hypoport 527.98 84.460   8/08/16 89.550 44,593        1,764,586 -12,721  
    BAX Koenig & Bauer 1,031.29 43.240   7/18/16 44.510 44,593        1,809,179 -57,314  
    Indices Merval 49.08 908.669   2/12/18 1,230.340 44,597        1,853,776 -101,911  
    QIX Bechtle 2,834.90 15.730   11/19/18 23.500 44,593        1,898,369 -146,504  
    DJ Global Titans BP 83.90 531.514   3/05/18 527.670 44,594        1,942,963 -191,098  
7/11/16 Sell OMXC 20 short Jyske Bank 1,404.54 34.519 32.759 6/13/16 33.639 -47,247 46,011 -1,236 1,650,630  1,895,717 -145,087 1,750,630
    OMXS 30 Nordea Bank 3,278.74 7.499 6.887 6/27/16 7.193 -23,583 22,580 -1,003 1,649,626  1,872,134 -122,507 1,749,626
      SSAB 11,793.27 2.427 1.573 6/27/16 2.000 -23,583 18,546 -5,037 1,644,589  1,848,551 -103,961 1,744,589
  Buy OMXC 20 long Genmab 249.19 164.591   11/28/16 167.301 41,014        1,889,565 -144,976  
    OMXS 30 Boliden 1,116.21 18.372   8/14/17 26.731 20,507        1,910,072 -165,483  
      Fingerprint Cards 1,976.06 10.378   8/14/17 3.930 20,508        1,930,580 -185,991  
7/18/16 Sell OMXH 25 short Nordea Bank 5,832.96 7.790 8.422 6/13/16 8.100 -47,247 49,127 1,880 1,646,469  1,883,333 -136,864 1,746,469
    TSX 60 Bausch Health 2,772.01 21.195 12.835 6/27/16 17.015 -47,166 35,579 -11,587 1,634,883  1,836,167 -101,284 1,734,883
date B/S market l/s instrument pieces price prc short corresponding invest divest prf/loss acc p/l ∑ invest asset total
    Nikkei (FRA) IHI 672.99 25.860 10.500 3/14/16 18.180 -12,235 7,066 -5,169 1,629,714  1,823,932 -94,218 1,729,714
    BAX long Koenig & Bauer 1,031.29 44.510   7/04/16 43.240 -44,593 45,903 1,310 1,631,024  1,779,339 -48,315 1,731,024
  Buy OMXH 25 Outokumpu 9,129.12 4.608   10/24/16 6.197 42,067        1,821,406 -90,382  
    Nikkei (FRA) Screen 915.59 22.973   5/22/17 31.796 21,033        1,842,439 -111,416  
      Sumitomo Pharma 1,307.73 16.084   5/22/17 13.525 21,034        1,863,473 -132,449  
    BAX short Siltronic 2,900.17 14.505   7/25/16 14.645 42,067        1,905,540 -174,516  
7/25/16 Sell HDAX short Deutsche Bank 2,158.93 11.745 13.293 4/11/16 12.495 -26,976 28,698 1,722 1,632,746  1,878,564 -145,818 1,732,746
    FT 30 ITV 254.45 224.848 145.879 6/27/16 185.363 -47,166 37,119 -10,047 1,622,699  1,831,398 -108,699 1,722,699
    BAX Siltronic 2,900.17 14.645 14.365 7/18/16 14.505 -42,067 41,661 -406 1,622,293  1,789,331 -67,038 1,722,293
  Buy HDAX long Adidas 297.49 139.100   6/25/18 187.000 41,381        1,830,712 -108,419  
    FT 30 3i Group 56.74 729.304   11/21/16 761.138 41,381        1,872,093 -149,800  
    BAX Koenig & Bauer 829.94 49.860   8/01/16 49.515 41,381        1,913,474 -191,181  
8/01/16 Sell SSE 50 long Kweichow Moutai 1,315.21 41.398   6/13/16 35.924 -47,247 54,447 7,200 1,629,493  1,866,227 -136,734 1,729,493
    OBX 25 short BW LPG 15,347.52 3.143 3.004 6/27/16 3.073 -47,166 46,101 -1,065 1,628,427  1,819,061 -90,633 1,728,427
    BAX long Koenig & Bauer 829.94 49.515   7/25/16 49.860 -41,381 41,094 -286 1,628,141  1,777,680 -49,539 1,728,141
  Buy SSE 50 short Cosco Shipping 60,889.44 0.689   8/15/16 0.719 41,965        1,819,645 -91,504  
    OBX 25 long Aker BP 3,667.66 11.442   8/15/16 12.511 41,965        1,861,610 -133,469  
8/08/16 Sell SDAX long Hypoport 527.98 89.550   7/04/16 84.460 -44,593 47,281 2,687 1,630,829  1,817,017 -86,188 1,730,829
    Nikkei (TYO) short IHI 1,022.03 25.014 26.800 8/24/15 25.892 -26,462 27,390 928 1,631,757  1,790,555 -58,798 1,731,757
  Buy SDAX ElringKlinger 2,540.12 16.465   11/21/16 13.230 41,823        1,832,378 -100,621  
    Nikkei (TYO) long Tokuyama 2,869.17 14.577   8/22/16 16.114 41,823        1,874,201 -142,444  
8/15/16 Sell France short Vallourec 351.64 166.280 102.440 6/13/16 134.360 -47,246 36,022 -11,224 1,620,533  1,826,954 -106,422 1,720,533
    SSE 50 Cosco Shipping 60,889.44 0.719 0.659 8/01/16 0.689 -41,965 40,138 -1,827 1,618,706  1,784,989 -66,284 1,718,706
    ATX Zumtobel 4,837.69 13.740 9.660 5/16/16 11.700 -56,601 46,732 -9,869 1,608,837  1,728,388 -19,551 1,708,837
    PSI 20 Pharol 428,795.45 0.180 0.084 5/16/16 0.132 -56,601 36,019 -20,582 1,588,255  1,671,787 16,467 1,688,255
date B/S market l/s instrument pieces price prc short corresponding invest divest prf/loss acc p/l ∑ invest asset total
    OBX 25 long Aker BP 3,667.66 12.511   8/01/16 11.442 -41,965 45,887 3,922 1,592,177  1,629,822 62,354 1,692,177
    Nordic 30 short Ericsson 7,197.13 6.565 6.565 6/13/16 6.565 -47,247 47,247 0 1,592,177  1,582,575 109,601  
  Buy France long Ubisoft 1,219.05 36.950   12/05/16 30.830 45,044        1,627,619 64,557  
    SSE 50 Kweichow Moutai 1,049.12 42.935   12/26/16 44.672 45,044        1,672,663 19,513  
    ATX Lenzing 464.32 97.010   6/18/18 94.500 45,044        1,717,707 -25,530  
    PSI 20 Corticeira Amorim 5,214.63 8.638   9/19/16 8.494 45,044        1,762,751 -70,574  
    OBX 25 short BW LPG 14,489.66 3.109   10/24/16 2.621 45,044        1,807,795 -115,618  
    Nordic 30 long Kone 949.49 47.440   7/31/17 44.010 45,044        1,852,839 -160,662  
    Topix (FRA) Nintendo 2,298.16 19.600   8/22/16 19.812 45,044        1,897,883 -205,706  
8/22/16 Sell BEL 20 short Ackermans van Haaren 297.77 112.650 108.250 4/25/16 110.450 -32,889 32,234 -655 1,591,522  1,864,994 -173,473 1,691,522
    Topix (FRA) long Nintendo 2,298.16 19.812   8/15/16 19.600 -45,044 45,531 487 1,592,008  1,819,950 -127,942 1,692,008
    Nikkei (TYO) Tokuyama 2,869.17 16.114   8/08/16 14.577 -41,823 46,233 4,410 1,596,418  1,778,127 -81,709 1,696,418
  Buy BEL 20 Umicore 1,495.91 26.985   11/21/16 27.310 40,367        1,818,494 -122,076  
    Topix (FRA) short Ono Pharmaceutical 1,695.02 23.815   11/14/16 22.205 40,367        1,858,861 -162,443  
    Nikkei (TYO) Tokyo Electric Power 12,987.26 3.108   9/26/16 3.817 40,367        1,899,228 -202,810  
9/05/16 Sell CAC Mid 60 short Vallourec 410.85 167.760 61.840 6/27/16 114.800 -47,166 25,407 -21,759 1,574,659  1,852,063 -177,403 1,674,659
  Buy   long Ubisoft 1,024.24 36.545   9/26/16 33.640 37,431        1,889,493 -214,834  
9/12/16 Sell SP Global 100 short RWE 2,001.66 14.645 11.795 8/24/15 13.220 -26,462 23,610 -2,852 1,571,807  1,863,032 -191,225 1,671,807
  Buy   long Anglo American 38.06 972.585   7/02/18 1,858.240 37,017        1,900,048 -228,241  
9/19/16 Sell PSI 20 long Corticeira Amorim 5,214.63 8.494   8/15/16 8.638 -45,044 44,293 -751 1,571,056  1,855,004 -183,948 1,671,056
  Buy   short Banco Comercial 183,408.98 0.203   9/26/16 0.199 37,177        1,892,181 -221,125  
9/26/16 Sell   short Banco Comercial 183,408.98 0.199 0.207 9/19/16 0.203 -37,177 37,892 715 1,571,771  1,855,004 -183,233 1,671,771
    CAC Mid 60 long Ubisoft 1,024.24 33.640   9/05/16 36.545 -37,431 34,455 -2,975 1,568,796  1,817,573 -148,777 1,668,796
    Nikkei (TYO) short Tokyo Electric Power 12,987.26 3.817 2.399 8/22/16 3.108 -40,367 31,162 -9,205 1,559,591  1,777,206 -117,616 1,659,591
  Buy PSI 20 long Corticeira Amorim 4,451.39 8.660   10/03/16 8.697 38,549        1,815,755 -156,165  
date B/S market l/s instrument pieces price prc short corresponding invest divest prf/loss acc p/l ∑ invest asset total
    CAC Mid 60 short Air France-KLM 816.89 47.190   10/10/16 47.900 38,549        1,854,304 -194,714  
    Nikkei (TYO) long DeNA 1,170.10 32.945   10/10/16 30.024 38,549        1,892,853 -233,263  
10/03/16 Sell ISEQ 20 short Bank of Ireland 2,992.50 5.475 11.112 6/06/16 7.800 -23,342 33,254 9,912 1,569,503  1,869,512 -200,009 1,669,503
      permanent tsb 11,341.84 2.166 1.950 6/06/16 2.058 -23,342 22,117 -1,225 1,568,278  1,846,170 -177,893 1,668,278
    PSI 20 long Corticeira Amorim 4,451.39 8.697   9/26/16 8.660 -38,549 38,714 165 1,568,442  1,807,621 -139,179 1,668,442
  Buy ISEQ 20 CRH 647.00 29.545   10/10/16 30.215 19,116        1,826,737 -158,295  
    PSI 20 short Banco Comercial 190,964.04 0.200   2/20/17 0.155 38,231        1,864,968 -196,526  
10/10/16 Sell ISEQ 20 long CRH 647.00 30.215   10/03/16 29.545 -19,116 19,549 433 1,568,876  1,845,852 -176,977 1,668,876
    Athex LC short National Bank Greece 17,896.62 1.990 2.823 6/20/16 2.370 -42,415 50,515 8,100 1,576,976  1,803,437 -126,462 1,676,976
    CAC Mid 60 Air France-KLM 816.89 47.900 46.480 9/26/16 47.190 -38,549 37,969 -580 1,576,396  1,764,888 -88,492 1,676,396
    Nikkei (TYO) long DeNA 1,170.10 30.024   9/26/16 32.945 -38,549 35,131 -3,418 1,572,978  1,726,339 -53,361 1,672,978
  Buy AEX ArcelorMittal 2,319.01 17.460   10/24/16 17.163 40,490        1,766,829 -93,851  
    ISEQ 20 short Bank of Ireland 3,749.07 5.400   1/02/17 7.050 20,245        1,787,074 -114,096  
      permanent tsb 9,286.70 2.180   1/02/17 2.760 20,245        1,807,319 -134,341  
    Athex LC long Mytilineos 8,470.71 4.780   10/24/16 4.900 40,490        1,847,809 -174,831  
    CAC Mid 60 Nexans 762.52 53.100   11/21/16 49.590 40,490        1,888,299 -215,321  
    Nikkei (TYO) short Mitsubishi Motors 9,555.84 4.237   10/31/16 5.079 40,490        1,928,789 -255,811  
10/17/16 Sell MDAX short Hugo Boss 835.12 53.240 58.693 6/06/16 55.900 -46,683 49,016 2,332 1,575,311  1,882,106 -206,795 1,675,311
  Buy   long Covestro 681.11 53.900   10/31/16 53.840 36,712        1,918,818 -243,507  
10/24/16 Sell AEX long ArcelorMittal 2,319.01 17.163   10/10/16 17.460 -40,490 39,801 -689 1,574,622  1,878,328 -203,706 1,674,622
    OMXH 25 Outokumpu 9,129.12 6.197   7/18/16 4.608 -42,067 56,573 14,506 1,589,128  1,836,261 -147,133 1,689,128
    OBX 25 short BW LPG 14,489.66 2.621 3.687 8/15/16 3.109 -45,044 53,429 8,385 1,597,513  1,791,217 -93,704 1,697,513
    Athex LC long Mytilineos 8,470.71 4.900   10/10/16 4.780 -40,490 41,506 1,016 1,598,530  1,750,727 -52,197 1,698,530
  Buy AEX short Aegon 11,001.87 3.741   2/20/17 5.084 41,158        1,791,885 -93,355  
    OMXH 25 Nokia 9,150.29 4.498   1/23/17 4.310 41,158        1,833,043 -134,513  
date B/S market l/s instrument pieces price prc short corresponding invest divest prf/loss acc p/l ∑ invest asset total
    OBX 25 long Grieg Seafood 4,902.68 8.395   10/31/16 8.016 41,158        1,874,201 -175,671  
    Athex LC short Piraeus Financial 860.15 47.850   1/09/17 70.620 41,158        1,915,359 -216,829  
10/31/16 Sell MDAX long Covestro 681.11 53.840   10/17/16 53.900 -36,712 36,671 -41 1,598,489  1,878,647 -180,158 1,698,489
    OBX 25 Grieg Seafood 4,902.68 8.016   10/24/16 8.395 -41,158 39,300 -1,858 1,596,631  1,837,489 -140,858 1,696,631
    Nikkei (TYO) short Mitsubishi Motors 9,555.84 5.079 3.396 10/10/16 4.237 -40,490 32,449 -8,041 1,588,589  1,796,999 -108,410 1,688,589
  Buy MDAX GEA Group 1,121.48 35.225   11/14/16 35.225 39,504        1,836,503 -147,914  
    OBX 25 BW LPG 13,448.17 2.938   12/12/16 3.901 39,504        1,876,007 -187,418  
    Nikkei (TYO) long Tokuyama 2,022.39 19.533   6/12/17 21.235 39,504        1,915,511 -226,922  
11/14/16 Sell MDAX short GEA Group 1,121.48 35.225 35.225 10/31/16 35.225 -39,504 39,504 0 1,588,589  1,876,007 -187,418  
    Topix (FRA) Ono Pharmaceutical 1,695.02 22.205 25.542 8/22/16 23.815 -40,367 43,294 2,927 1,591,516  1,835,640 -144,124 1,691,516
  Buy MDAX long Covestro 718.50 53.840   11/21/16 57.850 38,684        1,874,324 -182,808  
    TSX 60 short Bausch Health 2,381.80 16.242   10/16/17 10.964 38,684        1,913,008 -221,492  
11/21/16 Sell HSI long AAC Technologies 4,062.63 8.782   4/18/16 6.595 -26,791 35,680 8,889 1,600,405  1,886,217 -185,812 1,700,405
    MDAX Covestro 718.50 57.850   11/14/16 53.840 -38,684 41,565 2,881 1,603,286  1,847,533 -144,247 1,703,286
    SDAX short ElringKlinger 2,540.12 13.230 20.491 8/08/16 16.465 -41,823 52,050 10,227 1,613,513  1,805,710 -92,197 1,713,513
    BEL 20 long Umicore 1,495.91 27.310   8/22/16 26.985 -40,367 40,853 486 1,613,999  1,765,343 -51,344 1,713,999
    FT 30 3i Group 56.74 761.138   7/25/16 729.304 -41,381 43,187 1,806 1,615,805  1,723,962 -8,157 1,715,805
    CAC Mid 60 Nexans 762.52 49.590   10/10/16 53.100 -40,490 37,813 -2,676 1,613,129  1,683,472 29,656 1,713,129
  Buy HSI short Lenovo 75,457.22 0.577   2/27/17 0.572 43,569        1,727,041 -13,913  
    MDAX GEA Group 1,291.32 33.740   1/16/17 38.300 43,569        1,770,611 -57,482  
    SDAX long Borussia Dortmund 7,524.87 5.790   11/28/16 5.790 43,569        1,814,180 -101,051  
    BEL 20 short Engie 3,782.03 11.520   1/30/17 11.030 43,569        1,857,749 -144,620  
    MerVal BBVA Banco Francés 7,681.82 5.672   11/28/16 5.672 43,569        1,901,318 -188,189  
    FT 30 ITV 223.82 194.663   1/09/17 238.670 43,569        1,944,887 -231,758  
    CAC Mid 60 Viridien 3,403.83 12.800   12/26/16 13.570 43,569        1,988,456 -275,327  
date B/S market l/s instrument pieces price prc short corresponding invest divest prf/loss acc p/l ∑ invest asset total
    BAX long Siltronic 1,184.58 36.780   12/05/16 41.970 43,569        2,032,025 -318,896  
11/28/16 Sell SDAX long Borussia Dortmund 7,524.87 5.790   11/21/16 5.790 -43,569 43,569 0 1,613,129  1,988,456 -275,327  
    OMXC 20 Genmab 249.19 167.301   7/11/16 164.591 -41,014 41,690 675 1,613,804  1,947,441 -233,638 1,713,804
    MerVal short BBVA Banco Francés 7,681.82 5.672 5.672 11/21/16 5.672 -43,569 43,569 0 1,613,804  1,903,872 -190,069  
  Buy SDAX Multitude 2,675.07 14.240   1/16/17 16.450 38,093        1,941,965 -228,162  
    OMXC 20 Novo Nordisk 2,494.30 15.272   12/19/16 17.112 38,093        1,980,058 -266,255  
    Topix (FRA) Ono Pharmaceutical 1,807.07 21.080   1/02/17 19.780 38,093        2,018,151 -304,348  
12/05/16 Sell France long Ubisoft 1,219.05 30.830   8/15/16 36.950 -45,044 37,583 -7,461 1,606,343  1,973,108 -266,764 1,706,343
    BAX Siltronic 1,184.58 41.970   11/21/16 36.780 -43,569 49,717 6,148 1,612,491  1,929,539 -217,047 1,712,491
  Buy France short Viridien 2,569.48 14.550   12/19/16 14.080 37,386        1,966,925 -254,433  
    STI long Genting 58,079.85 0.644   12/19/16 0.617 37,386        2,004,311 -291,819  
    BAX short SFC Energy 16,840.54 2.220   1/02/17 1.970 37,386        2,041,697 -329,205  
12/12/16 Sell OBX 25 short BW LPG 13,448.17 3.901 1.974 10/31/16 2.938 -39,504 26,545 -12,959 1,599,533  2,002,193 -302,660 1,699,533
  Buy   long Aker BP 2,127.01 16.418   2/06/17 18.078 34,921        2,037,114 -337,581  
12/19/16 Sell France short Viridien 2,569.48 14.080 15.036 12/05/16 14.550 -37,386 38,634 1,248 1,600,781  1,999,728 -298,947 1,700,781
    HSI-Fin long Bank of East Asia 14,053.95 3.743   6/06/16 3.322 -46,683 52,608 5,925 1,606,706  1,953,045 -246,339 1,706,706
    HSI-Prop Sino Land 16,848.20 1.418   6/06/16 1.385 -23,342 23,892 551 1,607,257  1,929,703 -222,447 1,707,257
      Link REIT 4,245.14 6.206   6/06/16 5.498 -23,341 26,344 3,003 1,610,260  1,906,362 -196,102 1,710,260
    OMXC 20 short Novo Nordisk 2,494.30 17.112 13.432 11/28/16 15.272 -38,093 33,503 -4,590 1,605,670  1,868,269 -162,599 1,705,670
    STI long Genting 58,079.85 0.617   12/05/16 0.644 -37,386 35,824 -1,562 1,604,108  1,830,883 -126,775 1,704,108
  Buy France STMicroelectronics 3,764.49 10.475   8/14/17 14.290 39,433        1,870,316 -166,208  
    HSI-Fin short AIA 7,267.15 5.426   2/13/17 5.791 39,433        1,909,749 -205,641  
    HSI-Prop China Ov Land & Inv 7,715.92 2.555   3/20/17 2.939 19,716        1,929,465 -225,358  
      China Res Land 9,188.84 2.146   3/20/17 2.639 19,716        1,949,182 -245,074  
    OMXC 20 long Møller-Mærsk B 25.95 1,519.570   12/26/16 1,533.700 39,433        1,988,615 -284,507  
date B/S market l/s instrument pieces price prc short corresponding invest divest prf/loss acc p/l ∑ invest asset total
    STI short StarHub 21,542.20 1.831   5/08/17 1.798 39,433        2,028,048 -323,940  
12/26/16 Sell SSE 50 long Kweichow Moutai 1,049.12 44.672   8/15/16 42.935 -45,044 46,866 1,822 1,605,930  1,983,004 -277,074 1,705,930
    MIB short Saipem 34.27 244.286 960.075 9/21/15 484.286 -16,596 32,902 16,305 1,622,235  1,966,407 -244,172 1,722,235
    HSI-C&I long MTR 14,594.09 4.598   5/09/16 4.357 -63,585 67,109 3,524 1,625,759  1,902,822 -177,063 1,725,759
    OMXC 20 Møller-Mærsk B 25.95 1,533.700   12/19/16 1,519.570 -39,433 39,800 367 1,626,126  1,863,389 -137,263 1,726,126
    BSE Sensex 30 Tata Steel 111,117.12 0.536   6/13/16 0.425 -47,247 59,570 12,323 1,638,449  1,816,142 -77,693 1,738,449
    CAC Mid 60 short Viridien 3,403.83 13.570 12.030 11/21/16 12.800 -43,569 40,948 -2,621 1,635,828  1,772,573 -36,745 1,735,828
  Buy SSE 50 Orient Secs 19,855.56 2.139   1/09/17 2.081 42,477        1,815,050 -79,222  
    MIB long STMicroel Italy 3,951.35 10.750   11/27/17 20.210 42,477        1,857,527 -121,699  
    HSI-C&I short Hengan 6,253.24 6.793   2/27/17 8.189 42,477        1,900,004 -164,176  
    OMXC 20 Novo Nordisk 2,476.33 17.153   1/02/17 17.422 42,477        1,942,481 -206,653  
    BSE Sensex 30 Sun Pharma 4,927.33 8.621   2/20/17 9.586 42,477        1,984,958 -249,130  
    CAC Mid 60 long Vallourec 168.51 252.080   8/21/17 177.240 42,478        2,027,436 -291,608  
1/02/17 Sell ISEQ 20 short Bank of Ireland 3,749.07 7.050 3.750 10/10/16 5.400 -20,245 14,059 -6,186 1,629,642  2,007,191 -277,549 1,729,642
      permanent tsb 9,286.70 2.760 1.600 10/10/16 2.180 -20,245 14,859 -5,386 1,624,256  1,986,946 -262,690 1,724,256
    OMXC 20 Novo Nordisk 2,476.33 17.422 16.884 12/26/16 17.153 -42,477 41,811 -666 1,623,589  1,944,469 -220,880 1,723,589
    Topix (FRA) Ono Pharmaceutical 1,807.07 19.780 22.465 11/28/16 21.080 -38,093 40,597 2,504 1,626,093  1,906,376 -180,283 1,726,093
    BAX SFC Energy 16,840.54 1.970 2.502 12/05/16 2.220 -37,386 42,130 4,744 1,630,837  1,868,990 -138,153 1,730,837
  Buy OMXC 20 long Møller-Mærsk B 25.38 1,568.680   10/09/17 1,612.300 39,813        1,908,803 -177,966  
    Topix (FRA) Nomura 7,180.70 5.545   1/09/17 5.622 39,817        1,948,620 -217,783  
    BAX Siltronic 888.77 44.800   3/05/18 120.700 39,817        1,988,437 -257,600  
1/09/17 Sell SSE 50 short Orient Secs 19,855.56 2.081 2.199 12/26/16 2.139 -42,477 43,662 1,185 1,632,022  1,945,960 -213,938 1,732,022
    Athex LC Piraeus Financial 860.15 70.620 25.080 10/24/16 47.850 -41,158 21,573 -19,586 1,612,437  1,904,802 -192,365 1,712,437
    FT 30 ITV 223.82 238.670 150.656 11/21/16 194.663 -43,569 33,720 -9,850 1,602,587  1,861,233 -158,646 1,702,587
    SMI Holcim 382.76 49.995 51.029 11/16/15 50.510 -19,333 19,532 199 1,602,786  1,841,899 -139,114 1,702,786
date B/S market l/s instrument pieces price prc short corresponding invest divest prf/loss acc p/l ∑ invest asset total
    SLI Aryzta 2,823.31 8.993 9.769 8/24/15 9.373 -26,462 27,581 1,119 1,603,905  1,815,437 -111,533 1,703,905
    Topix (FRA) long Nomura 7,180.70 5.622   1/02/17 5.545 -39,817 40,370 553 1,604,457  1,775,620 -71,163 1,704,457
  Buy SSE 50 China Unicom 38,832.14 1.052   4/10/17 1.022 40,832        1,816,452 -111,995  
    Athex LC Mytilineos 6,471.00 6.310   2/06/17 6.680 40,832        1,857,284 -152,827  
    FT 30 3i Group 48.93 834.484   1/23/17 819.203 40,831        1,898,116 -193,658  
    Topix (FRA) short Ono Pharmaceutical 2,030.43 20.110   1/16/17 18.935 40,832        1,938,948 -234,490  
1/16/17 Sell MDAX short GEA Group 1,291.32 38.300 29.180 11/21/16 33.740 -43,569 37,681 -5,888 1,598,569  1,895,379 -196,810 1,698,569
    SDAX Multitude 2,675.07 16.450 12.030 11/28/16 14.240 -38,093 32,181 -5,912 1,592,657  1,857,286 -164,628 1,692,657
    Topix (FRA) Ono Pharmaceutical 2,030.43 18.935 21.358 1/09/17 20.110 -40,832 43,366 2,534 1,595,191  1,816,454 -121,263 1,695,191
  Buy MDAX long Covestro 615.87 63.890   2/12/18 85.580 39,348        1,855,802 -160,611  
    SDAX Hapag-Lloyd 1,498.97 26.250   1/30/17 28.700 39,348        1,895,150 -199,959  
    Topix (FRA) Shin-Etsu 2,477.05 15.885   1/23/17 15.550 39,348        1,934,497 -239,307  
1/23/17 Sell OMXH 25 short Nokia 9,150.29 4.310 4.694 10/24/16 4.498 -41,158 42,953 1,795 1,596,986  1,893,339 -196,353 1,696,986
    FT 30 long 3i Group 48.93 819.203   1/09/17 834.484 -40,831 40,084 -748 1,596,239  1,852,508 -156,270 1,696,239
    Topix (FRA) Shin-Etsu 2,477.05 15.550   1/16/17 15.885 -39,348 38,519 -829 1,595,410  1,813,160 -117,751 1,695,410
  Buy OMXH 25 Outokumpu 4,780.73 8.250   1/30/17 8.270 39,441        1,852,601 -157,192  
    FT 30 short Ass Brit Foods 13.42 2,938.160   2/13/17 3,002.720 39,430        1,892,031 -196,622  
    SMI Swisscom 96.29 409.625   2/20/17 424.638 39,443        1,931,474 -236,064  
    Topix (FRA) Ono Pharmaceutical 2,185.10 18.050   2/27/17 20.125 39,441        1,970,915 -275,506  
1/30/17 Sell SDAX long Hapag-Lloyd 1,498.97 28.700   1/16/17 26.250 -39,348 43,020 3,672 1,599,082  1,931,567 -232,485 1,699,082
    BEL 20 short Engie 3,782.03 11.030 12.032 11/21/16 11.520 -43,569 45,505 1,936 1,601,018  1,887,998 -186,980 1,701,018
    OMXH 25 long Outokumpu 4,780.73 8.270   1/23/17 8.250 -39,441 39,537 96 1,601,113  1,848,557 -147,444 1,701,113
    CAC Next 20 short Casino Guichard 4.70 4,978.000 6,362.870 8/24/15 5,628.000 -26,452 29,905 3,454 1,604,567  1,822,106 -117,538 1,704,567
  Buy Germany long Siltronic 767.85 51.670   8/21/17 83.000 39,675        1,861,780 -157,213  
    SDAX short Patrizia Immobilien 2,704.50 14.670   2/20/17 17.805 39,675        1,901,455 -196,888  
date B/S market l/s instrument pieces price prc short corresponding invest divest prf/loss acc p/l ∑ invest asset total
    ISEQ 20 Kerry 303.23 65.420   2/06/17 65.840 19,837        1,921,293 -216,725  
    BEL 20 long Galapagos 654.06 60.660   11/13/17 77.350 39,675        1,960,968 -256,401  
    OMXH 25 short Nokia 9,423.99 4.210   2/27/17 4.840 39,675        2,000,643 -296,076  
    ÖkoDAX (deprecated) long Verbio 3,694.13 10.740   10/23/17 7.650 39,675        2,040,318 -335,751  
    CAC Next 20 STMicroelectronics 3,175.27 12.495   2/06/17 13.190 39,675        2,079,993 -375,426  
2/06/17 Sell ISEQ 20 short Kerry 303.23 65.840 65.000 1/30/17 65.420 -19,837 19,710 -127 1,604,440  2,060,156 -355,716 1,704,440
    OBX 25 long Aker BP 2,127.01 18.078   12/12/16 16.418 -34,921 38,451 3,530 1,607,970  2,025,235 -317,265 1,707,970
    Athex LC Mytilineos 6,471.00 6.680   1/09/17 6.310 -40,832 43,226 2,394 1,610,364  1,984,403 -274,038 1,710,364
    CAC Next 20 STMicroelectronics 3,175.27 13.190   1/30/17 12.495 -39,675 41,882 2,207 1,612,571  1,944,728 -232,157 1,712,571
  Buy IBEX 35 ArcelorMittal 1,678.46 22.050   2/27/17 25.230 37,010        1,981,738 -269,167  
    ISEQ 20 CRH 566.08 32.690   3/27/17 31.940 18,505        2,000,243 -287,672  
    Athex LC short Ellaktor 33,954.13 1.090   5/08/17 1.400 37,010        2,037,253 -324,682  
    CAC Next 20 SES 2,065.87 17.915   2/13/17 19.325 37,010        2,074,263 -361,692  
2/13/17 Sell HSI-Fin short AIA 7,267.15 5.791 5.062 12/19/16 5.426 -39,433 36,786 -2,647 1,609,924  2,034,830 -324,906 1,709,924
    FT 30 Ass Brit Foods 13.42 3,002.720 2,873.610 1/23/17 2,938.160 -39,430 38,564 -866 1,609,057  1,995,400 -286,342 1,709,057
    CAC Next 20 SES 2,065.87 19.325 16.505 2/06/17 17.915 -37,010 34,097 -2,913 1,606,144  1,958,390 -252,245 1,706,144
  Buy HSI-Fin long China Life Ins HK 12,220.35 2.974   5/21/18 2.414 36,347        1,994,737 -288,592  
    FT 30 3i Group 43.03 844.662   7/03/17 1,029.720 36,346        2,031,083 -324,938  
    CAC Next 20 STMicroelectronics 2,814.32 12.915   2/20/17 13.585 36,347        2,067,429 -361,285  
2/20/17 Sell SDAX short Patrizia Immobilien 2,704.50 17.805 11.535 1/30/17 14.670 -39,675 31,196 -8,479 1,597,666  2,027,754 -330,089 1,697,666
    AEX Aegon 11,001.87 5.084 2.398 10/24/16 3.741 -41,158 26,382 -14,776 1,582,890  1,986,596 -303,706 1,682,890
    PSI 20 Banco Comercial 190,964.04 0.155 0.259 10/03/16 0.200 -38,231 49,479 11,248 1,594,138  1,948,365 -254,227 1,694,138
    BSE Sensex 30 Sun Pharma 4,927.33 9.586 7.656 12/26/16 8.621 -42,477 37,722 -4,755 1,589,383  1,905,888 -216,506 1,689,383
    SMI Swisscom 96.29 424.638 394.612 1/23/17 409.625 -39,443 37,997 -1,446 1,587,937  1,866,446 -178,509 1,687,937
    CAC Next 20 long STMicroelectronics 2,814.32 13.585   2/13/17 12.915 -36,347 38,233 1,886 1,589,823  1,830,099 -140,276 1,689,823
date B/S market l/s instrument pieces price prc short corresponding invest divest prf/loss acc p/l ∑ invest asset total
  Buy TecDAX Siltronic 668.82 57.920   7/10/17 78.000 38,738        1,868,837 -179,014  
    SDAX 363.74 106.500   9/25/17 115.100 38,738        1,907,575 -217,752  
    AEX ArcelorMittal 1,487.12 26.049   4/17/17 21.390 38,738        1,946,313 -256,490  
    PSI 20 Pharol 110,680.00 0.350   2/27/17 0.345 38,738        1,985,051 -295,228  
    BSE Sensex 30 Tata Steel 56,411.82 0.687   10/07/19 0.416 38,738        2,023,789 -333,966  
2/27/17 Sell HSI short Lenovo 75,457.22 0.572 0.583 11/21/16 0.577 -43,569 43,992 423 1,590,245  1,980,220 -289,975 1,690,245
    IBEX 35 long ArcelorMittal 1,678.46 25.230   2/06/17 22.050 -37,010 42,348 5,338 1,595,583  1,943,210 -247,627 1,695,583
    HSI-C&I short Hengan 6,253.24 8.189 5.396 12/26/16 6.793 -42,477 33,744 -8,733 1,586,850  1,900,733 -213,883 1,686,850
    OMXH 25 Nokia 9,423.99 4.840 3.580 1/30/17 4.210 -39,675 33,738 -5,937 1,580,912  1,861,058 -180,146 1,680,912
    PSI 20 long Pharol 110,680.00 0.345   2/20/17 0.350 -38,738 38,185 -553 1,580,359  1,822,320 -141,961 1,680,359
    Topix (FRA) short Ono Pharmaceutical 2,185.10 20.125 15.975 1/23/17 18.050 -39,441 34,907 -4,534 1,575,825  1,782,879 -107,054 1,675,825
  Buy HSI long Geely Auto 30,463.73 1.287   4/23/18 2.225 39,219        1,822,098 -146,273  
    HSI-C&I Galaxy Entertainment 8,687.34 4.515   3/05/18 6.814 39,219        1,861,317 -185,492  
    OMXH 25 Outokumpu 4,217.10 9.300   3/20/17 9.820 39,219        1,900,536 -224,711  
    PSI 20 short Banco Comercial 268,623.29 0.146   3/27/17 0.180 39,219        1,939,755 -263,930  
    Topix (FRA) long T&D 2,715.25 14.444   3/06/17 14.444 39,219        1,978,974 -303,149  
    GEX MBB 458.43 85.550   5/22/17 109.000 39,219        2,018,193 -342,368  
3/06/17 Sell Topix (FRA) long T&D 2,715.25 14.444   2/27/17 14.444 -39,219 39,219 0 1,575,825  1,978,974 -303,149  
  Buy   short Ono Pharmaceutical 1,705.14 20.125   10/30/17 18.530 34,316        2,013,290 -337,465  
3/13/17 Buy SMI short Givaudan 19.70 1,698.660   3/27/17 1,677.880 33,464        2,046,753 -370,928  
3/20/17 Sell HSI-Prop short China Ov Land & Inv 7,715.92 2.939 2.172 12/19/16 2.555 -19,716 16,758 -2,958 1,572,867  2,027,037 -354,170 1,672,867
      China Res Land 9,188.84 2.639 1.653 12/19/16 2.146 -19,716 15,185 -4,531 1,568,336  2,007,320 -338,985 1,668,336
    OMXH 25 long Outokumpu 4,217.10 9.820   2/27/17 9.300 -39,219 41,412 2,193 1,570,529  1,968,101 -297,573 1,670,529
  Buy IBEX 35 ArcelorMittal 1,355.57 25.320   6/05/17 18.810 34,323        2,002,424 -331,896  
    HSI-Prop Hang Lung 6,979.34 2.459   9/03/18 1.711 17,162        2,019,586 -349,057  
date B/S market l/s instrument pieces price prc short corresponding invest divest prf/loss acc p/l ∑ invest asset total
      The Wharf 5,544.55 3.095   9/03/18 2.489 17,161        2,036,747 -366,219  
3/27/17 Sell CAC 40 short ArcelorMittal 912.41 22.800 27.919 7/06/15 25.230 -23,020 25,474 2,453 1,572,982  2,013,727 -340,745 1,672,982
    ISEQ 20 long CRH 566.08 31.940   2/06/17 32.690 -18,505 18,081 -425 1,572,557  1,995,222 -322,665 1,672,557
    PSI 20 short Banco Comercial 268,623.29 0.180 0.112 2/27/17 0.146 -39,219 30,086 -9,133 1,563,424  1,956,003 -292,579 1,663,424
    SMI Givaudan 19.70 1,677.880 1,719.700 3/13/17 1,698.660 -33,464 33,878 414 1,563,839  1,922,539 -258,701 1,663,839
  Buy CAC 40 long ArcelorMittal 1,540.70 22.800   7/31/17 22.180 35,128        1,957,667 -293,829  
    PSI 20 Pharol 92,442.11 0.380   7/24/17 0.325 35,128        1,992,795 -328,957  
4/03/17 Buy CAC Next 20 long STMicroelectronics 2,335.34 14.290   11/13/17 20.375 33,372        2,026,167 -362,329  
4/10/17 Sell SSE 50 long China Unicom 38,832.14 1.022   1/09/17 1.052 -40,832 39,686 -1,146 1,562,693  1,985,335 -322,642 1,662,693
  Buy   short Dongxing Secs 13,580.75 2.467   4/17/17 2.373 33,501        2,018,836 -356,143  
4/17/17 Sell   short Dongxing Secs 13,580.75 2.373 2.564 4/10/17 2.467 -33,501 34,825 1,324 1,564,017  1,985,335 -321,318 1,664,017
    AEX long ArcelorMittal 1,487.12 21.390   2/20/17 26.049 -38,738 31,810 -6,928 1,557,089  1,946,597 -289,509 1,657,089
  Buy SSE 50 China Unicom 33,502.20 1.021   4/24/17 0.999 34,189        1,980,786 -323,698  
    AEX short KPN 12,254.12 2.790   4/01/19 2.785 34,189        2,014,975 -357,887  
4/24/17 Sell SSE 50 long China Unicom 33,502.20 0.999   4/17/17 1.021 -34,189 33,462 -727 1,556,362  1,980,786 -324,425 1,656,362
  Buy   short Dongxing Secs 14,788.59 2.252   5/01/17 2.289 33,298        2,014,084 -357,723  
    ISEQ 20 long Kingspan 546.41 30.470   6/19/17 30.100 16,649        2,030,733 -374,372  
      Origin Enterprises 2,234.77 7.450   6/19/17 6.900 16,649        2,047,382 -391,021  
    SMI short Swisscom 82.37 404.234   5/08/17 416.139 33,297        2,080,679 -424,317  
5/01/17 Sell SSE 50 short Dongxing Secs 14,788.59 2.289 2.214 4/24/17 2.252 -33,298 32,745 -553 1,555,809  2,047,381 -391,573 1,655,809
  Buy   long China Unicom 31,773.40 0.995   5/22/17 0.966 31,605        2,078,986 -423,178  
5/08/17 Sell Athex LC short Ellaktor 33,954.13 1.400 0.780 2/06/17 1.090 -37,010 26,484 -10,526 1,545,283  2,041,976 -396,693 1,645,283
    STI StarHub 21,542.20 1.798 1.864 12/19/16 1.831 -39,433 40,148 715 1,545,998  2,002,543 -356,545 1,645,998
    SMI Swisscom 82.37 416.139 392.328 4/24/17 404.234 -33,297 32,316 -981 1,545,017  1,969,246 -324,229 1,645,017
  Buy OMXH 25 long Orion 589.10 56.050   7/24/17 44.830 33,019        2,002,266 -357,248  
date B/S market l/s instrument pieces price prc short corresponding invest divest prf/loss acc p/l ∑ invest asset total
    Athex LC GEK Terna 10,318.44 3.200   8/28/17 3.970 33,019        2,035,285 -390,267  
    STI Yangzijiang Ship 40,066.74 0.824   6/12/17 0.784 33,019        2,068,304 -423,286  
    SMI Sika 329.84 100.107   2/12/18 108.576 33,019        2,101,323 -456,305  
    SLI Sika 329.84 100.107   9/04/17 100.456 33,019        2,134,342 -489,325  
5/22/17 Sell SSE 50 long China Unicom 31,773.40 0.966   5/01/17 0.995 -31,605 30,693 -912 1,544,106  2,102,737 -458,632 1,644,106
    NZX 50 a2 Milk 22,984.99 2.174   2/29/16 1.066 -24,502 49,958 25,456 1,569,561  2,078,235 -408,674 1,669,561
    Nikkei (FRA) Screen 915.59 31.796   7/18/16 22.973 -21,033 29,112 8,079 1,577,640  2,057,202 -379,562 1,677,640
      Sumitomo Pharma 1,307.73 13.525   7/18/16 16.084 -21,034 17,687 -3,346 1,574,294  2,036,168 -361,875 1,674,294
    GEX MBB 458.43 109.000   2/27/17 85.550 -39,219 49,969 10,750 1,585,044  1,996,950 -311,906 1,685,044
  Buy SSE 50 short AECC Aviation Power 10,225.80 3.357   5/29/17 3.208 34,328        2,031,278 -346,234  
    NZX 50 Comvita 9,808.00 3.500   6/12/17 3.344 34,328        2,065,606 -380,562  
    Nikkei (FRA) Japan Steel Works 1,313.54 13.067   10/23/17 20.930 17,164        2,082,770 -397,726  
    GEX InVision 1,183.32 29.010   3/11/19 16.400 34,328        2,117,098 -432,054  
5/29/17 Sell SSE 50 short AECC Aviation Power 10,225.80 3.208 3.513 5/22/17 3.357 -34,328 35,922 1,594 1,586,638  2,082,770 -396,132 1,686,638
  Buy   long China Unicom 33,106.21 0.975   12/04/17 0.907 32,262        2,115,032 -428,394  
6/05/17 Sell IBEX 35 long ArcelorMittal 1,355.57 18.810   3/20/17 25.320 -34,323 25,498 -8,825 1,577,813  2,080,709 -402,895 1,677,813
  Buy   short ArcelorMittal 1,694.42 18.810   3/11/19 20.365 31,872        2,112,581 -434,767  
6/12/17 Sell STI long Yangzijiang Ship 40,066.74 0.784   5/08/17 0.824 -33,019 31,392 -1,627 1,576,187  2,079,562 -403,375 1,676,187
    NZX 50 short Comvita 9,808.00 3.344 3.663 5/22/17 3.500 -34,328 35,926 1,598 1,577,784  2,045,234 -367,449 1,677,784
    Nikkei (TYO) long Tokuyama 2,022.39 21.235   10/31/16 19.533 -39,504 42,945 3,441 1,581,225  2,005,730 -324,505 1,681,225
  Buy STI short StarHub 19,337.51 1.754   1/25/21 0.825 33,918        2,039,648 -358,423  
    NZX 50 long a2 Milk 15,330.86 2.212   7/17/17 2.573 33,918        2,073,566 -392,341  
    Nikkei (TYO) short Chiyoda 6,513.92 5.207   6/26/17 5.044 33,918        2,107,484 -426,258  
6/19/17 Sell ISEQ 20 long Kingspan 546.41 30.100   4/24/17 30.470 -16,649 16,447 -202 1,581,023  2,090,835 -409,812 1,681,023
      Origin Enterprises 2,234.77 6.900   4/24/17 7.450 -16,649 15,420 -1,229 1,579,794  2,074,186 -394,392 1,679,794
date B/S market l/s instrument pieces price prc short corresponding invest divest prf/loss acc p/l ∑ invest asset total
  Buy   short C&C Group 4,825.08 3.330   12/11/17 2.831 16,068        2,090,253 -410,459  
6/26/17 Sell Nikkei (TYO) short Chiyoda 6,513.92 5.044 5.376 6/12/17 5.207 -33,918 35,017 1,099 1,580,893  2,056,335 -375,442 1,680,893
  Buy   long Sharp 965.27 33.810   7/03/17 32.026 32,636        2,088,971 -408,078  
7/03/17 Sell FT 30 long 3i Group 43.03 1,029.720   2/13/17 844.662 -36,346 44,309 7,963 1,588,856  2,052,625 -363,769 1,688,856
    Nikkei (TYO) Sharp 965.27 32.026   6/26/17 33.810 -32,636 30,914 -1,722 1,587,134  2,019,989 -332,856 1,687,134
  Buy FT 30 short BT Group 101.86 332.369   1/15/18 310.160 33,855        2,053,844 -366,711  
    Nikkei (TYO) Sumitomo Pharma 2,796.93 12.105   7/10/17 11.686 33,856        2,087,700 -400,567  
7/10/17 Sell TecDAX long Siltronic 668.82 78.000   2/20/17 57.920 -38,738 52,168 13,430 1,600,563  2,048,962 -348,399 1,700,563
    Nikkei (TYO) short Sumitomo Pharma 2,796.93 11.686 12.538 7/03/17 12.105 -33,856 35,069 1,213 1,601,776  2,015,106 -313,330 1,701,776
  Buy TecDAX Nordex 2,949.11 11.770   1/29/18 10.870 34,711        2,049,817 -348,041  
    Nikkei (TYO) long Sharp 1,108.58 31.311   8/07/17 29.948 34,711        2,084,528 -382,752  
7/17/17 Sell NZX 50 long a2 Milk 15,330.86 2.573   6/12/17 2.212 -33,918 39,443 5,525 1,607,302  2,050,610 -343,309 1,707,302
  Buy   short Comvita 8,843.10 3.856   10/02/17 4.599 34,099        2,084,709 -377,408  
7/24/17 Sell OMXH 25 long Orion 589.10 44.830   5/08/17 56.050 -33,019 26,409 -6,610 1,600,692  2,051,690 -350,998 1,700,692
    PSI 20 Pharol 92,442.11 0.325   3/27/17 0.380 -35,128 30,044 -5,084 1,595,608  2,016,562 -320,955 1,695,608
  Buy OMXH 25 short Huhtamäki 1,072.26 32.050   3/04/19 32.340 34,366        2,050,928 -355,321  
    PSI 20 CTT-Correios 6,305.69 5.450   10/16/17 5.042 34,366        2,085,294 -389,687  
7/31/17 Sell CAC 40 long ArcelorMittal 1,540.70 22.180   3/27/17 22.800 -35,128 34,173 -955 1,594,652  2,050,166 -355,514 1,694,652
    Nordic 30 Kone 949.49 44.010   8/15/16 47.440 -45,044 41,787 -3,257 1,591,396  2,005,123 -313,727 1,691,396
  Buy CAC 40 short Carrefour 1,696.18 20.305   1/22/18 18.465 34,441        2,039,563 -348,168  
    Nordic 30 Hennes & Mauritz 1,562.45 22.043   9/03/18 11.729 34,441        2,074,005 -382,609  
8/07/17 Sell Nikkei (TYO) long Sharp 1,108.58 29.948   7/10/17 31.311 -34,711 33,200 -1,511 1,589,884  2,039,293 -349,409 1,689,884
  Buy   short Sumitomo Pharma 2,968.25 11.290   9/18/17 11.024 33,511        2,072,804 -382,920  
8/14/17 Sell France long STMicroelectronics 3,764.49 14.290   12/19/16 10.475 -39,433 53,795 14,362 1,604,246  2,033,371 -329,126 1,704,246
    OMXS 30 Boliden 1,116.21 26.731   7/11/16 18.372 -20,507 29,838 9,330 1,613,576  2,012,864 -299,288 1,713,576
date B/S market l/s instrument pieces price prc short corresponding invest divest prf/loss acc p/l ∑ invest asset total
      Fingerprint Cards 1,976.06 3.930   7/11/16 10.378 -20,508 7,766 -12,741 1,600,835  1,992,356 -291,521 1,700,835
  Buy France short Vantiva 420.93 83.700   10/02/17 77.895 35,232        2,027,588 -326,753  
    OMXS 30 AstraZeneca 356.21 49.454   9/11/17 54.468 17,616        2,045,204 -344,369  
      Fingerprint Cards 4,482.21 3.930   9/11/17 3.461 17,616        2,062,820 -361,985  
8/21/17 Sell S&P 100 long 1,533.35 40.356   5/23/16 31.052 -47,614 61,880 14,266 1,615,101  2,015,206 -300,105 1,715,101
    Germany Siltronic 767.85 83.000   1/30/17 51.670 -39,675 63,732 24,057 1,639,158  1,975,532 -236,374 1,739,158
    CAC Mid 60 Vallourec 168.51 177.240   12/26/16 252.080 -42,478 29,867 -12,611 1,626,546  1,933,054 -206,507 1,726,546
  Buy S&P 100 short Halliburton 1,158.54 32.800   9/04/17 32.706 38,000        1,971,054 -244,507  
    CAC Mid 60 Vantiva 454.44 83.619   12/11/17 84.780 38,000        2,009,053 -282,507  
8/28/17 Sell Athex LC long GEK Terna 10,318.44 3.970   5/08/17 3.200 -33,019 40,964 7,945 1,634,492  1,976,034 -241,543 1,734,492
  Buy   short Jumbo 2,647.02 14.100   1/08/18 15.280 37,323        2,013,357 -278,866  
9/04/17 Sell S&P 100 short Halliburton 1,158.54 32.706 32.895 8/21/17 32.800 -38,000 38,110 110 1,634,601  1,975,357 -240,756 1,734,601
    SLI long Sika 329.84 100.456   5/08/17 100.107 -33,019 33,134 115 1,634,716  1,942,338 -207,622 1,734,716
  Buy S&P 100 Boeing 188.94 202.060   4/02/18 262.125 38,177        1,980,515 -245,799  
    SLI short Aryzta 6,681.08 5.714   6/24/19 1.007 38,177        2,018,692 -283,976  
    NZX 20 Sky Network Telev. 2,428.55 15.720   10/09/17 16.924 38,177        2,056,869 -322,153  
9/11/17 Sell OMXS 30 short AstraZeneca 356.21 54.468 44.441 8/14/17 49.454 -17,616 15,830 -1,786 1,632,930  2,039,253 -306,323 1,732,930
      Fingerprint Cards 4,482.21 3.461 4.463 8/14/17 3.930 -17,616 20,002 2,386 1,635,317  2,021,637 -286,321 1,735,317
  Buy   long SSAB 4,139.70 4.375   2/05/18 4.785 18,112        2,039,749 -304,433  
      Volvo 1,175.68 15.406   2/05/18 15.660 18,112        2,057,861 -322,545  
9/18/17 Sell Nikkei (TYO) short Sumitomo Pharma 2,968.25 11.024 11.562 8/07/17 11.290 -33,511 34,318 807 1,636,124  2,024,350 -288,226 1,736,124
  Buy   long Tokai Carbon 5,497.30 6.585   3/19/18 12.592 36,197        2,060,547 -324,423  
9/25/17 Sell SDAX long 363.74 115.100   2/20/17 106.500 -38,738 41,866 3,128 1,639,252  2,021,809 -282,557 1,739,252
  Buy   short Bertrandt 449.09 81.090   10/09/17 84.150 36,417        2,058,226 -318,973  
10/02/17 Sell France short Vantiva 420.93 77.895 89.938 8/14/17 83.700 -35,232 37,857 2,626 1,641,878  2,022,994 -281,116 1,741,878
date B/S market l/s instrument pieces price prc short corresponding invest divest prf/loss acc p/l ∑ invest asset total
    NZX 50 Comvita 8,843.10 4.599 3.113 7/17/17 3.856 -34,099 27,529 -6,570 1,635,307  1,988,895 -253,587 1,735,307
  Buy France long Air France-KLM 272.38 136.000   2/05/18 119.550 37,044        2,025,939 -290,631  
    OBX 25 Norsk Hydro 5,967.36 6.208   1/29/18 6.053 37,043        2,062,982 -327,674  
    NZX 50 a2 Milk 9,056.97 4.090   3/05/18 7.510 37,043        2,100,025 -364,717  
10/09/17 Sell SDAX short Bertrandt 449.09 84.150 78.030 9/25/17 81.090 -36,417 35,042 -1,374 1,633,933  2,063,608 -329,675 1,733,933
    OMXC 20 long Møller-Mærsk B 25.38 1,612.300   1/02/17 1,568.680 -39,813 40,920 1,107 1,635,040  2,023,795 -288,754 1,735,040
    NZX 20 short Sky Network Telev. 2,428.55 16.924 14.516 9/04/17 15.720 -38,177 35,253 -2,924 1,632,116  1,985,618 -253,502 1,732,116
  Buy Germany long Aixtron 3,229.79 11.445   2/12/18 10.925 36,965        2,022,583 -290,467  
    SDAX Hypoport 247.42 149.400   10/23/17 120.750 36,965        2,059,547 -327,431  
    OMXC 20 short Pandora 440.55 83.907   10/16/17 78.116 36,965        2,096,512 -364,396  
    NZX 20 long Xero 1,849.36 19.988   3/23/20 31.706 36,965        2,133,477 -401,361  
10/16/17 Sell TSX 60 short Bausch Health 2,381.80 10.964 24.060 11/14/16 16.242 -38,684 57,307 18,623 1,650,739  2,094,793 -344,055 1,750,739
    PSI 20 CTT-Correios 6,305.69 5.042 5.891 7/24/17 5.450 -34,366 37,147 2,781 1,653,519  2,060,427 -306,908 1,753,519
    OMXC 20 Pandora 440.55 78.116 90.127 10/09/17 83.907 -36,965 39,705 2,740 1,656,260  2,023,462 -267,202 1,756,260
  Buy TSX 60 long BlackBerry 3,863.06 9.636   2/05/18 9.614 37,226        2,060,688 -304,428  
    PSI 20 Pharol 77,072.46 0.483   11/13/17 0.365 37,226        2,097,914 -341,654  
    OMXC 20 Ørsted 746.34 49.878   1/29/18 47.009 37,226        2,135,140 -378,881  
10/23/17 Sell SDAX long Hypoport 247.42 120.750   10/09/17 149.400 -36,965 29,876 -7,089 1,649,171  2,098,176 -349,005 1,749,171
    ÖkoDAX (deprecated) Verbio 3,694.13 7.650   1/30/17 10.740 -39,675 28,260 -11,415 1,637,756  2,058,501 -320,745 1,737,756
    Nikkei (FRA) short Japan Steel Works 1,313.54 20.930 5.204 5/22/17 13.067 -17,164 6,836 -10,328 1,627,428  2,041,337 -313,909 1,727,428
  Buy SDAX Takkt 1,889.68 18.700   11/27/17 17.985 35,337        2,076,674 -349,246  
    ÖkoDAX (deprecated) Nordex 3,926.77 8.999   1/28/19 9.860 35,337        2,112,011 -384,583  
    Nikkei (FRA) long Tokai Carbon 2,216.88 7.970   3/19/18 12.530 17,669        2,129,679 -402,251  
      Yaskawa Electric 562.39 31.417   3/19/18 37.800 17,669        2,147,348 -419,920  
10/30/17 Sell Topix (FRA) short Ono Pharmaceutical 1,705.14 18.530 21.857 3/06/17 20.125 -34,316 37,270 2,954 1,630,382  2,113,032 -382,650 1,730,382
date B/S market l/s instrument pieces price prc short corresponding invest divest prf/loss acc p/l ∑ invest asset total
  Buy   long Nintendo 994.77 33.870   11/27/17 35.900 33,693        2,146,725 -416,343  
11/13/17 Sell BEL 20 long Galapagos 654.06 77.350   1/30/17 60.660 -39,675 50,592 10,916 1,641,298  2,107,050 -365,752 1,741,298
    PSI 20 Pharol 77,072.46 0.365   10/16/17 0.483 -37,226 28,131 -9,095 1,632,204  2,069,824 -337,620 1,732,204
    CAC Next 20 STMicroelectronics 2,335.34 20.375   4/03/17 14.290 -33,372 47,583 14,211 1,646,414  2,036,452 -290,038 1,746,414
  Buy BEL 20 short Bekaert 951.25 38.275   1/08/18 37.100 36,409        2,072,861 -326,447  
    PSI 20 CTT-Correios 11,254.71 3.235   11/27/17 3.043 36,409        2,109,270 -362,856  
    CAC Next 20 SES 2,887.31 12.610   3/12/18 12.700 36,409        2,145,679 -399,265  
11/27/17 Sell SDAX short Takkt 1,889.68 17.985 19.443 10/23/17 18.700 -35,337 36,742 1,405 1,647,819  2,110,342 -362,523 1,747,819
    MIB long STMicroel Italy 3,951.35 20.210   12/26/16 10.750 -42,477 79,857 37,380 1,685,199  2,067,865 -282,666 1,785,199
    PSI 20 short CTT-Correios 11,254.71 3.043 3.439 11/13/17 3.235 -36,409 38,706 2,297 1,687,496  2,031,456 -243,960 1,787,496
    Topix (FRA) long Nintendo 994.77 35.900   10/30/17 33.870 -33,693 35,712 2,019 1,689,515  1,997,763 -208,248 1,789,515
  Buy SDAX Wacker Neuson 1,409.56 28.045   12/11/17 27.315 39,531        2,037,294 -247,779  
    MIB short Leonardo 3,868.00 10.220   1/08/18 10.570 39,531        2,076,825 -287,310  
    PSI 20 long Mota-Engil 11,623.35 3.401   12/04/17 3.495 39,531        2,116,356 -326,841  
    Topix (FRA) short Subaru 1,455.97 27.151   12/11/17 27.461 39,531        2,155,887 -366,372  
12/04/17 Sell SSE 50 long China Unicom 33,106.21 0.907   5/29/17 0.975 -32,262 30,011 -2,251 1,687,264  2,123,625 -336,361 1,787,264
    PSI 20 Mota-Engil 11,623.35 3.495   11/27/17 3.401 -39,531 40,624 1,093 1,688,356  2,084,094 -295,737 1,788,356
  Buy SSE 50 short Tsinghua Tongfang 27,138.18 1.375   1/15/18 1.277 37,315        2,121,409 -333,052  
    PSI 20 CTT-Correios 11,771.29 3.170   1/22/18 3.514 37,315        2,158,724 -370,367  
12/11/17 Sell SDAX long Wacker Neuson 1,409.56 27.315   11/27/17 28.045 -39,531 38,502 -1,029 1,687,328  2,119,193 -331,865 1,787,328
    ISEQ 20 short C&C Group 4,825.08 2.831 3.917 6/19/17 3.330 -16,068 18,900 2,832 1,690,160  2,103,125 -312,965 1,790,160
    Topix (FRA) Subaru 1,455.97 27.461 26.841 11/27/17 27.151 -39,531 39,080 -451 1,689,708  2,063,594 -273,886 1,789,708
    CAC Mid 60 Vantiva 454.44 84.780 82.458 8/21/17 83.619 -38,000 37,472 -528 1,689,181  2,025,594 -236,414 1,789,181
  Buy ISEQ 20 long FBD 1,960.56 9.900   12/25/17 10.400 19,410        2,045,004 -255,823  
    Topix (FRA) Shiseido 929.00 41.786   1/01/18 40.500 38,819        2,083,823 -294,642  
date B/S market l/s instrument pieces price prc short corresponding invest divest prf/loss acc p/l ∑ invest asset total
    CAC Mid 60 Air France-KLM 307.11 126.400   2/05/18 119.550 38,819        2,122,642 -333,461  
12/18/17 Buy SDAX long Hypoport 260.04 139.950   1/01/18 145.350 36,393        2,159,034 -369,854  
12/25/17 Sell ISEQ 20 long FBD 1,960.56 10.400   12/11/17 9.900 -19,410 20,390 980 1,690,161  2,139,625 -349,464 1,790,161
  Buy   short C&C Group 6,173.64 2.917   1/01/18 2.850 18,009        2,157,633 -367,472  
      Glanbia 1,220.09 14.760   1/01/18 14.900 18,009        2,175,642 -385,481  
1/01/18 Sell SDAX long Hypoport 260.04 145.350   12/18/17 139.950 -36,393 37,797 1,404 1,691,565  2,139,249 -347,684 1,791,565
    ISEQ 20 short C&C Group 6,173.64 2.850 2.986 12/25/17 2.917 -18,009 18,432 424 1,691,989  2,121,241 -329,252 1,791,989
      Glanbia 1,220.09 14.900 14.620 12/25/17 14.760 -18,009 17,838 -171 1,691,818  2,103,232 -311,414 1,791,818
    Topix (FRA) long Shiseido 929.00 40.500   12/11/17 41.786 -38,819 37,625 -1,195 1,690,623  2,064,413 -273,790 1,790,623
  Buy SDAX short Vossloh 810.26 46.800   1/08/18 48.650 37,920        2,102,333 -311,710  
    ISEQ 20 long FBD 1,875.37 10.110   1/08/18 10.600 18,960        2,121,293 -330,670  
      Dalata Hotel 3,007.14 6.305   1/08/18 6.010 18,960        2,140,253 -349,630  
    Topix (FRA) short Rakuten 5,022.52 7.550   3/18/19 7.290 37,920        2,178,173 -387,550  
1/08/18 Sell SDAX short Vossloh 810.26 48.650 44.950 1/01/18 46.800 -37,920 36,421 -1,499 1,689,124  2,140,253 -351,129 1,789,124
    MIB Leonardo 3,868.00 10.570 9.870 11/27/17 10.220 -39,531 38,177 -1,354 1,687,771  2,100,722 -312,952 1,787,771
    ISEQ 20 long FBD 1,875.37 10.600   1/01/18 10.110 -18,960 19,879 919 1,688,690  2,081,762 -293,073 1,788,690
      Dalata Hotel 3,007.14 6.010   1/01/18 6.305 -18,960 18,073 -887 1,687,802  2,062,802 -275,000 1,787,802
    BEL 20 short Bekaert 951.25 37.100 39.487 11/13/17 38.275 -36,409 37,562 1,153 1,688,956  2,026,393 -237,438 1,788,956
    Athex LC Jumbo 2,647.02 15.280 12.920 8/28/17 14.100 -37,323 34,200 -3,123 1,685,832  1,989,070 -203,238 1,785,832
  Buy SDAX long Wacker Neuson 1,201.09 32.940   2/05/18 30.780 39,564        2,028,634 -242,802  
    ISEQ 20 short Glanbia 1,391.14 14.220   7/16/18 15.550 19,782        2,048,416 -262,584  
    BEL 20 long Umicore 909.41 43.505   2/19/18 46.080 39,564        2,087,980 -302,148  
    Athex LC Viohalco 10,899.17 3.630   4/02/18 3.400 39,564        2,127,544 -341,712  
1/15/18 Sell SSE 50 short Tsinghua Tongfang 27,138.18 1.277 1.481 12/04/17 1.375 -37,315 40,186 2,871 1,688,703  2,090,229 -301,526 1,788,703
    FT 30 BT Group 101.86 310.160 356.169 7/03/17 332.369 -33,855 36,279 2,424 1,691,128  2,056,374 -265,246 1,791,128
date B/S market l/s instrument pieces price prc short corresponding invest divest prf/loss acc p/l ∑ invest asset total
  Buy SSE 50 long Kweichow Moutai 383.46 99.482   2/12/18 89.885 38,147        2,094,521 -303,394  
    FT 30 Man Group 158.23 241.085   1/22/18 242.920 38,147        2,132,668 -341,540  
1/22/18 Sell CAC 40 short Carrefour 1,696.18 18.465 22.328 7/31/17 20.305 -34,441 37,873 3,432 1,694,560  2,098,227 -303,667 1,794,560
    PSI 20 CTT-Correios 11,771.29 3.514 2.826 12/04/17 3.170 -37,315 33,266 -4,049 1,690,510  2,060,912 -270,402 1,790,510
    FT 30 long Man Group 158.23 242.920   1/15/18 241.085 -38,147 38,437 290 1,690,801  2,022,765 -231,965 1,790,801
  Buy CAC 40 Kering 95.21 409.300   2/05/18 388.900 38,969        2,061,735 -270,934  
    PSI 20 Mota-Engil 9,657.99 4.035   1/29/18 4.030 38,970        2,100,705 -309,904  
    FT 30 short National Grid 41.31 943.424   6/11/18 944.977 38,973        2,139,677 -348,877  
1/29/18 Sell TecDAX short Nordex 2,949.11 10.870 12.745 7/10/17 11.770 -34,711 37,585 2,874 1,693,675  2,104,966 -311,292 1,793,675
    PSI 20 long Mota-Engil 9,657.99 4.030   1/22/18 4.035 -38,970 38,922 -48 1,693,626  2,065,996 -272,370 1,793,626
    OMXC 20 Ørsted 746.34 47.009   10/16/17 49.878 -37,226 35,085 -2,142 1,691,485  2,028,770 -237,286 1,791,485
    OBX 25 Norsk Hydro 5,967.36 6.053   10/02/17 6.208 -37,043 36,117 -926 1,690,559  1,991,727 -201,168 1,790,559
  Buy TecDAX Aixtron 3,075.39 12.920   2/05/18 11.435 39,734        2,031,461 -240,902  
    PSI 20 short Pharol 168,364.41 0.236   5/21/18 0.270 39,734        2,071,195 -280,636  
    OMXC 20 Vestas Wind Systems 3,707.22 10.718   2/26/18 12.036 39,734        2,110,929 -320,370  
    OBX 25 Lerøy Seafood 9,937.72 3.998   6/11/18 5.742 39,734        2,150,663 -360,104  
2/05/18 Sell France long Air France-KLM 272.38 119.550   10/02/17 136.000 -37,044 32,563 -4,481 1,686,078  2,113,620 -327,541 1,786,078
    CAC 40 Kering 95.21 388.900   1/22/18 409.300 -38,969 37,027 -1,942 1,684,136  2,074,650 -290,514 1,784,136
    TecDAX Aixtron 3,075.39 11.435   1/29/18 12.920 -39,734 35,167 -4,567 1,679,569  2,034,916 -255,347 1,779,569
    SDAX Wacker Neuson 1,201.09 30.780   1/08/18 32.940 -39,564 36,970 -2,594 1,676,975  1,995,352 -218,377 1,776,975
    TSX 60 BlackBerry 3,863.06 9.614   10/16/17 9.636 -37,226 37,139 -87 1,676,888  1,958,126 -181,238 1,776,888
    OMXS 30 SSAB 4,139.70 4.785   9/11/17 4.375 -18,112 19,807 1,695 1,678,583  1,940,014 -161,431 1,778,583
      Volvo 1,175.68 15.660   9/11/17 15.406 -18,112 18,411 299 1,678,882  1,921,902 -143,020 1,778,882
    CAC Mid 60 Air France-KLM 307.11 119.550   12/11/17 126.400 -38,819 36,715 -2,104 1,676,778  1,883,084 -106,305 1,776,778
  Buy France short Innate Pharma 7,946.91 5.255   3/04/19 6.585 41,761        1,924,845 -148,066  
date B/S market l/s instrument pieces price prc short corresponding invest divest prf/loss acc p/l ∑ invest asset total
    CAC 40 Sanofi 605.06 69.020   5/06/19 76.710 41,761        1,966,606 -189,827  
    SDAX Vossloh 982.61 42.500   4/15/19 42.350 41,761        2,008,367 -231,588  
    TSX 60 ARC Resources 4,974.80 8.395   5/14/18 8.816 41,761        2,050,128 -273,349  
    OMXS 30 Hennes & Mauritz 1,462.32 14.279   3/12/18 13.451 20,880        2,071,008 -294,230  
      Fingerprint Cards 18,658.30 1.119   3/12/18 0.992 20,881        2,091,889 -315,110  
    CAC Mid 60 Innate Pharma 7,946.91 5.255   3/18/19 6.585 41,761        2,133,650 -356,871  
2/12/18 Sell Germany long Aixtron 3,229.79 10.925   10/09/17 11.445 -36,965 35,285 -1,679 1,675,099  2,096,685 -321,586 1,775,099
    SSE 50 Kweichow Moutai 383.46 89.885   1/15/18 99.482 -38,147 34,467 -3,680 1,671,419  2,058,537 -287,118 1,771,419
    MDAX Covestro 615.87 85.580   1/16/17 63.890 -39,348 52,706 13,358 1,684,777  2,019,189 -234,412 1,784,777
    SMI Sika 329.84 108.576   5/08/17 100.107 -33,019 35,813 2,793 1,687,571  1,986,170 -198,600 1,787,571
    Indices Merval 49.08 1,230.340   7/04/16 908.669 -44,597 60,385 15,788 1,703,358  1,941,573 -138,214 1,803,358
  Buy Germany short Bastei Lübbe 13,090.57 3.180   3/18/19 1.680 41,628        1,983,201 -179,842  
    SSE 50 Founder Secs 51,354.55 0.811   2/26/18 0.839 41,628        2,024,829 -221,470  
    MIB Leonardo 4,818.06 8.640   4/29/19 10.415 41,628        2,066,457 -263,098  
    SMI Roche 218.89 190.181   9/09/19 247.979 41,629        2,108,086 -304,727  
    Indices IBEX 35 4.26 9,771.100   7/09/18 9,927.000 41,625        2,149,710 -346,352  
2/19/18 Sell BEL 20 long Umicore 909.41 46.080   1/08/18 43.505 -39,564 41,906 2,342 1,705,700  2,110,147 -304,446 1,805,700
  Buy   short Anheuser-Busch InBev 439.99 85.300   4/22/19 79.840 37,531        2,147,678 -341,978  
2/26/18 Sell SSE 50 short Founder Secs 51,354.55 0.839 0.782 2/12/18 0.811 -41,628 40,170 -1,458 1,704,242  2,106,050 -301,808 1,804,242
    OMXC 20 Vestas Wind Systems 3,707.22 12.036 9.400 1/29/18 10.718 -39,734 34,848 -4,886 1,699,355  2,066,316 -266,960 1,799,355
  Buy SSE 50 long Kweichow Moutai 400.38 95.681   3/05/18 91.916 38,309        2,104,624 -305,269  
3/05/18 Sell   long Kweichow Moutai 400.38 91.916   2/26/18 95.681 -38,309 36,801 -1,507 1,697,848  2,066,316 -268,467 1,797,848
    DAX Adidas 515.02 174.750   5/16/16 109.900 -56,601 90,000 33,399 1,731,247  2,009,715 -178,468 1,831,247
    HSI-C&I Galaxy Entertainment 8,687.34 6.814   2/27/17 4.515 -39,219 59,197 19,978 1,751,226  1,970,496 -119,270 1,851,226
    Europe 50 BAT 10.57 4,737.420   5/16/16 5,355.180 -56,604 50,075 -6,530 1,744,696  1,913,892 -69,196 1,844,696
date B/S market l/s instrument pieces price prc short corresponding invest divest prf/loss acc p/l ∑ invest asset total
    NZX 50 a2 Milk 9,056.97 7.510   10/02/17 4.090 -37,043 68,016 30,973 1,775,669  1,876,849 -1,180 1,875,669
    BAX Siltronic 888.77 120.700   1/02/17 44.800 -39,817 107,275 67,458 1,843,127  1,837,032 106,095 1,943,127
    DJ Global Titans BP 83.90 527.670   7/04/16 531.514 -44,594 44,272 -323 1,842,804  1,792,438 150,366 1,942,804
  Buy SSE 50 short Founder Secs 63,660.58 0.822   11/05/18 0.714 52,329        1,844,767 98,037  
    DAX Merck (EMD) 654.77 79.920   5/07/18 82.660 52,329        1,897,096 45,708  
    HSI-C&I China Merchants 28,504.74 1.836   6/11/18 1.888 52,329        1,949,425 -6,621  
    Europe 50 Imperial Brands 18.07 2,896.210   4/23/18 2,733.340 52,335        2,001,760 -58,955  
    NZX 50 Metro Perf Glass 107,628.55 0.486   3/12/18 0.473 52,329        2,054,089 -111,284  
    BAX Umweltbank 5,243.39 9.980   5/07/18 9.740 52,329        2,106,418 -163,613  
    DJ Global Titans General Electric 559.53 93.523   3/12/18 97.980 52,329        2,158,746 -215,942  
3/12/18 Sell OMXS 30 short Hennes & Mauritz 1,462.32 13.451 15.158 2/05/18 14.279 -20,880 22,165 1,285 1,844,089  2,137,866 -193,777 1,944,089
      Fingerprint Cards 18,658.30 0.992 1.263 2/05/18 1.119 -20,881 23,565 2,685 1,846,774  2,116,985 -170,211 1,946,774
    NZX 50 Metro Perf Glass 107,628.55 0.473 0.500 3/05/18 0.486 -52,329 53,782 1,453 1,848,227  2,064,656 -116,429 1,948,227
    CAC Next 20 SES 2,887.31 12.700 12.520 11/13/17 12.610 -36,409 36,149 -260 1,847,967  2,028,247 -80,280 1,947,967
    DJ Global Titans General Electric 559.53 97.980 89.065 3/05/18 93.523 -52,329 49,834 -2,494 1,845,473  1,975,919 -30,446 1,945,473
  Buy OMXS 30 long Autoliv 261.34 91.596   3/26/18 88.849 23,938        1,999,856 -54,383  
      Svenska Cellulosa B 2,812.50 8.511   3/26/18 8.304 23,937        2,023,794 -78,321  
    NZX 50 a2 Milk 5,828.39 8.214   4/16/18 7.413 47,875        2,071,669 -126,196  
    CAC Next 20 Dassault Systèmes 2,156.53 22.200   5/28/18 23.200 47,875        2,119,544 -174,071  
    DJ Global Titans Intel 1,145.67 41.788   4/09/18 40.213 47,875        2,167,419 -221,946  
3/19/18 Sell Nikkei (FRA) long Tokai Carbon 2,216.88 12.530   10/23/17 7.970 -17,669 27,778 10,109 1,855,582  2,149,750 -194,168 1,955,582
      Yaskawa Electric 562.39 37.800   10/23/17 31.417 -17,669 21,258 3,590 1,859,171  2,132,081 -172,910 1,959,171
    Nikkei (TYO) Tokai Carbon 5,497.30 12.592   9/18/17 6.585 -36,197 69,223 33,026 1,892,198  2,095,884 -103,687 1,992,198
  Buy Nikkei (FRA) short Nippon Electric Glas 989.77 23.850   8/27/18 26.840 23,606        2,119,490 -127,293  
      NH Foods 710.60 33.220   8/27/18 31.260 23,606        2,143,097 -150,899  
date B/S market l/s instrument pieces price prc short corresponding invest divest prf/loss acc p/l ∑ invest asset total
    Nikkei (TYO) NH Foods 1,415.87 33.345   9/17/18 29.507 47,212        2,190,308 -198,111  
3/26/18 Sell OMXS 30 long Autoliv 261.34 88.849   3/12/18 91.596 -23,938 23,220 -718 1,891,480  2,166,371 -174,891 1,991,480
      Svenska Cellulosa B 2,812.50 8.304   3/12/18 8.511 -23,937 23,356 -582 1,890,898  2,142,433 -151,535 1,990,898
  Buy   short Getinge 2,531.88 9.081   4/02/18 9.198 22,992        2,165,425 -174,527  
      Fingerprint Cards 29,378.99 0.783   4/02/18 0.780 22,992        2,188,417 -197,519  
4/02/18 Sell S&P 100 long Boeing 188.94 262.125   9/04/17 202.060 -38,177 49,526 11,349 1,902,247  2,150,240 -147,993 2,002,247
    Kospi 50 Lotte Chemical 76.12 330.481   10/12/15 208.474 -15,869 25,156 9,287 1,911,534  2,134,371 -122,837 2,011,534
    Athex LC Viohalco 10,899.17 3.400   1/08/18 3.630 -39,564 37,057 -2,507 1,909,027  2,094,807 -85,780 2,009,027
    OMXS 30 short Getinge 2,531.88 9.198 8.964 3/26/18 9.081 -22,992 22,697 -295 1,908,732  2,071,815 -63,083 2,008,732
      Fingerprint Cards 29,378.99 0.780 0.785 3/26/18 0.783 -22,992 23,071 79 1,908,811  2,048,823 -40,012 2,008,811
  Buy S&P 100 General Electric 576.83 85.326   4/16/18 86.167 49,219        2,098,042 -89,231  
    Kospi 50 Kangwon Land 2,244.42 21.930   5/07/18 22.575 49,219        2,147,261 -138,450  
    Athex LC Attica Bank 1,619,046.05 0.030   2/25/19 0.127 49,219        2,196,480 -187,669  
    OMXS 30 long Svenska Cellulosa B 2,856.79 8.614   4/09/18 8.624 24,610        2,221,090 -212,278  
4/09/18 Sell   long Svenska Cellulosa B 2,856.79 8.624   4/02/18 8.614 -24,610 24,636 27 1,908,838  2,196,480 -187,642 2,008,838
    DJ Global Titans Intel 1,145.67 40.213   3/12/18 41.788 -47,875 46,070 -1,805 1,907,033  2,148,605 -141,572 2,007,033
  Buy MDAX Rocket Internet 1,797.84 25.940   5/14/18 24.460 46,636        2,195,241 -188,208  
    OMXS 30 short Hennes & Mauritz 1,901.10 12.266   4/23/18 13.154 23,318        2,218,559 -211,526  
      Fingerprint Cards 29,140.21 0.800   4/23/18 0.786 23,318        2,241,877 -234,844  
    DJ Global Titans General Electric 559.87 83.298   9/03/18 89.079 46,636        2,288,513 -281,480  
4/16/18 Sell S&P 100 short General Electric 576.83 86.167 84.486 4/02/18 85.326 -49,219 48,734 -485 1,906,549  2,239,294 -232,746 2,006,549
    NZX 50 long a2 Milk 5,828.39 7.413   3/12/18 8.214 -47,875 43,205 -4,670 1,901,878  2,191,419 -189,541 2,001,878
  Buy S&P 100 Boeing 169.01 268.075   5/14/18 288.674 45,307        2,236,727 -234,848  
4/23/18 Sell HSI long Geely Auto 30,463.73 2.225   2/27/17 1.287 -39,219 67,782 28,563 1,930,441  2,197,508 -167,067 2,030,441
    OMXS 30 short Hennes & Mauritz 1,901.10 13.154 11.377 4/09/18 12.266 -23,318 21,630 -1,688 1,928,753  2,174,190 -145,437 2,028,753
date B/S market l/s instrument pieces price prc short corresponding invest divest prf/loss acc p/l ∑ invest asset total
      Fingerprint Cards 29,140.21 0.786 0.814 4/09/18 0.800 -23,318 23,732 414 1,929,166  2,150,872 -121,705 2,029,166
    Europe 50 Imperial Brands 18.07 2,733.340 3,068.790 3/05/18 2,896.210 -52,335 55,453 3,119 1,932,285  2,098,537 -66,252 2,032,285
  Buy HSI China Merchants 27,482.67 1.788   5/21/18 2.042 49,150        2,147,687 -115,402  
    OMXS 30 long Autoliv 265.70 92.491   7/02/18 86.639 24,575        2,172,262 -139,977  
      Svenska Cellulosa B 2,693.71 9.123   7/02/18 9.281 24,575        2,196,837 -164,552  
    Europe 50 LVMH 174.88 281.050   10/15/18 260.450 49,150        2,245,987 -213,702  
4/30/18 Buy MerVal short San Miguel 11,737.79 3.873   6/11/18 3.425 45,464        2,291,451 -259,166  
5/07/18 Sell Kospi 50 short Kangwon Land 2,244.42 22.575 21.284 4/02/18 21.930 -49,219 47,770 -1,449 1,930,836  2,242,232 -211,396 2,030,836
    DAX Merck (EMD) 654.77 82.660 77.180 3/05/18 79.920 -52,329 50,535 -1,794 1,929,042  2,189,903 -160,861 2,029,042
    BAX Umweltbank 5,243.39 9.740 10.226 3/05/18 9.980 -52,329 53,618 1,289 1,930,331  2,137,574 -107,242 2,030,331
  Buy Kospi 50 long LG HH & HC 47.44 1,013.350   7/02/18 1,075.470 48,073        2,185,647 -155,316  
    DAX Deutsche Börse 412.32 116.600   5/21/18 111.550 48,077        2,233,724 -203,392  
    BAX SFC Energy 5,551.62 8.660   5/14/18 8.680 48,077        2,281,801 -251,469  
5/14/18 Sell S&P 100 long Boeing 169.01 288.674   4/16/18 268.075 -45,307 48,789 3,481 1,933,813  2,236,493 -202,680 2,033,813
    MDAX Rocket Internet 1,797.84 24.460   4/09/18 25.940 -46,636 43,975 -2,661 1,931,152  2,189,857 -158,705 2,031,152
    TSX 60 short ARC Resources 4,974.80 8.816 7.973 2/05/18 8.395 -41,761 39,662 -2,099 1,929,053  2,148,096 -119,043 2,029,053
    BAX long SFC Energy 5,551.62 8.680   5/07/18 8.660 -48,077 48,188 111 1,929,164  2,100,019 -70,855 2,029,164
  Buy S&P 100 short Philip Morris 722.73 67.739   8/27/18 68.711 48,957        2,148,976 -119,812  
    MDAX Metro 4,191.52 11.680   5/21/18 11.490 48,957        2,197,933 -168,769  
    TSX 60 long Bombardier 714.59 68.510   8/27/18 74.246 48,957        2,246,890 -217,726  
5/21/18 Sell HSI short China Merchants 27,482.67 2.042 1.535 4/23/18 1.788 -49,150 42,189 -6,961 1,922,203  2,197,740 -175,537 2,022,203
    DAX long Deutsche Börse 412.32 111.550   5/07/18 116.600 -48,077 45,994 -2,082 1,920,121  2,149,664 -129,543 2,020,121
    MDAX short Metro 4,191.52 11.490 11.873 5/14/18 11.680 -48,957 49,766 809 1,920,930  2,100,707 -79,777 2,020,930
    HSI-Fin long China Life Ins HK 12,220.35 2.414   2/13/17 2.974 -36,347 29,505 -6,842 1,914,088  2,064,360 -50,272 2,014,088
    PSI 20 short Pharol 168,364.41 0.270 0.202 1/29/18 0.236 -39,734 34,010 -5,724 1,908,364  2,024,626 -16,262 2,008,364
date B/S market l/s instrument pieces price prc short corresponding invest divest prf/loss acc p/l ∑ invest asset total
  Buy HSI long CNOOC 31,751.35 1.569   6/25/18 1.376 49,802        2,074,428 -66,064  
    DAX short Deutsche Bank 4,607.03 10.810   6/18/18 9.481 49,802        2,124,230 -115,866  
    HSI-Fin China Life Ins HK 20,627.07 2.414   2/11/19 2.127 49,802        2,174,032 -165,668  
    PSI 20 long Altri 6,442.69 7.730   5/28/18 7.450 49,802        2,223,834 -215,470  
    NZX 50 a2 Milk 7,656.19 6.505   7/16/18 6.530 49,802        2,273,636 -265,272  
5/28/18 Sell PSI 20 long Altri 6,442.69 7.450   5/21/18 7.730 -49,802 47,998 -1,804 1,906,560  2,223,834 -217,274 2,006,560
    CAC Next 20 Dassault Systèmes 2,156.53 23.200   3/12/18 22.200 -47,875 50,032 2,157 1,908,716  2,175,959 -167,243 2,008,716
  Buy PSI 20 short CTT-Correios 16,221.28 2.838   2/04/19 3.110 46,036        2,221,995 -213,278  
    CAC Next 20 Air France-KLM 630.11 73.060   7/15/19 87.620 46,036        2,268,030 -259,314  
6/04/18 Buy MDAX short Metro 3,768.63 11.605   6/11/18 11.295 43,735        2,311,765 -303,049  
    IPC Volaris 96,120.88 0.455   1/20/20 0.941 43,735        2,355,500 -346,784  
6/11/18 Sell MDAX short Metro 3,768.63 11.295 11.924 6/04/18 11.605 -43,735 44,935 1,200 1,909,916  2,311,765 -301,849 2,009,916
    HSI-C&I China Merchants 28,504.74 1.888 1.784 3/05/18 1.836 -52,329 50,855 -1,474 1,908,443  2,259,436 -250,994 2,008,443
    OBX 25 Lerøy Seafood 9,937.72 5.742 2.255 1/29/18 3.998 -39,734 22,409 -17,325 1,891,117  2,219,702 -228,585 1,991,117
    MerVal San Miguel 11,737.79 3.425 4.381 4/30/18 3.873 -45,464 51,422 5,958 1,897,075  2,174,238 -177,163 1,997,075
    FT 30 National Grid 41.31 944.977 941.871 1/22/18 943.424 -38,973 38,909 -64 1,897,011  2,135,266 -138,254 1,997,011
  Buy MDAX long Aroundtown 6,369.84 7.295   6/25/18 7.170 46,468        2,181,734 -184,722  
    HSI-C&I Sunny Optical 2,532.92 18.346   7/09/18 15.740 46,468        2,228,202 -231,190  
    OBX 25 Petroleum Geo-Srvcs 10,829.18 4.291   6/25/18 3.754 46,468        2,274,670 -277,658  
    FT 30 Next 6.69 6,948.530   8/20/18 6,090.010 46,486        2,321,155 -324,144  
6/18/18 Sell ATX long Lenzing 464.32 94.500   8/15/16 97.010 -45,044 43,878 -1,165 1,895,846  2,276,112 -280,266 1,995,846
    DAX short Deutsche Bank 4,607.03 9.481 12.325 5/21/18 10.810 -49,802 56,783 6,981 1,902,827  2,226,310 -223,483 2,002,827
  Buy ATX Lenzing 470.72 94.500   8/06/18 108.400 44,483        2,270,793 -267,966  
    DAX long Deutsche Börse 389.86 114.100   10/15/18 109.900 44,483        2,315,276 -312,449  
    MerVal short Consultatio 39,589.71 1.124   9/24/18 0.982 44,483        2,359,759 -356,932  
date B/S market l/s instrument pieces price prc short corresponding invest divest prf/loss acc p/l ∑ invest asset total
6/25/18 Sell HSI long CNOOC 31,751.35 1.376   5/21/18 1.569 -49,802 43,699 -6,103 1,896,724  2,309,957 -313,232 1,996,724
    MDAX Aroundtown 6,369.84 7.170   6/11/18 7.295 -46,468 45,672 -796 1,895,928  2,263,489 -267,561 1,995,928
    HDAX Adidas 297.49 187.000   7/25/16 139.100 -41,381 55,631 14,250 1,910,178  2,222,108 -211,930 2,010,178
    OBX 25 Petroleum Geo-Srvcs 10,829.18 3.754   6/11/18 4.291 -46,468 40,657 -5,811 1,904,367  2,175,640 -171,273 2,004,367
  Buy HSI short WH Group 67,992.58 0.674   1/21/19 0.770 45,827        2,221,467 -217,100  
    OBX 25 REC Silicon 46,024.91 0.996   7/23/18 0.796 45,827        2,267,294 -262,927  
7/02/18 Sell Kospi 50 long LG HH & HC 47.44 1,075.470   5/07/18 1,013.350 -48,073 51,020 2,947 1,907,314  2,219,220 -211,907 2,007,314
    OMXS 30 Autoliv 265.70 86.639   4/23/18 92.491 -24,575 23,020 -1,555 1,905,759  2,194,646 -188,887 2,005,759
      Svenska Cellulosa B 2,693.71 9.281   4/23/18 9.123 -24,575 25,001 426 1,906,185  2,170,071 -163,886 2,006,185
    SP Global 100 Anglo American 38.06 1,858.240   9/12/16 972.585 -37,017 70,725 33,708 1,939,893  2,133,054 -93,161 2,039,893
  Buy Kospi 50 short LG Display 3,485.60 13.963   8/27/18 16.354 48,668        2,181,722 -141,829  
    OMXS 30 Getinge 3,136.23 7.759   7/09/18 8.181 24,334        2,206,056 -166,163  
      Fingerprint Cards 37,282.06 0.653   7/09/18 0.628 24,334        2,230,390 -190,497  
    SP Global 100 Deutsche Bank 5,325.31 9.139   7/15/19 6.885 48,668        2,279,058 -239,165  
7/09/18 Sell HSI-C&I long Sunny Optical 2,532.92 15.740   6/11/18 18.346 -46,468 39,869 -6,599 1,933,294  2,232,590 -199,296 2,033,294
    OMXS 30 short Getinge 3,136.23 8.181 7.337 7/02/18 7.759 -24,334 23,011 -1,323 1,931,970  2,208,256 -176,286 2,031,970
      Fingerprint Cards 37,282.06 0.628 0.678 7/02/18 0.653 -24,334 25,292 958 1,932,928  2,183,922 -150,994 2,032,928
    Indices IBEX 35 4.26 9,927.000 9,615.200 2/12/18 9,771.100 -41,625 40,961 -664 1,932,264  2,142,297 -110,033 2,032,264
  Buy HSI-C&I WH Group 69,213.60 0.694   2/11/19 0.833 48,055        2,190,352 -158,088  
    OMXS 30 long Ericsson 3,633.76 6.612   10/29/18 7.602 24,028        2,214,380 -182,115  
    Indices NASDAQ-100 7.76 6,192.600   7/23/18 6,302.880 48,055        2,262,434 -230,170  
7/16/18 Sell ISEQ 20 short Glanbia 1,391.14 15.550 12.890 1/08/18 14.220 -19,782 17,932 -1,850 1,930,414  2,242,652 -212,238 2,030,414
    NZX 50 long a2 Milk 7,656.19 6.530   5/21/18 6.505 -49,802 49,992 190 1,930,604  2,192,850 -162,246 2,030,604
  Buy ISEQ 20 Smurfit Kappa 659.35 35.420   7/23/18 34.040 23,354        2,216,204 -185,601  
      Dalata Hotel 3,266.29 7.150   7/23/18 7.030 23,354        2,239,558 -208,955  
date B/S market l/s instrument pieces price prc short corresponding invest divest prf/loss acc p/l ∑ invest asset total
    NZX 50 short Comvita 13,527.57 3.453   8/20/18 3.298 46,708        2,286,266 -255,663  
7/23/18 Sell ISEQ 20 long Smurfit Kappa 659.35 34.040   7/16/18 35.420 -23,354 22,444 -910 1,929,694  2,262,912 -233,218 2,029,694
      Dalata Hotel 3,266.29 7.030   7/16/18 7.150 -23,354 22,962 -392 1,929,302  2,239,558 -210,256 2,029,302
    OBX 25 short REC Silicon 46,024.91 0.796 1.246 6/25/18 0.996 -45,827 57,338 11,511 1,940,813  2,193,731 -152,918 2,040,813
    Indices long NASDAQ-100 7.76 6,302.880   7/09/18 6,192.600 -48,055 48,910 856 1,941,669  2,145,677 -104,008 2,041,669
  Buy ISEQ 20 short Ryanair 1,670.38 14.500   3/11/19 12.790 24,221        2,169,897 -128,229  
    OBX 25 long Petroleum Geo-Srvcs 10,758.45 4.503   9/10/18 3.119 48,441        2,218,338 -176,670  
    Indices short SSE 50 ew 179.79 269.427   7/30/18 270.249 48,440        2,266,779 -225,110  
7/30/18 Sell   short SSE 50 ew 179.79 270.249 268.606 7/23/18 269.427 -48,440 48,293 -148 1,941,521  2,218,338 -176,817 2,041,521
  Buy   long TecDAX 16.01 2,912.240   9/10/18 2,908.990 46,625        2,264,963 -223,442  
8/06/18 Sell ATX short Lenzing 470.72 108.400 80.600 6/18/18 94.500 -44,483 37,940 -6,543 1,934,978  2,220,480 -185,502 2,034,978
  Buy   long Verbund 1,361.48 33.960   8/13/18 33.000 46,236        2,266,716 -231,738  
8/13/18 Sell   long Verbund 1,361.48 33.000   8/06/18 33.960 -46,236 44,929 -1,307 1,933,671  2,220,480 -186,809 2,033,671
  Buy   short Raiffeisen Bank Int 1,805.67 25.570   7/15/19 21.860 46,171        2,266,651 -232,980  
8/20/18 Sell FT 30 long Next 6.69 6,090.010   6/11/18 6,948.530 -46,486 40,742 -5,744 1,927,928  2,220,165 -192,238 2,027,928
    NZX 50 short Comvita 13,527.57 3.298 3.615 7/16/18 3.453 -46,708 48,905 2,197 1,930,124  2,173,457 -143,333 2,030,124
  Buy FT 30 Abrdn 133.03 354.582   4/01/19 314.997 47,170        2,220,628 -190,503  
    NZX 50 long Xero 1,554.87 30.336   12/10/18 23.541 47,169        2,267,797 -237,672  
8/27/18 Sell S&P 100 short Philip Morris 722.73 68.711 66.768 5/14/18 67.739 -48,957 48,255 -702 1,929,422  2,218,839 -189,417 2,029,422
    Kospi 50 LG Display 3,485.60 16.354 11.572 7/02/18 13.963 -48,668 40,334 -8,334 1,921,089  2,170,171 -149,083 2,021,089
    TSX 60 long Bombardier 714.59 74.246   5/14/18 68.510 -48,957 53,056 4,099 1,925,187  2,121,215 -96,027 2,025,187
    Nikkei (FRA) short Nippon Electric Glas 989.77 26.840 20.860 3/19/18 23.850 -23,606 20,647 -2,959 1,922,228  2,097,609 -75,381 2,022,228
      NH Foods 710.60 31.260 35.303 3/19/18 33.220 -23,606 25,086 1,480 1,923,708  2,074,003 -50,294 2,023,708
  Buy S&P 100 long 597.90 82.514   10/29/18 67.549 49,335        2,123,338 -99,630  
    Kospi 50 Samsung BioLogics 140.38 351.427   10/29/18 279.642 49,333        2,172,671 -148,963  
date B/S market l/s instrument pieces price prc short corresponding invest divest prf/loss acc p/l ∑ invest asset total
    TSX 60 short Kinross Gold 19,167.41 2.574   2/25/19 3.116 49,335        2,222,006 -198,298  
    Nikkei (FRA) long Taiyo Yuden 966.22 25.530   9/10/18 23.080 24,668        2,246,674 -222,966  
9/03/18 Sell HSI-Prop long Hang Lung 6,979.34 1.711   3/20/17 2.459 -17,162 11,939 -5,223 1,918,486  2,229,512 -211,027 2,018,486
      The Wharf 5,544.55 2.489   3/20/17 3.095 -17,161 13,801 -3,361 1,915,125  2,212,351 -197,226 2,015,125
    Nordic 30 short Hennes & Mauritz 1,562.45 11.729 41.426 7/31/17 22.043 -34,441 64,727 30,286 1,945,411  2,177,910 -132,499 2,045,411
    DJ Global Titans General Electric 559.87 89.079 77.518 4/09/18 83.298 -46,636 43,400 -3,236 1,942,174  2,131,274 -89,099 2,042,174
  Buy HSI-Prop Henderson Land 5,417.05 4.507   1/21/19 4.868 24,413        2,155,687 -113,512  
    Nordic 30 long Ericsson 6,627.57 7.367   10/15/18 7.123 48,826        2,204,513 -162,338  
    DJ Global Titans Apple 997.09 48.969   11/26/18 38.491 48,826        2,253,339 -211,164  
9/10/18 Sell OBX 25 long Petroleum Geo-Srvcs 10,758.45 3.119   7/23/18 4.503 -48,441 33,551 -14,890 1,927,285  2,204,898 -177,613 2,027,285
    Nikkei (FRA) Taiyo Yuden 966.22 23.080   8/27/18 25.530 -24,668 22,300 -2,367 1,924,917  2,180,230 -155,313 2,024,917
    Indices TecDAX 16.01 2,908.990   7/30/18 2,912.240 -46,625 46,573 -52 1,924,865  2,133,605 -108,740 2,024,865
  Buy OBX 25 short REC Silicon 67,421.53 0.711   9/24/18 0.680 47,903        2,181,508 -156,643  
    Nikkei (FRA) Mitsui Ming & Smltg 1,081.82 22.140   5/27/19 17.360 23,951        2,205,460 -180,594  
      SUMCO 1,825.57 13.120   5/27/19 9.717 23,951        2,229,411 -204,546  
    Indices SSE 50 ew 188.24 254.477   3/11/19 313.972 47,903        2,277,314 -252,449  
9/17/18 Sell Nikkei (TYO) short NH Foods 1,415.87 29.507 37.682 3/19/18 33.345 -47,212 53,352 6,140 1,931,006  2,230,102 -199,096 2,031,006
9/24/18 Sell OBX 25 short REC Silicon 67,421.53 0.680 0.742 9/10/18 0.711 -47,903 50,034 2,131 1,933,136  2,182,199 -149,063 2,033,136
    MerVal Consultatio 39,589.71 0.982 1.286 6/18/18 1.124 -44,483 50,897 6,414 1,939,550  2,137,716 -98,166 2,039,550
  Buy OBX 25 long Petroleum Geo-Srvcs 13,620.90 3.563   10/08/18 3.645 48,534        2,186,250 -146,700  
10/08/18 Sell FTSE long Fresnillo 48.34 886.711   5/09/16 1,315.360 -63,585 42,864 -20,721 1,918,829  2,122,665 -103,837 2,018,829
    OBX 25 Petroleum Geo-Srvcs 13,620.90 3.645   9/24/18 3.563 -48,534 49,643 1,109 1,919,938  2,074,131 -54,194 2,019,938
  Buy FTSE short Fresnillo 55.42 886.711   2/11/19 1,108.490 49,142        2,123,273 -103,335  
    OMXC 20 Danske Bank 2,557.39 19.216   10/22/18 17.486 49,143        2,172,416 -152,479  
    OBX 25 REC Silicon 80,814.01 0.608   4/15/19 0.719 49,143        2,221,559 -201,622  
date B/S market l/s instrument pieces price prc short corresponding invest divest prf/loss acc p/l ∑ invest asset total
    MerVal Supervielle 38,074.69 1.291   10/29/18 1.421 49,143        2,270,702 -250,765  
10/15/18 Sell DAX long Deutsche Börse 389.86 109.900   6/18/18 114.100 -44,483 42,846 -1,637 1,918,300  2,226,219 -207,919 2,018,300
    Europe 50 LVMH 174.88 260.450   4/23/18 281.050 -49,150 45,548 -3,603 1,914,698  2,177,069 -162,371 2,014,698
    Nordic 30 Ericsson 6,627.57 7.123   9/03/18 7.367 -48,826 47,208 -1,618 1,913,080  2,128,243 -115,163 2,013,080
  Buy DAX short Continental 411.39 115.333   11/12/18 113.583 47,447        2,175,690 -162,610  
    Europe 50 Intesa Sanpaolo 23,241.24 2.042   11/12/18 1.960 47,447        2,223,137 -210,057  
    Nordic 30 Danske Bank 2,535.71 18.712   2/11/19 16.674 47,447        2,270,584 -257,504  
    Nikkei (TYO) Sharp 3,117.31 15.221   11/04/19 10.638 47,447        2,318,031 -304,951  
10/22/18 Sell OMXC 20 short Danske Bank 2,557.39 17.486 21.117 10/08/18 19.216 -49,143 54,005 4,862 1,917,942  2,268,888 -250,946 2,017,942
  Buy   long GN Store Nord 156.98 281.400   10/29/18 274.000 44,174        2,313,062 -295,120  
10/29/18 Sell USA long Energy Recovery 3,493.78 6.189   3/07/16 7.782 -27,190 21,624 -5,566 1,912,376  2,285,872 -273,496 2,012,376
    S&P 100 597.90 67.549   8/27/18 82.514 -49,335 40,388 -8,948 1,903,428  2,236,537 -233,108 2,003,428
    Nasdaq 100 NVidia 32,795.97 4.074   3/21/16 0.754 -24,738 133,608 108,870 2,012,298  2,211,799 -99,501 2,112,298
    Kospi 50 Samsung BioLogics 140.38 279.642   8/27/18 351.427 -49,333 39,256 -10,077 2,002,221  2,162,465 -60,245 2,102,221
    OMXC 20 GN Store Nord 156.98 274.000   10/22/18 281.400 -44,174 43,013 -1,162 2,001,059  2,118,291 -17,232 2,101,059
    OMXS 30 Ericsson 3,633.76 7.602   7/09/18 6.612 -24,028 27,622 3,595 2,004,654  2,094,264 10,390 2,104,654
    MerVal short Supervielle 38,074.69 1.421 1.161 10/08/18 1.291 -49,143 44,201 -4,942 1,999,711  2,045,121 54,591 2,099,711
    DJTA long Alaska Air Group 340.48 53.552   3/14/16 71.870 -24,470 18,233 -6,237 1,993,475  2,020,650 72,824 2,093,475
  Buy USA short Western Digital 1,484.70 36.477   11/05/18 42.421 54,157        2,074,808 18,667  
    S&P 100 AIG 1,545.71 35.037   12/03/18 38.024 54,157        2,128,965 -35,490  
    Nasdaq 100 Western Digital 1,484.70 36.477   12/03/18 40.833 54,157        2,183,122 -89,647  
    Kospi 50 Amorepacific Group 1,134.15 47.751   12/17/18 51.987 54,157        2,237,279 -143,804  
    OMXC 20 Danske Bank 3,152.11 17.181   2/04/19 16.598 54,157        2,291,436 -197,961  
    OMXS 30 Boliden 1,419.95 19.070   2/04/19 21.765 27,079        2,318,514 -225,040  
      Electrolux 1,556.41 17.398   2/04/19 22.965 27,078        2,345,593 -252,118  
date B/S market l/s instrument pieces price prc short corresponding invest divest prf/loss acc p/l ∑ invest asset total
    DJTA Avis Budget 2,226.25 24.327   11/05/18 27.237 54,157        2,399,750 -306,275  
    Topix (TYO) Tokyo Electron 1,464.04 36.992   12/03/18 41.371 54,157        2,453,907 -360,433  
11/05/18 Sell USA short Western Digital 1,484.70 42.421 30.532 10/29/18 36.477 -54,157 45,331 -8,826 1,984,649  2,399,750 -315,101 2,084,649
    SSE 50 Founder Secs 63,660.58 0.714 0.947 3/05/18 0.822 -52,329 60,287 7,958 1,992,606  2,347,421 -254,815 2,092,606
    DJTA Avis Budget 2,226.25 27.237 21.416 10/29/18 24.327 -54,157 47,678 -6,480 1,986,127  2,293,264 -207,137 2,086,127
  Buy USA long Enphase Energy 9,935.07 4.728   12/24/18 4.064 46,974        2,340,238 -254,111  
    SSE 50 Bank of Shanghai 30,380.29 1.546   12/10/18 1.466 46,974        2,387,212 -301,085  
    ASX 50 short AMP 27,122.81 1.732   2/11/19 1.377 46,974        2,434,186 -348,059  
    DJTA long United Airlines 598.52 78.483   12/17/18 75.934 46,974        2,481,160 -395,033  
11/12/18 Sell DAX short Continental 411.39 113.583 117.110 10/15/18 115.333 -47,447 48,178 731 1,986,858  2,433,713 -346,855 2,086,858
    Europe 50 Intesa Sanpaolo 23,241.24 1.960 2.126 10/15/18 2.042 -47,447 49,416 1,969 1,988,826  2,386,266 -297,440 2,088,826
  Buy   long AstraZeneca 6.27 7,146.040   12/10/18 6,641.160 44,806        2,431,071 -342,245  
11/19/18 Sell QIX long Bechtle 2,834.90 23.500   7/04/16 15.730 -44,593 66,620 22,027 2,010,853  2,386,479 -275,625 2,110,853
  Buy DAX short Bayer 736.44 62.300   11/26/18 64.230 45,880        2,432,359 -321,505  
    QIX Bayer 736.44 62.300   4/01/19 58.260 45,880        2,478,239 -367,386  
11/26/18 Sell DAX short Bayer 736.44 64.230 60.370 11/19/18 62.300 -45,880 44,459 -1,421 2,009,432  2,432,359 -322,927 2,109,432
    DJ Global Titans long Apple 997.09 38.491   9/03/18 48.969 -48,826 38,379 -10,448 1,998,985  2,383,533 -284,548 2,098,985
  Buy DAX Merck (EMD) 465.90 97.360   12/10/18 95.600 45,360        2,428,893 -329,908  
    MerVal short Mirgor 6,588.81 6.884   12/10/18 7.995 45,360        2,474,253 -375,268  
    DJ Global Titans General Electric 848.38 53.466   4/01/19 72.073 45,360        2,519,612 -420,628  
12/03/18 Sell S&P 100 short AIG 1,545.71 38.024 32.050 10/29/18 35.037 -54,157 49,540 -4,618 1,994,367  2,465,455 -371,088 2,094,367
    Nasdaq 100 Western Digital 1,484.70 40.833 32.120 10/29/18 36.477 -54,157 47,689 -6,468 1,987,899  2,411,298 -323,399 2,087,899
    Topix (TYO) Tokyo Electron 1,464.04 41.371 32.612 10/29/18 36.992 -54,157 47,745 -6,412 1,981,487  2,357,141 -275,654 2,081,487
  Buy S&P 100 long Eli Lilly 432.55 104.369   12/10/18 100.411 45,145        2,402,286 -320,799  
    Nasdaq 100 Workday 305.52 147.765   12/10/18 140.535 45,145        2,447,431 -365,944  
date B/S market l/s instrument pieces price prc short corresponding invest divest prf/loss acc p/l ∑ invest asset total
    Topix (TYO) Eisai 560.12 80.598   12/10/18 74.923 45,145        2,492,576 -411,089  
12/10/18 Sell S&P 100 long Eli Lilly 432.55 100.411   12/03/18 104.369 -45,145 43,433 -1,712 1,979,775  2,447,431 -367,656 2,079,775
    Nasdaq 100 Workday 305.52 140.535   12/03/18 147.765 -45,145 42,936 -2,209 1,977,566  2,402,286 -324,720 2,077,566
    SSE 50 Bank of Shanghai 30,380.29 1.466   11/05/18 1.546 -46,974 44,544 -2,430 1,975,136  2,355,312 -280,176 2,075,136
    DAX Merck (EMD) 465.90 95.600   11/26/18 97.360 -45,360 44,540 -820 1,974,316  2,309,952 -235,636 2,074,316
    Europe 50 AstraZeneca 6.27 6,641.160   11/12/18 7,146.040 -44,806 41,640 -3,166 1,971,150  2,265,146 -193,996 2,071,150
    MerVal short Mirgor 6,588.81 7.995 5.774 11/26/18 6.884 -45,360 38,045 -7,315 1,963,835  2,219,786 -155,951 2,063,835
    NZX 50 long Xero 1,554.87 23.541   8/20/18 30.336 -47,169 36,603 -10,566 1,953,269  2,172,617 -119,348 2,053,269
    Topix (TYO) Eisai 560.12 74.923   12/03/18 80.598 -45,145 41,966 -3,179 1,950,090  2,127,472 -77,382 2,050,090
    BSE Sensex 50 Bajaj Finance 3,169.26 29.076   3/07/16 8.579 -27,190 92,150 64,960 2,015,050  2,100,282 14,768 2,115,050
  Buy S&P 100 short General Electric 1,091.24 48.793   4/01/19 72.073 53,245        2,153,527 -38,477  
    Nasdaq 100 Western Digital 1,452.20 36.665   1/28/19 38.469 53,245        2,206,772 -91,722  
    SSE 50 China Molybdenum 105,289.70 0.506   12/17/18 0.530 53,245        2,260,017 -144,967  
    DAX Covestro 1,228.26 43.350   2/25/19 49.970 53,245        2,313,262 -198,212  
    Europe 50 Bayer 875.74 60.800   2/11/19 68.170 53,245        2,366,507 -251,457  
    NZX 50 Metro Perf Glass 165,975.69 0.321   1/28/19 0.305 53,245        2,419,752 -304,702  
    Topix (TYO) Nitto Denko 1,203.46 44.243   1/14/19 46.163 53,245        2,472,997 -357,947  
    BSE Sensex 50 Yes Bank 26,482.14 2.011   12/17/18 2.227 53,245        2,526,242 -411,192  
12/17/18 Sell SSE 50 short China Molybdenum 105,289.70 0.530 0.481 12/10/18 0.506 -53,245 50,665 -2,580 2,012,471  2,472,997 -360,526 2,112,471
    Kospi 50 Amorepacific Group 1,134.15 51.987 43.516 10/29/18 47.751 -54,157 49,354 -4,803 2,007,667  2,418,840 -311,173 2,107,667
    DJTA long United Airlines 598.52 75.934   11/05/18 78.483 -46,974 45,448 -1,526 2,006,142  2,371,866 -265,725 2,106,142
    BSE Sensex 50 short Yes Bank 26,482.14 2.227 1.795 12/10/18 2.011 -53,245 47,525 -5,720 2,000,421  2,318,621 -218,200 2,100,421
  Buy SSE 50 long China Rwy Constr 30,642.75 1.536   12/24/18 1.423 47,055        2,365,676 -265,255  
    Kospi 50 NCsoft 125.59 374.678   6/10/19 354.207 47,056        2,412,732 -312,311  
    DJTA short Avis Budget 2,119.12 22.205   3/11/19 32.183 47,055        2,459,787 -359,366  
date B/S market l/s instrument pieces price prc short corresponding invest divest prf/loss acc p/l ∑ invest asset total
    BSE Sensex 50 long Nestlé India 3,424.30 13.742   7/29/19 15.160 47,055        2,506,842 -406,421  
12/24/18 Sell USA long Enphase Energy 9,935.07 4.064   11/05/18 4.728 -46,974 40,378 -6,596 1,993,826  2,459,868 -366,042 2,093,826
    DJIA Chevron 514.26 88.457   5/30/16 91.551 -47,081 45,490 -1,591 1,992,234  2,412,787 -320,552 2,092,234
    SSE 50 China Rwy Constr 30,642.75 1.423   12/17/18 1.536 -47,055 43,599 -3,457 1,988,778  2,365,732 -276,954 2,088,778
  Buy USA short United Natural Foods 5,325.69 8.505   12/31/18 9.235 45,295        2,411,027 -322,249  
    DJIA Goldman Sachs 330.75 136.947   4/29/19 185.027 45,295        2,456,322 -367,544  
    SSE 50 China Molybdenum 90,265.05 0.502   1/21/19 0.508 45,295        2,501,617 -412,839  
12/31/18 Sell USA short United Natural Foods 5,325.69 9.235 7.776 12/24/18 8.505 -45,295 41,410 -3,885 1,984,893  2,456,322 -371,429 2,084,893
  Buy   long Eli Lilly 424.51 100.908   3/16/20 115.911 42,836        2,499,159 -414,266  
1/14/19 Sell Topix (TYO) short Nitto Denko 1,203.46 46.163 42.324 12/10/18 44.243 -53,245 50,935 -2,310 1,982,583  2,445,914 -363,331 2,082,583
  Buy MerVal MetroGAS 64,691.45 0.664   2/04/19 0.711 42,981        2,488,895 -406,312  
    Topix (TYO) long Kansai Electric Pwr 2,993.54 14.358   2/18/19 12.748 42,981        2,531,876 -449,293  
1/21/19 Sell SSE 50 short China Molybdenum 90,265.05 0.508 0.496 12/24/18 0.502 -45,295 44,771 -524 1,982,059  2,486,581 -404,521 2,082,059
    HSI WH Group 67,992.58 0.770 0.579 6/25/18 0.674 -45,827 39,334 -6,493 1,975,566  2,440,754 -365,188 2,075,566
    HSI-Prop Henderson Land 5,417.05 4.868 4.145 9/03/18 4.507 -24,413 22,454 -1,959 1,973,607  2,416,341 -342,733 2,073,607
  Buy SSE 50 long Shandong Gold 11,338.77 3.816   2/04/19 4.009 43,271        2,459,612 -386,004  
    HSI Lenovo 66,972.60 0.646   5/27/19 0.649 43,271        2,502,883 -429,275  
    HSI-Prop China Res Land 6,313.43 3.427   8/19/19 3.652 21,635        2,524,518 -450,911  
      Link REIT 2,450.78 8.828   8/19/19 10.823 21,635        2,546,154 -472,546  
1/28/19 Sell Nasdaq 100 short Western Digital 1,452.20 38.469 34.861 12/10/18 36.665 -53,245 50,625 -2,620 1,970,987  2,492,909 -421,921 2,070,987
    ÖkoDAX (deprecated) Nordex 3,926.77 9.860 8.138 10/23/17 8.999 -35,337 31,956 -3,381 1,967,606  2,457,572 -389,965 2,067,606
    NZX 50 Metro Perf Glass 165,975.69 0.305 0.338 12/10/18 0.321 -53,245 56,033 2,788 1,970,395  2,404,327 -333,932 2,070,395
  Buy ÖkoDAX (deprecated) long Verbio 6,282.34 6.910   8/05/19 7.070 43,411        2,447,738 -377,343  
    NZX 50 Vista 17,805.26 2.438   3/16/20 0.946 43,411        2,491,149 -420,754  
2/04/19 Sell SSE 50 long Shandong Gold 11,338.77 4.009   1/21/19 3.816 -43,271 45,454 2,183 1,972,577  2,447,878 -375,300 2,072,577
date B/S market l/s instrument pieces price prc short corresponding invest divest prf/loss acc p/l ∑ invest asset total
    PSI 20 short CTT-Correios 16,221.28 3.110 2.566 5/28/18 2.838 -46,036 41,624 -4,412 1,968,165  2,401,842 -333,676 2,068,165
    OMXC 20 Danske Bank 3,152.11 16.598 17.785 10/29/18 17.181 -54,157 56,062 1,905 1,970,070  2,347,685 -277,615 2,070,070
    OMXS 30 Boliden 1,419.95 21.765 16.375 10/29/18 19.070 -27,079 23,252 -3,826 1,966,243  2,320,606 -254,363 2,066,243
      Electrolux 1,556.41 22.965 11.831 10/29/18 17.398 -27,078 18,413 -8,665 1,957,578  2,293,527 -235,949 2,057,578
    MerVal MetroGAS 64,691.45 0.711 0.618 1/14/19 0.664 -42,981 39,966 -3,015 1,954,563  2,250,546 -195,983 2,054,563
  Buy SSE 50 San’an Optoelectron 34,174.76 1.360   2/18/19 1.679 46,464        2,297,010 -242,447  
    PSI 20 long NOS 8,267.62 5.620   4/29/19 5.975 46,464        2,343,475 -288,911  
    OMXC 20 Vestas Wind Systems 3,251.35 14.291   7/15/19 15.722 46,464        2,389,939 -335,375  
    OMXS 30 Ericsson 3,031.79 7.663   6/03/19 8.592 23,232        2,413,171 -358,607  
      Getinge 2,364.36 9.826   6/03/19 12.242 23,232        2,436,403 -381,839  
2/11/19 Sell ASX 50 short AMP 27,122.81 1.377 2.178 11/05/18 1.732 -46,974 59,082 12,108 1,966,671  2,389,429 -322,757 2,066,671
    FTSE Fresnillo 55.42 1,108.490 664.927 10/08/18 886.711 -49,142 36,850 -12,291 1,954,380  2,340,287 -285,907 2,054,380
    HSI-Fin China Life Ins HK 20,627.07 2.127 2.741 5/21/18 2.414 -49,802 56,545 6,743 1,961,123  2,290,485 -229,362 2,061,123
    HSI-C&I WH Group 69,213.60 0.833 0.555 7/09/18 0.694 -48,055 38,441 -9,614 1,951,509  2,242,430 -190,921 2,051,509
    Europe 50 Bayer 875.74 68.170 53.430 12/10/18 60.800 -53,245 46,791 -6,454 1,945,055  2,189,185 -144,130 2,045,055
    Nordic 30 Danske Bank 2,535.71 16.674 20.998 10/15/18 18.712 -47,447 53,245 5,798 1,950,853  2,141,738 -90,885 2,050,853
  Buy ASX 50 long Fortescue Metals 12,371.61 3.961   3/09/20 4.945 48,999        2,190,737 -139,884  
    HSI-Fin AIA 5,936.75 8.254   5/20/19 8.758 48,999        2,239,736 -188,883  
    HSI-C&I Lenovo 75,838.11 0.646   5/27/19 0.649 48,999        2,288,735 -237,882  
    Europe 50 Roche 204.04 240.143   3/02/20 294.575 48,999        2,337,734 -286,881  
    Nordic 30 Vestas Wind Systems 3,299.33 14.851   6/03/19 14.590 48,999        2,386,733 -335,880  
2/18/19 Sell SSE 50 short San’an Optoelectron 34,174.76 1.679 1.040 2/04/19 1.360 -46,464 35,552 -10,912 1,939,941  2,340,269 -300,328 2,039,941
    Topix (TYO) long Kansai Electric Pwr 2,993.54 12.748   1/14/19 14.358 -42,981 38,163 -4,818 1,935,123  2,297,288 -262,165 2,035,123
  Buy SSE 50 Shandong Gold 10,535.29 4.207   7/08/19 5.268 44,323        2,341,611 -306,488  
    Topix (TYO) short Nintendo 1,868.72 23.718   7/01/19 32.729 44,323        2,385,934 -350,811  
date B/S market l/s instrument pieces price prc short corresponding invest divest prf/loss acc p/l ∑ invest asset total
2/25/19 Sell DAX short Covestro 1,228.26 49.970 36.730 12/10/18 43.350 -53,245 45,114 -8,131 1,926,992  2,332,689 -305,697 2,026,992
    TSX 60 Kinross Gold 19,167.41 3.116 2.032 8/27/18 2.574 -49,335 38,948 -10,387 1,916,605  2,283,354 -266,749 2,016,605
    Athex LC Attica Bank 1,619,046.05 0.127 0.000 4/02/18 0.030 -49,219 0 -49,219 1,867,386  2,234,135 -266,749 1,967,386
  Buy TSX 60 long Thomson Reuters (CA) 912.13 46.611   6/10/19 58.030 42,515        2,276,650 -309,264  
    Athex LC Terna Energy 6,402.86 6.640   9/16/19 7.400 42,515        2,319,165 -351,779  
3/04/19 Sell France short Innate Pharma 7,946.91 6.585 3.925 2/05/18 5.255 -41,761 31,192 -10,569 1,856,816  2,277,404 -320,588 1,956,816
    OMXH 25 Huhtamäki 1,072.26 32.340 31.760 7/24/17 32.050 -34,366 34,055 -311 1,856,505  2,243,038 -286,533 1,956,505
  Buy France long GTT 499.09 83.650   6/03/19 81.900 41,749        2,284,787 -328,281  
    OMXH 25 Neste 1,380.13 30.250   4/22/19 32.210 41,749        2,326,536 -370,030  
3/11/19 Sell IBEX 35 short ArcelorMittal 1,694.42 20.365 17.255 6/05/17 18.810 -31,872 29,237 -2,635 1,853,871  2,294,664 -340,793 1,953,871
    ISEQ 20 Ryanair 1,670.38 12.790 16.439 7/23/18 14.500 -24,221 27,459 3,238 1,857,109  2,270,443 -313,334 1,957,109
    DJTA Avis Budget 2,119.12 32.183 12.227 12/17/18 22.205 -47,055 25,911 -21,144 1,835,965  2,223,388 -287,423 1,935,965
    Indices SSE 50 ew 188.24 313.972 194.982 9/10/18 254.477 -47,903 36,703 -11,199 1,824,766  2,175,485 -250,720 1,924,766
    GEX InVision 1,183.32 16.400 51.316 5/22/17 29.010 -34,328 60,723 26,395 1,851,161  2,141,157 -189,997 1,951,161
  Buy IBEX 35 long Acciona 493.60 89.200   3/25/19 97.620 44,029        2,185,186 -234,026  
    ISEQ 20 Glanbia 1,186.13 18.560   5/13/19 16.050 22,015        2,207,201 -256,040  
      Irish Residential 14,332.36 1.536   5/13/19 1.590 22,015        2,229,216 -278,055  
    DJTA Union Pacific 298.19 147.654   3/09/20 118.466 44,029        2,273,244 -322,084  
    Indices Merval 58.72 749.771   8/05/19 804.230 44,027        2,317,271 -366,110  
    GEX Varta 1,223.03 36.000   5/13/19 43.250 44,029        2,361,300 -410,140  
3/18/19 Sell Germany short Bastei Lübbe 13,090.57 1.680 6.019 2/12/18 3.180 -41,628 78,796 37,168 1,888,329  2,319,672 -331,344 1,988,329
    Topix (FRA) Rakuten 5,022.52 7.290 7.819 1/01/18 7.550 -37,920 39,273 1,353 1,889,681  2,281,752 -292,071 1,989,681
    CAC Mid 60 Innate Pharma 7,946.91 6.585 3.925 2/05/18 5.255 -41,761 31,192 -10,569 1,879,112  2,239,991 -260,879 1,979,112
  Buy Germany long Varta 1,193.19 36.000   6/03/19 44.250 42,955        2,282,946 -303,834  
    Topix (FRA) Softbank Group 1,025.91 41.870   4/01/19 44.105 42,955        2,325,901 -346,789  
date B/S market l/s instrument pieces price prc short corresponding invest divest prf/loss acc p/l ∑ invest asset total
    CAC Mid 60 GTT 513.51 83.650   3/25/19 79.900 42,955        2,368,856 -389,744  
3/25/19 Sell IBEX 35 long Acciona 493.60 97.620   3/11/19 89.200 -44,029 48,185 4,156 1,883,268  2,324,827 -341,559 1,983,268
    CAC Mid 60 GTT 513.51 79.900   3/18/19 83.650 -42,955 41,029 -1,926 1,881,342  2,281,872 -300,529 1,981,342
  Buy IBEX 35 short DIA 67,643.27 0.621   10/21/19 0.441 42,020        2,323,892 -342,549  
    CAC Mid 60 DBV Technologies 3,257.36 12.900   4/08/19 16.400 42,020        2,365,912 -384,569  
4/01/19 Sell S&P 100 short General Electric 1,091.24 72.073 25.512 12/10/18 48.793 -53,245 27,840 -25,405 1,855,938  2,312,667 -356,729 1,955,938
    AEX KPN 12,254.12 2.785 2.795 4/17/17 2.790 -34,189 34,250 61 1,855,999  2,278,478 -322,479 1,955,999
    FT 30 Abrdn 133.03 314.997 399.141 8/20/18 354.582 -47,170 53,098 5,928 1,861,927  2,231,308 -269,381 1,961,927
    Topix (FRA) long Softbank Group 1,025.91 44.105   3/18/19 41.870 -42,955 45,248 2,293 1,864,219  2,188,353 -224,133 1,964,219
    QIX short Bayer 736.44 58.260 66.620 11/19/18 62.300 -45,880 49,062 3,182 1,867,401  2,142,473 -175,072 1,967,401
    DJ Global Titans General Electric 848.38 72.073 34.859 11/26/18 53.466 -45,360 29,574 -15,786 1,851,615  2,097,113 -145,498 1,951,615
  Buy S&P 100 long Eli Lilly 392.24 115.112   5/13/19 101.789 45,152        2,142,264 -190,649  
    AEX Galapagos 430.22 104.950   5/13/19 99.620 45,152        2,187,416 -235,801  
    FT 30 Diageo 12.42 3,635.520   6/03/19 3,786.890 45,153        2,232,569 -280,954  
    Topix (FRA) short Eisai 908.86 49.680   10/28/19 67.000 45,152        2,277,721 -326,106  
    QIX long MTU Aero Engines 220.25 205.000   3/09/20 185.550 45,151        2,322,873 -371,257  
    DJ Global Titans Procter & Gamble 488.41 92.447   4/22/19 94.127 45,152        2,368,024 -416,409  
4/08/19 Sell CAC Mid 60 short DBV Technologies 3,257.36 16.400 9.400 3/25/19 12.900 -42,020 30,619 -11,401 1,840,214  2,326,004 -385,790 1,940,214
  Buy   long GTT 434.43 89.450   5/20/19 79.850 38,860        2,364,864 -424,650  
4/15/19 Sell SDAX short Vossloh 982.61 42.350 42.651 2/05/18 42.500 -41,761 41,909 148 1,840,362  2,323,103 -382,741 1,940,362
    OBX 25 REC Silicon 80,814.01 0.719 0.498 10/08/18 0.608 -49,143 40,213 -8,930 1,831,432  2,273,960 -342,528 1,931,432
  Buy SDAX long Nordex 2,704.02 14.690   6/03/19 12.760 39,722        2,313,682 -382,250  
    OBX 25 DNO International 19,420.16 2.045   4/22/19 2.064 39,722        2,353,404 -421,972  
    MerVal short MetroGAS 99,678.80 0.399   7/01/19 0.431 39,722        2,393,126 -461,694  
    BAX long Adtran Networks 4,168.10 9.530   6/10/19 6.890 39,722        2,432,848 -501,416  
date B/S market l/s instrument pieces price prc short corresponding invest divest prf/loss acc p/l ∑ invest asset total
4/22/19 Sell BEL 20 short Anheuser-Busch InBev 439.99 79.840 91.133 2/19/18 85.300 -37,531 40,098 2,567 1,833,999  2,395,317 -461,318 1,933,999
    OMXH 25 long Neste 1,380.13 32.210   3/04/19 30.250 -41,749 44,454 2,705 1,836,704  2,353,568 -416,864 1,936,704
    OBX 25 DNO International 19,420.16 2.064   4/15/19 2.045 -39,722 40,079 357 1,837,061  2,313,846 -376,785 1,937,061
    DJ Global Titans Procter & Gamble 488.41 94.127   4/01/19 92.447 -45,152 45,972 820 1,837,882  2,268,694 -330,813 1,937,882
  Buy BEL 20 Colruyt 617.14 65.100   5/13/19 64.500 40,176        2,308,870 -370,988  
    OMXH 25 short Metsä Board 6,987.13 5.750   11/04/19 6.220 40,176        2,349,046 -411,164  
    OBX 25 Norwegian 94.86 423.523   12/02/19 380.224 40,175        2,389,222 -451,340  
    DJ Global Titans Schlumberger 986.88 40.710   4/29/19 38.835 40,176        2,429,398 -491,516  
4/29/19 Sell DJIA short Goldman Sachs 330.75 185.027 88.867 12/24/18 136.947 -45,295 29,393 -15,902 1,821,979  2,384,103 -462,123 1,921,979
    MIB Leonardo 4,818.06 10.415 6.865 2/12/18 8.640 -41,628 33,076 -8,552 1,813,427  2,342,475 -429,047 1,913,427
    PSI 20 long NOS 8,267.62 5.975   2/04/19 5.620 -46,464 49,399 2,935 1,816,362  2,296,011 -379,648 1,916,362
    DJ Global Titans short Schlumberger 986.88 38.835 42.676 4/22/19 40.710 -40,176 42,116 1,940 1,818,303  2,255,834 -337,532 1,918,303
  Buy DJIA long Walt Disney 317.26 124.562   3/09/20 91.003 39,519        2,295,353 -377,050  
    MIB Azimut 2,198.55 17.975   3/02/20 18.590 39,519        2,334,872 -416,569  
    PSI 20 short Pharol 248,547.17 0.159   10/21/19 0.102 39,519        2,374,391 -456,088  
    DJ Global Titans long Qualcomm 506.53 78.019   6/03/19 59.274 39,519        2,413,910 -495,607  
5/06/19 Sell CAC 40 short Sanofi 605.06 76.710 61.330 2/05/18 69.020 -41,761 37,108 -4,653 1,813,650  2,372,148 -458,499 1,913,650
  Buy   long LVMH 105.63 344.400   6/03/19 340.500 36,379        2,408,527 -494,878  
5/13/19 Sell S&P 100 long Eli Lilly 392.24 101.789   4/01/19 115.112 -45,152 39,926 -5,226 1,808,424  2,363,376 -454,952 1,908,424
    AEX Galapagos 430.22 99.620   4/01/19 104.950 -45,152 42,859 -2,293 1,806,131  2,318,224 -412,094 1,906,131
    ISEQ 20 Glanbia 1,186.13 16.050   3/11/19 18.560 -22,015 19,037 -2,977 1,803,154  2,296,210 -393,056 1,903,154
      Irish Residential 14,332.36 1.590   3/11/19 1.536 -22,015 22,788 774 1,803,928  2,274,195 -370,268 1,903,928
    BEL 20 Colruyt 617.14 64.500   4/22/19 65.100 -40,176 39,806 -370 1,803,557  2,234,019 -330,462 1,903,557
    GEX Varta 1,223.03 43.250   3/11/19 36.000 -44,029 52,896 8,867 1,812,424  2,189,990 -277,566 1,912,424
  Buy S&P 100 short Kraft Heinz 1,436.43 28.453   5/20/19 28.458 40,871        2,230,861 -318,437  
date B/S market l/s instrument pieces price prc short corresponding invest divest prf/loss acc p/l ∑ invest asset total
    AEX ArcelorMittal 2,653.96 15.400   11/18/19 14.664 40,871        2,271,732 -359,308  
    ISEQ 20 Ryanair 1,966.84 10.390   11/04/19 13.440 20,435        2,292,168 -379,744  
    BEL 20 Umicore 1,362.82 29.990   7/15/19 26.460 40,871        2,333,039 -420,615  
    GEX elumeo 27,615.54 1.480   6/15/20 1.290 40,871        2,373,910 -461,486  
5/20/19 Sell S&P 100 short Kraft Heinz 1,436.43 28.458 28.448 5/13/19 28.453 -40,871 40,864 -7 1,812,417  2,333,039 -420,622 1,912,417
    HSI-Fin long AIA 5,936.75 8.758   2/11/19 8.254 -48,999 51,993 2,994 1,815,411  2,284,040 -368,629 1,915,411
    CAC Mid 60 GTT 434.43 79.850   4/08/19 89.450 -38,860 34,689 -4,171 1,811,240  2,245,180 -333,940 1,911,240
  Buy S&P 100 Qualcomm 574.89 68.590   10/07/19 69.423 39,432        2,284,612 -373,372  
    HSI-Fin short Bank of East Asia 14,338.91 2.750   12/23/19 2.015 39,432        2,324,044 -412,804  
    CAC Mid 60 Eramet 770.16 51.200   12/09/19 39.940 39,432        2,363,476 -452,236  
5/27/19 Sell HSI long Lenovo 66,972.60 0.649   1/21/19 0.646 -43,271 43,459 188 1,811,428  2,320,205 -408,777 1,911,428
    HSI-C&I Lenovo 75,838.11 0.649   2/11/19 0.646 -48,999 49,211 212 1,811,640  2,271,206 -359,566 1,911,640
    Nikkei (FRA) short Mitsui Ming & Smltg 1,081.82 17.360 28.236 9/10/18 22.140 -23,951 30,546 6,595 1,818,235  2,247,255 -329,020 1,918,235
      SUMCO 1,825.57 9.717 17.715 9/10/18 13.120 -23,951 32,340 8,388 1,826,623  2,223,303 -296,680 1,926,623
  Buy HSI AAC Technologies 8,461.67 4.816   12/30/19 7.658 40,748        2,264,051 -337,428  
    HSI-C&I AAC Technologies 8,461.67 4.816   12/23/19 7.580 40,748        2,304,799 -378,176  
    Nikkei (FRA) long Daiichi Sankyo 1,354.65 15.040   6/10/19 16.360 20,374        2,325,173 -398,550  
      Rakuten 2,191.93 9.295   6/10/19 9.600 20,374        2,345,547 -418,924  
6/03/19 Sell France long GTT 499.09 81.900   3/04/19 83.650 -41,749 40,875 -873 1,825,750  2,303,798 -378,048 1,925,750
    Germany Varta 1,193.19 44.250   3/18/19 36.000 -42,955 52,799 9,844 1,835,594  2,260,843 -325,250 1,935,594
    CAC 40 LVMH 105.63 340.500   5/06/19 344.400 -36,379 35,967 -412 1,835,182  2,224,464 -289,283 1,935,182
    SDAX Nordex 2,704.02 12.760   4/15/19 14.690 -39,722 34,503 -5,219 1,829,963  2,184,742 -254,779 1,929,963
    OMXS 30 Ericsson 3,031.79 8.592   2/04/19 7.663 -23,232 26,049 2,817 1,832,780  2,161,510 -228,730 1,932,780
      Getinge 2,364.36 12.242   2/04/19 9.826 -23,232 28,945 5,713 1,838,493  2,138,278 -199,785 1,938,493
    Nordic 30 Vestas Wind Systems 3,299.33 14.590   2/11/19 14.851 -48,999 48,139 -860 1,837,633  2,089,279 -151,647 1,937,633
date B/S market l/s instrument pieces price prc short corresponding invest divest prf/loss acc p/l ∑ invest asset total
    FT 30 Diageo 12.42 3,786.890   4/01/19 3,635.520 -45,153 47,033 1,880 1,839,513  2,044,126 -104,614 1,939,513
    DJ Global Titans Qualcomm 506.53 59.274   4/29/19 78.019 -39,519 30,024 -9,495 1,830,018  2,004,607 -74,590 1,930,018
  Buy France short ArcelorMittal 3,478.70 13.334   9/02/19 12.876 46,385        2,050,992 -120,975  
    CAC 40 ArcelorMittal 3,478.70 13.334   10/28/19 14.270 46,385        2,097,377 -167,360  
    OMXS 30 Swedbank 1,822.97 12.722   6/10/19 13.328 23,193        2,120,570 -190,552  
      Autoliv 414.20 55.993   6/10/19 60.784 23,192        2,143,762 -213,745  
    Nordic 30 Pandora 1,440.33 32.205   7/08/19 33.641 46,385        2,190,147 -260,130  
    FT 30 ITV 391.64 118.439   7/08/19 125.657 46,385        2,236,533 -306,515  
    DJ Global Titans Schlumberger 1,469.85 31.558   6/10/19 31.341 46,385        2,282,918 -352,900  
6/10/19 Sell Kospi 50 long NCsoft 125.59 354.207   12/17/18 374.678 -47,056 44,485 -2,571 1,827,447  2,235,862 -308,415 1,927,447
    TSX 60 Thomson Reuters (CA) 912.13 58.030   2/25/19 46.611 -42,515 52,931 10,416 1,837,863  2,193,347 -255,484 1,937,863
    OMXS 30 short Swedbank 1,822.97 13.328 12.117 6/03/19 12.722 -23,193 22,089 -1,103 1,836,759  2,170,154 -233,395 1,936,759
      Autoliv 414.20 60.784 51.203 6/03/19 55.993 -23,192 21,208 -1,984 1,834,775  2,146,962 -212,187 1,934,775
    Nikkei (FRA) long Daiichi Sankyo 1,354.65 16.360   5/27/19 15.040 -20,374 22,162 1,788 1,836,563  2,126,588 -190,025 1,936,563
      Rakuten 2,191.93 9.600   5/27/19 9.295 -20,374 21,043 669 1,837,232  2,106,214 -168,982 1,937,232
    BAX Adtran Networks 4,168.10 6.890   4/15/19 9.530 -39,722 28,718 -11,004 1,826,228  2,066,492 -140,264 1,926,228
    DJ Global Titans short Schlumberger 1,469.85 31.341 31.775 6/03/19 31.558 -46,385 46,705 320 1,826,548  2,020,107 -93,559 1,926,548
  Buy Kospi 50 Hanwha Life 19,103.68 2.399   7/22/19 2.096 45,824        2,065,931 -139,383  
    TSX 60 SNC Lavalin 2,902.42 15.788   6/22/20 14.559 45,824        2,111,755 -185,207  
    OMXS 30 long Getinge 1,771.55 12.933   8/05/19 12.958 22,912        2,134,667 -208,119  
      Essity B 852.66 26.871   8/05/19 26.259 22,912        2,157,579 -231,031  
    Nikkei (FRA) short Toho Zinc 1,199.96 19.094   10/14/19 16.800 22,912        2,180,491 -253,943  
      Tokai Carbon 2,571.49 8.910   10/14/19 8.905 22,912        2,203,403 -276,855  
6/24/19 Sell SLI short Aryzta 6,681.08 1.007 32.422 9/04/17 5.714 -38,177 216,613 178,436 2,004,984  2,165,226 -60,242 2,104,984
  Buy   long Novartis 627.87 81.415   8/05/19 81.590 51,118        2,216,344 -111,360  
date B/S market l/s instrument pieces price prc short corresponding invest divest prf/loss acc p/l ∑ invest asset total
7/01/19 Sell MerVal short MetroGAS 99,678.80 0.431 0.366 4/15/19 0.399 -39,722 36,482 -3,240 2,001,745  2,176,622 -74,877 2,101,745
    Topix (TYO) Nintendo 1,868.72 32.729 14.707 2/18/19 23.718 -44,323 27,484 -16,839 1,984,906  2,132,299 -47,393 2,084,906
  Buy MerVal long Banco Macro 8,033.47 6.341   8/19/19 3.576 50,937        2,183,236 -98,330  
    Topix (TYO) Rakuten 4,974.46 10.240   7/08/19 9.736 50,937        2,234,173 -149,267  
7/08/19 Sell SSE 50 long Shandong Gold 10,535.29 5.268   2/18/19 4.207 -44,323 55,499 11,176 1,996,081  2,189,850 -93,769 2,096,081
    Nordic 30 short Pandora 1,440.33 33.641 30.769 6/03/19 32.205 -46,385 44,317 -2,068 1,994,013  2,143,465 -49,452 2,094,013
    FT 30 ITV 391.64 125.657 111.221 6/03/19 118.439 -46,385 43,559 -2,827 1,991,186  2,097,079 -5,893 2,091,186
    Topix (TYO) long Rakuten 4,974.46 9.736   7/01/19 10.240 -50,937 48,433 -2,504 1,988,682  2,046,142 42,540 2,088,682
  Buy SSE 50 short Bank of Shanghai 46,310.30 1.151   9/16/19 1.194 53,280        2,099,422 -10,740  
    Nordic 30 long Vestas Wind Systems 3,357.55 15.869   8/05/19 14.331 53,280        2,152,702 -64,020  
    FT 30 3i Group 41.86 1,272.750   8/05/19 1,159.540 53,277        2,205,980 -117,298  
    BAX SFC Energy 4,279.52 12.450   7/15/19 12.600 53,280        2,259,260 -170,578  
    Topix (TYO) short Eisai 1,056.89 50.412   9/09/19 45.191 53,280        2,312,540 -223,858  
7/15/19 Sell ATX short Raiffeisen Bank Int 1,805.67 21.860 29.910 8/13/18 25.570 -46,171 54,007 7,836 1,996,518  2,266,369 -169,851 2,096,518
    BEL 20 Umicore 1,362.82 26.460 33.991 5/13/19 29.990 -40,871 46,323 5,453 2,001,971  2,225,498 -123,527 2,101,971
    OMXC 20 long Vestas Wind Systems 3,251.35 15.722   2/04/19 14.291 -46,464 51,119 4,655 2,006,625  2,179,034 -72,409 2,106,625
    CAC Next 20 short Air France-KLM 630.11 87.620 58.500 5/28/18 73.060 -46,036 36,861 -9,174 1,997,451  2,132,998 -35,547 2,097,451
    BAX long SFC Energy 4,279.52 12.600   7/08/19 12.450 -53,280 53,922 642 1,998,093  2,079,718 18,375 2,098,093
    SP Global 100 short Deutsche Bank 5,325.31 6.885 12.131 7/02/18 9.139 -48,668 64,601 15,933 2,014,025  2,031,050 82,975 2,114,025
  Buy ATX long Verbund 1,133.88 48.440   9/30/19 50.200 54,925        2,085,975 28,050  
    BEL 20 Galapagos 360.87 152.200   8/26/19 148.800 54,924        2,140,900 -26,874  
    OMXC 20 short Ambu 3,983.80 13.787   7/22/19 13.649 54,925        2,195,825 -81,799  
    SP Global 100 long LVMH 144.52 380.050   3/09/20 338.000 54,925        2,250,749 -136,724  
7/22/19 Sell Kospi 50 short Hanwha Life 19,103.68 2.096 2.745 6/10/19 2.399 -45,824 52,440 6,616 2,020,641  2,204,925 -84,284 2,120,641
    OMXC 20 Ambu 3,983.80 13.649 13.927 7/15/19 13.787 -54,925 55,482 557 2,021,198  2,150,000 -28,803 2,121,198
date B/S market l/s instrument pieces price prc short corresponding invest divest prf/loss acc p/l ∑ invest asset total
  Buy Kospi 50 long Kia 1,607.36 32.544   8/26/19 31.266 52,309        2,202,310 -81,112  
    OMXC 20 Ørsted 615.59 84.974   8/05/19 83.070 52,309        2,254,618 -133,421  
7/29/19 Sell BSE Sensex 50 long Nestlé India 3,424.30 15.160   12/17/18 13.742 -47,055 51,911 4,856 2,026,054  2,207,563 -81,509 2,126,054
  Buy   short Yes Bank 41,350.21 1.236   8/19/19 0.968 51,113        2,258,676 -132,622  
8/05/19 Sell OMXC 20 long Ørsted 615.59 83.070   7/22/19 84.974 -52,309 51,137 -1,172 2,024,882  2,206,368 -81,486 2,124,882
    ÖkoDAX (deprecated) Verbio 6,282.34 7.070   1/28/19 6.910 -43,411 44,416 1,005 2,025,887  2,162,957 -37,069 2,125,887
    OMXS 30 Getinge 1,771.55 12.958   6/10/19 12.933 -22,912 22,955 43 2,025,930  2,140,045 -14,115 2,125,930
      Essity B 852.66 26.259   6/10/19 26.871 -22,912 22,390 -522 2,025,408  2,117,133 8,275 2,125,408
    Nordic 30 Vestas Wind Systems 3,357.55 14.331   7/08/19 15.869 -53,280 48,117 -5,163 2,020,245  2,063,853 56,392 2,120,245
    FT 30 3i Group 41.86 1,159.540   7/08/19 1,272.750 -53,277 48,538 -4,739 2,015,506  2,010,575 104,930 2,115,506
    SLI Novartis 627.87 81.590   6/24/19 81.415 -51,118 51,228 110 2,015,615  1,959,457 156,158 2,115,615
    Indices Merval 58.72 804.230   3/11/19 749.771 -44,027 47,224 3,198 2,018,813  1,915,431 203,382 2,118,813
  Buy OMXC 20 short Ambu 4,501.29 12.897   9/02/19 15.867 58,054        1,973,485 145,328  
    OMXS 30 SSAB 12,270.98 2.366   9/02/19 2.498 29,027        2,002,512 116,301  
      Swedbank 2,456.09 11.818   9/02/19 11.389 29,027        2,031,539 87,274  
    Nordic 30 Swedbank 4,912.17 11.818   9/09/19 12.751 58,054        2,089,593 29,220  
    FT 30 Marks & Spencer 280.73 206.797   9/30/19 208.040 58,054        2,147,647 -28,834  
    SLI UBS 5,886.81 9.862   11/25/19 11.203 58,054        2,205,701 -86,888  
    Indices IPC 32.27 1,799.250   10/07/19 1,999.220 58,062        2,263,763 -144,949  
8/19/19 Sell HSI-Prop long China Res Land 6,313.43 3.652   1/21/19 3.427 -21,635 23,055 1,420 2,020,233  2,242,127 -121,894 2,120,233
      Link REIT 2,450.78 10.823   1/21/19 8.828 -21,635 26,525 4,890 2,025,123  2,220,492 -95,369 2,125,123
    MerVal Banco Macro 8,033.47 3.576   7/01/19 6.341 -50,937 28,728 -22,209 2,002,913  2,169,555 -66,641 2,102,913
    BSE Sensex 50 short Yes Bank 41,350.21 0.968 1.579 7/29/19 1.236 -51,113 65,296 14,183 2,017,096  2,118,442 -1,345 2,117,096
  Buy HSI-Prop Sino Land 19,585.65 1.350   1/20/20 1.302 26,447        2,144,888 -27,792  
      Wharf REIC 4,840.76 5.463   1/20/20 5.193 26,447        2,171,335 -54,238  
date B/S market l/s instrument pieces price prc short corresponding invest divest prf/loss acc p/l ∑ invest asset total
    MerVal Comercial del Plata 2,330,088.11 0.023   12/16/19 0.028 52,893        2,224,228 -107,131  
    BSE Sensex 50 long Bajaj Finance 1,259.04 42.011   3/02/20 53.712 52,893        2,277,121 -160,024  
8/26/19 Sell Kospi 50 long Kia 1,607.36 31.266   7/22/19 32.544 -52,309 50,256 -2,053 2,015,043  2,224,812 -109,768 2,115,043
    BEL 20 Galapagos 360.87 148.800   7/15/19 152.200 -54,924 53,697 -1,227 2,013,816  2,169,887 -56,071 2,113,816
  Buy Kospi 50 short Hanmi Science 1,720.94 29.892   9/30/19 30.345 51,443        2,221,330 -107,514  
    BEL 20 Aperam 2,553.00 20.150   10/28/19 23.640 51,443        2,272,773 -158,957  
9/02/19 Sell France short ArcelorMittal 3,478.70 12.876 13.808 6/03/19 13.334 -46,385 48,035 1,650 2,015,466  2,226,388 -110,922 2,115,466
    OMXC 20 Ambu 4,501.29 15.867 9.928 8/05/19 12.897 -58,054 44,687 -13,367 2,002,099  2,168,334 -66,235 2,102,099
    OMXS 30 SSAB 12,270.98 2.498 2.233 8/05/19 2.366 -29,027 27,406 -1,621 2,000,478  2,139,307 -38,829 2,100,478
      Swedbank 2,456.09 11.389 12.264 8/05/19 11.818 -29,027 30,122 1,095 2,001,574  2,110,280 -8,706 2,101,574
  Buy OMXC 20 long Ørsted 597.03 87.636   10/14/19 84.133 52,321        2,162,601 -61,028  
    OMXS 30 Getinge 2,067.19 12.655   3/02/20 15.332 26,161        2,188,762 -87,188  
      Hennes & Mauritz 1,515.45 17.263   3/02/20 16.433 26,160        2,214,922 -113,349  
9/09/19 Sell Nordic 30 short Swedbank 4,912.17 12.751 10.886 8/05/19 11.818 -58,054 53,471 -4,583 1,996,991  2,156,868 -59,877 2,096,991
    SMI Roche 218.89 247.979 132.384 2/12/18 190.181 -41,629 28,978 -12,651 1,984,340  2,115,240 -30,900 2,084,340
    Topix (TYO) Eisai 1,056.89 45.191 56.236 7/08/19 50.412 -53,280 59,436 6,156 1,990,496  2,061,959 28,536 2,090,496
  Buy Nordic 30 long Genmab 283.97 186.551   3/02/20 207.684 52,975        2,114,934 -24,439  
    SMI Nestlé 523.94 101.108   2/03/20 100.107 52,975        2,167,909 -77,413  
    Topix (TYO) Daiichi Sankyo 2,602.29 20.357   3/09/20 17.808 52,975        2,220,884 -130,388  
9/16/19 Sell SSE 50 short Bank of Shanghai 46,310.30 1.194 1.107 7/08/19 1.151 -53,280 51,266 -2,015 1,988,481  2,167,604 -79,123 2,088,481
    Athex LC long Terna Energy 6,402.86 7.400   2/25/19 6.640 -42,515 47,381 4,866 1,993,347  2,125,089 -31,742 2,093,347
  Buy SSE 50 Kweichow Moutai 364.50 141.401   9/23/19 146.903 51,541        2,176,630 -83,282  
    Athex LC short Motor Oil Hellas 2,394.98 21.520   9/23/19 20.980 51,540        2,228,170 -134,822  
9/23/19 Sell SSE 50 long Kweichow Moutai 364.50 146.903   9/16/19 141.401 -51,541 53,546 2,005 1,995,353  2,176,629 -81,276 2,095,353
    Athex LC short Motor Oil Hellas 2,394.98 20.980 22.074 9/16/19 21.520 -51,540 52,867 1,327 1,996,679  2,125,089 -28,410 2,096,679
date B/S market l/s instrument pieces price prc short corresponding invest divest prf/loss acc p/l ∑ invest asset total
  Buy SSE 50 Bank of Shanghai 44,053.85 1.174   10/14/19 1.253 51,706        2,176,795 -80,116  
    Athex LC long Piraeus Financial 1,048.06 49.335   9/30/19 50.820 51,706        2,228,501 -131,822  
9/30/19 Sell Kospi 50 short Hanmi Science 1,720.94 30.345 29.440 8/26/19 29.892 -51,443 50,664 -779 1,995,901  2,177,058 -81,158 2,095,901
    ATX long Verbund 1,133.88 50.200   7/15/19 48.440 -54,925 56,921 1,996 1,997,896  2,122,133 -24,237 2,097,896
    Athex LC Piraeus Financial 1,048.06 50.820   9/23/19 49.335 -51,706 53,262 1,556 1,999,453  2,070,427 29,026 2,099,453
    FT 30 short Marks & Spencer 280.73 208.040 205.554 8/05/19 206.797 -58,054 57,705 -349 1,999,104  2,012,373 86,731 2,099,104
  Buy Kospi 50 long Naver 454.21 120.307   2/24/20 139.183 54,645        2,067,017 32,086  
    ATX short Schoeller-Bleckmann 1,002.66 54.500   10/28/19 52.500 54,645        2,121,662 -22,559  
    Athex LC Motor Oil Hellas 2,551.12 21.420   1/20/20 20.860 54,645        2,176,307 -77,204  
    FT 30 long Experian 18.64 2,931.390   10/07/19 2,856.440 54,641        2,230,949 -131,845  
10/07/19 Sell S&P 100 long Qualcomm 574.89 69.423   5/20/19 68.590 -39,432 39,911 479 1,999,583  2,191,517 -91,934 2,099,583
    FT 30 Experian 18.64 2,856.440   9/30/19 2,931.390 -54,641 53,244 -1,397 1,998,186  2,136,876 -38,690 2,098,186
    BSE Sensex 30 Tata Steel 56,411.82 0.416   2/20/17 0.687 -38,738 23,479 -15,259 1,982,926  2,098,138 -15,211 2,082,926
    Indices short IPC 32.27 1,999.220 1,599.280 8/05/19 1,799.250 -58,062 51,609 -6,453 1,976,473  2,040,076 36,397 2,076,473
  Buy S&P 100 Halliburton 3,163.60 16.697   10/21/19 17.590 52,821        2,092,897 -16,424  
    France Genfit 4,146.08 12.740   11/04/19 13.150 52,821        2,145,718 -69,245  
    FT 30 Marks & Spencer 275.62 191.644   10/21/19 231.109 52,821        2,198,539 -122,066  
    BSE Sensex 30 Tata Steel 126,912.54 0.416   7/13/20 0.401 52,821        2,251,360 -174,887  
    Indices long NZX 50 8.40 6,287.290   3/02/20 6,221.370 52,813        2,304,173 -227,700  
10/14/19 Sell SSE 50 short Bank of Shanghai 44,053.85 1.253 1.095 9/23/19 1.174 -51,706 48,221 -3,485 1,972,988  2,252,467 -179,479 2,072,988
    OMXC 20 long Ørsted 597.03 84.133   9/02/19 87.636 -52,321 50,230 -2,092 1,970,897  2,200,146 -129,249 2,070,897
    Nikkei (FRA) short Toho Zinc 1,199.96 16.800 21.701 6/10/19 19.094 -22,912 26,041 3,129 1,974,025  2,177,234 -103,208 2,074,025
      Tokai Carbon 2,571.49 8.905 8.915 6/10/19 8.910 -22,912 22,925 13 1,974,038  2,154,322 -80,283 2,074,038
  Buy SSE 50 long Kweichow Moutai 329.07 151.465   10/21/19 148.212 49,843        2,204,164 -130,126  
    HDAX short Hugo Boss 1,325.61 37.600   10/28/19 38.040 49,843        2,254,007 -179,969  
date B/S market l/s instrument pieces price prc short corresponding invest divest prf/loss acc p/l ∑ invest asset total
    OMXC 20 FLSmidth 1,642.19 30.352   10/28/19 33.437 49,843        2,303,850 -229,812  
    ÖkoDAX (deprecated) long PNE Wind 12,507.65 3.985   3/09/20 4.355 49,843        2,353,693 -279,655  
    Nikkei (FRA) Advantest 2,407.87 10.350   2/24/20 11.350 24,921        2,378,615 -304,577  
      Tokyo Electron 415.36 60.000   2/24/20 66.667 24,922        2,403,536 -329,498  
10/21/19 Sell S&P 100 short Halliburton 3,163.60 17.590 15.803 10/07/19 16.697 -52,821 49,994 -2,827 1,971,211  2,350,715 -279,504 2,071,211
    SSE 50 long Kweichow Moutai 329.07 148.212   10/14/19 151.465 -49,843 48,772 -1,070 1,970,141  2,300,873 -230,732 2,070,141
    IBEX 35 short DIA 67,643.27 0.441 0.875 3/25/19 0.621 -42,020 59,188 17,168 1,987,309  2,258,853 -171,544 2,087,309
    PSI 20 Pharol 248,547.17 0.102 0.247 4/29/19 0.159 -39,519 61,366 21,847 2,009,156  2,219,334 -110,178 2,109,156
    FT 30 Marks & Spencer 275.62 231.109 152.179 10/07/19 191.644 -52,821 41,944 -10,877 1,998,279  2,166,513 -68,234 2,098,279
  Buy S&P 100 long Target 497.70 101.971   3/02/20 97.674 50,751        2,217,264 -118,985  
    SSE 50 short PetroChina 66,030.44 0.769   12/16/19 0.741 50,751        2,268,015 -169,736  
    IBEX 35 long Cellnex 1,286.46 39.450   11/04/19 37.850 50,751        2,318,766 -220,487  
    PSI 20 EDP Renováveis 5,157.62 9.840   11/25/19 10.040 50,751        2,369,517 -271,238  
    FT 30 Next 6.42 7,900.100   11/11/19 7,681.380 50,719        2,420,235 -321,957  
10/28/19 Sell ATX short Schoeller-Bleckmann 1,002.66 52.500 56.576 9/30/19 54.500 -54,645 56,727 2,082 2,000,360  2,365,590 -265,230 2,100,360
    CAC 40 ArcelorMittal 3,478.70 14.270 12.398 6/03/19 13.334 -46,385 43,129 -3,256 1,997,104  2,319,205 -222,101 2,097,104
    HDAX Hugo Boss 1,325.61 38.040 37.160 10/14/19 37.600 -49,843 49,260 -583 1,996,521  2,269,362 -172,841 2,096,521
    BEL 20 Aperam 2,553.00 23.640 16.660 8/26/19 20.150 -51,443 42,533 -8,910 1,987,611  2,217,919 -130,308 2,087,611
    OMXC 20 FLSmidth 1,642.19 33.437 27.266 10/14/19 30.352 -49,843 44,776 -5,067 1,982,544  2,168,076 -85,533 2,082,544
    Topix (FRA) Eisai 908.86 67.000 32.360 4/01/19 49.680 -45,152 29,411 -15,741 1,966,802  2,122,924 -56,122 2,066,802
  Buy ATX long S Immo 2,244.06 22.400   3/02/20 25.750 50,267        2,173,191 -106,389  
    CAC 40 STMicroelectronics 2,430.71 20.680   12/02/19 21.800 50,267        2,223,458 -156,656  
    BEL 20 Galapagos 318.15 158.000   11/18/19 169.050 50,268        2,273,726 -206,924  
    OMXC 20 Genmab 261.69 192.084   3/09/20 193.821 50,266        2,323,992 -257,190  
    Topix (FRA) Daiichi Sankyo 2,669.52 18.830   12/02/19 19.500 50,267        2,374,259 -307,457  
date B/S market l/s instrument pieces price prc short corresponding invest divest prf/loss acc p/l ∑ invest asset total
11/04/19 Sell France short Genfit 4,146.08 13.150 12.330 10/07/19 12.740 -52,821 51,121 -1,700 1,965,102  2,321,438 -256,336 2,065,102
    IBEX 35 long Cellnex 1,286.46 37.850   10/21/19 39.450 -50,751 48,693 -2,058 1,963,044  2,270,688 -207,643 2,063,044
    ISEQ 20 short Ryanair 1,966.84 13.440 7.340 5/13/19 10.390 -20,435 14,437 -5,999 1,957,045  2,250,252 -193,207 2,057,045
    OMXH 25 Metsä Board 6,987.13 6.220 5.280 4/22/19 5.750 -40,176 36,892 -3,284 1,953,761  2,210,076 -156,315 2,053,761
    Nikkei (TYO) Sharp 3,117.31 10.638 21.777 10/15/18 15.221 -47,447 67,885 20,438 1,974,199  2,162,629 -88,430 2,074,199
  Buy France long STMicroelectronics 2,362.87 21.010   3/02/20 24.320 49,644        2,212,273 -138,074  
    IBEX 35 short DIA 272,469.81 0.182   11/11/19 0.132 49,644        2,261,917 -187,718  
    ISEQ 20 long Flutter 269.51 92.100   12/23/19 106.100 24,822        2,286,739 -212,540  
      Ryanair 1,846.88 13.440   12/23/19 14.450 24,822        2,311,561 -237,362  
    OMXH 25 Metso 8,138.36 6.100   12/09/19 5.278 49,644        2,361,205 -287,006  
    CAC Next 20 short Ubisoft 952.86 52.100   12/16/19 61.420 49,644        2,410,849 -336,650  
    Nikkei (TYO) long Advantest 4,683.00 10.601   3/02/20 10.706 49,644        2,460,493 -386,294  
11/11/19 Sell IBEX 35 short DIA 272,469.81 0.132 0.252 11/04/19 0.182 -49,644 68,744 19,100 1,993,299  2,410,849 -317,549 2,093,299
    FT 30 long Next 6.42 7,681.380   10/21/19 7,900.100 -50,719 49,314 -1,404 1,991,895  2,360,130 -268,235 2,091,895
  Buy Germany Varta 435.86 104.600   3/02/20 73.300 45,591        2,405,721 -313,826  
    MDAX short Hugo Boss 1,129.33 40.370   12/16/19 43.590 45,591        2,451,312 -359,417  
    IBEX 35 long Cellnex 1,232.19 37.000   11/25/19 37.630 45,591        2,496,903 -405,008  
    FT 30 short Marks & Spencer 207.68 219.526   12/02/19 224.563 45,591        2,542,494 -450,599  
11/18/19 Sell AEX short ArcelorMittal 2,653.96 14.664 16.173 5/13/19 15.400 -40,871 42,922 2,051 1,993,946  2,501,623 -407,677 2,093,946
    BEL 20 long Galapagos 318.15 169.050   10/28/19 158.000 -50,268 53,783 3,516 1,997,462  2,451,356 -353,894 2,097,462
  Buy AEX Galapagos 257.85 169.050   1/27/20 206.000 43,590        2,494,945 -397,483  
    BEL 20 short Colruyt 902.65 48.290   12/09/19 47.300 43,589        2,538,534 -441,072  
11/25/19 Sell IBEX 35 long Cellnex 1,232.19 37.630   11/11/19 37.000 -45,591 46,367 776 1,998,238  2,492,943 -394,705 2,098,238
    PSI 20 EDP Renováveis 5,157.62 10.040   10/21/19 9.840 -50,751 51,783 1,032 1,999,270  2,442,192 -342,922 2,099,270
    SLI short UBS 5,886.81 11.203 8.521 8/05/19 9.862 -58,054 50,160 -7,894 1,991,376  2,384,138 -292,762 2,091,376
date B/S market l/s instrument pieces price prc short corresponding invest divest prf/loss acc p/l ∑ invest asset total
  Buy IBEX 35 DIA 179,143.43 0.251   6/01/20 0.115 44,965        2,429,103 -337,727  
    PSI 20 Pharol 407,291.67 0.110   12/16/19 0.102 44,965        2,474,068 -382,692  
    SLI long ams-OSRAM 1,077.07 41.748   2/03/20 36.607 44,965        2,519,033 -427,657  
    BAX short STS 8,987.61 5.003   12/16/19 4.793 44,965        2,563,998 -472,622  
12/02/19 Sell CAC 40 long STMicroelectronics 2,430.71 21.800   10/28/19 20.680 -50,267 52,989 2,722 1,994,099  2,513,731 -419,633 2,094,099
    OBX 25 short Norwegian 94.86 380.224 471.753 4/22/19 423.523 -40,175 44,750 4,575 1,998,674  2,473,556 -374,882 2,098,674
    FT 30 Marks & Spencer 207.68 224.563 214.489 11/11/19 219.526 -45,591 44,545 -1,046 1,997,628  2,427,965 -330,337 2,097,628
    Topix (FRA) long Daiichi Sankyo 2,669.52 19.500   10/28/19 18.830 -50,267 52,056 1,789 1,999,416  2,377,698 -278,281 2,099,416
  Buy CAC 40 short Renault 1,053.52 43.215   12/30/19 42.600 45,528        2,423,226 -323,809  
    OBX 25 long BW LPG 5,850.57 7.782   1/13/20 7.829 45,528        2,468,754 -369,337  
    FT 30 Melrose 56.23 809.618   2/24/20 807.761 45,525        2,514,278 -414,862  
12/09/19 Sell BEL 20 short Colruyt 902.65 47.300 49.301 11/18/19 48.290 -43,589 44,501 912 2,000,329  2,470,689 -370,361 2,100,329
    OMXH 25 long Metso 8,138.36 5.278   11/04/19 6.100 -49,644 42,954 -6,690 1,993,639  2,421,045 -327,407 2,093,639
    CAC Mid 60 short Eramet 770.16 39.940 65.635 5/20/19 51.200 -39,432 50,549 11,117 2,004,756  2,381,613 -276,858 2,104,756
  Buy BEL 20 long Galapagos 233.15 196.000   3/02/20 191.450 45,697        2,427,311 -322,555  
    OMXH 25 short Nokia 14,620.70 3.126   12/30/19 3.296 45,697        2,473,008 -368,252  
    CAC Mid 60 long Viridien 17,941.50 2.547   1/13/20 2.978 45,697        2,518,705 -413,949  
12/16/19 Sell SSE 50 short PetroChina 66,030.44 0.741 0.798 10/21/19 0.769 -50,751 52,672 1,921 2,006,677  2,467,954 -361,276 2,106,677
    MDAX Hugo Boss 1,129.33 43.590 37.150 11/11/19 40.370 -45,591 41,955 -3,636 2,003,041  2,422,363 -319,322 2,103,041
    PSI 20 Pharol 407,291.67 0.102 0.119 11/25/19 0.110 -44,965 48,590 3,625 2,006,666  2,377,398 -270,732 2,106,666
    MerVal Comercial del Plata 2,330,088.11 0.028 0.018 8/19/19 0.023 -52,893 41,243 -11,650 1,995,015  2,324,505 -229,489 2,095,015
    CAC Next 20 Ubisoft 952.86 61.420 42.780 11/04/19 52.100 -49,644 40,763 -8,881 1,986,135  2,274,861 -188,726 2,086,135
    BAX STS 8,987.61 4.793 5.223 11/25/19 5.003 -44,965 46,940 1,975 1,988,109  2,229,896 -141,786 2,088,109
  Buy SSE 50 long San’an Optoelectron 19,321.00 2.518   1/27/20 2.950 48,658        2,278,554 -190,444  
    MDAX Delivery Hero 754.39 64.500   1/13/20 67.500 48,658        2,327,212 -239,103  
date B/S market l/s instrument pieces price prc short corresponding invest divest prf/loss acc p/l ∑ invest asset total
    SDAX Varta 403.47 120.600   2/03/20 73.700 48,658        2,375,870 -287,761  
    PSI 20 CTT-Correios 14,798.66 3.288   1/20/20 3.132 48,658        2,424,528 -336,419  
    MerVal Banco de Valores 255,556.72 0.190   3/02/20 0.209 48,658        2,473,186 -385,077  
12/23/19 Sell HSI-Fin short Bank of East Asia 14,338.91 2.015 3.753 5/20/19 2.750 -39,432 53,813 14,381 2,002,490  2,433,754 -331,265 2,102,490
    HSI-C&I AAC Technologies 8,461.67 7.580 2.051 5/27/19 4.816 -40,748 17,357 -23,391 1,979,099  2,393,006 -313,907 2,079,099
    ISEQ 20 long Flutter 269.51 106.100   11/04/19 92.100 -24,822 28,595 3,773 1,982,872  2,368,184 -285,312 2,082,872
      Ryanair 1,846.88 14.450   11/04/19 13.440 -24,822 26,687 1,865 1,984,737  2,343,362 -258,625 2,084,737
  Buy HSI-Fin China Life Ins HK 18,463.16 2.473   2/03/20 2.177 45,652        2,389,014 -304,277  
    HSI-C&I Sunny Optical 2,858.54 15.970   2/24/20 15.131 45,652        2,434,666 -349,929  
    ISEQ 20 short Glanbia 2,224.76 10.260   1/06/20 10.470 22,826        2,457,492 -372,755  
      Origin Enterprises 6,169.19 3.700   1/06/20 3.840 22,826        2,480,318 -395,581  
12/30/19 Sell HSI short AAC Technologies 8,461.67 7.658 1.973 5/27/19 4.816 -40,748 16,693 -24,055 1,960,683  2,439,570 -378,888 2,060,683
    CAC 40 Renault 1,053.52 42.600 43.839 12/02/19 43.215 -45,528 46,185 657 1,961,340  2,394,042 -332,702 2,061,340
    OMXH 25 Nokia 14,620.70 3.296 2.955 12/09/19 3.126 -45,697 43,204 -2,493 1,958,847  2,348,345 -289,498 2,058,847
  Buy HSI long Sunny Optical 2,843.19 15.558   2/03/20 14.947 44,233        2,392,578 -333,731  
    CAC 40 STMicroelectronics 1,844.58 23.980   1/27/20 26.140 44,233        2,436,811 -377,964  
    OMXH 25 Metso 7,682.01 5.758   1/27/20 5.578 44,233        2,481,044 -422,197  
1/06/20 Sell ISEQ 20 short Glanbia 2,224.76 10.470 10.050 12/23/19 10.260 -22,826 22,359 -467 1,958,380  2,458,218 -399,838 2,058,380
      Origin Enterprises 6,169.19 3.840 3.560 12/23/19 3.700 -22,826 21,962 -864 1,957,516  2,435,392 -377,876 2,057,516
  Buy   long Flutter 190.26 110.350   1/13/20 110.350 20,995        2,456,388 -398,871  
      Ryanair 1,445.97 14.520   1/13/20 14.520 20,995        2,477,383 -419,867  
1/13/20 Sell MDAX long Delivery Hero 754.39 67.500   12/16/19 64.500 -48,658 50,921 2,263 1,959,779  2,428,725 -368,945 2,059,779
    ISEQ 20 Flutter 190.26 110.350   1/06/20 110.350 -20,995 20,995 0 1,959,779  2,407,730 -347,950  
      Ryanair 1,445.97 14.520   1/06/20 14.520 -20,995 20,995 0 1,959,779  2,386,734 -326,955  
    OBX 25 BW LPG 5,850.57 7.829   12/02/19 7.782 -45,528 45,806 278 1,960,057  2,341,206 -281,149 2,060,057
date B/S market l/s instrument pieces price prc short corresponding invest divest prf/loss acc p/l ∑ invest asset total
    CAC Mid 60 Viridien 17,941.50 2.978   12/09/19 2.547 -45,697 53,430 7,733 1,967,790  2,295,509 -227,719 2,067,790
  Buy MDAX short K+S 4,222.21 10.895   2/17/20 8.920 46,001        2,341,510 -273,720  
    ISEQ 20 Glanbia 2,196.80 10.470   1/20/20 10.470 23,001        2,364,511 -296,721  
      Origin Enterprises 5,989.71 3.840   1/20/20 3.840 23,000        2,387,511 -319,721  
    OBX 25 REC Silicon 174,246.21 0.264   7/13/20 0.272 46,001        2,433,512 -365,722  
    CAC Next 20 SES 3,622.13 12.700   1/20/20 12.700 46,001        2,479,513 -411,723  
    CAC Mid 60 Ipsen 584.88 78.650   7/13/20 81.500 46,001        2,525,514 -457,724  
1/20/20 Sell HSI-Prop short Sino Land 19,585.65 1.302 1.400 8/19/19 1.350 -26,447 27,428 981 1,968,771  2,499,068 -430,296 2,068,771
      Wharf REIC 4,840.76 5.193 5.748 8/19/19 5.463 -26,447 27,823 1,376 1,970,148  2,472,621 -402,473 2,070,148
    ISEQ 20 Glanbia 2,196.80 10.470 10.470 1/13/20 10.470 -23,001 23,001 0 1,970,148  2,449,621 -379,473  
      Origin Enterprises 5,989.71 3.840 3.840 1/13/20 3.840 -23,000 23,000 0 1,970,148  2,426,620 -356,472  
    PSI 20 long CTT-Correios 14,798.66 3.132   12/16/19 3.288 -48,658 46,349 -2,309 1,967,839  2,377,962 -310,123 2,067,839
    Athex LC short Motor Oil Hellas 2,551.12 20.860 21.995 9/30/19 21.420 -54,645 56,112 1,467 1,969,306  2,323,317 -254,011 2,069,306
    IPC Volaris 96,120.88 0.941 0.000 6/04/18 0.455 -43,735 0 -43,735 1,925,571  2,279,582 -254,011 2,025,571
    CAC Next 20 SES 3,622.13 12.700 12.700 1/13/20 12.700 -46,001 46,001 0 1,925,571  2,233,581 -208,010  
  Buy HSI-Prop long China Res Land 5,239.50 4.336   2/03/20 3.807 22,720        2,256,301 -230,730  
    ISEQ 20 Flutter 205.89 110.350   1/27/20 105.450 22,720        2,279,020 -253,450  
      Ryanair 1,564.70 14.520   1/27/20 14.720 22,719        2,301,740 -276,169  
    PSI 20 short Pharol 445,480.39 0.102   6/01/20 0.084 45,439        2,347,179 -321,608  
    Athex LC long Public Power 10,503.70 4.326   2/03/20 4.110 45,439        2,392,618 -367,047  
    IPC Gentera 47,926.38 0.948   3/09/20 0.682 45,439        2,438,057 -412,486  
1/27/20 Sell SSE 50 long San’an Optoelectron 19,321.00 2.950   12/16/19 2.518 -48,658 56,995 8,337 1,933,908  2,389,399 -355,491 2,033,908
    CAC 40 STMicroelectronics 1,844.58 26.140   12/30/19 23.980 -44,233 48,217 3,984 1,937,892  2,345,166 -307,274 2,037,892
    AEX Galapagos 257.85 206.000   11/18/19 169.050 -43,590 53,117 9,528 1,947,420  2,301,576 -254,157 2,047,420
    ISEQ 20 Flutter 205.89 105.450   1/20/20 110.350 -22,720 21,711 -1,009 1,946,411  2,278,856 -232,446 2,046,411
date B/S market l/s instrument pieces price prc short corresponding invest divest prf/loss acc p/l ∑ invest asset total
      Ryanair 1,564.70 14.720   1/20/20 14.520 -22,719 23,032 313 1,946,724  2,256,137 -209,413 2,046,724
    OMXH 25 Metso 7,682.01 5.578   12/30/19 5.758 -44,233 42,850 -1,383 1,945,341  2,211,904 -166,563 2,045,341
  Buy SSE 50 short China Comms Constr 42,761.29 1.098   7/06/20 1.103 46,969        2,258,873 -213,532  
    CAC 40 Renault 1,338.15 35.100   8/10/20 24.080 46,969        2,305,842 -260,501  
    AEX ABN AMRO 3,017.60 15.565   6/29/20 7.744 46,969        2,352,811 -307,470  
    ISEQ 20 Origin Enterprises 6,279.28 3.740   6/22/20 2.660 23,485        2,376,295 -330,954  
      AIB 8,848.72 2.654   6/22/20 1.062 23,485        2,399,780 -354,439  
    OMXH 25 Nokian Tyres 2,087.51 22.500   6/22/20 19.640 46,969        2,446,749 -401,408  
2/03/20 Sell HSI long Sunny Optical 2,843.19 14.947   12/30/19 15.558 -44,233 42,497 -1,736 1,943,605  2,402,516 -358,911 2,043,605
    SDAX Varta 403.47 73.700   12/16/19 120.600 -48,658 29,736 -18,923 1,924,682  2,353,858 -329,175 2,024,682
    HSI-Fin China Life Ins HK 18,463.16 2.177   12/23/19 2.473 -45,652 40,191 -5,461 1,919,221  2,308,206 -288,985 2,019,221
    HSI-Prop China Res Land 5,239.50 3.807   1/20/20 4.336 -22,720 19,945 -2,775 1,916,446  2,285,486 -269,040 2,016,446
    Athex LC Public Power 10,503.70 4.110   1/20/20 4.326 -45,439 43,170 -2,269 1,914,177  2,240,047 -225,870 2,014,177
    SMI Nestlé 523.94 100.107   9/09/19 101.108 -52,975 52,450 -524 1,913,653  2,187,072 -173,420 2,013,653
    SLI ams-OSRAM 1,077.07 36.607   11/25/19 41.748 -44,965 39,428 -5,537 1,908,116  2,142,107 -133,992 2,008,116
  Buy HSI short Bank of East Asia 24,043.21 1.949   6/29/20 2.009 46,853        2,188,960 -180,845  
    SDAX Heidelberger Druck 53,668.96 0.873   2/17/20 0.913 46,853        2,235,813 -227,698  
    HSI-Fin Bank of East Asia 24,043.21 1.949   11/30/20 1.858 46,853        2,282,666 -274,551  
    HSI-Prop Sino Land 19,092.50 1.227   8/17/20 0.999 23,427        2,306,093 -297,977  
      Wharf REIC 5,056.33 4.633   8/17/20 3.458 23,426        2,329,519 -321,404  
    Athex LC Motor Oil Hellas 2,512.23 18.650   6/29/20 12.630 46,853        2,376,372 -368,257  
    SMI Swatch 204.20 229.446   2/17/20 237.871 46,853        2,423,225 -415,110  
    SLI Swatch 204.20 229.446   9/28/20 200.720 46,853        2,470,078 -461,963  
2/17/20 Sell MDAX short K+S 4,222.21 8.920 13.307 1/13/20 10.895 -46,001 56,186 10,185 1,918,301  2,424,077 -405,776 2,018,301
    SDAX Heidelberger Druck 53,668.96 0.913 0.833 2/03/20 0.873 -46,853 44,706 -2,147 1,916,154  2,377,224 -361,070 2,016,154
date B/S market l/s instrument pieces price prc short corresponding invest divest prf/loss acc p/l ∑ invest asset total
    SMI Swatch 204.20 237.871 221.021 2/03/20 229.446 -46,853 45,132 -1,720 1,914,434  2,330,371 -315,938 2,014,434
  Buy MDAX long Delivery Hero 537.49 79.000   2/24/20 72.760 42,462        2,372,833 -358,399  
    SDAX HelloFresh 1,761.91 24.100   3/02/20 22.100 42,462        2,415,295 -400,861  
    SMI Lonza 108.27 392.186   3/02/20 366.276 42,462        2,457,757 -443,323  
2/24/20 Sell Kospi 50 long Naver 454.21 139.183   9/30/19 120.307 -54,645 63,218 8,574 1,923,007  2,403,112 -380,105 2,023,007
    MDAX Delivery Hero 537.49 72.760   2/17/20 79.000 -42,462 39,108 -3,354 1,919,653  2,360,651 -340,997 2,019,653
    HSI-C&I Sunny Optical 2,858.54 15.131   12/23/19 15.970 -45,652 43,253 -2,399 1,917,255  2,314,999 -297,744 2,017,255
    FT 30 Melrose 56.23 807.761   12/02/19 809.618 -45,525 45,420 -104 1,917,150  2,269,474 -252,324 2,017,150
    Nikkei (FRA) Advantest 2,407.87 11.350   10/14/19 10.350 -24,921 27,329 2,408 1,919,558  2,244,552 -224,994 2,019,558
      Tokyo Electron 415.36 66.667   10/14/19 60.000 -24,922 27,691 2,769 1,922,327  2,219,631 -197,304 2,022,327
  Buy Kospi 50 short Hanmi Science 1,990.64 22.920   5/18/20 20.551 45,625        2,265,256 -242,929  
    MDAX K+S 5,607.79 8.136   12/07/20 8.362 45,625        2,310,881 -288,554  
    HSI-C&I PetroChina 119,876.51 0.381   7/13/20 0.314 45,625        2,356,506 -334,179  
    FT 30 BT Group 253.40 180.050   7/13/20 123.298 45,625        2,402,131 -379,803  
    Nikkei (FRA) Nissan Motor 5,515.59 4.136   8/17/20 3.311 22,812        2,424,943 -402,616  
      Kobe Steel 6,199.05 3.680   8/17/20 3.100 22,813        2,447,756 -425,428  
    DJ Global Titans Exxon Mobil 878.62 51.928   10/05/20 28.615 45,625        2,493,381 -471,053  
3/02/20 Sell S&P 100 long Target 497.70 97.674   10/21/19 101.971 -50,751 48,612 -2,139 1,920,189  2,442,630 -422,441 2,020,189
    France STMicroelectronics 2,362.87 24.320   11/04/19 21.010 -49,644 57,465 7,821 1,928,010  2,392,986 -364,976 2,028,010
    Germany Varta 435.86 73.300   11/11/19 104.600 -45,591 31,949 -13,642 1,914,367  2,347,395 -333,027 2,014,367
    ATX S Immo 2,244.06 25.750   10/28/19 22.400 -50,267 57,785 7,518 1,921,885  2,297,128 -275,243 2,021,885
    SDAX HelloFresh 1,761.91 22.100   2/17/20 24.100 -42,462 38,938 -3,524 1,918,361  2,254,666 -236,305 2,018,361
    MIB Azimut 2,198.55 18.590   4/29/19 17.975 -39,519 40,871 1,352 1,919,713  2,215,147 -195,434 2,019,713
    BEL 20 Galapagos 233.15 191.450   12/09/19 196.000 -45,697 44,637 -1,061 1,918,652  2,169,449 -150,797 2,018,652
    OMXS 30 Getinge 2,067.19 15.332   9/02/19 12.655 -26,161 31,694 5,534 1,924,186  2,143,289 -119,103 2,024,186
date B/S market l/s instrument pieces price prc short corresponding invest divest prf/loss acc p/l ∑ invest asset total
      Hennes & Mauritz 1,515.45 16.433   9/02/19 17.263 -26,160 24,904 -1,257 1,922,930  2,117,128 -94,199 2,022,930
    Europe 50 Roche 204.04 294.575   2/11/19 240.143 -48,999 60,105 11,106 1,934,036  2,068,130 -34,094 2,034,036
    Nordic 30 Genmab 283.97 207.684   9/09/19 186.551 -52,975 58,976 6,001 1,940,037  2,015,155 24,882 2,040,037
    MerVal Banco de Valores 255,556.72 0.209   12/16/19 0.190 -48,658 53,309 4,651 1,944,688  1,966,497 78,191 2,044,688
    SMI Lonza 108.27 366.276   2/17/20 392.186 -42,462 39,657 -2,805 1,941,883  1,924,035 117,848 2,041,883
    Indices NZX 50 8.40 6,221.370   10/07/19 6,287.290 -52,813 52,260 -554 1,941,329  1,871,222 170,108 2,041,329
    Nikkei (TYO) Advantest 4,683.00 10.706   11/04/19 10.601 -49,644 50,137 493 1,941,822  1,821,578 220,244 2,041,822
    BSE Sensex 50 Bajaj Finance 1,259.04 53.712   8/19/19 42.011 -52,893 67,626 14,733 1,956,555  1,768,684 287,870 2,056,555
  Buy S&P 100 short Occidental Pet 1,986.11 29.510   8/17/20 11.719 58,610        1,827,295 229,260  
    France Vantiva 9,007.22 6.507   6/08/20 4.091 58,610        1,885,905 170,650  
    Germany K+S 8,185.75 7.160   6/15/20 6.260 58,610        1,944,514 112,040  
    ATX Schoeller-Bleckmann 1,594.83 36.750   10/19/20 22.450 58,610        2,003,124 53,430  
    DAX Deutsche Lufthansa 5,362.31 10.930   7/13/20 8.732 58,610        2,061,735 -5,180  
    SDAX Koenig & Bauer 2,798.95 20.940   8/10/20 19.070 58,610        2,120,345 -63,790  
    HDAX K+S 8,185.75 7.160   8/24/20 6.520 58,610        2,178,955 -122,400  
    MIB Juventus Football 6,310.29 9.288   9/28/20 8.646 58,610        2,237,564 -181,010  
    BEL 20 Anheuser-Busch InBev 1,127.12 52.000   10/12/20 50.890 58,610        2,296,175 -239,620  
    OMXS 30 Electrolux 1,608.68 18.217   6/22/20 14.678 29,305        2,325,480 -268,925  
      Kinnevik 1,566.99 18.702   6/22/20 22.953 29,305        2,354,785 -298,230  
    Europe 50 Anheuser-Busch InBev 1,127.12 52.000   6/22/20 44.950 58,610        2,413,395 -356,840  
    Nordic 30 Equinor 4,210.16 13.921   6/22/20 13.062 58,610        2,472,005 -415,450  
    MerVal Edenor 208,354.07 0.281   5/18/20 0.282 58,610        2,530,615 -474,060  
    SMI Swatch 285.00 205.650   12/21/20 215.380 58,610        2,589,225 -532,671  
    CAC Next 20 SES 8,075.23 7.258   10/19/20 6.650 58,610        2,647,835 -591,281  
    BAX Koenig & Bauer 2,798.95 20.940   8/03/20 19.000 58,610        2,706,445 -649,891  
date B/S market l/s instrument pieces price prc short corresponding invest divest prf/loss acc p/l ∑ invest asset total
    Indices Athex Large Cap 32.15 1,823.290   8/03/20 1,479.090 58,619        2,765,064 -708,509  
    Nikkei (TYO) Kobe Steel 17,523.77 3.345   8/31/20 3.220 58,610        2,823,674 -767,119  
    BSE Sensex 50 Yes Bank 150,823.47 0.389   7/20/20 0.227 58,610        2,882,284 -825,729  
3/09/20 Sell DJIA long Walt Disney 317.26 91.003   4/29/19 124.562 -39,519 28,872 -10,647 1,945,908  2,842,766 -796,858 2,045,908
    ASX 50 Fortescue Metals 12,371.61 4.945   2/11/19 3.961 -48,999 61,171 12,172 1,958,080  2,793,767 -735,686 2,058,080
    OMXC 20 Genmab 261.69 193.821   10/28/19 192.084 -50,266 50,721 455 1,958,535  2,743,500 -684,965 2,058,535
    ÖkoDAX (deprecated) PNE Wind 12,507.65 4.355   10/14/19 3.985 -49,843 54,471 4,628 1,963,163  2,693,657 -630,494 2,063,163
    DJTA Union Pacific 298.19 118.466   3/11/19 147.654 -44,029 35,325 -8,704 1,954,459  2,649,628 -595,169 2,054,459
    IPC Gentera 47,926.38 0.682   1/20/20 0.948 -45,439 32,695 -12,744 1,941,716  2,604,189 -562,474 2,041,716
    Topix (TYO) Daiichi Sankyo 2,602.29 17.808   9/09/19 20.357 -52,975 46,342 -6,633 1,935,083  2,551,214 -516,132 2,035,083
    QIX MTU Aero Engines 220.25 185.550   4/01/19 205.000 -45,151 40,867 -4,284 1,930,799  2,506,063 -475,264 2,030,799
    SP Global 100 LVMH 144.52 338.000   7/15/19 380.050 -54,925 48,848 -6,077 1,924,722  2,451,138 -426,416 2,024,722
  Buy DJIA short Exxon Mobil 1,094.53 36.506   7/20/20 37.145 39,957        2,491,095 -466,373  
    Nasdaq 100 American Airlines 3,106.25 12.863   5/11/20 9.343 39,957        2,531,052 -506,330  
    OMXC 20 ISS 2,889.15 13.830   6/15/20 16.154 39,957        2,571,009 -546,287  
    ÖkoDAX (deprecated) Nordex 4,444.61 8.990   5/25/20 7.530 39,957        2,610,966 -586,244  
    DJTA American Airlines 3,106.25 12.863   6/08/20 17.984 39,957        2,650,923 -626,201  
    IPC Alpek 85,268.89 0.469   3/08/21 0.758 39,957        2,690,880 -666,158  
    Topix (TYO) JFE 5,921.75 6.748   5/25/20 6.228 39,957        2,730,837 -706,115  
    QIX Mercedes-Benz 1,305.57 30.605   8/17/20 42.335 39,957        2,770,794 -746,072  
    SP Global 100 DuPont 1,303.48 30.654   12/07/20 53.960 39,957        2,810,751 -786,029  
3/16/20 Sell USA long Eli Lilly 424.51 115.911   12/31/18 100.908 -42,836 49,205 6,369 1,931,091  2,767,914 -736,824 2,031,091
    Euro 50 Deutsche Post 1,054.02 20.560   5/16/16 26.850 -28,300 21,671 -6,630 1,924,461  2,739,614 -715,153 2,024,461
      Vinci 431.94 59.040   5/16/16 65.520 -28,301 25,502 -2,799 1,921,662  2,711,313 -689,652 2,021,662
    DJCA JetBlue Airways 902.77 9.506   8/31/15 19.906 -17,970 8,581 -9,389 1,912,273  2,693,343 -681,070 2,012,273
date B/S market l/s instrument pieces price prc short corresponding invest divest prf/loss acc p/l ∑ invest asset total
    DJUA NiSource 593.45 18.760   12/07/15 17.655 -10,477 11,133 656 1,912,929  2,682,866 -669,937 2,012,929
      American Water 194.50 106.441   12/07/15 53.870 -10,478 20,703 10,225 1,923,154  2,672,388 -649,234 2,023,154
    NZX 50 Vista 17,805.26 0.946   1/28/19 2.438 -43,411 16,846 -26,565 1,896,588  2,628,977 -632,389 1,996,588
  Buy USA short Occidental Pet 3,166.96 10.769   5/04/20 14.230 34,104        2,663,081 -666,493  
    Euro 50 ING Groep 3,651.39 4.670   8/03/20 6.056 17,052        2,680,133 -683,545  
      Anheuser-Busch InBev 493.55 34.550   8/03/20 46.325 17,052        2,697,185 -700,597  
    DJCA Boeing 293.70 116.117   4/27/20 118.849 34,104        2,731,289 -734,701  
    DJUA AES 1,731.89 9.846   12/07/20 17.212 17,052        2,748,341 -751,753  
      CenterPoint Energy 1,525.11 11.181   12/07/20 19.084 17,052        2,765,393 -768,804  
    NZX 50 Sky Network Telev. 20,564.40 1.658   10/26/20 0.876 34,104        2,799,497 -802,908  
3/23/20 Sell NZX 20 long Xero 1,849.36 31.706   10/09/17 19.988 -36,965 58,635 21,670 1,918,258  2,762,532 -744,274 2,018,258
  Buy   short Sky Network Telev. 31,536.79 1.010   6/08/20 0.986 31,849        2,794,381 -776,123  
4/27/20 Sell DJCA short Boeing 293.70 118.849 113.386 3/16/20 116.117 -34,104 33,301 -802 1,917,456  2,760,277 -742,821 2,017,456
  Buy   long Apple 487.35 65.384   5/04/20 67.200 31,865        2,792,142 -774,686  
5/04/20 Sell USA short Occidental Pet 3,166.96 14.230 7.307 3/16/20 10.769 -34,104 23,141 -10,963 1,906,493  2,758,038 -751,545 2,006,493
    DJCA long Apple 487.35 67.200   4/27/20 65.384 -31,865 32,750 885 1,907,378  2,726,173 -718,795 2,007,378
  Buy USA Tesla Motors 692.34 46.529   5/09/22 248.045 32,214        2,758,387 -751,009  
    DJCA short United Airlines 1,390.88 23.161   5/18/20 22.125 32,214        2,790,601 -783,223  
5/11/20 Sell Nasdaq 100 short American Airlines 3,106.25 9.343 17.711 3/09/20 12.863 -39,957 55,015 15,058 1,922,437  2,750,644 -728,207 2,022,437
  Buy   long Tesla Motors 646.72 50.030   2/28/22 258.867 32,355        2,782,999 -760,563  
5/18/20 Sell Kospi 50 short Hanmi Science 1,990.64 20.551 25.562 2/24/20 22.920 -45,625 50,884 5,259 1,927,696  2,737,374 -709,679 2,027,696
    DJCA United Airlines 1,390.88 22.125 24.246 5/04/20 23.161 -32,214 33,723 1,509 1,929,204  2,705,160 -675,956 2,029,204
    MerVal Edenor 208,354.07 0.282 0.281 3/02/20 0.281 -58,610 58,464 -146 1,929,058  2,646,550 -617,492 2,029,058
  Buy Kospi 50 long Samsung BioLogics 78.95 446.957   8/16/21 718.042 35,287        2,681,838 -652,779  
    DJCA Apple 488.79 72.197   5/25/20 73.129 35,289        2,717,127 -688,068  
date B/S market l/s instrument pieces price prc short corresponding invest divest prf/loss acc p/l ∑ invest asset total
    MerVal Banco de Valores 124,520.11 0.283   5/25/20 0.290 35,289        2,752,416 -723,357  
5/25/20 Sell DJCA long Apple 488.79 73.129   5/18/20 72.197 -35,289 35,745 456 1,929,514  2,717,127 -687,612 2,029,514
    ÖkoDAX (deprecated) short Nordex 4,444.61 7.530 10.733 3/09/20 8.990 -39,957 47,704 7,747 1,937,262  2,677,170 -639,908 2,037,262
    MerVal long Banco de Valores 124,520.11 0.290   5/18/20 0.283 -35,289 36,123 834 1,938,096  2,641,881 -603,785 2,038,096
    Topix (TYO) short JFE 5,921.75 6.228 7.311 3/09/20 6.748 -39,957 43,293 3,336 1,941,432  2,601,924 -560,492 2,041,432
  Buy DJCA United Airlines 1,589.02 23.299   6/01/20 26.464 37,023        2,638,947 -597,515  
    ÖkoDAX (deprecated) long PNE Wind 7,753.51 4.775   3/08/21 7.470 37,023        2,675,970 -634,538  
    MerVal short TGN 90,322.03 0.410   6/08/20 0.501 37,023        2,712,993 -671,561  
    Topix (TYO) long Ono Pharmaceutical 1,491.08 24.830   7/13/20 23.908 37,023        2,750,015 -708,584  
6/01/20 Sell IBEX 35 short DIA 179,143.43 0.115 0.549 11/25/19 0.251 -44,965 98,403 53,438 1,994,870  2,705,050 -610,180 2,094,870
    PSI 20 Pharol 445,480.39 0.084 0.124 1/20/20 0.102 -45,439 55,061 9,622 2,004,492  2,659,611 -555,119 2,104,492
    DJCA United Airlines 1,589.02 26.464 20.135 5/25/20 23.299 -37,023 31,994 -5,029 1,999,464  2,622,588 -523,125 2,099,464
  Buy TecDAX long Sartorius 118.20 333.400   8/10/20 332.200 39,408        2,661,996 -562,533  
    IBEX 35 Cellnex 778.81 50.600   6/15/20 50.240 39,408        2,701,404 -601,941  
    PSI 20 EDP Renováveis 3,246.13 12.140   7/27/20 14.020 39,408        2,740,812 -641,349  
    DJCA Apple 545.22 72.280   6/22/20 79.642 39,408        2,780,220 -680,757  
6/08/20 Sell France short Vantiva 9,007.22 4.091 10.351 3/02/20 6.507 -58,610 93,235 34,625 2,034,088  2,721,610 -587,522 2,134,088
    MerVal TGN 90,322.03 0.501 0.319 5/25/20 0.410 -37,023 28,822 -8,201 2,025,887  2,684,587 -558,700 2,125,887
    DJTA American Airlines 3,106.25 17.984 7.742 3/09/20 12.863 -39,957 24,050 -15,907 2,009,980  2,644,631 -534,651 2,109,980
    NZX 20 Sky Network Telev. 31,536.79 0.986 1.035 3/23/20 1.010 -31,849 32,631 782 2,010,762  2,612,782 -502,020 2,110,762
  Buy MerVal long Banco de Valores 135,459.75 0.297   9/21/20 0.227 40,218        2,653,000 -542,238  
    DJTA Avis Budget 1,407.02 28.584   6/15/20 23.341 40,218        2,693,218 -582,456  
    NZX 20 Fisher & Paykel HC 2,312.20 17.394   12/27/21 19.773 40,218        2,733,435 -622,673  
    Topix (FRA) Ono Pharmaceutical 1,779.56 22.600   6/22/20 25.600 40,218        2,773,654 -662,892  
6/15/20 Sell Germany short K+S 8,185.75 6.260 8.189 3/02/20 7.160 -58,610 67,036 8,426 2,019,188  2,715,044 -595,855 2,119,188
date B/S market l/s instrument pieces price prc short corresponding invest divest prf/loss acc p/l ∑ invest asset total
    IBEX 35 long Cellnex 778.81 50.240   6/01/20 50.600 -39,408 39,127 -280 2,018,908  2,675,636 -556,728 2,118,908
    OMXC 20 short ISS 2,889.15 16.154 11.506 3/09/20 13.830 -39,957 33,242 -6,715 2,012,193  2,635,679 -523,486 2,112,193
    DJTA long Avis Budget 1,407.02 23.341   6/08/20 28.584 -40,218 32,841 -7,377 2,004,816  2,595,461 -490,645 2,104,816
    GEX short elumeo 27,615.54 1.290 1.698 5/13/19 1.480 -40,871 46,891 6,020 2,010,836  2,554,590 -443,754 2,110,836
  Buy Germany long HelloFresh 1,095.61 38.040   10/26/20 46.500 41,677        2,596,267 -485,431  
    IBEX 35 short Banco Sabadell 127,726.02 0.326   11/30/20 0.326 41,677        2,637,944 -527,108  
    OMXC 20 long Ambu 1,434.68 29.050   10/04/21 24.538 41,677        2,679,621 -568,785  
    DJTA short United Airlines 1,206.41 34.546   7/06/20 31.119 41,677        2,721,298 -610,462  
6/22/20 Sell ISEQ 20 short Origin Enterprises 6,279.28 2.660 5.259 1/27/20 3.740 -23,485 33,020 9,535 2,020,371  2,697,813 -577,442 2,120,371
      AIB 8,848.72 1.062 6.633 1/27/20 2.654 -23,485 58,689 35,205 2,055,576  2,674,329 -518,753 2,155,576
    OMXH 25 Nokian Tyres 2,087.51 19.640 25.777 1/27/20 22.500 -46,969 53,809 6,840 2,062,416  2,627,360 -464,944 2,162,416
    TSX 60 SNC Lavalin 2,902.42 14.559 17.121 6/10/19 15.788 -45,824 49,693 3,869 2,066,285  2,581,536 -415,251 2,166,285
    DJCA long Apple 545.22 79.642   6/01/20 72.280 -39,408 43,422 4,014 2,070,299  2,542,127 -371,829 2,170,299
    OMXS 30 short Electrolux 1,608.68 14.678 22.609 3/02/20 18.217 -29,305 36,371 7,066 2,077,365  2,512,822 -335,458 2,177,365
      Kinnevik 1,566.99 22.953 14.450 3/02/20 18.702 -29,305 22,642 -6,663 2,070,702  2,483,517 -312,815 2,170,702
    Europe 50 Anheuser-Busch InBev 1,127.12 44.950 60.156 3/02/20 52.000 -58,610 67,803 9,192 2,079,894  2,424,907 -245,013 2,179,894
    Nordic 30 Equinor 4,210.16 13.062 14.837 3/02/20 13.921 -58,610 62,466 3,856 2,083,751  2,366,297 -182,547 2,183,751
    Topix (FRA) long Ono Pharmaceutical 1,779.56 25.600   6/08/20 22.600 -40,218 45,557 5,339 2,089,089  2,326,079 -136,990 2,189,089
  Buy ISEQ 20 Kingspan 453.20 56.600   9/14/20 70.150 25,651        2,351,730 -162,641  
      Flutter 203.50 126.050   9/14/20 128.100 25,651        2,377,381 -188,292  
    OMXH 25 Kojamo 2,755.21 18.620   9/07/20 19.900 51,302        2,428,683 -239,594  
    TSX 60 Shopify 638.30 80.373   10/26/20 87.769 51,302        2,479,985 -290,896  
    DJCA short United Airlines 1,581.61 32.437   7/06/20 31.119 51,302        2,531,287 -342,198  
    OMXS 30 long Svenska Cellulosa B 2,304.57 11.131   11/15/21 13.936 25,651        2,556,938 -367,849  
    Europe 50 ASML 159.05 322.550   6/29/20 322.200 51,302        2,608,240 -419,150  
date B/S market l/s instrument pieces price prc short corresponding invest divest prf/loss acc p/l ∑ invest asset total
    Nordic 30 Genmab 179.73 285.446   10/26/20 295.015 51,303        2,659,543 -470,454  
    Topix (FRA) short Mitsubishi Heavy 23,109.01 2.220   1/11/21 2.620 51,302        2,710,845 -521,756  
6/29/20 Sell HSI short Bank of East Asia 24,043.21 2.009 1.889 2/03/20 1.949 -46,853 45,410 -1,443 2,087,647  2,663,992 -476,345 2,187,647
    AEX ABN AMRO 3,017.60 7.744 31.285 1/27/20 15.565 -46,969 94,405 47,436 2,135,083  2,617,023 -381,940 2,235,083
    Athex LC Motor Oil Hellas 2,512.23 12.630 27.539 2/03/20 18.650 -46,853 69,185 22,332 2,157,415  2,570,170 -312,755 2,257,415
    Europe 50 long ASML 159.05 322.200   6/22/20 322.550 -51,302 51,246 -56 2,157,359  2,518,868 -261,509 2,257,359
  Buy HSI Tencent 893.44 55.847   8/03/20 59.199 49,896        2,568,764 -311,405  
    AEX Adyen 38.59 1,293.000   9/07/20 1,340.000 49,897        2,618,661 -361,302  
    Athex LC Terna Energy 5,268.85 9.470   7/27/20 10.540 49,896        2,668,557 -411,198  
    Europe 50 short Airbus 787.62 63.350   7/27/20 61.920 49,896        2,718,453 -461,094  
7/06/20 Sell SSE 50 short China Comms Constr 42,761.29 1.103 1.094 1/27/20 1.098 -46,969 46,785 -184 2,157,175  2,671,484 -414,309 2,257,175
    DJCA United Airlines 1,581.61 31.119 33.810 6/22/20 32.437 -51,302 53,475 2,173 2,159,348  2,620,182 -360,834 2,259,348
    DJTA United Airlines 1,206.41 31.119 38.352 6/15/20 34.546 -41,677 46,268 4,591 2,163,939  2,578,505 -314,566 2,263,939
  Buy SSE 50 long China Merchants Secs 13,229.99 3.684   11/16/20 2.734 48,734        2,627,239 -363,300  
    FTSE Scottish Mortgage 49.14 991.827   3/07/22 1,032.440 48,738        2,675,978 -412,039  
    DJCA Apple 589.99 82.602   6/20/22 124.982 48,734        2,724,712 -460,773  
    DJTA J.B. Hunt 456.32 106.798   10/04/21 142.379 48,734        2,773,446 -509,507  
7/13/20 Sell DAX short Deutsche Lufthansa 5,362.31 8.732 13.681 3/02/20 10.930 -58,610 73,363 14,753 2,178,692  2,714,836 -436,144 2,278,692
    HSI-C&I PetroChina 119,876.51 0.314 0.461 2/24/20 0.381 -45,625 55,227 9,602 2,188,294  2,669,211 -380,916 2,288,294
    OBX 25 REC Silicon 174,246.21 0.272 0.256 1/13/20 0.264 -46,001 44,555 -1,446 2,186,848  2,623,210 -336,362 2,286,848
    FT 30 BT Group 253.40 123.298 262.924 2/24/20 180.050 -45,625 66,625 21,000 2,207,849  2,577,585 -269,737 2,307,849
    BSE Sensex 30 Tata Steel 126,912.54 0.401 0.432 10/07/19 0.416 -52,821 54,877 2,056 2,209,904  2,524,764 -214,860 2,309,904
    CAC Mid 60 Ipsen 584.88 81.500 75.800 1/13/20 78.650 -46,001 44,334 -1,667 2,208,238  2,478,763 -170,526 2,308,238
    Topix (TYO) long Ono Pharmaceutical 1,491.08 23.908   5/25/20 24.830 -37,023 35,648 -1,375 2,206,863  2,441,741 -134,878 2,306,863
  Buy DAX Infineon 2,339.97 23.205   1/24/22 34.285 54,299        2,496,040 -189,177  
date B/S market l/s instrument pieces price prc short corresponding invest divest prf/loss acc p/l ∑ invest asset total
    HSI-C&I Geely Auto 25,100.08 2.163   8/10/20 1.840 54,299        2,550,339 -243,476  
    OBX 25 Gjensidige 3,018.41 17.989   9/07/20 17.484 54,299        2,604,638 -297,775  
    FT 30 Reckitt Benckiser 6.37 8,523.200   7/27/20 8,451.940 54,293        2,658,930 -352,068  
    BSE Sensex 30 Reliance Industries 2,396.08 22.662   6/17/24 33.030 54,299        2,713,229 -406,367  
    Topix (TYO) short West Japan Railway 2,439.53 22.258   7/20/20 21.896 54,299        2,767,528 -460,666  
7/20/20 Sell DJIA short Exxon Mobil 1,094.53 37.145 35.867 3/09/20 36.506 -39,957 39,257 -700 2,206,163  2,727,572 -421,408 2,306,163
    Topix (TYO) West Japan Railway 2,439.53 21.896 22.626 7/13/20 22.258 -54,299 55,198 899 2,207,062  2,673,273 -366,211 2,307,062
    BSE Sensex 50 Yes Bank 150,823.47 0.227 0.664 3/02/20 0.389 -58,610 100,162 41,552 2,248,614  2,614,663 -266,049 2,348,614
  Buy DJIA long Apple 605.64 85.965   6/20/22 124.982 52,064        2,666,726 -318,112  
    Topix (TYO) Yamato 2,317.02 22.470   8/10/20 22.354 52,064        2,718,790 -370,176  
    BSE Sensex 50 Aurobindo Pharma 5,407.34 9.628   8/03/20 9.810 52,064        2,770,854 -422,240  
7/27/20 Sell PSI 20 long EDP Renováveis 3,246.13 14.020   6/01/20 12.140 -39,408 45,511 6,103 2,254,716  2,731,446 -376,730 2,354,716
    Athex LC Terna Energy 5,268.85 10.540   6/29/20 9.470 -49,896 55,534 5,638 2,260,354  2,681,550 -321,196 2,360,354
    Europe 50 short Airbus 787.62 61.920 64.813 6/29/20 63.350 -49,896 51,048 1,152 2,261,506  2,631,654 -270,148 2,361,506
    FT 30 long Reckitt Benckiser 6.37 8,451.940   7/13/20 8,523.200 -54,293 53,839 -454 2,261,053  2,577,362 -216,309 2,361,053
  Buy PSI 20 short Banco Comercial 531,397.42 0.101   11/30/20 0.119 53,618        2,630,980 -269,927  
    Athex LC Alpha Services 95,067.38 0.564   11/30/20 0.722 53,618        2,684,598 -323,545  
    Europe 50 long ASML 165.51 323.950   6/20/22 457.250 53,617        2,738,215 -377,162  
    FT 30 short Int Cons Airlines 261.97 204.675   11/16/20 176.987 53,619        2,791,833 -430,781  
8/03/20 Sell Euro 50 short ING Groep 3,651.39 6.056 3.284 3/16/20 4.670 -17,052 11,991 -5,061 2,255,992  2,774,781 -418,790 2,355,992
      Anheuser-Busch InBev 493.55 46.325 22.775 3/16/20 34.550 -17,052 11,241 -5,812 2,250,180  2,757,729 -407,549 2,350,180
    HSI long Tencent 893.44 59.199   6/29/20 55.847 -49,896 52,891 2,995 2,253,175  2,707,833 -354,658 2,353,175
    BAX short Koenig & Bauer 2,798.95 19.000 23.078 3/02/20 20.940 -58,610 64,594 5,984 2,259,159  2,649,223 -290,064 2,359,159
    Indices Athex Large Cap 32.15 1,479.090 2,247.590 3/02/20 1,823.290 -58,619 72,260 13,641 2,272,800  2,590,604 -217,804 2,372,800
    BSE Sensex 50 long Aurobindo Pharma 5,407.34 9.810   7/20/20 9.628 -52,064 53,047 983 2,273,784  2,538,540 -164,757 2,373,784
date B/S market l/s instrument pieces price prc short corresponding invest divest prf/loss acc p/l ∑ invest asset total
  Buy Euro 50 SAP 200.76 137.540   6/20/22 89.240 27,613        2,566,153 -192,369  
      ASML 89.04 310.100   6/20/22 457.250 27,611        2,593,764 -219,980  
    HSI short Swire Pacific 13,337.44 4.141   8/31/20 4.559 55,225        2,648,989 -275,205  
    BAX long Steico 1,401.65 39.400   10/26/20 45.900 55,225        2,704,214 -330,430  
    Indices Merval 89.59 616.439   11/02/20 518.841 55,227        2,759,441 -385,657  
    BSE Sensex 50 short Yes Bank 406,664.21 0.136   8/10/20 0.168 55,225        2,814,666 -440,882  
8/10/20 Sell CAC 40 short Renault 1,338.15 24.080 51.163 1/27/20 35.100 -46,969 68,464 21,495 2,295,278  2,767,697 -372,418 2,395,278
    TecDAX long Sartorius 118.20 332.200   6/01/20 333.400 -39,408 39,266 -142 2,295,137  2,728,289 -333,152 2,395,137
    SDAX short Koenig & Bauer 2,798.95 19.070 22.993 3/02/20 20.940 -58,610 64,357 5,747 2,300,884  2,669,679 -268,795 2,400,884
    HSI-C&I long Geely Auto 25,100.08 1.840   7/13/20 2.163 -54,299 46,194 -8,105 2,292,779  2,615,380 -222,601 2,392,779
    Topix (TYO) Yamato 2,317.02 22.354   7/20/20 22.470 -52,064 51,794 -270 2,292,509  2,563,316 -170,807 2,392,509
    BSE Sensex 50 short Yes Bank 406,664.21 0.168 0.104 8/03/20 0.136 -55,225 42,090 -13,135 2,279,374  2,508,091 -128,717 2,379,374
  Buy CAC 40 long Schneider Electric 549.20 102.450   9/21/20 101.050 56,266        2,564,356 -184,982  
    SDAX Redcare Pharmacy 413.11 136.200   10/19/20 161.200 56,266        2,620,622 -241,248  
    HSI-C&I short Swire Pacific 13,172.11 4.272   1/18/21 5.234 56,266        2,676,888 -297,514  
    Topix (TYO) West Japan Railway 2,918.48 19.279   11/16/20 19.906 56,266        2,733,154 -353,780  
    BSE Sensex 50 long Aurobindo Pharma 5,219.77 10.779   9/14/20 9.135 56,266        2,789,420 -410,046  
8/17/20 Sell S&P 100 short Occidental Pet 1,986.11 11.719 74.309 3/02/20 29.510 -58,610 147,585 88,975 2,368,349  2,730,810 -262,460 2,468,349
    HSI-Prop Sino Land 19,092.50 0.999 1.507 2/03/20 1.227 -23,427 28,767 5,340 2,373,690  2,707,383 -233,694 2,473,690
      Wharf REIC 5,056.33 3.458 6.208 2/03/20 4.633 -23,426 31,390 7,964 2,381,653  2,683,957 -202,304 2,481,653
    Nikkei (FRA) Nissan Motor 5,515.59 3.311 5.167 2/24/20 4.136 -22,812 28,501 5,688 2,387,341  2,661,144 -173,803 2,487,341
      Kobe Steel 6,199.05 3.100 4.369 2/24/20 3.680 -22,813 27,081 4,268 2,391,610  2,638,332 -146,722 2,491,610
    QIX Mercedes-Benz 1,305.57 42.335 18.875 3/09/20 30.605 -39,957 24,643 -15,314 2,376,295  2,598,375 -122,080 2,476,295
  Buy S&P 100 long NVidia 5,662.40 10.394   12/20/21 24.551 58,855        2,657,230 -180,935  
    HSI-Prop Hang Lung 12,857.17 2.289   9/13/21 1.979 29,427        2,686,657 -210,362  
date B/S market l/s instrument pieces price prc short corresponding invest divest prf/loss acc p/l ∑ invest asset total
      New World Dev 6,666.10 4.415   9/13/21 3.958 29,428        2,716,085 -239,790  
    Nikkei (FRA) LY 5,770.10 5.100   10/12/20 6.350 29,428        2,745,512 -269,217  
    QIX Software 1,438.29 40.920   1/24/22 29.740 58,855        2,804,367 -328,072  
8/24/20 Sell HDAX short K+S 8,185.75 6.520 7.863 3/02/20 7.160 -58,610 64,363 5,753 2,382,048  2,745,757 -263,709 2,482,048
  Buy   long HelloFresh 1,233.50 44.960   1/24/22 53.000 55,458        2,801,215 -319,167  
8/31/20 Sell HSI short Swire Pacific 13,337.44 4.559 3.722 8/03/20 4.141 -55,225 49,647 -5,578 2,376,470  2,745,990 -269,520 2,476,470
    Nikkei (TYO) Kobe Steel 17,523.77 3.220 3.474 3/02/20 3.345 -58,610 60,874 2,264 2,378,735  2,687,380 -208,646 2,478,735
  Buy HSI long HK Exchgs & Clrg 1,342.90 42.261   9/14/20 40.429 56,752        2,744,133 -265,398  
    Nikkei (TYO) LY 10,174.26 5.578   11/02/20 5.317 56,752        2,800,885 -322,150  
9/07/20 Sell AEX long Adyen 38.59 1,340.000   6/29/20 1,293.000 -49,897 51,711 1,814 2,380,548  2,750,988 -270,439 2,480,548
    OMXH 25 Kojamo 2,755.21 19.900   6/22/20 18.620 -51,302 54,829 3,527 2,384,075  2,699,686 -215,611 2,484,075
    OBX 25 Gjensidige 3,018.41 17.484   7/13/20 17.989 -54,299 52,774 -1,526 2,382,549  2,645,387 -162,837 2,482,549
  Buy France short DBV Technologies 15,818.88 3.666   11/09/20 3.820 57,992        2,703,379 -220,829  
    AEX UnibailRodaWestfield 1,486.97 39.000   3/29/21 66.520 57,992        2,761,370 -278,821  
    OMXH 25 Wärtsilä 8,284.57 7.000   2/01/21 8.000 57,992        2,819,362 -336,813  
    OBX 25 Norwegian 5,627.72 10.305   11/23/20 3.904 57,992        2,877,354 -394,805  
9/14/20 Sell HSI long HK Exchgs & Clrg 1,342.90 40.429   8/31/20 42.261 -56,752 54,291 -2,461 2,380,089  2,820,602 -340,514 2,480,089
    ISEQ 20 Kingspan 453.20 70.150   6/22/20 56.600 -25,651 31,792 6,141 2,386,230  2,794,951 -308,722 2,486,230
      Flutter 203.50 128.100   6/22/20 126.050 -25,651 26,068 417 2,386,647  2,769,300 -282,653 2,486,647
    BSE Sensex 50 Aurobindo Pharma 5,219.77 9.135   8/10/20 10.779 -56,266 47,684 -8,582 2,378,065  2,713,034 -234,969 2,478,065
  Buy HSI short HSBC 16,016.05 3.501   1/04/21 4.257 56,077        2,769,111 -291,046  
    ISEQ 20 Bank of Ireland 15,482.33 1.811   11/09/20 2.420 28,039        2,797,149 -319,085  
      AIB 27,569.81 1.017   11/09/20 1.135 28,039        2,825,188 -347,123  
    BSE Sensex 50 Yes Bank 331,424.35 0.169   9/28/20 0.158 56,077        2,881,265 -403,200  
9/21/20 Sell CAC 40 long Schneider Electric 549.20 101.050   8/10/20 102.450 -56,266 55,497 -769 2,377,296  2,824,999 -347,703 2,477,296
date B/S market l/s instrument pieces price prc short corresponding invest divest prf/loss acc p/l ∑ invest asset total
    MerVal Banco de Valores 135,459.75 0.227   6/08/20 0.297 -40,218 30,682 -9,536 2,367,760  2,784,781 -317,022 2,467,760
  Buy ASX 50 Fortescue Metals 5,406.59 9.945   1/31/22 12.507 53,768        2,838,549 -370,790  
    CAC 40 short UnibailRodaWestfield 1,762.31 30.510   12/28/20 65.420 53,768        2,892,318 -424,558  
    MerVal YPF 8,332.38 6.453   9/28/20 6.155 53,768        2,946,086 -478,326  
    CAC Mid 60 Vallourec 3,023.39 17.784   11/16/20 20.950 53,768        2,999,853 -532,094  
9/28/20 Sell MIB short Juventus Football 6,310.29 8.646 9.978 3/02/20 9.288 -58,610 62,962 4,352 2,372,112  2,941,244 -469,132 2,472,112
    MerVal YPF 8,332.38 6.155 6.766 9/21/20 6.453 -53,768 56,373 2,605 2,374,717  2,887,476 -412,759 2,474,717
    SLI Swatch 204.20 200.720 262.283 2/03/20 229.446 -46,853 53,558 6,705 2,381,422  2,840,623 -359,201 2,481,422
    BSE Sensex 50 Yes Bank 331,424.35 0.158 0.182 9/14/20 0.169 -56,077 60,253 4,176 2,385,598  2,784,546 -298,948 2,485,598
  Buy MIB long DiaSorin 320.06 170.800   2/01/21 180.000 54,666        2,839,212 -353,614  
    MerVal Bolsas y Mercados 459,378.15 0.119   10/05/20 0.119 54,666        2,893,878 -408,280  
    SLI Logitech 861.50 63.455   10/26/20 72.948 54,666        2,948,544 -462,946  
    BSE Sensex 50 Dr. Reddy's Labs 916.96 59.617   6/20/22 50.603 54,666        3,003,210 -517,612  
10/05/20 Sell MerVal long Bolsas y Mercados 459,378.15 0.119   9/28/20 0.119 -54,666 54,528 -138 2,385,460  2,948,544 -463,084 2,485,460
    DJ Global Titans short Exxon Mobil 878.62 28.615 94.235 2/24/20 51.928 -45,625 82,797 37,172 2,422,632  2,902,919 -380,287 2,522,632
    GCX REC Silicon 10,850.79 0.464 7.392 6/01/15 1.852 -20,100 80,209 60,109 2,482,741  2,882,819 -300,078 2,582,741
  Buy MerVal YPF 8,949.70 6.376   10/12/20 6.700 57,066        2,939,885 -357,144  
    DJ Global Titans long Apple 577.57 98.803   3/07/22 146.445 57,066        2,996,951 -414,210  
    GCX SunPower 4,324.36 13.196   11/02/20 14.483 57,066        3,054,017 -471,276  
10/12/20 Sell BEL 20 short Anheuser-Busch InBev 1,127.12 50.890 53.134 3/02/20 52.000 -58,610 59,889 1,278 2,484,019  2,995,407 -411,387 2,584,019
    MerVal YPF 8,949.70 6.700 6.052 10/05/20 6.376 -57,066 54,165 -2,901 2,481,119  2,938,341 -357,222 2,581,119
    Nikkei (FRA) long LY 5,770.10 6.350   8/17/20 5.100 -29,428 36,640 7,213 2,488,332  2,908,913 -320,582 2,588,332
  Buy BEL 20 argenx 238.01 238.200   1/24/22 232.800 56,694        2,965,607 -377,276  
    MerVal Ternium Argentina 110,383.57 0.514   12/07/20 0.548 56,693        3,022,300 -433,969  
    Nikkei (FRA) short Konica Minolta 12,324.57 2.300   11/16/20 2.460 28,347        3,050,647 -462,315  
date B/S market l/s instrument pieces price prc short corresponding invest divest prf/loss acc p/l ∑ invest asset total
      Mitsui Eng & Ship 9,324.51 3.040   11/16/20 3.060 28,347        3,078,993 -490,662  
10/19/20 Sell ATX short Schoeller-Bleckmann 1,594.83 22.450 60.159 3/02/20 36.750 -58,610 95,943 37,333 2,525,664  3,020,383 -394,719 2,625,664
    SDAX long Redcare Pharmacy 413.11 161.200   8/10/20 136.200 -56,266 66,593 10,328 2,535,992  2,964,117 -328,125 2,635,992
    CAC Next 20 short SES 8,075.23 6.650 7.922 3/02/20 7.258 -58,610 63,969 5,359 2,541,351  2,905,507 -264,157 2,641,351
  Buy ATX long Verbund 1,134.14 52.400   2/28/22 108.000 59,429        2,964,936 -323,586  
    CAC Next 20 Sartorius Stedim 194.85 305.000   11/02/20 327.200 59,429        3,024,366 -383,015  
10/26/20 Sell Germany long HelloFresh 1,095.61 46.500   6/15/20 38.040 -41,677 50,946 9,269 2,550,620  2,982,689 -332,069 2,650,620
    TSX 60 Shopify 638.30 87.769   6/22/20 80.373 -51,302 56,023 4,721 2,555,341  2,931,387 -276,046 2,655,341
    Nordic 30 Genmab 179.73 295.015   6/22/20 285.446 -51,303 53,023 1,720 2,557,061  2,880,084 -223,023 2,657,061
    SLI Logitech 861.50 72.948   9/28/20 63.455 -54,666 62,845 8,178 2,565,239  2,825,417 -160,178 2,665,239
    NZX 50 short Sky Network Telev. 20,564.40 0.876 3.139 3/16/20 1.658 -34,104 64,541 30,437 2,595,677  2,791,313 -95,637 2,695,677
    BAX long Steico 1,401.65 45.900   8/03/20 39.400 -55,225 64,336 9,111 2,604,787  2,736,088 -31,301 2,704,787
  Buy Germany short Grenke 2,050.21 32.600   12/21/20 38.100 66,837        2,802,925 -98,138  
    TSX 60 Bombardier 12,644.39 5.286   12/07/20 8.054 66,837        2,869,762 -164,975  
    Nordic 30 Svenska Handelsbank 9,063.75 7.374   11/09/20 7.953 66,837        2,936,599 -231,812  
    SLI Temenos 709.05 94.263   5/17/21 120.633 66,837        3,003,436 -298,649  
11/02/20 Sell CAC Next 20 long Sartorius Stedim 194.85 327.200   10/19/20 305.000 -59,429 63,755 4,326 2,609,113  2,944,007 -234,894 2,709,113
    Indices Merval 89.59 518.841   8/03/20 616.439 -55,227 46,483 -8,744 2,600,369  2,888,780 -188,411 2,700,369
    Nikkei (TYO) LY 10,174.26 5.317   8/31/20 5.578 -56,752 54,097 -2,655 2,597,714  2,832,028 -134,315 2,697,714
    GCX SunPower 4,324.36 14.483   10/05/20 13.196 -57,066 62,631 5,565 2,603,279  2,774,962 -71,684 2,703,279
  Buy NZX 50 short Channel Infra 213,947.97 0.308   11/09/20 0.312 65,789        2,840,751 -137,473  
    CAC Next 20 Klépierre 5,951.06 11.055   11/09/20 15.000 65,789        2,906,540 -203,262  
    Nikkei (TYO) Mitsui Eng & Ship 23,179.83 2.838   11/09/20 2.993 65,789        2,972,329 -269,051  
    GCX Konica Minolta 28,440.69 2.313   4/05/21 4.512 65,789        3,038,118 -334,840  
11/09/20 Sell France short DBV Technologies 15,818.88 3.820 3.512 9/07/20 3.666 -57,992 55,556 -2,436 2,600,843  2,980,126 -279,284 2,700,843
date B/S market l/s instrument pieces price prc short corresponding invest divest prf/loss acc p/l ∑ invest asset total
    ISEQ 20 Bank of Ireland 15,482.33 2.420 1.202 9/14/20 1.811 -28,039 18,610 -9,429 2,591,414  2,952,088 -260,674 2,691,414
      AIB 27,569.81 1.135 0.899 9/14/20 1.017 -28,039 24,785 -3,253 2,588,161  2,924,049 -235,889 2,688,161
    Nordic 30 Svenska Handelsbank 9,063.75 7.953 6.795 10/26/20 7.374 -66,837 61,591 -5,246 2,582,915  2,857,212 -174,298 2,682,915
    NZX 50 Channel Infra 213,947.97 0.312 0.303 11/02/20 0.308 -65,789 64,912 -877 2,582,037  2,791,423 -109,386 2,682,037
    CAC Next 20 Klépierre 5,951.06 15.000 7.110 11/02/20 11.055 -65,789 42,312 -23,477 2,558,560  2,725,634 -67,074 2,658,560
    Nikkei (TYO) Mitsui Eng & Ship 23,179.83 2.993 2.684 11/02/20 2.838 -65,789 62,210 -3,579 2,554,981  2,659,845 -4,864 2,654,981
  Buy France long Sartorius Stedim 206.91 320.200   7/19/21 457.400 66,253        2,726,098 -71,117  
    ISEQ 20 Kingspan 417.73 79.300   2/15/21 54.500 33,126        2,759,224 -104,243  
      Uniphar 13,802.50 2.400   2/15/21 2.620 33,126        2,792,350 -137,369  
    Nordic 30 Pandora 854.76 77.509   10/04/21 106.220 66,252        2,858,602 -203,620  
    NZX 50 Metro Perf Glass 310,313.82 0.214   12/14/20 0.242 66,252        2,924,854 -269,872  
    CAC Next 20 Sartorius Stedim 206.91 320.200   6/28/21 402.500 66,253        2,991,106 -336,125  
    Indices Merval 125.10 529.588   11/29/21 695.022 66,251        3,057,358 -402,376  
    Nikkei (TYO) Japan Steel Works 3,450.79 19.199   11/30/20 20.457 66,252        3,123,610 -468,628  
11/16/20 Sell SSE 50 long China Merchants Secs 13,229.99 2.734   7/06/20 3.684 -48,734 36,171 -12,563 2,542,418  3,074,876 -432,458 2,642,418
    FT 30 short Int Cons Airlines 261.97 176.987 236.695 7/27/20 204.675 -53,619 62,007 8,388 2,550,807  3,021,257 -370,451 2,650,807
    Nikkei (FRA) Konica Minolta 12,324.57 2.460 2.140 10/12/20 2.300 -28,347 26,375 -1,972 2,548,835  2,992,911 -344,076 2,648,835
      Mitsui Eng & Ship 9,324.51 3.060 3.020 10/12/20 3.040 -28,347 28,160 -186 2,548,648  2,964,564 -315,916 2,648,648
    CAC Mid 60 Vallourec 3,023.39 20.950 14.618 9/21/20 17.784 -53,768 44,196 -9,572 2,539,076  2,910,796 -271,720 2,639,076
    Topix (TYO) West Japan Railway 2,918.48 19.906 18.652 8/10/20 19.279 -56,266 54,436 -1,830 2,537,246  2,854,530 -217,284 2,637,246
  Buy SSE 50 Shandong Gold 19,060.21 3.174   11/30/20 3.033 60,499        2,915,029 -277,783  
    SDAX long Redcare Pharmacy 436.50 138.600   7/19/21 128.300 60,499        2,975,528 -338,282  
    Nikkei (FRA) Fast Retailing 131.52 230.000   7/12/21 204.070 30,250        3,005,778 -368,531  
      Japan Steel Works 1,426.86 21.200   7/12/21 21.200 30,249        3,036,027 -398,781  
    CAC Mid 60 Solutions 30 3,455.11 17.510   7/12/21 6.350 60,499        3,096,526 -459,280  
date B/S market l/s instrument pieces price prc short corresponding invest divest prf/loss acc p/l ∑ invest asset total
    Topix (TYO) Nidec 641.70 94.279   6/17/24 42.915 60,499        3,157,025 -519,779  
11/23/20 Sell OBX 25 short Norwegian 5,627.72 3.904 27.200 9/07/20 10.305 -57,992 153,075 95,083 2,632,330  3,099,033 -366,704 2,732,330
  Buy   long Nel 28,243.95 2.094   12/14/20 2.295 59,140        3,158,173 -425,844  
11/30/20 Sell SSE 50 short Shandong Gold 19,060.21 3.033 3.322 11/16/20 3.174 -60,499 63,322 2,823 2,635,152  3,097,674 -362,522 2,735,152
    IBEX 35 Banco Sabadell 127,726.02 0.326 0.327 6/15/20 0.326 -41,677 41,779 102 2,635,255  3,055,997 -320,743 2,735,255
    HSI-Fin Bank of East Asia 24,043.21 1.858 2.044 2/03/20 1.949 -46,853 49,137 2,284 2,637,539  3,009,144 -271,606 2,737,539
    PSI 20 Banco Comercial 531,397.42 0.119 0.083 7/27/20 0.101 -53,618 44,265 -9,353 2,628,186  2,955,526 -227,340 2,728,186
    Athex LC Alpha Services 95,067.38 0.722 0.406 7/27/20 0.564 -53,618 38,597 -15,021 2,613,166  2,901,908 -188,743 2,713,166
    Nikkei (TYO) long Japan Steel Works 3,450.79 20.457   11/09/20 19.199 -66,252 70,591 4,339 2,617,505  2,835,656 -118,152 2,717,505
  Buy SSE 50 LONGi Green Energy 7,435.98 8.739   12/21/20 10.664 64,983        2,900,639 -183,135  
    HSI-Fin HK Exchgs & Clrg 1,562.63 41.586   6/21/21 49.705 64,983        2,965,622 -248,118  
    PSI 20 EDP Renováveis 3,658.95 17.760   2/22/21 19.220 64,983        3,030,605 -313,101  
    Athex LC Public Power 9,404.20 6.910   12/21/20 7.060 64,983        3,095,588 -378,084  
    Nikkei (TYO) short Mitsui Eng & Ship 23,754.57 2.736   12/07/20 2.926 64,983        3,160,571 -443,067  
12/07/20 Sell MDAX short K+S 5,607.79 8.362 7.910 2/24/20 8.136 -45,625 44,358 -1,267 2,616,237  3,114,946 -398,709 2,716,237
    TSX 60 Bombardier 12,644.39 8.054 2.517 10/26/20 5.286 -66,837 31,831 -35,006 2,581,231  3,048,109 -366,878 2,681,231
    MerVal long Ternium Argentina 110,383.57 0.548   10/12/20 0.514 -56,693 60,457 3,764 2,584,995  2,991,416 -306,421 2,684,995
    DJUA short AES 1,731.89 17.212 2.480 3/16/20 9.846 -17,052 4,296 -12,756 2,572,239  2,974,364 -302,125 2,672,239
      CenterPoint Energy 1,525.11 19.084 3.278 3/16/20 11.181 -17,052 4,999 -12,053 2,560,186  2,957,312 -297,126 2,660,186
    Nikkei (TYO) Mitsui Eng & Ship 23,754.57 2.926 2.545 11/30/20 2.736 -64,983 60,460 -4,523 2,555,663  2,892,329 -236,666 2,655,663
    SP Global 100 DuPont 1,303.48 53.960 7.348 3/09/20 30.654 -39,957 9,578 -30,379 2,525,284  2,852,372 -227,088 2,625,284
  Buy MDAX long Siltronic 480.40 124.800   10/04/21 136.000 59,954        2,912,326 -287,042  
    TSX 60 First Quantum 4,730.29 12.675   9/20/21 14.135 59,954        2,972,280 -346,996  
    MerVal short Banco Macro 24,300.42 2.467   12/14/20 2.311 59,954        3,032,234 -406,950  
    DJUA long AES 1,741.68 17.212   10/10/22 25.674 29,977        3,062,211 -436,927  
date B/S market l/s instrument pieces price prc short corresponding invest divest prf/loss acc p/l ∑ invest asset total
      PG & E 2,900.95 10.334   10/10/22 14.575 29,977        3,092,188 -466,904  
    Nikkei (TYO) Japan Steel Works 2,721.69 22.028   8/02/21 21.825 59,954        3,152,142 -526,858  
    SP Global 100 Mercedes-Benz 1,039.06 57.700   3/07/22 57.390 59,954        3,212,096 -586,811  
12/14/20 Sell OBX 25 long Nel 28,243.95 2.295   11/23/20 2.094 -59,140 64,828 5,688 2,530,973  3,152,956 -521,983 2,630,973
    MerVal short Banco Macro 24,300.42 2.311 2.634 12/07/20 2.467 -59,954 64,010 4,056 2,535,029  3,093,002 -457,973 2,635,029
    NZX 50 long Metro Perf Glass 310,313.82 0.242   11/09/20 0.214 -66,252 75,096 8,844 2,543,872  3,026,750 -382,877 2,643,872
  Buy OBX 25 short Frontline 10,036.04 5.632   12/28/20 5.200 56,524        3,083,274 -439,401  
    MerVal long Ternium Argentina 108,325.03 0.522   2/15/21 0.474 56,524        3,139,798 -495,925  
    NZX 50 short Channel Infra 164,313.95 0.344   1/25/21 0.302 56,524        3,196,322 -552,449  
12/21/20 Sell Germany short Grenke 2,050.21 38.100 27.100 10/26/20 32.600 -66,837 55,561 -11,276 2,532,596  3,129,485 -496,889 2,632,596
    SSE 50 long LONGi Green Energy 7,435.98 10.664   11/30/20 8.739 -64,983 79,299 14,316 2,546,912  3,064,502 -417,590 2,646,912
    Athex LC Public Power 9,404.20 7.060   11/30/20 6.910 -64,983 66,394 1,411 2,548,323  2,999,519 -351,196 2,648,323
    SMI short Swatch 285.00 215.380 195.920 3/02/20 205.650 -58,610 55,837 -2,773 2,545,550  2,940,909 -295,359 2,645,550
  Buy Germany long elumeo 13,475.69 4.360   9/20/21 6.450 58,754        2,999,663 -354,113  
    SSE 50 short Shenzhen Goodix Tech 3,024.74 19.425   1/18/21 20.301 58,754        3,058,417 -412,867  
    Athex LC Piraeus Financial 3,287.95 17.870   1/04/21 20.477 58,754        3,117,171 -471,621  
    SMI long Richemont 817.81 71.843   10/25/21 105.047 58,754        3,175,924 -530,375  
12/28/20 Sell CAC 40 short UnibailRodaWestfield 1,762.31 65.420 0.000 9/21/20 30.510 -53,768 0 -53,768 2,491,782  3,122,156 -530,375 2,591,782
    OBX 25 Frontline 10,036.04 5.200 6.100 12/14/20 5.632 -56,524 61,222 4,698 2,496,479  3,065,632 -469,153 2,596,479
  Buy CAC 40 long ArcelorMittal 2,790.29 19.060   7/19/21 24.610 53,183        3,118,815 -522,336  
    OBX 25 Scatec 1,648.66 32.258   5/10/21 20.544 53,183        3,171,998 -575,519  
1/04/21 Sell HSI short HSBC 16,016.05 4.257 2.745 9/14/20 3.501 -56,077 43,970 -12,107 2,484,373  3,115,921 -531,548 2,584,373
    Athex LC Piraeus Financial 3,287.95 20.477 15.263 12/21/20 17.870 -58,754 50,182 -8,572 2,475,801  3,057,167 -481,366 2,575,801
  Buy HSI long Geely Auto 18,494.58 2.831   7/19/21 2.585 52,360        3,109,527 -533,726  
    Athex LC Public Power 6,912.21 7.575   3/15/21 9.110 52,360        3,161,887 -586,086  
date B/S market l/s instrument pieces price prc short corresponding invest divest prf/loss acc p/l ∑ invest asset total
1/11/21 Sell Topix (FRA) short Mitsubishi Heavy 23,109.01 2.620 1.820 6/22/20 2.220 -51,302 42,058 -9,244 2,466,558  3,110,585 -544,028 2,566,558
  Buy TecDAX long Nordex 1,978.21 25.560   3/08/21 19.800 50,563        3,161,148 -594,591  
    Topix (FRA) Nidec 443.54 114.000   2/01/21 110.750 50,564        3,211,712 -645,154  
1/18/21 Sell SSE 50 short Shenzhen Goodix Tech 3,024.74 20.301 18.548 12/21/20 19.425 -58,754 56,102 -2,652 2,463,905  3,152,958 -589,053 2,563,905
    HSI-C&I Swire Pacific 13,172.11 5.234 3.309 8/10/20 4.272 -56,266 43,587 -12,679 2,451,226  3,096,692 -545,466 2,551,226
  Buy SSE 50 long LONGi Green Energy 3,808.44 13.166   2/01/21 13.700 50,143        3,146,835 -595,609  
    HSI-C&I Geely Auto 14,669.42 3.418   6/28/21 2.755 50,143        3,196,978 -645,752  
1/25/21 Sell STI short StarHub 19,337.51 0.825 3.730 6/12/17 1.754 -33,918 72,121 38,203 2,489,429  3,163,060 -573,631 2,589,429
    NZX 50 Channel Infra 164,313.95 0.302 0.392 12/14/20 0.344 -56,524 64,345 7,821 2,497,250  3,106,536 -509,286 2,597,250
  Buy IBEX 35 Intl. Cons. Airlines 33,016.45 1.581   4/12/21 2.386 52,199        3,158,735 -561,485  
    STI long Wilmar International 15,219.25 3.430   6/21/21 2.842 52,199        3,210,934 -613,684  
    NZX 50 Metro Perf Glass 220,248.95 0.237   2/08/21 0.252 52,199        3,263,133 -665,883  
2/01/21 Sell SSE 50 long LONGi Green Energy 3,808.44 13.700   1/18/21 13.166 -50,143 52,176 2,033 2,499,283  3,212,990 -613,707 2,599,283
    MIB DiaSorin 320.06 180.000   9/28/20 170.800 -54,666 57,611 2,945 2,502,228  3,158,324 -556,096 2,602,228
    OMXH 25 short Wärtsilä 8,284.57 8.000 6.000 9/07/20 7.000 -57,992 49,707 -8,285 2,493,943  3,100,332 -506,388 2,593,943
    Topix (FRA) long Nidec 443.54 110.750   1/11/21 114.000 -50,564 49,122 -1,442 2,492,502  3,049,768 -457,266 2,592,502
  Buy SSE 50 short Shenzhen Goodix Tech 3,038.62 17.567   2/15/21 17.053 53,380        3,103,148 -510,646  
    MIB BPER Banca 34,820.61 1.533   2/08/21 1.910 53,380        3,156,528 -564,026  
    OMXH 25 long Metso 6,431.33 8.300   3/01/21 9.445 53,380        3,209,908 -617,406  
    Topix (FRA) short ANA 3,085.55 17.300   3/15/21 20.800 53,380        3,263,288 -670,786  
2/08/21 Sell MIB short BPER Banca 34,820.61 1.910 1.157 2/01/21 1.533 -53,380 40,270 -13,110 2,479,392  3,209,908 -630,516 2,579,392
    NZX 50 long Metro Perf Glass 220,248.95 0.252   1/25/21 0.237 -52,199 55,459 3,260 2,482,651  3,157,709 -575,058 2,582,651
  Buy MIB CNH Industrial 4,221.11 11.890   1/24/22 13.125 50,189        3,207,898 -625,247  
    NZX 50 short a2 Milk 7,562.57 6.637   2/22/21 6.840 50,189        3,258,087 -675,436  
2/15/21 Sell SSE 50 short Shenzhen Goodix Tech 3,038.62 17.053 18.097 2/01/21 17.567 -53,380 54,988 1,608 2,484,260  3,204,707 -620,447 2,584,260
date B/S market l/s instrument pieces price prc short corresponding invest divest prf/loss acc p/l ∑ invest asset total
    ISEQ 20 long Kingspan 417.73 54.500   11/09/20 79.300 -33,126 22,766 -10,360 2,473,900  3,171,581 -597,681 2,573,900
      Uniphar 13,802.50 2.620   11/09/20 2.400 -33,126 36,163 3,037 2,476,937  3,138,455 -561,519 2,576,937
    MerVal Ternium Argentina 108,325.03 0.474   12/14/20 0.522 -56,524 51,368 -5,156 2,471,780  3,081,931 -510,151 2,571,780
  Buy SSE 50 China Tourism 1,041.03 49.509   3/22/21 40.112 51,540        3,133,471 -561,691  
    ISEQ 20 short Kerry 242.88 106.100   3/01/21 106.000 25,770        3,159,241 -587,460  
      Kingspan 472.84 54.500   3/01/21 64.350 25,770        3,185,010 -613,230  
    MerVal Cablevisión 16,166.37 3.188   5/17/21 2.683 51,540        3,236,550 -664,770  
2/22/21 Sell PSI 20 long EDP Renováveis 3,658.95 19.220   11/30/20 17.760 -64,983 70,325 5,342 2,477,122  3,171,567 -594,445 2,577,122
    NZX 50 short a2 Milk 7,562.57 6.840 6.433 2/08/21 6.637 -50,189 48,653 -1,536 2,475,586  3,121,378 -545,792 2,575,586
  Buy PSI 20 NOS 18,358.90 2.764   4/12/21 3.038 50,744        3,172,122 -596,536  
    NZX 50 long Skellerup 18,490.69 2.744   11/22/21 3.683 50,744        3,222,866 -647,280  
3/01/21 Sell ISEQ 20 short Kerry 242.88 106.000 106.200 2/15/21 106.100 -25,770 25,794 24 2,475,611  3,197,097 -621,486 2,575,611
      Kingspan 472.84 64.350 44.650 2/15/21 54.500 -25,770 21,112 -4,657 2,470,953  3,171,327 -600,374 2,570,953
    OMXH 25 long Metso 6,431.33 9.445   2/01/21 8.300 -53,380 60,744 7,364 2,478,317  3,117,947 -539,630 2,578,317
  Buy ISEQ 20 AIB 12,322.78 2.068   6/21/21 2.247 25,484        3,143,431 -565,113  
    OMXH 25 short Orion 1,517.78 33.580   3/15/21 34.510 50,967        3,194,398 -616,081  
3/08/21 Sell TecDAX long Nordex 1,978.21 19.800   1/11/21 25.560 -50,563 39,169 -11,394 2,466,923  3,143,835 -576,912 2,566,923
    ÖkoDAX (deprecated) PNE Wind 7,753.51 7.470   5/25/20 4.775 -37,023 57,919 20,896 2,487,818  3,106,812 -518,993 2,587,818
    IPC short Alpek 85,268.89 0.758 0.179 3/09/20 0.469 -39,957 15,263 -24,694 2,463,124  3,066,855 -503,730 2,563,124
  Buy TecDAX Morphosys 627.09 82.100   6/17/24 66.250 51,484        3,118,339 -555,214  
    ÖkoDAX (deprecated) CropEnergies 4,793.67 10.740   11/01/21 11.780 51,484        3,169,823 -606,698  
    IPC long Cemex 87,572.72 0.588   8/29/22 0.391 51,484        3,221,307 -658,182  
3/15/21 Sell OMXH 25 short Orion 1,517.78 34.510 32.650 3/01/21 33.580 -50,967 49,556 -1,412 2,461,713  3,170,340 -608,627 2,561,713
    Athex LC long Public Power 6,912.21 9.110   1/04/21 7.575 -52,360 62,970 10,610 2,472,323  3,117,980 -545,656 2,572,323
    Topix (FRA) short ANA 3,085.55 20.800 13.800 2/01/21 17.300 -53,380 42,581 -10,799 2,461,524  3,064,600 -503,076 2,561,524
date B/S market l/s instrument pieces price prc short corresponding invest divest prf/loss acc p/l ∑ invest asset total
  Buy OMXH 25 long Cargotec 1,150.74 44.720   5/24/21 46.920 51,461        3,116,061 -554,537  
    Athex LC short Piraeus Financial 4,186.37 12.293   4/05/21 7.098 51,461        3,167,522 -605,998  
    Topix (FRA) long Nippon Steel 3,598.67 14.300   4/05/21 14.110 51,461        3,218,983 -657,459  
3/22/21 Sell SSE 50 long China Tourism 1,041.03 40.112   2/15/21 49.509 -51,540 41,757 -9,783 2,451,741  3,167,443 -615,702 2,551,741
  Buy   short Shenzhen Goodix Tech 3,348.90 14.453   12/13/21 14.830 48,400        3,215,843 -664,102  
3/29/21 Sell AEX short UnibailRodaWestfield 1,486.97 66.520 11.480 9/07/20 39.000 -57,992 17,070 -40,921 2,410,820  3,157,851 -647,031 2,510,820
  Buy   long ArcelorMittal 1,953.22 23.855   5/31/21 26.895 46,594        3,204,445 -693,625  
4/05/21 Sell Athex LC short Piraeus Financial 4,186.37 7.098 21.288 3/15/21 12.293 -51,461 89,118 37,657 2,448,476  3,152,984 -604,507 2,548,476
    Topix (FRA) long Nippon Steel 3,598.67 14.110   3/15/21 14.300 -51,461 50,777 -684 2,447,793  3,101,523 -553,730 2,547,793
    GCX short Konica Minolta 28,440.69 4.512 0.115 11/02/20 2.313 -65,789 3,265 -62,524 2,385,269  3,035,734 -550,465 2,485,269
  Buy Athex LC long Public Power 5,315.38 9.100   4/19/21 9.270 48,370        3,084,104 -598,835  
    Topix (FRA) short Kao 867.16 55.780   9/13/21 51.720 48,370        3,132,474 -647,205  
    GCX long REC Silicon 25,303.41 1.912   6/21/21 1.742 48,370        3,180,844 -695,575  
4/12/21 Sell IBEX 35 short Intl. Cons. Airlines 33,016.45 2.386 0.776 1/25/21 1.581 -52,199 25,621 -26,578 2,358,690  3,128,645 -669,955 2,458,690
    PSI 20 NOS 18,358.90 3.038 2.490 2/22/21 2.764 -50,744 45,714 -5,030 2,353,660  3,077,901 -624,241 2,453,660
  Buy IBEX 35 long ArcelorMittal 1,876.69 24.370   4/19/21 24.745 45,735        3,123,636 -669,976  
    PSI 20 CTT-Correios 13,085.84 3.495   4/26/21 3.745 45,735        3,169,371 -715,711  
4/19/21 Sell IBEX 35 long ArcelorMittal 1,876.69 24.745   4/12/21 24.370 -45,735 46,439 704 2,354,364  3,123,636 -669,272 2,454,364
    Athex LC Public Power 5,315.38 9.270   4/05/21 9.100 -48,370 49,274 904 2,355,268  3,075,266 -619,999 2,455,268
  Buy IBEX 35 short Cellnex 1,001.33 45.820   5/10/21 47.020 45,881        3,121,147 -665,880  
    Athex LC Piraeus Financial 13,695.82 3.350   5/17/21 1.616 45,881        3,167,028 -711,761  
    GEX DFV 3,556.67 12.900   8/16/21 14.500 45,881        3,212,909 -757,642  
4/26/21 Sell PSI 20 long CTT-Correios 13,085.84 3.745   4/12/21 3.495 -45,735 49,006 3,271 2,358,539  3,167,174 -708,635 2,458,539
  Buy   short Corticeira Amorim 4,379.08 9.990   5/03/21 10.300 43,747        3,210,921 -752,382  
5/03/21 Sell   short Corticeira Amorim 4,379.08 10.300 9.680 4/26/21 9.990 -43,747 42,389 -1,358 2,357,181  3,167,174 -709,993 2,457,181
date B/S market l/s instrument pieces price prc short corresponding invest divest prf/loss acc p/l ∑ invest asset total
  Buy   long CTT-Correios 11,257.47 3.880   5/31/21 4.270 43,679        3,210,853 -753,672  
5/10/21 Sell IBEX 35 short Cellnex 1,001.33 47.020 44.620 4/19/21 45.820 -45,881 44,679 -1,202 2,355,980  3,164,972 -708,992 2,455,980
    OBX 25 long Scatec 1,648.66 20.544   12/28/20 32.258 -53,183 33,869 -19,314 2,336,666  3,111,789 -675,123 2,436,666
  Buy IBEX 35 ArcelorMittal 1,596.74 27.580   5/17/21 26.995 44,038        3,155,827 -719,161  
    OBX 25 short Nel 24,966.27 1.764   5/24/21 1.776 44,038        3,199,865 -763,199  
5/17/21 Sell IBEX 35 long ArcelorMittal 1,596.74 26.995   5/10/21 27.580 -44,038 43,104 -934 2,335,732  3,155,827 -720,095 2,435,732
    Athex LC short Piraeus Financial 13,695.82 1.616 6.945 4/19/21 3.350 -45,881 95,112 49,231 2,384,963  3,109,946 -624,983 2,484,963
    MerVal Cablevisión 16,166.37 2.683 3.788 2/15/21 3.188 -51,540 61,240 9,700 2,394,663  3,058,406 -563,743 2,494,663
    SLI Temenos 709.05 120.633 67.893 10/26/20 94.263 -66,837 48,140 -18,698 2,375,965  2,991,569 -515,604 2,475,965
  Buy IBEX 35 Pharma Mar 586.09 83.620   5/23/22 69.900 49,009        3,040,578 -564,612  
    Athex LC long Alpha Services 37,554.79 1.305   6/28/21 1.109 49,009        3,089,587 -613,621  
    MerVal Cresud 47,581.55 1.030   2/21/22 0.985 49,009        3,138,596 -662,630  
    SLI Kühne & Nagel 187.53 261.334   8/02/21 284.829 49,008        3,187,604 -711,638  
5/24/21 Sell OMXH 25 long Cargotec 1,150.74 46.920   3/15/21 44.720 -51,461 53,993 2,532 2,378,497  3,136,143 -657,646 2,478,497
    OBX 25 short Nel 24,966.27 1.776 1.752 5/10/21 1.764 -44,038 43,743 -295 2,378,202  3,092,105 -613,902 2,478,202
  Buy OMXH 25 Orion 1,262.38 36.920   6/07/21 35.270 46,607        3,138,712 -660,509  
    OBX 25 long BW LPG 6,557.07 7.108   7/05/21 5.443 46,607        3,185,319 -707,116  
5/31/21 Sell AEX long ArcelorMittal 1,953.22 26.895   3/29/21 23.855 -46,594 52,532 5,938 2,384,140  3,138,725 -654,584 2,484,140
    PSI 20 CTT-Correios 11,257.47 4.270   5/03/21 3.880 -43,679 48,069 4,390 2,388,531  3,095,046 -606,515 2,488,531
  Buy AEX short Galapagos 770.05 61.100   1/09/23 41.880 47,050        3,142,096 -653,565  
    PSI 20 NOS 16,090.97 2.924   9/06/21 3.602 47,050        3,189,146 -700,615  
6/07/21 Sell OMXH 25 short Orion 1,262.38 35.270 38.647 5/24/21 36.920 -46,607 48,787 2,180 2,390,711  3,142,539 -651,828 2,490,711
  Buy   long Outokumpu 9,244.32 4.973   6/21/21 4.727 45,972        3,188,511 -697,800  
6/21/21 Sell HSI-Fin long HK Exchgs & Clrg 1,562.63 49.705   11/30/20 41.586 -64,983 77,670 12,687 2,403,398  3,123,528 -620,130 2,503,398
    ISEQ 20 AIB 12,322.78 2.247   3/01/21 2.068 -25,484 27,689 2,206 2,405,604  3,098,044 -592,440 2,505,604
date B/S market l/s instrument pieces price prc short corresponding invest divest prf/loss acc p/l ∑ invest asset total
    OMXH 25 Outokumpu 9,244.32 4.727   6/07/21 4.973 -45,972 43,698 -2,274 2,403,330  3,052,072 -548,743 2,503,330
    STI Wilmar International 15,219.25 2.842   1/25/21 3.430 -52,199 43,256 -8,943 2,394,387  2,999,873 -505,486 2,494,387
    GCX REC Silicon 25,303.41 1.742   4/05/21 1.912 -48,370 44,073 -4,297 2,390,090  2,951,503 -461,413 2,490,090
  Buy HSI-Fin short Ping An 6,171.71 8.218   1/17/22 6.822 50,716        3,002,219 -512,129  
    ISEQ 20 Kerry 233.82 108.450   1/02/23 84.240 25,358        3,027,577 -537,487  
      Greencoat Renewables 22,146.72 1.145   1/02/23 1.135 25,358        3,052,935 -562,845  
    OMXH 25 Orion 1,366.64 37.110   7/05/21 36.820 50,716        3,103,651 -613,561  
    STI Keppel DC REIT 31,590.88 1.605   7/19/21 1.616 50,716        3,154,367 -664,277  
    GCX bioMérieux 552.34 91.820   5/13/24 97.000 50,716        3,205,083 -714,993  
6/28/21 Sell HSI-C&I long Geely Auto 14,669.42 2.755   1/18/21 3.418 -50,143 40,416 -9,727 2,380,363  3,154,940 -674,577 2,480,363
    Athex LC Alpha Services 37,554.79 1.109   5/17/21 1.305 -49,009 41,629 -7,380 2,372,983  3,105,931 -632,947 2,472,983
    CAC Next 20 Sartorius Stedim 206.91 402.500   11/09/20 320.200 -66,253 83,281 17,029 2,390,012  3,039,678 -549,666 2,490,012
  Buy HSI-C&I short China Unicom 104,161.48 0.466   1/17/22 0.457 48,508        3,088,186 -598,174  
    Athex LC Piraeus Financial 32,577.57 1.489   1/17/22 1.440 48,508        3,136,694 -646,682  
    CAC Next 20 Ubisoft 828.35 58.560   7/05/21 60.480 48,508        3,185,202 -695,190  
7/05/21 Sell OMXH 25 short Orion 1,366.64 36.820 37.402 6/21/21 37.110 -50,716 51,115 399 2,390,412  3,134,486 -644,075 2,490,412
    OBX 25 long BW LPG 6,557.07 5.443   5/24/21 7.108 -46,607 35,689 -10,918 2,379,494  3,087,879 -608,385 2,479,494
    CAC Next 20 short Ubisoft 828.35 60.480 56.640 6/28/21 58.560 -48,508 46,918 -1,590 2,377,904  3,039,371 -561,468 2,477,904
  Buy OMXH 25 long Outokumpu 8,921.79 5.370   7/19/21 5.162 47,910        3,087,281 -609,378  
    OBX 25 short Nel 25,227.74 1.899   8/09/21 1.441 47,910        3,135,191 -657,288  
    CAC Next 20 long Klépierre 2,095.80 22.860   7/12/21 22.260 47,910        3,183,101 -705,198  
7/12/21 Sell Nikkei (FRA) long Fast Retailing 131.52 204.070   11/16/20 230.000 -30,250 26,839 -3,410 2,374,493  3,152,852 -678,358 2,474,493
      Japan Steel Works 1,426.86 21.200   11/16/20 21.200 -30,249 30,249 0 2,374,493  3,122,602 -648,109  
    CAC Next 20 Klépierre 2,095.80 22.260   7/05/21 22.860 -47,910 46,653 -1,257 2,373,236  3,074,692 -601,456 2,473,236
    CAC Mid 60 Solutions 30 3,455.11 6.350   11/16/20 17.510 -60,499 21,940 -38,559 2,334,677  3,014,193 -579,516 2,434,677
date B/S market l/s instrument pieces price prc short corresponding invest divest prf/loss acc p/l ∑ invest asset total
  Buy Nikkei (FRA) short Daiichi Sankyo 1,338.89 17.320   9/13/21 21.140 23,190        3,037,383 -602,706  
      Nexon 1,310.14 17.700   9/13/21 15.800 23,189        3,060,572 -625,895  
    CAC Next 20 Ubisoft 774.27 59.900   7/26/21 55.020 46,379        3,106,951 -672,274  
    CAC Mid 60 Vallourec 6,310.07 7.350   11/15/21 7.240 46,379        3,153,330 -718,653  
7/19/21 Sell France long Sartorius Stedim 206.91 457.400   11/09/20 320.200 -66,253 94,641 28,388 2,363,065  3,087,077 -624,013 2,463,065
    HSI Geely Auto 18,494.58 2.585   1/04/21 2.831 -52,360 47,807 -4,553 2,358,511  3,034,717 -576,206 2,458,511
    CAC 40 ArcelorMittal 2,790.29 24.610   12/28/20 19.060 -53,183 68,669 15,486 2,373,998  2,981,535 -507,537 2,473,998
    SDAX Redcare Pharmacy 436.50 128.300   11/16/20 138.600 -60,499 56,003 -4,496 2,369,502  2,921,036 -451,534 2,469,502
    OMXH 25 Outokumpu 8,921.79 5.162   7/05/21 5.370 -47,910 46,054 -1,856 2,367,646  2,873,126 -405,480 2,467,646
    STI short Keppel DC REIT 31,590.88 1.616 1.595 6/21/21 1.605 -50,716 50,378 -338 2,367,308  2,822,410 -355,102 2,467,308
  Buy France Vallourec 7,349.34 7.185   10/18/21 7.500 52,805        2,875,215 -407,907  
    HSI China Life Ins HK 35,236.22 1.499   1/24/22 1.592 52,805        2,928,020 -460,712  
    CAC 40 Atos 1,306.73 40.410   2/13/23 11.995 52,805        2,980,825 -513,517  
    SDAX Corestate Capital 4,748.65 11.120   8/02/21 12.480 52,805        3,033,630 -566,322  
    OMXH 25 Orion 1,477.06 35.750   7/26/21 35.440 52,805        3,086,434 -619,127  
    FT 30 Tesco 197.15 267.841   11/15/21 337.186 52,805        3,139,239 -671,931  
    STI long Yangzijiang Ship 62,468.95 0.845   9/27/21 0.884 52,805        3,192,044 -724,736  
7/26/21 Sell OMXH 25 short Orion 1,477.06 35.440 36.063 7/19/21 35.750 -52,805 53,267 462 2,367,770  3,139,239 -671,470 2,467,770
    CAC Next 20 Ubisoft 774.27 55.020 65.213 7/12/21 59.900 -46,379 50,492 4,114 2,371,883  3,092,861 -620,977 2,471,883
  Buy OMXH 25 long Outokumpu 8,112.20 5.704   8/02/21 5.876 46,272        3,139,133 -667,249  
    CAC Next 20 Sartorius Stedim 101.27 456.900   8/02/21 484.500 46,270        3,185,403 -713,520  
8/02/21 Sell SDAX short Corestate Capital 4,748.65 12.480 9.760 7/19/21 11.120 -52,805 46,347 -6,458 2,365,425  3,132,598 -667,173 2,465,425
    OMXH 25 long Outokumpu 8,112.20 5.876   7/26/21 5.704 -46,272 47,667 1,395 2,366,820  3,086,326 -619,505 2,466,820
    SLI Kühne & Nagel 187.53 284.829   5/17/21 261.334 -49,008 53,414 4,406 2,371,226  3,037,318 -566,092 2,471,226
    CAC Next 20 Sartorius Stedim 101.27 484.500   7/26/21 456.900 -46,270 49,065 2,795 2,374,021  2,991,048 -517,026 2,474,022
date B/S market l/s instrument pieces price prc short corresponding invest divest prf/loss acc p/l ∑ invest asset total
    Nikkei (TYO) Japan Steel Works 2,721.69 21.825   12/07/20 22.028 -59,954 59,400 -554 2,373,467  2,931,094 -457,627 2,473,467
  Buy SDAX Eckert & Ziegler 424.57 118.700   9/06/21 129.900 50,396        2,981,490 -508,023  
    OMXH 25 short Orion 1,401.84 35.950   9/06/21 35.310 50,396        3,031,886 -558,419  
    CAC Next 20 Ubisoft 941.63 53.520   2/06/23 20.730 50,396        3,082,282 -608,815  
    Nikkei (TYO) Daiichi Sankyo 3,132.00 16.091   10/18/21 21.394 50,396        3,132,678 -659,211  
8/09/21 Sell OBX 25 short Nel 25,227.74 1.441 2.504 7/05/21 1.899 -47,910 63,163 15,253 2,388,720  3,084,768 -596,049 2,488,720
  Buy   long Nordic Semiconductor 1,671.07 28.315   8/16/21 26.690 47,316        3,132,084 -643,365  
8/16/21 Sell Kospi 50 long Samsung BioLogics 78.95 718.042   5/18/20 446.957 -35,287 56,689 21,402 2,410,122  3,096,797 -586,675 2,510,122
    OBX 25 Nordic Semiconductor 1,671.07 26.690   8/09/21 28.315 -47,316 44,601 -2,715 2,407,407  3,049,481 -542,074 2,507,407
    GEX short DFV 3,556.67 14.500 11.300 4/19/21 12.900 -45,881 40,190 -5,691 2,401,717  3,003,600 -501,884 2,501,717
  Buy Kospi 50 NCsoft 87.08 574.142   10/25/21 459.108 49,996        3,053,596 -551,880  
    OBX 25 Nel 35,131.05 1.423   2/06/23 1.604 49,995        3,103,591 -601,875  
    GEX long elumeo 6,666.00 7.500   9/06/21 6.500 49,995        3,153,586 -651,870  
9/06/21 Sell SDAX long Eckert & Ziegler 424.57 129.900   8/02/21 118.700 -50,396 55,152 4,755 2,406,472  3,103,190 -596,718 2,506,472
    OMXH 25 short Orion 1,401.84 35.310 36.602 8/02/21 35.950 -50,396 51,310 913 2,407,385  3,052,794 -545,409 2,507,385
    PSI 20 NOS 16,090.97 3.602 2.246 5/31/21 2.924 -47,050 36,140 -10,910 2,396,476  3,005,744 -509,268 2,496,476
    GEX long elumeo 6,666.00 6.500   8/16/21 7.500 -49,995 43,329 -6,666 2,389,810  2,955,749 -465,939 2,489,810
  Buy SDAX short Morphosys 1,050.58 48.160   1/23/23 17.560 50,596        3,006,345 -516,535  
    OMXH 25 long Outokumpu 8,796.24 5.752   9/13/21 5.802 50,596        3,056,941 -567,131  
    PSI 20 CTT-Correios 10,788.06 4.690   9/13/21 4.720 50,596        3,107,537 -617,727  
    BAX short Morphosys 1,050.58 48.160   2/06/23 19.050 50,596        3,158,133 -668,323  
    GEX Voltabox 20,117.69 2.515   6/17/24 1.080 50,596        3,208,729 -718,919  
9/13/21 Sell HSI-Prop long Hang Lung 12,857.17 1.979   8/17/20 2.289 -29,427 25,449 -3,978 2,385,832  3,179,301 -693,470 2,485,832
      New World Dev 6,666.10 3.958   8/17/20 4.415 -29,428 26,382 -3,045 2,382,786  3,149,874 -667,087 2,482,786
    OMXH 25 Outokumpu 8,796.24 5.802   9/06/21 5.752 -50,596 51,036 440 2,383,226  3,099,278 -616,051 2,483,226
date B/S market l/s instrument pieces price prc short corresponding invest divest prf/loss acc p/l ∑ invest asset total
    PSI 20 CTT-Correios 10,788.06 4.720   9/06/21 4.690 -50,596 50,920 324 2,383,550  3,048,682 -565,132 2,483,550
    Nikkei (FRA) short Daiichi Sankyo 1,338.89 21.140 13.500 7/12/21 17.320 -23,190 18,075 -5,115 2,378,435  3,025,492 -547,057 2,478,435
      Nexon 1,310.14 15.800 19.829 7/12/21 17.700 -23,189 25,978 2,789 2,381,224  3,002,303 -521,079 2,481,224
    Topix (FRA) Kao 867.16 51.720 60.159 4/05/21 55.780 -48,370 52,167 3,797 2,385,021  2,953,932 -468,911 2,485,021
  Buy HSI-Prop Hang Lung 12,731.64 1.979   2/14/22 1.861 25,201        2,979,133 -494,112  
      China Res Land 7,638.98 3.299   2/14/22 4.329 25,201        3,004,334 -519,313  
    OMXH 25 Orion 1,470.73 34.270   1/02/23 51.180 50,402        3,054,736 -569,715  
    PSI 20 Pharol 526,116.91 0.096   9/27/21 0.092 50,402        3,105,138 -620,117  
    Nikkei (FRA) long Kawasaki Kisen 4,447.21 5.667   11/29/21 4.267 25,201        3,130,339 -645,318  
      Nippon Yūsen 1,008.04 25.000   11/29/21 19.670 25,201        3,155,540 -670,519  
    Topix (FRA) JFE 3,524.62 14.300   9/20/21 13.900 50,402        3,205,942 -720,921  
9/20/21 Sell Germany long elumeo 13,475.69 6.450   12/21/20 4.360 -58,754 86,918 28,164 2,413,185  3,147,188 -634,003 2,513,185
    TSX 60 First Quantum 4,730.29 14.135   12/07/20 12.675 -59,954 66,863 6,909 2,420,094  3,087,234 -567,140 2,520,094
    Topix (FRA) JFE 3,524.62 13.900   9/13/21 14.300 -50,402 48,992 -1,410 2,418,684  3,036,832 -518,148 2,518,684
  Buy Germany short Voltabox 27,269.90 1.834   1/02/23 1.120 50,013        3,086,845 -568,161  
    TSX 60 Canopy Growth 434.51 115.101   1/10/22 77.185 50,013        3,136,858 -618,173  
    Topix (FRA) Softbank Group 1,009.24 49.555   1/15/24 40.330 50,013        3,186,871 -668,186  
9/27/21 Sell PSI 20 short Pharol 526,116.91 0.092 0.100 9/13/21 0.096 -50,402 52,349 1,947 2,420,631  3,136,469 -615,838 2,520,631
    STI long Yangzijiang Ship 62,468.95 0.884   7/19/21 0.845 -52,805 55,229 2,424 2,423,055  3,083,664 -560,609 2,523,055
  Buy PSI 20 CTT-Correios 10,296.12 4.765   11/22/21 4.350 49,061        3,132,725 -609,670  
    STI short DFI Retail 16,692.52 2.939   6/17/24 1.783 49,061        3,181,786 -658,731  
10/04/21 Sell MDAX long Siltronic 480.40 136.000   12/07/20 124.800 -59,954 65,334 5,380 2,428,435  3,121,832 -593,397 2,528,435
    OMXC 20 Ambu 1,434.68 24.538   6/15/20 29.050 -41,677 35,204 -6,472 2,421,963  3,080,155 -558,192 2,521,963
    Nordic 30 Pandora 854.76 106.220   11/09/20 77.509 -66,252 90,793 24,541 2,446,504  3,013,903 -467,399 2,546,504
    DJTA J.B. Hunt 456.32 142.379   7/06/20 106.798 -48,734 64,970 16,236 2,462,740  2,965,169 -402,429 2,562,740
date B/S market l/s instrument pieces price prc short corresponding invest divest prf/loss acc p/l ∑ invest asset total
  Buy MDAX short Deutsche Lufthansa 8,783.05 6.149   10/18/21 5.901 54,007        3,019,176 -456,436  
    OMXC 20 Ambu 2,200.94 24.538   11/08/21 23.447 54,007        3,073,183 -510,443  
    Nordic 30 Ørsted 472.44 114.314   12/27/21 111.356 54,007        3,127,190 -564,450  
    DJTA FedEx 288.11 187.455   10/18/21 196.130 54,008        3,181,197 -618,457  
10/18/21 Sell France short Vallourec 7,349.34 7.500 6.870 7/19/21 7.185 -52,805 50,490 -2,315 2,460,425  3,128,392 -567,967 2,560,425
    MDAX Deutsche Lufthansa 8,783.05 5.901 6.407 10/04/21 6.149 -54,007 56,277 2,270 2,462,695  3,074,385 -511,691 2,562,695
    DJTA FedEx 288.11 196.130 178.780 10/04/21 187.455 -54,008 51,508 -2,499 2,460,195  3,020,378 -460,183 2,560,195
    Nikkei (TYO) Daiichi Sankyo 3,132.00 21.394 10.787 8/02/21 16.091 -50,396 33,786 -16,611 2,443,585  2,969,982 -426,397 2,543,585
  Buy France long Eramet 627.49 84.350   11/29/21 68.050 52,929        3,022,910 -479,326  
    DJTA Avis Budget 388.61 136.202   4/11/22 235.712 52,929        3,075,840 -532,255  
    Nikkei (TYO) Nippon Yūsen 2,795.05 18.937   11/01/21 21.298 52,929        3,128,769 -585,184  
10/25/21 Sell Kospi 50 short NCsoft 87.08 459.108 717.998 8/16/21 574.142 -49,996 62,523 12,527 2,456,112  3,078,773 -522,661 2,556,112
    SMI long Richemont 817.81 105.047   12/21/20 71.843 -58,754 85,908 27,155 2,483,266  3,020,019 -436,752 2,583,266
  Buy Kospi 50 Korea Zinc 127.10 422.203   11/29/21 374.590 53,662        3,073,681 -490,414  
    SMI short Holcim 1,263.86 42.459   11/08/21 44.668 53,662        3,127,343 -544,077  
11/01/21 Sell ÖkoDAX (deprecated) short CropEnergies 4,793.67 11.780 9.700 3/08/21 10.740 -51,484 46,499 -4,985 2,478,281  3,075,859 -497,578 2,578,281
    Nikkei (TYO) long Nippon Yūsen 2,795.05 21.298   10/18/21 18.937 -52,929 59,530 6,601 2,484,882  3,022,930 -438,048 2,584,882
  Buy ÖkoDAX (deprecated) Verbio 775.58 69.200   1/03/22 64.650 53,670        3,076,600 -491,718  
    Nikkei (TYO) short Nexon 3,641.73 14.738   11/08/21 16.136 53,670        3,130,270 -545,388  
11/08/21 Sell OMXC 20 short Ambu 2,200.94 23.447 25.680 10/04/21 24.538 -54,007 56,521 2,514 2,487,396  3,076,263 -488,867 2,587,396
    SMI Holcim 1,263.86 44.668 40.250 10/25/21 42.459 -53,662 50,870 -2,792 2,484,604  3,022,601 -437,997 2,584,604
    Nikkei (TYO) Nexon 3,641.73 16.136 13.339 11/01/21 14.738 -53,670 48,577 -5,093 2,479,511  2,968,931 -389,420 2,579,511
  Buy OMXC 20 long Novo Nordisk 1,104.26 49.583   11/15/21 49.895 54,752        3,023,683 -444,172  
    SMI Partners 35.09 1,560.270   12/13/21 1,420.720 54,750        3,078,433 -498,922  
    Nikkei (TYO) Nippon Yūsen 2,787.82 19.640   11/15/21 19.684 54,752        3,133,185 -553,674  
date B/S market l/s instrument pieces price prc short corresponding invest divest prf/loss acc p/l ∑ invest asset total
11/15/21 Sell OMXC 20 long Novo Nordisk 1,104.26 49.895   11/08/21 49.583 -54,752 55,097 344 2,479,855  3,078,433 -498,578 2,579,855
    OMXS 30 Svenska Cellulosa B 2,304.57 13.936   6/22/20 11.131 -25,651 32,117 6,466 2,486,321  3,052,782 -466,461 2,586,321
    FT 30 short Tesco 197.15 337.186 198.495 7/19/21 267.841 -52,805 39,133 -13,672 2,472,650  2,999,977 -427,327 2,572,650
    CAC Mid 60 Vallourec 6,310.07 7.240 7.462 7/12/21 7.350 -46,379 47,084 705 2,473,354  2,953,598 -380,243 2,573,354
    Nikkei (TYO) long Nippon Yūsen 2,787.82 19.684   11/08/21 19.640 -54,752 54,876 124 2,473,479  2,898,846 -325,367 2,573,479
  Buy OMXC 20 short GN Store Nord 145.11 387.300   6/27/22 243.700 56,201        2,955,047 -381,568  
    OMXS 30 Ericsson 2,946.83 9.536   11/22/21 9.178 28,101        2,983,148 -409,669  
      Hennes & Mauritz 1,644.37 17.089   11/22/21 16.083 28,101        3,011,249 -437,770  
    FT 30 long Man Group 205.49 273.499   11/22/21 269.633 56,201        3,067,450 -493,972  
    CAC Mid 60 Valneva 2,656.05 21.160   11/22/21 19.060 56,202        3,123,652 -550,174  
    Nikkei (TYO) short GS Yuasa 3,381.08 16.623   2/14/22 17.902 56,202        3,179,854 -606,376  
11/22/21 Sell PSI 20 long CTT-Correios 10,296.12 4.350   9/27/21 4.765 -49,061 44,788 -4,273 2,469,206  3,130,793 -561,587 2,569,206
    OMXS 30 short Ericsson 2,946.83 9.178 9.908 11/15/21 9.536 -28,101 29,198 1,097 2,470,303  3,102,692 -532,390 2,570,303
      Hennes & Mauritz 1,644.37 16.083 18.159 11/15/21 17.089 -28,101 29,860 1,759 2,472,061  3,074,591 -502,530 2,572,061
    FT 30 long Man Group 205.49 269.633   11/15/21 273.499 -56,201 55,407 -794 2,471,267  3,018,390 -447,123 2,571,267
    NZX 50 Skellerup 18,490.69 3.683   2/22/21 2.744 -50,744 68,107 17,363 2,488,630  2,967,646 -379,016 2,588,630
    CAC Mid 60 Valneva 2,656.05 19.060   11/15/21 21.160 -56,202 50,624 -5,578 2,483,052  2,911,444 -328,392 2,583,052
  Buy MDAX short TeamViewer 4,708.94 11.970   1/03/22 12.625 56,366        2,967,810 -384,758  
    PSI 20 Pharol 633,325.84 0.089   3/28/22 0.080 56,366        3,024,176 -441,124  
    OMXS 30 long Alfa Laval 754.16 37.370   11/29/21 35.320 28,183        3,052,359 -469,307  
      Getinge 701.91 40.152   11/29/21 37.381 28,183        3,080,542 -497,490  
    FT 30 short Flutter 4.16 13,553.100   1/03/22 14,035.400 56,381        3,136,923 -553,871  
    CAC Mid 60 Vallourec 7,465.70 7.550   1/17/22 9.285 56,366        3,193,289 -610,237  
11/29/21 Sell France long Eramet 627.49 68.050   10/18/21 84.350 -52,929 42,701 -10,228 2,472,824  3,140,360 -567,536 2,572,824
    Kospi 50 Korea Zinc 127.10 374.590   10/25/21 422.203 -53,662 47,610 -6,052 2,466,772  3,086,698 -519,926 2,566,772
date B/S market l/s instrument pieces price prc short corresponding invest divest prf/loss acc p/l ∑ invest asset total
    OMXS 30 Alfa Laval 754.16 35.320   11/22/21 37.370 -28,183 26,637 -1,546 2,465,226  3,058,515 -493,289 2,565,226
      Getinge 701.91 37.381   11/22/21 40.152 -28,183 26,238 -1,945 2,463,281  3,030,332 -467,051 2,563,281
    Nikkei (FRA) Kawasaki Kisen 4,447.21 4.267   9/13/21 5.667 -25,201 18,975 -6,226 2,457,055  3,005,131 -448,076 2,557,055
      Nippon Yūsen 1,008.04 19.670   9/13/21 25.000 -25,201 19,828 -5,373 2,451,682  2,979,930 -428,248 2,551,682
    Indices Merval 125.10 695.022   11/09/20 529.588 -66,251 86,947 20,696 2,472,378  2,913,679 -341,301 2,572,378
  Buy France short Vivendi 4,980.00 11.200   1/03/22 11.975 55,776        2,969,455 -397,077  
    Kospi 50 Amorepacific Group 1,731.70 32.209   3/28/22 32.077 55,776        3,025,231 -452,853  
    OMXS 30 Hennes & Mauritz 1,755.70 15.884   12/13/21 16.022 27,888        3,053,119 -480,741  
      Kinnevik 869.00 32.092   12/13/21 30.350 27,888        3,081,007 -508,629  
    Nikkei (FRA) NTN 16,901.82 1.650   11/21/22 1.940 27,888        3,108,895 -536,517  
      Unitika 12,676.36 2.200   11/21/22 1.730 27,888        3,136,783 -564,405  
    Indices HSI 20.55 2,714.150   12/13/21 2,718.820 55,776        3,192,558 -620,180  
12/13/21 Sell SSE 50 short Shenzhen Goodix Tech 3,348.90 14.830 14.075 3/22/21 14.453 -48,400 47,136 -1,264 2,471,114  3,144,158 -573,044 2,571,114
    OMXS 30 Hennes & Mauritz 1,755.70 16.022 15.746 11/29/21 15.884 -27,888 27,646 -242 2,470,872  3,116,270 -545,399 2,570,872
      Kinnevik 869.00 30.350 33.934 11/29/21 32.092 -27,888 29,488 1,601 2,472,472  3,088,382 -515,910 2,572,472
    SMI long Partners 35.09 1,420.720   11/08/21 1,560.270 -54,750 49,853 -4,897 2,467,576  3,033,633 -466,057 2,567,576
    Indices short HSI 20.55 2,718.820 2,709.480 11/29/21 2,714.150 -55,776 55,680 -96 2,467,480  2,977,857 -410,377 2,567,480
  Buy SSE 50 long Wingtech Technology 2,806.94 19.212   1/17/22 16.708 53,927        3,031,784 -464,304  
    OMXS 30 Alfa Laval 780.47 34.548   2/28/22 29.209 26,964        3,058,747 -491,268  
      Getinge 703.69 38.317   2/28/22 34.919 26,964        3,085,711 -518,231  
    Indices Merval 75.60 713.301   1/24/22 684.072 53,926        3,139,636 -572,157  
12/20/21 Sell S&P 100 long NVidia 5,662.40 24.551   8/17/20 10.394 -58,855 139,016 80,161 2,547,640  3,080,781 -433,141 2,647,640
  Buy   short PayPal 342.16 161.800   12/27/21 169.467 55,361        3,136,143 -488,502  
12/27/21 Sell   short PayPal 342.16 169.467 154.132 12/20/21 161.800 -55,361 52,738 -2,624 2,545,017  3,080,781 -435,765 2,645,017
    Nordic 30 Ørsted 472.44 111.356 117.351 10/04/21 114.314 -54,007 55,441 1,435 2,546,452  3,026,775 -380,323 2,646,452
date B/S market l/s instrument pieces price prc short corresponding invest divest prf/loss acc p/l ∑ invest asset total
    NZX 20 long Fisher & Paykel HC 2,312.20 19.773   6/08/20 17.394 -40,218 45,720 5,502 2,551,953  2,986,557 -334,604 2,651,953
  Buy S&P 100 NVidia 2,121.16 27.312   1/24/22 20.626 57,933        3,044,490 -392,537  
    Nordic 30 Novo Nordisk 1,183.26 48.960   1/24/22 40.900 57,933        3,102,423 -450,470  
    NZX 20 short Ryman Healthcare 7,889.02 7.344   5/15/23 3.089 57,933        3,160,356 -508,403  
1/03/22 Sell France short Vivendi 4,980.00 11.975 10.425 11/29/21 11.200 -55,776 51,917 -3,860 2,548,094  3,104,580 -456,486 2,648,094
    MDAX TeamViewer 4,708.94 12.625 11.315 11/22/21 11.970 -56,366 53,282 -3,084 2,545,009  3,048,214 -403,204 2,645,009
    ÖkoDAX (deprecated) long Verbio 775.58 64.650   11/01/21 69.200 -53,670 50,141 -3,529 2,541,480  2,994,544 -353,063 2,641,480
    FT 30 short Flutter 4.16 14,035.400 13,070.800 11/22/21 13,553.100 -56,381 54,375 -2,006 2,539,474  2,938,163 -298,689 2,639,474
  Buy France long Valneva 2,531.10 23.120   1/24/22 14.230 58,519        2,996,682 -357,208  
    ÖkoDAX (deprecated) short Nordex 4,044.16 14.470   3/21/22 15.840 58,519        3,055,201 -415,727  
    FT 30 long Experian 13.50 4,334.750   2/28/22 3,505.440 58,519        3,113,720 -474,246  
    SMI Richemont 440.72 132.781   1/24/22 123.610 58,519        3,172,239 -532,765  
1/10/22 Sell TSX 60 short Canopy Growth 434.51 77.185 171.645 9/20/21 115.101 -50,013 74,581 24,569 2,564,043  3,122,227 -458,184 2,664,043
  Buy MDAX TeamViewer 4,930.35 11.185   4/03/23 15.540 55,146        3,177,373 -513,330  
    TSX 60 long Cenovus Energy 4,605.48 11.974   1/24/22 12.266 55,146        3,232,519 -568,476  
1/17/22 Sell SSE 50 long Wingtech Technology 2,806.94 16.708   12/13/21 19.212 -53,927 46,897 -7,030 2,557,013  3,178,592 -521,578 2,657,013
    HSI-Fin short Ping An 6,171.71 6.822 9.898 6/21/21 8.218 -50,716 61,087 10,371 2,567,384  3,127,876 -460,491 2,667,384
    HSI-C&I China Unicom 104,161.48 0.457 0.475 6/28/21 0.466 -48,508 49,466 958 2,568,343  3,079,368 -411,025 2,668,343
    Athex LC Piraeus Financial 32,577.57 1.440 1.540 6/28/21 1.489 -48,508 50,160 1,652 2,569,994  3,030,860 -360,865 2,669,994
    CAC Mid 60 Vallourec 7,465.70 9.285 5.815 11/22/21 7.550 -56,366 43,413 -12,953 2,557,041  2,974,494 -317,452 2,657,041
  Buy SSE 50 China Tourism 2,224.75 26.290   9/05/22 26.156 58,489        3,032,983 -375,941  
    HSI-Fin long HSBC 9,453.84 6.187   5/09/22 5.903 58,489        3,091,472 -434,430  
    HSI-C&I Want Want China 68,504.33 0.854   5/09/22 0.837 58,489        3,149,961 -492,919  
    Athex LC National Bank Greece 18,317.88 3.193   1/24/22 3.049 58,489        3,208,450 -551,408  
    CAC Mid 60 Derichebourg 4,906.80 11.920   1/24/22 10.760 58,489        3,266,939 -609,897  
date B/S market l/s instrument pieces price prc short corresponding invest divest prf/loss acc p/l ∑ invest asset total
1/24/22 Sell S&P 100 long NVidia 2,121.16 20.626   12/27/21 27.312 -57,933 43,751 -14,182 2,542,859  3,209,005 -566,147 2,642,859
    France Valneva 2,531.10 14.230   1/03/22 23.120 -58,519 36,018 -22,501 2,520,357  3,150,486 -530,129 2,620,357
    HSI short China Life Ins HK 35,236.22 1.592 1.405 7/19/21 1.499 -52,805 49,514 -3,291 2,517,066  3,097,681 -480,615 2,617,066
    DAX long Infineon 2,339.97 34.285   7/13/20 23.205 -54,299 80,226 25,927 2,542,993  3,043,382 -400,389 2,642,993
    HDAX HelloFresh 1,233.50 53.000   8/24/20 44.960 -55,458 65,376 9,917 2,552,911  2,987,924 -335,014 2,652,911
    MIB CNH Industrial 4,221.11 13.125   2/08/21 11.890 -50,189 55,402 5,213 2,558,124  2,937,735 -279,612 2,658,124
    BEL 20 argenx 238.01 232.800   10/12/20 238.200 -56,694 55,409 -1,285 2,556,838  2,881,041 -224,203 2,656,838
    TSX 60 Cenovus Energy 4,605.48 12.266   1/10/22 11.974 -55,146 56,493 1,347 2,558,185  2,825,895 -167,710 2,658,185
    Athex LC National Bank Greece 18,317.88 3.049   1/17/22 3.193 -58,489 55,851 -2,638 2,555,547  2,767,406 -111,859 2,655,547
    Nordic 30 Novo Nordisk 1,183.26 40.900   12/27/21 48.960 -57,933 48,396 -9,537 2,546,010  2,709,474 -63,463 2,646,010
    SMI Richemont 440.72 123.610   1/03/22 132.781 -58,519 54,477 -4,042 2,541,969  2,650,954 -8,986 2,641,969
    CAC Mid 60 Derichebourg 4,906.80 10.760   1/17/22 11.920 -58,489 52,797 -5,692 2,536,277  2,592,465 43,811 2,636,277
    Indices Merval 75.60 684.072   12/13/21 713.301 -53,926 51,716 -2,210 2,534,067  2,538,540 95,527 2,634,067
    QIX Software 1,438.29 29.740   8/17/20 40.920 -58,855 42,775 -16,080 2,517,987  2,479,685 138,302 2,617,987
  Buy S&P 100 short PayPal 481.48 143.116   11/21/22 78.776 68,907        2,548,592 69,394  
    France DBV Technologies 26,401.15 2.610   6/06/22 2.938 68,907        2,617,499 487  
    HSI long China Res Power 29,428.57 2.342   4/25/22 1.665 68,907        2,686,406 -68,420  
    DAX short Delivery Hero 1,004.77 68.580   1/31/22 67.920 68,907        2,755,313 -137,327  
    HDAX Morphosys 2,707.54 25.450   2/06/23 19.050 68,907        2,824,220 -206,234  
    MIB Nexi 5,327.17 12.935   1/31/22 12.910 68,907        2,893,127 -275,140  
    BEL 20 Umicore 2,113.06 32.610   5/08/23 29.450 68,907        2,962,034 -344,047  
    TSX 60 Canopy Growth 1,058.02 65.128   3/21/22 63.695 68,907        3,030,941 -412,954  
    Athex LC Piraeus Financial 48,870.21 1.410   1/09/23 1.560 68,907        3,099,848 -481,861  
    Nordic 30 Vestas Wind Systems 2,947.83 23.376   8/15/22 25.639 68,907        3,168,755 -550,768  
    CAC Mid 60 DBV Technologies 26,401.15 2.610   1/16/23 3.058 68,907        3,237,662 -619,675  
date B/S market l/s instrument pieces price prc short corresponding invest divest prf/loss acc p/l ∑ invest asset total
    Indices SDAX 4.76 14,463.900   11/14/22 12,569.300 68,848        3,306,510 -688,523  
    QIX Software 2,316.98 29.740   11/28/22 24.940 68,907        3,375,417 -757,430  
1/31/22 Sell ASX 50 long Fortescue Metals 5,406.59 12.507   9/21/20 9.945 -53,768 67,622 13,854 2,531,841  3,321,649 -689,809 2,631,841
    DAX short Delivery Hero 1,004.77 67.920 69.246 1/24/22 68.580 -68,907 69,577 670 2,532,510  3,252,742 -620,232 2,632,510
    MIB Nexi 5,327.17 12.910 12.960 1/24/22 12.935 -68,907 69,040 133 2,532,643  3,183,835 -551,192 2,632,643
  Buy ASX 50 Northern Star 9,972.02 5.218   2/07/22 5.228 52,036        3,235,871 -603,228  
    DAX long E.on 4,258.27 12.220   2/07/22 12.230 52,036        3,287,907 -655,264  
    MIB Unicredit 3,719.51 13.990   2/07/22 14.784 52,036        3,339,943 -707,300  
2/07/22 Sell ASX 50 short Northern Star 9,972.02 5.228 5.209 1/31/22 5.218 -52,036 51,939 -97 2,532,547  3,287,907 -655,361 2,632,547
    DAX long E.on 4,258.27 12.230   1/31/22 12.220 -52,036 52,079 43 2,532,589  3,235,871 -603,282 2,632,589
    MIB Unicredit 3,719.51 14.784   1/31/22 13.990 -52,036 54,989 2,953 2,535,543  3,183,835 -548,293 2,635,543
  Buy ASX 50 SOUTH32 20,179.05 2.586   2/14/22 2.859 52,181        3,236,016 -600,474  
    DAX short Delivery Hero 769.63 67.800   2/14/22 43.270 52,181        3,288,197 -652,655  
    MIB Saipem 908.25 57.452   2/06/23 1.368 52,181        3,340,378 -704,835  
2/14/22 Sell ASX 50 long SOUTH32 20,179.05 2.859   2/07/22 2.586 -52,181 57,696 5,515 2,541,058  3,288,197 -647,139 2,641,058
    DAX short Delivery Hero 769.63 43.270 106.236 2/07/22 67.800 -52,181 81,762 29,582 2,570,639  3,236,016 -565,377 2,670,639
    HSI-Prop Hang Lung 12,731.64 1.861 2.106 9/13/21 1.979 -25,201 26,809 1,608 2,572,247  3,210,815 -538,568 2,672,247
      China Res Land 7,638.98 4.329 2.269 9/13/21 3.299 -25,201 17,334 -7,867 2,564,380  3,185,614 -521,234 2,664,380
    Nikkei (TYO) GS Yuasa 3,381.08 17.902 15.343 11/15/21 16.623 -56,202 51,876 -4,326 2,560,053  3,129,412 -469,359 2,660,053
  Buy ASX 50 Xero 796.06 68.798   2/21/22 64.626 54,767        3,184,179 -524,126  
    DAX long Deutsche Bank 3,941.21 13.896   3/07/22 8.895 54,767        3,238,946 -578,893  
    HSI-Prop China Ov Land & Inv 10,026.55 2.731   8/29/22 2.677 27,384        3,266,330 -606,277  
      China Res Land 6,325.74 4.329   8/29/22 4.063 27,384        3,293,713 -633,660  
    Nikkei (TYO) Kawasaki Kisen 8,853.81 6.186   2/21/22 6.502 54,767        3,348,480 -688,427  
2/21/22 Sell ASX 50 short Xero 796.06 64.626 73.239 2/14/22 68.798 -54,767 58,303 3,535 2,563,588  3,293,713 -630,125 2,663,589
date B/S market l/s instrument pieces price prc short corresponding invest divest prf/loss acc p/l ∑ invest asset total
    MerVal long Cresud 47,581.55 0.985   5/17/21 1.030 -49,009 46,863 -2,146 2,561,443  3,244,704 -583,261 2,661,443
    Nikkei (TYO) Kawasaki Kisen 8,853.81 6.502   2/14/22 6.186 -54,767 57,571 2,804 2,564,247  3,189,937 -525,690 2,664,247
  Buy ASX 50 SOUTH32 18,444.42 2.899   2/28/22 3.115 53,463        3,243,400 -579,153  
    MerVal short Holcim (Argentina) 38,668.45 1.383   2/28/22 1.350 53,463        3,296,863 -632,616  
    Nikkei (TYO) M3 1,739.89 30.728   6/06/22 27.347 53,463        3,350,326 -686,079  
2/28/22 Sell Nasdaq 100 long Tesla Motors 646.72 258.867   5/11/20 50.030 -32,355 167,414 135,059 2,699,306  3,317,971 -518,665 2,799,306
    ASX 50 SOUTH32 18,444.42 3.115   2/21/22 2.899 -53,463 57,449 3,986 2,703,292  3,264,508 -461,216 2,803,292
    ATX Verbund 1,134.14 108.000   10/19/20 52.400 -59,429 122,487 63,058 2,766,350  3,205,079 -338,729 2,866,350
    OMXS 30 Alfa Laval 780.47 29.209   12/13/21 34.548 -26,964 22,797 -4,167 2,762,183  3,178,115 -315,932 2,862,183
      Getinge 703.69 34.919   12/13/21 38.317 -26,964 24,572 -2,391 2,759,791  3,151,152 -291,360 2,859,791
    MerVal short Holcim (Argentina) 38,668.45 1.350 1.416 2/21/22 1.383 -53,463 54,758 1,295 2,761,087  3,097,689 -236,602 2,861,087
    FT 30 long Experian 13.50 3,505.440   1/03/22 4,334.750 -58,519 47,323 -11,196 2,749,891  3,039,170 -189,279 2,849,891
  Buy Nasdaq 100 short PayPal 666.05 99.864   4/04/22 111.027 66,515        3,105,684 -255,793  
    ASX 50 Xero 1,095.90 60.694   3/21/22 68.061 66,515        3,172,199 -322,308  
    ATX Raiffeisen Bank Int 4,534.08 14.670   12/12/22 14.630 66,515        3,238,714 -388,823  
    OMXS 30 Kinnevik 1,451.95 22.905   6/27/22 16.088 33,258        3,271,972 -422,080  
      Sinch 4,349.03 7.647   6/27/22 3.572 33,257        3,305,229 -455,338  
    MerVal long TGN 73,286.69 0.908   3/07/22 0.967 66,515        3,371,744 -521,853  
    FT 30 short Ocado 40.53 1,640.970   1/09/23 843.128 66,509        3,438,253 -588,361  
3/07/22 Sell DAX long Deutsche Bank 3,941.21 8.895   2/14/22 13.896 -54,767 35,057 -19,710 2,730,181  3,383,486 -553,304 2,830,181
    FTSE Scottish Mortgage 49.14 1,032.440   7/06/20 991.827 -48,738 50,734 1,996 2,732,177  3,334,747 -502,570 2,832,177
    MerVal TGN 73,286.69 0.967   2/28/22 0.908 -66,515 70,832 4,317 2,736,494  3,268,232 -431,739 2,836,494
    DJ Global Titans Apple 577.57 146.445   10/05/20 98.803 -57,066 84,582 27,516 2,764,010  3,211,166 -347,156 2,864,010
    SP Global 100 Mercedes-Benz 1,039.06 57.390   12/07/20 57.700 -59,954 59,632 -322 2,763,688  3,151,213 -287,525 2,863,688
  Buy DAX short Delivery Hero 1,574.67 40.900   4/11/22 38.830 64,404        3,215,617 -351,929  
date B/S market l/s instrument pieces price prc short corresponding invest divest prf/loss acc p/l ∑ invest asset total
    MerVal Holcim (Argentina) 50,307.76 1.280   3/21/22 1.311 64,404        3,280,021 -416,333  
    SP Global 100 Vivendi 5,996.65 10.740   3/21/22 11.750 64,404        3,344,425 -480,737  
3/21/22 Sell ASX 50 short Xero 1,095.90 68.061 53.327 2/28/22 60.694 -66,515 58,441 -8,073 2,755,614  3,277,910 -422,295 2,855,614
    TSX 60 Canopy Growth 1,058.02 63.695 66.594 1/24/22 65.128 -68,907 70,458 1,551 2,757,165  3,209,003 -351,838 2,857,165
    ÖkoDAX (deprecated) Nordex 4,044.16 15.840 13.100 1/03/22 14.470 -58,519 52,979 -5,541 2,751,625  3,150,484 -298,859 2,851,625
    MerVal Holcim (Argentina) 50,307.76 1.311 1.250 3/07/22 1.280 -64,404 62,865 -1,539 2,750,085  3,086,080 -235,995 2,850,085
    SP Global 100 Vivendi 5,996.65 11.750 9.730 3/07/22 10.740 -64,404 58,347 -6,057 2,744,029  3,021,676 -177,647 2,844,029
  Buy ASX 50 long SOUTH32 20,368.82 3.273   6/20/22 2.686 66,659        3,088,335 -244,306  
    TSX 60 Cdn Nat Resources 2,351.62 28.346   5/09/22 27.775 66,659        3,154,994 -310,965  
    ÖkoDAX (deprecated) Verbio 986.81 67.550   10/10/22 61.250 66,659        3,221,653 -377,624  
    MerVal Comercial del Plata 996,397.61 0.067   5/09/22 0.070 66,659        3,288,312 -444,283  
    SP Global 100 Chevron 446.74 149.213   6/13/22 160.269 66,659        3,354,971 -510,943  
3/28/22 Sell Kospi 50 short Amorepacific Group 1,731.70 32.077 32.341 11/29/21 32.209 -55,776 56,005 229 2,744,258  3,299,195 -454,938 2,844,258
    PSI 20 Pharol 633,325.84 0.080 0.099 11/22/21 0.089 -56,366 62,699 6,333 2,750,591  3,242,829 -392,238 2,850,591
  Buy Kospi 50 long Korea Aerospace 1,835.15 33.489   6/20/22 40.439 61,458        3,304,287 -453,696  
    PSI 20 Galp Energia 5,438.76 11.300   6/13/22 12.405 61,458        3,365,745 -515,154  
    DJ Global Titans ConocoPhilips 652.45 94.195   6/13/22 107.044 61,458        3,427,203 -576,612  
4/04/22 Sell Nasdaq 100 short PayPal 666.05 111.027 88.702 2/28/22 99.864 -66,515 59,080 -7,435 2,743,156  3,360,689 -517,532 2,843,156
  Buy   long Tesla Motors 167.13 347.875   4/18/22 310.460 58,140        3,418,829 -575,673  
4/11/22 Sell DAX short Delivery Hero 1,574.67 38.830 43.080 3/07/22 40.900 -64,404 67,837 3,433 2,746,590  3,354,425 -507,835 2,846,590
    DJTA long Avis Budget 388.61 235.712   10/18/21 136.202 -52,929 91,600 38,671 2,785,260  3,301,495 -416,235 2,885,260
  Buy DAX Bayer 911.34 67.730   4/18/22 67.300 61,725        3,363,220 -477,960  
    DJTA short JetBlue Airways 5,584.96 11.052   4/18/22 11.741 61,725        3,424,945 -539,685  
4/18/22 Sell Nasdaq 100 long Tesla Motors 167.13 310.460   4/04/22 347.875 -58,140 51,887 -6,253 2,779,007  3,366,805 -487,798 2,879,007
    DAX Bayer 911.34 67.300   4/11/22 67.730 -61,725 61,333 -392 2,778,615  3,305,080 -426,465 2,878,615
date B/S market l/s instrument pieces price prc short corresponding invest divest prf/loss acc p/l ∑ invest asset total
    DJTA short JetBlue Airways 5,584.96 11.741 10.363 4/11/22 11.052 -61,725 57,878 -3,847 2,774,768  3,243,355 -368,587 2,874,768
  Buy Nasdaq 100 PayPal 671.69 93.278   8/08/22 94.345 62,654        3,306,009 -431,241  
    DAX Delivery Hero 1,737.98 36.050   7/18/22 39.060 62,654        3,368,663 -493,896  
    DJTA long Avis Budget 253.52 247.134   6/06/22 179.118 62,653        3,431,317 -556,549  
4/25/22 Sell HSI long China Res Power 29,428.57 1.665   1/24/22 2.342 -68,907 49,010 -19,897 2,754,871  3,362,410 -507,539 2,854,871
  Buy   short AAC Technologies 31,381.28 1.870   1/02/23 2.144 58,683        3,421,093 -566,222  
5/09/22 Sell USA long Tesla Motors 692.34 248.045   5/04/20 46.529 -32,214 171,731 139,518 2,894,389  3,388,879 -394,490 2,994,389
    HSI-Fin HSBC 9,453.84 5.903   1/17/22 6.187 -58,489 55,808 -2,681 2,891,707  3,330,390 -338,682 2,991,707
    HSI-C&I Want Want China 68,504.33 0.837   1/17/22 0.854 -58,489 57,359 -1,130 2,890,577  3,271,901 -281,324 2,990,577
    TSX 60 Cdn Nat Resources 2,351.62 27.775   3/21/22 28.346 -66,659 65,315 -1,344 2,889,233  3,205,242 -216,009 2,989,233
    MerVal Comercial del Plata 996,397.61 0.070   3/21/22 0.067 -66,659 69,549 2,890 2,892,123  3,138,583 -146,460 2,992,123
  Buy USA short Netflix 434.72 163.649   5/30/22 180.980 71,141        3,209,724 -217,601  
    HSI-Fin HK Exchgs & Clrg 1,802.55 39.467   1/02/23 40.519 71,141        3,280,865 -288,742  
    HSI-C&I Sunny Optical 5,899.26 12.059   1/09/23 11.121 71,141        3,352,006 -359,883  
    TSX 60 Shopify 2,204.78 32.267   1/09/23 34.660 71,141        3,423,147 -431,024  
    MerVal Holcim (Argentina) 61,754.34 1.152   5/16/22 1.312 71,141        3,494,288 -502,165  
5/16/22 Sell   short Holcim (Argentina) 61,754.34 1.312 0.992 5/09/22 1.152 -71,141 61,254 -9,887 2,882,236  3,423,147 -440,911 2,982,236
  Buy   long Comercial del Plata 853,938.17 0.074   6/06/22 0.076 63,533        3,486,680 -504,444  
5/23/22 Sell IBEX 35 short Pharma Mar 586.09 69.900 100.033 5/17/21 83.620 -49,009 58,628 9,619 2,891,855  3,437,671 -445,816 2,991,855
  Buy   long Solaria Energía 2,838.98 22.420   5/30/22 21.960 63,650        3,501,321 -509,466  
5/30/22 Sell USA short Netflix 434.72 180.980 146.319 5/09/22 163.649 -71,141 63,608 -7,534 2,884,322  3,430,180 -445,858 2,984,322
    IBEX 35 long Solaria Energía 2,838.98 21.960   5/23/22 22.420 -63,650 62,344 -1,306 2,883,016  3,366,530 -383,514 2,983,016
  Buy USA Occidental Pet 989.13 65.701   6/13/22 57.305 64,987        3,431,517 -448,501  
    IBEX 35 short Fluidra 2,582.95 25.160   12/26/22 14.310 64,987        3,496,504 -513,488  
6/06/22 Sell France short DBV Technologies 26,401.15 2.938 2.282 1/24/22 2.610 -68,907 60,247 -8,660 2,874,356  3,427,597 -453,240 2,974,356
date B/S market l/s instrument pieces price prc short corresponding invest divest prf/loss acc p/l ∑ invest asset total
    MerVal long Comercial del Plata 853,938.17 0.076   5/16/22 0.074 -63,533 64,643 1,110 2,875,466  3,364,064 -388,597 2,975,466
    DJTA Avis Budget 253.52 179.118   4/18/22 247.134 -62,653 45,410 -17,243 2,858,223  3,301,410 -343,187 2,958,223
    Nikkei (TYO) short M3 1,739.89 27.347 34.527 2/21/22 30.728 -53,463 60,073 6,610 2,864,832  3,247,947 -283,115 2,964,832
  Buy France long Eramet 470.80 142.400   6/13/22 111.800 67,042        3,314,989 -350,157  
    MerVal short BBVA Banco Francés 42,786.39 1.567   7/11/22 1.746 67,042        3,382,031 -417,199  
    DJTA JetBlue Airways 6,707.49 9.995   8/01/22 8.359 67,042        3,449,073 -484,241  
    Nikkei (TYO) long Kawasaki Kisen 7,951.18 8.432   6/20/22 6.513 67,042        3,516,115 -551,283  
6/13/22 Sell USA long Occidental Pet 989.13 57.305   5/30/22 65.701 -64,987 56,682 -8,305 2,856,528  3,451,128 -494,600 2,956,528
    France Eramet 470.80 111.800   6/06/22 142.400 -67,042 52,635 -14,406 2,842,121  3,384,086 -441,965 2,942,121
    PSI 20 Galp Energia 5,438.76 12.405   3/28/22 11.300 -61,458 67,468 6,010 2,848,131  3,322,628 -374,497 2,948,131
    DJ Global Titans ConocoPhilips 652.45 107.044   3/28/22 94.195 -61,458 69,841 8,383 2,856,514  3,261,170 -304,656 2,956,514
    SP Global 100 Chevron 446.74 160.269   3/21/22 149.213 -66,659 71,599 4,939 2,861,453  3,194,511 -233,058 2,961,453
  Buy USA short Beyond Meat 3,197.77 21.330   8/15/22 35.075 68,209        3,262,720 -301,267  
    France Orpea 3.20 21,310.000   11/28/22 6,760.000 68,192        3,330,912 -369,459  
    PSI 20 CTT-Correios 20,669.39 3.300   12/12/22 3.175 68,209        3,399,121 -437,668  
    DJ Global Titans General Electric 1,051.60 64.862   1/09/23 67.576 68,209        3,467,330 -505,877  
    SP Global 100 Philips 3,209.08 21.255   12/05/22 14.250 68,209        3,535,539 -574,086  
6/20/22 Sell DJIA long Apple 605.64 124.982   7/20/20 85.965 -52,064 75,694 23,630 2,885,084  3,483,475 -498,392 2,985,084
    Euro 50 SAP 200.76 89.240   8/03/20 137.540 -27,613 17,916 -9,697 2,875,387  3,455,863 -480,476 2,975,387
      ASML 89.04 457.250   8/03/20 310.100 -27,611 40,714 13,102 2,888,489  3,428,252 -439,762 2,988,489
    Kospi 50 Korea Aerospace 1,835.15 40.439   3/28/22 33.489 -61,458 74,212 12,754 2,901,243  3,366,794 -365,551 3,001,243
    ASX 50 SOUTH32 20,368.82 2.686   3/21/22 3.273 -66,659 54,719 -11,940 2,889,303  3,300,135 -310,832 2,989,303
    DJCA Apple 589.99 124.982   7/06/20 82.602 -48,734 73,738 25,004 2,914,306  3,251,400 -237,094 3,014,306
    Europe 50 ASML 165.51 457.250   7/27/20 323.950 -53,617 75,679 22,062 2,936,369  3,197,783 -161,414 3,036,369
    Nikkei (TYO) Kawasaki Kisen 7,951.18 6.513   6/06/22 8.432 -67,042 51,783 -15,259 2,921,110  3,130,741 -109,632 3,021,110
date B/S market l/s instrument pieces price prc short corresponding invest divest prf/loss acc p/l ∑ invest asset total
    BSE Sensex 50 Dr. Reddy's Labs 916.96 50.603   9/28/20 59.617 -54,666 46,401 -8,265 2,912,844  3,076,075 -63,231 3,012,844
  Buy DJIA short Walt Disney 822.78 89.623   2/06/23 102.531 73,740        3,149,815 -136,971  
    Euro 50 Philips 1,871.19 19.704   8/08/22 20.310 36,870        3,186,685 -173,841  
      Adyen 29.77 1,238.600   8/08/22 1,820.000 36,873        3,223,558 -210,714  
    Kospi 50 LG HH & HC 161.47 456.688   8/15/22 549.880 73,741        3,297,300 -284,455  
    ASX 50 Tabcorp 105,629.57 0.698   8/01/22 0.678 73,740        3,371,040 -358,195  
    DJCA JetBlue Airways 9,089.12 8.113   6/27/22 8.264 73,740        3,444,780 -431,935  
    Europe 50 Adyen 59.53 1,238.600   6/27/22 1,419.800 73,734        3,518,514 -505,669  
    Nikkei (TYO) Rakuten 17,945.10 4.109   7/25/22 4.673 73,740        3,592,254 -579,409  
    BSE Sensex 50 Indiabulls HF 64,429.88 1.145   6/27/22 1.256 73,740        3,665,994 -653,149  
6/27/22 Sell OMXC 20 short GN Store Nord 145.11 243.700 615.516 11/15/21 387.300 -56,201 89,318 33,116 2,945,961  3,609,793 -563,832 3,045,961
    DJCA JetBlue Airways 9,089.12 8.264 7.962 6/20/22 8.113 -73,740 72,366 -1,374 2,944,587  3,536,053 -491,466 3,044,587
    OMXS 30 Kinnevik 1,451.95 16.088 32.612 2/28/22 22.905 -33,258 47,351 14,094 2,958,680  3,502,795 -444,115 3,058,680
      Sinch 4,349.03 3.572 16.373 2/28/22 7.647 -33,257 71,205 37,947 2,996,628  3,469,538 -372,910 3,096,628
    Europe 50 Adyen 59.53 1,419.800 1,057.400 6/20/22 1,238.600 -73,734 62,947 -10,787 2,985,841  3,395,804 -309,963 3,085,841
    BSE Sensex 50 Indiabulls HF 64,429.88 1.256 1.034 6/20/22 1.145 -73,740 66,588 -7,152 2,978,689  3,322,064 -243,375 3,078,689
  Buy OMXC 20 long Novo Nordisk 1,326.77 53.425   7/04/22 53.482 70,882        3,392,946 -314,257  
    DJCA Chevron 509.15 139.217   9/26/22 146.528 70,882        3,463,828 -385,139  
    OMXS 30 AstraZeneca 281.65 125.835   7/04/22 126.686 35,441        3,499,270 -420,581  
    Europe 50 BAT 17.11 4,142.120   7/11/22 4,002.030 70,872        3,570,141 -491,452  
    BSE Sensex 50 Mahindra & Mahindra 5,444.13 13.020   6/17/24 32.734 70,882        3,641,023 -562,334  
7/04/22 Sell OMXC 20 long Novo Nordisk 1,326.77 53.482   6/27/22 53.425 -70,882 70,958 76 2,978,765  3,570,141 -491,376 3,078,765
    OMXS 30 AstraZeneca 281.65 126.686   6/27/22 125.835 -35,441 35,681 240 2,979,005  3,534,700 -455,695 3,079,005
  Buy OMXC 20 short Ambu 6,726.29 9.750   8/01/22 10.972 65,582        3,600,282 -521,277  
    OMXS 30 Kinnevik 2,146.23 15.278   8/15/22 17.003 32,791        3,633,073 -554,068  
date B/S market l/s instrument pieces price prc short corresponding invest divest prf/loss acc p/l ∑ invest asset total
      Sinch 10,763.85 3.046   8/15/22 2.232 32,791        3,665,864 -586,859  
7/11/22 Sell Europe 50 long BAT 17.11 4,002.030   6/27/22 4,142.120 -70,872 68,475 -2,397 2,976,608  3,594,992 -518,384 3,076,608
    MerVal short BBVA Banco Francés 42,786.39 1.746 1.388 6/06/22 1.567 -67,042 59,388 -7,654 2,968,953  3,527,950 -458,997 3,068,953
  Buy Europe 50 Adidas 400.10 163.080   7/25/22 176.020 65,248        3,593,198 -524,245  
    MerVal long Comercial del Plata 595,328.47 0.110   6/17/24 0.171 65,248        3,658,446 -589,493  
7/18/22 Sell DAX short Delivery Hero 1,737.98 39.060 33.040 4/18/22 36.050 -62,654 57,423 -5,231 2,963,722  3,595,792 -532,070 3,063,722
  Buy   long Deutsche Telekom 3,341.66 18.940   8/22/22 18.988 63,291        3,659,083 -595,361  
7/25/22 Sell Europe 50 short Adidas 400.10 176.020 150.140 7/11/22 163.080 -65,248 60,071 -5,177 2,958,545  3,593,835 -535,290 3,058,545
    Nikkei (TYO) Rakuten 17,945.10 4.673 3.545 6/20/22 4.109 -73,740 63,623 -10,117 2,948,427  3,520,095 -471,668 3,048,427
  Buy Europe 50 long Novo Nordisk 1,146.00 56.211   9/05/22 52.634 64,418        3,584,513 -536,086  
    Nikkei (TYO) Kawasaki Kisen 8,233.38 7.824   8/01/22 8.283 64,418        3,648,931 -600,504  
8/01/22 Sell ASX 50 short Tabcorp 105,629.57 0.678 0.719 6/20/22 0.698 -73,740 75,948 2,208 2,950,635  3,575,191 -524,556 3,050,635
    OMXC 20 Ambu 6,726.29 10.972 8.529 7/04/22 9.750 -65,582 57,365 -8,217 2,942,418  3,509,609 -467,191 3,042,418
    DJTA JetBlue Airways 6,707.49 8.359 11.951 6/06/22 9.995 -67,042 80,164 13,122 2,955,540  3,442,567 -387,027 3,055,540
    Nikkei (TYO) long Kawasaki Kisen 8,233.38 8.283   7/25/22 7.824 -64,418 68,194 3,776 2,959,316  3,378,149 -318,833 3,059,316
  Buy ASX 50 Woodside Energy 3,047.04 22.485   8/22/22 22.867 68,512        3,446,661 -387,345  
    OMXC 20 Novo Nordisk 1,204.21 56.894   8/08/22 50.402 68,512        3,515,173 -455,857  
    DJTA C.H. Robinson 641.80 106.749   8/15/22 115.827 68,512        3,583,685 -524,369  
    Nikkei (TYO) short Rakuten 13,800.10 4.965   8/15/22 5.330 68,512        3,652,197 -592,881  
8/08/22 Sell Nasdaq 100 short PayPal 671.69 94.345 92.212 4/18/22 93.278 -62,654 61,938 -716 2,958,599  3,589,543 -530,943 3,058,599
    Euro 50 Philips 1,871.19 20.310 19.098 6/20/22 19.704 -36,870 35,736 -1,134 2,957,466  3,552,673 -495,207 3,057,466
      Adyen 29.77 1,820.000 657.200 6/20/22 1,238.600 -36,873 19,565 -17,308 2,940,157  3,515,800 -475,642 3,040,157
    OMXC 20 long Novo Nordisk 1,204.21 50.402   8/01/22 56.894 -68,512 60,694 -7,818 2,932,339  3,447,288 -414,948 3,032,339
  Buy Nasdaq 100 Vertex 227.12 288.102   9/26/22 287.713 65,434        3,512,721 -480,382  
    Euro 50 Deutsche Börse 187.22 174.750   6/17/24 186.100 32,717        3,545,438 -513,099  
date B/S market l/s instrument pieces price prc short corresponding invest divest prf/loss acc p/l ∑ invest asset total
      TotalEnergies 656.70 49.820   6/17/24 62.000 32,717        3,578,155 -545,816  
    OMXC 20 short Ambu 6,669.11 9.812   11/14/22 13.176 65,434        3,643,589 -611,250  
8/15/22 Sell USA short Beyond Meat 3,197.77 35.075 7.585 6/13/22 21.330 -68,209 24,255 -43,954 2,888,386  3,575,380 -586,994 2,988,386
    Kospi 50 LG HH & HC 161.47 549.880 363.497 6/20/22 456.688 -73,741 58,694 -15,048 2,873,338  3,501,638 -528,300 2,973,338
    OMXS 30 Kinnevik 2,146.23 17.003 13.554 7/04/22 15.278 -32,791 29,089 -3,702 2,869,636  3,468,847 -499,211 2,969,636
      Sinch 10,763.85 2.232 4.158 7/04/22 3.046 -32,791 44,752 11,961 2,881,597  3,436,056 -454,459 2,981,597
    Nordic 30 Vestas Wind Systems 2,947.83 25.639 21.112 1/24/22 23.376 -68,907 62,235 -6,672 2,874,926  3,367,149 -392,224 2,974,926
    DJTA long C.H. Robinson 641.80 115.827   8/01/22 106.749 -68,512 74,338 5,826 2,880,752  3,298,638 -317,886 2,980,752
    Nikkei (TYO) short Rakuten 13,800.10 5.330 4.599 8/01/22 4.965 -68,512 63,464 -5,048 2,875,704  3,230,126 -254,422 2,975,704
  Buy USA long Array Tech 3,021.11 22.519   8/22/22 20.635 68,032        3,298,158 -322,454  
    Kospi 50 Korea Aerospace 1,631.79 41.692   10/03/22 34.457 68,032        3,366,190 -390,486  
    OMXS 30 AstraZeneca 259.97 130.845   8/22/22 135.852 34,016        3,400,206 -424,502  
    Nordic 30 Equinor 1,908.25 35.652   8/29/22 41.367 68,032        3,468,238 -492,534  
    DJTA short JetBlue Airways 7,551.14 9.010   8/29/22 7.937 68,032        3,536,270 -560,566  
    Nikkei (TYO) long Mitsubishi Motors 17,789.40 3.824   9/19/22 4.240 68,032        3,604,302 -628,598  
8/22/22 Sell USA long Array Tech 3,021.11 20.635   8/15/22 22.519 -68,032 62,342 -5,691 2,870,013  3,536,270 -566,257 2,970,013
    ASX 50 Woodside Energy 3,047.04 22.867   8/01/22 22.485 -68,512 69,675 1,163 2,871,176  3,467,758 -496,581 2,971,176
    DAX Deutsche Telekom 3,341.66 18.988   7/18/22 18.940 -63,291 63,451 160 2,871,337  3,404,467 -433,130 2,971,337
    OMXS 30 AstraZeneca 259.97 135.852   8/15/22 130.845 -34,016 35,317 1,302 2,872,638  3,370,451 -397,813 2,972,638
  Buy USA short Gaia 19,675.99 3.272   11/14/22 2.728 64,370        3,434,821 -462,183  
    ASX 50 Tabcorp 100,515.30 0.640   9/05/22 0.633 64,370        3,499,191 -526,553  
    DAX Zalando 2,574.80 25.000   9/19/22 21.330 64,370        3,563,561 -590,923  
    OMXS 30 Getinge 1,622.03 19.842   8/29/22 19.008 32,185        3,595,746 -623,108  
      Sinch 17,272.19 1.863   8/29/22 1.809 32,185        3,627,931 -655,293  
8/29/22 Sell HSI-Prop long China Ov Land & Inv 10,026.55 2.677   2/14/22 2.731 -27,384 26,840 -543 2,872,095  3,600,548 -628,452 2,972,095
date B/S market l/s instrument pieces price prc short corresponding invest divest prf/loss acc p/l ∑ invest asset total
      China Res Land 6,325.74 4.063   2/14/22 4.329 -27,384 25,701 -1,682 2,870,413  3,573,164 -602,751 2,970,413
    OMXS 30 short Getinge 1,622.03 19.008 20.713 8/22/22 19.842 -32,185 33,597 1,412 2,871,825  3,540,979 -569,154 2,971,825
      Sinch 17,272.19 1.809 1.920 8/22/22 1.863 -32,185 33,154 969 2,872,794  3,508,794 -536,000 2,972,794
    Nordic 30 long Equinor 1,908.25 41.367   8/15/22 35.652 -68,032 78,938 10,906 2,883,701  3,440,762 -457,061 2,983,701
    DJTA short JetBlue Airways 7,551.14 7.937 10.228 8/15/22 9.010 -68,032 77,230 9,198 2,892,899  3,372,730 -379,831 2,992,899
    IPC long Cemex 87,572.72 0.391   3/08/21 0.588 -51,484 34,215 -17,269 2,875,629  3,321,246 -345,617 2,975,629
  Buy HSI-Prop short Hang Lung 19,704.51 1.668   3/06/23 1.872 32,875        3,354,121 -378,492  
    OMXS 30 long AstraZeneca 250.50 131.238   9/05/22 123.603 32,875        3,386,996 -411,367  
    Nordic 30 short EQT 2,955.92 22.244   12/05/22 22.151 65,750        3,452,746 -477,117  
    DJTA long C.H. Robinson 572.56 114.835   9/19/22 105.822 65,750        3,518,496 -542,867  
    IPC short Volaris 70,441.40 0.933   1/23/23 1.024 65,750        3,584,246 -608,617  
9/05/22 Sell SSE 50 short China Tourism 2,224.75 26.156 26.425 1/17/22 26.290 -58,489 58,789 301 2,875,930  3,525,757 -549,827 2,975,930
    ASX 50 Tabcorp 100,515.30 0.633 0.648 8/22/22 0.640 -64,370 65,104 734 2,876,664  3,461,387 -484,723 2,976,664
    OMXS 30 long AstraZeneca 250.50 123.603   8/29/22 131.238 -32,875 30,963 -1,913 2,874,751  3,428,512 -453,761 2,974,751
    Europe 50 Novo Nordisk 1,146.00 52.634   7/25/22 56.211 -64,418 60,318 -4,100 2,870,651  3,364,094 -393,443 2,970,651
  Buy SSE 50 China Shenhua En 13,625.60 4.729   9/19/22 4.493 64,430        3,428,524 -457,873  
    ASX 50 Woodside Energy 2,682.95 24.015   9/19/22 21.746 64,430        3,492,954 -522,303  
    OMXS 30 short Getinge 1,699.11 18.960   10/17/22 18.433 32,215        3,525,169 -554,518  
      Sinch 18,835.88 1.710   10/17/22 1.814 32,215        3,557,384 -586,733  
    Europe 50 Adidas 443.73 145.200   11/07/22 114.960 64,430        3,621,813 -651,162  
9/19/22 Sell SSE 50 long China Shenhua En 13,625.60 4.493   9/05/22 4.729 -64,430 61,218 -3,212 2,867,440  3,557,383 -589,944 2,967,440
    ASX 50 Woodside Energy 2,682.95 21.746   9/05/22 24.015 -64,430 58,344 -6,086 2,861,354  3,492,953 -531,599 2,961,354
    DAX short Zalando 2,574.80 21.330 29.302 8/22/22 25.000 -64,370 75,446 11,076 2,872,429  3,428,583 -456,154 2,972,429
    DJTA long C.H. Robinson 572.56 105.822   8/29/22 114.835 -65,750 60,589 -5,160 2,867,269  3,362,833 -395,565 2,967,269
    Nikkei (TYO) Mitsubishi Motors 17,789.40 4.240   8/15/22 3.824 -68,032 75,427 7,395 2,874,664  3,294,801 -320,137 2,974,664
date B/S market l/s instrument pieces price prc short corresponding invest divest prf/loss acc p/l ∑ invest asset total
  Buy SSE 50 short Wingtech Technology 8,568.50 7.745   12/05/22 7.796 66,363        3,361,164 -386,500  
    ASX 50 Tabcorp 101,503.52 0.654   11/28/22 0.675 66,363        3,427,527 -452,863  
    DAX long RWE 1,621.38 40.930   9/26/22 38.800 66,363        3,493,890 -519,227  
    DJTA short JetBlue Airways 8,144.10 8.149   11/07/22 7.659 66,363        3,560,253 -585,590  
    Nikkei (TYO) Rakuten 14,822.76 4.477   12/12/22 4.383 66,363        3,626,616 -651,953  
9/26/22 Sell Nasdaq 100 long Vertex 227.12 287.713   8/08/22 288.102 -65,434 65,345 -88 2,874,576  3,561,183 -586,607 2,974,576
    DAX RWE 1,621.38 38.800   9/19/22 40.930 -66,363 62,910 -3,454 2,871,122  3,494,820 -523,698 2,971,122
    DJCA Chevron 509.15 146.528   6/27/22 139.217 -70,882 74,605 3,722 2,874,844  3,423,937 -449,093 2,974,844
  Buy Nasdaq 100 short Charter Comm 198.38 318.295   10/03/22 326.803 63,143        3,487,081 -512,236  
    DAX Zalando 3,203.60 19.710   10/24/22 22.620 63,143        3,550,224 -575,379  
    DJCA JetBlue Airways 9,161.91 6.892   10/17/22 6.960 63,143        3,613,367 -638,522  
10/03/22 Sell Nasdaq 100 short Charter Comm 198.38 326.803 309.786 9/26/22 318.295 -63,143 61,455 -1,688 2,873,156  3,550,223 -577,067 2,973,156
    Kospi 50 long Korea Aerospace 1,631.79 34.457   8/15/22 41.692 -68,032 56,227 -11,806 2,861,351  3,482,191 -520,840 2,961,351
  Buy Nasdaq 100 Vertex 201.03 303.497   6/17/24 442.189 61,012        3,543,203 -581,852  
    Kospi 50 short Netmarble Games 1,672.30 36.484   11/14/22 35.406 61,012        3,604,215 -642,864  
10/10/22 Sell ÖkoDAX (deprecated) long Verbio 986.81 61.250   3/21/22 67.550 -66,659 60,442 -6,217 2,855,134  3,537,556 -582,422 2,955,134
    DJUA AES 1,741.68 25.674   12/07/20 17.212 -29,977 44,716 14,739 2,869,873  3,507,579 -537,706 2,969,873
      PG & E 2,900.95 14.575   12/07/20 10.334 -29,977 42,282 12,305 2,882,178  3,477,602 -495,425 2,982,178
  Buy ÖkoDAX (deprecated) short Nordex 7,992.80 7.778   11/28/22 11.895 62,168        3,539,770 -557,593  
    DJUA American Water 236.46 131.454   11/14/22 140.016 31,084        3,570,854 -588,676  
      Exelon 797.01 39.001   11/14/22 36.815 31,084        3,601,938 -619,760  
10/17/22 Sell DJCA short JetBlue Airways 9,161.91 6.960 6.824 9/26/22 6.892 -63,143 62,516 -627 2,881,551  3,538,795 -557,244 2,981,551
    OMXS 30 Getinge 1,699.11 18.433 19.502 9/05/22 18.960 -32,215 33,136 921 2,882,472  3,506,580 -524,108 2,982,472
      Sinch 18,835.88 1.814 1.607 9/05/22 1.710 -32,215 30,265 -1,950 2,880,522  3,474,365 -493,843 2,980,522
  Buy DJCA long PG & E 4,320.68 14.388   6/17/24 16.607 62,166        3,536,531 -556,009  
date B/S market l/s instrument pieces price prc short corresponding invest divest prf/loss acc p/l ∑ invest asset total
    OMXS 30 AstraZeneca 269.86 115.183   6/26/23 131.605 31,083        3,567,614 -587,092  
      Autoliv 412.59 75.336   6/26/23 75.664 31,083        3,598,697 -618,175  
10/24/22 Sell DAX short Zalando 3,203.60 22.620 16.800 9/26/22 19.710 -63,143 53,820 -9,322 2,871,200  3,535,554 -564,354 2,971,200
  Buy   long Münchener Rück 228.87 262.900   9/25/23 373.800 60,170        3,595,724 -624,524  
11/07/22 Sell Europe 50 short Adidas 443.73 114.960 183.395 9/05/22 145.200 -64,430 81,378 16,948 2,888,148  3,531,295 -543,146 2,988,148
    DJTA JetBlue Airways 8,144.10 7.659 8.670 9/19/22 8.149 -66,363 70,610 4,247 2,892,395  3,464,932 -472,536 2,992,395
  Buy Europe 50 long BP 109.24 576.662   10/23/23 610.510 62,995        3,527,926 -535,531  
    DJTA Avis Budget 263.14 239.397   1/02/23 153.733 62,995        3,590,921 -598,526  
11/14/22 Sell USA short Gaia 19,675.99 2.728 3.924 8/22/22 3.272 -64,370 77,201 12,831 2,905,226  3,526,551 -521,325 3,005,226
    Kospi 50 Netmarble Games 1,672.30 35.406 37.594 10/03/22 36.484 -61,012 62,869 1,857 2,907,083  3,465,539 -458,456 3,007,083
    OMXC 20 Ambu 6,669.11 13.176 6.448 8/08/22 9.812 -65,434 42,999 -22,435 2,884,648  3,400,105 -415,457 2,984,648
    DJUA American Water 236.46 140.016 122.893 10/10/22 131.454 -31,084 29,059 -2,024 2,882,624  3,369,021 -386,398 2,982,624
      Exelon 797.01 36.815 41.317 10/10/22 39.001 -31,084 32,930 1,845 2,884,469  3,337,937 -353,468 2,984,469
    Indices SDAX 4.76 12,569.300 16,644.100 1/24/22 14,463.900 -68,848 79,226 10,378 2,894,847  3,269,089 -274,242 2,994,847
  Buy USA long First Solar 457.69 148.606   12/19/22 147.505 68,015        3,337,105 -342,258  
    Kospi 50 Samsung SDI 122.62 554.662   6/17/24 257.572 68,013        3,405,117 -410,270  
    OMXC 20 Genmab 166.09 409.515   11/21/22 426.510 68,016        3,473,134 -478,287  
    DJUA AES 1,277.05 26.630   1/02/23 26.971 34,007        3,507,141 -512,294  
      PG & E 2,431.35 13.987   1/02/23 15.249 34,008        3,541,149 -546,302  
    Indices Merval 74.13 917.518   12/19/22 916.038 68,016        3,609,164 -614,317  
11/21/22 Sell S&P 100 short PayPal 481.48 78.776 260.005 1/24/22 143.116 -68,907 125,187 56,280 2,951,127  3,540,257 -489,130 3,051,127
    OMXC 20 long Genmab 166.09 426.510   11/14/22 409.515 -68,016 70,839 2,823 2,953,949  3,472,240 -418,291 3,053,949
    Nikkei (FRA) short NTN 16,901.82 1.940 1.360 11/29/21 1.650 -27,888 22,986 -4,902 2,949,048  3,444,352 -395,304 3,049,048
      Unitika 12,676.36 1.730 2.798 11/29/21 2.200 -27,888 35,465 7,577 2,956,625  3,416,464 -359,840 3,056,625
  Buy S&P 100 long Occidental Pet 991.61 67.990   1/23/23 61.200 67,419        3,483,883 -427,259  
date B/S market l/s instrument pieces price prc short corresponding invest divest prf/loss acc p/l ∑ invest asset total
    OMXC 20 short GN Store Nord 408.60 165.000   12/12/22 161.300 67,419        3,551,302 -494,678  
    Nikkei (FRA) long Mitsubishi Motors 8,284.47 4.069   12/05/22 4.000 33,710        3,585,012 -528,387  
      Fujikura 4,435.46 7.600   12/05/22 7.100 33,710        3,618,721 -562,097  
11/28/22 Sell France short Orpea 3.20 6,760.000 67,176.900 6/13/22 21,310.000 -68,192 214,966 146,774 3,103,399  3,550,529 -347,131 3,203,399
    ASX 50 Tabcorp 101,503.52 0.675 0.632 9/19/22 0.654 -66,363 64,191 -2,172 3,101,226  3,484,166 -282,940 3,201,226
    ÖkoDAX (deprecated) Nordex 7,992.80 11.895 3.661 10/10/22 7.778 -62,168 29,262 -32,906 3,068,320  3,421,998 -253,678 3,168,320
    QIX Software 2,316.98 24.940 35.464 1/24/22 29.740 -68,907 82,169 13,262 3,081,582  3,353,091 -171,509 3,181,582
  Buy ASX 50 long Origin Energy 14,756.83 5.099   10/23/23 5.467 75,251        3,428,342 -246,760  
    QIX Hannover Rück 420.63 178.900   10/23/23 205.100 75,251        3,503,593 -322,011  
12/05/22 Sell SSE 50 short Wingtech Technology 8,568.50 7.796 7.694 9/19/22 7.745 -66,363 65,923 -440 3,081,142  3,437,230 -256,088 3,181,142
    Nordic 30 EQT 2,955.92 22.151 22.336 8/29/22 22.244 -65,750 66,024 274 3,081,416  3,371,480 -190,064 3,181,416
    Nikkei (FRA) long Mitsubishi Motors 8,284.47 4.000   11/21/22 4.069 -33,710 33,138 -572 3,080,844  3,337,771 -156,927 3,180,844
      Fujikura 4,435.46 7.100   11/21/22 7.600 -33,710 31,492 -2,218 3,078,626  3,304,061 -125,435 3,178,626
    SP Global 100 short Philips 3,209.08 14.250 31.704 6/13/22 21.255 -68,209 101,739 33,530 3,112,156  3,235,852 -23,696 3,212,156
  Buy SSE 50 long China Unicom 111,969.38 0.712   12/26/22 0.646 79,711        3,315,563 -103,407  
    Nordic 30 Genmab 181.52 439.139   4/10/23 351.912 79,713        3,395,276 -183,119  
    Nikkei (FRA) short Pacific Metals 2,767.74 14.400   3/06/23 14.300 39,855        3,435,131 -222,975  
      LY 15,486.89 2.574   3/06/23 2.569 39,856        3,474,987 -262,830  
    SP Global 100 long Merck (MSD) 760.64 104.795   12/19/22 102.972 79,711        3,554,698 -342,541  
12/12/22 Sell ATX short Raiffeisen Bank Int 4,534.08 14.630 14.710 2/28/22 14.670 -66,515 66,697 182 3,112,338  3,488,183 -275,845 3,212,338
    PSI 20 CTT-Correios 20,669.39 3.175 3.430 6/13/22 3.300 -68,209 70,894 2,685 3,115,023  3,419,974 -204,951 3,215,023
    OMXC 20 GN Store Nord 408.60 161.300 168.785 11/21/22 165.000 -67,419 68,966 1,547 3,116,570  3,352,555 -135,985 3,216,570
    Nikkei (TYO) Rakuten 14,822.76 4.383 4.573 9/19/22 4.477 -66,363 67,783 1,420 3,117,990  3,286,192 -68,202 3,217,990
  Buy ATX long Andritz 1,458.22 54.000   12/19/22 53.900 78,744        3,364,936 -146,946  
    PSI 20 Galp Energia 6,727.38 11.705   12/19/22 11.940 78,744        3,443,680 -225,690  
date B/S market l/s instrument pieces price prc short corresponding invest divest prf/loss acc p/l ∑ invest asset total
    OMXC 20 Genmab 180.14 437.115   8/07/23 341.039 78,742        3,522,422 -304,432  
    Nikkei (TYO) Fujikura 10,167.08 7.745   12/19/22 7.735 78,744        3,601,166 -383,176  
12/19/22 Sell USA long First Solar 457.69 147.505   11/14/22 148.606 -68,015 67,512 -504 3,117,486  3,533,150 -315,664 3,217,486
    ATX Andritz 1,458.22 53.900   12/12/22 54.000 -78,744 78,598 -146 3,117,340  3,454,406 -237,066 3,217,340
    PSI 20 Galp Energia 6,727.38 11.940   12/12/22 11.705 -78,744 80,325 1,581 3,118,921  3,375,662 -156,741 3,218,921
    Indices Merval 74.13 916.038   11/14/22 917.518 -68,016 67,906 -110 3,118,811  3,307,647 -88,836 3,218,811
    Nikkei (TYO) Fujikura 10,167.08 7.735   12/12/22 7.745 -78,744 78,644 -100 3,118,712  3,228,903 -10,191 3,218,712
    SP Global 100 Merck (MSD) 760.64 102.972   12/05/22 104.795 -79,711 78,325 -1,387 3,117,325  3,149,191 68,133 3,217,325
  Buy USA short Tesla Motors 582.47 141.013   1/16/23 113.147 82,136        3,231,327 -14,002  
    ATX S Immo 6,623.87 12.400   1/16/23 12.520 82,136        3,313,463 -96,138  
    PSI 20 Pharol 1,337,719.87 0.061   12/26/22 0.056 82,136        3,395,599 -178,274  
    Indices NASDAQ-100 7.88 10,429.500   1/16/23 10,669.000 82,184        3,477,784 -260,459  
    Nikkei (TYO) LY 34,179.19 2.403   3/27/23 2.644 82,136        3,559,920 -342,595  
12/26/22 Sell SSE 50 long China Unicom 111,969.38 0.646   12/05/22 0.712 -79,711 72,343 -7,368 3,109,957  3,480,209 -270,251 3,209,957
    IBEX 35 short Fluidra 2,582.95 14.310 44.237 5/30/22 25.160 -64,987 114,261 49,274 3,159,231  3,415,222 -155,991 3,259,231
    PSI 20 Pharol 1,337,719.87 0.056 0.067 12/19/22 0.061 -82,136 89,761 7,625 3,166,856  3,333,086 -66,230 3,266,856
  Buy SSE 50 LONGi Green Energy 14,095.34 5.677   1/02/23 5.753 80,015        3,413,101 -146,245  
    IBEX 35 long Banco Sabadell 87,812.77 0.911   2/06/23 1.131 80,015        3,493,116 -226,260  
    PSI 20 Galp Energia 6,388.42 12.525   1/09/23 12.580 80,015        3,573,131 -306,274  
1/02/23 Sell Germany short Voltabox 27,269.90 1.120 3.003 9/20/21 1.834 -50,013 81,897 31,884 3,198,740  3,523,118 -224,378 3,298,740
    SSE 50 LONGi Green Energy 14,095.34 5.753 5.600 12/26/22 5.677 -80,015 78,938 -1,077 3,197,663  3,443,103 -145,439 3,297,663
    HSI AAC Technologies 31,381.28 2.144 1.596 4/25/22 1.870 -58,683 50,094 -8,589 3,189,074  3,384,420 -95,345 3,289,074
    HSI-Fin HK Exchgs & Clrg 1,802.55 40.519 38.415 5/09/22 39.467 -71,141 69,244 -1,897 3,187,177  3,313,279 -26,101 3,287,177
    ISEQ 20 Kerry 233.82 84.240 139.618 6/21/21 108.450 -25,358 32,645 7,288 3,194,465  3,287,921 6,544 3,294,465
      Greencoat Renewables 22,146.72 1.135 1.155 6/21/21 1.145 -25,358 25,582 224 3,194,689  3,262,563 32,126 3,294,689
date B/S market l/s instrument pieces price prc short corresponding invest divest prf/loss acc p/l ∑ invest asset total
    OMXH 25 Orion 1,470.73 51.180 17.360 9/13/21 34.270 -50,402 25,532 -24,870 3,169,819  3,212,161 57,658 3,269,819
    DJUA long AES 1,277.05 26.971   11/14/22 26.630 -34,007 34,443 436 3,170,255  3,178,154 92,101 3,270,255
      PG & E 2,431.35 15.249   11/14/22 13.987 -34,008 37,075 3,067 3,173,322  3,144,146 129,176 3,273,322
    DJTA Avis Budget 263.14 153.733   11/07/22 239.397 -62,995 40,453 -22,542 3,150,780  3,081,151 169,629 3,250,780
  Buy SSE 50 China Life 16,921.28 5.053   4/24/23 4.762 85,510        3,166,661 84,119  
    HSI Sands China 27,475.74 3.112   4/24/23 3.357 85,510        3,252,171 -1,391  
    HSI-Fin China Life Ins HK 53,105.20 1.610   5/29/23 1.615 85,510        3,337,681 -86,901  
    ISEQ 20 AIB 11,823.84 3.616   1/09/23 3.744 42,755        3,380,436 -129,656  
      Malin 5,889.12 7.260   1/09/23 7.260 42,755        3,423,191 -172,411  
    OMXH 25 Cargotec 2,017.70 42.380   2/13/23 48.200 85,510        3,508,701 -257,921  
    DJUA short Dominion Resources 743.49 57.506   3/20/23 51.877 42,755        3,551,456 -300,676  
      NiSource 1,662.69 25.714   3/20/23 25.948 42,755        3,594,211 -343,431  
    DJTA JetBlue Airways 14,071.32 6.077   1/09/23 6.798 85,510        3,679,721 -428,941  
1/09/23 Sell AEX short Galapagos 770.05 41.880 89.141 5/31/21 61.100 -47,050 68,643 21,593 3,172,373  3,632,671 -360,298 3,272,373
    HSI-C&I Sunny Optical 5,899.26 11.121 13.077 5/09/22 12.059 -71,141 77,145 6,004 3,178,377  3,561,530 -283,153 3,278,377
    ISEQ 20 long AIB 11,823.84 3.744   1/02/23 3.616 -42,755 44,268 1,513 3,179,891  3,518,775 -238,885 3,279,891
      Malin 5,889.12 7.260   1/02/23 7.260 -42,755 42,755 0 3,179,891  3,476,020 -196,130  
    TSX 60 short Shopify 2,204.78 34.660 29.874 5/09/22 32.267 -71,141 65,865 -5,276 3,174,615  3,404,879 -130,265 3,274,615
    PSI 20 long Galp Energia 6,388.42 12.580   12/26/22 12.525 -80,015 80,366 351 3,174,966  3,324,864 -49,898 3,274,966
    Athex LC short Piraeus Financial 48,870.21 1.560 1.260 1/24/22 1.410 -68,907 61,576 -7,331 3,167,636  3,255,957 11,678 3,267,636
    FT 30 Ocado 40.53 843.128 3,193.800 2/28/22 1,640.970 -66,509 129,445 62,936 3,230,572  3,189,449 141,123 3,330,572
    DJTA JetBlue Airways 14,071.32 6.798 5.356 1/02/23 6.077 -85,510 75,369 -10,141 3,220,431  3,103,939 216,492 3,320,431
    DJ Global Titans General Electric 1,051.60 67.576 62.148 6/13/22 64.862 -68,209 65,355 -2,854 3,217,577  3,035,730 281,847 3,317,577
  Buy AEX long Prosus 2,641.18 34.070   3/13/23 29.760 89,985        3,125,715 191,862  
    FTSE Antofagasta 45.94 1,958.640   8/21/23 1,626.590 89,980        3,215,695 101,882  
date B/S market l/s instrument pieces price prc short corresponding invest divest prf/loss acc p/l ∑ invest asset total
    HSI-C&I Sands China 26,962.61 3.337   5/08/23 3.021 89,985        3,305,680 11,897  
    ISEQ 20 short Irish Residential 40,902.27 1.100   1/16/23 1.116 44,993        3,350,672 -33,096  
      Glenveagh Properties 51,361.30 0.876   1/16/23 0.929 44,993        3,395,665 -78,088  
    TSX 60 long Restaurant Brands 1,473.22 61.081   3/13/23 56.403 89,985        3,485,650 -168,073  
    PSI 20 short Pharol 1,606,875.00 0.056   4/03/23 0.054 89,985        3,575,635 -258,058  
    Athex LC long Motor Oil Hellas 3,974.60 22.640   4/24/23 22.000 89,985        3,665,620 -348,043  
    FT 30 Flutter 6.36 14,141.000   5/15/23 18,645.000 89,937        3,755,556 -437,980  
    DJTA Landstar System 563.91 159.572   6/17/24 168.422 89,984        3,845,541 -527,964  
    DJ Global Titans Schlumberger 1,739.18 51.740   3/13/23 45.465 89,985        3,935,526 -617,949  
1/16/23 Sell USA short Tesla Motors 582.47 113.147 175.742 12/19/22 141.013 -82,136 102,364 20,229 3,237,805  3,853,390 -515,585 3,337,805
    ATX S Immo 6,623.87 12.520 12.280 12/19/22 12.400 -82,136 81,341 -795 3,237,010  3,771,254 -434,244 3,337,010
    ISEQ 20 Irish Residential 40,902.27 1.116 1.084 1/09/23 1.100 -44,993 44,338 -654 3,236,356  3,726,261 -389,905 3,336,356
      Glenveagh Properties 51,361.30 0.929 0.823 1/09/23 0.876 -44,993 42,270 -2,722 3,233,634  3,681,269 -347,635 3,333,634
    CAC Mid 60 DBV Technologies 26,401.15 3.058 2.162 1/24/22 2.610 -68,907 57,079 -11,828 3,221,806  3,612,362 -290,556 3,321,806
    Indices NASDAQ-100 7.88 10,669.000 10,190.100 12/19/22 10,429.500 -82,184 80,298 -1,886 3,219,920  3,530,177 -210,258 3,319,920
  Buy USA long First Solar 466.72 166.568   5/15/23 203.641 77,741        3,607,918 -287,998  
    ATX Raiffeisen Bank Int 4,627.44 16.800   6/26/23 13.810 77,741        3,685,659 -365,739  
    ISEQ 20 AIB 10,637.79 3.654   4/03/23 3.692 38,870        3,724,529 -404,610  
      Malin 5,354.06 7.260   4/03/23 6.900 38,870        3,763,400 -443,480  
    CAC Mid 60 Elior 19,435.25 4.000   3/27/23 3.104 77,741        3,841,141 -521,221  
    Indices Merval 61.12 1,271.840   6/26/23 1,557.720 77,735        3,918,876 -598,956  
1/23/23 Sell S&P 100 long Occidental Pet 991.61 61.200   11/21/22 67.990 -67,419 60,687 -6,732 3,213,187  3,851,457 -538,270 3,313,187
    SDAX short Morphosys 1,050.58 17.560 132.083 9/06/21 48.160 -50,596 138,764 88,168 3,301,355  3,800,861 -399,506 3,401,355
    IPC Volaris 70,441.40 1.024 0.843 8/29/22 0.933 -65,750 59,375 -6,375 3,294,980  3,735,111 -340,131 3,394,980
  Buy S&P 100 Tesla Motors 577.29 132.293   2/06/23 181.750 76,371        3,811,482 -416,502  
date B/S market l/s instrument pieces price prc short corresponding invest divest prf/loss acc p/l ∑ invest asset total
    SDAX long SMA Solar 982.90 77.700   4/10/23 97.500 76,371        3,887,854 -492,874  
    IPC Banco del Bajio 22,371.26 3.414   6/17/24 2.632 76,371        3,964,225 -569,245  
    SP Global 100 Münchener Rück 234.48 325.700   10/23/23 372.100 76,370        4,040,595 -645,615  
2/06/23 Sell DJIA short Walt Disney 822.78 102.531 76.715 6/20/22 89.623 -73,740 63,120 -10,620 3,284,360  3,966,855 -582,495 3,384,360
    S&P 100 Tesla Motors 577.29 181.750 82.837 1/23/23 132.293 -76,371 47,821 -28,551 3,255,809  3,890,483 -534,674 3,355,809
    HDAX Morphosys 2,707.54 19.050 34.000 1/24/22 25.450 -68,907 92,057 23,150 3,278,959  3,821,576 -442,618 3,378,959
    MIB Saipem 908.25 1.368 2,412.820 2/07/22 57.452 -52,181 2,191,444 2,139,263 5,418,222  3,769,396 1,748,826 5,518,222
    IBEX 35 long Banco Sabadell 87,812.77 1.131   12/26/22 0.911 -80,015 99,316 19,301 5,437,523  3,689,381 1,848,142 5,537,523
    OBX 25 short Nel 35,131.05 1.604 1.242 8/16/21 1.423 -49,995 43,643 -6,352 5,431,171  3,639,386 1,891,786 5,531,171
    CAC Next 20 Ubisoft 941.63 20.730 138.176 8/02/21 53.520 -50,396 130,111 79,715 5,510,886  3,588,990 2,021,896 5,610,886
    BAX Morphosys 1,050.58 19.050 121.753 9/06/21 48.160 -50,596 127,911 77,315 5,588,201  3,538,394 2,149,808 5,688,201
  Buy DJIA long Boeing 1,015.31 192.995   10/30/23 171.809 195,950        3,734,343 1,953,858  
    S&P 100 Netflix 580.88 337.334   5/08/23 300.739 195,951        3,930,294 1,757,907  
    HDAX SMA Solar 2,517.02 77.850   8/07/23 85.200 195,950        4,126,244 1,561,957  
    MIB Unicredit 10,706.48 18.302   10/23/23 22.690 195,950        4,322,194 1,366,007  
    IBEX 35 short Rovi 4,913.49 39.880   2/13/23 40.180 195,950        4,518,144 1,170,057  
    OBX 25 long Petroleum Geo-Srvcs 247,661.78 0.791   3/13/23 0.959 195,950        4,714,094 974,107  
    CAC Next 20 Rexel 9,063.37 21.620   2/27/23 23.680 195,950        4,910,044 778,157  
2/13/23 Sell CAC 40 short Atos 1,306.73 11.995 136.137 7/19/21 40.410 -52,805 177,894 125,089 5,713,291  4,857,239 956,052 5,813,291
    IBEX 35 Rovi 4,913.49 40.180 39.580 2/06/23 39.880 -195,950 194,476 -1,474 5,711,817  4,661,289 1,150,528 5,811,817
    OMXH 25 long Cargotec 2,017.70 48.200   1/02/23 42.380 -85,510 97,253 11,743 5,723,560  4,575,779 1,247,781 5,823,560
  Buy CAC 40 Renault 4,256.24 41.535   6/05/23 33.320 176,783        4,752,562 1,070,998  
    IBEX 35 Banco Sabadell 149,499.37 1.183   3/13/23 1.090 176,783        4,929,345 894,215  
    OMXH 25 short Telia Company 75,872.53 2.330   12/25/23 2.321 176,783        5,106,128 717,432  
2/27/23 Sell CAC Next 20 long Rexel 9,063.37 23.680   2/06/23 21.620 -195,950 214,621 18,671 5,742,230  4,910,178 932,052 5,842,230
date B/S market l/s instrument pieces price prc short corresponding invest divest prf/loss acc p/l ∑ invest asset total
  Buy   short Ubisoft 8,165.72 20.740   4/24/23 25.540 169,357        5,079,535 762,695  
3/06/23 Sell HSI-Prop short Hang Lung 19,704.51 1.872 1.465 8/29/22 1.668 -32,875 28,859 -4,016 5,738,214  5,046,660 791,555 5,838,214
    Nikkei (FRA) Pacific Metals 2,767.74 14.300 14.501 12/05/22 14.400 -39,855 40,134 279 5,738,493  5,006,804 831,689 5,838,493
      LY 15,486.89 2.569 2.578 12/05/22 2.574 -39,856 39,925 70 5,738,563  4,966,949 871,614 5,838,563
  Buy HSI-Prop long Wharf REIC 15,735.59 5.330   5/15/23 5.037 83,877        5,050,826 787,737  
      China Res Mixc 15,613.16 5.372   5/15/23 4.521 83,877        5,134,703 703,860  
    Nikkei (FRA) Nippon Sheet Glass 16,609.31 5.050   4/17/23 4.260 83,877        5,218,580 619,983  
      Kobe Steel 12,096.48 6.934   4/17/23 6.900 83,877        5,302,457 536,106  
3/13/23 Sell AEX long Prosus 2,641.18 29.760   1/09/23 34.070 -89,985 78,602 -11,383 5,727,179  5,212,472 614,707 5,827,179
    IBEX 35 Banco Sabadell 149,499.37 1.090   2/13/23 1.183 -176,783 162,954 -13,829 5,713,351  5,035,689 777,662 5,813,351
    TSX 60 Restaurant Brands 1,473.22 56.403   1/09/23 61.081 -89,985 83,094 -6,891 5,706,460  4,945,704 860,756 5,806,460
    OBX 25 Petroleum Geo-Srvcs 247,661.78 0.959   2/06/23 0.791 -195,950 237,433 41,483 5,747,943  4,749,754 1,098,189 5,847,943
    DJ Global Titans Schlumberger 1,739.18 45.465   1/09/23 51.740 -89,985 79,072 -10,913 5,737,030  4,659,769 1,177,261 5,837,030
  Buy AEX short NN 4,949.39 35.430   2/12/24 37.190 175,357        4,835,126 1,001,904  
    IBEX 35 Grifols 17,526.94 10.005   12/11/23 14.065 175,357        5,010,483 826,547  
    TSX 60 Algonquin 25,040.63 7.003   4/03/23 7.691 175,357        5,185,840 651,190  
    OBX 25 Vår Energi 71,086.83 2.467   4/24/23 2.310 175,357        5,361,197 475,833  
    DJ Global Titans 3M 1,820.04 96.348   3/27/23 94.020 175,357        5,536,554 300,476  
3/20/23 Sell DJUA short Dominion Resources 743.49 51.877 63.746 1/02/23 57.506 -42,755 47,394 4,639 5,741,669  5,493,799 347,870 5,841,669
      NiSource 1,662.69 25.948 25.481 1/02/23 25.714 -42,755 42,367 -388 5,741,282  5,451,044 390,237 5,841,282
  Buy   long Consolidated Edison 861.77 90.388   5/15/23 90.503 77,893        5,528,937 312,344  
      Edison International 1,210.35 64.356   5/15/23 66.389 77,893        5,606,831 234,451  
3/27/23 Sell CAC Mid 60 long Elior 19,435.25 3.104   1/16/23 4.000 -77,741 60,327 -17,414 5,723,868  5,529,090 294,778 5,823,868
    Nikkei (TYO) short LY 34,179.19 2.644 2.162 12/19/22 2.403 -82,136 73,906 -8,230 5,715,637  5,446,954 368,683 5,815,637
    DJ Global Titans 3M 1,820.04 94.020 98.734 3/13/23 96.348 -175,357 179,699 4,342 5,719,979  5,271,596 548,383 5,819,979
date B/S market l/s instrument pieces price prc short corresponding invest divest prf/loss acc p/l ∑ invest asset total
  Buy ÖkoDAX (deprecated) Verbio 3,585.79 44.400   4/08/24 20.280 159,209        5,430,806 389,174  
    CAC Mid 60 Orpea 75.81 2,100.000   2/12/24 13.200 159,201        5,590,007 229,973  
    Nikkei (TYO) long Kobe Steel 22,464.62 7.087   12/25/23 11.072 159,209        5,749,216 70,764  
    DJ Global Titans NVidia 6,477.62 24.578   10/30/23 38.782 159,209        5,908,424 -88,445  
4/03/23 Sell MDAX short TeamViewer 4,930.35 15.540 6.830 1/10/22 11.185 -55,146 33,674 -21,472 5,698,507  5,853,278 -54,771 5,798,507
    ISEQ 20 long AIB 10,637.79 3.692   1/16/23 3.654 -38,870 39,275 404 5,698,912  5,814,408 -15,496 5,798,912
      Malin 5,354.06 6.900   1/16/23 7.260 -38,870 36,943 -1,927 5,696,984  5,775,538 21,447 5,796,984
    TSX 60 short Algonquin 25,040.63 7.691 6.315 3/13/23 7.003 -175,357 158,124 -17,233 5,679,751  5,600,181 179,571 5,779,751
    PSI 20 Pharol 1,606,875.00 0.054 0.059 1/09/23 0.056 -89,985 94,002 4,017 5,683,768  5,510,196 273,573 5,783,768
  Buy MDAX long Deutsche Lufthansa 14,849.28 10.198   4/24/23 9.790 151,433        5,661,628 122,140  
    ISEQ 20 short Irish Residential 80,549.47 0.940   1/29/24 1.170 75,717        5,737,345 46,423  
      Uniphar 24,906.74 3.040   1/29/24 2.635 75,716        5,813,061 -29,293  
    TSX 60 long Shopify 3,459.55 43.773   5/29/23 55.992 151,433        5,964,495 -180,726  
    PSI 20 Banco Comercial 743,777.01 0.204   5/15/23 0.216 151,433        6,115,928 -332,159  
4/10/23 Sell SDAX long SMA Solar 982.90 97.500   1/23/23 77.700 -76,371 95,833 19,461 5,703,230  6,039,556 -236,326 5,803,230
    Nordic 30 Genmab 181.52 351.912   12/05/22 439.139 -79,713 63,879 -15,833 5,687,396  5,959,844 -172,447 5,787,396
  Buy SDAX short Grand City 21,029.66 6.675   3/25/24 9.915 140,373        6,100,217 -312,820  
    Nordic 30 Møller-Mærsk B 91.18 1,539.450   11/27/23 1,445.410 140,367        6,240,584 -453,187  
4/17/23 Sell Nikkei (FRA) long Nippon Sheet Glass 16,609.31 4.260   3/06/23 5.050 -83,877 70,756 -13,121 5,674,275  6,156,707 -382,432 5,774,275
      Kobe Steel 12,096.48 6.900   3/06/23 6.934 -83,877 83,466 -411 5,673,864  6,072,830 -298,966 5,773,864
  Buy   short Nidec 1,506.07 45.440   5/15/23 46.510 68,436        6,141,266 -367,402  
      Sumitomo Pharma 12,330.81 5.550   5/15/23 5.300 68,436        6,209,702 -435,838  
4/24/23 Sell SSE 50 long China Life 16,921.28 4.762   1/02/23 5.053 -85,510 80,576 -4,934 5,668,929  6,124,192 -355,262 5,768,929
    HSI Sands China 27,475.74 3.357   1/02/23 3.112 -85,510 92,244 6,734 5,675,664  6,038,682 -263,018 5,775,664
    MDAX Deutsche Lufthansa 14,849.28 9.790   4/03/23 10.198 -151,433 145,374 -6,059 5,669,605  5,887,249 -117,643 5,769,605
date B/S market l/s instrument pieces price prc short corresponding invest divest prf/loss acc p/l ∑ invest asset total
    OBX 25 short Vår Energi 71,086.83 2.310 2.635 3/13/23 2.467 -175,357 187,278 11,921 5,681,527  5,711,892 69,635 5,781,527
    Athex LC long Motor Oil Hellas 3,974.60 22.000   1/09/23 22.640 -89,985 87,441 -2,544 5,678,983  5,621,907 157,076 5,778,983
    CAC Next 20 short Ubisoft 8,165.72 25.540 15.940 2/27/23 20.740 -169,357 130,162 -39,195 5,639,787  5,452,550 287,238 5,739,787
  Buy SSE 50 LONGi Green Energy 31,669.05 4.758   5/01/23 4.597 150,675        5,603,225 136,563  
    HSI 9,436.36 15.968   4/29/24 14.064 150,675        5,753,900 -14,112  
    MDAX Aroundtown 126,035.13 1.196   5/29/23 0.904 150,675        5,904,575 -164,787  
    OBX 25 long Frontline 10,105.77 14.910   5/08/23 12.937 150,675        6,055,250 -315,462  
    Athex LC short Hell Telecom OTE 11,128.14 13.540   6/12/23 14.900 150,675        6,205,925 -466,137  
    CAC Next 20 long Sodexo 2,117.71 71.150   6/12/23 74.170 150,675        6,356,600 -616,813  
5/01/23 Sell SSE 50 short LONGi Green Energy 31,669.05 4.597 4.924 4/24/23 4.758 -150,675 155,932 5,257 5,645,044  6,205,925 -460,880 5,745,044
  Buy   long China Petrol&Chem 149,320.67 0.885   5/22/23 0.831 132,104        6,338,029 -592,984  
5/08/23 Sell S&P 100 long Netflix 580.88 300.739   2/06/23 337.334 -195,951 174,693 -21,257 5,623,787  6,142,078 -418,291 5,723,787
    HSI-C&I Sands China 26,962.61 3.021   1/09/23 3.337 -89,985 81,457 -8,528 5,615,259  6,052,093 -336,834 5,715,259
    BEL 20 short Umicore 2,113.06 29.450 36.109 1/24/22 32.610 -68,907 76,301 7,394 5,622,653  5,983,186 -260,534 5,722,653
    OBX 25 long Frontline 10,105.77 12.937   4/24/23 14.910 -150,675 130,736 -19,939 5,602,714  5,832,511 -129,797 5,702,714
  Buy S&P 100 short U.S. Bancorp 5,159.31 27.004   7/31/23 36.037 139,322        5,971,833 -269,119  
    France Orpea 51.81 2,689.000   12/25/23 15.200 139,317        6,111,150 -408,437  
    HSI-C&I 8,628.30 16.147   5/13/24 15.336 139,322        6,250,473 -547,759  
    BEL 20 long Solvay 1,288.23 108.150   6/19/23 100.450 139,322        6,389,795 -687,081  
    OBX 25 short Nordic Semiconductor 14,615.47 9.533   10/16/23 10.054 139,322        6,529,117 -826,403  
5/15/23 Sell USA long First Solar 466.72 203.641   1/16/23 166.568 -77,741 95,043 17,303 5,620,017  6,451,376 -731,359 5,720,017
    HSI-Prop Wharf REIC 15,735.59 5.037   3/06/23 5.330 -83,877 79,259 -4,618 5,615,398  6,367,499 -652,101 5,715,398
      China Res Mixc 15,613.16 4.521   3/06/23 5.372 -83,877 70,586 -13,291 5,602,107  6,283,622 -581,515 5,702,107
    PSI 20 Banco Comercial 743,777.01 0.216   4/03/23 0.204 -151,433 160,953 9,520 5,611,627  6,132,189 -420,562 5,711,627
    FT 30 Flutter 6.36 18,645.000   1/09/23 14,141.000 -89,937 118,582 28,645 5,640,273  6,042,252 -301,980 5,740,273
date B/S market l/s instrument pieces price prc short corresponding invest divest prf/loss acc p/l ∑ invest asset total
    DJUA Consolidated Edison 861.77 90.503   3/20/23 90.388 -77,893 77,993 100 5,640,372  5,964,359 -223,987 5,740,372
      Edison International 1,210.35 66.389   3/20/23 64.356 -77,893 80,353 2,460 5,642,832  5,886,465 -143,633 5,742,832
    Nikkei (FRA) short Nidec 1,506.07 46.510 44.370 4/17/23 45.440 -68,436 66,824 -1,611 5,641,221  5,818,030 -76,809 5,741,221
      Sumitomo Pharma 12,330.81 5.300 5.812 4/17/23 5.550 -68,436 71,664 3,228 5,644,449  5,749,594 -5,145 5,744,449
    NZX 20 Ryman Healthcare 7,889.02 3.089 17.461 12/27/21 7.344 -57,933 137,747 79,814 5,724,263  5,691,661 132,602 5,824,263
  Buy USA Plug Power 20,643.05 7.214   5/22/23 8.165 148,921        5,840,582 -16,319  
    HSI-Prop Country Garden Svcs 57,097.23 1.304   6/17/24 0.603 74,461        5,915,042 -90,779  
    PSI 20 Greenvolt 22,326.99 6.670   9/11/23 6.020 148,921        6,063,963 -239,700  
    FT 30 Ocado 299.94 496.509   12/25/23 835.484 148,923        6,212,886 -388,623  
    DJUA AES 3,684.56 20.209   7/03/23 19.296 74,461        6,287,347 -463,084  
      Dominion Resources 1,479.34 50.334   7/03/23 48.180 74,461        6,361,807 -537,544  
    Nikkei (FRA) long Keisei El Railway 2,115.36 35.200   10/23/23 33.600 74,461        6,436,268 -612,005  
      Kobe Steel 9,797.43 7.600   10/23/23 10.800 74,460        6,510,728 -686,466  
    NZX 20 Fisher & Paykel HC 9,734.03 15.299   10/30/23 11.439 148,921        6,659,649 -835,386  
5/22/23 Sell USA short Plug Power 20,643.05 8.165 6.263 5/15/23 7.214 -148,921 129,289 -19,632 5,704,631  6,510,728 -706,097 5,804,631
    SSE 50 long China Petrol&Chem 149,320.67 0.831   5/01/23 0.885 -132,104 124,100 -8,004 5,696,628  6,378,624 -581,997 5,796,628
  Buy USA NVidia 4,522.09 28.829   6/17/24 122.270 130,365        6,508,989 -712,362  
    SSE 50 short LONGi Green Energy 29,726.37 4.386   7/31/23 3.797 130,365        6,639,354 -842,727  
5/29/23 Sell MDAX short Aroundtown 126,035.13 0.904 1.581 4/24/23 1.196 -150,675 199,262 48,587 5,745,214  6,488,679 -643,465 5,845,214
    HSI-Fin long China Life Ins HK 53,105.20 1.615   1/02/23 1.610 -85,510 85,744 234 5,745,448  6,403,169 -557,721 5,845,448
    TSX 60 Shopify 3,459.55 55.992   4/03/23 43.773 -151,433 193,707 42,274 5,787,721  6,251,736 -364,015 5,887,721
  Buy MDAX SMA Solar 1,369.96 100.800   6/05/23 93.200 138,092        6,389,828 -502,107  
    HSI-Fin short Hang Seng Bank 10,692.62 12.915   4/29/24 12.372 138,092        6,527,920 -640,199  
    TSX 60 Nutrien 2,607.41 52.961   1/01/24 51.001 138,092        6,666,012 -778,291  
6/05/23 Sell CAC 40 long Renault 4,256.24 33.320   2/13/23 41.535 -176,783 141,818 -34,965 5,752,756  6,489,229 -636,473 5,852,756
date B/S market l/s instrument pieces price prc short corresponding invest divest prf/loss acc p/l ∑ invest asset total
    MDAX SMA Solar 1,369.96 93.200   5/29/23 100.800 -138,092 127,680 -10,412 5,742,345  6,351,137 -508,792 5,842,345
  Buy CAC 40 short Teleperformance 960.99 138.750   3/18/24 85.040 133,337        6,484,475 -642,130  
    MDAX Aroundtown 130,276.50 1.024   6/12/23 1.096 133,338        6,617,813 -775,468  
6/12/23 Sell   short Aroundtown 130,276.50 1.096 0.952 6/05/23 1.024 -133,338 123,958 -9,380 5,732,965  6,484,475 -651,510 5,832,965
    Athex LC Hell Telecom OTE 11,128.14 14.900 12.180 4/24/23 13.540 -150,675 135,541 -15,134 5,717,831  6,333,800 -515,969 5,817,831
    CAC Next 20 long Sodexo 2,117.71 74.170   4/24/23 71.150 -150,675 157,071 6,395 5,724,226  6,183,124 -358,898 5,824,226
  Buy MDAX Gerresheimer 1,258.13 108.600   6/19/23 107.300 136,633        6,319,757 -495,531  
    Athex LC Piraeus Financial 45,544.33 3.000   9/04/23 3.060 136,633        6,456,390 -632,164  
    CAC Next 20 short Rémy Cointreau 945.23 144.550   7/24/23 145.550 136,633        6,593,023 -768,797  
6/19/23 Sell MDAX long Gerresheimer 1,258.13 107.300   6/12/23 108.600 -136,633 134,997 -1,636 5,722,590  6,456,390 -633,800 5,822,590
    BEL 20 Solvay 1,288.23 100.450   5/08/23 108.150 -139,322 129,403 -9,919 5,712,671  6,317,068 -504,397 5,812,671
  Buy MDAX short Aroundtown 124,899.76 1.063   6/26/23 1.093 132,706        6,449,774 -637,103  
    BEL 20 Proximus 18,701.52 7.096   5/06/24 7.015 132,706        6,582,480 -769,809  
6/26/23 Sell ATX long Raiffeisen Bank Int 4,627.44 13.810   1/16/23 16.800 -77,741 63,905 -13,836 5,698,835  6,504,739 -705,904 5,798,835
    MDAX short Aroundtown 124,899.76 1.093 1.032 6/19/23 1.063 -132,706 128,897 -3,809 5,695,026  6,372,033 -577,008 5,795,026
    OMXS 30 long AstraZeneca 269.86 131.605   10/17/22 115.183 -31,083 35,515 4,432 5,699,457  6,340,950 -541,493 5,799,457
      Autoliv 412.59 75.664   10/17/22 75.336 -31,083 31,218 135 5,699,593  6,309,867 -510,275 5,799,593
    Indices Merval 61.12 1,557.720   1/16/23 1,271.840 -77,735 95,208 17,473 5,717,066  6,232,132 -415,067 5,817,066
  Buy ATX short Lenzing 2,804.76 48.150   1/01/24 35.550 135,049        6,367,181 -550,116  
    MDAX long SMA Solar 1,317.55 102.500   8/21/23 73.100 135,049        6,502,230 -685,165  
    OMXS 30 short Telia Company 33,710.00 2.003   7/03/23 2.021 67,525        6,569,755 -752,689  
      SBB 228,354.75 0.296   7/03/23 0.350 67,525        6,637,279 -820,214  
    Indices OMXH 25 30.89 4,371.300   7/24/23 4,412.140 135,029        6,772,309 -955,243  
7/03/23 Sell OMXS 30 short Telia Company 33,710.00 2.021 1.985 6/26/23 2.003 -67,525 66,918 -607 5,716,459  6,704,784 -888,326 5,816,459
      SBB 228,354.75 0.350 0.241 6/26/23 0.296 -67,525 55,102 -12,423 5,704,036  6,637,260 -833,224 5,804,036
date B/S market l/s instrument pieces price prc short corresponding invest divest prf/loss acc p/l ∑ invest asset total
    DJUA AES 3,684.56 19.296 21.165 5/15/23 20.209 -74,461 77,983 3,523 5,707,559  6,562,799 -755,240 5,807,559
      Dominion Resources 1,479.34 48.180 52.583 5/15/23 50.334 -74,461 77,788 3,328 5,710,887  6,488,339 -677,452 5,810,887
  Buy OMXS 30 long ABB 1,809.48 35.462   8/21/23 33.962 64,168        6,552,506 -741,619  
      Hennes & Mauritz 4,108.43 15.619   8/21/23 13.665 64,168        6,616,674 -805,787  
    DJUA Edison International 1,014.14 63.273   9/04/23 63.361 64,167        6,680,841 -869,954  
      Atmos Energy 597.33 107.424   9/04/23 106.948 64,168        6,745,009 -934,122  
7/10/23 Buy SMI long Richemont 824.26 147.913   8/14/23 135.074 121,919        6,866,928 -1,056,041  
7/24/23 Sell CAC Next 20 short Rémy Cointreau 945.23 145.550 143.550 6/12/23 144.550 -136,633 135,688 -945 5,709,942  6,730,295 -920,353 5,809,942
    Indices OMXH 25 30.89 4,412.140 4,330.460 6/26/23 4,371.300 -135,029 133,768 -1,262 5,708,680  6,595,265 -786,585 5,808,680
  Buy SLI ams-OSRAM 18,896.48 6.644   6/17/24 1.371 125,552        6,720,817 -912,137  
    CAC Next 20 long Forvia 5,048.33 24.870   8/07/23 21.640 125,552        6,846,369 -1,037,689  
    Indices Merval 80.80 1,553.920   8/28/23 1,759.170 125,557        6,971,926 -1,163,246  
7/31/23 Sell S&P 100 short U.S. Bancorp 5,159.31 36.037 17.971 5/08/23 27.004 -139,322 92,716 -46,606 5,662,074  6,832,604 -1,070,529 5,762,074
    SSE 50 LONGi Green Energy 29,726.37 3.797 5.066 5/22/23 4.386 -130,365 150,585 20,220 5,682,294  6,702,239 -919,944 5,782,294
  Buy S&P 100 long NVidia 2,864.29 42.439   9/25/23 39.858 121,558        6,823,797 -1,041,503  
    SSE 50 PetroChina 120,677.06 1.007   8/14/23 0.989 121,558        6,945,355 -1,163,061  
8/07/23 Sell HDAX long SMA Solar 2,517.02 85.200   2/06/23 77.850 -195,950 214,450 18,500 5,700,794  6,749,405 -948,611 5,800,794
    OMXC 20 Genmab 180.14 341.039   12/12/22 437.115 -78,742 61,435 -17,307 5,683,487  6,670,663 -887,176 5,783,487
    CAC Next 20 Forvia 5,048.33 21.640   7/24/23 24.870 -125,552 109,246 -16,306 5,667,181  6,545,111 -777,930 5,767,181
  Buy HDAX short Adtran 19,124.66 6.522   3/04/24 5.542 124,731        6,669,842 -902,661  
    OMXC 20 Bavarian Nordic 6,050.38 20.615   12/04/23 22.172 124,731        6,794,573 -1,027,392  
    CAC Next 20 Sartorius Stedim 469.44 265.700   6/17/24 172.000 124,730        6,919,303 -1,152,122  
8/14/23 Sell SSE 50 long PetroChina 120,677.06 0.989   7/31/23 1.007 -121,558 119,301 -2,257 5,664,925  6,797,745 -1,032,821 5,764,925
    SMI Richemont 824.26 135.074   7/10/23 147.913 -121,919 111,336 -10,583 5,654,342  6,675,827 -921,485 5,754,342
  Buy SSE 50 short Foshan Haitian F&F 22,123.12 5.461   3/04/24 5.112 120,821        6,796,648 -1,042,306  
date B/S market l/s instrument pieces price prc short corresponding invest divest prf/loss acc p/l ∑ invest asset total
    SMI Roche 437.19 276.358   6/17/24 256.907 120,821        6,917,469 -1,163,127  
8/21/23 Sell MDAX long SMA Solar 1,317.55 73.100   6/26/23 102.500 -135,049 96,313 -38,736 5,615,606  6,782,420 -1,066,814 5,715,606
    FTSE Antofagasta 45.94 1,626.590   1/09/23 1,958.640 -89,980 74,726 -15,254 5,600,352  6,692,440 -992,088 5,700,352
    OMXS 30 ABB 1,809.48 33.962   7/03/23 35.462 -64,168 61,453 -2,715 5,597,637  6,628,272 -930,635 5,697,637
      Hennes & Mauritz 4,108.43 13.665   7/03/23 15.619 -64,168 56,142 -8,025 5,589,611  6,564,105 -874,493 5,689,611
  Buy FTSE short Fresnillo 201.70 596.805   12/11/23 672.332 120,376        6,684,480 -994,869  
    OMXS 30 NIBE Industrier 9,258.63 6.501   9/04/23 6.935 60,189        6,744,669 -1,055,057  
      SBB 216,739.29 0.278   9/04/23 0.301 60,189        6,804,857 -1,115,246  
8/28/23 Sell Indices long Merval 80.80 1,759.170   7/24/23 1,553.920 -125,557 142,141 16,584 5,606,196  6,679,300 -973,105 5,706,196
  Buy   short OMXH 25 27.56 4,294.210   12/04/23 4,357.270 118,348        6,797,649 -1,091,453  
9/04/23 Sell Athex LC long Piraeus Financial 45,544.33 3.060   6/12/23 3.000 -136,633 139,366 2,733 5,608,928  6,661,016 -952,088 5,708,928
    OMXS 30 short NIBE Industrier 9,258.63 6.935 6.067 8/21/23 6.501 -60,189 56,169 -4,019 5,604,909  6,600,827 -895,918 5,704,909
      SBB 216,739.29 0.301 0.254 8/21/23 0.278 -60,189 55,117 -5,072 5,599,837  6,540,639 -840,802 5,699,837
    DJUA long Edison International 1,014.14 63.361   7/03/23 63.273 -64,167 64,257 90 5,599,927  6,476,472 -776,544 5,699,927
      Atmos Energy 597.33 106.948   7/03/23 107.424 -64,168 63,883 -284 5,599,643  6,412,304 -712,661 5,699,643
  Buy Athex LC short Terna Energy 7,496.93 16.630   1/22/24 15.180 124,674        6,536,978 -837,335  
    OMXS 30 long Hennes & Mauritz 4,424.67 14.089   9/11/23 14.242 62,337        6,599,315 -899,672  
      Autoliv 689.66 90.388   9/11/23 92.420 62,337        6,661,651 -962,009  
    DJUA short AES 3,762.11 16.570   12/11/23 16.796 62,337        6,723,989 -1,024,346  
      Dominion Resources 1,405.68 44.347   12/11/23 44.338 62,337        6,786,326 -1,086,683  
9/11/23 Sell PSI 20 short Greenvolt 22,326.99 6.020 7.390 5/15/23 6.670 -148,921 165,001 16,080 5,615,723  6,637,404 -921,682 5,715,723
    OMXS 30 long Hennes & Mauritz 4,424.67 14.242   9/04/23 14.089 -62,337 63,017 680 5,616,403  6,575,068 -858,665 5,716,403
      Autoliv 689.66 92.420   9/04/23 90.388 -62,337 63,738 1,402 5,617,804  6,512,731 -794,926 5,717,804
  Buy PSI 20 Mota-Engil 37,984.88 3.240   9/18/23 3.130 123,071        6,635,802 -917,997  
    OMXS 30 short NIBE Industrier 9,364.57 6.571   11/27/23 5.550 61,536        6,697,337 -979,533  
date B/S market l/s instrument pieces price prc short corresponding invest divest prf/loss acc p/l ∑ invest asset total
      SBB 207,260.02 0.297   11/27/23 0.337 61,536        6,758,873 -1,041,068  
9/18/23 Sell PSI 20 long Mota-Engil 37,984.88 3.130   9/11/23 3.240 -123,071 118,893 -4,178 5,613,626  6,635,802 -922,176 5,713,626
  Buy   short EDP Renováveis 7,353.35 16.290   11/06/23 16.315 119,786        6,755,588 -1,041,962  
9/25/23 Sell S&P 100 long NVidia 2,864.29 39.858   7/31/23 42.439 -121,558 114,164 -7,394 5,606,232  6,634,030 -927,798 5,706,232
    DAX Münchener Rück 228.87 373.800   10/24/22 262.900 -60,170 85,552 25,382 5,631,613  6,573,860 -842,247 5,731,613
  Buy S&P 100 short Walgreens Boots 6,067.71 20.145   11/06/23 20.274 122,234        6,696,094 -964,481  
    DAX Zalando 5,508.52 22.190   11/20/23 23.560 122,234        6,818,328 -1,086,715  
10/16/23 Sell OBX 25 short Nordic Semiconductor 14,615.47 10.054 9.011 5/08/23 9.533 -139,322 131,694 -7,628 5,623,986  6,679,006 -955,020 5,723,986
10/23/23 Sell ASX 50 long Origin Energy 14,756.83 5.467   11/28/22 5.099 -75,251 80,670 5,419 5,629,404  6,603,755 -874,351 5,729,404
    MIB Unicredit 10,706.48 22.690   2/06/23 18.302 -195,950 242,930 46,980 5,676,384  6,407,805 -631,421 5,776,384
    Europe 50 BP 109.24 610.510   11/07/22 576.662 -62,995 66,692 3,698 5,680,082  6,344,810 -564,729 5,780,082
    Nikkei (FRA) Keisei El Railway 2,115.36 33.600   5/15/23 35.200 -74,461 71,076 -3,385 5,676,697  6,270,350 -493,653 5,776,697
      Kobe Steel 9,797.43 10.800   5/15/23 7.600 -74,460 105,812 31,352 5,708,049  6,195,889 -387,840 5,808,049
    QIX Hannover Rück 420.63 205.100   11/28/22 178.900 -75,251 86,271 11,021 5,719,070  6,120,639 -301,569 5,819,070
    SP Global 100 Münchener Rück 234.48 372.100   1/23/23 325.700 -76,370 87,250 10,880 5,729,949  6,044,268 -214,319 5,829,949
  Buy ASX 50 short Mineral Resources 4,181.67 33.573   11/06/23 36.711 140,390        6,184,658 -354,709  
    MIB CNH Industrial 13,307.11 10.550   1/08/24 11.080 140,390        6,325,048 -495,099  
    OBX 25 Tomra Systems 19,626.73 7.153   12/18/23 10.192 140,390        6,465,438 -635,489  
    Europe 50 Adyen 205.79 682.200   10/30/23 633.000 140,390        6,605,828 -775,879  
    Nikkei (FRA) Sumitomo Pharma 23,398.33 3.000   12/11/23 2.980 70,195        6,676,023 -846,074  
      Pacific Metals 9,422.15 7.450   12/11/23 7.350 70,195        6,746,218 -916,269  
    QIX Sartorius 599.44 234.200   12/04/23 288.000 140,389        6,886,607 -1,056,658  
    SP Global 100 Pfizer 4,856.21 28.909   12/11/23 26.650 140,390        7,026,997 -1,197,048  
10/30/23 Sell DJIA long Boeing 1,015.31 171.809   2/06/23 192.995 -195,950 174,439 -21,510 5,708,439  6,831,048 -1,022,609 5,808,439
    Europe 50 short Adyen 205.79 633.000 735.224 10/23/23 682.200 -140,390 151,302 10,912 5,719,351  6,690,658 -871,307 5,819,351
date B/S market l/s instrument pieces price prc short corresponding invest divest prf/loss acc p/l ∑ invest asset total
    NZX 20 long Fisher & Paykel HC 9,734.03 11.439   5/15/23 15.299 -148,921 111,346 -37,575 5,681,776  6,541,737 -759,961 5,781,776
    DJ Global Titans NVidia 6,477.62 38.782   3/27/23 24.578 -159,209 251,213 92,004 5,773,780  6,382,528 -508,748 5,873,780
  Buy DJIA short Walgreens Boots 6,746.63 19.880   1/29/24 21.005 134,125        6,516,653 -642,873  
    Europe 50 long Novo Nordisk 1,477.25 90.794   6/17/24 131.435 134,125        6,650,778 -776,998  
    NZX 20 short Skycity Entertainm. 131,831.14 1.017   12/25/23 1.036 134,125        6,784,903 -911,123  
    DJ Global Titans Pfizer 4,659.69 28.784   12/04/23 27.037 134,125        6,919,028 -1,045,248  
11/06/23 Sell S&P 100 short Walgreens Boots 6,067.71 20.274 20.016 9/25/23 20.145 -122,234 121,449 -785 5,772,995  6,796,794 -923,799 5,872,995
    ASX 50 Mineral Resources 4,181.67 36.711 30.434 10/23/23 33.573 -140,390 127,266 -13,124 5,759,871  6,656,404 -796,533 5,859,871
    PSI 20 EDP Renováveis 7,353.35 16.315 16.265 9/18/23 16.290 -119,786 119,602 -184 5,759,687  6,536,618 -676,930 5,859,687
  Buy S&P 100 long NVidia 3,040.95 42.608   6/17/24 122.270 129,568        6,666,186 -806,499  
    ASX 50 Xero 1,914.62 67.673   11/13/23 58.787 129,568        6,795,754 -936,067  
    PSI 20 Mota-Engil 41,198.09 3.145   11/13/23 3.255 129,568        6,925,322 -1,065,635  
11/13/23 Sell ASX 50 long Xero 1,914.62 58.787   11/06/23 67.673 -129,568 112,556 -17,012 5,742,675  6,795,754 -953,079 5,842,675
    PSI 20 Mota-Engil 41,198.09 3.255   11/06/23 3.145 -129,568 134,100 4,532 5,747,206  6,666,186 -818,979 5,847,207
  Buy ASX 50 short IGO 23,904.65 5.259   11/20/23 5.371 125,705        6,791,891 -944,684  
    PSI 20 EDP Renováveis 8,120.48 15.480   12/04/23 16.595 125,705        6,917,596 -1,070,389  
11/20/23 Sell ASX 50 short IGO 23,904.65 5.371 5.146 11/13/23 5.259 -125,705 123,013 -2,692 5,744,515  6,791,891 -947,376 5,844,515
    DAX Zalando 5,508.52 23.560 20.820 9/25/23 22.190 -122,234 114,687 -7,547 5,736,968  6,669,657 -832,689 5,836,968
  Buy ASX 50 long James Hardie Ind 4,296.28 29.120   11/27/23 28.218 125,106        6,794,763 -957,794  
    DAX Vonovia 4,908.04 25.490   6/17/24 26.310 125,106        6,919,869 -1,082,900  
11/27/23 Sell ASX 50 long James Hardie Ind 4,296.28 28.218   11/20/23 29.120 -125,106 121,233 -3,873 5,733,095  6,794,763 -961,668 5,833,095
    OMXS 30 short NIBE Industrier 9,364.57 5.550 7.781 9/11/23 6.571 -61,536 72,862 11,326 5,744,422  6,733,227 -888,806 5,844,422
      SBB 207,260.02 0.337 0.257 9/11/23 0.297 -61,536 53,183 -8,353 5,736,069  6,671,692 -835,623 5,836,069
    Nordic 30 Møller-Mærsk B 91.18 1,445.410 1,639.610 4/10/23 1,539.450 -140,367 149,500 9,133 5,745,202  6,531,325 -686,123 5,845,202
  Buy ASX 50 IGO 25,314.73 5.095   12/04/23 4.910 128,976        6,660,301 -815,099  
date B/S market l/s instrument pieces price prc short corresponding invest divest prf/loss acc p/l ∑ invest asset total
    OMXS 30 long Atlas Copco A 4,591.63 14.045   6/17/24 17.739 64,488        6,724,789 -879,587  
      Hennes & Mauritz 4,220.14 15.281   6/17/24 16.672 64,488        6,789,277 -944,075  
    Nordic 30 Novo Nordisk 1,354.18 95.243   6/17/24 131.435 128,976        6,918,252 -1,073,051  
12/04/23 Sell ASX 50 short IGO 25,314.73 4.910 5.287 11/27/23 5.095 -128,976 133,847 4,871 5,750,072  6,789,276 -939,204 5,850,072
    PSI 20 EDP Renováveis 8,120.48 16.595 14.365 11/13/23 15.480 -125,705 116,651 -9,054 5,741,018  6,663,571 -822,553 5,841,018
    OMXC 20 Bavarian Nordic 6,050.38 22.172 19.059 8/07/23 20.615 -124,731 115,315 -9,416 5,731,602  6,538,840 -707,238 5,831,602
    Indices OMXH 25 27.56 4,357.270 4,231.150 8/28/23 4,294.210 -118,348 116,610 -1,738 5,729,864  6,420,492 -590,628 5,829,864
    QIX Sartorius 599.44 288.000 180.400 10/23/23 234.200 -140,389 108,139 -32,250 5,697,614  6,280,103 -482,489 5,797,614
    DJ Global Titans Pfizer 4,659.69 27.037 30.644 10/30/23 28.784 -134,125 142,791 8,666 5,706,280  6,145,978 -339,698 5,806,280
  Buy ASX 50 long James Hardie Ind 4,495.70 30.399   12/11/23 30.024 136,664        6,282,642 -476,362  
    PSI 20 Mota-Engil 35,268.13 3.875   1/01/24 3.960 136,664        6,419,306 -613,026  
    OMXC 20 Pandora 1,107.74 123.372   6/17/24 140.685 136,664        6,555,970 -749,690  
    Indices Merval 63.43 2,154.400   6/17/24 1,637.390 136,654        6,692,623 -886,344  
    QIX Nemetschek 1,744.05 78.360   6/17/24 89.650 136,664        6,829,287 -1,023,007  
    DJ Global Titans NVidia 3,252.04 42.024   6/17/24 122.270 136,664        6,965,951 -1,159,671  
12/11/23 Sell ASX 50 long James Hardie Ind 4,495.70 30.024   12/04/23 30.399 -136,664 134,979 -1,685 5,704,595  6,829,287 -1,024,692 5,804,595
    IBEX 35 short Grifols 17,526.94 14.065 5.945 3/13/23 10.005 -175,357 104,198 -71,159 5,633,436  6,653,930 -920,494 5,733,436
    FTSE Fresnillo 201.70 672.332 521.279 8/21/23 596.805 -120,376 105,142 -15,234 5,618,202  6,533,555 -815,352 5,718,202
    DJUA AES 3,762.11 16.796 16.344 9/04/23 16.570 -62,337 61,488 -849 5,617,353  6,471,218 -753,865 5,717,353
      Dominion Resources 1,405.68 44.338 44.355 9/04/23 44.347 -62,337 62,348 11 5,617,364  6,408,881 -691,516 5,717,364
    Nikkei (FRA) Sumitomo Pharma 23,398.33 2.980 3.020 10/23/23 3.000 -70,195 70,665 470 5,617,835  6,338,686 -620,851 5,717,835
      Pacific Metals 9,422.15 7.350 7.551 10/23/23 7.450 -70,195 71,150 955 5,618,790  6,268,491 -549,701 5,718,790
    SP Global 100 Pfizer 4,856.21 26.650 31.361 10/23/23 28.909 -140,390 152,295 11,905 5,630,695  6,128,101 -397,406 5,730,695
  Buy ASX 50 IGO 27,237.29 4.895   12/18/23 4.895 133,332        6,261,433 -530,738  
    IBEX 35 long Rovi 2,341.21 56.950   1/01/24 60.200 133,332        6,394,765 -664,069  
date B/S market l/s instrument pieces price prc short corresponding invest divest prf/loss acc p/l ∑ invest asset total
    FTSE Rolls-Royce 384.74 346.554   6/17/24 545.788 133,333        6,528,098 -797,403  
    DJUA PSEG 1,137.59 58.603   1/15/24 55.084 66,666        6,594,764 -864,069  
      Southern 1,004.00 66.401   1/15/24 65.221 66,666        6,661,430 -930,735  
    Nikkei (FRA) Screen 938.96 71.000   1/01/24 75.500 66,666        6,728,096 -997,401  
      Tokyo Electric Power 11,745.24 5.676   1/01/24 4.643 66,666        6,794,762 -1,064,067  
    SP Global 100 Intel 3,217.12 41.445   6/17/24 28.920 133,332        6,928,094 -1,197,399  
12/18/23 Sell ASX 50 short IGO 27,237.29 4.895 4.895 12/11/23 4.895 -133,332 133,332 0 5,630,695  6,794,762 -1,064,067  
    OBX 25 Tomra Systems 19,626.73 10.192 4.114 10/23/23 7.153 -140,390 80,740 -59,650 5,571,045  6,654,372 -983,326 5,671,046
  Buy ASX 50 long James Hardie Ind 3,903.26 30.024   6/17/24 29.727 117,192        6,771,564 -1,100,518  
    OBX 25 Schibsted A 4,387.13 26.713   12/25/23 25.931 117,192        6,888,756 -1,217,710  
12/25/23 Sell France short Orpea 51.81 15.200 475,705.000 5/08/23 2,689.000 -139,317 24,646,276 24,506,959 30,078,004  6,749,439 23,428,566 30,178,004
    OMXH 25 Telia Company 75,872.53 2.321 2.339 2/13/23 2.330 -176,783 177,466 683 30,078,687  6,572,656 23,606,031 30,178,687
    OBX 25 long Schibsted A 4,387.13 25.931   12/18/23 26.713 -117,192 113,761 -3,431 30,075,257  6,455,464 23,719,793 30,175,257
    FT 30 short Ocado 299.94 835.484 157.535 5/15/23 496.509 -148,923 47,251 -101,672 29,973,585  6,306,541 23,767,044 30,073,585
    NZX 20 Skycity Entertainm. 131,831.14 1.036 0.999 10/30/23 1.017 -134,125 131,633 -2,492 29,971,093  6,172,416 23,898,677 30,071,093
    Nikkei (TYO) long Kobe Steel 22,464.62 11.072   3/27/23 7.087 -159,209 248,726 89,517 30,060,610  6,013,207 24,147,403 30,160,610
  Buy France UnibailRodaWestfield 20,215.90 67.160   6/17/24 70.560 1,357,700        7,370,907 22,789,703  
    OMXH 25 Wärtsilä 102,467.92 13.250   3/04/24 14.315 1,357,700        8,728,607 21,432,003  
    OBX 25 short Nel 2,259,068.22 0.601   5/13/24 0.487 1,357,700        10,086,307 20,074,303  
    FT 30 long Wise 1,351.40 1,004.660   1/01/24 1,005.440 1,357,698        11,444,004 18,716,606  
    NZX 20 Xero 19,979.60 67.954   3/04/24 81.311 1,357,700        12,801,704 17,358,906  
    Nikkei (TYO) short Toho Zinc 201,588.72 6.735   1/01/24 7.196 1,357,700        14,159,404 16,001,206  
1/01/24 Sell ATX short Lenzing 2,804.76 35.550 65.216 6/26/23 48.150 -135,049 182,915 47,865 30,108,476  14,024,355 16,184,121 30,208,476
    IBEX 35 long Rovi 2,341.21 60.200   12/11/23 56.950 -133,332 140,941 7,609 30,116,085  13,891,023 16,325,062 30,216,085
    TSX 60 short Nutrien 2,607.41 51.001 54.997 5/29/23 52.961 -138,092 143,401 5,308 30,121,393  13,752,931 16,468,462 30,221,393
date B/S market l/s instrument pieces price prc short corresponding invest divest prf/loss acc p/l ∑ invest asset total
    PSI 20 long Mota-Engil 35,268.13 3.960   12/04/23 3.875 -136,664 139,662 2,998 30,124,391  13,616,267 16,608,124 30,224,391
    FT 30 Wise 1,351.40 1,005.440   12/25/23 1,004.660 -1,357,698 1,358,752 1,054 30,125,445  12,258,569 17,966,876 30,225,445
    Nikkei (FRA) Screen 938.96 75.500   12/11/23 71.000 -66,666 70,891 4,225 30,129,670  12,191,903 18,037,767 30,229,670
      Tokyo Electric Power 11,745.24 4.643   12/11/23 5.676 -66,666 54,533 -12,133 30,117,537  12,125,237 18,092,300 30,217,537
    Nikkei (TYO) short Toho Zinc 201,588.72 7.196 6.274 12/25/23 6.735 -1,357,700 1,264,848 -92,852 30,024,686  10,767,537 19,357,149 30,124,686
  Buy Germany long Morphosys 36,383.68 34.000   6/17/24 66.250 1,237,045        12,004,582 18,120,103  
    ATX Immofinanz 58,766.98 21.050   6/17/24 24.000 1,237,045        13,241,627 16,883,058  
    IBEX 35 short Unicaja Banco 1,389,938.20 0.890   1/08/24 0.938 1,237,045        14,478,672 15,646,013  
    TSX 60 long Shopify 17,551.99 70.479   6/17/24 62.036 1,237,045        15,715,717 14,408,969  
    PSI 20 short NOS 386,576.56 3.200   1/08/24 3.312 1,237,045        16,952,762 13,171,924  
    FT 30 Burberry Group 759.41 1,628.950   1/08/24 1,618.960 1,237,041        18,189,803 11,934,883  
    Nikkei (FRA) Toho Zinc 88,360.36 7.000   1/08/24 7.150 618,523        18,808,325 11,316,360  
      Yamaha 29,880.31 20.700   1/08/24 20.540 618,522        19,426,848 10,697,838  
    Nikkei (TYO) long Screen 16,240.54 76.170   6/17/24 87.101 1,237,045        20,663,893 9,460,793  
1/08/24 Sell MIB short CNH Industrial 13,307.11 11.080 10.020 10/23/23 10.550 -140,390 133,337 -7,053 30,017,633  20,523,503 9,594,130 30,117,633
    IBEX 35 Unicaja Banco 1,389,938.20 0.938 0.843 1/01/24 0.890 -1,237,045 1,171,023 -66,022 29,951,611  19,286,458 10,765,153 30,051,611
    PSI 20 NOS 386,576.56 3.312 3.088 1/01/24 3.200 -1,237,045 1,193,748 -43,297 29,908,314  18,049,413 11,958,901 30,008,314
    FT 30 Burberry Group 759.41 1,618.960 1,639.000 1/01/24 1,628.950 -1,237,041 1,244,673 7,632 29,915,946  16,812,372 13,203,574 30,015,946
    Nikkei (FRA) Toho Zinc 88,360.36 7.150 6.850 1/01/24 7.000 -618,523 605,268 -13,254 29,902,692  16,193,850 13,808,843 30,002,692
      Yamaha 29,880.31 20.540 20.861 1/01/24 20.700 -618,522 623,339 4,817 29,907,509  15,575,327 14,432,182 30,007,509
  Buy MIB long Leonardo 67,867.56 16.370   6/17/24 21.790 1,110,992        16,686,319 13,321,190  
    IBEX 35 Rovi 17,991.77 61.750   1/22/24 64.250 1,110,992        17,797,311 12,210,198  
    PSI 20 Mota-Engil 255,107.23 4.355   1/15/24 4.660 1,110,992        18,908,303 11,099,206  
    FT 30 Wise 1,129.25 983.828   1/15/24 1,021.630 1,110,988        20,019,291 9,988,218  
    Nikkei (FRA) Screen 7,557.77 73.500   2/19/24 111.000 555,496        20,574,787 9,432,722  
date B/S market l/s instrument pieces price prc short corresponding invest divest prf/loss acc p/l ∑ invest asset total
      Kawasaki Kisen 40,021.33 13.880   2/19/24 14.333 555,496        21,130,283 8,877,226  
1/15/24 Sell PSI 20 long Mota-Engil 255,107.23 4.660   1/08/24 4.355 -1,110,992 1,188,800 77,808 29,985,317  20,019,291 10,066,026 30,085,317
    FT 30 Wise 1,129.25 1,021.630   1/08/24 983.828 -1,110,988 1,153,676 42,688 30,028,005  18,908,303 11,219,701 30,128,005
    DJUA PSEG 1,137.59 55.084   12/11/23 58.603 -66,666 62,663 -4,003 30,024,002  18,841,637 11,282,365 30,124,002
      Southern 1,004.00 65.221   12/11/23 66.401 -66,666 65,482 -1,184 30,022,817  18,774,971 11,347,846 30,122,817
    Topix (FRA) short Softbank Group 1,009.24 40.330 60.890 9/20/21 49.555 -50,013 61,453 11,440 30,034,257  18,724,958 11,409,299 30,134,257
  Buy PSI 20 NOS 316,642.68 3.280   3/25/24 3.548 1,038,588        19,763,546 10,370,711  
    FT 30 Burberry Group 736.95 1,409.300   1/29/24 1,575.420 1,038,584        20,802,130 9,332,127  
    DJUA NextEra Energy 9,316.08 55.742   5/06/24 66.106 519,294        21,321,424 8,812,833  
      Exelon 15,765.28 32.939   5/06/24 34.839 519,294        21,840,718 8,293,539  
    Topix (FRA) long Lasertec 4,711.52 220.436   3/04/24 255.533 1,038,589        22,879,307 7,254,950  
1/22/24 Sell IBEX 35 long Rovi 17,991.77 64.250   1/08/24 61.750 -1,110,992 1,155,971 44,979 30,079,237  21,768,315 8,410,922 30,179,237
    Athex LC short Terna Energy 7,496.93 15.180 18.219 9/04/23 16.630 -124,674 136,583 11,909 30,091,145  21,643,641 8,547,505 30,191,145
  Buy IBEX 35 Grifols 109,853.22 8.816   5/13/24 9.800 968,466        22,612,107 7,579,039  
    Athex LC long Public Power 79,123.04 12.240   4/15/24 11.320 968,466        23,580,573 6,610,573  
1/29/24 Sell DJIA short Walgreens Boots 6,746.63 21.005 18.756 10/30/23 19.880 -134,125 126,540 -7,585 30,083,560  23,446,448 6,737,112 30,183,560
    ISEQ 20 Irish Residential 80,549.47 1.170 0.710 4/03/23 0.940 -75,717 57,190 -18,526 30,065,034  23,370,731 6,794,302 30,165,034
      Uniphar 24,906.74 2.635 3.507 4/03/23 3.040 -75,716 87,353 11,636 30,076,670  23,295,015 6,881,655 30,176,670
    FT 30 Burberry Group 736.95 1,575.420 1,243.180 1/15/24 1,409.300 -1,038,584 916,162 -122,422 29,954,248  22,256,431 7,797,817 30,054,248
  Buy DJIA long 3,555.85 266.125   6/17/24 215.152 946,301        23,202,732 6,851,516  
    ISEQ 20 Ryanair 24,189.70 19.560   2/12/24 19.990 473,151        23,675,882 6,378,366  
      Cairn Homes 328,121.01 1.442   2/12/24 1.506 473,151        24,149,033 5,905,215  
    FT 30 3i Group 331.56 2,854.060   2/05/24 2,732.670 946,292        25,095,325 4,958,923  
2/05/24 Sell   long 3i Group 331.56 2,732.670   1/29/24 2,854.060 -946,292 906,044 -40,248 29,914,000  24,149,033 5,864,967 30,014,000
  Buy   short Burberry Group 595.44 1,506.410   2/12/24 1,565.360 896,977        25,046,010 4,967,990  
date B/S market l/s instrument pieces price prc short corresponding invest divest prf/loss acc p/l ∑ invest asset total
2/12/24 Sell AEX short NN 4,949.39 37.190 33.670 3/13/23 35.430 -175,357 166,646 -8,711 29,905,289  24,870,653 5,134,636 30,005,289
    ISEQ 20 long Ryanair 24,189.70 19.990   1/29/24 19.560 -473,151 483,552 10,402 29,915,691  24,397,502 5,618,188 30,015,691
      Cairn Homes 328,121.01 1.506   1/29/24 1.442 -473,151 494,150 21,000 29,936,690  23,924,352 6,112,339 30,036,690
    FT 30 short Burberry Group 595.44 1,565.360 1,447.470 2/05/24 1,506.410 -896,977 861,882 -35,095 29,901,595  23,027,375 6,974,220 30,001,595
    CAC Mid 60 Orpea 75.81 13.200 334,091.000 3/27/23 2,100.000 -159,201 25,327,439 25,168,238 55,069,833  22,868,174 32,301,659 55,169,833
  Buy AEX long BE Semiconductor 13,783.72 158.650   6/17/24 153.900 2,186,787        25,054,961 30,114,872  
    ISEQ 20 short permanent tsb 662,662.73 1.650   3/25/24 1.340 1,093,394        26,148,355 29,021,478  
      Greencoat Renewables 1,271,387.79 0.860   3/25/24 0.865 1,093,394        27,241,748 27,928,085  
    FT 30 long Wise 2,194.92 996.296   3/04/24 1,071.860 2,186,790        29,428,538 25,741,295  
    CAC Mid 60 Eurazeo 28,017.77 78.050   4/22/24 81.950 2,186,787        31,615,325 23,554,508  
2/19/24 Sell Nikkei (FRA) long Screen 7,557.77 111.000   1/08/24 73.500 -555,496 838,912 283,416 55,353,249  31,059,829 24,393,420 55,453,249
      Kawasaki Kisen 40,021.33 14.333   1/08/24 13.880 -555,496 573,638 18,142 55,371,391  30,504,333 24,967,058 55,471,391
  Buy   short Sumitomo Pharma 448,875.22 2.240   3/04/24 2.180 1,005,480        31,509,813 23,961,578  
      Toho Zinc 155,888.45 6.450   3/04/24 6.000 1,005,481        32,515,294 22,956,097  
    BAX long Morphosys 30,711.07 65.480   6/17/24 66.250 2,010,961        34,526,255 20,945,136  
3/04/24 Sell SSE 50 short Foshan Haitian F&F 22,123.12 5.112 5.835 8/14/23 5.461 -120,821 129,088 8,267 55,379,658  34,405,434 21,074,225 55,479,658
    HDAX Adtran 19,124.66 5.542 7.675 8/07/23 6.522 -124,731 146,788 22,056 55,401,715  34,280,703 21,221,012 55,501,715
    OMXH 25 long Wärtsilä 102,467.92 14.315   12/25/23 13.250 -1,357,700 1,466,828 109,128 55,510,843  32,923,003 22,687,840 55,610,843
    FT 30 Wise 2,194.92 1,071.860   2/12/24 996.296 -2,186,790 2,352,647 165,857 55,676,700  30,736,213 25,040,487 55,776,700
    Nikkei (FRA) short Sumitomo Pharma 448,875.22 2.180 2.302 2/19/24 2.240 -1,005,480 1,033,176 27,696 55,704,396  29,730,732 26,073,663 55,804,396
      Toho Zinc 155,888.45 6.000 6.934 2/19/24 6.450 -1,005,481 1,080,899 75,419 55,779,814  28,725,252 27,154,563 55,879,814
    NZX 20 long Xero 19,979.60 81.311   12/25/23 67.954 -1,357,700 1,624,563 266,864 56,046,678  27,367,552 28,779,126 56,146,678
    Topix (FRA) Lasertec 4,711.52 255.533   1/15/24 220.436 -1,038,589 1,203,949 165,360 56,212,038  26,328,963 29,983,075 56,312,038
  Buy SSE 50 Shaanxi Coal 629,560.23 3.427   3/18/24 3.111 2,157,377        28,486,340 27,825,698  
    HDAX Morphosys 33,078.46 65.220   6/17/24 66.250 2,157,377        30,643,718 25,668,321  
date B/S market l/s instrument pieces price prc short corresponding invest divest prf/loss acc p/l ∑ invest asset total
    OMXH 25 short Neste 86,295.08 25.000   6/17/24 17.440 2,157,377        32,801,095 23,510,944  
    FT 30 Burberry Group 1,468.85 1,468.750   3/11/24 1,462.490 2,157,373        34,958,468 21,353,570  
    Nikkei (FRA) long Screen 9,141.43 118.000   6/17/24 85.520 1,078,689        36,037,157 20,274,881  
      Mitsui Eng & Ship 92,990.39 11.600   6/17/24 8.050 1,078,689        37,115,845 19,196,193  
    NZX 20 short Ryman Healthcare 837,068.64 2.577   6/17/24 2.083 2,157,377        39,273,222 17,038,816  
    Topix (FRA) Eisai 57,103.68 37.780   6/17/24 37.330 2,157,377        41,430,599 14,881,439  
3/11/24 Sell FT 30 short Burberry Group 1,468.85 1,462.490 1,475.040 3/04/24 1,468.750 -2,157,373 2,166,613 9,239 56,221,277  39,273,226 17,048,051 56,321,277
  Buy   long Wise 1,743.09 1,052.290   3/18/24 1,106.580 1,834,236        41,107,462 15,213,815  
3/18/24 Sell SSE 50 long Shaanxi Coal 629,560.23 3.111   3/04/24 3.427 -2,157,377 1,958,310 -199,067 56,022,210  38,950,085 17,172,125 56,122,210
    CAC 40 short Teleperformance 960.99 85.040 226.382 6/05/23 138.750 -133,337 217,551 84,213 56,106,424  38,816,748 17,389,676 56,206,424
    FT 30 long Wise 1,743.09 1,106.580   3/11/24 1,052.290 -1,834,236 1,928,869 94,632 56,201,056  36,982,511 19,318,545 56,301,056
  Buy SSE 50 short WuXi AppTec 276,966.46 6.826   3/25/24 6.258 1,890,490        38,873,001 17,428,055  
    CAC 40 long Stellantis 72,294.07 26.150   4/29/24 23.210 1,890,490        40,763,491 15,537,565  
    FT 30 short Burberry Group 1,285.65 1,470.450   3/25/24 1,399.110 1,890,484        42,653,975 13,647,081  
3/25/24 Sell SSE 50 short WuXi AppTec 276,966.46 6.258 7.444 3/18/24 6.826 -1,890,490 2,061,849 171,359 56,372,415  40,763,485 15,708,930 56,472,415
    SDAX Grand City 21,029.66 9.915 3.435 4/10/23 6.675 -140,373 72,237 -68,136 56,304,279  40,623,112 15,781,167 56,404,279
    ISEQ 20 permanent tsb 662,662.73 1.340 2.032 2/12/24 1.650 -1,093,394 1,346,332 252,938 56,557,218  39,529,719 17,127,499 56,657,218
      Greencoat Renewables 1,271,387.79 0.865 0.855 2/12/24 0.860 -1,093,394 1,087,037 -6,357 56,550,861  38,436,325 18,214,535 56,650,861
    PSI 20 NOS 316,642.68 3.548 3.012 1/15/24 3.280 -1,038,588 953,728 -84,860 56,466,000  37,397,737 19,168,263 56,566,000
    FT 30 Burberry Group 1,285.65 1,399.110 1,545.430 3/18/24 1,470.450 -1,890,484 1,986,882 96,398 56,562,398  35,507,253 21,155,145 56,662,398
  Buy SSE 50 long Shaanxi Coal 584,865.47 3.326   6/17/24 3.483 1,945,438        37,452,691 19,209,707  
    SDAX Morphosys 28,967.21 67.160   4/01/24 67.200 1,945,438        39,398,129 17,264,269  
    ISEQ 20 Ryanair 46,474.87 20.930   4/01/24 21.030 972,719        40,370,848 16,291,550  
      Cairn Homes 621,943.09 1.564   4/01/24 1.596 972,719        41,343,567 15,318,831  
    PSI 20 Mota-Engil 399,473.92 4.870   4/01/24 4.815 1,945,438        43,289,005 13,373,393  
date B/S market l/s instrument pieces price prc short corresponding invest divest prf/loss acc p/l ∑ invest asset total
    FT 30 3i Group 597.59 3,255.460   4/08/24 3,290.980 1,945,430        45,234,436 11,427,963  
4/01/24 Sell SDAX long Morphosys 28,967.21 67.200   3/25/24 67.160 -1,945,438 1,946,597 1,159 56,563,557  43,288,998 13,374,559 56,663,557
    ISEQ 20 Ryanair 46,474.87 21.030   3/25/24 20.930 -972,719 977,367 4,647 56,568,205  42,316,279 14,351,926 56,668,205
      Cairn Homes 621,943.09 1.596   3/25/24 1.564 -972,719 992,621 19,902 56,588,107  41,343,560 15,344,547 56,688,107
    PSI 20 Mota-Engil 399,473.92 4.815   3/25/24 4.870 -1,945,438 1,923,467 -21,971 56,566,136  39,398,122 17,268,014 56,666,136
  Buy SDAX short Verbio 87,807.74 21.050   6/17/24 19.960 1,848,353        41,246,475 15,419,661  
    ISEQ 20 permanent tsb 672,128.36 1.375   6/17/24 1.360 924,177        42,170,651 14,495,484  
      FD Technologies 64,627.73 14.300   6/17/24 15.900 924,177        43,094,828 13,571,308  
    PSI 20 EDP Renováveis 147,337.82 12.545   4/08/24 12.160 1,848,353        44,943,181 11,722,955  
4/08/24 Sell   short EDP Renováveis 147,337.82 12.160 12.942 4/01/24 12.545 -1,848,353 1,906,876 58,523 56,624,658  43,094,828 13,629,831 56,724,658
    ÖkoDAX (deprecated) Verbio 3,585.79 20.280 97.207 3/27/23 44.400 -159,209 348,564 189,355 56,814,013  42,935,619 13,978,395 56,914,013
    FT 30 long 3i Group 597.59 3,290.980   3/25/24 3,255.460 -1,945,430 1,966,657 21,226 56,835,240  40,990,188 15,945,051 56,935,240
  Buy PSI 20 Mota-Engil 383,903.71 4.746   4/15/24 4.412 1,822,007        42,812,195 14,123,044  
    ÖkoDAX (deprecated) Nordex 147,530.93 12.350   6/17/24 12.500 1,822,007        44,634,202 12,301,037  
    FT 30 short Ocado 4,166.67 437.281   4/22/24 415.608 1,822,006        46,456,208 10,479,032  
4/15/24 Sell PSI 20 long Mota-Engil 383,903.71 4.412   4/08/24 4.746 -1,822,007 1,693,783 -128,224 56,707,016  44,634,201 12,172,815 56,807,016
    Athex LC Public Power 79,123.04 11.320   1/22/24 12.240 -968,466 895,673 -72,793 56,634,223  43,665,735 13,068,488 56,734,223
  Buy PSI 20 short EDP Renováveis 136,868.00 12.750   4/22/24 12.730 1,745,067        45,410,802 11,323,421  
    Athex LC EYDAP 311,619.11 5.600   6/17/24 5.630 1,745,067        47,155,869 9,578,354  
4/22/24 Sell PSI 20 short EDP Renováveis 136,868.00 12.730 12.770 4/15/24 12.750 -1,745,067 1,747,804 2,737 56,636,960  45,410,802 11,326,158 56,736,960
    FT 30 Ocado 4,166.67 415.608 460.085 4/08/24 437.281 -1,822,006 1,917,022 95,017 56,731,977  43,588,796 13,243,181 56,831,977
    CAC Mid 60 long Eurazeo 28,017.77 81.950   2/12/24 78.050 -2,186,787 2,296,056 109,269 56,841,246  41,402,009 15,539,237 56,941,246
  Buy PSI 20 Galp Energia 93,644.03 19.350   6/17/24 18.915 1,812,012        43,214,021 13,727,225  
    FT 30 3i Group 549.43 3,297.960   4/29/24 3,368.880 1,811,998        45,026,020 11,915,227  
    CAC Mid 60 short Orpea 146,935.78 12.332   5/13/24 13.418 1,812,012        46,838,032 10,103,215  
date B/S market l/s instrument pieces price prc short corresponding invest divest prf/loss acc p/l ∑ invest asset total
4/29/24 Sell HSI short 9,436.36 14.064 18.129 4/24/23 15.968 -150,675 171,067 20,392 56,861,638  46,687,357 10,274,282 56,961,638
    CAC 40 long Stellantis 72,294.07 23.210   3/18/24 26.150 -1,890,490 1,677,945 -212,545 56,649,094  44,796,867 11,952,227 56,749,094
    HSI-Fin short Hang Seng Bank 10,692.62 12.372 13.482 5/29/23 12.915 -138,092 144,154 6,062 56,655,155  44,658,775 12,096,381 56,755,155
    FT 30 long 3i Group 549.43 3,368.880   4/22/24 3,297.960 -1,811,998 1,850,964 38,966 56,694,121  42,846,776 13,947,344 56,794,121
  Buy HSI China Hongqiao 1,386,760.76 1.275   6/17/24 1.411 1,768,536        44,615,312 12,178,808  
    CAC 40 short Teleperformance 19,760.18 89.500   6/17/24 96.740 1,768,536        46,383,849 10,410,272  
    HSI-Fin long Bank of China 4,088,155.34 0.433   6/17/24 0.452 1,768,536        48,152,385 8,641,736  
    FT 30 short Ocado 4,246.67 416.452   5/13/24 398.017 1,768,534        49,920,919 6,873,202  
5/06/24 Sell BEL 20 short Proximus 18,701.52 7.015 7.178 6/19/23 7.096 -132,706 134,238 1,532 56,695,652  49,788,213 7,007,440 56,795,652
    DJUA NextEra Energy 9,316.08 66.106 45.378 1/15/24 55.742 -519,294 422,742 -96,552 56,599,101  49,268,919 7,430,182 56,699,101
      Exelon 15,765.28 34.839 31.039 1/15/24 32.939 -519,294 489,345 -29,949 56,569,151  48,749,624 7,919,527 56,669,151
  Buy BEL 20 long UCB 13,534.92 119.300   6/17/24 137.200 1,614,716        50,364,340 6,304,811  
    DJUA NextEra Energy 12,213.14 66.106   6/17/24 67.501 807,358        51,171,699 5,497,453  
      PSEG 12,197.73 66.189   6/17/24 68.211 807,358        51,979,057 4,690,095  
5/13/24 Sell IBEX 35 short Grifols 109,853.22 9.800 7.832 1/22/24 8.816 -968,466 860,370 -108,096 56,461,056  51,010,591 5,550,465 56,561,056
    HSI-C&I 8,628.30 15.336 17.001 5/08/23 16.147 -139,322 146,690 7,368 56,468,423  50,871,269 5,697,155 56,568,423
    OBX 25 Nel 2,259,068.22 0.487 0.741 12/25/23 0.601 -1,357,700 1,674,195 316,495 56,784,919  49,513,569 7,371,350 56,884,919
    FT 30 Ocado 4,246.67 398.017 435.741 4/29/24 416.452 -1,768,534 1,850,448 81,914 56,866,833  47,745,034 9,221,799 56,966,833
    CAC Mid 60 Orpea 146,935.78 13.418 11.246 4/22/24 12.332 -1,812,012 1,652,440 -159,572 56,707,261  45,933,022 10,874,238 56,807,261
    GCX bioMérieux 552.34 97.000 86.640 6/21/21 91.820 -50,716 47,855 -2,861 56,704,400  45,882,306 10,922,093 56,804,400
  Buy IBEX 35 long Banco Sabadell 907,132.07 1.867   6/10/24 1.900 1,693,162        47,575,469 9,228,931  
    HSI-C&I China Hongqiao 1,207,676.18 1.402   6/17/24 1.411 1,693,162        49,268,631 7,535,769  
    OBX 25 Golden Ocean Group 122,510.91 13.821   6/17/24 11.941 1,693,162        50,961,793 5,842,607  
    FT 30 NatWest 4,546.45 372.414   6/17/24 364.174 1,693,162        52,654,954 4,149,445  
    CAC Mid 60 Eramet 16,583.37 102.100   6/17/24 96.650 1,693,162        54,348,116 2,456,283  
date B/S market l/s instrument pieces price prc short corresponding invest divest prf/loss acc p/l ∑ invest asset total
    GCX Interface 114,684.90 14.764   5/27/24 14.424 1,693,162        56,041,278 763,121  
5/27/24 Sell   long Interface 114,684.90 14.424   5/13/24 14.764 -1,693,162 1,654,261 -38,901 56,665,498  54,348,116 2,417,382 56,765,498
  Buy   short SunPower 550,108.57 2.690   6/17/24 2.502 1,479,572        55,827,688 937,810  
6/10/24 Sell IBEX 35 long Banco Sabadell 907,132.07 1.900   5/13/24 1.867 -1,693,162 1,723,551 30,389 56,695,887  54,134,526 2,661,361 56,795,887
  Buy   short Grifols 163,021.61 9.118   6/17/24 9.146 1,486,431        55,620,957 1,174,930  
6/17/24 Sell USA long NVidia 4,522.09 122.270   5/22/23 28.829 -130,365 552,916 422,551 57,118,438  55,490,592 1,727,846 57,218,438
    DJIA 3,555.85 215.152   1/29/24 266.125 -946,301 765,048 -181,252 56,937,186  54,544,292 2,492,894 57,037,186
    S&P 100 NVidia 3,040.95 122.270   11/06/23 42.608 -129,568 371,817 242,249 57,179,435  54,414,723 2,864,711 57,279,435
    Nasdaq 100 Vertex 201.03 442.189   10/03/22 303.497 -61,012 88,893 27,881 57,207,316  54,353,711 2,953,604 57,307,316
    Euro 50 Deutsche Börse 187.22 186.100   8/08/22 174.750 -32,717 34,842 2,125 57,209,441  54,320,995 2,988,446 57,309,441
      TotalEnergies 656.70 62.000   8/08/22 49.820 -32,717 40,715 7,999 57,217,439  54,288,278 3,029,162 57,317,439
    France UnibailRodaWestfield 20,215.90 70.560   12/25/23 67.160 -1,357,700 1,426,434 68,734 57,286,174  52,930,578 4,455,595 57,386,174
    Germany Morphosys 36,383.68 66.250   1/01/24 34.000 -1,237,045 2,410,419 1,173,374 58,459,547  51,693,533 6,866,014 58,559,547
    SSE 50 Shaanxi Coal 584,865.47 3.483   3/25/24 3.326 -1,945,438 2,037,262 91,824 58,551,371  49,748,095 8,903,276 58,651,371
    HSI China Hongqiao 1,386,760.76 1.411   4/29/24 1.275 -1,768,536 1,956,303 187,767 58,739,138  47,979,559 10,859,580 58,839,138
    Kospi 50 Samsung SDI 122.62 257.572   11/14/22 554.662 -68,013 31,583 -36,429 58,702,709  47,911,546 10,891,163 58,802,709
    ASX 50 James Hardie Ind 3,903.26 29.727   12/18/23 30.024 -117,192 116,031 -1,160 58,701,549  47,794,354 11,007,194 58,801,549
    ATX Immofinanz 58,766.98 24.000   1/01/24 21.050 -1,237,045 1,410,408 173,363 58,874,911  46,557,310 12,417,602 58,974,911
    CAC 40 short Teleperformance 19,760.18 96.740 82.260 4/29/24 89.500 -1,768,536 1,625,472 -143,064 58,731,848  44,788,773 14,043,074 58,831,848
    DAX long Vonovia 4,908.04 26.310   11/20/23 25.490 -125,106 129,131 4,025 58,735,872  44,663,667 14,172,205 58,835,872
    TecDAX short Morphosys 627.09 66.250 101.742 3/08/21 82.100 -51,484 63,801 12,317 58,748,190  44,612,183 14,236,006 58,848,190
    SDAX Verbio 87,807.74 19.960 22.200 4/01/24 21.050 -1,848,353 1,949,288 100,935 58,849,125  42,763,830 16,185,294 58,949,125
    HDAX long Morphosys 33,078.46 66.250   3/04/24 65.220 -2,157,377 2,191,448 34,071 58,883,195  40,606,453 18,376,742 58,983,195
    MIB Leonardo 67,867.56 21.790   1/08/24 16.370 -1,110,992 1,478,834 367,842 59,251,038  39,495,461 19,855,576 59,351,038
    AEX BE Semiconductor 13,783.72 153.900   2/12/24 158.650 -2,186,787 2,121,315 -65,473 59,185,565  37,308,674 21,976,891 59,285,565
date B/S market l/s instrument pieces price prc short corresponding invest divest prf/loss acc p/l ∑ invest asset total
    IBEX 35 short Grifols 163,021.61 9.146 9.090 6/10/24 9.118 -1,486,431 1,481,866 -4,565 59,181,000  35,822,243 23,458,757 59,281,000
    FTSE long Rolls-Royce 384.74 545.788   12/11/23 346.554 -133,333 209,986 76,653 59,257,654  35,688,910 23,668,744 59,357,654
    HSI-Fin Bank of China 4,088,155.34 0.452   4/29/24 0.433 -1,768,536 1,847,437 78,901 59,336,555  33,920,374 25,516,181 59,436,555
    HSI-Prop short Country Garden Svcs 57,097.23 0.603 2.823 5/15/23 1.304 -74,461 161,168 86,708 59,423,263  33,845,913 25,677,349 59,523,263
    HSI-C&I long China Hongqiao 1,207,676.18 1.411   5/13/24 1.402 -1,693,162 1,703,669 10,507 59,433,770  32,152,751 27,381,018 59,533,770
    ISEQ 20 short permanent tsb 672,128.36 1.360 1.390 4/01/24 1.375 -924,177 934,393 10,216 59,443,986  31,228,575 28,315,411 59,543,986
      FD Technologies 64,627.73 15.900 12.700 4/01/24 14.300 -924,177 820,772 -103,404 59,340,582  30,304,398 29,136,183 59,440,582
    BEL 20 long UCB 13,534.92 137.200   5/06/24 119.300 -1,614,716 1,856,991 242,275 59,582,857  28,689,682 30,993,174 59,682,857
    OMXH 25 short Neste 86,295.08 17.440 35.837 3/04/24 25.000 -2,157,377 3,092,574 935,197 60,518,054  26,532,305 34,085,748 60,618,054
    TSX 60 long Shopify 17,551.99 62.036   1/01/24 70.479 -1,237,045 1,088,862 -148,183 60,369,871  25,295,260 35,174,611 60,469,871
    PSI 20 Galp Energia 93,644.03 18.915   4/22/24 19.350 -1,812,012 1,771,277 -40,735 60,329,136  23,483,249 36,945,887 60,429,136
    OMXC 20 Pandora 1,107.74 140.685   12/04/23 123.372 -136,664 155,842 19,178 60,348,314  23,346,584 37,101,730 60,448,314
    OBX 25 Golden Ocean Group 122,510.91 11.941   5/13/24 13.821 -1,693,162 1,462,878 -230,284 60,118,030  21,653,422 38,564,608 60,218,030
    Athex LC short EYDAP 311,619.11 5.630 5.570 4/15/24 5.600 -1,745,067 1,735,718 -9,349 60,108,682  19,908,355 40,300,327 60,208,682
    DJCA long PG & E 4,320.68 16.607   10/17/22 14.388 -62,166 71,753 9,587 60,118,269  19,846,189 40,372,080 60,218,269
    ÖkoDAX (deprecated) Nordex 147,530.93 12.500   4/08/24 12.350 -1,822,007 1,844,137 22,130 60,140,399  18,024,182 42,216,216 60,240,399
    OMXS 30 Atlas Copco A 4,591.63 17.739   11/27/23 14.045 -64,488 81,451 16,963 60,157,362  17,959,694 42,297,668 60,257,362
      Hennes & Mauritz 4,220.14 16.672   11/27/23 15.281 -64,488 70,360 5,872 60,163,234  17,895,206 42,368,028 60,263,234
    Europe 50 Novo Nordisk 1,477.25 131.435   10/30/23 90.794 -134,125 194,162 60,038 60,223,272  17,761,082 42,562,190 60,323,272
    Nordic 30 Novo Nordisk 1,354.18 131.435   11/27/23 95.243 -128,976 177,987 49,011 60,272,283  17,632,106 42,740,177 60,372,283
    MerVal Comercial del Plata 595,328.47 0.171   7/11/22 0.110 -65,248 102,039 36,791 60,309,074  17,566,858 42,842,216 60,409,074
    FT 30 NatWest 4,546.45 364.174   5/13/24 372.414 -1,693,162 1,655,699 -37,463 60,271,611  15,873,696 44,497,915 60,371,611
    BSE Sensex 30 Reliance Industries 2,396.08 33.030   7/13/20 22.662 -54,299 79,143 24,844 60,296,456  15,819,397 44,577,058 60,396,456
    DJUA NextEra Energy 12,213.14 67.501   5/06/24 66.106 -807,358 824,402 17,043 60,313,499  15,012,039 45,401,460 60,413,499
      PSEG 12,197.73 68.211   5/06/24 66.189 -807,358 832,016 24,658 60,338,157  14,204,681 46,233,475 60,438,157
date B/S market l/s instrument pieces price prc short corresponding invest divest prf/loss acc p/l ∑ invest asset total
    DJTA Landstar System 563.91 168.422   1/09/23 159.572 -89,984 94,975 4,991 60,343,147  14,114,697 46,328,450 60,443,147
    STI short DFI Retail 16,692.52 1.783 4.845 9/27/21 2.939 -49,061 80,872 31,811 60,374,958  14,065,636 46,409,322 60,474,958
    SMI Roche 437.19 256.907 297.281 8/14/23 276.358 -120,821 129,968 9,147 60,384,106  13,944,815 46,539,291 60,484,106
    SLI ams-OSRAM 18,896.48 1.371 32.202 7/24/23 6.644 -125,552 608,501 482,949 60,867,054  13,819,263 47,147,791 60,967,054
    IPC long Banco del Bajio 22,371.26 2.632   1/23/23 3.414 -76,371 58,890 -17,481 60,849,573  13,742,892 47,206,681 60,949,573
    Nikkei (FRA) Screen 9,141.43 85.520   3/04/24 118.000 -1,078,689 781,775 -296,914 60,552,660  12,664,203 47,988,456 60,652,660
      Mitsui Eng & Ship 92,990.39 8.050   3/04/24 11.600 -1,078,689 748,573 -330,116 60,222,544  11,585,515 48,737,029 60,322,544
    NZX 20 short Ryman Healthcare 837,068.64 2.083 3.189 3/04/24 2.577 -2,157,377 2,669,496 512,119 60,734,662  9,428,138 51,406,525 60,834,662
    Topix (FRA) Eisai 57,103.68 37.330 38.235 3/04/24 37.780 -2,157,377 2,183,382 26,005 60,760,667  7,270,761 53,589,907 60,860,667
    CAC Next 20 Sartorius Stedim 469.44 172.000 410.445 8/07/23 265.700 -124,730 192,679 67,949 60,828,617  7,146,031 53,782,586 60,928,617
    CAC Mid 60 long Eramet 16,583.37 96.650   5/13/24 102.100 -1,693,162 1,602,783 -90,379 60,738,237  5,452,868 55,385,369 60,838,237
    BAX Morphosys 30,711.07 66.250   2/19/24 65.480 -2,010,961 2,034,608 23,648 60,761,885  3,441,908 57,419,977 60,861,885
    Indices Merval 63.43 1,637.390   12/04/23 2,154.400 -136,654 103,860 -32,794 60,729,091  3,305,254 57,523,837 60,829,091
    Nikkei (TYO) Screen 16,240.54 87.101   1/01/24 76.170 -1,237,045 1,414,572 177,527 60,906,618  2,068,209 58,938,409 61,006,618
    Topix (TYO) Nidec 641.70 42.915   11/16/20 94.279 -60,499 27,538 -32,961 60,873,657  2,007,710 58,965,947 60,973,657
    GEX short Voltabox 20,117.69 1.080 5.857 9/06/21 2.515 -50,596 117,823 67,227 60,940,884  1,957,114 59,083,771 61,040,884
    BSE Sensex 50 long Mahindra & Mahindra 5,444.13 32.734   6/27/22 13.020 -70,882 178,209 107,327 61,048,212  1,886,232 59,261,980 61,148,212
    QIX Nemetschek 1,744.05 89.650   12/04/23 78.360 -136,664 156,354 19,690 61,067,902  1,749,568 59,418,334 61,167,902
    DJ Global Titans NVidia 3,252.04 122.270   12/04/23 42.024 -136,664 397,627 260,963 61,328,865  1,612,904 59,815,961 61,428,865
    SP Global 100 Intel 3,217.12 28.920   12/11/23 41.445 -133,332 93,038 -40,293 61,288,571  1,479,572 59,908,999 61,388,571
    GCX short SunPower 550,108.57 2.502 2.892 5/27/24 2.690 -1,479,572 1,590,639 111,067 61,399,638  -0 61,499,638 61,499,638